Gifts and New Deals

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Now that they were done recording for their YouTube channel, the band, and their friends who helped out, got to take the rest of the day to themselves. They stayed at the rehearsal hall, enjoying each other's company with pizza and games. Not long after their recording ended and they started celebrating, Amy received a phone call regarding the band and she couldn't wait to tell Mark about it.

"Hey guys!" she called to get everyone's attention. "Good news, I got a call from a guy who works at a record label, he said he would like for you guys to come over to his studio and try out a song for them" she smiled the whole time while the group listened very eagerly, smiles of excitement growing wider and wider as they did. "He said if all goes well, he can make you guys a really great music deal"

The group began to share their excitement, loving the idea that they could become a professional recording band. Although, he did sjare the excitement, Mark seemed just slightly hesitant about it. "Well, that's great" he said with a smile, but still had that hint of nervousness.

"That is great" Jack laughed in excitement. "That's freakin awesome!"

"So we could actually like play in front of huge crowds and such?" Ethan asked.

"Yea" Tyler nodded. "This'll be great, this is the chance to really reach live audiences and help out so much" he happily stated.

"Not to mention you fellas are really gonna get recognized from this point on" Amy added.

"Hell yea!" Tyler cheered.

"Gentlemen, ladies" Jack rose from his chair with a drink in his hand. "To climbing ladders, moving on to better things and achieving goals" he toasted and everyone cheered before consuming their liquids. Amy caught notice of how hesitant Mark was.

"Hey um, you wanna talk outside?" she whispered to him.

"Yea, sure" he quickly nodded and followed her outside.

It wasn't even a minute before they got to the front of the building, leaning on the rails across from each other. "So what's up?" Amy asked. "You seem happy, just not as much as you should"

Mark sighed before answering. "I am happy about this, really I am" he assured. "This is just a major step forward and...I'm not sure if we're ready for this or...."

"Ur not sure if this is what you wanted" amy finished, already seeing where this was going.

"Yea" he sighed again. "This is just a lot bigger than I had intended and it may be too big a step for me, maybe even all of us, to take" he stated.

"I understand" she nodded, she knew he didn't want to get into anything too big and have a bad outcome, possibly even have things change in a way he didn't want to change. "But ur a great person Mark, you and all of those other guys" she walked up right in front of him. "This will be exactly where you and the others need to be, and ur all gonna do great when you get there"

"I know," he slightly smirked. "But what if-"

"No no" she whispered. "Don't let the what if's scare you away, nothing bad will come from this" she sweetly assured.

"How do you know?" he asked, still slightly unsure.

"Because people like you....never fall into bad places, I know because I've seen, and your better than any of the other ones I've ever seen" she smiled before placing a soft kiss on his lips. This seemed to cheer him up more. "Just give it a shot, you don't like it than quit. But you'll never know till you try, and personally I think you'll be exactly where you belong"

Both of them had wide grins on their faces. "Alright, I'll give it a go" he finally gave in and received a tight hug in return. Once she pulled away she gave him another kiss that lasted a little longer before they broke apart. She just smiled at him while they kept their arms wrapped around each other. "Hey uh....this is a real thing between us, right?" he nervously asked, the thought suddenly popped in his head.

"You want it to be?" she shrugged with a smirk.

"Uh yea I'd like that" he nodded.

"You'd like that" she chuckled and so did he before she leaned in to capture his lips once more, this time not wanting to break away for a long while.


The next day, the band went to the recording studio to record a song for the people who called Amy. However, when they got there, the owners were curious as to what all they could do. So, they wanted the band to do two different types of songs. One a little hard and one a little soft, just to see what they could do. First they would do a song that was a little hard and then one that was soft or maybe ever a little lighter, but both songs were in their element.

(Let You Go - Johnny Strong)

Tyler: electric guitar work.

Ethan: piano work after the first twenty seconds of the song.

Mark: Thicker than the walls they made. Longer than the road they pave. Taller than the arms they raise. Deeper than the vows they waive. Isn't any price I'd pay. Only just to hear you say, you will never be alone. I will never let you, let you go.

Tyler: hard guitar work.

Jack: drum beats.

Ethan: repeats piano rythem after a minute.

It was a little harder than what Mark, Tyler and Ethan were used to, though Jack felt like he was in his element, but all pulled it to perfection and put as much heart into the song as they did for their others. And now, it was time for the second song.

(Miracle - Shinedown)

Mark and Jack: Mark's regular guitar work with Jack's drumming.

Mark: Say it once, tell me twice. Are you certain I'm alright? Just a sign, to remind me that tomorrow's worth the fight. Ever changing the storyline that keeps me alive. So make a wish, and say... Give me life, give me love. Scarlett angel from above. Not so low, not so high. Keep it perfectly disguised. Ever changing the storyline that keeps me alive. My Mona Lisa's making me smile...RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES!

Jack: faster drumming pace.

Tyler: adds his own bass work.

Take another look, take a look around, it's you and me, it's here and now. As you sparkle in the sky, I'll catch you while I can, cause all we are is all I am. I just want you to see...what I've always believed. You are...the miracle in me.

Like there last song, it was crafted beautifully and perfectly. The band proving without a shout of a doubt that they could do anything. The people in the recording studio even gave them a huge round of applause for their terrific performance. Afterwards, they stepped out and sat down with the producer and owner to find out what the next step was.

In one week from today, they were gonna have their own, official, live musical concert. They were gonna get to perform in front of thousands of people and really begin to take that big step they've been so eager to take. Most of all, they could do however many songs they wanted to as well, and truly begin to help out people with their songs. Now things were really beginning to look great for the band. Mark, Jack, Tyler and Ethan couldn't be more stoked for this.

Amy and Signe were kind enough to take the band mates out to celebrate their new success. After it was done, Tyler and Ethan went their own way to tell all of their friends and family about what was happening. Mark went ahead and spread the news to his family too, along with Bob and Wade. Jack did so as well, calling pretty much everybody he knew before he and Mark thought it would be great to spend the rest of the day on a double date with Amy and Signe.

"Man, did you expect us to make this far this early?" Jack asked Mark.

"No I really didn't" he replied in awe as they continued to walk down the sidewalk. "This is so crazy"

"You nervous?" Jack asked again.

"Hell yes I am" he chuckled.

"So am I" he nodded. "You think we'll do good?"

"Yea I think we will" he smiled.

"Which reminds me," Amy chimed in, stopping the group. "Why is it that you two love doing this so much?"

"Yea, you two never really explained why ur so passionate about being in a band, besides what you guys have already accomplished Signe added curiously.

Mark and Jack gave each other a quick look. "You wanna go first? Or..." Mark asked and Jack sighed with a grin.

"Well, for me it started out as a family bonding thing, and it just sorta grew to be even bigger than that" he stated.

"Nice" Signe smirked.

"And you?" Amy asked as they faced Mark.

"Well" Mark sighed and the others chuckled a little. "When I first started, I was going through some hard times in my life, and this basically was a break away from it all" he stated as they listened, captivated by how he came to be the singer he is. "I guess since now I have the chance to spread that to others, that's probably why I love this so much"

The other three smiled at how he loved this, all feeling the same way he did about doing what they loved. They continued their walk and decided to head on back. They had a mighty busy week before their concert and they were gonna need all the rest they could get. Jack escorted Signe back to her place while Mark and Amy went back to the college.

"So, You looking forward to being a rockstar?" signe smiled as they walked.

"Oh, yea" Jack laughed. "But to be honest, I'm a little surprised that you are" he quirked an eyebrow and received a questioning look. "Well you know, rockstars tend to attract a lot of ladies" he pointed out with a smile.

Signe shot up her own brow in return. "Well I guess I better hurry and make my move" she replied.

"Makr ur-" he was about to ask in confusion but was cut off by her lips. Rockstars may attract ladies but this one already had his, and as they kissed he decided he wouldn't have it any other way.


Amy decided to be the one to escort Mark back to his place since he did it for her on their last date. They now reached the door of his dorm room. "Oh, um... I hope you don't mind this" Amy nervously noted.

"Hope I don't mind what?" he furrowed his brow, but his answer came when he opened the door and found a beautiful, angel-like, golden retriever dog sitting in the middle of his room. Mark nearly lost his breath when he saw the gorgeous companion wag it's tail and jump to meet him as he entered the room. "What? Oh my God she's beautiful" he happily exclaimed as he crouched down and began giving the dog attention.

"Jack told me how you've always wanted a dog, figured she would be a great celebration gift that you earned" she stated.

"Oh my God, this is re-thankyou, thankyou so much" he stood back up to give her a tight, loving hug.

"Your welcome" she replied, leaning in the hug and let him rock her side to side.

"Man, this is really...I can't even tell you how great this is" he shook his head in utter awe.

"Don't need to, you deserve it" she smiled as she began to back outta the room. "I'll let you two get well acquainted and see you tomorrow"

"Sounds good, and hey" he stopped her before she could leave. "Does she have a name yet?"

"Sephora, but you can change that if you want to" she answered.

"Yea, I don't think a brand name really suits her" Mark replied in a hesitant tone.

"Alright, just whatever you change it to, make sure it has the same noun as her previous name and she might respond better" she informed.

"Yea ok, like uh...Chica" he stated and the dog seemed to respond to the name. "You like that name? Chica?" he asked and the pup lifted it's front paws to lean on her new owner and wagged her tail excitedly. "Thanx again" he said facing Amy again.

"Of course" she moved back over and gave him a kiss before parting ways. "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Oh absolutely" Mark nodded as he watched her leave. He was so happy about the new dog he got and everything great that was soon to come, he felt like the richest man alive as he loved his new golden retriever. He had good friends, a lovely lady, new dog and a successful carrer. Now all that was left was to get ready for the show, and everything would be complete.

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