Another first day, another new roommate

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For the past few years, Mark Fischbach has bounced from one college to the next, hoping to discover what he's passionate about and find his place in the world. Despite many attempts and finding many interesting courses, Mark still has yet to achieve his goal. Now as his life long friends Bob and Wade drive him to his new campus, Mark finds himself in a state of depression, not happy with how his life has turmed out and in a desperate need to find out where to turn to.

"Hey Mark" bob called from the driver seat to wake up his friend, sleeping in the back. "Wake up, we're here" he informed, pulling into the campus parking lot. Mark fluttered his eyes open as he straightened in his seat and peaked out the window to see his new home. How long this home would last tho, he had no clue. But they didn't typically last long.

Once they pulled into the parking lot, the three friends stepped out and began grabbing Mark's luggage from the trunk. The two quickly noticed how down their friend seemed as he was moving in no hurry. "Hey" wade came over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We have a really good feeling about this one, just give it a chance, ok?" he encouraged, receiving a weak smile from his friend before they continued their way to his room.

They arrived in the new room Mark was assigned to and found it empty, but with some boxes and bags sitting around. "Where is he?" bob asked. "His stuff is here"

"He probably just had to grab something" Mark replied, setting the box he was carrying down on his new bed. "I'm sure he'll be back before long" he added before tearing the box open and began taking out his belongings.

"So what is it that ur taking again?" wade asked as he set down the stuff that he was carrying and he and Bob began to help their friend unpack.

"Biomedical Engineering, it should be good" he nodded, attempting to uplift his spirits.

"Well it definitely sounds neat" bob nodded in agreement. "Who knows, maybe this will even-" he was cut off by the sound of the door shutting. The man who walked in lifted his head, just realizing the people who had just arrived.

"Oh sorry, uh...are any of you..." he spoke with an Irish accent. He was the shortest out of the group, had pale skin, dark hair and was holding a soda.

"Yea, that would be me" Mark said, walking up to the man he was sure was his new roommate and offered his hand. "I'm Mark Fischbach, you?"

"Sean Mcloughlin, nice to meet you" he smiled, taking his new roomie's hand and shaking it.

"Likewise, and these are my friends Bob and Wade" he introduced the two who also shook hands with the Irishman. "They're just here to help me pack is all" mark noted.

"Wow, we're real important to you, aren't we?" wade joked.

"Well Bob is, but not you so much" mark joked back and the others laughed while wade faked a betrayed and hurtful face.

Soon after, everyone finished unpacking. Bob and Wade wished Mark good luck and each hugged him goodbye, as well as letting Sean know that it was nice to meet him. He and Mark still had yet to get real acquainted, besides helping each other unpack with some small talk. But mostly the chit chat took place between the three amigos, Sean being the stranger didn't wanna butt in. Now that it was just Mark and Sean, they both figured now would be a good time to start getting to know one another.

"So what're you studying?" Sean was the first to speak once the two were alone.

"Biomedical Engineering, you?"

"Hotel manager" mark gave him a surprised look. "What, it seems neat" he shrugged. Mark smriked before sitting at the foot of his bed and removed his shoes. "So....those were friends of urs?" sean tried to create some conversation.

"Yea, I uh...grew up with em" Mark replied in a very dull, not very talkative manor.

There was an awkward silence as sean waited for more but didn't get any. " the engineering all taking?" he shrugged.

"Pretty much" Mark nodded. Another pause before Mark looked over to Jack and could tell what was going on. "How....bout you?" now he was tryna break the awkward silence.

"The hotel manager? Yea it just seems like something great I could do" he replied with a smile. "It's all I'm currently taking but that may change down the road. What about ur friends, Bob and Wade? Are they in college?"

"Oh they're not, they both have professional careers now" mark replied with a look of somewhat envy with some disappointment. Like he was somehow jealous of them and not happy with himself.

"Wait, so...did you just like..fall behind or something?" sean asked after a minute. This was one conversation mark didn't feel like having.

"Look I'm sorry, but do you normally ask these many questions?" mark asked a little irritated.

"Well...sorry, just trying to make some conversation is all. You're not really that talkative" sean quickly responded and Mark let out a stressful sigh.

"Sorry, I'm just a little tired is all" he apologized and Jack figured he may need some space.

"That's alright, I'll just head for a while and give you some space" he kindly suggested before standing from his bed and headed for the door.

"Oh you don't hafta do that" mark quickly reassured.

"No no, it's fine. I'll be back in a little bit, it's no problem" he reassured back before leaving the room. Mark let out another sigh before laying back on his bed. Sean seemed like a nice guy, but a little irritating. Mark wasn't sure how this was gonna go, mostly he just wished he had the same excitement and eagerness the Irishman did. If only Mark could feel the same way.

Mark must've drifted to sleep because the next thing he knew, an hour had past and Sean was re-entering the room. Mark quickly sat up once his roommate was in, carrying a couple of plastic cups and a bag. "Oh hey, uh... hope you don't mind but I gotchu coffee, it's just black but I also bought some creams incase you wanted any" he kindly informed, handing the drinking to his new roommate.

"Thankyou" mark nodded in astonishment, taking the drink and receiving a "your welcome from the irishman as he placed the bag of creams on the desk. Jack took a seat back on his bed, facing Mark who shifted to face directly at Jack. "Look, um...I'm sorry for being...kinda douchey..." he and jack chuckled. "You just seem really happy about what ur doing...and I don't really feel the same, nor do I really wanna be here" he explained, Jack's happy expression seemed to drop to an combination of understanding and the same look Mark has had all day.

"You're not happy with where you are, aren't ya?" mark looked up, a little surprised that he caught on so quickly and nodded. "I'm not either, I mean I love what I'm doing of course, but...I don't know really" he shrugged as he averted his gaze. "It just feels like something....."

"Something's missing" mark finsihed.

"Yea, that's exactly it" he immediately agreed. "Like I'm just...going through the motions and not really living" everything he explained, Mark was feeling. He never thought anyone, let alone this guy, could be this understanding, or going through the same thing. "I just don't...really feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and not nearly what I'm passionate about" he stated and mark nodded in all agreement.

"I don't even know what the hell I wanna do" Mark shrugged. "And finding that out is easier said than done I'm afraid" he added distress.

"Same here" Sean nodded. "What about those friends of urs? You seemed a little bummed with them" he cautiously approached.

"Oh no, it wasn't them" he quickly assured. "It's just...Bob is married, wade is engaged and both have very successful careers. Me, I'm still tryna firgure out my life, that and I don't even have a girlfriend. Dating isn't really my strong suit" he explained. "I just wish I was where they are" he admitted and Sean got the full idea of where he was coming from. "I mean they're great pals and they've tried to help me as much as they can, but not even that seems to work for me"

Now Sean completely understood. It wasn't the fact that Mark was struggling with life, he was struggling to find a life and he was running outta options. Both of them needed to find some way, they needed to help each other and find their own happiness. "I know Mark, I've been having those same issues, especially the dating one" he chuckled under his breath and Mark did so as well. "Hey, you wanna drink?" he kindly offered.

"Oh haha, I would believe me, but I can't" he sadly rejected. "Last time I drank, I wound up in the hospital, don't ask" he informed.

"Well then, if you don't mind" Jack stood and made his way towards the small fridge he had in the corner by his bed.

"Not at all. But I hafta ask, could you possibly be any more Irish" he giggled.

"Yea, if my hair was naturally red" jack joked as he pulled an alcoholic beverage out of the fridge and both men laughed. "You know ur a funny guy, you should joke around more, it's nice seeing you like this" he complimented.

"I'm sure I would" mark nodded with a small smile. "Just haven't been too happy about much these days" he frowned.

"That's understandable" Jack nodded, sitting back across from his roommate. "So tell you what, since we're basically in the same shit and now roomies, how bout we spent this whole semester helping each other out, with both looking for what makes us happy as well as dating improvements" he kindly suggested, thinking this would be extremely helpful for the both of em.

Mark was shocked that he would make such an offer, especially after they just met today. "Sean, that's pretty huge man. Are you sure?"

"Hell yes I'm sure" he quickly nodded with a slight grin. "It'll be great and ya never know how things may turn out" he gratefully encouraged. Mark still seemed a little hesitant, having too many bad endings. "Trust me ok? Things do get better, maybe not tonight or tomorrow, or even the day after that. But they do eventually get better, and if ur not happy with ur life thn change it. There's never anything wrong with self-improvement, and it's never too late to make things better" he proudly stated, sparking mounds of hope in his roommate.

Mark smirked at his new best friend, liking the idea and opportunities this could open for him. Two pals helping each other out, finding a new way to a greater life, it was perfect. "It's a deal" he nodded.

"YES!" The irishman cheered, mark nerly jumping outta his skin from the outburst of joy before laughing and the two shook on it.

"Thanx for this Sean, I mean really" Mark honored.

"You know what, my friends call me Jack" he noted.

"Ok 'Jack' thankyou" and the two laughed again. Neither one if them knew how this was gonna turn out, but at least it would turn out better than they expected.

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