chapter 1

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2036 15 years after the fall

YN is running as he was heavily breathing he was holding a old pipe for a weapon and wearing his Pilgrim outfit as he was being chased by a virals he hop over a car and looks behind him then he sees a viral in front of him he dodged its swing then he jumped to the other side of a broken road and he grabbed the concrete as he drop his weapon and he sees virals fall to their death then YN start slipping and losing his grip thinking he was going to fall but a hand grabbed him pulling him up and it was his best friend Aiden

YN: thanks man

Aiden: no problem

Then they heard clapping and see someone on the mountain

Man: Whoo-hoo you two still got it

YN: this game used to be more fun

Man: and you used to be younger

Aiden: and dumber

Man: what matters is you two still just as fast because a slow Pilgrim

YN: a dead Pilgrim yeah we know we know man

Man: get up here i wanna show you both something

YN and Aiden sess him waiting for you both to join him on the hill they went to go jump over a fallen tree and they started climbing up the hill to get up to the top where the man was waiting

Man: shit you two still strong

YN and Aiden jump onto the ledge for the man to help them up and stand up and they see their old friend Spike

YN: thanks it's good to see you spike how long has it been

Spike: far too long but don't get all mushy on me you two now come I wanna show you guys something

Spike went to the woods for YN and Aiden to follow him

Aiden: where we going

Spike: you'll see it's incredible

YN: what incredible

Spike: most Pilgrims don't last two three years on the road while you two been kicking around for what four years now and still alive

They climb up a ledge and pulled themselves up to continue

YN: so are you

Spike: I know but I'm fucking awesome

Aiden: hah yeah right right

Spike: Seriously i wish I had as much energy as you two

YN: this is why it's good to stay young

YN Aiden and Spike continue and climb up another ledge to pulled themselves up and keep going

Spike: got a new lead on Jane

Aiden: Nah trail went cold after new paris

Spike: which route'd you two take Through Baines or Garry

YN: Eh Baines what a shit hole some fiev rickety huts left and ramshackle fence

They continue and saw a beehive

Spike: look at that a beehive for honey can't let an opportunity like this go to waste

YN: no way

Spike: look around if we're lucky there's chamomile growing here too

YN carefully went up the beehive and grabbed the honey put in a jar and Aiden looked for some chamomile and found some as they go to Spike

Spike: you both remember that old herbalist we helped escort to her village

YN: oh yeah the one who had that saying remember chamomile and honey are gifts that keep giving

Spike: combine them and lucky you you might just go on living

YN and Aiden combine the chamomile and honey together to make medicine to a bandage

Spike: come on we're almost there

Spike led the way as YN and Aiden followed him to a gate

Spike: this is it come on

Spike opened the gate halfway and squeeze through the gate as YN and Aiden did the same they followed Spike for them to see a house like mansion that was covered in vines it's been abandoned for over years

Spike: hen somebody had a nice crib

Spike tried to open the door but it's locked

Spike: Dammit locked I'll try to get through here you two check the other side take anything wrong could use

YN: sure

YN and Aiden went to the back and go through the garage door they crouched down to go under the door and get inside they started looking around as YN found a first aid cabinet to see nothing

YN: Empty

They go to the kitchen and look around Aiden opened a basket that was empty

Aiden: nothing here

YN: found anything

Aiden: nope this place has been clean

YN then opens a door and go inside an office room that had a vase and a old computer a couch then the vase fell and broke

YN: what the

YN sees it was just a rat as it reminds him about his twin sister Sarah since she collected rat tails YN does missed his sisters he's been walking on this Earth for 315 years

Aiden: YN you okay

YN: yeah just fucking rats

Spike: listen guys I think it's time we parted ways

Aiden: wh-why

Spike: I'm starting to worry about you two and you know our saying if you're starting to worry about someone it's means its time to go

Spike left the room YN and Aiden keep looking around the kitchen to find any supplies like leather resin soap other stuff YN sees a poster that says


YN: Party but by then the GRE would have long since lost control of the virus

YN sees a old newspaper


YN: Harran that's where it all started

Aiden: hey YN there's nothing left in the kitchen we should find Spike

YN nodded and they go to the next room which is the living room they investigate the lives room as YN saw a old wine bottle

YN: man I miss a fresh bottle of wine

Aiden: I wonder how it tasted back then

YN: oh it tastes amazing Aiden sucks you weren't there

They continue to look around and Aiden sess a record player and read the title

Aiden: who do you voodoo hm sounds familiar

YN open a chest and sees nothing

YN: Nada Zip

They went to the room and opened the double doors to see a Bartender place in here there were skeletons remains everywhere the people used to have a party in this place YN sees a journal to writing on it


YN: that's heartbreaking

Spike: there's nothing like a party to celebrate the end of the world

Aiden: they died on their own terms

Spike: let's hope we get that lucky too I'll see what's upstairs you two check the garden okay

YN: okay

YN and Aiden looks around the garden to check around the place there was a nice view of the wilderness YN saw two skeleton together and he sees a picture of a good he pick it up and looks at the skeleton to realize it's them

YN: at least they had each other

Aiden sees a note and pick it up then read it

Aiden: Dearest Mary I'm sorry I ran from you they saw that once the virus makes you turn you're gone forever that can't be true I know you're still in there underneath all that pain and disease I'm coming to join you no more running god

That note reminds YN of his sister Mary he missed her along Winnie and Sarah

Spike: YN Aiden come here check this out

They turned to see Spike st the balcony of the house where he was YN and Aiden climb up to the balcony where Spike is

Spike: sit down boys

YN and Aiden turn around to sees a machete and baseball bat to the seats they were about to sit on

Spike: for you both

YN: a gift

YN took the machete as Aiden took the baseball bat

Spike: a gift from the heavens to be more accurate I just found them by the owners dead body may them be of more use to you both

YN and Aiden sit down as Spike handed them two beer bottles

Spike: here

They took the beer bottles and take a swing of the beer and the taste of the beer was outdated

Aiden: it's gone flat

YN: yeah it's taste weird

Spike: look at you two and your sophisticated palate drink who would've thought the end of the world would be so peaceful

YN: yeah at least until night falls

Spike: True I wish Crane could have seen this

YN/Aiden: who

Spike: doesn't matter

YN: okay

They continue look at the nice view of the wilderness until Spike broke the silence

Spike: I tracked down that guy

Aiden: what guy

Spike: quit pretending you became a Pilgrim to track that fucker down Waitz I found someone who knows him

Aiden: wait whaat and you're only telling us now

Spike: when I tossed you both a beer thought you'd guess right away we were celebrating the guy is in villador close to Salem supposedly he knows something about Waltz

YN: Villador so we're that close and Salem too huh great I got a favor to ask will you deliver this to Garry it's on your way people don't like Pilgrims there but they pay well

Spike: where so people like Pilgrims

YN: they're afraid of us everyone does their best to survive

Spike: maybe when something needs to be transported through hordes of infected then suddenly they're knocking on our doors alright you own me one

YN handed Spike the package

Aiden: oh not just one so what about that guy

Spike: well I talked to him over the radio he didn't tell me his name sounds like he's got something to hide see that antenna on the hill that'll help you contact the informer he'll be listening to you st dawn on a frequency of 140.200MHz told him he'd hear from you soon

YN: what does he want in return

Spike: didn't say but he didn't sound like the kind of guy who does things for free

YN: I don't think that kind of guys exists

Spike: what what about me

Aiden: you're an old fart who likes racing us and makes us ask around about his crazy girlfriend

Spike: hey hey hey she's not crazy Jane's just maybe hmm well a little hot headed and she's always getting herself into trouble but if you could get a load of her

YN: ha whoa alright still too early in the evening for that sort of talk

Spike: eyes I was gonna say eyes beautiful steely huge

Aiden: never heard anyone get so worked up about gray eyes

Spike: because you don't know shit about the world let alone women

Aiden: eh you're probably right

Spike: I'm telling you I'll finally find Jane we'll set up a house we're gonna live there no one's gonna drive us out and I'll stop wandering like a moron

YN: we'll drink to that

YN Aiden and Spike had a toasted and drank the rest of their beers then threw the bottles in the pool

Spike: and that Waitz what's his deal is he family

Aiden: no not at all

Spike: then why are you looking for him will you tell sometimes

Aiden: yeah yeah one day

Spike: well my times up

YN: so when we'll see you again another two years

Spike: maybe take care guys I hope you find that Waltz guy or whoever you're looking for and remember 140.200MHz at dawn the guy wanting for you

Spike left to go on his own way YN and Aiden looks at each other and nodded they jumped off the balcony landed on their feet safely they went down the path to open the gate and they squeezed through the gates and went the edge of the cliff they jumped off and land in the water as it was deep

They swim to a boat house as they get out of the water as they dry off and then a biter burst through the door then onto the ground as it got back up biters are slow and dumb easy to kill but they are dangerous and powerful in groups

YN/Aiden: Biters

They got out their weapons Spike gave them as YN slices a biter head off and Aiden used his bat to bash a biter head three times until it died another one come from out of nowhere as YN cut it head off with his machete then the last one came of fhr boat house as Aiden did the same thing by bash it head three times until it died

They continue to the antenna before the sun goes down at it's very dangerous be out at night time they sees a bus tumbling down on a bridge they look inside and it was climbable YN and Aiden climb up the bus to the highway

They continue on to the antenna and they see a tunnel with biters and virals avoiding the Sun they go inside the path making sure not to alert them they quietly went on top of a few Vehicles avoiding the bitters and virals to get the other side of the tunnel to the sunlight but the sun was setting and they hurried up to the antenna

They went up a hill to climb up structures of the way up to get the antenna on the mountains they claim up a few more obstacles and saw a zipline they jump on the antenna using their weapons to get across and land on the ground to continue forward to the antenna they went through a cave to get out easily as they see two biters up here YN and Aiden kick the bitters with their right leg as they falls to their deaths they then went on a log on that connects to the edges of the cliffs to keep their balance in place

After that take off the log and jump on a rope to swing across the mountains and jump on the other side

YN/Aiden: almost there

They jumped to reach the edge and climbed up and then jumped up again to reach the other ledge and pulled themselves up as they know it's that the sun was going down and almost to get dark

Aiden: ah its already dark it's time to hide somewhere for the night

YN: right

They walk to the path that leads antenna and YN is shock of what he sees

The antenna is his old cottage that he used to live in with his sisters 315 years ago

Aiden: YN you alright

YN: yeah I'm fine

Aiden nodded and they go inside the Cottage as they coughing because how dusty the places and it smell bad

Aiden: Jesus Christ it smells bad in here

YN: that's very dusting here and hard to breathe in here

Aiden: anyway the broadcast station should be in here somewhere

They searched around the Cottage as they go upstairs to find the broadcast station to contact the informant in tbe morning as they did get some supplies like leather scrap and all sorts of stuff in the building then they see tracks in a room and tracks lead to a dresser

YN: okay let's give it a try

Aiden: right

YN and Aiden start pushing the dresser to move it out of the way after some pushing a squeeze through the boards to get inside the room to see it was the broadcast station

Aiden: this it is the broadcast station

YN: gotta start the generator

They go outside to start the generator in the garage did then start lifting the garage door up but it wouldn't budge and then they heard a noise coming from inside

YN: what the

They saw it peaking its head out but then it went back down in the grass the infected then jumped out by hopping on the biter shoulder and onto another and then jumped so high in the sky and they finally see it was a banshee

They dodged the Banshee attack and they get already for a fight the Banshee they got their weapons out as they hit the Banshee a few times on it as it jumped away from then as they sees more biters coming for them they killed all the biters and focus on their primary enemy YN runs to the Banshee and does a strong swing cutting its head off as it falls down to the ground dead

YN: Phew that was close

Aiden: you got that right YN no bites

YN: yep no bites

Aiden: good anyway let's get the generator on and call it a night

YN nodded and they go to the garage and opened it as Aiden grab the cord and pull itna few times as the generator turn on as the entire building had power they go inside as they heard music playing YN turned it off to make sure not to draw any attention to the infected

Aiden looks around the Cottage and YN sees Winnie old spell book as he was shocked it's been here for all these years even after the fall then it eye opened up and it was surprised to see him again

YN: close your eye

The book closed it eye as Aiden sees YN looking at something

Aiden: hey YN what are you looking at

Aiden sees the book

Aiden: what's that

YN: it's a book turns out this place used to be a museum back in the 90s but it closed down this Cottage belong to the Sandersons

Aiden: wha-what how you know about that

YN: learning

Aiden: so who are these sanderson's

YN: the Sandersons were a coven of three witches and one warlock their names were Winifred Mary Sarah and YN Sanderson

Aiden: hey that's your first name

YN: yeah I know this is book belongs to Winifred given to her by the devil himself the book is bound in human skin and contains the recipes for her most powerful and evil spells

Aiden: wow this book was given to her by the Devil Himself so what can they do

YN: Winifred or Winnie her siblings call her is the leader of the coven and the one who's the most Magic Mary is the one who can smell children Sarah and YN they were the youngest ones as they are Twins Sarah uses her voice to sing a song to children to her and YN is the one who gather the supplies for the recipe of a spell

Aiden: what is their thing with children

YN: they need children to stay young and beautiful by sucking the soul of a child

Aiden: they suck children souls to stay young now that is seriously fucked up

YN: yeah but the people instead of found out about their witchcraft Winnie Mary and Sarah were hanged but for YN he managed to escape and disappear then was never seen again

Aiden: never seen again

YN: yeah but it's just an old scary story Aiden it's like over 300 years old

Aiden: yeah but 300 years old or not that shit is still scary cause we're in their Cottage

Aiden sees a candle

Aiden: hey YN what's that

YN: I think that's called a black flame candle

Aiden goes to the black flame candle and reads the sign

Aiden: hmm black flame candle made from the fat of a hanged man legend says that on a full moon it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween night Hmm so let's light the sucker and meet the Sanderson

YN: Aiden I don't know if it's real this is just a museum it could be fake and besides the dead is already wandering the Earth I don't even know if it's Halloween because I lost track of the date since the fall

Aiden: only one way to find out

Aiden lit the candle with a lighter he found as nothing happened

Aiden: huh I guess you're right YN it's fake just a bunch of Hocus Pocus right

YN was about to respond but then when a black flame was on the candle meaning

Aiden: ahh shit

Every light start turning off then the ground starts shaking as there was a green light then everything stop

Aiden: wha-what just happened YN

YN: ahh I think that happened because a virgin lit the candle and besides Aiden you're a virgin

Aiden: hey come on you think I have time to hook up with a girl YN

Then every candle start liting on then a fire start under the cauldron then a laughed was heard as YN recognize it

Aiden: hide

YN and Aiden hide as the door opens and YN sees it was his sisters Winnie Mary and Sarah

YN realize that they have did a curse if anyone lit the black flame candle it will bring them back to life back in 1693 he was happy to see them again but they are in this destroyed world now with the dead walking to Earth

Winnie: we're home oh sweet revenge you see sisters my curse worked perfectly

Mary: that's because thou art perfect Winnie

YN sees his twin sister Sarah reach for something and it was one of her rat tails

Mary: I knew I left this cauldron on didn't I tell you oh I knew it

Sarah: my lucky rat tail just where I left it

YN smiled at his twin

Winnie: but who lit the black flame candle

Aiden: fuck

Winnie sees her book

Winnie: wake up wake up sleepy head oh I've missed you did you miss me too come on now we've got work to do

Mary: Winnie

Winnie: yes

Mary: I smell children

YN and Aiden look at each

Winnie: sic em

Mary: it's a boy 17 maybe 18

Sarah: oh let's play with him

Sarah started to sing but Winnie cover her mouth with her

Winnie: come out my dear we will not harm thee

Mary; we love children

She hit the counter YN come out of his hiding spot as his sisters were surprise and happy to see him again as Aiden stayed hidden

YN: hey guys long time no see


Aiden: brother

Sarah hug her twin brother

Sarah: I missed you

YN: me too Sarah

Sarah sniffed him and realize he smelled bad

Sarah: oh dear you need a bath

YN: you do not know how hard is to have fresh bath these days

Winnie: tell me dear brother we year is it

YN: 2036

Winnie: sisters we have been gone for 300 years

YN: 315 years actually

Mary: well Winnie how times flies huh

Sarah: when you're dead

Winnie: now we are back now we make the life potion and we'll suck the lives out of the children in Salem

YN: actually Winnie about that that's not happening

Winnie: why

YN: Aiden you can come out

Aiden come out of his hiding spot

YN: sisters this is my friend Aiden

Aiden: hello

Sarah: a boy

Aiden: wha-what

YN: sorry about that Aiden Sarah she's kind of the flirty type

Aiden: oh

Winnie: brother why did you say we cannot make the life potion

YN: because Salem is gone it's destroyed

Mary: destroyed

YN: yeah a lot of things have changed the past 315 years things are changed Salem gotten bigger technology has been developed things are fine but then the fall happen

Sarah: the fall

YN: the fall of Humanity that's what it's called a virus starts spreading all over the world and starts turning people into the undead

Winnie: the undead

Aiden: yeah the undead or zombies the entire world is in ruins the infected are everywhere

YN: the virus first appear in a city called Harran we thought they were actually killed a virus but now we are wrong the GRE started to experiment with the virus trying to turn into a genetic engineer bioweapon then the virus mutated and it spread so fast now this is the world now 15 years later after the fall

YN sisters are in shock that they came back to life to a world that is ruined with the undead walking to Earth

Winnie: sisters I don't know we to do now since the world is in hell

Mary: the undead have been walking the earth

Sarah: all the boys are dead

Winnie: I see there is no point of getting revenge since Salem is gone

YN: yeah Salem is destroyed it's nothing but a destroyed Wasteland no living life is there just infected there Winnie

Mary: what should we do Winnie

Winnie: I guess do whatever since we are only brought back for one night

YN: yeah I guess I should spend time with you guys more since you only have to be here

Sarah: what are you going to do after we are gone

Aiden: me and YN are going to the city call Villador we heard it's the only standing city

YN: anyway let's spend some time together

YN starts spending time with his sisters telling them his life before the fall Aiden went to sleep as YN kept spending time with his sisters for one last time

To be continue

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