Jack's hobby

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Mark agreed to go to Jack's house for...whatever it was he needed. He also had to bring his guitar along with him, as if not knowing what was going wasn't confusing enough. Mark just agreed to tag along, bring his guitar and go with whatever was going on. They were now driving to Jack's house.

"Jack, where are you taking me?" Mark asked a little confused and a bit anxious.

"To my house, to help with something" he blatantly replied like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Yea I got that, but help with what? And why?" he said rolling his eyes.

"Just relax, we're here now" they pulled up to the house Jack had described to him. Jack had seemed nervous the whole ride there but never said why. Mark hoped he would get answers once they were inside, especially since it was a two hour drive.

"So who's looking after this place?" mark asked as he carried the cased instrument up the stairs.

"My friend Robin, he takes online courses and looks out for the place while I'm away, just as long as he doesn't tear it down something" he joked and the two giggled. They entered the home and were immediately greeted by Robin. Jack introduced the two before proceeding with Mark. He took him into a very widely spaced room with a drum set sitting in the middle.

"What is all of this?" Mark asked in amusement.

"Something I've always loved doing, and since I saw urs I think it's only fair you see mine" he replied with a smile.

"And you never considered taking this up?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, being a lone drummer usually qualifies as a pure hobby but not much else" he shrugged.

"So what do you need me for?" jack rushed over to a shelf that held different songs before bringing one to his roommate.

"Can you do this song? With me, I might add" jack almost seemed like a child begging for a cookie. Mark decided he would. He would sing and play guitar and Jack would do the drumming.

The song was Chop Suey by System of a Down, the first heavy metal song that Jack thoroughly enjoyed when he first got into drumming and means a lot to him for the fact that it became a bonding trip for him and his brother. Both men had headphones on, instruments ready and Jack sat behind the drums while Mark sat beside him with guitar in hand. This wasn't typically something mark sung but it seemed like his voice would go well with it. And so, the song began.

It started off with half a minute of Jack having a fast pace drumming sequence, and then kicked up when Mark started singing. "Wake up. Grab a brush and put on a little make up" he sung about as quick as Jack drummed, it was a little difficult at first but once he had the pace and was set into motion, he was even having fun with it. "You wanted to. Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup. You wanted to. Why'd you leave the keys up on the table. You wanted to. I don't think you trust...in...my...self righteous suicide. I...cry...when angels deserve to diiiiieeee" Mark was even acting as a headbanger, swinging his head around as the two musicians played.

Jack himself seemed as if he was in the zone, calm and loving the moment of rockin out to one of his favorite songs and doing what he loved. A few minutes of the hard and heavy, extremely quickly paced song and it came to an end. Mark and Jack both scoffed at how amazingly well they blended their talents together and made their song cover to perfection.

"That was awesome!" Jack cheered.

"I know, that was crazy" mark laughed in an astonished manor. "I've never done a song like that before"

"What?! Really? Because you were perfect for it man" he complimented.

"Thanx" he scoffed. "Sooo...what now?" he shrugged.

"Well, after doing this badass cover, I think we should start a band" he smiled.

Mark's eyes nearly popped outta their sockets from the amount of surprise he had. Was this a real offer? Was Jack totally serious about this? "Wait, you mean...you and me...in an actual, performing on stage band?" he finally asked.

"Hell yea! We can get Tyler and Ethan to join and it'll all be settled" jack raised his arms in triumph.

"Wait, but..how?" mark was very hesitant about the idea. "Where would we even perform?"

"Anywhere we can, I'm sure we can find somebody to hook us up" he encouraged. Mark still seemed very hesitant.

"But why?" Mark asked. "Out of all the things, why this?"

"Why else?" jack countered. "It's something we both love, we both want to help people and don't know any other way, and it's been said that there are things a song can cure that not even medicine can" he happily stated. Mark took a minute to process all of this. "Come on Mark, it'll be fun. We'll take the music world by storm and we could help...dozens of other people who are at a dark point in their lives" he explained, hoping to convince him to join.

After another minute of considering, Mark looked up at Jack and smirked. "Let's do it" he nodded and Jack shouted in triumph, this was it and this was gonna be good.

A/N: hey readers! I know this was short but hopefully it was still good. Yes that's an actual cover Jack did and when I watched the vid for it, I thought the singer sounded like Mark and that's kinda what inspired me to do this and also bc Mark had just uploaded his own cover song as well. So please like, follow and I do have my own ideas for songs but if any of you would like to make any request for songs to use in this I will definitely have a look at them. So thankyou all and have a nice day/night.

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