It's Showtime

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A/N: Hey readers! I just wanted to give y'all a heads up and letchu know that when we get to the singing part, it'll look like this author's note and I'll mark down who's singing. Also, if you haven't heard any of the songs I'm using, please check them out and then try to imagine these characters playing them. Thankyou and enjoy.

3 weeks later,

They have discussed and rehearsed songs and are ready to roll with the show. It was tonight and the band had everything set up just the way they needed, the songs, the order, the ques, etc. Over the course of the three weeks, Mark, Jack, Tyler and Ethan have gone over the songs they wanted to use and started their YouTube channel that would be used to record any other songs they would like to do and Amy had everything set up, including sharing clips of their rehearsals around to give audiences a sneak peak of what they were in for. And over the course of these three weeks, everyone involved with the band had gotten even closer.

For tonight, they had enough songs for showtime and were really eager to see they're friends and dozens of other people they never met to come see them play. Bob and Wade were informed about the show and they decided to come with their spouses, which Mark was very happy about. Signe had called the day before to let them know she was going to make it to the show which made them even more happy, particularly Jack, and everything they had wanted to do, they were gonna do it tonight.

They were wrapping things up at the rehearsal hall that Amy owned and set up for them to rehearse and record songs for their channel. While the others were gathering their belongings, Mark went to talk with Amy.

"Hey Amy" Mark nervously approached her as she grabbed her belongings.

"Oh um hey mark" she had a small, shy smile forming when she realized he was there and turned to face him.

"Hey, I uh..." he was very anxious but tried to calm his nerves and just go with it. "I just wanted to say thankyou, for everything you've done for us. We really appreciate it" he was able to state very simply.

"No problem" she smiled, seeming a little shy herself.

"But why tho?" mark asked, still in awe of how much she has done for them when they had only just met when she agreed to help them. "You just upped and helped a few guys you didn't really know out? For what?" he asked baffled. Sure she knew Tyler, but even they had only known each other for a short while.

Amy smiled at him and took a quick glance at the others before responding. "Because I also like helping people, and I think what you guys are doing is really great" she stated, smiling the whole time.

Mark grinned and blushed a little from the compliment. "Well I'm really grateful to have you along and help us out" mark returned the kind gesture.

"Thanx, it's my pleasure" she thanked.

"Maybe when we have the chance, if you like to that is, we could maybe... grab a cup of coffee" he offered, almost looking totally scared.

Amy's face was a combination of surprised, and a little relieved. Like she was hoping this would happen but didn't really expect it to. "Uh...yea, that would be great actually" she laughed nervously.

"Ok" mark laughed too. "How bout tomorrow?" he suggested.

"Are you even gonna be awake then?" she asked with a strange look, knowing the party tonight would run a bit late.

"I'll....try" he shrugged and they both laughed.

"Well if you succeed, call me and lemme know when ur coming" she patted him on the shoulder, an unexpected gesture that both Mark and Amy didn't expect.

"Sounds like a plan" mark nodded.

"Sounds like a plan man" she joked and mark giggled. "See you tonight"

"I'll see you then" mark agreed, looking forward to it.

"Have a good show tonight guys!" she called to the others and they thanked her for it. "Same to you Mark" she waved and received a nod before leaving. Once she was gone, Mark turned to see his band mates smirking. Jack was the first to speak.

"I knew you had it in ya buddy!" jack granted with index fingers pointed at his friend.

"You are one smooth s.o.b. mark" tyler followed.

"Yea yea shut up" mark laughed.

"No seriously man, we're happy for you" ethan assured as they began carrying their stuff out.

"Thanx, what about you guys? Any luck with the ladies?" mark asked the whole group, but it was more directed towards Jack.

"Well, signe is coming to the show tonight after all" he shrugged.

"And ur hoping to woo her with your drumming skills?" he smirked.

"Mmm kinda" he joked and they laughed.


"Holy shit there's a lot of people" Ethan exclaimed as he peaked through the curtain.

"I told you guys, Amy is good" Tyler nodded.

"She is that" mark agreed, admiring the size of the crowd.

"Hey guys" amy walked in with Signe and they were greeted by the band.

"Thanx for coming" Jack thanked.

"My pleasure, you have a good show" she wished so positively and Jack smiled at her and they thanked her.

"So, you guys ready?" amy asked.

"I...think we are, guys?" he replied, feeling very jittery with his heart beating at a faster pace.

"Yea I think we are" Tyler nodded and Ethan quickly followed, but they clearly had the same tensions that mark had.

"Jack?" Mark asked his roommate.

"Yea" he quickly nodded but also real nervous. "This is really happening, isn't it?" he asked forming a small smile.

"Yea" mark scoffed, also forming a smile. There was a brief pause amonst the group before they continued.

"We're gonna do good" Tyler nodded, trgna build positive vibes and they all agreed.

"I'm really glad we decided to do this" Ethan nodded and a wide grin, which was followed by "me too's" all around.

"Just think that everything that we've wanted to about to happen" Jack stated. "We're about to do what we love, and help out lots of people" he had a grin bigger than ethan's as the moment they've all been waiting for was just minutes away.

"Yea, and it's gonna be just as spectacular, maybe even better, than we've ever imagined" Mark added, now feeling extremely confident. The whole group, Amy and Signe included, all nodded with very confident smiles. "You guys ready?" he asked with a grin.

"Yeah" the three simultaneously answered.

"A hands in anyone?" Ethan suggested and they agreed before placing their hands in the space between them, and even motioned for Amy and Signe to join them.

"Youtube rock on three" mark ordered. "One, two, three"

"YOUTUBE ROCK!" and they broke their hands apart, cheering.

"High fives all around!" jack called and the group started high fiving each other. Amy shook hands with the other three members as she wished them luck but gave Mark a hug and told him to "sing proud" as she did.

"Yes ma'am" mark smirked, pulling away and watching amy leave the stage, but not before giving Mark a look back over the shoulder.

Signe seemed like she wanted to give Jack a hug, but was too hesitant for it. Jack caught sign of this and just left it with a handshake. She smiled at him and gave him the same positive vibes she did the others and Jack returned it with a "thanx" and a nod before she left the group to their own.

Once the ladies gave them their best wishes and left the stage, the band began to get into their rightful places. Jack was at the back of the stage, sitting at his drum set. Mark was in the center stage, strapping on his guitar with the microphone standing in front of him. On his right side was Tyler with his bass guitar, and on his left side was Ethan, sitting at his electronic piano and each of the two had a mic placed in front of them in case there were any parts where Mark would need backup singers. Now all that was left was to await for Amy to announce them and for the curtains to spread wide open.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen!" Amy called into the mic from outside the curtain, earning cheers as she did. "Up next for tonight's bash, give it up for Crankplays, Tyler Stoneface, Jacksepticeye and Markiplier! THE YOU. TUBE. ROCK!" and with that, the hollers from the crowd arouse and the curtains began to spread, showing the musicians standing in the dim stage lights, ready to play.

(Imagine Dragons - Whatever it takes)

It started with Mark and Tyler's guitar work and Ethan's piano work before Mark started singing at a fast rate.

Mark: Falling too fast to prepare for this. Tripping in the world could be dangerous. Everybody circling is vulturous. Negative, Nepotist. Everybody waiting for the fall of man. Everybody praying for the end of times. Everybody hoping they could be the one. I was born to run, I was born for this.

Jack: taps cymbals and hi-hat

Mark: Whip, Whip. Run me like a race horse. Hold me like a rip cord. Break me down and build me up. I wanna be the slip, slip. Word upon your lip, lip. Letter that you rip, rip. Break me down and build me up.

All three singers: WHATEVER IT TAKES!"

The three sang loud and proud along with Jack's quick and on que drum skills and the crowd went nuts for it. Tho the song went by quickly and was a little short, it was definitely enough for the crowd to wanna hear more from the newly formed group. The band took in the glory and praise they were receiving and smiled as they kicked into the next song.

(Hinder - Lips of an Angel)

Mark started off with solo drumming and singing for the first half minute of the song.

Mark: Honey why you callin me so late. It's kinda hard to talk right now. Honey why you cryin is everything ok. I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud.

Tyler: joins in with his bass

Mark: well, my girls in the next room. Sometimes I wish it was you. Well I guess we never really moved on.

Jack: begins drumming

Mark: it's really good to hear your voice sayin my name it sounds so sweet. Comin from the lips of an angel. Hearin those words it makes me weak. And I never wanna say goodbye. But girl you make it hard to be faithful with the lips of an angel.

Yet another song that was being perfectly executed by the rookie band. They were deeply moved by the song, safe to say the band mates ended up becoming everyone's new celebrity heartthrob. The band was overjoyed with happiness from the cheers they got from their audience.

"Thankyou! Thankyou all very much!" Mark called into the mic and received more cheers from it. "As miss peebles said, I'm Markiplier, these are my pals Tyler Stoneface" he gestured to his right where Tyler stood. He waved and smiled as the crowd cheered. "Crankplays" he gestured to Ethan which had the same results. "And our kickass, Irish drummer, Jacksepticeye!" he pointed behind him and Jack rose from his seat and held his arms up in the air as he was cheered. "We are the YouTube Rock, and since you guys have been so kind to us on our first night, we wanna sing to you one of the hall time classics. Ever heard the name of Smash mouth?" the mention of the classic star's name had a fury of cheers. "This is perhaps his most notorious piece of work, All Star!" he announced and the crowd got very excited.

(All Star - Smash Mouth)

Mark: somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an "L" on her forehead.

The song was so big that the crowd was even singing along with Mark, even Tyler and Ethan, perhaps even Jack couldn't help themselves.

Everybody: Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming. Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running. Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb. So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the backstreet? You'll never know if you don't go. You'll never shine if you don't glow. Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on, go play. Hey now you're a rockstar, get the show on, get paid. And all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mold.

It was a very fun song to play. The received even bigger praise, if possible, than before and finished the night off by letting Tyler and Ethan take the lead sing with Heathens by Twenty One Pilots. Once it was done they celebrated with the crowd, signed autographs and received big congrats, especially from Amy, Signe, Bob and Wade. They had become the hottest new band and the night was now theirs. They felt as if they were exactly where they had wanted to be once and for all, and boy did it feel good or what.

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