The Yuri-Effect[Eng]

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Chapter 1- [Pre-Chaos] Begin the mayhem.


   “Were finally here!” Yuri greeted the airport and stood hapily to have steped in it again. "I should be more excited than you.." a girl patted Yuri and flashed a smile at her.

"I know, yet I missed it here, been away for a while.." Yuri said.

"..from Jessica?" the girl replied to Yuri and added a quiet chuckle.

"Yea thats the main reason. But aren"t you even excited your closer to JooHyun now!" Yuri smiled. She also started walking caring her bag and materials.

"No words can describe how happy I am. Thanks Yul. Best cousin and friend ever!" the girl wrapped her arms around Yuri's shoulder.

"Cheesy. Im gonna hu hu" Yuri joked and made a funny crying face. The girl attempted to place a kiss on Yuri but Yuri stopped her immedietly. "No-no-no,your not my Sica-baby!"

"I can be your Yoona-baby." Yoona continued to tease her cousin as they walked outside the airport.

"Lol no thanks. I dont like tall girls." Yuri replied and Yoona laughed, she remembered now that Yuri likes girls shorter than her; one proof to that is Jessica.

  The duo rode a taxi cab heading to Yoona's house. As silence roamed over the back of the taxi cab's seat. Yuri noticed Yoona was quite tensed so she thought of something to break the silence. "You sure you wanna do this honey bee?"

Yoona then felt confused at Yuri statement. She looked at Yuri's face and gesture for an answer, she realized Yuri was copiying lady gaga's telephone video.

"What do you mean am I sure?" Yoona played it aswell, as Beyonce.

"You know what they say, once you kill a cow. You gotta make a burger.." Yuri acted like lady gaga and Yoona bursted in laughter. Yuri laughed as well, she looked at the taxi driver at the mirror. He was making a confused face. Yuri smiled at him gesturing there is nothing to worry they are not butchers of cows or burger-making girls.

They soon reached Yoona's house, they were greeted by Yoona's maids and butlers. Yoona was a really rich kid while Yuri was a plain middle-class.

Yoona was amused at her cousin being in-awe about their house no mansion at Seoul. "Its not as big as the one in the US, Yul."

"I know but you alone?! Will live here. Woah!"

"I have maids and butlers Yul, you can sleep here sometimes too." Yoona smiled at her cousin.

"With Jessica?" Yuri gave a wide smile at Yoona.

"You think dirty.. Eww. Just clean up your mess with the.. Girls, you'll be bringin' here." Yuri lightly slappedYoona's shoulder. "Im getting Joohyun here.." Yuri smirked at Yoona. "Yo-you traitor! Not her!"

"With you ofcourse,silly!" Yuri sincerely said.

 Yuri was also once rich as her cousin is but that is when her father was there. Yuri studied in the states with Yoona back then at their elementary years. When her mother's money was not enough to sustain her education at US, they moved back to Korea. Studiying High school at Korea, she saw a familiar girl, Joohyun. She remembered she was the girl her cousin used to have a crush on. She emailed her cousin, Yoona about the matter, but Yuri did not thought Yoona will still like Joohyun after years have passed. Yoona replied immedietly and even sent Yuri plane tickets and some money to go to US. And now Yoona wants to be in Yuri and Joohyun's school though the school is not fit for rich kid like her.



    At SooMan High School, classes have already ended and every student are preparing to go home.

"Tiffany, Hyo you guys coming?" a brunette stood fron her seat.

"Yea, Jess you worry about Yuri too much.." Tiffany a red haired girl stood up as well and draged another girl, Hyoyeon. "But did you guys even listen to this weeks lessons?" Hyoyeon a blonde girl complained. Tiffany and Jessica took a minute to think if they did.

"No." both answered together.

"So basically, we'll be good friends to Yuri, give her notes and tutorials to catch up with the lessons and both of you know nothing about the lessons?" Hyoyeon elaborated the matter.

"I have some history notes.." Jessica proudly showed them her notebook.

"I can help with English." Tiffany said.

"I have science but math, who's good at it?" Hyoyeon asked. Silence filled up the place as the three thought no one at their group was good at it, and no one also bothered to even listen to their math teacher.

"Lets just let Yuri fail it." Tiffany joked because she can clearly see the brunette is not amused.

"....." Jessica was getting annoyed. She thought she can have extra points in Yuri's eyes if she tried to be concerned at Yuri studies.

"Ok princess dont get stressed. Lets look at our notes if we have even just one lesson.." Hyoyeon took out her notebook and so was the others. Suprisingly, the three had an empty notebook.

"Wow some good student we are." Tiffany laughed.

"Now what?" Jessica questioned.

Tiktok tiktok.

"I know! Fany-ah! The senior kid!" Hyoyeon pointed at Tiffany. "Ohh yea, Tae-Tae! She's quite the nerd at math." Tiffany cheerfully said.

"Ok so call your Tae-Tae, Tiff." Jessica told Tiffany and Tiffany brought out her phone.

"You have her number? A-are you two da-dating? Ayiie! The nerdy TaeTae and pretty Fany!" Hyoyeon teased Fany while Jessica didn't care cause in the back of her mind she knew Tiffany liked Taeyeon aswell. "Were just friends silly! But she is useful to me." Tiffany winked while waiting for Taeyeon to pick up.

  Taeyeon picked up. "F-fany-ah?!" Taeyeon nervously said.

"Hi Tae Tae! Are you busy tonight?" Taeyeon gulped and felt a warm feeling around herself. She thought Tiffany is asking her out on a date, two of them in the park. Strolling, holding hands.

 While Taeyeon was busy at her dreamland, Jessica told Tiffany to give Taeyeon an offer she will surely accept. "TaeTae? Still there?" Tiffany snapped Taeyeon out of her dreamland. "Y-yes ppani-ah?" The older girl was very nervous.

"Can you be a tutor for me? Just for tonight." The red head made it sound sexy and very tempting. She liked this teasing as well. Jessica rolled her eyes at Tiffany while Hyoyeon was amused by the scene.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon was heating up. Her fantasy was getting wilder, she even thought of being alone with Tiffany in her room.. Alone. The word swallowed up Taeyeon into thinking dirty thoughts.  Suddenly she snapped back only to hear Tiffany asking for her answer.

  "Yea sure Tippani..So wh-" she was cut by Tiffany. "-Pick me up at the school. Ill wait hurry."

Taeyeon then heared a beep from her phone. It took her a minute to snap again. She hurriedly changed her clothes, fixed her hair and face. She ran up to the school.

  When Taeyeon arrived she found Tiffany with two girls. Her face looked so shocked with a bit disappointnent. I thought it was just me and her.. She thought to herself. Hyoyeon said hi and Jessica stayed quiet. Tiffany on the other hand, noticed the older girl's disappointment. She ran up to Taeyeon and grabbed Taeyeon's arm.

 "Im sorry if I didnt told you, you'll help us tutor a friend. Pleeaaase Taengoo~!" Tiffany cutely pouted and hugged Taeyeon's arm tighter. "Its ok Ppani-ah.."

 Taeyeon cant resist. Tiffany herself, her cute pout and her clinging on her arm. Not to mention the feeling of Tiffany's chest.

How bad can it be? Hehe Taeyeon thought to herself as they all went to Yuri's house.


I'll be updating it but I cant make sure its fast. Maybe twice a week? Please dont kill me. XD

This first chapter is just the beginning. Can we have a pair voting soon? ke ke ke

Oh yea,do comment my lovely readers~


Chapter 2- Pink clouds of doom.

    After some chatting time with Yoona, Yuri received a text message from Jessica.

  The text message was:

Yuri-ah, Well come over today ok? Well help you catch up with the lessons.. k?

 She browsed her phone there was another message. It was from Tiffany.

 Yuwreeeh! I missed you. Haha Jessi, Hyo and I will help you with the lessons ok? Take care. :***

  While Yuri was reading the messages, Yoona took a peek at it and giggled. "I guess your Jessica is sweet~ Take caaare.. Yuuree!" Yoona teased her cousin.

"Idiot. Its Fany's text. Jessica's was plain..cute." Yuri told her dear cousin, though she felt that Jessica could have been even just a bit sweeter. I guess she's.. cold. Icy. Ice princess.. Yuri thought.

"Can I come with you buddy?" Yuri's dearest cousin requested. She just flashed a smile, to show her agreement to Yoona's request.


  Meanwhile, in front of Yuri's house. Jessica and the others waited patiently, well except for one though.

 "Taeyeon, can I get your number as well? If I need some help well.." Hyoyeon told Taeyeon. The blonde girl could not refuse a favor from Tiffany's friend but she thought she might do Hyoyeon's assignment soon if so.

 "uuhmm.. o-ok.." Taeyeon said with a bit of defiance. "Yah! No you don't Hyo!" Tiffany shouted grabbing Taeyeon's wrist.

"Taeyeon's number is exclusive for me!" the red haired girl added and hugged the shorter girl by the waist. "Ppani-ah.. It’s ok.." Though Taeyeon said so, she really liked the younger girl's cute jealous act. Adding the fact that Tiffany hugs her.

     I guess coming here was definitely worth it, Taeyeon thought.

   Jessica just looked at the three, being quite amused at Tiffany's action and Taeyeon's expressions. She then turned her head to the other direction; she noticed two figures walking closer to them. One of the figures appeared to be Yuri but she doesn’t know the other.

 "Yuri! Over here!" Tiffany waved.

 "Ahh! Sorry were late.." Yuri waved back. She searched for her icy princess, she found her sitting with her hand by her chin, looking quite annoyed.

 Tiffany approached Yuri and Yoona. The red head hugged Yuri and stared at Yoona. Taeyeon on the other hand, eyed her beautiful Fany hug another. She did exactly what Jessica did, she sat down and put her hand by her chin.

 "Jealous peeps?" Hyoyeon playfully teased the two. Jessica glared at her while Taeyeon hid in her arms.

 Inside Yuri's house, Jessica and Hyoyeon were teaching Yuri at the living room. Tiffany and Yoona were preparing some snacks at the kitchen. Taeyeon sat near Hyoyeon, writting some math reviewers.

 "Yoona you've grown so tall, I did not notice you at first!" Tiffany told Yoona while gesturing to measure their height with her hand. "I reached you fast Tiffany-unnie! Your look better than before though." Yoona gave her old friend appritiation words, not known to their little world.. Is a nerdy girl being annoyed at Yoona's consistent conversations with her angel.

 I shouldn't have come. She thought.


 "Yuri are you listening?!" A dolphin-like voice swept over Yuri's face that constantly stared at the person who shouted at her.

"of course Sica-baby.. About French revolution right?" Jessica sighed in defeat that her student is a bit attentive, though partly she wanted Yuri's stares as well. Jessica continued to read the textbook to Yuri. Yuri was still staring at Jessica with a bit confused face.

 "Apparently Yuri, your Sica-baby is jealous of your tall friend thats why sh-"

 "Yaaaah!" Before Hyoyeon can even say more Jessica threw an eraser at Hyoyeon. Yuri was not narrow-minded though, she now understood Jessica's attitude. She moved closer to Jessica, the brunette still continued to write things at her notes.

 "She's my cousin Yoona from the US." Yuri whispered at Jessica's ear. Jessica turned her head to look at Yuri. She was smiling, Jessica smiled a bit. "I-I know that.."

They stared at each other..

  "I better leave right?" Hyoyeon attempted to leave when suddenly..


  A loud scream was heard coming from the kitchen. They found Tiffany sitting at the floor; Yoona came out from the bathroom and rushed to the red head.

 "What happen Tiff?" Yoona asked and tried to help Tiffany get up. Taeyeon noticed this. She swallowed all her shyness and came up to Tiffany. "Ppani-ah are you ok?"


 Yuri and the others came as well. "Im f-fine.. B-but look.. You guys.." the red head pointed at a pink smoke covering a figure.

 Yuri felt the responsibility to protect her guests so she went closer to 'it'. Everyone was nervous. Yuri as well..

The smoke cleared up, a figure of a small kid appeared.

 Yuri took the time to stare confused and terrified at the kid, she prepared her stance. Ready if this kid was an alien or something..


"Y-yul-daddy?" The kid softly asked.


Chapter 3- Inevitable Pang.

 "Eehh?!' Yuri made a confused look at the kid who suddenly called her name and adding 'daddy' to it.

 The kid smiled at Yuri and grabbed Yuri's leg. Yuri was quite scared at the action but she did not react afraid, she just find it inside that the kid is harmless.

 "Yul-daddy looks so cute in the past! Hug me back daddy!~" the kid showed a cute pout and a familiar smile.

The others at the back approached Yuri, they noticed that Yuri was not alone, she was caring a kid.

 "I-is that an alien..?" Tiffany asked.

 Yuri showed them the kid. The kid stood straight, she held on to her skirt, crossed her legs and bowed gracefully in front of the others.

 "Hello! My name is Hae Rin Kwon 9 years old!" Hae Rin smiled. Eye smiled.

 All was taken back by the thought of how can an alien look so.. Cute? Hae Rin put her index on her cute pout, she starred at Tiffany. She stayed same for a while, but Tiffany on the other hand, felt quite scared. Taeyeon came closer to Tiffany as she thought,that this cute angel can be a threat to her Pani.

 Hae Rin's eyes got wider and shouted.


 Everyone became shocked.

"W-whoa.. Fany-mommy?!" Yoona asked.

 "Uhm! I did not notice at first because of the hair color but mommy you’re so pretty in red!" The little girl took Tiffany's hand. She draged her 'mommy'. She grabbed Yuri's hands.

 "Fany-mommy , Yul-daddy and Hae-baby!" she proudly introduced. Her 'parents' looked at each other like 'what the f-'. Everyone was silenced.

 Yuri quickly slipped her hand and jumped away from Tiffany and Hae Rin.

 "T-thats crazy, m-me and Fany?!"

  Yuri shouted in disbelief. Tiffany rushed to Taeyeon's side and moved her head up and down to show that she agreed to what Yuri said.

 "Im 18! I can't be a parent! N-no!" Tiffany said.

 Hearing her 'parents's' words, the little kid could not contain her disappointment. She cried and alarmed everyone in the kitchen.

 "Kwaaaaaaaaa! Yul-daddy and Fany-mommy does not love me!!" the little girl shouted with tears flowing from her eyes. She sat down and hid her face by her arms.

 Yoona could not resist, not to comfort the crying kid. She picked the kid up and wiped her tears.

 "Sweetheart, stop crying Yuri and Tiffany are just.. Confused. We need your explanation, if you can." Yoona smiled at the kid and turned to look at her cousin. Yuri felt guilty at shouting at the kid. She approached Hae Rin and took the kid from Yoona.

 "I-Im sorry ok, please explain ok, cutie?" Yuri smiled and pinched the kid's cheeks.



In Yuri's living room.

 Hae Rin still sticked by Yuri's side, she sat beside Yuri while Yuri was beside Yoona. Hyoyeon sat on a separate chair, on the other sofa, Taeyeon sat in the middle of Jessica and Tiffany.

 "So are you gonna talk?" Jessica broke the silence in the room, looking at Yuri and Hae Rin.

 Hae Rin nodded and flashed an eye smile at Jessica.

 Khg. It looks like Tiffany's eye smile thingy, Jessica thought.

 "I came from the future. I am Kwon Yuri and Tiffany Hwang's future child."

 Hae Rin explained.

 "T-time traveler?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Yes. I used a P07-capsule, to go back in time.." The kid stopped and took a deep breath. "..To make sure my parents make me."

 "You said Yuri is the daddy right? How come? She's a she? Are you adopted?" Taeyeon asked again. The oldest felt questioning the kid, it hurts her to believe that she and Fany are gonna be zero in the future.

 "No. I am their daughter, in the future many things in this timeline are changed." Hae Rin eyed Taeyeon. She glaredn

  "..Besides dont push your luck on my mommy,trust me." Hae Rin added and strucked a tounge at Taeyeon.

 "Hey! Hae Rin, Taeyeon's a very special friend to me. Ok?" Tiffany lightly spoke at her daughter. She had to scold the child a bit but she can't bear to make her cry as well.

 "Great. You sounded like you accepted being her mom already eh Fany-ah?" Jessica spoke though she did not look at Tiffany because she was lazy to do so. Tiffany ignored her and turned her attention to Taeyeon who was left mute from the statement of the child.


 "I need to go home." Taeyeon stood up, without listening to anyone even Tiffany she went to left the house.


TaeNy' has zero chance to be made, Taeyeon thought as she walked away.

"Why didn't you stop her Tiff?" Hyoyeon asked and stood up as well. She sighed.

 "Im going as well.." Jessica stood and attempted to left as well but..

 "S-sica w-wait!" Yuri rushed to follow Jessica but Jessica slammed the door to avoid Yuri.


 Yuri hit her head on the door. She fainted.




Chapter 4 - Eye smile princess.

 "Uhhhg.. M-my head.." A black-haired girl said as she rubbed her forehead. She roamed her eyes around the room she woke up on, she noticed a familiar figure looking at the mirror. "Y-Yoong?"

 "Oh your awake! How are you feeling now buddy?" Yoona smiled at Yuri. She approached Yuri and sat by the edge of her cousin's bed. "Quite.. I just had the scariest.. Dream." Yuri muttered as she sat on her bed.

"Let me guess? That you and Tiffany have a daughter named Hae Rin? Then Jessica hated you forever?" Yoona smiled.

"Yea exact- Wait how di- Uhg! Don't tell me it’s real?!" Yuri said, as she realized that her dream was reality.

 "Oh its real and your cute daughter is sleeping in your mom's room. Haha!"

    Yuri frowned at Yoona's statement.

"Stop laughing, it’s not funny Yoong, Jessica will never talk to me ever! Because of that kid!" Yuri sighed.

 "Chill. Let’s just go to school, try to work things out with your Sica. You’re not alone you know.. On your situation, I mean." Yoona said as she stood and looked at the mirror again. "Tiffany is on the same boat, her and Taeyeon.." Yoona added as she fixed her tie.

 "Geez. She doesn't like that senior. I know her she's just using her.." Yuri insulted her friend; she knew badly how Tiffany plays with love. "I think she likes Taeyeon." Yoona quickly replied.

  Yuri doesn't want to argue with her cousin about Tiffany so Yuri stood up and went near her cousin. She patted Yoona's shoulder.

 "Ok ok. Your early today, excited? Sorry though Yoong. I can't go to school I have to babysit my baby.."

 "It's ok buddy. I'll go now ok? I need to be early.." Yoona replied. Afterwards she left Yuri's house riding a black limo.

 Yuri exited her room and went to her mom's. She thought of how she will explain her mother about it.

 "Little angel of trouble.." She whispered to Hae Rin who's sleeping quietly. She noticed the kid's facial structures. Eyes, face shape, skin tone were from Tiffany while nose and lips were hers.

 "Are you really mine? I think im gonna cry.." Yuri murmured.


 Morning at SooMan High. First year room, 1-A. One girl sat quietly while reading a book.

 Someone entered the room.

 "Good morning.." She smiled at the girl seating. The person she greeted did not respond though she just continued to read.

 "Geez, Seohyun you never change."

 Hearing the name 'Seohyun', the girl who quietly read a book turned her head to look at the person who called her Seohyun. Because only one person does, Yoona.


 At the 2-A classroom.

 "You ok Tiff?" A blonde girl asked a red head who slumped herself in her desk.

 "I feel worst Hyo, Tae doesn't reply to my texts and Jessica hates me!" She complained.

 "W-wait.. You really like that Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon asked Tiffany.

 "I don't know.. She's.. Different."

 "I see. I'll help you and Jessica make up and Yuri too, I guess."

 Hyoyeon patted Tiffany's back. Afterwards, a familiar brunette entered the room. She sat in front of Hyoyeon. "Good morning Hyo.."

She glared at Tiffany. "Bad morning"

 "J-Jessi.. You know Yuri's not my type!" Tiffany explained while showing a totally sad face.

 "Yea right now but in the future." Jessica said while looking away from Tiffany.

 "Ok quit the fighting we’re friends remember?" Hyoyeon interrupted. Tiffany waited for Jessica's reply at Hyoyeon's word 'we’re friends'.

 "Puff. Friends.." Jessica whispered. Hearing so, Tiffany slumped herself again in her desk.

 Later on, their class started. The three did not have any conversation after that argument.



  At Yuri's house.

 "Yul-daddy wake up.."

 Yuri woke up to see a cute girl pinching her on the nose. "Aww honey, good morning." Yuri patted the kid's head and smiled at her. She thought that instead of feeling miserable at the moment, might as well be happy. After all it’s not bad luck to have a cute baby girl.

 "Let's have breakfast in Mcdo! Wait do you know that?" She carried the kid outside.

 "Yup! What about mommy?" Hae Rin asked. "S-she's at school.. Jessica can be your mommy." Yuri said. She doesn't want Tiffany as the mother of her daughter, it’s not about Tiffany's player attitude but she simply loves Jessica.

 They walked to the streets hand in hand; Yuri wanted to carry the child but her arm sores already. They made their way to the fast food chain they desire.

  "Im sorry daddy is cheap. Haha!" Yuri bended down and whipered to Hae Rin.

  "It’s ok Yul-daddy! But if Fany-mommy is here we better be in a better one ok? Hae Rin smile at Yuri. "Y-yeah.." Yuri begged to erase the name Fany into Jessica's but the kid loves Tiffany too much.

"Let's both have pancakes ok?"

"Uhm!" the cute kid put out her eye smile.

 Lol its little Tiffany, Yuri thought to herself.

 They seated near the window and they happily ate their breakfast. Yuri wanted to ask the kid lots of questions but seeing the kid innocenlty chewing her food is really stopping her. She's afraid that she may offend the kid again and she cries.

 "Hae-baby, how does daddy look in the future? Still good looking? Ke ke ke" Yuri playfully asked to know something about her future and to break the silence.

 "Uhh.. I think so." Hae Rin put a frowning face which made Yuri concern.

 "Oh, what's wrong, y-you don't have to frown. It’s like I'll look bad in the future.." Yuri was concerned at the kid but she was also concerned about herself.

 Maybe I'll really look bad from the kid's face.. Uhg.Will I?, Yuri thought.

 "No Yul-daddy, it's just that the P07 capsule deletes memories of mine from the future for me not to reveal things in the future, to the past. But I think I remember you and mommy clearly!" Hae Rin explained to Yuri and flashed her eye smile yet again. "Hehe, I see for timelines to be ok, right?" Yuri smiled to Hae Rin. "Yep. But don't worry Yul-daddy will always be good-looking."

 And she got my cheesiness haha! Good girl! Yuri mentally thought.

 "When you’re done, let's buy you some undies. You can wear some of my baby clothes but not the undies. Haha" Yuri winked at her cute daughter.


Back at school, lunch break.

 "Seohyun-ah wait up!" A black haired girl was chasing another girl who simply ingnores her. "Hey p-please Seohyun! Im sorry about the past!" She shouted and stopped. She was breathing heavily from all the running.

 "For being bad and bullying you sometimes.. Let's be friends from now on?"

 Seohyun stopped as well and turned around to face Yoona.

 "Im sorry Im Yoona, I was listening to my ipod." Seohyun took off her ear phone and paused her ipod.

 "Ohh.. You didn't hear what I said?" Yoona asked.

 Idiot. Yoona you always are! Yoona scolded herself mentaly.

 “Apparently, No. I just wanted to go back to my locker and get my book." Seohyun said and helped Yoona get up.

 "I-I see.. Can I come?" Yoona p

 "Sure." Seohyun smiled at Yoona.

 "So are we ok now..? Friends?" Yoona asked.

 "Treat me lunch, I'll forgive you Im Yoona." Seohyun smiled yet again. She walked towards her locker. Yoona quietly followed by her side.

Hehe so cute. No, my Seohyun is beautiful, always..


Chapter 5 - Sub Unit-2

 "President, someone wants to talk to you.." A tall young girl approached a blonde girl carefully scanning her computer. "Im busy tell them please.."

 "It's Tiffany, Taeyeon-ah.."

 "Tippani.." Taeyeon looked up to the girl. She stood up and approached the door of the council room.

 Tiffany was silently standing outside the council room. She snapped when she heard the door slide. She hurriedly took a glance of who might come out.

 "Ppani-ssi, any problems?"

 "Why aren't you replying TaeTae?" Tiffany approached Taeyeon.

 "I’m the council president, I am busy." Taeyeon coldly said. "Besides you have a baby to take care.." Taeyeon added.

 "Taeyeon.. Do you hate me too? Jessica does." Tiffany asked. She looked at Taeyeon straight, no cute face or smiles. Plain serious.

 "No. Tiffany Hwang, you know I like you right?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Yes. Kim Taeyeon, you know I like you too, right? Tiffany replied.


 "I do,seriously." Tiffany turned her head down and walked away from Taeyeon. 

 Being Tiffany Hwang is hard. Especially when Kim Taeyeon doesn't trust her. Tiffany thought as she walked back to their room on the second floor.

    Tiffany opened the door and sat on her seat. She found Jessica texting and Hyoyeon smiled at her. "How did it go with Taeyeon, Tiff?"

 "Disaster." Tiffany sadly said.

 Hyoyeon felt pity to her friend, she just patted her in the back. Suddenly Tiffany recieved a text message. From.. Jessica.

 "It will be alright.. That nerd does not know what she's letting go."

 Tiffany smiled. Even if Taeyeon did not believe her, atleast Jessica tried to talk or text her again.

 "Haha yes that's true. Her lost right? About me and Yuri.. Please believe me. Were 0.. :((


 Tiffany replied.

 "It’s ok. JeTi is best friends forever<3."

Jessica giggled and replied.

 "Dump YulSic! Let's be JeTi forever!"

Tiffany sent to Jessica.

 "Then dump TaeNy too!"

Jessica texted.

 The two giggled at their messages and Hyoyeon became confused. But she was happy that both are laughing now.

 "JeTiHyo, you silly girls.." Hyoyeon told them both. Jessica and Tiffany smiled. The three of them got their bond back. JTH.

End of classes.

 Tiffany decided to come to Yuri's house later, though she does not like it Hae Rin claims her as her mother so she wants a word with Yuri and Hae Rin.

 "Hyo I'll talk to Yuri. Do you and Sica like to come?" She asked her friends if they would like to come. Hyoyeon disagreed. "I can’t Tiff, I have a dance rehersal today.."

 "It’s ok Hyo. Be careful on your way ok?" Tiffany smiled. She turned to look at Jessica. "Do I have to?" Jessica asked.  "If you want to, Jess."

 "Ok I will." Jessica smiled.


 "I'll give you a ride on your way home Seohyun." Yoona showed a smiling face to Seohyun on their way outside.

 "I'd rather walk Yoona, its healthy." Seohyun said. "Ok, well walk together!" Yoona cheerfully said.

They walked together, seeing her driver outside the school, Yoona signaled him to go on. She continued to walk with Seohyun.

 "Do you want to eat dinner? Before you go home. My treat!" Yooona asked Seohyun. Seohyun stood silent, looking far-straight. "Seo?"

 "My keroro plush.. You stole it." Seohyun said pouting. Yoona was suprised at Seohyun she became mature but still childish at some points. Yoona can’t bear her feelings, she laughed at Seohyun.

"Haha! Still addicted to Keroro eh?" Seohyun became quite embarrased and lighly pushed Yoona. "Just give it back! I-I miss it.."

 "It's in US. How can I do so? I'll buy you a new one.." Yoona winked at Seohyun.

 "I only want it. Its memorable.." Seohyun silently turned her head down. Yoona loves her so much that she hates seeing her down.

 "I'll go back to US then! Wait for me ok?3 days!" Yoona brought out her phone, attempting to call someone.

 "Hey y-you just got back, why would you do so, Yoona?" Seohyun stopped Yoona from calling. She held onto Yoona's hand.

 "Because you said so." Yoona stared at Seohyun. She blushed, because Seohyun was holding her hand.

 "Silly. Why me? I already forgave you, lunch remember?" Seohyun giggled, but she knew there was something else. Another reason.

 "It’s not that. I really like you Seo Joohyun. As in like-like." Yoona blushed. She did not expect to confess at this time, she wanted it special and unforgettable but it just came out.


 Knock knock.

 "Yuri?" Tiffany asked while knocking on the door.

 Knock knock.

 "Let me do it ok? Tiff" Jessica angrily said. They have been waiting for 10 minutes and she was mad. Jessica is impatient. Very.

 Phah! Phag!

  "Yah! Yuri open up or else!" Jessica shouted.

 Phag! Phag!

 "Im so gonna kill youuuu!" Jessica was furious. She hates really waiting.

 "Maybe Yuri went out somewhere." Tiffany calmed Jessica down. Suddenly the door opened. Jessica face the door again, she was ready to hit Yuri really hard for making them wait. Jessica faced the person who opened the door.

 "Yuri! Your s-!... dead?.." Jessica was so furious but she found no one inside the entrance.

 "What's wrong Jess?" Tiffany approached her.

 Suddenly, they heard voices.

 "Help me get down Unnie.." it was a cute voice. "Ugh im older than you!"  The voice sounded familiar to Tiffany.

 "Hae Rin?" Tiffany asked.

 "Its Fany-mom-!"


Jessica and Tiffany heard a loud slam coming from behind the door. They both rushed. They found Hae Rin lying on the floor with another girl on top of her.

 Tiffany helped her daughter. "Are you ok Hae?" Hae Rin woke up and tugged herself in Tiffany's shoulders.

 "Fany-mommy! Help Yul-daddy!" Hae Rin spoke. 

 "Where is she?! Oh my! Jess look!" She turned to look at Jessica who was so close to her.

 "Tiff.. Problem." Jessica said as she leaned on Tiffany's back having a scared face.

 "Jess, Yuri's unconsious!" Tiffany dragged Jessica but the bruntte did not move.

 "Tiff this is worst!" Jessica exclaimed.

 "-She just called me Sica-mama..." Jessica said.

Chapter 6- The right equation.



 I know some are still confused at some points, but I will explain it thoroughly. I have lots of surprises ahead. So do stay and read ;D

 And when I say suprises, it’s really big.

Ok, on with the story. :)



 A blonde girl was walking outside a convenient store. She sighed and crumpled her fist. She continued to walk looking down.

  "Taeyeon?" Someone asked to the blonde. Taeyeon turned to look at the person who called her. She recognize the person but she forgot the name.

  "Ppani's friend, right?Uhmm..?" Taeyeon asked.

  "Hyoyeon. You live around here?"

 The stranger answered.

  "Yes.. Sorry I did not catch your name well."

 "It's ok, mind if we walk together?"


 Two blondes walked away from the convenient store. They both feel the awkward silence around them so one, broke it.

"How's Tippani?" Taeyeon asked Hyoyeon. She didn’t really believe the words Tiffany tell her; to Taeyeon, Tiffany liking her back was all play time to Tiffany.

 "Miserable but she’s ok now, we comforted her.." Hyoyeon replied to Taeyeon. She knew the situation Tiffany and Taeyeon are having but she was concerned about her friend more.

 "I see. Good." Taeyeon smiled. She tried show Hyoyeon that she cares but half her does not.

 Hyoyeon now know why Tiffany feels sad that noon. It was because Taeyeon could not believe Tiffany's feelings because of the baby-incident.

 "She's having a hard time, her situation is not that easy Kim Taeyeon-ssi." Hyoyeon blurted out calmly.

 "I need to go. I’m turning right you?"

Taeyeon pretended she didn’t hear what Hyoyeon said. She thought its time she become selfish to Tiffany.

"I go on left. Take care.."

 Hyoyeon bid her farewell. But stopped to turn back, Taeyeon was already walking away.

 "Kim Taeyeon! Trust Fany too!" Hyoyeon shouted.

She knew Taeyeon would ignore it but she needs to clear the nerd's mind over math problems and show her an easy solution.


"I really thought you hated me back then.."

Two girls were walking on a park. They stayed really close but faced the road they take.

"Why would I,Seo?" Yoona smiled at Seohyun.

 "Because you're always annoying me, bothering me and.." Seohyun elaborated all her past experiences with Yoona.

 "You got it wrong. I just want you to notice me.. Hehe am I blushing?" Yoona said as she cutely cupped her checks, letting a soft chuckle.

 "Hehe Silly. You dont look cute! Im younger, way cute!" Seohyun strucked her touge out to Yoona.

 "No you’re not, Seo JooHyun." Yoona strucked her tounge to Seohyun aswell.

 "Seriously?" Seohyun pouted and acted cute.

 "Yea. Cause your beautiful not cute.." Yoona said as she patted the younger girl's head.

 "And seriously, I like you so much. So if it’s ok.. I'd like to fall for you." Yoona confessed.

 "Yoona.. You came back here, searched for me. All this efforts, I would be so bad if I won’t repay.." Seohyun said while looking down.

"N-no! Thats not how its gonna work, don't feel pity for me. I did efforts because I wanted to. If you would reject me it’s up to you.. Dont accept me for pity. Please." Yoona sadly said. She wants Seohyun yes, she does but if Seohyun accepts her just for pity upon her efforts it’s not the same.

 "I never said I didn't uh.. Like you, right?" Seohyun blushed as she replied to Yoona.

 "I didn't quite get you.." Yoona was confused.

 "I said.." Seohyun inhaled deeply.

"I like you as well.." exhaled.

 "Really? So I can improve it right? I can love you and you love me?" Yoona cheerfully said. She attempted to hug the younger girl but..

 "Wait! Feelings grow but they grow away too.." Seohyun stopped her. Yoona laughed and Seohyun as well.

 "Mine wont."

 In fact it’s been there for 9 years already, my feelings for you. Yoona mentally reminisced.


At Taeyeon's room. She was solving equations on her desk. She was preparing for a math contest. She stopped writing when she remembered what Hyoyeon had told her earlier.

 While think about it her hand was writing.. Scribbling..

 shick shick shick.

 She took a look at what she wrote. Taeyeon was surprised to see,



 The solution to her problem. The TaeNy equation.


 At Yuri's house.

 "Jessi what do you mean?" a red haired girl asked a brunette.

 "S-she j-!" The brunette was alarmed when the girl she referred to grabbed her leg.

 "Sica-mama please help Yul-papa.." the little girl told Jessica. Tiffany heard it but she thought about Yuri's condition so, she dragged Jessica to where Yuri was lying. The two little girls followed them in the back. Jessica was confused. Tiffany was confused as well.

 "Yuri.. hey! Wake up!"

 Im hearing Jessica's voice.

 "Yuri get up!"

 Tiffany too.

"I'll get her some water."

 Yuri opened her eyes she heard Tiffany run towards the kitchen. She saw Jessica. She sat up and rubbed her head.

 "Uhg my head.." Yuri complained.

 "Are you ok? What happen?" Jessica asked Yuri.

"Sica.." Yuri tried to recollect her memories. She remembered the child.

"Yeon Hee! Is she the Jessica you're referring to?" Yuri called out to the little a girl. She pointed at Jessica, the kid starred at Yuri.

 "Yes! Yul-papa it's Sica-mama!" the kid cheerfully said. Tiffany also came back from the kitchen, witnessing little Yeon Hee's words.

 "Now I see why you fainted." Tiffany said as she handed over Yuri a glass of water.


Chapter 7- The worst enemy.

 "Seriously?!" A brunette asked off curiosity. She can't believe that she has a daughter with Kwon Yuri. She always denies her feelings for Yuri, but now she sees a proof that she does but she still can't believe what she feels.

 Jessica calmly approached the little girl that was supposed to be her daughter. She felt a strong connection between them both; she carried the child into her arms.

 "Sica-mama, don't you love me?" The little girl asked Jessica. She wanted to refuse being her mother but seeing the kid almost crying.

 "I-I do.." She cradled the kid and hugged her tightly.

 "I’m gonna cry.. Can't contain.." A black haired girl said as she wiped her eyes.

 "Yea.. But this is so.. Crazy." A red haired girl said. A little girl approached her and hugged her.   

 "Fany-mommy, you love me like her right?" The little girl asked Tiffany. She looked at Yuri approach Jessica and Yeon Hee.

 Poor kid. Losing your dad.. I can’t afford to make her lonelier than this. Tiffany thought as she saw her daughter so lonely.

 "Ofcourse Hae-Hae! How about you stay home with Fany-mommy?" Tiffany bended down and patted Hae Rin's head.

 "Your.. daddy is just.. quite busy." Tiffany whispered to herself.

 "I can't contain! Sica! Let me hug you and my beautiful daughter!" Yuri rushed to hug her little family. She hugged them both tightly. Little Yeon Hee chuckled and Jessica smiled.

 "I love Sica-mama and Yul-papa!" Yeon Hee shouted. She broke free from the hug and approached Tiffany and Hae Rin.


Tiffany was quite suprised at YeonHee's teasing. She laughed it off but her child kept silent looking down. She carried the child thought of something to make her happy.

 "Yuri-ah, she's also your kid." Tiffany approached Yuri though Yuri is still in a middle of a hugging session with Jessica.

 "Oh! Haha sorry! What’s wrong Hae-baby?" Yuri cupped the girl's checks. Jessica was monitoring it.

 "I hate you Yul-daddy.." Hae Rin glared at Yuri.

 "W-whyy?" Yuri asked her daughter who made a really cute sad face.

 "Pabo!" Jessica and Tiffany shouted at Yuri.

 "Wae?" Yuri asked. Tiffany took Hae Rin with her to stand next to Jessica.

 "You have two kids. Two mothers.." Tiffany elaborated.

 "Fany-ah you know how much I like my Sica-baby.." Yuri replied. She flashed Jessica a wink and Jessica just rolled her eyes.

 "Kwaaaaaaaaaa!" Hae Rin cried.

"Idiot. You made her cry.." Tiffany glared at Yuri. Yuri replied with a confused face. Jessica came up to her.

 "Can we all talk?" Jessica asked. She took Yeon Hee's hands and took a seat at the sofa. Tiffany also did the same sitting beside Jessica with Hae Rin on her lap.Yuri was in front of them on the other sofa.

 "So what should we do?" She asked.

 "I don't know. But clearly you should stop the flirts with girls or else this will truly be the future." Jessica sighed and took a look at Hae Rin playing with her feet.

 "Geez Sica-baby. You know I’d never..Me and Tiffany.." Yuri defended and she pouted at Jessica.

 "Tiff? Wanna say something?" Jessica eyed Tiffany.

"Oh me? Well.. uhh.." Tiffany was not listening she was so busy looking at her daughter's cute actions that she thought having a cute daughter like Hae Rin was not so bad after all.

"I think I'll keep her.." Tiffany said.

 "Are you serious Hwang MiYoung? You’re tolerating Yuri's wrongful actions?" Jessica asked furiously.

 "I-I am not and why is it wrong? She's my daughter.." Tiffany replied.

 "It’s because.. Yuri should.." Jessica can’t say so. She wanted a child with Yuri, honestly. But Yuri having a child with Tiffany too is making her mad.

 "Only have a child with you..?" Tiffany took the words out of Jessica's mind. She knows her friend clearly but she really became fond of the child. Jessica remained silent.

 "I’m not gonna bother your relationship Jess. I just love Hae Rin, don’t you worry." Tiffany winked and smiled at Jessica. But Jessica won’t take such argument. She thought that in order to make a child there would be interactions. She was afraid of her friend now.

 "How can I not worry? If my future family is well.. very EXTENDED!? Because of you?" Jessica was mad at the situation but she took it on her friend.

 "Uhh?! Excuse me Soo Yeon Jung,me? Well maybe it’s you who would!" Tiffany didn’t mean to say so but her friend forced her to. She simply wanted to keep Hae Rin but Jessica clearly hates the child.

 "Me? Oh so you really had something on Yuri eh? All this time!" Jessica stood up and glared at Tiffany.

 "Woah! Wait maybe your forgetting something Jess. Hae Rin is older than yours meaning I was first! Now who's the crasher?"  Tiffany didn’t want so say so but she was losing her temper as well.

 "I always knew you’re a flirt." Jessica said to Tiffany's face. Tiffany lost it she stood up as well.

 "That’s it! That's off the hook! Tiffany and Jessica was about to grab each other but Yuri flown in between them. She stopped the two mothers.

 "Will you two stop it?! The children are watching!" She shouted at Jessica and Yuri.

 "This is your entire fault." Jessica said as she smacked Yuri's shoulder. She sat back near Yeon Hee.

 Aw.. Yuri thought.

 "Yeah. It’s your entire fault, Yuri." Tiffany agreed as she stomped on Yuri's foot. She took a seat and tugged Hae Rin by her arms.

 Aw.. Yuri thought.

"Me? Why?!" Yuri asked. She rubbed the body parts that sores from the earlier attacks of Tiffany and Jessica. "Geez.. It hurts you knoww!"

 "Serves you right.." Jessica strucked her tounge out as well.

 "Uhg.. G-get me ice please Sica.." Yuri asked for help but Jessica ignored her.

 "...Tiff please?" Yuri asked Tiffany but Tiffany looked away.

 "Uhhhhg! Me and my useless wives!" Yuri shouted as she tried to stand up. She was annoyed at her 'wives' who was completely not helping.

 But her two cute daughters came up to her and lend help. Yeon Hee hurried to the kitchen. Hae Rin offered Yuri support while walking.

"I guess my daughters are angels.. Their mothers are demons.." She whispered as she exited the living room.

 "We heard that!" Jessica and Tiffany shouted all together.

  Leaving Tiffany and Jessica alone together was not a action though. The two simply created invisible sparks that can create fire anytime.

 "It’s because you can't resist your hormones eh, Tiff?" Jessica blurted.

 "Oh look who's talking! Like your so innocent!" Tiffany replied.

 They stood up again and glared at each. Yuri came back with two children holding each of her hands. She wanted to rush towards the two fighting girls but she saw someone who she did not expect. Another trouble.

 "M-Mom?!" Yuri shouted. Jessica and Tiffany looked at where Yuri was looking.

 "Ohh! Yuri you never told me we are having visitors!" Yuri's mother said.


Chapter 8- 12:51

  A woman in a black coat stood of them. She looked around, she noticed a familiar girl. "Oh Tiffany-ssi, its late you girls are having slumber party or something?" She eyed the red haired girl.

 "Uhm y-yea aunty.. Good evening!" Tiffany was quite scared at the moment. She can’t even imagine what reaction will Yuri's mother make when she found out about the kids.

 "And you are?" The woman looked up to Jessica. "Jessica Jung maam, nice to meet you." Jessica bowed to show respect she thought this woman is Yuri's mother might as well show respect.

"Oh! Nice to meet you too." The older woman smiled at Jessica and was now heading to her own daughter.

 "Yuri you sh-" She stopped when she saw two cute girls hiding on Yuri's back.

 "Now who might you two be? My grandchildren?" Mrs. Kwon bended down and waved at the two kids.

 An invisible lighting struck Yuri, Jessica and Tiffany as Mrs.Kwon said the word 'grandchildren'.

 "What’s wrong Yuri-ah aren’t you gonna introduce me to them?" Yuri was stunned. She does not know what to do or say she looked up to Tiffany for answers. Tiffany just shakes her head.

 Mrs. Kwon was suspecting something though. "What are you guys up to?" She raised her eye brow and looked at Yuri then to Tiffany.

 Tension was building up. They needed an excuse; nobody was ready to tell the truth yet.

 You better run, run, run, run, run~ (Run devil Run song by SNSD)

 A phone rang, Jessicas. She answered it everybody looked at her.

 "Yea? Krys? Ohh.." Jessica answered the call from her sister. She thought of a plan that can help her escape.

 "Oh YeonHee? Yes. I’ll bring her home.. K. Bye!" Jessica quickly hang up. She went over to Yeon Hee and carried her.

 "Sorry maam but were babysitting this kids, apparently Yeon Hee has to leave." Jessica told Mrs. Kwon.

 "Ohh I thought I can spend time with my granddaughter.." Mrs. Kwon joked.

 "M-mom d-dont be silly! J-Jess, I'll walk you home.." Yuri followed Jessica and Yeon Hee.



 "Shhh.. That was close.." Yuri said as she wiped her sweat. "But grama would have to know soon Yul-papa.." Yeon Hee said as she was being carried by Jessica.

 "Ofcourse baby! Just not now though. Jess are you gonna take her home?"

 Yuri asked.

 "Obviously." Jessica replied with a cold tone.

 "What about your family?" Yuri asked.

 "Maybe I should come with you, I'll explain to them.." Yuri added.

 "Mom and dad are having their vacation at the Philippines. I'll be the one to explain to Krystal for now.." Jessica explained. She was thankful her parents are not at home, she can ask her sister for help in explaining when they get back.

 "Ok then you said so.." Yuri smiled at Jessica. "Take care of Sica-mama ok?" She patted Yeon Hee's head. The little girl just smiled.

 "What about Tiff?" Jessica asked.

 "Im sure one of her drivers will pick her up.." Yuri replied. Jessica just nodded.

 Rich kids puff. Jessica mentally criticized.

 "We'll ride a cab from here Yuri.." Jessica told Yuri. Yuri held onto her hand. She hugged Jessica from the back. She whispered.

 "Take care my future wife.."

Jessica quickly let go and went inside the car.

 One of your future wives. Hmp!Jessica thought.


  Yuri went home. It was already 12:15 and she cannot afford to be absent on school again.


 Yuri opened the door. She entered the room and found her mom watching cartoons.

 "Lol lady. You’re watching SpongeBob?" Yuri teased her mother. Her mom looked at her with a glare. "Ssshhhh!" Mrs. Kwon put an index finger on her lips to gesture silence to her daughter.

 Yuri was confused she looked over to her mom. She found a cute angel almost falling asleep on her mother's lap, but stopping herself because of watching SpongeBob.

 Yuri found Hae Rin rather cute and relaxing. She made her way to her room; she quickly jumped on her bed.

 "Awww! Yuri!" A voice screamed in pain. Yuri went off the person and took off the mattress covering the person.

 "Fany?! Why are you in my bed?!" Yuri asked her intruder.

 "Your mom asked me to sleep here.. Yuri-ah, I’m too sleepy can't we just let me sleep now and talk tomorrow?.." Tiffany elaborated. The red haired girl was so sleepy that while saying her explanation her eyes were half closed.

 "Ok fine. But move this is my bed.. Singles bed." Yuri said as she went beside Tiffany. Tiffany already went to her dreamland. Yuri sighed.

 It used to be normal that they slept together; they were closer than best friends. But after the past years, they became quite apart. Sleeping with her became awkward. It felt like she was cheating on Jessica, though they are doing nothing and Jessica was not even her girlfriend.

 "Yuri-ah they kept on bothering me!" A short haired, black haired girl asked Yuri. "Hey will you guys stop bothering my girl friend!"


 "Yeah so get lost!"

Two boys left broken hearted. Two girls laughed.

Tiffany smiles while she's sleeping. She murmured the name of her mother.

 "You never change Fany-ah.." Yuri smiled as she watched her friend's sleeping habits and she felt sleepy as well. 12:45 Yuri went to sleep.

 Yuri's mother sneaked in quietly to check if Yuri and Tiffany is asleep. She looked at the two hugging each other. She found it delightful that they are still best friends over the years.

"How sweet young love.."

The Kwon family house became silent. Everyone went to sleep.

 Yuri woke up again..

She looked at the person in front of her, she was hugging her tightly. She remembered that she used to do this.

 12:51, Thinking of you again.

 She placed a gentle kiss on the red head's forehead.

 12:51, Moving on.


Chapter 9 - Ice Princess.

 "Good morning Yuri!" A red haired girl greeted a black haired girl sleeping beside her. "F-fany?"

 "Yea? Get up or well be late dumbass!" Tiffany held on to Yuri's shoulder and pulled Yuri up. The red haired girl was not that strong though, so she ended up falling on top of Yuri instead.

 "Uhhg.. Sorry!" Tiffany became alarmed she wanted to get off immediately but Yuri held on to her.

 "I-Its ok.." She smiled. She pushed Tiffany lightly to get her off.

 They both exited the room. "I prepared breakfast!" Tiffany cheerfully said as she dragged Yuri down stairs. Yuri noticed Tiffany was already wearing her uniform.

 As they went down. Hae Rin was with her grandmother, again watching cartoons. "Good morning Yul-daddy!" Hae Rin greeted her. Yuri became alarmed she signaled her daughter not to say it out loud. Tiffany also rushed to cover Hae Rin's mouth. Mrs. Kwon looked at them straight.

 "No need to. I know everything now you two." The woman stood up.

 "I am a doctor.." She picked up Hae Rin. "I know her facial structures.. It’s definitely Yuri plus Tiffany." She went near Tiffany and Yuri.

 "Of course I can’t believe it as well. But you two are bad parents! Asking a child to lie!" Mrs. Kwon furiously shouted at the suspects.

 "B-but mom we j-just.." Yuri tried to find an answer but her mom was right. Hae Rin was a good kid so she would not tell a lie, asking her to do a bad thing was definitely wrong.

 "She told me everything earlier.."

Mrs. Kwom sighed. "So what are you planning now Yul?"

 "Uhg.. Take care of her?" Yuri replied.

Silence roamed the room as they all waited for Mrs. Kwon to react.

 "I'll take care of my cute grand daughteeeeeer!" Mrs. Kwon hugged Hae Rin tightly and kissed her on the checks.

 "Seriously mom? Well what about work?" Yuri was shocked at her mother.

 "I'll take her there.. Introduce my cute granddaughter to my co-doctors!" Mrs.Kwon was so happy.

 "I knew it.. You two are lovers aren't you?!" Mrs. Kwon quickly changed her mood and straightly stared at the parents.

 "N-no were not!" Both shouted.

 "No? Then you both better be sooner! Make my cute granddaughter soon ok?" She winked at the two. And Tiffany and Yuri just bowed their head in frustration.

 After 30 minutes both went to school. They rode on Tiffany's car.


 "Geez. Sorry about mom ok, Tiff?" Yuri felt guilty of her moms words. Tiffany just flashed her eye smile.

 "No problemoo,Yuri!" Yuri smiled as well.

 "You know, Hae Rin got your eye smile."

 "Really? Then she'll grow up and make boys cry! Haha" Tiffany laughed.

 "Lol some good mother you are!" Yuri sarcastically said.

 "I’m just kidding.. Yul-daddy!" Tiffany put her head on Yuri's shoulder.

 "She can be the new mushroom! Fany-mommy.."

 Yuri said as she put her hand on Tiffany's head. They both laughed.

 The driver bid his farewell to Tiffany. Before going Tiffany asked him to shop clothes for a 9 year old kid, the driver did not ask though. He simply followed his master's order.

 Tiffany ran to catch up to Yuri. She saw a familiar person on the hall way of the second year. Tiffany left Yuri and ran up to the person.



Tiffany took the time to catch her breath for a while. She smiled at Taeyeon.

 "W-why are you here? Can you say i-it’s because of me Tae?" Tiffany pleaded. She really wanted to have a chance to talk with Taeyeon.

Yuri walked near to Tiffany.

"You ok, Tiff?" Yuri asked as she put her hand on Tiffany's shoulder.

 Taeyeon was looking at them. "Im ok Yuri-ah.. Tae please?" Tiffany smiled at Yuri then to Taeyeon.

 "I just came to talk to your class president is Ms. Han here?" Taeyeon coldly said.

 "Oh you can come in and look, President." Yuri opened the door for Taeyeon. "Thanks Yuri-ssi."

 Tiffany felt sad. Taeyeon was still ignoring her and she felt Yuri isnt helping at all.

 "Yuri-ah, your mother asked us to be lovers soon.." Tiffany said as she looked down. "Don’t take it seriously she does not know about my Sica yet." Yuri chuckled.

 "Good. Cause I don’t think I can be your lover.." Tiffany said as she stared at Taeyeon. She went inside the classroom and took her seat.

 Yuri questioned.

 So she really likes Kim Taeyeon? Wait. I shouldn't care right?

"Good morning Hyo! Good morning princess!" Yuri greeted Jessica and Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon smiled at Yuri while Jessica just took a peek and stared at the window again. "How's my wife and baby?" Yuri question as she sat beside Jessica.

 "Wife no.2 Fine.." Jessica said.

 "Wife no.2?" Yuri was confused.

 "Wife no.1.." Jessica pointed at Tiffany whos busy staring at Taeyeon.

 "Wife no.2.." She pointed at herself.

 "Your my one and only silly!" Yuri said just as that Taeyeon exited the room, waving goodbye to Ms.Han. Tiffany was looking at them.

 "Uhg! Im prettier than her right?!" Tiffany asked Hyoyeon. "Uhh.. Of course! But why so jealous?" Hyoyeon teased her friend.

 "Hmp her skin is not even fair plus I have better hair and I-" Before Tiffany could criticize more, Hyoyeon put her hand to stop Tiffany's blabbering.

 "Tiff, she's our classmate. She has friends here if they hear you, you'd be in a fight.." Hyoyeon explained.

 "Well it’s ok. I'd take them all.." Tiffany pouted.

 "As if that could win Taeyeon back." Hyoyeon finally found the words that could stop Tiffany from nagging.

 Tiffany was taken back, she realized she was never like this before. She felt sad again, fearing that Taeyeon will never talk to her again.


Class started in every room. Meanwhile,

 "Unnie, what time will Sica-mama go home? A little girl asked a black haired girl.

 "You asked that for the fifth time Yeon Hee-ssi. Later, afternoon. Ok?" The black haired girl replied. She continued to type in her laptop.

 "Krsytal-unnie, I want some water." Yeon Hee went up to Krystal.

 "Geez. Ok princess.." Krystal got off her seat and went to the fridge.

 When she came back the little girl was staring at the sky. Quietly looking at its grace and peace.

 "Psst. Princess your water.." Krystal gave Yeon Hee the glass of water.

 "Unnie.. Thank you." Yeon Hee looked up to Krystal.

 "You certainly look like unnie, dont you know?" Krystal bended down and pinched the kid's checks.

 "Please don't it hurts unnie.." Yeon Hee asked in pain.

 "You act like her, boss like her and you’re as impatient as her! Haha" Krystal continued to pinch the kid's checks. She even added another hand to the other check.

 "This can be my revenge! Haha!" Krystal laughed.

 "U-uuniiee!" Yeon Hee screamed.

"If I can’t have my revenge on Sica-unnie I'll-Aww!" Krystal stopped her action when Yeon Hee kicked her on the stomach.

 "I warned you to stop, unnie." Yeon Hee raised her eye brow and drank her water. She made her way back to Jessica's bed.

 "Y-you little!" Krystal complained in pain as she held on to her stomach.

 "I'll be sleeping unnie, please be quiet." Yeon Hee asked Krystal and she hugged her mother’s pillow tight.

 She commands me yet she dared and call me UNNIE?! Krystal mentally complained. She sat back to her seat facing her laptop. She posted at Facebook.

 The awkward moment when a little kid boss you around. DFQ. Hell-dislike.

 6 likes. Goodluck Krystal.


Chapter 10- Enter the fray.

 Lunch time at SooMan high.

 "Seohyun-ah what do you want to eat?" A black haired girl stood beside another. The other girl was writing and kept silent. "Seohyun-ah? Aren’t you hungry?" The black haired girl asked.

 "Yoona you can go if you want.." Seohyun answered without looking at Yoona.

 "Nah I'll wait.." Yoona grabbed a seat and sat beside Seohyun. A blonde girl approached them.

 "JooHyun-ssi just eat I'll take over.." She said as she patted Seohyun by the shoulder.

 "B-but Sunny-unnie.." Seohyun sulked and looked at the papers she's writing.

 "You’re a secretary not the auditor and treasurer.. Give it to me. Me and Taeyeon can take over." Sunny smiled at Seohyun. Sunny took the papers and folders at the table. She eyed Yoona, and Yoona bowed to her.

 "Im Yoona right? Hehe take care of our baby ok." Sunny bid her farewell and smiled, at Yoona and Seohyun leaving.

 Sunny went to inside the room of the president. She placed the papers and folders on the President's desk.

 "Here, more work for you Taengoo." Sunny chuckled. Taeyeon was simply stuck at looking at her phone.

 "She's not texting.." Taeyeon whispered.

 Sunny rubbed her head. "Why would she text you if you won’t text her?" Sunny said and from that Taeyeon snapped back to reality. Taeyeon hurriedly hid her phone and pretended to write something.

 "Ah! Sunny, w-where's Sooyo-young?" Taeyeon made an excuse.

 "She's having lunch, Joohyun too. So you wanna eat? Sunny said as she took a seat in front of Taeyeon's desk.

 "I-I.." Taeyeon wanted to eat, but the thought of seeing Tiffany with Yuri only hurts her. "Im not hungry.. Go and eat." Taeyeon added.

 "Suit yourself. Later Taengoo!" Sunny left. As soon as Sunny left, she put her phone out again.

 Ppani-ah.. I don’t know what to do.. She thought as she pouted. She felt her stomach growl from hunger. Having no other solution she buried herself on her desk.

At the cafeteria.

 Sunny approached Sooyoung whos lively eating. "Yah. Shikshin!" Sunny called her friend who’s in the middle of swallowing her food.

 "Ouhh! Ch-chunny-ah!" Sooyoung blurtted.

 "Stop talking while you’re eating Soo!" A black haired girl scolded Sooyoung. Sooyoung drank some water and gulped deeply.

 "Sorry Yuri-ssi.. Sunny seat here beside me and Hyo-ssi!" Sooyoung directed Sunny and she sat beside her. Across them she eyed a brunette and a red haired girl seating beside Yuri.

 "Jessica Jung and Tiffany Hwang, right?" Sunny smiled at the two. Tiffany shaked Sunny's hand. Jessica just gave a small bow.

 "Im Sunny Lee,senior. Nice to meet you." Sunny bowed and smiled.

 "Don't have to be formal, you see Hyo and Yuri here are my co-members in the Dance troupe.." Sooyoung explained.

 "Oh I see. Yuri-ssi, forgive Sooyoung for eating too much while practice, Hyo-ssi too!" Sunny joked. Yuri and Hyoyeon laughed because it was partly true.

 "Were used to it Sunny-unnie. Hehe so we just give her extra practices.." Yuri told them she smiled at Sunny. But Jessica was not amused by this. She was feeling the vibes of Yuri's flirting mode again.

 "Aww!" Yuri screamed as Jessica stomped on her foot. Tiffany and Hyoyeon chuckled.

 "Yuri-ah, now I know why you have two daughters.." Tiffany joked and Hyoyeon laughed drastically. Sunny and Sooyoung was left confussed, but Sooyoung continued to eat.

 "I guess you guys are fun to be with hehe" Sunny complimented the crew.

 "Yeah.. When there's no hitting and stomping and pushing and kicking, yes.." Yuri complained. She made sure her wives are hearing so.


 "Can I feed you?" Yoona asked Seohyun. "Y-Yoona.." Seohyun doesnt want to show it but she is indeed shy and blushing. They ate at the garden where it was cool and breezy.

 "Nobodys here.. Please say ahh!" Yoona put out a cute face and pleaded.

 "T-there is.. You and me and..Keroro!" Seohyun put out her cute keroro plushie. Yoona gave it to her just today.

 "I'll stab Keroro with this fork and then he's gone.." Yoona glared at the toy and gestured to stab the toy.

 "No Yoona or I'll hate you forever!" Seohyun hid her toy by her side.

 "Kwaa! Seohyun must choose between Yoong and Keroro.." Yoona showed Seohyun an almost crying face.

 "You’re a good actress Yoona." Seohyun said as she smiled at Yoona.

 "Does that mean you choose me?"

 "Only because of your acting skills."


It was afternoon time for dismissal of students.

 At the council room.

"Taengoo?" Sunny approached Taeyeon who’s sleeping at her desk.

 "Can we go home now, Sunny?" Sooyoung entered the room as well. Sunny looked at the papers they were working on.

 "I g-guess so.. Taeyeon finished everything.." Sunny was amaze at their hard-working president. Sunny decided to wake Taeyeon up.

 "Taengoo, wake up.."

 "Uhg.. Sunny-ssi? Oh is it time to go home?" Taeyeon stretched a bit.

 "Yeah Tae lets go home together.." Sooyoung cheerefully said. "Ok.." Taeyeon agreed. Outside the room, Seohyun and Yoona are waiting.

 "Joohyun-ssi, Yoona-ssi you guys can go home now." Sunny told the two.

 "But the papers unnie?" Seohyun asked with concerns. "I did them all, Hyun. Take care on your way ok?" Taeyeon said as she went out of the president's room.

They bid their farewell and went part ways. Yoona and Seohyun walked together, while Sunny, Taeyeon and Sooyoung was together.

 "I’m hungry.. Can we stop by a convenient store?" Taeyeon remembered her hunger.

 "Wow! I totally agree." Sooyoung agreed.

 "Ok then." Sunny just smiled.

 Taeyeon ate a spicy noodle while Sooyoung dig in on a burger, Sunny drank a chocolate drink.

 Trust Tiffany too. Taeyeon remembered her short conversation with Hyoyeon. She wanted to believe but someone was definitely bothering her, Yuri.

 "Yuri-ssi seemed like a nice person.." Sunny told her friends. "Hmm.. Hyo-ssi too." She added.

 "We can hang out with them a lot of times if you want.." Sooyoung replied.

 "Yuri-ssi is funny. Hehe" Sunny smiled to herself. Taeyeon just hated hearing that name, worse hearing compliments about Yuri.

 "I think she's fun to be with too.." Sunny added. Taeyeon wanted to stop her friend but something came up to her head.

 "Sunny-ah is it possible that you like Yuri-ssi?" Taeyeon asked. Sooyoung choked at Taeyeon's sudden question.

 If she gets Yuri.. I can have Tiffany right?

Chapter 11-High Class.

 "Granny, who is this person?" A little girl asked in confusion. She approached her grandmother and tugged herself on her waist.

 "Oh you haven't met your grandfather?" A woman quickly comforted the kid.

 "Is it her?" The man in a black suit asked.

 "Well yeah, care to take a look?" The woman gave the child to the man.


 "Impossible, right?"



 Back at the convenience store.

 "Taengoo why won’t I like her? I think she's a nice person." Sunny answered to Taeyeon. It took her time to answer because she wanted to think about it.

 "Interest?" Taeyeon quickly added.

 "Well.. I don’t know.." Sunny really doesn’t know what to answer on Taeyeon's question.

 "Well, uhmm Soo, Yuri doesn’t have a girl friend right?" Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung quietly chomping on her food. "Sooyoung?" Taeyeon asked. She gave her friend a cup of her juice; she wanted Sooyoung's answer now.

 "Khg.. I think no.." Sooyoung exhaled and patted Sunny. "She's quite the sweet talker Sunny better watch out.."

 "I think you too look cute together." Taeyeon patted Sunny too. She laughed because Sunny blushed a bit.

 "St-stop it will you two!" Sunny quickly took off her friend's hands.

 "We just met today.. Geez." Sunny pouted but her friends were clearly encouraging her. She looked at Taeyeon who's smiling widely.

 "What's with the smile, Taengoo?"

Taeyeon caught herself and quickly pretended to cough.

 "Ehem. I-it’s nothing.."

 "We better go now guys, it’s getting late.." Sooyoung told her friends. They exited the store. Taeyeon walked alone going on the right side. Sunny and Sooyoung went on the left together.

 Taeyeon held on to her phone. She attempted to text her dear Tiffany. But she froze looking at the phone, not knowing what to say; after her actions to avoid Tiffany.

 "Taeyeon psst!" Taeyeon heard a familiar voice. It was Hyoyeon she remembered, they live near each other. "Hyoyeon-ssi.. Hello." Taeyeon waved as Hyoyeon exited her house.

 "You look down, Tiffany problems? Hehe" Hyoyeon asked.

 "Y-yeah, a bit.. How's Tiffany? And you and Jessica of course.." She added Tiffany's friends to make it less obvious that she cares for Tiffany.

 "Hmm. I’m ok, Jessica is ok, I think. But your Tiffany is not.." Hyoyeon answered. Taeyeon wanted to ask why, it came into her mind it was because of her, but parts were saying it was because of Yuri.

 "Have you two talked?" Hyoyeon asked.

 "No.. I don’t know what to say.."

 "Tell her how you feel.."

 "I’m afraid to be hurt again.."


 On Tiffany's car. Jessica, Yuri and Tiffany herself were on their way to Yuri's house. They have decided to tell Yuri's mother about Yeon Hee as well. Throughout the travel, the three adults remained silent. Yeon Hee noticed all the toys , plushies and clothes around, being a child she jumped off Jessica's lap. She eyed the cute white teddy bear.

 "Yeon Hee-ssi, it’s not yours.." Jessica called her baby. She knew Tiffany bought it for Hae Rin. Tiffany noticed this, she was not greedy and selfish so she reached for the bear.

 "Here,Yeon Hee-ssi you can have it. A gift from me.." Tiffany gave the bear to the girl and flashed the kid her eye smile.

 "Now what do you say?" Yuri smiled at Yeon Hee. "T-thank y-you.." Yeon Hee shyly said.

 "Aunty Fany" Tiffany added and she picked the kid up.

 "She's really cute. She's as shy as her mama.." Tiffany hugged the kid tight. Yeon Hee just buried herself in the white bear. "I’m not. I’m straight forward.." Jessica declined.

 "Well I agree with Fany.." Yuri said as she came closer to Jessica's neckline.

 "N-no!" Jessica quickly pushed Yuri away. She was blushing heavily because of Yuri's action.

 "See, Yeon Hee like your mama haha!" Yuri laughed in victory. Tiffany laughed as well.

 They arrived at Yuri's house just in time for dinner. Yuri told the other three to stay outside for a while because she wants her mother's full attention to what she will reveal in a moment.

 "Wait for me ok? Yeon Hee be good. Ok?" Yuri smiled at her daughter. Her daughter replied with a simple nod and smile. "But please hurry Yul-papa, I hate waiting." Yeon Hee added.

Lol its little impatient Sica. Yuri mentally said.  "Sure baby, wait ok?"

 Yuri went inside leaving the three.

I’m afraid to witness another world war.Yeon Hee thought.

 "Geez Tiff, you’re really serious about this baby matter?" Jessica asked as she looked far away.

 "What do you mean am I sure? I am Sica.. I never had a sister. Because of her I can finally have one.." Tiffany answered. Her mother died after giving birth to her, having Hae Rin by her side she wanted to fill up the mother part that her mother lost. She did not want a very good kid to be deprived of birth.

 "You can.. Couldn't be with someone else? You know I like Yuri." Jessica straightly said. But her friend is not getting her words.

 "I know you do but Jess I love the kid.. Seriously." Tiffany told her friend.


Jessica became silent.

 "Rich kids always get what they want eh?.." Jessica said so. She looked down to Yeoh Hee looking concerned at her.

 "Why are you always bitter about rich people? Especially mine?" Tiffany was offended.

 "People look at them high when they are just some High-class flirts." Jessica complained.

"Fine! Im a high class flirt but piece of advice from a flirt, If you want Yuri so bad, please stop with the hard-to-get act ok?" Tiffany was totally offended with her friend's words.

 "At least I know Yuri likes me back, well you?" Jessica looked at Tiffany. Tiffany had no other words to battle what Jessica had just said. She just frowned and looked down.

You know nothing Jess.. Tiffany kept it to herself. Even though Jessica is telling her hurtful words to her face, she still considered Jessica a friend. She blamed fate for playing on them like this.

It was getting silent, suddenly the door opened. Yuri came out sweating bullets.

 "Jess, can we cancel the little revelation today?" Yuri asked in an afraid tone.

 "B-but why?" Jessica and Yeon Hee asked. "Well you see.. I have a little problem.. Tiffany.." Yuri looked at Tiffany who was looking down. Before Yuri could say something pairs of feet were running towards them.

 "Grampa, my Fany-mommy is here hurry!" They see a little girl pulling a man in a black suit. "Ok ok little Hae Rin. Not like Stephanie will hide from me.."

 Tiffany became alarmed, 'Stephanie' only one person called her so. Her father.


Chapter 12 – Taking it seriously.

 "Yoona-ah, t-this is too much.." Seohyun was blushing. Before they went home, Yoona treated Seohyun on a restaurant. The restaurant was Italian, fine and very sophisticated.

 "Naa it's not. In fact, it’s not enough.. Just enjoy the night Hyunnie.." Yoona smiled at Yoona.

"Were wearing uniform.. Everyone here is well.. Fashionable.." Seohyun looked down on herself. She felt very uncomfortable being around classy people while Yoona and she are just plain students.

 "Don't mind them.." Yoona smiled yet again. Their orders were brought; Yoona bought a very expensive dish for Seohyun. She did not mind it though because she dreamt of this a long time.

 "Uhh..." Seohyun had no words to say, seeing so many foods, glamour and expensive. Seohyun simply thought Yoona was doing too much.

 "Well, let's eat Hyunnie!" Yoona took the first bite. She took the time to compliment the food, in her head. After a while she noticed Seohyun not eating.

 "Hyunnie, aren't you hungry?"

 "I-I just d-dont.. feel right.." Seohyun answered.

 "Oh.." Yoona stopped eating. She stood up and went to the counter. Seohyun felt confused at Yoona's action, she stood up but Yoona signaled her to sit down again. Seohyun waited.

 "Let's go?" Yoona came back and asked Seohyun. "G-go? But the food.." Seohyun took a look at the foods untouched.

 "Just follow me ok? Don't you worry.."

Yoona held Seohyun's wrist. She pulled Seohyun out of the fine restaurant. They ran till Yoona stopped in front of a simple Korean noodle shop.

 "Will you be more comfortable here?" Yoona asked Seohyun. Seohyun smiled at her. They went inside. Holding each other's hand.


 Tiffany sneaked walking out of Yuri's house. She hid herself on her hands.

 "Stephanie, where are you going?" a low pitch voice called Tiffany.

 "Uhh.. Comfort room d-dad?" Tiffany looked back. She was afrain that her dad will scold her if he knows about Hae Rin. "The comfort room is inside Stephanie.." Mr. Hwang frankly said.

 "O-oh yea haha? haha.." Tiffany went back. "Hae Rin, tell your Fany-mommy, I need to talk to her." Mr. Hwang went inside and left Hae Rin. Everyone was shocked. Yuri scratched her head; it was another trouble for her.

I doubt I can sway this same as mom..Yuri felt the wind of trouble coming by again.

 Inside the Kwon family residence. Hae Rin sat in Tiffany's lap. Jessica and Yeon Hee did the same, Yuri sat in between them. Mrs.Kwon sat in a comfortable manner beside Mr. Hwang.

 "Wh-when did you get back d-dad? Hehe" Tiffany asked her dad.

 "Since your aunty called me.. Just today.." Mr. Hwang answered.

 "I called him Fany-ssi.." Mrs. Kwon added.

 The three teenagers now realized that Mr. Hwang knows about Hae Rin. It deeply caused Tiffany and Yuri to

sweat, fearing what Mr. Hwang might say or decide.

 "Stephanie.." Mr. Hwang fixed his fringe. "Yuri-ssi.."

 "Y-yes?" They both answered. Both felt a pang of fear as they waited for Mr. Hwang's word.

 "We have decided.. Your mother and I, decided.." Mr. Hwang stopped, he looked at Mrs. Kwon.

 "We want you two to get married soon.." Mrs. Kwon spoke straight, starring at Yuri.

 "B-but mom!?" Yuri quickly stood up.

 "Sit back Kwon Yuri, show some respect.." Mrs. Kwon scolded Yuri. Yuri sat down again; she regained her composure as she took a sight of Jessica.

 "M-mom Tiffany and I w-we're friends.."

 "Yuri-ssi, the both of you have a responsibility on Hae Rin." Mr. Hwang replied.

 "Yuri and Jessica are lovers dad.." Tiffany said. Everyone eyed Tiffany from that statement.

 "We have a responsibility on Hae Rin but we both have different choices in life dad, you can't just decide on it. I’m sorry if I’m being disrespectful but you too aunty, please understand." Tiffany suddenly became serious. Her words made Yuri's mouth drop, even Jessica was shocked. Jessica swayed her look when Tiffany looked at her.

 "Jessi, maybe you can tell them your side. In our status in life, it may be unfair but I know fair when it comes to opinions.." Tiffany seriously said. Hae Rin took a look at her mother with a concern look.

 "Fany-mommy are you ok?" Hae Rin asked. "I am baby, don't you worry.."

 Tiffany smiled at her baby and back hugged Hae Rin tightly. Yuri patted Hae Rin's head. "Your mommy has a serious side too, Hae-baby.." Yuri smiled at her daughter; she needed to comfort Hae Rin because the kid was concerned at her mother.

 Jessica took a deep breath. She was ready to say something but Yuri held her hand.

"Y-Yuri?" Jessica asked. Yuri just smiled, letting Jessica know she will take over.

 "Mom, Mr. Hwang im pretty sure you know Hae Rin's my daughter in the future. You guys see.." Yuri stopped as she looked at Yeon Hee. "Go on, Yuri-ssi.." Mr. Hwang fixed his lenses to gesture he was listening.

"Yeon Hee here is just the same as Hae Rin, my daughter in the future.." Yuri explained. Tiffany remained silent and continued to hug her baby, Hae Rin. Jessica on the other hand, held Yuri's and Yeon Hee's hand.

"...With Jessica." Yuri added.


 "Bye, Yoona.. Thank you for today. I had fun." Seohyun bid her farewell to Yoona. Yoona smiled at her dear Seohyun. "I'll text you ok, Hyunnie?"

 "Ok, Yoona. Just text, I won’t reply though.." Seohyun joked and Yoona pouted. "Please reply!"

"Hehe yes, Yoona. Good night."

 "Good night, Hyunnie." She waved Seohyun goodbye, she bowed when she saw Seohyun's mother smiling at her.

 Yoona walked back to her car. She went inside and lied herself comfortably on the back seat. She felt her phone vibrate, she brought it out.

Take care, Yoongie. :)

It was a message from Seohyun.


You too, Hyunnie. I love you!

Chapter 13 - Starting again. [P1]

 "Jessica?" Yuri's mother asked in confusion. "A daughter with another?" Mr. Hwang questioned.

 "I told you, they are lovers. Not me and Yuri, so dad and aunty. We cant get married.. Especially now." Tiffany smiled at the adults. Deep inside her she realized, having Hae Rin is impossible because of what Jessica had said earlier outside.

  At least I know Yuri likes me back well you?

 Mr. Hwang did not say anything. He simply stood and signaled Tiffany that they needed to go home. Tiffany carried Hae Rin and stood up as well.

 "Hae-baby, say goodbye to them.." Hae Rin went down from Tiffany's arms to hug her grandmother. "I had fun today grama! Next time again please?" Hae Rin showed her eye smile.

 "Sure my little angel.." Mrs. Kwon hugged her granddaughter. Cant contain her feelings, Yuri grabbed Hae Rin and hugged her. "I love you Hae-baby, take care of Fany ok?"

 "its Fany-mommy, Yul-daddy.." Hae Rin showed a cute pout, Tiffany just smiled.

 "Well lets go?" Tiffany asked her cute daughter. "Uhm!" Hae Rin smiled and followed her mother.

 Yuri watched them leave. Jessica and Yeon Hee remained quiet though.

 "Do you want to go home, Jess?" Yuri asked Jessica. "Yeah.. I wanna rest.. It's very frustrating." Jessica complained and she stood up. Yuri carried Yeon Hee who slept on her shoulder.

 "Maam, I'll we'll be going now. Thank you.." Jessica bid her farewell and bow to Mrs.Kwon.

 "Mom is ok, Jessica my dear.." Mrs. Kwon said, Yuri giggled on her mom's clear acceptance of the issues.

 "And bring Yeon Hee here tomorrow its Sunday anyways.." Mrs. Kwon added and after that Yuri and her little family left outside.

 "Yuri-ah, I was so mean on Tiffany.." Jessica stopped and clenched her fist. "We’ll tell her your sorry, Jess. She'll understand." Yuri replied back.

 "I was.. Jealous of her.."

 "Why? You have me hehe"

 "Silly.. It’s just that.. Somehow I wanted to be like her.. Nice, confident, talented, rich and beautiful.." Jessica sighed in frustration.

 "Are you describing yourself, honey?" Yuri said. She smiled at Jessica. Jessica just frowned at her.

 "Ok not the rich part but all those words describe you, Jessica Jung.." Yuri added.

 "Sweet talker Kwon Yuri.." Jessica murmured.

 "Honey, it’s how I see you.. It’s not sweet talk. It's something called honesty." Yuri smiled at Jessica.

 They looked at each other. Jessica smiled as well.

 "Honest talk?" She took a step closer and kissed Yuri on the checks.

 Stepping back from their short distance, Jessica smiled at Yuri's face totally red.

 "I can die now you know.." Yuri smiled as she blushed heavily at the kiss.

 "Your so-called Honest talk somehow made me easy." Jessica winked at Yuri.

 "Then I should do it often!" Yuri exclaimed.

 "Heh. Don’t push it, Yul.." Jessica replied.

 A cab arrived and Jessica rode it with Yeon Hee. Yuri waved good bye with a smile.

 I guess it turned out good. Yuri thought as she watched the cab away.

 When she got home she was prepared for a scolding from her mother, she even thought of words to say on the way. But when she entered her mother was already in her room.

 "Thank heavens!" Yuri happily whispered as she walked inside her bedroom. She remembered Tiffany and wondered if she's ok.

 Before she went to her bed she took a look at the picture frame on her table. It was Tiffany smiling, shinning with her eye smile. Yuri just smiled at her friend; she took the picture out of the frame.

 "Kwon Tiffany..?" Yuri read the name written in the back.

 "Hmm I wonder who put this here.." Yuri questioned who put the picture there. She kept the picture underneath her pillow.

 Jessica Kwon and Tiffany Kwon, Lol. Who decided that I’m the dad? Yuri mentally complained but she smiled. Remembering Jessica's kiss, their relationship is growing. She drifted off to sleep holding the check Jessica kissed.


Chapter 14- Starting again 2

On the Hwang mansion.

 "Good night Fany-mommy!" Hae Rin hugged her mother and placed a peck on her checks. "Good night my baby.."

Tiffany kissed her baby on the checks.

Mwaaaaa! Hae Rin giggled and she lied down by her mother's arms. Tiffany hugged her baby lightly.

 Before Tiffany completely drifted to her dreamland, she remembered something she kept on forgetting.

 She quietly got off her bed, making it really careful not to wake up her princess. She took her phone and she found one message from Taeyeon.


 Tiffany's eyes widden to see Taeyeon's text. It was around the time when she's in Yuri's house, with no second thoughts she replied immediately.


 She wanted it simple because she does not know if Taeyeon was still awake. She sat down on the edge of her bed  and looked at Taeyeon's previous messages.


 "Another 'hi' I wonder who's this freak.." A black haired girl said.

 "You get that a lot Tiff, maybe some jockeys.." A blonde girl walked near Tiffany. They both sat down on their respective seats.

 "Hyo, I gave them my number and I saved theirs as well.. Geez I hate it when a stranger texts me. I mean how do they get my number!?" The black haired girl complained as she placed her head on her palm.

 "Calm down, Tiff. Why don’t you just try and ask?" Hyoyeon suggested. "I did but I don’t get any answers.."

If you dont reply I won’t ever talk to you.


Are you a maniac?! Damn I'll call the police!

Hi. Wait no I’m a fan.

Fan? More like a stalker. How did you get my number?


What? Fanytastic?


Will you please just tell me who you are or I swear I'll call the police to track you down. Maniac.

Kim Taeyeon. 2nd year.

 "Oh Tae.." Tiffany chuckled a bit. Remembering those times that Taeyeon often texted her 'Hi'. Tiffany's phone lit up again, it was a reply from Taeyeon.

Im sorry. Why are you still awake? How's your little kid? Hehe I missed you Tiffany. I’m really sorry, I wish you can forgive me.

Tiffany replied with a simple Hi.

Awwwwww! Are you mad at me? I’m really sorry Tiffany.. :(( I'll die if you don't forgive me. >o<

Hi. Wait no don't!

... Then please tell me how are you? I missed you really. Sorry..

Tiffany Hwang. 2nd year.

 Tiffany was laughing at her replies, clearly she was imitating everything Taeyeon texted her back then. Taeyeon feeling so confused she quickly called Tiffany. Tiffany answered while she was still laughing, Taeyeon became more confused.

 "Ppani-ah, are y-you ok?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Im going crazy Tae.. Hahaha!" Tiffany replied. "Well you better admit yourself to a psychologist." Taeyeon said, Tiffany just bursted into laughter.

 "It was a joke you dork!" Tiffany still laughed. "Then why are you still laughing? You’re not seeing my face anyways.." Taeyeon was completely confused.

"Tae-Tae your such a dork.." Tiffany teased Taeyeon, she still continued to chuckle.

 "Ehh?! I’m sorry I'll try to change it.." Taeyeon replied.

 "I hate you Tae.." Tiffany suddenly stopped laughing. Taeyeon remained silent, ready for any blames Tiffany will give.

 "'You avoided me so well that it caused me to miss you so much.." Tiffany added. Taeyeon did not answer, Tiffany can hear someone scolding Taeyeon; knowing Taeyeon it must be her mother.

 "Im really sorry Ppani-ah. I wish I can talk to you longer but my mom is complaining hehe you know.. But I really missed you!" Taeyeon talked too fast that Tiffany only heard the 'missed you' part, it caused her to smile.

 "I missed you more Tae.."

 "Let's go out tomorrow, bring your little girl if you want,Ppani-ah.." Taeyeon added before saying goodbye and hanging up the call. Tiffany took a look at Hae Rin and smiled. She lied beside the kid feeling better after her talk with Taeyeon.

 She took a rest for the night with a smile and hugged her baby all night long.


Chapter 15 - One down, Add another.

 Morning at the Hwang mansion.

 Tiffany woke up early to join her father while eating, she did not woke Hae Rin because the little angel was sleeping soundly. "Good morning, daddy." Tiffany greeted her dad and placed a peck on his dad's check.

 "Good morning Stephanie where's Hae Rin?" Mr. Hwang questioned as he look over his ipad.

 "Sleeping soundly. She's so cute that I can’t bear to disturb her hehe" Tiffany chuckled and she took a seat on the dining table.

 "You look so happy, what gives?" Mr. Hwang asked her daughter.

 "Im always smiling you know that!"

 "Well today must be special.." Mr.Hwang knows her daughter well, especially when Tiffany's actions are well copied from her mother.

 "Im going out with someone special I guess.." Tiffany smiled showing her eye smile. "But im bringing Hae Rin.." Tiffany added.

 "We have maids who will take care of her. Have fun but I still want Yuri for you. She is your best friend.." Mr. Hwang clearly still wanted her daughter to be with Yuri.

 "Geez dad, Yuri already likes Jessica, as if I can change that.. Besides I already accepted that Hae Rin was just a timed blessing." Tiffany exclaimed, the moment she realized feelings are needed to make her daughter real in the future, being a friend to Jessica she gave up on it and decided to just savor the days she has with Hae Rin.

 Mr. Hwang took a long sigh, he could not manipulate his daughter but he really fell in love with his future grandkid that it was not acceptable to just let it disappear. "It’s your decision, Stephanie."

 Tiffany smiled. She started to eat her breakfast when the suddenly heard a loud cry coming from Tiffany's room.


 Yoona and Seohyun are going out today as well. Yoona was waiting outside her car for Seohyun. She noticed Seohyun's house was near Yuri's house. She took a peek at Yuri's street she saw her cousin.

 "Hey Yul!" Yoona called her cousin. Yuri looked two directions till she saw Yoona waving at her.

 "Hi Yoong, what brings you here?" Yuri approached her cousin.

 "Yah! You never told me you live near my Seo-baby.." Yoona pouted.

 "Wow! I do? I never knew that.." Yuri exclaimed. She really did not knew because she takes the other way on the way to school.

 "Excuses buddy, excuses.. Wait here I see her.."

 Yoona quickly ran when she saw Seohyun come out of her house. Yuri just looked at her cousin, she somehow saw herself at Yoona.

 My little Yoona, all grown up.. She mentally joked.

 Yoona and Seohyun approached Yuri. Yuri greeted them with a smile.

 "Hi JooHyun-ssi! Remember me?"

 "Uhnmm.. Yuri-unnie. Hello!" Seohyun cheerfully smiled. "Good. JooHyun you shouldnt go out with a bully like Yoong!" Yuri grabbed Seohyun's shoulder, away from Yoona. Yoona just arched her eye brow at her cousin's teasing.

 "Yah. Joohyun.. Take care of her. She went through all the trouble just to-" Yuri was cut by Yoona.

 "Yah! You talk too much l-let’s just go Hyunnie.."  Yoona took Seohyun's wrist and dragged her away from Yoona.

 "You become jealous easily Yoona.." Yuri teased her cousin. Seohyun bowed at Yuri. "We better go now unnie. Take care.." Yuri smiled back.

 "Ok. Be carefull on Yoona ok Joohyun!" Yuri joked. Yoona strucked her tounge at her cousin while Seohyun just smiled.

 Yuri walked on her way as well, she was heading to their dance practice today. She opened her phone there were 3 texts.

Yuri don’t be late. Bring foods haha!

From Sooyoung

That shikshin!Yuri thought.

Good morning Yuri, your daughter sleeps with a tongue out. Do you do that?

From Sica-baby

 Yuri laughed at Jessica's text.

 Yuri-ah dont be late ok? Im early haha already here.

 From Hyoyeon

 Reading Hyoyeon's text she quickly made her way to their dance practice.


 "Where do you want to go Seo?" Yoona asks Seohyun. Both of them are walking in the city. Yoona preferred to watch a movie but her decision can always be changed, depending on Seohyun.

 "You?" Seohyun asked.

 "Uhm.. Watch a movie?" Yoona suggested. Seohyun doesn’t seem to agree. Yoona noticed this, so she suggested another.

 "How about I stare at you?"

 "What? Yoong?"

 "Uhh.. Nothing.." Yoona smiled at Seohyun. "Let's play some arcades.." Yoona added quickly.

 "Ok then, after lets head for a book store ok?" Seohyun agreed, it was still Yoona's treat so she tried to do as Yoona wished. "Let’s go to the book store first if you want.." Yoona smiled at Seohyun. Seohyun smiled back and held Yoona's hand.

 "You might think im a geek, but I can beat you at Tekken!" Seohyun challanged Yoona.

 "Oh really?! Game on!" Yoona held hands with Seohyun as they went to the arcades.


At the Hwang mansion,

 Tiffany quickly ran up stairs and went inside, she found her little daughter crying.

 "Hae-baby whats wrong? Oh dont cry mommy's here.." Tiffany wiped the kid's tears. Mr. Hwang followed her daughter being worried of his granddaughter.

 "I hate you Fany-mommy!" Hae Rin swayed Tiffany's hands and hid inside Tiffany's closet.

 "W-why baby?" Tiffany felt sad.

 "Because in the future you won’t make me.. I heard you!" Hae Rin said as she cried inside the closet.

 "Uhg. Come out from there first, you might suffocate Hae Rin.." Tiffany knocked at the closet; she does not want to open it forcefully because Hae Rin was holding it from the inside.

 "No not until you promise to marry Yul-daddy!" Hae Rin cried.

 "Dad, little help?" Knowing no other resolve Tiffany asked her father for help.

 "Hae Rin-ssi, please come out your mother is worried sick about you.." Mr. Hwang calmly said.

 "She's not my mother. She does not want me.." Hae Rin cried some more.

 "She will. I’m on your side don’t worry, I'll get your mommy and daddy married.." Mr. Hwang eyed Tiffany but Tiffany did not response, being so worried at Hae Rin.

"Really? Grampa?" Hae Rin opened the closet and hugged her grampa, crying too much she drifted off to sleep. Tiffany wanted to take Hae Rin but her father disagreed.

 "I'll take care of her today, Stephanie. After you are done with your date and you had fun, consider your daughter's happiness, ok?" Mr. Hwang said in a very serious tone.

 "But dad.." Tiffany disagreed.

 "As a parent I listened to you, now wouldn’t you do the same? Or you'd let her cry like this forever?" Mr. Hwang left her room. He called some maids to dress Hae Rin up because he will take Hae Rin with him. Tiffany sat on her bed feeling mixed emotions. She simply did not know what to do.

Uhggg! And Jessica said I get everything I want..


Chapter 16 - Final seconds.

Dance practice,

 "Your late 5 minutes Kwon Yuri.." Hyoyeon scolded Yuri.

 "Just 5! Where's Soo?" Yuri checked her co-members and her tall friend is missing.

 "She's already here a while ago.." The black haired member informed Yuri.

 "Maybe she's eating again.." Another member gave her opinion.

 "That shikshin!" Yuri stepped on the door to find Sooyoung. She was eager to start practice now because she missed a lot of practices, being away to the US that is.

 Yuri stepped outside, she found Sooyoung eating of course but with another. It was Sunny as Yuri remembered.

 Yuri approached the two but she dragged Sooyoung to the dance studio.

 "Soo! Stop eating we need to practice our dance.." Yuri exclaimed as she dragged Sooyoung.

 "Yuri-ssi sorry.. I asked her to take me here.." Sunny suddenly said. Yuri stopped dragging Sooyoung. "Yuri-ah she wants to see our dance for the competition.." Sooyoung explained.

 "Well you’re always welcome Sunny-unnie!" Yuri smiled at Sunny but she continued to drag Sooyoung. Sunny smiled back and followed the two.


 It was almost the meeting time of Taeyeon and Tiffany. Taeyeon was getting worried, her angel was not texting or calling her if she's on the way or if she'll be late. She checked her cell phone every 20 seconds for any notifications but there was none.

 "Tippani.." Taeyeon sighed.

 "Taeyeon come here and help down stairs!" Taeyeon's mother was calling her to help at their noodle shop. Taeyeon went down stairs.

 "Mom I can't get dirty or smell bad.. Im going out.." Taeyeon explained to her mother, but her mother was busy at the costumers.

 "Geez you should have gone already if you’re going out! Get me some noodles Taeyeon!" Her mother commanded her. Taeyeon went inside the kitchen, she can’t disobey her mother.

 "Oh why are you here Tae-Tae? Aren’t you going out today?" Taeyeon's father questioned her. "Uhmm.."

 Taeyeon was cut when they all heard many people outsideare getting noisy. They seemed like they saw an idol or a superstar. Everybody in the shop went out; in fact the whole neiborhood was in awe. 

 A black chervolet car was parking outside Taeyeon's neighborhood. Taeyeon was also curious what is it doing in their neighborhood.

 "Are they gonna film here?" Taeyeon's father asked. "I hope so. I hope they eat at our noodle shop.." Taeyeon's mother hoped of more profit. Taeyeon just rolled her eyes.

 The car was done at its parking. The driver went out to open the other door.

 A girl wearing a pink floral dress came out; with skin so flawless and white everyone was in awe. One person was dropping her jaw at this girl.

  Taeyeon's eyes widden to see Tiffany looking like a movie star. Tiffany searched for Taeyeon. She took off her sun glasses and eyed her dorky Tae Tae litterally jaw dropping. "Tae!" 

  Everyone looked at Taeyeon and Taeyeon snapped back to reality, only to see Tiffany walking towards her.



  Seeing that many people are watching Taeyeon's father asked the people to carry on. Taeyeon's mother asked Tiffany to come inside their house.

 "Hello, Kim family. I'm Tiffany Hwang, Taeyeon's.. girl friend.." Tiffany introduced herself to the Kims. The family was shocked at Tiffany's declaration of her being Taeyeon's girlfriend.

 "R-really?! I-I mean don't joke like that Ppani-ah.." Taeyeon added her reaction.

 "Hwang?! T-the Hwang group who owns the SM malls?" Taeyeon's brother asked.

"Well my father is the CEO of it.. Yes, oppa." Tiffany showed her eye smile. Taeyeon's family took a moment of silence. "Tippani-ssi, can you excuse us for a moment?" Taeyeon's mother asked.

"Sure umma!" After the confirmation, they all quickly grabbed Taeyeon outside the room.

 "Taeyeon she's a genuine Hwang! Isnt she?! Isnt she?! isnt she?!" Taeyeon's mother excitedly asked.

 "Tae I salute you, your girlfriend is a complete package! Rich, beautiful and H-O-T!" Taeyeon's brother added.

 "W-will you guys stop it! Shes a visitor.. Yeah she's rich umma, but she's not my girlfriend.." Taeyeon sadly announced. The athmosphere became quiet. Taeyeon's dad approached her.

"Well I think you two look cute together Tae. Invite her for dinner here. Ok?" Taeyeon nodded at her dad's words.

 "We three better continue on with the bussiness and leave Tae-Tae with her friend ok?" Taeyeon's dad dragged her mother and brother down to the shop again.

 Taeyeon walked inside the room, she saw Tiffany quietly drinking her iced tea.

 "Sorry it's not the expensive tea.. And uhh.. Sorry about my family.." Taeyeon said as she sat in front of Tiffany. Tiffany eyed her Taeyeon looking so red. "It’s ok Tae, I think they are funny and this tea is good too!" Tiffany showed her eye smile to Taeyeon.

 "So s-shall we leave? Catch a movie?" Taeyeon stood up and asked for Tiffany's hand. Tiffany just looked at her. "Ppani-ah? Is there something on my face?"

 Tiffany remained silent; she placed her hand on Taeyeons. The older girl pulled the younger one up but it hesitated.

 "Let's stay here, Tae.. This is your room right?" Tiffany's eyes showed seriousness that made Taeyeon sit down again.

"Ok if you want to.."

"Lock the door."

"Ok..- W-wait Ppani-ah?! L-lock?!"  Taeyeon panicked at the younger girl's request. She was mature enough to think that this requests are.. Fanytasy-triggring.

 "Lock the door Taeyeon.." Tiffany lightly pushed Taeyeon. "B-but my parents?! Ppani th-they get suspicious!"

 Tiffany stood up and locked the door by herself. She sat beside Taeyeon while Taeyeon was just feeling so nervous.

 "Tae, dont worry.. I just want some privacy. Ok?" Tiffany held on to Taeyeon's shoulders.

 "O-ok.." Taeyeon agreed.

 "Tae do you remember? When you told me you'd do my homework every day?"

 "Y-yeah.. You’re so abusive!"

 "But you insisted! Just to get closer to me.."

 "But you still abused me. I had to do two homeworks! Mine then yours.. hmp!"

 "Do you regret it?"

 "No. Why would I? Like you said, it’s my way to get closer to you.." Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany lying beside her. Tiffany replied with a smile.

 "Taeyeon Kim.." Tiffany placed her arms around Taeyeon's neck. Taeyeon felt warm and she feels her checks being red. "...I love you." Tiffany kissed Taeyeon. Taeyeon was suprised at first but she hugged Tiffany as well; closing her eyes.. Enjoying the moment.

 Tiffany pulled away slowly and smiled at Taeyeon. Taeyeon put out a dorky smile. "Tip-p-ffany Hwang! I love you too.." Tiffany giggled at her Taeyeon's dorkiness. They stared at each other for a while.







 "Love you.."


 "Love you more.."


 Tiffany kissed Taeyeon again. Tiffany broke away from the kiss and smiled at Taeyeon.

 "More?.." Tiffany laughed.

 "Yaah. Why are you laughing?" Taeyeon pouted at her Tiffany.

 "You believed me, that's why.." Tiffany sat up. She helped Taeyeon get up.

 "From now on I always will.." Taeyeon told Tiffany, this words are true and Taeyeon was really willing to believe in their love through anything.

 "Haha.. Your intelligent but aren’t that smart eh?" Taeyeon slowly tried to comprehend what Tiffany.

 "Let me explain Tae-Tae.." Tiffany slowly stroked Taeyeon's hair.

 "It’s all games Tae, I mean look. I am rich and you just own a small noodle shop? I’m popular and pretty, you?" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon straight with a smirk.

 "But you l-love me still right?" Taeyeon still tried to look positive.

 "Tae! Stop being naive! I just USED you! The person who does my studies and works.." Tiffany put her hands in Taeyeon's shoulder. Taeyeon couldn’t believe her angel's words, but she still tried to spill out some words.

 "You.. kissed me.. You said you love me." Taeyeon muttered.

 "It was all words and acts." Tiffany said leaving Taeyeon expression-less. Tiffany hugged Taeyeon.

 "Taeyeon you see, I want to keep you longer but you'll graduate soon. I need someone else to do my things.. And Yuri and my baby.."

 Tiffany stood up and went to the door. She closed the door, going out leaving Taeyeon broken.

 Tiffany ran outside and back to her car. Her driver came inside as well. He asked where to.

"Back in time? Before that 5 seconds.."

 Tiffany whispered to herself.


Chapter 17 - The Status.

 "Yuri-ssi don't be shy! Eat some.." Sunny asked Yuri, offering some pack lunch she packed for the group. Yuri smiled at Sunny. "A bit later, unnie.."

 Yuri took out her phone and looked at the messages.

 Yuri, Yeon Hee said eat your lunch ok? She said it.

 From Sica-baby

 Kwon Yuri! :)

 From Tiffany Hwang~Hwang

 Yuri became curious at Tiffany's text but she looked over her messages, there was one more. It was a message from the competition they entered. Yuri's mood lightens upon reading that their group will perform on stage being one of the 10 final contestants.

 Yuri hurriedly told her group mates. Everyone was happy.

 "Why dont we celebrate this?!" Hyoyeon asked. "We should!" Sooyoung agreed.

 "Can I come hehe?" Sunny asked the three, eyeing Yuri.

 "Sure unnie.. Let’s go to my house! My treat?" Yuri announced. Some members wanted to come but they had other activities to attend to. Yuri told them it was ok, so they decided to make a small feast only.


 Yoona and Seohyun came out from a restaurant. They played arcade, went to various stores and took dinner in a simple restaurant.

 "Shall we go home?" Yoona asked.

 "Hehe sure. Thanks Yoongie.." Seohyun agreed as they walked outside the mall.

Seohyun thought of something she wanted to ask before they separate.

 "Yoong I never knew I lived near Yuri-unnie.." Seohyun explained.

 "You’re taking the other way around your neighborhood thats why.." Yoona smiled at Seohyun. "Let's visit Yuri before we both go home. " Yoona suggested. Seohyun agreed.


 "Sis! Will you get your butt here and watch this Yeon Hee-ssi!" Krystal called Jessica who’s currently sleeping in the couch.

 "Wae?" Jessica hates it when somebody wakes her up but this time, her anger changed. She saw her little Yeon Hee playing Jessica's electrical organ. Jessica listened to the melody her little child was playing.

 It’s the same thing Yuri played..

 A blonde girl was walking on the hallways of her new school. She was completely clueless where her room is. She was a transferee, named Jessica Jung. Jessica walked around the school, being a hour earlier at school she just didn’t know where to go.. Until she heard a melody, coming from a room.

 She entered the room, there she found a girl playing with a piano. The girl stopped playing as Jessica entered.

 "Uhm.." Jessica tried to ask.

 "A-are you a music club member?! Oh uhm sorry for playing without permission hehehe.." The black haired girl chuckled while rubbing her head.

 "N-no.. I’m a transferee.." Jessica explained.

 "Oh you are? Well are you lost?" The black haired girl smiled at Jessica.

 "Quite. Can you tell me where the faculty is?" Jessica asked.

 "Sure why not.." The girl stood up, Jessica looked at her in shock of the girl's height.


 "I’m Yuri.. Kwon Yuri." The girl introduced herself to Jessica.

 "Yuri's good at playing piano.." Jessica approached her sister whose so amazed at Yeon Hee she captured everything on video.

 Yeon Hee looked at Jessica, her mother smiles back at her. Yeon Hee was even motivated now that her mother is watching.

 "I'll upload this on YouTube! Then Yeon Hee can be a YouTube sensation!" Krystal said happily.

 "Yeon Hee, come here.." Jessica asked her baby to stop. Yeon Hee became confused.

 "Uhg! Sis you have to ruin it?!" Krystal objected her sister. "Shut it. She's my daughter make one if you like.." Jessica eyed her sister.

 "Oh! Then I'll ask Yuri to give me a piano-genius daughter too? OK!" Krystal teased her sister, Jessica glared at Krystal.

 "My Yul-papa wont like you.. Dreamer-unnie.." Yeon Hee said as she approached her mother. She teased some more by showing her tounge to Krystal.

 "Kwaa! Unnie! Teach that child respect!" Krystal looked for Jessica's help. Jessica patted her child. "Good girl Yeon Hee-ssi.."

 "Whaaaa?! Your tolerating her sis?" Krystal complained.

 "Krys, im not, its just that im always by her side.." Jessica clung on her's sister arm. "Nah you love her more than me now sis.." Krystal pouted.

 "Yeah I do. Sorry.. Hahaha!" Jessica laughed as she carried Yeon Hee. "Dont worry Krystal-unnie I love you.. hehe" Yeon Hee reached for Krstal's hand.

 "Oh you do?.. Yeon Hee-ssi I-"

 "Krystal-unnie can you buy pizza?" Yeon Hee cut Krystal. Jessica laughed while Krystal's face suddenly turned straight. "Yeah Krystal-unnie.. Buy us pizza! Haha" Jessica added completely teasing her little sister. Krystal turned around, sat on her computer again.

 My sister and her daughter who boss me around. Hell-Unlike. DFUQ

 6 likes. Lol happy house Krystal!

Krystal posted another status.

The awkward moment when you just want to smash your compter cause of people liking your status while you hate it. Really. WTH?

1 like, Haha like! Smash it Krys!

"Damn FB people.." Krystal sat annoyed in front of her computer. She became alarmed when someone sent her a chat message.

 Jessica's daughter?!

It was their mother. Mrs. Jung, saw Krystal's statuses,she was furious to know what is behind Krystal's statuses.

 Krystal?! Your dad wants answers too! Or were going home this instant!

 "Oh no.." Krystal said.


On Yuri's house, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Sunny came over to have a small party. Though the dancers are tired of their practice, they were still eager to celebrate their achievement.

 "Hurry up cooking Hyo-ssi!" Sooyoung hugged Hyoyeon from the back, Hyoyeon pushed the tall girl away because she was cooking.

 "Yah! Will you wait. Geez.." Hyoyeon scolded the impatient girl. Sooyoung just laughed. "I wonder what's taking Yuri and Sunny..Hmm" Sooyoung wondered. Yuri and Sunny went out to buy some soft drinks and foods.

 "They're having a hard time budgeting because of you, Soo." Hyoyeon said.

 "That's harsh! I just want to be healthy.." Sooyoung took out her tongue at Hyoyeon.

 "It's not being healthy, it's you being gluttonous.." Hyoyeon laughed.


 Ding dong~

 "Hey Soo get the door.. It must be those two.." Hyoyeon told Sooyoung to open the door, Sooyoung hurriedly opened the door.

 "You guys to-" Sooyoung stopped when she saw two unfamiliar faces.

 The two visitors waited in front of the door, having wide eyes.

 "Uhhm... S-sorry the owner of the house is out for the moment.." Sooyoung said in shock.

 "Sooyoung-unnie?" One of the visitors asked.

 "JooHyun?! What brings you here?" Sooyoung could not easily recognize Seohyun because it was dark outside.

 "We came to visit Yuri-unnie, this is Yoona her cousin." Seohyun explained. Sooyoung asked them to come inside.

Exactly as Yoona and Seohyun entered the house, Hyoyeon finished cooking the pasta; she came out and took a look at the visitors. "Hi Yoona!" Hyoyeon eyed Yoona.

 "Hyoyeon-unnie! Hehe where's my cousin?" Yoona asked as she waved at Hyoyeon.

 "She went out to buy some foods, were celebrating. The dance troupe is top 10 on the competition we entered." Hyoyeon happily announced. Sooyoung proudly nods.

 "Wow, I'm happy for you unnies!" Seohyun clapped her hands. Looking at Seohyun, Yoona clapped and smiled.


 "We still need to win of course.." Hyoyeon said with passion.


 Walking home, Yuri and Sunny.

 "Haha that was cute unnie! Again, again!" Yuri laughed at Sunny showing off some of her aegyo.

 "I told you just once.." Sunny pouted.

 "Haha unnie looks younger than me.. So cute!" Yuri smiled at Sunny. She tapped Sunny's head.

 "Thanks? I'll take that as a compliment.." Sunny smiled back at Yuri. "It is a compliment Sunny-unnie, I’m sure your lover will be looking like a pedo with you.. Hahaha!" Yuri joked at Sunny. Sunny lightly slapped Yuri's shoulder. Yuri continued to laugh. Sunny looked at the younger girl, smiling. "Just kidding unnie, but your cuteness is off meters." Yuri complimented Sunny.

 Sunny lightly blushed. "T-thanks.."

 "Hehe.. We better hurry Sooyoung will eat everything Hyo prepared!" Yuri asked Sunny. Sunny smiled.

 Tae is right, Yuri is a nice person, and a bit of a sweet talker. Sunny thought.


Chapter 18 -Breathe.

 "Unnie! Krystal called her sister. Jessica ignored her sister she was busy fixing Yeon Hee's hair.

 "Unnie! Come up stairs hurry!" Krystal tried again. "What for? Cant it wait?" Jessica complained. Yeon Hee just played with her feet, looking at her mother with a bit confused look.

 "Like mom and dad can wait!" Krystal begged for her sister, hearing the 'mom and dad' words Jessica hurriedly tied Yeon Hee's hair into a ponytail. She then carried the child with her, up stairs.

 "Unnie what should we say? Oh im so sorry!" Krystal bit her nails as their parents are asking what Krystal's statuses are about.

 "Uhg just tell them it’s some song lyrics or quotes!" Jessica hurriedly told her sister. "Ok sis.. I just got nervous.."

 Krystal typed what Jessica said to her parent. Her mother replied fast.

 Oh really?

 Yeah mom. Just some new song haha!

 Something’s fishy..

 It must be dad mom. :D

 Oh wait when we get home.. Both of you will explain to us.

Jessica and Krystal felt their sweat flow; they felt the need of water.


 "What do you plan now sis?" Krystal turned to her sister. Jessica calmed herself down, took a look at Yeon Hee and sighed. "Might as well tell.." Jessica spilled.

 "Well good luck sis.." Krystal told her sister. "Yeon Hee-ssi make a veeeery cute face for your grannies ok?" Krystal told Yeon Hee. Yeon Hee fish-pouted. Jessica and Krystal laughed.

 "Just like unnie and mama!" Yeon Hee imitated their pouts.


 Comfortably seating on the back seats of her car, Tiffany just took a look at the passing scenery outside. She asked her driver to stroll her around Seoul, even if she has to empty the gas of the car.

 Her driver was loyal to their family, he noticed Tiffany's awkward silence.

 "Music, maam?" He asked Tiffany while driving along side Han River.

 "Sure.." Tiffany agreed without any eye contacts. The driver turned on the music, the music was Love Sick.

 Tiffany became emotional at the song ,so she shouted and ordered her driver to stop it immediately. 

 "Maam, would you like to breathe fresh air?" The driver again suggested. He was really concerned at Tiffany, she was like his own daughter. The driver stopped the car.

 Tiffany sighed. She went out of the car and inhaled the air.

 Oh Tae.. How can you ever forgive me?Tiffany asked mentally as she looked at the calm skies. She took out her phone, every message and missed calls were from Taeyeon.

 10 missed calls. 12 messages.

 As she let out a tear. Taeyeon called, she wanted to answer badly but Taeyeon will only hear her crying. She wanted an impression to Taeyeon that she was always what everything Taeyeon heard from others.

She held on to her phone tightly.

Tiffany pressed the answer key.

 F-ppany?! H-h..

 Taeyeon sounded like crying days and nights.

 Tiffany cried. She threw her phone in the river.


 At Yuri's house, the four are talking about each other while waiting for Yuri and Sunny. Hyoyeon thought of a game that could kill time.

 "Let’s play something.. Let's pretend were parents and you two are asking for marriage.." Hyoyeon asked for a small play. Yoona laughed. "Sooyoung-unnie will be the daddy.."

 "Wahh?! Me why can’t it be you? Haha" Sooyoung countered Yoona's statement.

 "Well me and Hyunnie are the couple, you and Hyo-unnie are the parents." Yoona winked at Sooyoung. Seohyun did not say a word because she just waited patiently, she thought playing a simple game won’t hurt.

 "Well ok then, let’s start!" Hyoyeon commenced the play.

 "Tell us your name, age, job, where do you live?" Sooyoung asked Yoona. Yoona smiled back. Sooyoung took it seriously and acted like a real parent.

 "I am Yoona Im, the owner and CEO of the Im Industries, I currently live in Korea, I’m 23 haha" Yoona tried to contain her laughter because Sooyoung was really taking it serious.

 "So what are your plans for our baby Joohyun?" Hyoyeon also entered the play. She eyed Yoona and arched her eye brows at her.

 "Marry your daughter, make her my wife.." Yoona said. She smiled widely and proudly. "Is that a song Yoona?" Sooyoung stricyly said. Yoona and Seohyun laughed because Sooyoung played it very well.

 "Why are you two laughing? Haha be serious you two are suppose to be sweet!" Hyoyeon scolded the two.

 "But unnie you two are taking this seriously hehe.." Seohyun reasoned out.

 "Be serious let’s turn it. Were Yoona's parents ok?" Hyoyeon implied. Hyoyeon winked at Sooyoung to signal a good question to Seohyun.

 "Well Seo Joohyun, can you cook? Wash clothes? Dishes? Take care of our Yoongie well?" Sooyoung imitated a parent again, maybe her own parent.

 "Yes hehe I can do all that.. And I will take care of Yoona well.." Seohyun smiled. Yoona just looks at her; she imagined it was really true.

 "Really then cook for me.." Sooyoung pointed at the kitchen. Hyoyeon lightly tapped Sooyoung. "Shikshin! Uhm Joohyun-ssi, tell us how much you love our baby.." Hyoyeon smiled at Seohyun, and then she looked at Yoona quietly waiting for Seohyun to answer.

 "Uhm.." Seohyun blushed a bit.

 "I-I uhm.." Everyone waited for her answer. Especially Yoona though it may not be true, those words are something she longs from the younger girl.

 Ding dong~

 "I'll get that. It must be unnie.. " Seohyun hurriedly stood up and ran towards the door.

 Hyoyeon and Sooyoung laughed at Yoona who was left without an answer.

Two girls trailed Seohyun on the way back inside. Seohyun helped Sunny to the kitchen, surely avoiding Yoona because of not answering.

 "Yoona? Buddy what happen to you? You’re stunned." Yuri asked her cousin still blank faced waiting for an answer.

 "Hahaha Joohyun does not want to marry her.." Sooyoung joked.

 "Really? I always knew she would decline. It’s ok buddy just find another.." Yuri added the teasing jokes. Yoona pouted.

"Some cousin you are.." Yoona said in disappointment. "Let's just eat.." Sooyoung dragged Yuri and Yoona to the kitchen.

 "Just kidding there Yul hehe I'm always thankful of you." Yoona reached for Yuri's shoulder, and teased Yuri for a kiss. Yuri stopped her of course. "Woah woah woah! Joohyun-ssi! Look at Yoona!" Yuri called out Seohyun. Seohyun looked at Yoona, she chuckled at Yoona's pouting face. Yuri ran to Seohyun and playfully hugged her.

 "I told you Joohyun! Yoona is no good for you!" Seohyun smiled at Yoona and Yuri.

 "Yoona's good at me. Really unnie, don't you worry." Seohyun defended Yoona. Yuri stopped the hugging and arched her eyebrow at Seohyun.

 "So sweet! YoonHyun couple! Ayiie!" Yuri teased Seohyun, while holding on to the younger girl's shoulders. Yoona blushed a bit and so did Seohyun. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon laughed as well. Sunny just smiled at them.

 Yuri was smiling and was really happy for her cousin. "Shall we eat?" Yuri asked. Sooyoung nods drastically, Hyoyeon face-palmed.

 "Seohyun-ah.. Wanna eat?" Yoona asked Seohyun. Seohyun walked up to Yoona. "You?"

 "Eat again?" Yoona asked.

 "Hehe you're making me fat." Seohyun pouted. Yoona was facing the table, but her arms are arching back reaching out for Seohyun. "I don’t care. It's better so I can have my own Seohyun-bear." Yoona said.

 "Aw! So sweet! I’m so jealous. I wish my Sica-baby is here.." Yuri held on to her checks and giggled at Yoona and Seohyun.

 They were about to exit, when an orange smoke passed by Yuri's face. Yuri took the time to process this matter flowing around her kitchen.

 "Oh shi- Don’t tell me?!" Yuri came up with the worst conclusion that can explain the smoke around her kitchen. Again.


Chapter 19 – On the edge.

 After hours of strolling around Seoul, Tiffany went home. She was ready to face her dad and her baby Hae Rin. Though she felt really sad, she had to come home and face the truth. Deep inside the Spoiled-High-Class flirt she was labeled, Tiffany had a strong love for her family and it includes Hae Rin.

 She entered the mansion, she was asked by her maids if she wants to eat.

 "No thank you, Just please prepare my bath.. Thanks." Tiffany smiled at her maid. Her maid bowed and made her way up stairs but Tiffany stopped her.

 "Oh uhm is daddy and Hae Rin here?" Tiffany asked her maid. Her maid nods.

 "I see thank you." Tiffany went on her way to her room, she predicted to find Hae Rin asleep but instead she found the child watching TV.

 Tiffany quietly enters her room. Hae Rin didn't seem to notice because she was absorbed with the show. Tiffany took a short glimpse of her daughter, she smiled.

 "Hello little angel.." Tiffany waved at Hae Rin. Hae Rin slowly tried to recognize the person because the lights were off, only the lamp and the TV was on.

 "Fany-mommy.." Hae Rin smiled at first but frowned and looked down. Tiffany knows her daughter is still mad at her about the earlier events. She approached their bed and hugged her kid. "Hae-baby im sorry.. Fany-mommy loves you. Really I do." Tiffany told her baby.

 "But Fany-mommy said.." Hae Rin objected. Tiffany held on to the kid's head. She took a peck at the kid's forehead. "I know but dont worry.. I promise you won’t be gone." Hae Rin hugged Tiffany.

 "Really mommy?" Hae Rin asked her mother.

"Yes baby. I promise now promise me, listen to mommy always. Don't ever make her worry!" Tiffany pinched the kid's nose. "Pwomise.." Hae Rin tried to look cute. Tiffany laughed a bit.

 "Now can momny watch spongebob with you?" Tiffany asked her adorable baby. "Uhm! Spongeebob!" Hae Rin happily allowed her mommy.

 "Squarepaaants!" Tiffany added.

 Im doing the right thing.. Right?

 Tiffany took a look at Hae Rin happily watching TV. She smiled but inside she knew she hurt Taeyeon too much that it hurts her, badly enough to probably kill her. Hae Rin was her biggest reason and resolve to everything.

 There's no turning back.


 "Yeon Hee-ssi, now what did we talked about earlier?" Krystal asked the little girl. Yeon Hee stood up and salutes at Krystal. "To be the cutest grandchild when grampie and grama goes home!"

 Jessica giggled at Yeon Hee's cuteness.

 Jessica suddenly thought about Hae Rin, she was an adorable child. Jessica somehow felt sympathy to the child if Yuri chooses her.

 "Sis? Something wrong?" Krystal noticed her sister being quite down. Jessica shakes her head. "Krys, lets shop for some clothes for Yeon Hee ok?" Jessica quickly changed the subject.

 "Ok. You'll but you'll pay. I'll just tag along." Kryatal ensured. Jessica rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah.."

 "Can I come Sica-mama?" Yeon Hee asked.

 "Of course you are coming silly! But not now, were shopping before mom and dad goes home.." Jessica explained.

 I'll ask Yuri to pay for the clothes. Jessica thought.

 "You'll make Yuri-unnie pay eh?" Krystal read through her sister's mind. She was really aware of her sister's money budgeting ways.



 Back at Yuri's house.

Yuri looked back at the smoke. Yoona and Seohyun looked back as well.

 Yuri was feeling more nervous, the more the smoke clears, the clearer it appears. A figure of a child.

 Whats with my kitchen as a landing pad..?

 Yoona remembered Hae Rin, it was the same thing. She rushed to her cousin. The others followed as well.

 "Another one Yul?" Hyoyeon asked.

Feeling so nervous, Yuri did not answer.

 The smoke cleared.

 A black haired, little girl appeared.

 The girl quickly eyed Yuri. Deep inside Yuri she wished it was not hers.

 "A-appa?" The little girl pointed at Yoona. Yoona was shocked, she pointed at herself. They all looked at Yoona, Seohyun gazed at Yoona with confusion.

 The little girl tried to approach her 'appa' but she tripped on the floor. Seohyun rushed to help the kid get up. The little girl looked at Seohyun, trying to know who. Her eyes were almost closing; seemingly the little girl has poor eye sight.

 "Umma?" the girl questioned Seohyun.

Everyone was shocked. Yuri thanked every gods there is that the child was not referring her as the parent.

 The little girl is still having a hard time at her eye sight. Seohyun saw a thick-rimmed glasses, she picked it up and put it on the girl. The little kid looked up. "Hyun-Umma..Thank you!"

 The little girl hugged Seohyun. Seohyun felt confused and surprised. The girl broke free from the hug and eyed Yoona again. "Appa?" She adjusted her glasses and looked at everyone.

 She eyed Yuri.



Chapter 20 -Bittersweet.

 Early morning starts. I received a phone call, it was from my mom. Telling me I should get up, it was the first day of the second semester. I was still at the same high school year, not like im a senior, for me there was nothing to be excited about.

 I was so lazy; there was really no motivation on why I should go.

 "Troublesome life." I murmured as my mother continued to call me, I got annoyed so I sat up my bed. I guess I will still go to school.

 On my way to school, I texted my best friend Tiffany Hwang if she's already awake. I waited for 7 minutes for her reply and she just said, yeah and be careful. With a kiss emoticon.

 It was just this month that we talked to each other again. We were.. Quite in the middle of a quarrel that time. Lovers’ quarrel? Maybe that's how I wanted it to be but it wasn't.

 I walked to the hallway, of course I came early; no one was there.

 I looked around and I stumbled upon the music room opened, without any second thoughts I entered the room. Everything was clean, maybe someone cleaned it. I eyed the beautifully furnished piano, our school may not be for the rich kids but it gains some funds. Impressive.

 I touched the one note, I remembered my past. My family used to live in America, well that was when my dad left us. I never knew why, I was scared to ask my mother besides its too emotional. I don’t need another tear jerker in my life after that event last month.

 I can say we were pretty rich; my dad was an attorney while my mother was a doctor for the hearts.

 I stopped playing when someone entered the room. It might have been a music club member so I stood up fast.

 "Uhm.." She tried to talk I guess, she was blonde, slim and petite.

 "A-are you a music club member?! Oh uhm sorry for playing without permission hehehe.." I chuckled while rubbing my head, I was pretty embarrassed by trespassing their room.

 "N-no.. I’m a transferee.." She explained.

 "Oh you are? Well are you lost?" I smiled at her, well I was thankful she was not a music club member.

 "Quite. Can you tell me where the faculty is?" She asked me.

 "Sure why not.." I stood up, seems she was shocked of my height. It also seemed quite cute and funny of her.


 "I’m Yuri.. Kwon Yuri." I introduced myself to her. She didn’t say anything though.

 We walked together on the hallway. I observed she was quiet, I thought it was because she was new. "Uhmm your name?" I simply wanted to know, no other reasons. She looked at me. I was quite nervous at her gaze, there was something else. It was definitely not like Tiffany, Tiffany always had a  cheerful, smiling gaze. But hers was different, though it was quite cold, it makes me smile back.

 "Well there's the room. If we ever passed by each other again. Tell me your name ok?" She did not answer.

 "Thank you.." Instead that’s what she said. I watched her left. I wondered what her name was, blonde? Icy girl?

 I looked at the window, I saw pretty rich kid Tiffany entering the school. Yeah, she's rich. Tiffany's dad is the owner and CEO of SM supermalls, but she has to study here because of her mom's wish. It was like her father and mother met at this school, so her mother wants her to find a person like her father here. How I wished it was me..

  Just last month. We weren't really talking, I wonder what happen and she talked to me again. Everything was clearly my fault anyways, so I wondered what came to her mind and she asked me if we can still be friends.

 Deep inside me, I never wanted to be friends with her after I confessed to her I love her. It’s pretty ironic, be friends but it hurts you. I did got over it in the pass months I guess, Tiffany really is incredible. For being the same best friend I had, even though she knows how I feel for her. She's still sweet and caring, everything anyone would want from a girlfriend. No one will ever see her like I do. Tiffany Hwang is not what she seems to be. But..

 I guess it’s time to move on from those feelings and treat her the same thing she does to me. Be the best friend.

 Bittersweet memories.

 Tiffany Hwang, I hope you can hear. I love you. Thank you.

 Someone tapped my shoulder from the back. I looked who it may be, it was that girl.

 "You play the piano good. I’m Jessica Jung.. Can you direct me to the 2-A room?" She asked me. I hope it did not seem like I waited for her or she might think.. Oh well, I guess she is she's my classmate.

 "We're classmates. Jeshika-ssi!" I announced to her. She didn’t seem happy but it was ok, she barely knew me. She looked cute with her poker face.

 Jessica Jung, ice princess. The cute blonde girl. I'll take note of that.

 I guess this year is going to be.. Interesting.


Chapter 21 - Goguma Princess.

 Yuri blinked three times trying to comprehend the situation. She thought that having this child is going to be the worst situation ever. As the child approaches Yuri, Yuri takes a step back.  The child stops and took a look at Yoona, them Yuri. She did this twice and she then fixed her glasses. "I thought she was you,appa.." The kid gazed at Yuri but pointed at Yoona.

 "W-wait wai, what exactly is happening?!" Sooyoung tried to ask. She does not know this kind of craziness. Sunny was also confused.

 Yoona didn’t say anything. Yuri took a look at her cousin's disappointed face.

 "Y-you must be mistaken! Y-Yoona must have been your appa! I mean we lo-look quite alike!" Yuri tried to evade the problem. The kid looked at Yoona again, then to Yuri.

 "Hmm.." She put her hand in her chin.

 "Umma! Who's appa here?" She then asked Seohyun. Seohyun was shocked; the question was out of the blue. Seohyun looked at Yuri, who's pointing at Yoona. "Y-Yoona.."

 The little girl sighed and fixed her rims again. "I’m not silly, umma. Appa is this one, Kwon Yuri.." She pointed at Yuri. Yuri felt like dying in that instant.

 "Uhm.. Appa? Umma? Yuri and Joohyun are your parents?" Sunny asked.

 "Yes. My name is Hyunki Kwon, I’m 8 years old.. I drifted from the future to the past to make sure my parents make me." Hyunki introduced herself to everyone.

 "Y-Yul.. H-ho-.." Yoona became angry at Yuri. Yuri stood up and tried to explain.

 "Yo-Yoong you k-know I-I wouldn't..!" Yuri explained. Yoona simply stared angry at Yuri. She took a peek at Hyunki and Seohyun then she left the house immediately.

 Everyone was kept silent after the door was closed. Seohyun took a moment to think and then she ran to chase Yoona.

 "Hyun-umma!" Hyunki called out her mother but Seohyun continued out. Yuri stopped the kid.

 "Wew, Yul another daughter?" Hyoyeon asked. Yuri was not in the mood for jokes, this was serious problem.

 Sunny felt akward being there so she dragged Sooyoung, asking to take her home. "Yah! Wait Sunny, I haven't eaten.." Sooyoung tried to stop. But Sunny totally wanted to go, so she told Sooyoung she'll treat Sooyoung on the way. "Uhh! Yuri-ah explain everything tomorrow! We need to go.." Sooyoung closed the door.

 After a while, Hyunki, Yuri and Hyoyeon ate by themselves.

"Geez.. Hyo what should I do?" Yuri asked in total irritation..

 "I dont know Yul, I wonder what is your future.." Hyoyeon asked. She was also concerned at Yuri her life was becoming worst every day.

 "Horrible I guess.." Yuri guessed to ease her problems; she just ate Hyoyeon's very own pasta.

 "This is good Hyo." Yuri complimented.

 "Thanks Yul, I'll make a good mom e?" Hyoyeon joked, unfortunately Yuri didn’t buy it.

 "Sorry Hyo im just so.. I dont know.." Yuri held on to her head feeling a heavy headache.

 "Just.. Keep it cool ok Yul?" Hyoyeon suggested. Yuri continued to sober.

 "I need to focus, our main competition is closer, we need to practice.." Yuri complained.

 Meanwhile, a little girl was just quietly looking at them. Hyunki carefully listened to everything the adults are talking about.

 "What's the problem Yul-appa?" Hyunki asked. Yuri and Hyoyeon stopped talking; they turned their sight to Hyunki.

 Yuri sighed. "I forgot you’re a little kid, you shouldn't worry about adult problems ok?" Yuri patted the little girl's head and smiled. Hyoyeon chuckled a bit. "You sound like a parent Yul, around the age of 40s haha!" Hyoyeon joked. Yuri just laughed, but suddenly stopped when she remembered her problem.

 "I have three kids now.. Sica's so gonna hate me." Yuri looked down, frustrated again.

 "I'm sure you guys can pull through.. Just.. Don't give up.." Hyoyeon tried to say something, she knew her friend is really in a serious problem but she has to motivate Yuri somehow.

 "It’s not your fault Yul-appa.. It’s because your irresistable." Out of the blue, Hyunki told them her comment. Yuri and Hyoyeon, once again were shocked at how mature can this child be.

 "Well Hyunki-ssi is right haha! Maybe in the future it’s also your 'other girls' fault.." Hyoyeon laughed at Hyunki's comment but she had to admit, the little kid had a point.

 "Hyunki-ssi, you really are listening are you?" Yuri asked the little girl.

 "Why not Yul-Appa? There is freedom to spoke words, there are restrictions to what a person can say but a comment to a current topic is justice." Hyunki spoke words of wisdom even Yuri or Hyoyeon could ever come up with, the adults were simply. Amazed.

 Damn this kid has serious brains.. Yuri thought.

 "Yuri, her mother is Joohyun right? No wonder she's a brainy kid.." Hyoyeon leaned near Yuri and whispered.

 "Hyo-unnie, I have to inform you a person who has one deficiency in one body part, sometimes have better in another organ.." Hyunki eyed Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon showed a pretty-much confused face, she did not know any science facts and such.

 "Care to elaborate Ms. Einstein?" Hyoyeon questioned the kid in a teasing manner.

 "It means I can hear better.. While my eye sight is poor.." Hyunki fixed her glasses and continued to eat her food.

 "Haha did she trash you Hyo?" Yuri teased her friend, Hyoyeon sat annoyed at the feeling of being beaten by a kid.

 "Oh yeah? Well I'd like to see you match her brains Yul-Appa.." Hyoyeon challanged Yuri.

 "I'm sure there are things in this world that a brainy 8 year old kid does not know.." Yuri crossed arms and smirked.

 "Like what Yul-Appa? Please teach me." Hyunki quickly grabbed a hold on to Yuri's arms.

 "Haha no baby you can’t learn it yet.." Yuri explained to the kid. Hyoyeon put up a straight face at Yuri.

 "Byun-Yul.." Hyoyeon said.

 "Shhhh!" Yuri gestured Hyoyeon to keep quiet.

 "That's unfair.. I'll just search it on the net then.." Hyunki got off her seat. Yuri stopped her.

 "N-no no no no, young lady. Listen to appa ok? Dont you dare search that." Yuri told her little kid. Hyoyeon giggled at them.

 "Ok, if Yul-Appa says so!" The little kid smiled at Yuri and hugged her by the neck. "Well good then!" Yuri said.

 "But tomorrow lets buy goguma ok Yul-Appa!" Hyunki cheerfully said.

 I guess she's still a child after all.. Haha Yuri thought to herself.


Chapter 22- Self-ish.

 Seohyun chased Yoona who’s currently running without any direction. Seohyun called out Yoona many times but Yoona ignored her.

 "Y-Yoona!" Seohyun continued to run. Yoona also continued to ignore her.

 "Y-Yoona.." Seohyun still chased after Yoona. Yoona still ran.

 "P-please Y-Yoona.. S-stop.." Seohyun stopped for a while. She looked at Yoona who’s still running away from her, seeing so Seohyun walked. Being so tired from all the running, it was all that she could do. Seohyun was not good at sports, one was running.

 "Y-Yoong.. W-.."

 Yoona heard Seohyun's heavy breathing and coughing. She felt the need to look back though she was stopping herself from it.

 "Seohyun.." Yoona looked back. Seohyun was holding on to a post, being so tired.

 "I d-dont understand.." Seohyun spilled. Yoona approached her, she cannot win, not when she sees Seohyun suffering so much. "Silly.."

 "Yoona, is it real?" Seohyun asked.

 "Sadly.. Yes." Yoona answered. She just looked at Seohyun. Yoona put out her handkerchief and wiped Seohyun's forehead. "So sad.. Just so sad.. Maybe my future isn't you Seo.." Yoona was so sad, she felt tears were ready to come out anytime.

 "How come?" Seohyun held onto Yoona's hand.

 "Maybe you'll fall for Yul in the future.. And you'll leave me.." Yoona tried to evade her tears that she had to smile. Fake smile.

 "Why would I leave you?" Seohyun asked. "Because you'll love Yuri?" Yoona looked down she can't convey her feelings anymore she hugged Seohyun tight. "I can't Seo.." Yoona cried in Seohyun's shoulder. Seohyun hugged Yoona as well.

 "I can't ran away from you.."

 "Yoona.. I dont love or like Yuri.." Seohyun broke away from the hug and explained to Yoona. Seohyun was also crying.

 "How about me? Don't you love me?.." Yoona asked, she held on to Seohyun's shoulders. Yoona's tears were dripping but her face was unreadable.

 "I don't..-" Seohyun faced down. Yoona hugged Seohyun again.

 "-I have someone.. This person is always in my mind, treats me well, smiles for me and makes me happy!"

 Seohyun blurted out of the blue while burried herself in Yoona's shoulders.

 "It's my faithful lover.." Seohyun broke away from the hug again. Yoona looked at her blank.

 "Yoona.." Seohyun added. "Seo.." Yoona was still sad the same time, confused at Seohyun's words.

 "I dont.. Love you.. But I've always thought of you as my lover.." Seohyun smiled a bit. "I’m so confused Yoona.. Don't leave me now.." Seohyun held on to Yoona's hand, she cried and looked down.

 "Seohyun.. Please tell me you love me.." Yoona asked Seohyun.

 "I love you.." Seohyun said.

 "Now kiss me.." Yoona asked again, she wiped Seohyun's tears and held on to the girl's checks. Yoona leaned closer, waiting for Seohyun to move. Seohyun did so, she kissed Yoona. It was a soft peck. Yoona giggled as she stepped back.

 "Seohyun-ah, sleep with me tonight.." Yoona asked as she smiled. Seohyun looked down, she doesn’t want to do so it felt awkward for her to do so.

 "What's wrong? You love me right?.." Yoona held Seohyun's hand.

 "I do Yoona but your parents..My mom will be worried.." Seohyun wanted an excuse.

  "Prove to me you love me Seo.." Yoona's tears flowed. She knew she was being selfish and unfair but to her all she wanted was Seohyun by herself.

 "I do Yoona.." Seohyun looked at Yoona straight and sincere.

 "I'll call you mom; I'll tell her you'll sleep over ok?" Yoona took out her phone; she turned her back and walked a few steps. Seohyun didn’t disagree, she felt Yoona needed her at that certain moment.


Back at Yuri's side.

 "You sure you dont want me to take you home Hyo?" Yuri asked Hyoyeon who's by the bus stop.

 "No thanks Yul. I wouldn't want a baby popping out and telling me you’re the appa and I’m the umma." Hyoyeon honestly said. She doesnt want to be too close to Yuri.

 "Geez Hyo it’s like I wanted this things to happen.." Yuri felt really guilty at everything but the truth was, she was really innocent.

  "Just stay alive. Jessica will might kill you.." Hyoyeon advised. She hopped on the bus and waved Yuri goodbye. Yuri also waved goodbye and walked home.

 Yuri remembered Yoona, her cousin was really hurt. She felt really guilty at Yoona and Joohyun's relationship, but she also thought, she really had no intentions to break them or even feelings for Joohyun.

 Uhg! Of all the people! What the hell is my future! Yuri shouted inside her, she was getting tired of this problem.

 She opened her phone she found one missed call from Tiffany.


 Yoona held on to Seohyun's hand as she directed her guest to their mansion.

All of Yoona's servants greeted them. Yoona smiled at them but she continued to drag Seohyun to her room.

 "Seat here, Seo.." Yoona tapped her bed, Seohyun sat. Yoona just looked at her. "Oh! Wait here ok.." Yoona rushed out of her room.

 After a while Yoona came back, hiding something on her back. Yoona showed Seohyun her keroro doll.

 "Thats..!" Seohyun was surprised.

 "It was delivered from the US.. It’s what I stole from you.." Yoona smiled, she sat near Seohyun. Seohyun hugged her keroro doll. Yoona smiled, she then took a hold on Seohyun's waist.

 "Seohyun-ah.. Let's kiss again." Seohyun kissed Yoona like before. Yoona smiled. Seohyun also did, and then she looked happily at her keroro doll.

 "You really love me right, Seo?" Yoona rested her head on Seohyun's shoulder. Yoona held on the keroro doll, she took it from Seohyun and threw it on the floor.

 "Y-Yoong how rude.." Seohyun pouted. Yoona just smiled.

 Seohyun and Yoona looked at each other straight.

 "Seohyun-ah I want more.."


 "More of you.." Yoona kissed Seohyun.

Seohyun lightly pushed Yoona, Yoona didnt fight though. She smirked at Seohyun.

 "You'll do it because you love me.."

 "Y-Yoona.. I do but.." Seohyun smiled at Yoona. "Let’s rest ok? You must be tired."

 Yoona didnt listen though, she held on Seohyun and she was slowly pushing the girl. Seohyun was fighting it, she pushed Yoona back.

 "Atleast let me have you before Yuri does!" Yoona shouted at Seohyun.


Seohyun slapped Yoona's check. Both of them were shocked. Seohyun cried. She stood up and ran away.

 "S-Seo wait!" Yoona chased Seohyun.

 When she got out of her mansion, Seohyun already rode a taxi cab.

 Wha- What did I just do!? Idiot! Im Yoona, you idiot! Stupid! Yoona scolded herself as she cried of regret of what she had done.

Chapter 23 - Frustrations

 Entering her house Yuri walked quietly upstairs, her mom was out on a bussiness trip and will be home in three days. But she does not want Hyunki to wake up.

 She entered her room, she found little Hyunki sleeping soundly with a book by her chest. Yuri took the book, it was a chemistry book.

 Whiz kid. Yuri thought.

 She wrapped the mattress on the kid and she took off the kid's glasses.

 Yuri went out the room again, she went down stairs. Yuri dialed Tiffany's cell number. Yuri was curious why Tiffany would call her out all too sudden.

 Tiffany didn’t answer.

 "She might have dialed the wrong number.." Yuri thought of so. She walked to the staircase but she stopped when her phone rang.

 "Yuri-ah?" Tiffany asked.

 "Tiff! Hey why did you call earlier? Problems?" Yuri asked Tiffany. Yuri sat on the sofa.

 "Nothing I wanted to talk to you about Hae Rin.." Tiffany explained. "Oh.. So? Let’s talk.." Yuri also needed this kind of conversation to Tiffany, but she also thought that she has to tell Tiffany about Hyunki as well.

 "What if I agree to my dad about marriage of us?" Tiffany said. Yuri was quite surprised, her best friend was really the one who pushed her to Jessica but now. "Uhmm why would you agree Tiff? Your joking right?" Yuri laughed a little, she took it as a joke.

 "I’m serious, Yuri Kwon. I’m thinking of becoming Tiffany Kwon.." Yuri was out of words at what Tiffany was saying.

 "W-wo-woah! Tiff, I have Jessica.. She's our friend, you can't just do that!" Yuri exclaimed.

 "She didn't even consider how I feel with the words she spit on my face, some friend she is." Tiffany said in an angry tone.

 "Jessica told me she was sorry of that, truth is she's just jealous of you." Yuri remembered what Jessica had told her about Tiffany. "Tiff think it over.. Everything. Besides, I have another child." Yuri sadly informed Tiffany.

 "I have done my deci- WHAT?!" Tiffany caught what Yuri said and was totally shocked. "Another baby Tiff, another one. Joohyun's the mother.." Yuri explained.

 "Woah your so dead. Wait! Joohyun is Yoona's crush right? Oh double-dead!" Tiffany was laughing , Yuri can hear her though. "Uhg yeah.. So think it over Tiffany! Also what about Taeyeon?" Yuri remembered Tiffany having some feelings to Taeyeon.

 "There was nothing between us anyways.. And I was just using her.. Geez Yul.." Tiffany suddenly stopped laughing and became serious.

  "Seriously? I thought you really liked Tae. Haha I got jealous.." Yuri explained.

 "Never mind Tae!! Back to our topic, what if we got married?" Tiffany sounded so loud that Yuri had to take the phone away from her ear.

 "Then I’m lucky." Yuri honestly said.

 "Be serious Yuri.." Tiffany was getting more and more annoyed. 

 "I used to dream that Tiff, I'll be the luckiest person if so." Yuri expressed her long dream to Tiffany.

 "So it’s ok with you Yul?"

 "I didn't agree. It would be a honor to do so, but right now my heart beats for Sica." Yuri explained. Tiffany was her first love and forever will remain, but her heart beats for one person right now. Jessica.

 "Sweet-talker. Now I’m jealous of Sica.."  "Haha can't I just marry the both of you?" Yuri joked. Half-joke, part of her thought it wouldn’t be so bad.

 "You are such a player. I’m telling Sica!" Tiffany laughed.

 "It’s because you two just can’t resist me!" Yuri joked again. Half-joke, she took Hyunki's point earlier.

 "Kiss my ass, Yul! And I know Sica will say the same." Tiffany said.

 "Haha! Ouh-shuu! I know you like me Tiff.." Yuri laughed.

 "Well.. What if I say I take back what I said back then?" Tiffany asked another 'what if'.

 "You've said tons of words back then, Tiff.." Yuri was confused a bit.

 "That I can't love you back.." Tiffany answered. Yuri took a moment of silence. "What if I can? I love Hae Rin, so I should have the will to love her Yul-daddy as well.." Tiffany added.

 "You're considering her existence, that's why your saying that.." Yuri thought that why Tiffany was saying so, it was because of Hae Rin, to Yuri; what Tiffany had told her back then was like tattoos. It can never be erased, Tiffany is faking.

 "I can love you back, Yuri.. Give me a chance. Us.." Tiffany asked.

 "Tiffany, Hae Rin is a future kid. We can stop it.." Yuri exclaimed.

 "Fine let her disappear! Don’t ever consider her, and since you don't. Forget about me Kwon Yuri." Tiffany hang up. She was mad at Yuri for being so selfish and not considering her responsibility to Hae Rin.

 "Fany-mommy? Why are you shouting?" Hae Rin sat up and eyed her mommy.

 "I’m just practicing my drama baby, go back to sleep.." Tiffany smiled at Hae Rin. Hae Rin cutely, rubbed her eyes and went back to sleep again.

 Yuri went back to her room again. She lied beside Hyunki, she thought of days that she's with Hae Rin.

 The kid was cheerful and bright. She has an amazing eye smile, and a humble attitude. Much-like Tiffany.

  I can’t just let her disappear like that..Yuri thought.

 She then thought about Yeon Hee. The little girl was pretty charming, quite icy yet very sweet. The thing she liked about Jessica the most.

 But Sica won't ever let me have Hae Rin and Yeon Hee both.

 And now, she turned around to look at Hyunki. The kid was very intelligent, obidient and honest. A well disciplined kid. Yuri does not know a lot about Seohyun but seeing Hyunki's traits, they might have been the same.

Life’s decisions are not easy.. Especially when you’re so young.Yuri said in frustration


Chapter 24 - Flabbergast

 Morning at Yuri's house.

 "Hyunki-ssi, I have school today.. Is it ok if I leave you with a baby sitter?" Yuri bended down to explain to her daughter.

 "Yes Yul-appa, please be careful and study well.." Hyunki planted a peck on Yuri's check. Yuri smiled, she thought of how lucky Yoona is; if Joohyun was this sweet of a person.

 "You too. Don't cause trouble ok?" Yuri patted Hyunki's head and waved goodbye.

 Outside her baby sitter was waiting. It was a baby sitter named, Nicole. Yuri told Tae Hee to take care of Hyunki well.

 "Sure I will, no worries about your sister.." Nicole smiled as she entered the house.

 She's my daughter.. Yuri thought. Hyoyeon recommended the baby sitter that's why Yuri trusted the person.


In SooMan high, Student council room.

 Taeyeon sat down her respective chair, she looked down, feeling so hopeless after what Tiffany told her. She still cannot believe Tiffany did that, it was like a strong hit that she had to take; after Tiffany said goodbye. Taeyeon felt someone closing in on the door.

 It was Jessica who entered the room, she looked at Taeyeon.

 "May I help you, Ms. Jung right?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Kim Taeyeon, I was asked to pass this papers to you." Jessica said in frustration. She was the class treasurer so she had to give Taeyeon her class's breakdown on funds.

 "Put them here.." Taeyeon pointed at the seat near her.

 "Ok then." Jessica approached the seat and put the paper there.

Before Jessica can leave Taeyeon asked her something.

 "Ms. Jung how's Tiffany today? Is she eating well? Good at classes?" Taeyeon asked as she looked at Jessica. Jessica turned around.

 "Same. You guys communicate a lot right? Why don’t you know?.." Jessica tried to ask. She has no position to do so but she was curious at the state of Taeyeon and Tiffany.

 "We sort of.. Cut the communication.. Im just.. Quite old for her.." Taeyeon looked down.

 "Hmm.. I think she likes you Taeyeon-ah." Witnessing Tiffany's reactions to Taeyeon, Jessica suggested so.

 "She does not, she just used me." Taeyeon sadly countered.

 "Oh.. Well I think not. When it comes to you she becomes somewhat.. Different." Jessica arched her eye brow.

 "Yes. Because she's putting up an act, in order for me to do her homework." Taeyeon crumpled the paper Jessica gave her. Jessica rushed to stop her.

 "Woah woah woah wait! I worked hard on that, you emotional dork!" Jessica shouted at Taeyeon but she quickly covered her mouth. Taeyeon just looked at Jessica, sadly.

 "Sorry Ms. Jung.. I'm.. Yeah just some emotional dork." Taeyeon looked down again. Jessica felt quite guilty now Taeyeon looked even more miserable. 

 "Look the name is GorJess Jessica ok? And sorry I didnt mean to say such. I just tend to say things when im mad.." Jessica explained to Taeyeon.

 "It's ok.. I'm just trash anyways.." Taeyeon miserably said.

 "Sorry for this ok? Are you really that lone-some of a person? Because if you are, please stop so." Jessica got annoyed at Taeyeon.

 "I can take any insults you can give me Sica-ssi but I believe you don't understand how I feel." Taeyeon stood up to Jessica. Jessica arched her eye brow.

 "Well, I believe you don't deserve Tiffany for that attitude." Jessica hates Taeyeon's narcissistic attitude that she had to throw words that can somehow penatrate her.

 "You don’t know anything Jesh-J-Je-sh-"

 Taeyeon can't pronounce Jesaica’s name well. Jessica smirked.

 "Moron." Jessica turned around, she really hated Taeyeon's stupid attitude that she had to walk away from it.

 "Yah! Take that back! I'm the council president h-!"


 Taeyeon held on to Jessica's shoulder and tried to get the brunette's attention. But she tripped by the seat and landed on Jessica.



 Taeyeon accidentally kissed Jessica. Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes.

 "Y-yah! Get off me!" Jessica pushed Taeyeon. Taeyeon quickly got off her.

 "You’re so deaaad!" Jessica was really mad at Taeyeon now.

 "I-I didn't mean that!" Taeyeon tried to explain. Taeyeon was still devastated.

 They both looked at the door as it opened. It was Sooyoung.

 "Hi coun!-.." Sooyoung looked at Jessica whos holding on to Taeyeon's collar. Both of them are on the floor.

 "Oh.. Am I bothering you two I better leave?" Sooyoung closed the door again. 

 "Yah! Soo! It's not what you think!" Taeyeon rushed to follow Sooyoung. Jessica pulled Taeyeon's tie to stop her.

 "-Y-Yah! Si-Sica!" Taeyeon can't speak properly cause her tie was choking her.

 "You'll pay for what you did.. Kim Taeyeon!" Jessica punched Taeyeon but Taeyeon evaded. Jessica did it again, but Taeyeon evaded again.

 "Hold still you pervert!" Jessica was furious.

 "Je- Breaathe!" Taeyeon was running out of air. Jessica let go of Taeyeon. Taeyeon inhaled quickly.

Cough cough

 "I won't sue you for this but can we just forget about it!" Taeyeon exclaimed as she continued to catch air.

 "I'm not yet contented. That was my first kiss!" Jessica stomped on Taeyeon's foot.

 "Aaaaaaaaaw!!" Taeyeon cried in pain. Jessica left Taeyeon.

 My toenail.. It's dead.. Taeyeon cried in pain.

 Moron! Pervert! Loner! Nerd! Dork! Kim Taeyeon! Jessica furiously thought as she walked back to their classroom.


Chapter 25 - Offering Eggs.

 "What happen my princess? You look pissed." Yuri asked Jessica whos currently looking so angry.

 "That dork!" Jessica suddenly lightly shouted. Yuri was surprised, curious at the same time. "Dork?"

 "Uhg.. I-Its nothing Yuri.." Jessica quickly swayed. Yuri looked at her with a curious face. "You sure Sica-baby?" Yuri smiled as she asked.

 "Yeah I am.." Jessica rested her chin on her hand.

 Sheeesh! That Taeyeon, I'll get her big time. Jessica thought.

 Jessica remembered every detail that happen, she was trying her best to erase everything.

 "Sica-baby?" Yuri snapped in front of Jessica. Jessica's eyes widen. "What?"

 "Aren't you listening?.." Yuri sighed.

 "Uhg! It’s because of that dork.." Jessica whispered to herself.

 "Sica?.. You sayin something?" Yuri thought Jessica was whispering to her.

 "No. What were we talking about?" Jessica was completely taken over by the events of earlier that she forgot about what Yuri had said.

 "Geez.. Can we talk later?" Yuri turned back to her desk.

 Oh no. Did I say something about that dork?! Jessica panicked. She thinks she spilled about something earlier that made Yuri somehow mad.

 I think Jessica feels I have another child that's why she's ignoring me.. Oh dear gods. Help me.. Yuri mentally cried so.


 Lunch time at SooMan high, hallway going to the lockers.

 "Seohyun.. Please talk to me.." Yoona followed Seohyun eager for forgiveness. Seohyun didn’t say a word, she continued to walk.

 "Aishh! Seohyun please! Im so sorry!" Yoona followed her still. Seohyun continued to ignore. Yoona took speed and jumped in front of Seohyun.

 "You're not wearing any earphone's right?" Yoona smiled. She took a look at Seohyun looking back at her with a grin.  "Please i'm sorry.." Yoona pleaded. Seohyun ignored, she walked again and avoided Yoona. Yoona chased her again.

 "Seo I won't give up till you forgive me.." Seohyun stopped at her locker. She opened it.

 "Seohyun-ah please. Tell me what can I do.. Please!" Seohyun looked at Yoona.

 "Please. Tell me what you want, need?" Yoona asked.

 "Leave me alone." Seohyun slammed her locker.

 "Ok I will but forgive me after I leave you now, tomorrow we'll start over. Ok?" Yoona smiled at Seohyun.

 "Forever." Seohyun opened her book and read it while walking.

 "Aw! That can't be Seohyun-ah. I can't be away from you.." Yoona followed Seohyun. Seohyun ignored her again.

 "Seo please.. I just want to fix us.." Yoona again pleaded. Seohyun was completely ignoring her.

 "But I was wrong. So wrong to feel that way.." Yoona looked down, she stopped. Seohyun still walked.

 Yoona sighed. The sight of Seohyun turning her back on her was really heart-breaking.

 "Seohyun wait up!" Yoona ran after Seohyun. Seohyun took the staircase.

"Please don't read while taking the stairs Seo." Yoona supported Seohyun as Seohyun walked up stairs while reading her book.

 "Seo, tell me how can I get you talk to me?" Yoona asked. Seohyun looked at her.

 "When the sky cries. Now." Seohyun looked at Yoona straight and serious, she continued to walk.

 "What if I showered the school with water? You will talk to me after right?" Yoona asked Seohyun if what she was thinking of qualified.

 "Does that indicate crying skies? I’ll talk to you if you can do so." Seohyun countered. She entered the council room.

“Ok I’ll pray really hard for the rain to come.” Yoona followed her but Seohyun pushed her back.

 "Student council. You’re not one." Seohyun closed the door. Yoona sighed again. She waited outside, looking at the sky hoping it would rain.

 Yoona had nothing to do but wait, she brought out her phone and played some mobile games. Afterwards she listened to music.

 She watched everyone who comes out of the council room but no Seohyun.

 Yoona just stood patiently. She surfed the net for anything interesting, good jokes or funny things but nothing caused her greater happiness than Seohyun.

 Yoona looked down when she saw Yuri walking towards the council room. She still had hatred towards her cousin, somehow she blamed Yuri for what happen to them.

 Yuri was about to enter the room to call Sooyoung but she stopped by Yoona.

 "Yoong.." Yuri spoke.

 "What?" Yoona looked at her cousin.

 "I'm sorry. I don’t have any intentions.. I promise buddy. I won't let anything happen.." Yuri pleaded.

 "Oh really? I wonder how." Yoona was really pissed at her cousin.

 "Yoong, I won't ever do so.. Please don’t be harsh on Joohyun ok?" Yuri said.

 "Shut up! This is all your fault Yuri.." Yoona was really mad. Yuri didn’t say a word, because to her; Yoona was right.

 "Im sorry for shouting. But just stay away from us for now,Yul.." Yoona remembered it was still Yuri's effort of why she's with Seohyun now. It was like returning the favor.

 "I'm sorry Yoona.." Yuri hugged Yoona. Yoona closed her eyes.

 "Buddy.. I made her cry.." Yoona confessed to Yuri. Yuri broke free from the hug, only to see her cousin in tears.


"Yuri.. I promised I won't ever do it again to Seohyun but I did it again! Now she won't ever talk to me.." Yoona cried as she looked down.

 "Can I help buddy?" Yuri asked Yoona.

 "Help me.. Make it rain." Yoona smiled, she thought it was a funny request.

 Yuri looked outside, the weather was fine. "Artificial rains are not allowed buddy.." Yoona informed Yuri.

Yuri thought of something. Yuri ran away with a very determined face.

 Yoona was curious at her cousin. She looked at the council door again, hoping Seohyun will change her mind.

 After some minutes, Yuri was running with a plastic bag. Yoona looked at her cousin curiously.

 "Y-Yul what gives? What are thoose?" Yoona asked her cousin. Yuri took out the contains of the plastic bag, it was a tray of eggs. Yoona regained her knowledge about it.

 "Do you remember now buddy?" Yuri winked at Yoona.

 "You're crazy haha!" Yoona laughed but she helped Yuri.

 "Same with you Yoong.."

 Seohyun came out from the room with Sunny.

 "Oh my it's raining.." Sunny complained. Seohyun remembered what she told Yoona earlier, but when she looked around for Yoona; Yoona was not there.

 "Oh who put this litters around here.." Sunny noticed half shells of eggs near the window paynes. Seohyun helped her clean up.

 "Yah! Dont do that unnie!" Yoona rushed to stop Sunny.

 "Y-Yoona?" Sunny was surprised.

 Yoona looked at Seohyun. "The sky is crying Seo.."

 Yuri watched everything, hiding in the wall. When Yoona and Yuri were young, they over-heard two old ladies talking about a rain chant. It a ritual of offering shells of eggs to the rain god to make it rain.

"Yoona what's that on your face?" Sunny asked. "Is that.. Egg yolk?"

Yoona laughed as she wiped the yolk from her face.

 "Did you do this Yoona?" Seohyun pointed at the egg shells.

 "You ate those eggs?" Sunny asked.

 "Haha! I had to.. But Yu-" Yoona was about to mention Yuri but Yuri signaled her not to say. Sunny saw Yuri.

 "Yu?" Seohyun asked.

 "You're so beautiful hehe." Yoona smiled.


Chapter 26 – You’ll seek, right through me.

 (Be informed that the scenes in following, happen the same time Yoona chased down Seohyun in the last chapter. Informing to reduce confusion. Thank you!)

 Lunch time at SooMan high, 2-A room

 "Well let's eat, Tiff." A blonde haired girl asked a red head who's currently fixing her things. "Wait a sec, Hyo.." Tiffany put on some perfume.

 "Geez. Seducing Taeyeon.." Jessica commented. "Not really, Jess." Tiffany winked at Jessica.

 "I'm seducing you.." Tiffany smirked at Jessica.

 "Ugh. Let's just eat.." Jessica rolled her eyes. Yuri approached Jessica. She sniffed the scent of the air.

 "Smells good is it you Sica-baby?" Yuri smiled at Jessica.

 "No its your wife no. 1.." Jessica pointed at Tiffany. Tiffany chuckled.

 "Well I guess the seduction worked on Yul-daddy" Tiffany held on to Yuri's arm.

 Jessica arched her eye brow.

 "Tiff, Yul, PDA much?" Hyoyeon smirked. She then pointed a finger to Jessica. "Do you guys want Hell-Sica?"

 Yuri quickly took off Tiffany's arms.

"Si-Silly Fany's just playing.." Yuri smiled at Jessica.

 "I'm not!" Tiffany put her hands on her waist. "Can we just eat?!" Jessica angrily said.

 Oh Oh Sica's jealous. Haha this is quite fun.. Tiffany thought to herself.

 Walking down the hallway, Jessica lead the way. Yuri speeds up and went beside Jessica.

 "Sica are you mad?" Yuri asked.

 "No. I'm ok, we're suppose to talk about something right?" Jessica explained. Yuri remembered she needed to tell Jessica about Hyunki.

 "Oh yea. Let's go to the rooftop.." Yuri took Jessica's wrist. "Yah!" Jessica tried to break free, Yuri just showed a tongue to her.

 "Hyo, Fany we're going to talk about something ok? Go on without us." Yuri bid goodbye to her friends as she dragged Jessica to the staircase.

 Hyoyeon and Tiffany knew exactly what Yuri is going to tell. They looked at each other.

 "Good luck Yuri." They both said.


 On the cafeteria,

 "Gaaah it hurts so bad." Taeyeon cried in pain because of her toe nail injury. Sooyoung supported Taeyeon, who has a cast on her toe nail wearing flip-flops.

 "You’re violent girlfriend bow~ haha!"

Sooyoung joked.

 "No way hell! I don’t like Jung, Soo.." Taeyeon begged to disagree. Sunny waved at them, she signaled the two to seat by her table.

 "I think she's cute Tae.." Sooyoung told Taeyeon. Taeyeon showed an 'eww' face. "Err no she's a bipolar girl, Soo."

 Sooyoung just laughed as they sat down the table. Sunny was seating beside Hyoyeon and Tiffany.

 Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at each other. The wounds that the two took are still open and fresh, it pains them that they have to be so close after what has happen.

 Even so, Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon.

 "What's wrong with your foot Tae-Tae?" Taeyeon couldn't reply fast. She was devastated at Tiffany's sweet concern words that, those seconds she forgot what Tiffany had told her.

 "A violent attack." Sooyoung laughed.

 "Oh from who?" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon. Taeyeon couldn’t bear to look straight in Tiffany's eyes.

 "Just be careful always Tae-Tae.." Tiffany beamed a smile at Taeyeon though Taeyeon was looking down.

 Why is she like this? Your killing me Ppani-ah.. Taeyeon was so confused of why Tiffany was still like that.

"Uhmm Hyo-ssi, about the inciedent." Sunny asked Hyoyeon who was very surprised at the question almost choked.

 "Haha what incident?" Tiffany asked Sunny.

 "Last night at Yuri's house." Sunny told Tiffany the topic. Tiffany already had a hint of what it is but she still questioned.

 "What happen?" Taeyeon carefully listened since Tiffany was listening.

 "Yuri had another child, Tiff I thought Yuri told you already." Hyoyeon explained.

 "Wait! Another? There are others?" Sooyoung exclaimed. Sunny remained silent though.

 "Well uh.. Yeah." Hyoyeon sadly announced.

 "Shouldn't she ask some science experts about this?" Sunny suggested.

 "Sunny's right, It's a phenomena. She can be famous haha!" Sooyoung laughed at her silly conclusion. Tiffany smiled.

 "I wouldn't want my baby be a test subject for science experiments." Tiffany commented. Taeyeon stared at Tiffany. Sooyoung and Sunny became confused at Tiffany's comment and clearly both asked for a suitable explanation.

 "Ppani has a baby with Yuri too." Taeyeon blurted. Sooyoung and Sunny looked at Taeyeon.

 "You know about this things?" Sooyoung asked. Taeyeon nod.

 "I didn't know Yuri-ah can be such a player.." Sunny frowned. Tiffany looked at Sunny.

 "She's not unnie. Everything is just.. Unexplainable." Tiffany protected Yuri's image, to the fact that she is Yuri's best friend. Tiffany knows Yuri more than anyone else, even than Jessica.

 "If you guys aren't eating I guess I better ask for your foods!" Sooyoung closed the topic as she threaten the lunch of her friends.

 "Yah! Shiksin!" Hyoyeon tapped her hand. They all laughed, except for Taeyeon who's busy looking at Tiffany's smile.

 Still the prettiest girl.. Taeyeon mentally complimented Tiffany's beauty. It made her smile a bit.


 "So there's another baby..?" Jessica looked far.

 "Yes.." Yuri answered.

 "The mother is Seo Joohyun, Yoona's girl of interest..?" Jessica elaborated.

 "Y-yea.."  Yuri was prepared for the worst.

 "Player." Jessica spoke.

 "Jess, you're my only one. You should know that!" Yuri exclaimed to Jessica.

 "Sure then how do you explain Tiffany's and Joohyun's child?" Jessica faced Yuri with a cold glare.

 "I don’t. But you know what I don't care how cute and adorable or even if my conscience kills me, I won't ever make those babies!" Yuri exclaimed with a decided face.

 "Do as you like. But me? I won't ever make Yeon Hee with you!" Jessica shouted at Yuri.

 "Don't go that far Jess please.. Pleease! Don't end us." Yuri begged for Jessica to understand her.

 "There were never us. Why bother?" Jessica arched her eye brow at Yuri.

 "There is! Because I love you.." Yuri took Jessica's hand.

 "Shut up. Tell that to Tiffany or Joohyun!" Jessica furiously swayed her hand from Yuri's grasp. Yuri frowned.

 "Don't push me away.. I can't do that.." Yuri pleaded for Jessica. Jessica turned around mad, she walked away but Yuri took her hand.

 "Jessica Jung.. Please! Listen to me, Trust me, I love you.."

 Jessica looked back. Yuri's eyes were almost crying, Yuri really did not intend it all to happen.

 Jessica has indeed feelings for Yuri but she was still giving time for them to know each other more, before they become official. But after knowing Yuri in the future, Jessica thinks twice.

 "Don't ever touch me." Jessica let go, and continued to walk away.

 "J-Jessica! Aissh! Wait!" Yuri rushed to follow Jessica. Jessica looked back at Yuri.

 "Leave me alone Yuri. Please." Jessica said with an icy glare.

 Yuri respected every word Jessica asked of her, she sighed and let Jessica be alone.


 Jessica ran down stairs crying. She looked at the hallway if there were anybody there. She didn't want anyone to see her crying so.

 Jessica wiped her tears as she heard someone come out from the room beside her.

 "Aissh! It's so hard to walk!" A blonde girl came out from the room. The girl looked sideways, she found a familiar brunette who's currently wiping her tears.

 "J-Jung?" The blonde carefully approached the girl.

 "What dork!?" Jessica angrily said, though she tried to be tough. Taeyeon clearly knew Jessica cried.

 "Here.. It's easier to wipe tears with this. Rather than just hands." Taeyeon offered her handkerchief. Jessica hesitated to do so.

 "Just take it." Taeyeon said.

 Jessica pulled Taeyeon's tie, she used it to dry her eyes. Taeyeon was surprised.

 "K-kah! J-Jung!"

 "I dont want to use your dirty handkerchief, who knows what you had done with that!" Jessica let go of Taeyeon's tie. Taeyeon fixed it quickly.

 "Thanks.." Jessica whispered.

 "You're welcome." Taeyeon fixed her uniform. "I guess you're still human. I thought you don't know how to appriciate." Taeyeon teased Jessica.

 "Aiish. Do you want another injury?!" Jessica threatens Taeyeon's other foot. Taeyeon quickly took a step back.

 "Yah! You're so violent! I was just joking.." Taeyeon said as she put her guard up. "I'll forget about earlier because you're suffering with that." Jessica looked down, she smirked.

 "Hmp! Like I intended that to happen!"

Taeyeon argued. Jessica rolled her eyes. She looked down the staircase.

 "I need to go, dork.." Jessica took her a step down. Taeyeon continued to walk too.

 Yuri went down stairs, she saw Jessica go down. But Jessica went up again, Yuri hid from Jessica's view.

 "Taeyeon! Sorry ok?" Jessica shouted. Taeyeon replied with a nod. After seeing so, Jessica went down stairs.

 Yuri followed Taeyeon but Taeyeon entered the council room. On the way so, Yuri crossed path with her cousin, Yoona.


Chapter 27 - Perceptions

 (Now this is the story's present time line.)

 Sunny sneaked away from Yoona and Seohyun to go near where Yuri hides.

 "Boo!" Sunny tried to surprise Yuri but Yuri was not surprised. "Oh! Unnie!"

 "I was trying to scare you.." Sunny frowns in disappointment.

 "Oh haha! You weren't really scary but you did surprise me.." Yuri explained, she looked back at Yoona and Seohyun whose still standing there.

 "Yuri-ah you better go back to your class.." Sunny suggested. Yuri ate half dozen of eggs that she could not barely feel her stomach. "Ughh.. I’m skipping.."

 "Please go to your class Yuri-ah, I’m a council member. I’m allowed to suggest so." Sunny pushed Yuri to go back to their respective room.

 "Unnie, I can't my stomach's growling.." Yuri pleaded in pain. "Go to the restroom.." Sunny helped Yuri to get to the nearest restroom.


 "You'll talk to me now?" Yoona smiled as she asked Seohyun.

 "I guess.." Seohyun started to walk.

 "Later though, we have classes.." Seohyun suggested. Yoona followed her but Yoona stopped. She felt her stomach aches. "Uh oh.."

 Seohyun looked back at Yoona curiously. "Problem?"

 "I think I need to go to the restroom.." Yoona answered in pain, she also asked Seohyun to go on without her. Seohyun did so. Yoona rushed to the restroom.

 On the restroom.

 Two cubicles opened up the same time, as both of the person stared at the mirror they were both surprised.



 They both laughed as they washed their hands. "Haha coincidence?" Yuri joked. "Meant to be!" Yoona answered.

 "Skipping class?" Yoona asked.

 "I had to go to the restroom! It’s because of what we ate haha" Yuri laughed. Yoona smiled at Yuri.



 "Sorry.. For not trusting you.. I almost forgot that you're the very reason why im near her again." Yoona asked for Yuri's forgiveness. Yuri didn't do anything to Seohyun. It was wrong to blame it all on Yuri.

 "It's ok buddy, if I was in your place, I would have done the same." Yuri patted Yoona's shoulder.

 "I acted like a jerk, I hurt you and I asked more of Seohyun that I ended up hurting her too.."

 Yoona looked down, confessing every wrong she had done to Seohyun.

 "I'm ok Yoona, but its Seohyun whom you have to persuade." Yuri suggested.

 "Just.. Promise me ok? My Seohyun. Mine.." Yoona smiled at Yuri.

 "Sure. Promise and My Sica too ok? Mine! Mine! Mine!" Yuri chuckled.

 "Hehe I need to go, I'd still go to class though im late.." Yoona bid farewell to her cousin.

 "Go! I know you just value seeing Joohyun than studying haha!" Yuri teased Yoona. They both went out of the bathroom.

 Outside Sunny waited for Yuri. Yoona went on ahead, leaving the two.

 "You waited for me unnie?" Yuri was curious. Sunny nods.

 "We better run to our classes.."

 "I’m skipping, unnie hehe" Yuri answered. Sunny took Yuri's hand, she dragged Yuri down stairs. "Yah! Unnie, I'm not going! Please just go to your class.." Yuri fought back. Sunny pouted, showing off a cute face. Yuri remembered Hyunki asking her to study well, Yuri just smiled.

 "Ok ok! I'll go to class.." Yuri walked towards their room.

 "Good. Skipping class is not good." Sunny smiled. Yuri smiled back.

 After school,

 Tiffany bid her friends farewell, looking at the window she noticed a black jaguar parked at the school grounds. Students became curious at why an expensive car is parked at their humble school.

 It's one of Tiffany's car. Tiffany quickly went down, seeking way from what the student’s giggle about. Tiffany approached the car and it opened.

 "Hae-baby!" Tiffany was in delight to see her baby. She hugged the kid and went inside the car, the car quickly left the school premises.

 "Fany-mommy I remember, in the future I will also go to your taaaaall building and you'll hug me!" Hae Rin excitedly told her mother something she remembered from the future. 

 "Hehe well thats sweet. Is it why you came here?" Tiffany touched Hae Rin's cute face.

 "Yep! I remember you teaching me English, French and Tagalog too!" Hae Rin proudly said.

 "Oh really? Sample of tagalog, Hae-baby!" Tiffany asked her child.

 "Mahal kita!" Hae Rin eye smiled.

 "Mas mahal kita." Tiffany eye smiled as well. She then hugged her cute daughter. "I am a proud mommy of a linguistic kid."


 Yoona followed Seohyun who's walking on her way home. Seohyun won’t talk if Yoona doesnt ask anything.

 "Do you want to eat before going home?" Yoona asked Seohyun. "No, thank you." Seohyun answered.

 "Ok. How about some arcades?" Yoona asked again, and again; Seohyun said no. Yoona inhaled deeply, to prepare herself on giving Seohyun her explanations. But before she could speak up, Seohyun turned around.

 Yoona was simply out of words seeing Seohyun's sad face. "Yoona.."


 "I can't talk to you yet.. I still can't.." inside Seohyun was still the events of last night. It was very heart-breaking.

 "I-Its ok.. I'll wait till when you’re ok.." Yoona said.

 "Yoong.. Is such a jerk." Seohyun looked down. Yoona cannot dodge what Seohyun had said, it was an insult she had to bear, for it was true.

 "I'm really sorry.." Was all Yoona can say. "Is that how you looked at me?" Seohyun said in a medium tone.

 "Look at you?" Yoona was confused.

 "The words you told me, It made me feel.. Like I was just some toy you'd play.." Seohyun was trying her hardest to convey her hurtful feelings.

 "Toy? No Seo. You've got it wrong! I was just mad and confused." Yoona tightened hold on her bag.

 "It hurt Yoona.. I trusted you. You didnt trust me.." Seohyun looked at Yoona with tears.

 "Im sorry.. Please tell me how can I make it up to you.." Yoona took a step closer to Seohyun.

 "I dont know how, Trust is easy to make impossible be made again.."

 Yoona wanted to hold Seohyun but she just can't. She just watched Seohyun walk away from her again. Nothing was fixed. Yoona was afraid of Seohyun's idea of trust, she felt like there was no chances to get it back.


Chapter 28- Baby 1, Baby 2, Baby 3

 "Kwaaaa! So cute!" A dolphin-like scream was heard all over the humble house of the Jungs.

 "Yeon Hee-ssi is so cute!" Another girl complimented. "Hehe I look like a princess.." Yeon Hee looked at herself in the mirror, her mother and Krystal were so facinated.

 "You look like unnie when she acted as the swan lake princess!" Krystal pinched Yeon Hee's checks. "Kwaa! Unnie~"

 "Stop it Krys hmp. Get your own cute baby!" Jessica snatched her baby away from her sister.

 "Fine. I'll call Yuri-unnie!" Krystal threatened her sister but it seemed that her sister is not even bothered. "I'll ask her to make a baby with me!" Krystal further evoked her sister.

 "Just wait I’m sure a baby will pop out of nowhere and claim you and Yuri as parents.." Jessica sat down in frustration and disappointment. To her, Yuri was a very perfect person; until the baby incident happen. She got disappointed that somehow to her perfect Yuri there was a flaw.

 "Are you saying there are others like Yeon Hee?" Krystal asked in confusion.

 "Yep , there are 2. Future babies as well.." Jessica elaborated. "Whaa?! For real sis?" Krystal exclaimed.

 "Really really.. Geez. I wonder how will Yuri's future be?" Jessica asked. Yeon Hee approached her mother.

 "Sica-mama shouldn't worry; Yul-papa loves you so much!" Yeon Hee encouraged Jessica. It made her mother smile a bit, but Jessica was still trying her best to gain her feelings for Yuri.

 Meanwhile, at Sooyoung's humble house.

 "Really I think Taeyeon and her have something!" Sooyoung loudly said to the phone while ironing her clothes.

 "Tae-Tae seriously needs to pick girls.. Haha!" Sunny commented over the phone. "Yep. Jung is pretty cute but very icy.. But Tae can do it!" Sooyoung answered.

 "Yah! Issue! Hot issue! Haha I wanna ask Tae-Tae tomorrow." Sunny exclaimed.

 "I asked her, she denied it. But I clearly saw them in the council room!"

 "Kyaaaa! That dork is a byun after all! Hahaha" Sunny and Sooyoung laughed.

 At the Hwang Mansion,

 "How's school mommy?" Hae Rin asked her baby who’s currently eating her dinner. "Fine Hae-mommy!" Tiffany laughed teasing her baby acting like a mother.

 "Mommy, tomorrow grandpa will take me to the zoo!" Hae Rin proudly announced to her mother.

 "Well that would be great! I sure want to come but I have school.." Tiffany pouted. Hae Rin smiled at her mother.

 "In the future, I remember daddy taking me to museums too.." Hae Rin looked quite sad. "Oh, why are you sad?" Tiffany pinched the kid's cheecks.

 "Because daddy doesn't even visit me or you.. To go to museums or zoos.."

 Poor kid.. Aiish. Yul, I wish you'd take a look at the kid.. Tiffany thought.

 "Gah! I'll come with you tomorrow ok? I'll skip school! Happy now?" Tiffany eye smiled. Hae Rin smiled too.


 "Appa, can you help me answer this equation?" Hyunki approached Yuri who's currently munching on to noodles.

 "Nump,nump, w-what’s that pow? Gah! Just eat your noodles." Yuri took a look at the paper; truth is she does not know what it is that's why she quickly swayed the topic.

 "Hmm ok wait.." Hyunki wrote something again. "There, is my answer correct Yul-appa?" Hyunki showed the paper again. Yuri didnt know if it was right or wrong but clearly it was pure numbers.

 "It's right. Now eat young lady! Before it gets cold.." Yuri exclaimed.

 "No it won’t, the lid of the noodles stops the circulation of heat to go out. It will slowly lose its heat because of the table's conduction to cold. But that will take up to 10minutes.." Hae Rin explained as she opened the noodle.

 "Yeah yeah. Just eat, it will help you answer more equations and problems, dearest." Yuri smiled. She looked at the kid, carefully eating the noodles.

 "Do you remember anything from the future? Even some hint why I have daughters with different mothers?" Yuri thought Hyunki was intelligent; she could give her answers to this mystery.

Hyunki fixed her glasses, seemingly thinking deep.

 "I can’t tell much because my memories were forbidden. I could only recall some.." Hyunki thought again.

 "Hehe don't overdo yourself, ok?" Yuri told the kid in concern.

 "I just know Yul-appa has a big heart."

Hyunki smiled showing off her cuteness.

 "Haha! Awe shocks, sweet-talker too?!"

 Yuri patted the kid. It wasn't much of a clue about her future but she did took note of it.

 I have a big... Heart. Wonder what she meant by it.. Yuri though deep.

 After eating the noodles Yuri cleaned their tables while Hyunki read some books.

 Knock knock.

 "Wait a sec!" Yuri was washing cups, she rushed to the living room.

 "Hyunki-ssi can you get that?" Yuri eyed the kid. Hyunki walked towards the door while reading.

 Without looking at the door, Hyunki opened it.

 "Uhmm..Hello.." The person said so.

Hyunki didn't reply though she was simply absorbed in what she reads.

 The stranger took the book off the kid.

Hyunki looked up who the person is.

 "You shouldn't read while walking, it's very dangerous."  The stranger said.


Chapter 29- Sorry, feeling pity.

 "Seo-umma!" Hyunki quickly hugged Seohyun. It felt very awkward on Seohyun but she had to be good to the kid. "H-Hyunki-ssi is Yuri-unnie at home?" Seohyun asked. Hyunki nod and lead her mother inside the house.

 "It’s ok w-we can just talk outside.." Seohyun was shy about going inside Yuri's house. But Hyunki insisted that she comes in. Hyunki ran to the kitchen where Yuri is to call her.

 "Who was it Hyunki-ssi?" Yuri asked.

 "Umma!" Hyunki quickly grabbed Yuri's hand and she dragged Yuri to the living room.

 "Joohyun?" Yuri called on to Seohyun who's quietly sitting on the sofa.

 "Unnie!" Seohyun stood up seeing Yuri.

 Yuri approached Seohyun and sat in the sofa in front Seohyun. "Please sit down Joohyun-ssi." Yuri asked. Hyunki sat beside Yuri and hugged Yuri's arms, the little kid was obviously happy her parents are together.

 "Unnie, about.. Her.." Seohyun shyly looked at Hyunki. Hyunki smiled at her mother. "What about her?" Yuri giggled at Seohyun's shyness.

 "Is she really my daughter?" Seohyun asked. Hyunki frowned at the question.

 "Im afraid that if you'd ask such questions the little kid will be sad.. Hehe" Yuri held on to Hyunki to comfort the kid.

 "I'm sorry Hyunki-ssi, I’m still.. Devastated." Seohyun apologized to her baby. Hyunki was still frowning though.

 "Seo-umma should accept it. This is reality; difference from real to fantasy is that truth hurts. Reality hurts." Hyunki expressed.

 "Reality is such a chaos that you'd rather ran away to a fake reality. Fantasy and falseness." Seohyun countered. Yuri on the otherhand, was completely overwhelmed at the conversation of deep expressions.

 "Haha I don't understand you two. All I know is that.." Yuri stopped and she looked at Hyunki. "..Seo-umma has someone she likes, and it’s real." Yuri continued. Yuri turned to look at Seohyun.

 "How are you and Yoona? Hehe" Yuri asked. Seohyun looked down.

 "Yoona doesn't trust me,unnie." Seohyun answered. "Maybe you just got the wrong idea, Joohyun-ssi." Yuri smiled. Hyunki was quietly listening.

 "Yoona is umma's current love interest, am I right?" Hyunki eyed her parents. Yuri nod and pinched the kid's nose.

 "Adult conversation, Hyunki-ssi."

 "But Yul-appa.. You shouldn't let my umma go!" Hyunki scolded Yuri.

 "Oh and why so? haha" Yuri laughed. Seohyun smiled a bit.

 "Because look at my umma!" Hyunki went to Seohyun and pointed at her mother. Yuri looked at the both.

 "My umma is smart, beautiful and simple." Hyunki proudly described Seohyun. Yuri grabbed Hyunki and tickled the kid. "I told you not to jump into adult conversations didnt I? Punishment!" Yuri continued to tickle the kid. Seohyun sat beside them both.

 "Ahahah-Appa stop haha!" Hyunki begged to stop while laughing hardly.

"I think you should stop unnie.." Seohyun said in concern of the kid. Yuri did stop. Hyunki went to Seohyun's side. "Umma protect me from that Macaca fascicularis!

 Yuri arched her eye brow. "Whats that?!"

 "It’s the scientific name of a monkey,unnie." Seohyun answered.

 Yuri eyed her playful daughter. Hyunki and Seohyun laughed. "Yah! You dare call your appa monkey!" Yuri threatened the kid.

 Hyunki dragged Seohyun with her to the corner. "Seo-umma hurry sheild me!" Hyunki hid behind Seohyun.

 Yuri approached the two.

 Yuri looked right, Hyunki hid left.

 Yuri looked left, Hyunki hid right.

 Yuri just hugged Seohyun. Seohyun was quite shocked.

 "Bleeh! Joohyun-ssi stop protecting that frog!" Yuri showed her tounge to the kid.

 "Yah! Yul-appa is a byun!" Hyunki pointed at Yuri currently hugging Seohyun. Both of them broke free from the hug. Hyunki ran to the kitchen and Yuri chased her. "Hey who told you about that word!"

 Seohyun followed them too.

 Yuri quickly grabbed Hyunki. Tickling the kid again. "Yah you! I told you not to search for that worrrrd!"

 "Haha but I was curious I just looked at the dictionary!" Hyunki explained.

 "I was just like you when I was young.. I love to read and search words unfamiliar to me." Seohyun approached the two. She even bended down to pat Hyunki's head.

 "But there are restrictions to what you are supposed to read, ok little one?" Seohyun told Hyunki. Hyunki smiled at her mother, Yuri just smiled at the two.

 "Sleep tight. Hyunki-ssi." Yuri smiled at Hyunki. "Umma and appa should sleep with me too." Yuri chuckled.

 "I told you your umma has Yoona." Yuri whispered to Hyunki. Hyunki just pouted.

 "Good night, Hyunki-ssi. Sleep tight." Seohyun smiled at Hyunki. Hyunki pouted.

 "At least kiss your baby umma, appa!" The kid requested.

 Both attempted to kiss the kid but the both bumped into each other's checks.

 "Hehe sorry.. You first." Yuri gave way.

Seohyun landed a peck on the kid's forehead. Yuri kissed the kid's check.

 Hyunki smiled. "I just know, one day my umma will have you appa!"

 Yuri closed the door and they went down stairs.

 "She's a cute kid. Haha.." Yuri said. Seohyun eyed her.

 "Very much. I see myself in her.." Seohyun smiled but she looked really sad.

 "What's wrong? Want me to call Yoona? Hehe" Yuri teased. Seohyun stayed the same though. "Yoona doesnt trust me or you,unnie." Seohyun explained.

 "She does Joohyun. And about Hyunki, since I know you can’t take care of her. I will hehe" Yuri answered.

 "I will take care of her unnie." Seohyun looked at Yuri with determination.

 "But your mom?.. Your studies. We'll be fine dont you worry.." Yuri insisted not to. But Seohyun still looked at her with determination.

 "Unnie,dont tell anyone.. Even Yoona. I was an unwanted baby.. My parents wanted me to die. They attempted to kill me lots of times. That's why I said I was like her.." Seohyun looked down.

 "Hyunki.." Yuri added.

 "Hehe I see myself in her, because we don't want her right ,unnie?" Seohyun looked at Yuri with watery eyes.

 "But I feel so sorry to the kid but unnie, there's no other way right?" Seohyun wiped her eyes.

 "Joohyun.." Yuri then realized what Tiffany had told her before, about how she should also consider Hae Rin, now Hyunki too.

 "I will take care of her Joohyun-ssi. Just make up with Yoona ok!" Yuri smiled. Though inside Yuri was a never ending tension of her concerns.

 "Unnie.. I'm not even giving her a chance to live.. to be born." Seohyun reflected herself through Hyunki. Her parents blamed her for everything since she came. Hyunki was exactly the same. No she felt she's even worst.

 "I don't know too Joohyun.. What is supposed to be right.. Or wrong.." Yuri hugged Seohyun. Tightly.

 "Everything is wrong,unnie.." Seohyun hugged back.

 "What if we.. No.. hehe" Yuri stopped talking.

 "If we?" Seohyun asked.

 "No. Nevermind it." Yuri smiled; she broke free from the hug. Seohyun still looked curious about it though.

 "Alright.. It’s something like this." Yuri held on to Seohyun's checks. Yuri came closer to Seohyun's face.

 Seohyun wasn't stoping Yuri.


Chapter 30 - Inputs, Outputs.

 Yuri opened her eyes, feeling a tear drip. Seohyun quickly moved away, crying. "I'm sorry unnie.."

 Yuri held on to Seohyun's hand. "No I should be the one who's sorry.."

 Yuri wiped Seohyun's tears. "I can't believe I almost betrayed my cousin.." Yuri murmured. "It was me unnie, I was so caught up on my reflection to Hyunki that I didnt know whats right.." Seohyun apologized.

 "J-just.. Go.. Dont worry about Hyunki, let's worry about school tomorrow." Yuri smiled. She lightly pushed Seohyun to the door.

 "Well, take care ok? When you need me come here anytime ok, Joohyun?" Yuri waved goodbye and so did Seohyun.

 Yuri still can’t believe they almost kissed. It was something she really regret, to her it was like backstabbing her cousin. She lied next to Hyunki sleeping soundly.

 Geez. What am I suppose to do? My life's so complicated. Yuri complained.


 Morning at the Hwang mansion.

 "Fany-mommy wake uppp!" Hae Rin woke her mommy up because it was almost time for them to go to the zoo. Tiffany got up and yawned. "Hae-baby wait for me with grandpa ok? I'll take a bath." Tiffany stretched. Hae Rin obeyed and went outside Tiffany's room.

 Tiffany looked at the box on her table. It was a brand new phone probably bought by her father.

 When Tiffany held on to it, she remembered the messages from Taeyeon that she saved. But this phone contained no messages, not even Taeyeon's number.

 "I miss the dork.." Tiffany whispered to herself.

 After 45 minutes Tiffany went down stairs. Wearing a simple blue shirt sleeve polo, shorts and white sneaks.

"Fany-mommy took so long! We're gonna miss the elepats!" Hae Rin complained.

"Haha sorry baby, let's just go.. Ok?" Tiffany carried Hae Rin.

 "Stephanie, you should have asked Yuri-ssi to come." Mr. Hwang approached them.

 "She has school, dad. Maybe next time." Tiffany smiled. They all went inside their van, going to a special Zoo.


Morning at the 2-A class,

 "Good morning Yuri and Jessica!" Hyoyeon greeted the two but both are not talking to each other.

 "Ohh where's Tiffany?" Hyoyeon eyed Tiffany's empty desk.

 "Must be late." Yuri answered.

 "She's never late.." Jessica countered.

 Hyoyeon sat down; she leaned forward and whispered to Yuri. "YulSic War?"

Yuri nod. "I see.." Hyoyeon knew exactly that Yuri's confrontation yesterday was a total failure.


 Jessica dragged Hyoyeon to leave Yuri alone. Yuri just scratched her head upon so, but Yuri can't blame her; Jessica was still upset. Yuri gives Jessica time to understand everything.

 Yuri bought a sandwich and left the cafeteria.

 Yuri walked in the hallway heading to the rooftop. She walked pass Taeyeon. She remembered yesterday, Jessica said sorry to her. Yuri became curious she called Taeyeon.


 Taeyeon turned to look at whom.


 "I'm Yuri uh.. Remember?" Yuri refreshed. "I know.. How can I help you?" Taeyeon asked, to her Yuri was her biggest jealousy-maker. Tiffany and Yuri are always close.

 "Did Jessica Jung do something to you?" Yuri asked.

 Taeyeon was quite surprised, that question just gave her anxiety. "Yeah.. This.." Taeyeon pointed at her toenail with a cast. Yuri looked down.

 "I see.. I’m really sorry for what she did hehe" Yuri apologized for her Jessica.

 "It’s ok.. I-It was an aciedent.." Taeyeon made her way again. "I better go Kwon-ssi.." Yuri just looked at Taeyeon trying her hardest to walk.

 I wonder what Tiffany liked about her, she's a total dork. She does not fit Tiffany's type.. Hmm.. Yuri mentally criticized Taeyeon.

(Insecure Yul?)

Yuri proceed to the rooftop surprisingly, Yoona was there.

 "Yoona!" Yuri tapped Yoona's shoulder.

 "Hey.." Yoona greeted back with a light smile. "What's wrong?" Yuri asked her dear cousin.

 "Seohyun said it’s hard to gain her trust back." Yoona sadly said.

 "And Sica asked me to leave her alone.." Yuri sadly said as well.

 "Were on the same boat eh, Yul?" Yoona smiled to her cousin. Looking at Yoona, Yuri remembered that she almost kissed Seohyun last night. It became a bit awkward so Yuri looked away.

"Yeah. Same boat.. Yoong, can I ask you something?"

 "You've already asked me something. Haha still go ask me.."  Yoona put an arm around Yuri's shoulder.

 "About Joohyun.." Yuri calmly said.

 "Yes? What about Seohyun?" Yoona asked.

"Did you hate her? When you found out about our.. baby." Yuri didnt want to say 'our' but it was inevitable.

Yoona didn't seem to be offended by the topic, she even thought about it seriously without being jealous of Yuri.

 "I was.. Quite angry at you and her of course." Yoona honestly said.

 "But then, Seohyun asked for forgiveness; for something she hasn’t done. I thought, I shouldn't be mad at her either you Yul.." Yoona added as she elaborated her actions.

 "But Yuri.. I was so scared. I was terrified, that you'll take her away from me.. Someday." Yoona looked down, because this is what she truly felt. Yuri felt guilty at what she attempted to do last night. "Yoong.."

 "But then feeling so selfish, I lost my mind and I ended up forcing Seohyun to be mine, just mine." Yoona looked up to her cousin. Yuri felt so sad for her cousin, she was deeply torn by which is still right in the process. Yoona loves Seohyun deeply and to make Hyunki sometime in the future, who knows what Yoona can commit.

 "One last question.."


 "What if.. No. Never mind it." Yuri stopped herself but what she wanted to ask if Yoona will accept, if they make Hyunki but Seohyun will still be Yoonas. Yuri thought it was so wrong to decide like that, it's like deciding for Seohyun, who also have her own feelings.

 "Well you better eat your sandwich. I’m getting hungry.." Yoona joked as she looked at Yuri's sandwich. "Yah! Shikshin! Haha" Yuri quickly ate her sandwich and Yoona laughed at her.

 Geez I need to get these two back.. Yuri decided to make action about Yoona and Seohyun’s problem. She wanted to make it up to her cousin, though she did not directly did wrong; partly of it was also her fault.

 "Yoona good luck on getting Joohyun.." Yuri patted her cousin. "Yah! Thank you I'll need all the luck." Yoona smiled to Yuri. "Goodluck on Jessica-unnie as well.." Yoona winked at Yuri.

 "About Seohyun.. I have a plan Yoona.." Yuri suggested.

 "What is it buddy?"



Chapter 31- Crazy and Confused

At the zoo, the Hwang family are checking out the zoos butterfly garden. Hae Rin was so fascinated at its beauty.

 "Fany-mommy look at the butterfly!" Hae Rin pointed at the beautiful butterfly, spreading its colorful wings.

 "It’s so pretty, blue and violet." Tiffany smiled to her daughter. Mr. Hwang just carefully observed.

 "Let's go to the elephants!" Hae Rin ran away from Tiffany. The maids and body guards rushed to the kid's side.

 "Geez that kid. Hehe" Tiffany complained a bit and she rushed to follow Hae Rin.

 "Stephanie is just the same." Mr. Hwang commented. "Yah! Am not! Haha!" Tiffany disagreed.

 "You'd always ran off by yourself then me and then me and you're mom will rush to you, worriedly." Mr. Hwang smiled as he remembered the days his family was complete.

 "I wish mom was here, I’m sure she'd like Hae Rin too." Tiffany sadly hoped. Her mother died off an accident, in exchange for the life of a young child.

 "In exchange of your mom, she may be the gift." Mr. Hwang looked towards Hae Rin. Tiffany smiled, but deep inside it hurt. Because it was impossible to make Hae Rin, with Yuri disagreeing.

 "I better rush to the kid. Go buy some drinks, Stephanie." Mr. Hwang walked up to Hae Rin and the maids. Tiffany obeyed his father and went to the near store.

 Tiffany walked up to the store, she noticed a familiar person drinking an orange juice. "Aunty?"

 The woman turned to look at Tiffany.

 "Tiffany-ssi?" The woman approached Tiffany. "Haha yes, aunty what brings you here in Korea?" Tiffany asked the woman.

 "My stupid daughter flew here without permission." The woman said in frustration.

 "Yoona?" Tiffany asked Yoona's mother. "Well yes. I just came here yesterday, that Yoona! I wonder why she came here so sudden." Mrs. Im exclaimed.

 Because of a certain Seo Joohyun? Hehe Tiffany thought. She watched her words carefully so Yoona couldn’t get into trouble.

 "Oh aunty, why are you in Avalon Zoo?" Tiffany swayed the topic.

 "Glad you ask. I’m planning to buy this zoo." Mrs. Im proudly said.

 "Oh. I see but what for?" Tiffany asked.

 "I don’t know, adding zoo to our properties is not that bad. But it will still be open to the public." Mrs. Im elaborated as she looked around the place.

 "Besides it’s a pretty nice place for my future grandchildren." The woman added.

"That’s cool. I wanna ask my dad for our own zoo as well haha!" Tiffany joked. Mrs. Im laughed.

 "You why are you here, dear?" Mrs. Im turned to ask Tiffany.

 "With my family. Some bonding time.." Tiffany happily announced.

 "Oh gosh. I have an appointment tell your father I said hi. I'll give you guys a call sometime ok?" Mrs. Im hurriedly left for a meeting with the owners. Tiffany happily waved goodbye but Mrs. Im looked back. "Oh! Tiff, visit us sometime too ok?" Mrs. Im said, and then she left. Tiffany bow in agreement.

She then bought some drinks and caught up to her family.


 After classes, SooMan High,


 Hyoyeon happily stood up from her desk. "I'll be going now, Hyo bye!" Jessica hurriedly left. "Aish. She didn’t even say goodbye to me!" Yuri sobered.

 "Haha she'll get over it soon, Yul." Hyoyeon patted Yuri's shoulder. Yuri was still sad though, but Yuri needs to respect what Jessica asked of her.

 Leave me alone, Yuri. Please.

 It was like a recorded tape that ran through Yuri's mind. Those words stopped her from getting close to her Jessica.

 "I hope." Yuri said in frustration.


 Running down the hallway, Jessica saw a familiar senior trying her best to walk while caring some papers and folders.

 "Kim Taeyeon.."

 "Jung-ssi.." Taeyeon looked up to Jessica. Jessica is not that ignorant not to notice though, she knew Taeyeon was having a hard time in walking because of the injury she gave.

 "Let me help you."

 "Yah. Its-" Before Taeyeon could disagree, Jessica already took half of the papers. "Thanks.." Taeyeon whispered.

 They went down stairs. Jessica remained silent along the way though.

 "Hows.. Tiffany today?" Taeyeon asked.

 "She's absent today." Jessica answered.

 "I see.. I hope she's ok.." Taeyeon looked down, Jessica noticed the sad aura about Taeyeon again.

 "What happen to you two? If it’s ok though.." Jessica asked.

 "It's ok but care to wait? I'd just give these to our professor." Taeyeon took the folders and papers Jessica held.

 Jessica waited for a short minute. It became weird for her to calmly wait but to know what happen about Taeyeon and Tiffany was a bit of her concern; feeling a bit guilty on hurting Taeyeon that is.

 "Sorry for making you wait.." Taeyeon walked up to Jessica. "So talk?" Jessica said.

 "I sure need someone to tell how I feel but never thought it would be you.." Taeyeon smiled at Jessica.

 "Well it’s your decision. All I know is that Tiffany and you are completely compatible." Jessica smiled back at Taeyeon, also giving a thumbs up.

 "Really? I thought you guys think I don’t deserve her.." Taeyeon rubbed her neck in bit shyness.

 "Who said we never wanted you for Fany?" Jessica exclaimed. "T-the way you guys look at me.." Taeyeon answered.

 "It’s because you don't look like someone Fany would like. Haha I mean look at you, you're so dorky, a bit of nerd and seriously? Lose the loner attitude!" Jessica laughed at Taeyeon.

 "So much insults! Gaaah!" Taeyeon looked down, exclaiming Jessica's words.

 "Sorry about that shorty." Jessica stopped laughing. Taeyeon looked back at Jessica with a glare.

 "You're not that tall.. Don't insult me with that!" Taeyeon hated being called short, especially by Jessica who’s not that tall. "Haha lets just talk next time, I need to go home." Jessica said.

 "Ok then. Take care.. Oh can I have you're number?" Taeyeon brought out her cellphone, Jessica agreed they exchanged numbers.


 Tiffany and her family went home, they were all happy about the bonding. Tiffany also told her dad about her meeting with Mrs. Im. Hae Rin slept quietly on her mother's arms.

 "Stephanie, how are you and Yuri?" Mr.Hwang asked.

 "Same dad. Like it can change.." Tiffany sadly answered.

 "Hmm, really? How about the other person you're dating?" Mr. Hwang asked his daughter again.

"Oh we're over." Tiffany looked away.

 "You're maturing. You're thinking about other things, than yourself. Good." Mr. Hwang smiled at his daughter.

 Yea. But I never even considered how Taeyeon would feel.. Much less.. How I.. Would feel. Tiffany emotionally broke down inside her; she was left in a decision to hurt herself and Taeyeon. For her, leaving Taeyeon was the hardest thing she had done. Tiffany loves Taeyeon, still and unchanging.

 Taeyeon.. I still love you.

 Tiffany drifted off to sleep.

 Tiffany's father got of her car, when he saw a familiar person, is waiting by their gate.

 "Yuri-ssi?" Mr. Hwang personally walked up to Yuri.

 "Oh sir uhmm, is Tiffany home?" Yuri humbly asked. "She's inside the car, come inside with us." Mr. Hwang led Yuri inside as the gate opened.


Chapter 32 - In change.

 "Sis. Mom and dad will go home in 2 days.. Geez. No more internet freedom.." Krystal informed Jessica while looking at her laptop.

 "Just be careful with what you post."


 "Internet words. Hmp! Where's Yeon Hee?" Jessica asked her sister.

 "Sleeping." Krystal answered. Jessica walked to her room. There, she found the kid sleeping peacefully. Jessica lied beside her baby and hugged the kid. 

 Without Yuri there wouldn't be you Yeon Hee-ssi.. Jessica thought as she closed her eyes.


At the Hwang mansion,

 "What brings you here Yul?" Tiffany asked Yuri. Yuri didn’t answer immediately though, she was too busy looking at Tiffany in her pink pajamas.

 "Yah! This isn't the first time you saw me in these!" Tiffany snapped in front of Yuri. Yuri simply burst in laughter.

 "It just brings back memories. Haha" Yuri looked up to Tiffany.

 "Yes Yes. Now why are you here?" Tiffany arched her eye brow.

 "I need your help. On something.." Yuri stood up; she brought out her phone and showed Tiffany something.

 "What's that?" Tiffany asked.

 "Just look!" Yuri smiled. "Jessica's picture as your wallpaper?" Tiffany looked closely and arched her eyebrow.

 "Waaah!" Yuri looked at her cellphone.

 "Wrong thing haha wait.."

 Yuri showed her phone again to Tiffany.

 "Lyrics?" Tiffany asked Yuri, the taller girl just nod as an answer.

 "Hmm? And for?" Tiffany crossed arms.

 "For Joohyun.." Yuri smiled.

 "For her? Yah! Kwon Yuri! Don’t tell me?!" Tiffany exclaimed thinking Yuri likes Joohyun. Yuri disagreed.

 "No no no!"


 The next day in the 2-A class.

 Yuri placed a folded paper in Tiffany's desk. "Is this it?" Tiffany asked. Yuri nod and she took her seat. All along though, a certain Jessica is eyeing their interaction.

 Great Yuri. Prove to me you are a player! Jessica mentally thought.

 "Fany-ah, later ok?" Yuri looked back to Tiffany whose busy texting. "Yea lunch."

 Tiffany looked at Yuri smirking at her.

 Yuri winked at Tiffany.

 Uhg! Yuri you stupid player! Jessica saw everything and she mentally hated Yuri's flirting with Tiffany. She focused on the lecturer instead.


 Lunch break, 1-A class,

 Seohyun walked in front of the class to announce something. Being the class president, Seohyun needs to imply class rules.

 "Before we go, group one is on cleaning duty later ok?" Seohyun announced. The group just nod.

 Yoona raised her hand. "I’m on group one too right?" Yoona asked Seohyun.

 "Yes, please clean with your respective group Yoona-ah." Seohyun said she then turned to their other classmate with concerns. Yoona just quietly sat, her group mates were asking her.

 "Yoona-ssi, you came from the US as they say right?" Yoona's classmate asked. "Yes." Yoona humbly answered.

 "Oh. But you study here? Why so? Financial problems?" Her classmate asked again, in the process all of their turned their attention to Yoona.

 "Yea i'm curious about it too! Is it ok Yoona-ah?" One of her group mates asked. Others pleaded as well.

 "It’s ok.." Yoona smiled back at her group mates, but she saw Seohyun being quite irritated that they are not listening to her.

 "But I think we should listen to president Seo first." Yoona asked her group mates. Her group mates did so.

 After their small class meeting, Yoona walked her way towards Seohyun whose busy cleaning up the seats.

Yoona didnt talk though, she just looked at Seohyun. She still remembers what Seohyun asked of her, time to think.

 Yoona's groupmates called her; some even clung on to Yoona's arms. It was quite awkward for Yoona though.

 "Yoona-ah eat lunch with us!" One of her groupmates asked. Yoona turned to look at Seohyun. Seohyun didn’t look back though. "Ok then.. hehe" Yoona agreed.

At the cafeteria,

 Yuri, Tiffany, Sunny , Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are eating together in one table. Tiffany was busy texting though, then she noticed Jessica isn’t around.

 "Yul, where's Sica-chu?" Tiffany turned to Yuri. "I don't know.. We're kind’a having a bit of quarrels.." Yuri sadly announced.

 "Oh. That explains Sica's glares on me earlier.." Tiffany whispered. She went back to her texting business. All along, Sooyoung listened to their conversation.

 "Jessica is probably with Taengoo." Sooyoung said while eating her rice cake. "Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon turned to ask Sooyoung.

 "Yea." Sunny answered.

 "In fact there they are.." Sooyoung pointed at Jessica and Taeyeon grabbing lunch together.

 Yuri turned to look at what Sooyoung pointed at. "I never knew they were friends?" Yuri asked.

 "Tiffany were they?" Yuri turned to ask Tiffany, Tiffany looked at Yuri. "Yes? Again Yul?" Tiffany wasn't listening she was busy texting.

"Look." Yuri pointed at the same direction Sooyoung pointed. "Ooooh.. You jealous?" Tiffany playfully teased Yuri.

 "I was asking if they were close.." Yuri looked at Tiffany like 'duh'. Tiffany smirked. "Jessica replaced you so fast, poor Yuri.." Tiffany added. Yuri rolled her eyes.

 "Do you like Jung Yuri-ssi?" Sunny asked Yuri, somehow looking disappointed. "Yap. Madly deeply in-love." Hyoyeon answered.

 "Oohh! I smell love triangles!" Sooyoung commented.

"Yuri versus Taeyeon over Jessicaa!" Hyoyeon teased Yuri. Tiffany laughed while texting.

 "Stop it you guys. Geez." Yuri pouted, truth is she's not really bothered about Taeyeon and Jessica, she has faith in how Jessica feels about her.

 "Yuri-ssi shouldn't worry, Tae-Tae likes.." Sunny quietly pointed at Tiffany, whose still busy texting. Yuri looked at Tiffany and she smiled.

 "By the way Tiff, who's your new text mate?" Now Yuri smirked at Tiffany. Everyone laid their eyes on Tiffany.

 "Yah! It’s just a friend! You guys are so!" Tiffany looked away quite blushing. They laughed at Tiffany's shyness. Tiffany rolled her eyes, she turned her attention to Taeyeon and Jessica.

 Tae seems happy with Jess..Deep inside Tiffany she somehow became jealous seeing Taeyeon looking quite happy. It seemed like Taeyeon already forgot about her.

 Tiffany stood up because she got a phone call. She waved, 5 minutes to her friends. They just nod to agree.

 "Oh hi hi hi!" Tiffany answered.

 "Haha hi there, sorry for calling so sudden but as I texted you earlier.." The caller said.

 "It’s ok. So is that date ok with you?" Tiffany said.

 "Yes it is approved. So see you tomorrow, I’m guessing?" The caller said.

 "Well after school. I have classes."

 "Oh you're studying.."

 "Haha yeah. Well gotta go bye!"

 "Ok bye bye, Tiffany-ssi." Tiffany hang up. Being quite inattentive to the surroundings, she bumped into Yoona along the way back.

 "Tiffany-unnie." Yoona supported Tiffany from falling. "Oh Yoongie! Hi there!" Tiffany smiled.


Chapter 33 - In change [2]

 "Where did Tiffany go?" Taeyeon asked Jessica whose busy eating her lunch. "Phone call I think.."

 "Do you think it’s someone new?" Taeyeon pouted. "Maybe. Why don’t you ask her?" Jessica arched her eye brow. Looking at Jessica so, Taeyeon just rubbed her head. "How?"

 "Simply walk there. Ask her."

 "I can't do that!" Taeyeon looked down with both of her hands on her head.

 "Then you'll never know. Idiot." Jessica lightly tapped Taeyeon's head. Taeyeon then brought out her phone.

 "I wonder if I can text her?" Taeyeon looked at her phone, but after 5 seconds. She returned to her former state. "I caaaant! She'd just ignore me!"

 "I can't! Take your misery anymore." Jessica stood up and left Taeyeon. Taeyeon quickly stood and followed Jessica.

 "Yah! Sica wait!"


 "What?! My mom is in Korea?!" Yoona exclaimed as she and Tiffany talked about Tiffany's meeting with Yoona's mother.

 "Yea. Yoona-ssi is in trouble.." Tiffany smirked. "Great. But I'll just explain it to mom.." Yoona put her hands in her neck, relaxing and calming.

 "Shouldn't you be guarding your Joohyun?" Tiffany askes Yoona playfully.

 "My goddess is busy blessing people with her grace." Yoona smiled at her cheesiness.

"Haha you and Yuri are really cousins. You guys are same." Tiffany chuckled.

 "I'm better than Yuri." Yoona smiled showing a full-teeth smile. Tiffany pinched Yoona's checks.

 "Oh yes! Yoongie is better than Yuri hundred times! Haha" Tiffany complimented Yoona.

 "That's what I like about you, unnie! You speak of honesty!" Yoona tapped Tiffany's shoulder. 

 "It costs you a free meal though." Tiffany joked. Both of them laughed.

 "You should buy Joohyun some lunch if she's busy studying." Tiffany winked at Yoona. "That's a good idea, thanks unnie!" Yoona smiled. They both went to the cafeteria.


 Jessica stopped walking when Yuri walked up to her. "Hi Sica." Yuri smiled.


 "Uhm.. Are you still mad at me?" Yuri asked. Taeyeon then caught up to Jessica. "Wait Sica.." Taeyeon held on to her chest, breathing heavily. Yuri and Jessica turned to look at Taeyeon.

 "Taeyeon-unnie, can I talk to Jessica for a while?" Yuri humbly asked Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked up being quite confused at the matter. "S-sure.." Taeyeon was ready to leave. Jessica glared at Taeyeon. "Don't you dare leave me.."

 Yuri stood confused. "Yuri, is Tiffany going out with someone?" Jessica asked.

 "Hmm, I don't know. But recently she's busy texting her special friend." Yuri smiled at her Jessica. She missed talking to Jessica that's why.

 Jessica turned her look to Taeyeon. "Heard that shorty?"

 "Uhg.. Y-yea.." Taeyeon looked down.

 Jessica flipped her hair and turned her back on Yuri. "Well thanks, Yuri. Later." Jessica left Yuri. 

 "Ok.. hehe" To Yuri it was better than Jessica ignoring her completely. Jessica grabbed Taeyeon's sleeve as she walked, dragging Taeyeon with her.

 Now I’m jealous. Yuri thought so. Pulling Yuri's sleeve was something Jessica did to her as well. It seemed very unfair to her, that she sees Jessica do something they used to do with another.


"Seohyun.." Yoona looked at Seohyun so absorbed at what she's doing. Yoona bought Seohyun a ham and cheese sandwich. She was still hesitating to approach Seohyun but Yoona still did.

 "You better eat first, Seohyun-ah." Yoona handed the sandwich to Seohyun. Seohyun looked at Yoona.

 "Thank you." But Seohyun ignored Yoona, she continued to do her stuff.

 Aiish. Yoona sighed. She sat beside Seohyun, patiently waiting. Yoona saw Seohyun's keroro plush keychain.

 "Keroro's hungry." Yoona leaned closer to Seohyun.

 "It's a doll. It does not eat." Seohyun spoke with a straight tone.

 "But Seohyun isn't. She's not a toy.." Yoona said. "Yes she is, to Im Yoona." Seohyun looked at Yoona in bit of anger expression.

 "No she's not. She's Im Yoona's everything." Yoona countered.

 Seohyun continued her work and Yoona just stayed by her side.

 After class, 2-A

 "Tiff! Let's go?" Yuri approached Tiffany, Tiffany nod and took her bag with her. "Hyo, Jess let's go." Tiffany called on to friends.

 "I'm walking with someone; take care on your way." Jessica waved to Tiffany. Tiffany on the other hand looked at her friend curiously. "Wow Yul, she's still cold to you." Tiffany turned to Yuri.

 "It can't be helped. Yuri's very much a player in Sica's eyes." Hyoyeon patted Yuri's shoulders. 

 "Karma for you." Tiffany whispered. The trio left the room.

1-A room,

 "Seo? Let's walk home together." Yoona blocked Seohyun's table. Seohyun stood up and held on to her bag.

 "Ok? I'll just walk you home.." Yoona added. Seohyun was about to answer when one of their classmates approached Yoona.

 "Yoona-ssi! We're on cleaning duty today." The girl grabbed Yoona's arm. Seohyun continued on to go. Yoona took the mop and sighed, watching Seohyun leave her.

 She rushed outside to Seohyun.

 "Please be careful on your way home." Yoona tried to smile. Seohyun nod and left Yoona.

 On the hallway, the trio found Jessica and Taeyeon taking the stairs together.

 "Ooh..." Tiffany expressed.

 Tiffany approached Taeyeon and Jessica. "Yah! Are you two?!" Tiffany pointed at the two, and she formed a heart by her fingers. "Dating..?!"

 Taeyeon shaked her head. Jessica just rolled her eyes. "Let's just go Taeyeon.." Jessica grabbed Taeyeon's sleeve.

 "Ooh.. You jealous, Tiff?" Yuri teased Tiffany just like how Tiffany teased her before.

 "No. Maybe it’s you, Yul!" Tiffany fought back. Yuri put her hand on her waist.

 "Hyo?  What do you think?" Yuri turned to look at Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon just smiled.

 "You two are at fault of why those two are together." Hyoyeon walked over her two friends, looking confused.


Chapter 34 - Melodramas and dramas.

 On a music shop Taeyeon and Jessica,

 "Do you think Ppani-ah.." Taeyeon asked Jessica who's currently looking up to cds.

 "I don't know why don't you just ask her directly?" Jessica answered.

 "You already did ask Yuri-ssi, she said Tiffany has a new friend." Taeyeon miserably said. Jessica shrugged.

 "It's a friend Taeyeon, friend." Jessica calmed Taeyeon down. "Alright. Alright.." Taeyeon took a deep breath.

 "I really suggest you talk to her Taeyeon." Jessica said.

 "I don't know how." Taeyeon deprived.

 "Oh la la la~" Jessica sang as she took a cd. "Listen to this. It will calm you down."

 Taeyeon took a look at the cd it's Shoujo Shidai's Paparazzi album.

 "A Dance album? You listen to this Jess?" Taeyeon asked as she scanned the album.

 "Well it's very catchy. Besides you shouldn't listen to sad songs when you are sad you know.." Jessica took the other cd in Taeyeon's hand. It is a single album, Time Machine.

 "But somehow it’s better to cry than to be happy but deep inside you're torn." Taeyeon sadly said as she gave Jessica the Paparazzi album.

 "Crying won't solve anything. Actions will." Jessica put the Time Machine album back to the shelf. Taeyeon stopped Jessica's hand.

 "Actions. What will you do if it won't also work?" Taeyeon took the album back.

 "At least you tried. Try and try until you die." Jessica placed an album on Taeyeon's hand.

 "I'll die of suicide." Taeyeon frowned.

 "Twinkle twinkle. You'll be a star when you die, Tae." Jessica smiled, and then she turned her back on Taeyeon.

 Taeyeon took a look at the album Jessica gave her, Twinkle by TTS.

 Taeyeon bought the twinkle album.


 "Welcome home!" A maid greeted Yoona. Yoona smiled in return, her servants opened the doors to their glamorous and fancy mansion.

 Yoona stepped inside only to find her mother waiting for her by the mansion's twin staircase.

 "Umma?" Yoona asked.

 "Yoona, why didn't you ask for our permission before you left?!" Mrs. Im hurriedly went down stairs.

 "Like you'd let me go if I did." Yoona rolled her eyes. She went up stairs, passing by her mother. Mrs. Im stopped and held on to Yoona's arm.

 "Yoona, don't make us worry. If you want to stay here, then do so." Mrs. Im explained. "Sorry mom I was just excited to go that's why I forgot to tell you and dad.." Yoona smiled,half-heartedly.

 "Well next time tell us ok? By the way, why are you so excited? Is there a very good reason about it?" Mrs. Im held on to her daughter's waist, smiling funny.

 "W-well.. There is.." Yoona blushed.

 "Ooh! Who or what?" Mrs. Im asked excitedly.

 "I.." Yoona looked at her maids. Cheering on to her.

 "I think you know her.." Yoona quickly looked away and went up stairs.

Mrs. Im was left confused. "Her..?"

Mrs. Im looked back to the maids. Exactly as she looked the maids went back to their respective work. "Am I missing something here?" Mrs. Im asked herself.

 Going to Yoona's room.

 Yoona tried calling Seohyun's cellphone. Seohyun was not answering though. Yoona called Yuri instead.

 "Hello? Yul?" Yoona asked.

 "No this is Hyunki, sorry appa is busy right now, eating."

 "Oh hi! Little Seohyun, Can you tell her I called?" Yoona smiled.

 "..Ok. Bye." Hyunki hang up. She was playing some mobile games on Yuri's cellphone that's why she got the call.


 Tiffany went home, exactly as she entered their noble mansion, Hae Rin hugged her tightly. "Welcome home, Fany-mommy!" Hae Rin happily greeted her mother.

 "Ohh how's my cute little daughter?" Tiffany bended down to Hae Rin and showed her eye smiled to the kid.

 "Still cute as ever!" Hae Rin flashed her mother her own eye smile. Tiffany hugged the kid in such cuteness.

 Tiffany proceeded to her room to change her clothes. After changing she received a phone call. Her 'friend'.

 "Hello? Tiffany-ssi"

 "Oh! Hi! Problem?"

 "Well nothing but tomorrow ok? Just reminding you. Good night " The person said.

 "Sure I'll see you then. Good night." Tiffany hangs up and fell down on her bed. She looked at her phone, the wallpaper was a picture of Hae Rin and her taken from the zoo.

 She decided to call someone just to kill time. She looked over her phone; sadly it’s a new one so the only numbers registered are her fathers, Yuri's and Yoona's.

 She tried calling Yuri. Someone picked up.

 "Hello? Yuri-ah?"

 "Uhm no. I'm Hyunki, please call later appa is taking a bath." Hyunki answered.

 "Ohh so you must be.. Well can you tell her Tiffany called, dear?" Tiffany said, Hyunki agreed and ended the call.

 Tiffany just got up from her bed and went out of her room, probably to play with Hae Rin.


 "Hyunki-ssi? Can I have my phone?" Yuri asked her daughter quietly playing by the corner of their bed. Hyunki humbly gave Yuri her phone.

 "I beat your high score,appa!" Hyunki fixed her glasses.

 "Woah you did! Now let me reset this haha" Yuri was overwhelmed by the score.


 "Kiddng hehe"

 Hyunki then went down stairs to eat some snacks.

 Yuri looked at her phone. Without any other things to think about, she called Jessica. Jessica picked up.

 "Hello?" A cute voice answered.

 "Yeon Hee-ssi? Is that you? It's uhh, Yul-papa." Yuri told the kid.

 "Papa? Oh hello!"

 "Can you call Sica-mama? Tell her I need to talk to her."

 "Ok!" Yeon Hee hurriedly woke her mother up. "Sica-mama! Wake up.." Yeon Hee tapped her sleeping mother.


 Jessica slowly opened her eyes, she hates it when someone wakes her up; but Yeon Hee is the biggest exception.

 "Y-yes,Yeon Hee-ssi?" Jessica asked as she slowly opened her eyes. "It's Yul-papa!" The child exclaimed, hearing so Jessica sat up fast. "No. Tell her I don’t want to talk.."

 Yeon Hee looked at Jessica with a cute frowning face. "But mama.."

 Jessica felt conscience take over her, seeing her cute child begging in absolute cuteness. "Ok! I will.."

 "Yey! Tell papa I miss and love Yul-papa ok mama? Pleaaase!" Yeon Hee hugged Jessica.

 "Ok. Ok, now go check on Krystal for the time being.." Jessica asked of the kid, she needed a little privacy. Yeon Hee went out of their room to go to Krystal's.

 "Hello?" Jessica asked.

 "Sica?" Yuri asked in return.


Chapter 35 - Almost.

 "Yea Yul?" Jessica answered. "I miss you.." Yuri said.

 "Yea right. You have your wife no.1 and wife no.3." Jessica said in annoyance.

 "Yes yes, wife no. 2 is still the best."

 "It doesn’t make me feel any better..Yul, it doesn't. It doesn't." Jessica said being annoyed more.

 "Sorry.. I.. You know what-"Yuri was stopped when Jessica cut on her. "I don't know."

 "Please take the time to listen seriously." Yuri wanted to talk to Jessica seriously but Jessica was getting her anger, the best of her.

 "Fine. Now talk.."

 "I just don't know why this happen to us.." Yuri said.

 "Everything, what happen to us now?" Yuri added.

 "Do you want me to tell you the whole story to wake you up Yul?!" Jessica exclaimed but Yuri remained silent.

 "Tell me Yul, what are you planning?" Jessica took a deep breath, calming herself down.

 "To make us right again." Yuri answered.

 "Not just us.. Consider the other people affected." Jessica said.

 "I am! I think about others, if only you know how crazy am I going Jessica!" Yuri exclaimed.

 "Don't shout!" Jessica became angry again. Yuri took a deep breath. "I am not, I'm explaining.. I'm sorry."

 Hyunki came inside Yuri's room.


 Yuri walked out of her room going down stairs, to have a bit privacy. Jessica understood, so she remained silent. She heard Yuri's footsteps.

 "So uhmm.." Yuri said, she sat on the sofa of their living room. Jessica didnt answer though. "Uhmm.. How's little Sica, Yeon Hee-ssi?" Yuri tried to pave a topic.

 "Fine." Jessica answered quickly.

 "Uhm Sica-mama? Is she ok?" Yuri asked. "Fine earlier. Now I’m not."

 "Can I do something to make her feel better?" Yuri asked.

 "Why don’t you go and jump from a building?"

 "That's too harsh, Sica-ah!" Yuri pouted, making a cute tone.

 "You asked me what can make me feel better now I don't feel fine." Jessica spoke. "Fine I would." Yuri said in a straight-tone.

 "Oh I'd like to see you try Yul.." Jessica provoked Yuri more. Yuri wasn't answering.

 "I'm waiting Yul.." Jessica challenged Yuri more and more.

 After a while, Jessica heard footsteps from her phone. It seems Yuri was walking. Jessica didn’t care much, she remained silent.

 Then, Jessica heard a sound of a vehicle, then another vehicle. It seems Yuri is on a road. "Hey? Where are you going..?" Jessica asked but Yuri didn't answer. Jessica continued to hear vehicles but she hears people as well.

 "Hey Yuri..Answer me?" Jessica exclaimed. Jessica was bothered, she feels Yuri was serious. She then heard loud tapping steps, running fast.

 "Yuri! Hey! Go home! Troublesome!" Jessica shouted that even Krystal and Yeon Hee heard. Jessica still heard what she previously did.

 "Y-Yuri? Hello?" Jessica felt her anxiety take over, wondering what Yuri was planning. She sat on the edge of her bed, fearing Yuri's status.

 "Sica.." Yuri spoke. Jessica heard a heavily breathing voice. "I just wanted you to trust me.." Yuri added.

 Jessica remained silent.

"I wanted everything about you.."

"No, Sica I need you." Yuri cried. Jessica somehow thought Yuri was acting but it sounded so real.

 "So if this is what you wish for me to do.. Then.." Yuri said. Jessica's body built up tension and fear.

 "Hey idiot! Stop it! I-I.. Yuri!" Jessica stood and ran outside her room.

 "Sica.. I just need your trust."

 "Ok! ok! I trust you!" Jessica said to stop Yuri. "Where the hell are you anyways?!" Jessica exclaimed in anxiety.

 "Somewhere.. I just ran where my feet took me.."

 Both of them remained silent at the passing time. Yuri was sitting on a staircase going to a closed mall's entrance.

 "I was planning to jump from this building but it was closed.. My bad luck." Yuri said.

 "Aiish! I was just kidding, you idiot! Now go home!" Jessica shouted but she was relieved Yuri calmed down.

 "It’s nice here.. The wind feels good." Yuri said, she wiped her tears as well.

 "Don’t make me worry like that.. Yuri.." Jessica said as she leaned on the wall.

 "Just go home. You have to take care of your kid.." Jessica suggested. "She'll be ok, she's mature on her own." Yuri said.

 "What are your plans for them? The others?" Jessica asked.

 "Nothing.. Make things right, the way I feel it's right." Yuri answered.

 "Yul.. I’m afraid."

 "Of what?"

 "Stop pursuing me.. Please just go home and take care of your child." Jessica calmly said.

 "But why Sica? Please trust me. I will try to make everything right." Yuri pleaded.

 "When it’s all back to normal, I will.. For now. Good night." Jessica hangs up. Yuri was left in confusion and sadness.

 Jessica went back to her room and buried herself on her pillow. Jessica liked Yuri to a sense she almost fell in love. She was afraid, of being hurt sooner or later; knowing clues of Yuri's future she thinks twice of giving Yuri her heart. She was disappointed, hurt and confused. Yuri has responsibilities and Jessica wanted Yuri to make it on her own and if Yuri comes back after all is right, to her.. Jessica believes Yuri and her are real future.

 Everything was almost. Jessica thought as she lied down her bed thinking about her almost love, Yuri.


Chapter 36 - Developments.

 After their conversation Yuri stayed on the same spot for a while. She had to have time to recollect herself after Jessica's word. Yuri perceived everything as life's greatest obstacle for her, she didn’t blame Jessica for being so but she understood that Jessica had the right to say such.

 Yuri became more determined to make things right. Yuri had something she held on, Jessica was her goal.

 The next day, morning at SooMan high,

 "Good morning Hyoyeon! Fany! Sica!" Yuri cheerfully greeted her friends. Hyoyeon and Tiffany greeted her back. As always, she sat at the back of Jessica.

 "Did you sleep well, princess?" Yuri asked Jessica. Jessica nod.

 "Yeah, you?" Jessica asked.

 "Yep." And Yuri smiled.

 Hyoyeon tapped Yuri's back. "Yah! YulSic is ok now?!"

 Yuri replied with a smile, Jessica just rolled her eyes.

 Their teacher entered the room, everyone became silent.

 This will be the beginning.. Yuri mentally said.


 After school,

 Yuri was running towards the 1-A class.

She was looking for Yoona. When she eyed her cousin, Yoona was leaning on the wall, outside their room.

 "Yoong!" Yuri called her cousin, Yoona looked back. "Oh Yul!" Yoona waved at her cousin.

 "Buddy, can you come with me?" Yuri asked. Yoona looked down, she looked at the classroom. Seohyun was on cleaning duty. "You're waiting for her?" Yuri asked. Yoona answered with a simple smile.

 Yuri went inside the room; she eyed Seohyun who's sweeping the floor.


  Everyone inside the room looked at Yuri. Seohyun looked at Yuri confused.


 Yuri came over to Seohyun's side. Yoona eyed them. She wondered what the two were conversing, she somehow became worried especially seeing Seohyun flash Yuri a shy smile.

 After a while, Yuri approached Yoona.

"Shall we go Yoong?" Yuri asked a quite surprised Yoona. Yuri took Yoona's waist and pulled her cousin outside.

 "But i'm waiting for Seohyun!" Yoona stopped Yuri. Yuri looked at her cousin.

 "I excused you for a while. Ok lovergirl?" Yuri explained.

 "I can't let her go home alone, Yul."  Yoona countered.

 "I told her I need to tell you something, she agreed. I asked her if she'll be ok on her own she said she will be. I told her you love her she smiled!" Yuri cheerfully said.

 Yoona rubbed her head it seems her cousin wasn't giving up.

 "That's why she smiled."

 "Now shall we go?"



 Tiffany was meeting her friend today.

 "Hello there!" A young man approached Tiffany, he was wearing a simple shirt and pants.

 "Oh hi is it you? I'm Tiffany." Tiffany flashed the young man her eye smile, then she leaned her hand. The guy shakes hands with her.

 "Nice to meet you! I'm Choi Jong Hoon!" the guy introduced himself.

 "Well shall we go Tiffany-ah?" Jong Hoon added.

 "Yea, is it near here?" Tiffany asked.


 Taeyeon was walking home with Jessica again.

 "How's Tiffany today Jess?" Taeyeon asked Jessica.

 "Still the same, but she left class in a hurry today.." Jessica informed her friend. Taeyeon dreded at the information Jessica gave. "I see.."

 "You know what Taeyeon? Every day you ask me of that!" Jessica complained. Taeyeon looked somewhere else avoiding Jessica's glare.

 "Yah! I'm becoming like your Tiffany-Info-Booth!" Jessica let out her icy aura but Taeyeon was still avoiding her glares.

 "W-Well y-you are her classmate!" Taeyeon explained she looked at Jessica in fear because Jessica arched her eyebrow.

 "You and Tiffany are the same.." Jessica commented.

 "Why so?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Both of you are users. Users!" Jessica pointed her index finger at Taeyeon.

 "I'm not! Fine next time, I won't ask you about her condition.." Taeyeon crossed-arm.

 "Well that's better.." Jessica crossed arms as well. Taeyeon looked up the late afternoon sky.

 "How about Sica? How is she today?" Taeyeon asked as she looked up.

 "Still the same, walking home with a dork." Jessica answered. "How about Taeng-Dork?" Jessica asked her friend.

 "Still the same, walking home with an ice princess."

 Hearing so Jessica left Taeyeon on her spot.

 "Hey! Wait Sica!"

 Jessica looked back and let out her tongue on Taeyeon.


Sunny and Sooyoung on the way home.

 "Yuri-ah likes Jung too.." Sunny looked down. Sooyoung was eating a custard cake while listening to her friend.

 "I remembered how I liked Taeyeon.." Sunny added. Sooyoung swallowed what she's eating to speak. "Yep. Now Tae hangs out with Jung.."

 "What does Jung have that I don't?" Sunny pouted. Sooyoung tapped her friend's shoulders.

 "Yah! You and her are different, don't lose confidence over that." Sooyoung cheered up her friend.

 "I guess so.. Thanks Soo!" Sunny smiled weakly at Sooyoung. "If it can cheer you up more, I’m willing to give you half portions of my cake!" Sooyoung offered Sunny her cake. Sunny chuckled at her friend's silliness.

 "Food cheers you up but to me it's different!" Sunny shaked her head.

 "Well.. More for me!" Sooyoung bit her cake. Sunny laughed. "Besides, that's not even enough for you! And you'd share with me?"

 "So what? Just to cheer you up, food doesn't matter.." Sooyoung said but she still continued to eat. Sunny looked at Sooyoung with emotion of appreciation.

 "No, I'm ok Soo don't you worry!" Sunny smiled. Sooyoung gave her friend a thumbs up.


Chapter 37 -The night before.

 At Yuri's house, evening.

 "Yul-appa? What are you doing?" Hyunki asked as she looked at Yuri busy at something.

 "Stitching." Yuri smiled at Hyunki.

 "Oh I have something for you!" Yuri pulled Hyunki near her and put something on Hyunki's head. The little kid looked at her head, she saw a headband with a red polka-dotted bow and two big black circles in each sides.

 "What is it for?" Hyuni asked Yuri.

 "Miney mouse, Hyunki-baby!" Yuri happily hugged the kid. Hyunki then smiled at Yuri.

 "I remember, you liked Mikey mouse, Yul-appa!" Hyunki then kissed Yuri on the checks. "Thank you appa."

 "I wasn't the one who bought it though.." Yuri told the little kid, Yoona bought it for Hyunki.


At the Hwang mansion,

 Tiffany was busy on her computer. She looked over her facebook account; she saw hers and Yuri's past pictures.

Yuri and Tiffany have been friends for a long time that her account had many pictures with Yuri. She looked at their pictures by the park, some with Hyoyeon and their other friends. But sooner as the pictures get nearer to the latest, Tiffany noticed Yuri and her became less.. Close. Tiffany just smiled as she saw Yuri being so close to Jessica in the pictures. She had no right to complain to Yuri because she knows how Yuri feels for Jessica but sometimes she wished for their friendship to return.

 The only resolve was to move on from the past.

 Delete selected pictures?


 She looked over one last album named, Tae-Fany. Tiffany clicked the album; it only had one picture though. It was Taeyeon and her, she was smiling while Taeyeon had her dorky smile with a peace sign.

 "This dork." Tiffany giggled a bit at Taeyeon's smile. She missed Taeyeon so much that it almost brought her to tears. If she can move on with what happen to her and Yuri, Taeyeon was different.

 But she had to move on.

 Delete the album?


 Delete the album?


 Delete the album?


Delete the album?


Delete the album?


 Delete the album?


 She took her cellphone. She called her new friend. "Hello?"

 "Yes Tiffany-ssi?" asked.

 "Tomorrow ok? Hehe don't be late!" Tiffany lively said. "Sure! But hey sorry for this.. are you crying?" was concerned. Tiffany was faking her voice but the tone sounded like she just cried.

 "Nah! Haha I just sang a sad song.." Tiffany lied, the fact is she cried a bit feeling sad about her relationship, broken.

 "Well you better reserve that for tomorrow Tiffany-ssi!" said but he knew Tiffany cried upon something.

 "I will don't worry!" Tiffany said, making it look like she’s ok.

 "Well good then, I better get back to practice ok, Tiff?" said.

 "Oh sorry for the bother.. I'll hang up-"

 "It’s ok. Well goodbye Tiffany-ssi." said, then Tiffany said goodbye and ended the phone call.


 Taeyeon was busy serving their costumers at their family noodle shop.

 "Here's your order sir." She handed the order from one costumer to another. Her mother watched her carefully because sometimes Taeyeon can be quite clumsy.

 "I'll take over get some 30 minute rest." Taeyeon's father asked of her. She accepted and smiled in relief.

 Before going up stairs, Taeyeon's mother stopped her. "Wae?"

 "How are you and Tippani-ssi?" Mrs. Kim asked. Taeyeon frowned at the question she ignored it and went up stairs. Mrs. Kim shouted over.

 "Yah! Taeyeon, go for her I tell you! She's perfect!" Mrs. Kim happily suggested.

 Taeyeon closed her room, sighing in frustration. She was so frustrated in school plus service in their noodle shop , now she remembered Tiffany.

 Can anything, somebody just make me less miserable than now? Taeyeon mentally asked. She walked over her room, she opened her email. There's one message from Tiffany. Taeyeon opened it, something was attached to the message. Taeyeon downloaded it.

 The Twinkle Twinkle~

 Taeyeon's phone rang she answered quickly because she got shocked at the sudden call. It was Jessica.

 "H-Hello?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Taeyeon? Are you busy tomorrow?" Jessica asked Taeyeon. Taeyeon opened the attached file as it was finished from being downloaded.

 "Uhmm I think not?" Taeyeon answered, she looked at the file, it was a picture of her and Tiffany. She read the message.

 "Let's go out. Just some shopping.." Jessica said. "Tiffany.." Taeyeon whispered but Jessica heard it. Taeyeon read the message Tiffany sent.

I'm deleting this on my account; I sent it because it's also your picture.

 "Ok tomorrow." Taeyeon hang up.

 "What's with her today?" Jessica asked herself because Taeyeon acted weird.

 For Taeyeon, she was really worth nothing to Tiffany. It hurt her enough after what Tiffany had told her before but it hurts even more that she does not know what Tiffany is planning. First, Tiffany hurts her. Then she stays the same to Taeyeon and sooner she hurts Taeyeon again but immediately becomes nice.

It was nice of Tiffany to send Taeyeon the picture before she deleted it, but the delete part wasn't.

 Ppani-ah is so.. Confusing. Taeyeon mentally felt. Depression.


Ding Dong!

"Uhm Yes?"

"Joohyun-ah is the same as Hyunki. Don't read while walking!" 

"Unnie? Sorry but what brings you here?" Seohyun asked Yuri.

"Can I talk to you for a while?" Yuri asked, she took Seohyun's wrist and dragged the girl outside the house.

"I know your mom won't let us inside so, let's talk outside.." Yuri leaned forward to whisper to Seohyun.

"Ok but please be quick, she'll get mad at me.. Again." Seohyun agreed and Yuri smiled.

"Can you come with me tomorrow at some book stores? I'm buying Hyunki some books and I don't know what to buy for her.." Yuri cutely said. Seohyun knew she had responsibilities to feed Hyunki knowledge and Yuri giving her wrong books and informations was not good. 

"Ok unnie.. Just text me of the time." Seohyun smiled.

"Sweet! But I will leave Hyunki to a friend.." Yuri told Seohyun for assuarance. "Besides I want to surprise the kid.." Yuri smiled.

They soon parted ways and went to each other's places.


Chapter 38 - Crossing Paths, Lightly.

Morning at Yuri's house,

 "Hyunki-ssi! Be a good girl ok?" Yuri patted the kid. Hyunki gave Yuri a peck on the checks. "Have fun with Seo-umma, Yul-appa."

 Nicole, the baby sitter found it quite weird but Yuri just smiled at Nicole. "Haha cute kid eh?" Yuri asked eyeing Nicole.

 "Hehe yes, very much." Nicole answered.

 Yuri bid the two goodbyes and went to Seohyun's house nearby. Seohyun was waiting outside their house wearing plain blue blouse, black jeans and plain grey sandals. "Joohyun-ah!" Yuri waved.

 Seohyun approached Yuri.

 "Unnie, can I see Hyunki later?" Seohyun asked Yuri immediately as Yuri came close. "Oh why not? You are her mom." Yuri chuckled as she said. She somehow knew Seohyun was still having a hard time, taking Hyunki out of her troubles.

 "Well shall we go?" Yuri asked. "Yes." Seohyun answered. Yuri paved the way for Seohyun. "I'll lead you to a book store right?" Seohyun asked.

 "Sure your suggestion stores first." Yuri said as they started walking. Yuri opened her umbrella, protecting them from the sun.

 "Do you have stores you know,unnie?" Seohyun asked.

 "Yea, I pass by them sometimes. I read comics hehe" Yuri said. It became quite awkward that they were too close inside the umbrella. Yuri gave Seohyun the umbrella instead. "Take it."

 Seohyun hesitated. "But it’s yours ,unnie and your skin will get dar-!" Seohyun quickly put her hands on her mouth to stop her from talking.

 "Sorry unnie! I-I'm not teasing you." Seohyun bow to Yuri for apology.

 "It’s ok! My skin was already tanned anyways haha! Now take it." Yuri handed the umbrella to Seohyun. Seohyun took it but gave Yuri her handkerchief in return.

 They walked until they reached the station.


 Jessica and Taeyeon were meeting up in front of the school. Taeyeon got there earlier than Jessica. So to kill time she opened her music player while waiting.

 She played the song OMG and played it on maximum. Half way of the song she opened her phone to text Jessica.

 Meanwhile, Tiffany was meeting her friend as well. She was telling her driver to take the road leading to their school so it would be faster. The driver did so. Tiffany comfortably sat on the backseat; she stroked her hair and grabbed her phone. She scrolled for updates on her social networking site accounts.

 Sica? Don't be late ok?

to Jessica Jung

 Taeyeon texted Jessica as she patiently waited in front of the school. She looked at the road in front of her, few cars are passing by, different colors, models and brands.

 Little did Taeyeon knew, one of the passengers of those cars is Tiffany.

 I'm on my way

 from Jessica Jung


 "Stop there.." Tiffany pointed to her driver the place she liked to park. It was near a closed band studio. Tiffany saw Jong Hoon walking towards the studio, she left the car.

 "Jong Hoon!" Tiffany waved to him. Jong Hoon looked at the person shouting his name.

 "Ah! Tiffany-ssi! You're early.." Jong Hoon said as Tiffany approached her.

 "There's no traffic that’s why." Tiffany  said as she smiled.

 "I see, well since you are here we can start now." Jong Hoon said as he opened the studio.

 "Sure! I’m thrilled!" Tiffany happily said. Jong Hoon smiled at her.


 On a bookstore, Yuri and Seohyun.

 "I think this will be good on her." Seohyun showed Yuri a science book.

 "Hmm but isn't it a little hard for her?" Yuri thought the kid was still young for laws of physics and what so ever

 "I think she can manage. She's very intelligent for a child." Seohyun elaborated then she looked for other science books.

 "Well you are the mother. Mom's know best.." Yuri said but Seohyun didnt hear as she was busy looking for books.


 In front of the school, Taeyeon was still patiently waiting for Jessica. She sat by the bench to comfort her.

 Jessics i'm seating on the bench ok?

 from Taeyeon Kim

 Jessica was walking towards the school, while walking so a car stopped by near her. She ignored it and continued on walking.

 "Yah! Unnie!" A familiar voice called. Jessica looked around the streets if somebody else was around, there was no one. She looked back she saw Yoona waving at her from the car that stopped near her.

 Yoona went out of the car. "Hi unnie! Where to?" Yoona asked Jessica.

 "Yoona? Oh just meeting a friend." Jessica answered, she then offered a share on her umbrella to Yoona.

 "Well, would you like me to give you a ride there?" Yoona asked, she held on the umbrella because she was taller.

 "Uhmm that would be troublesome, to you, I mean." Jessica stated.

 "Oh no its ok, i'm not running late anyways." Yoona explained but Jessica bow to Yoona showing her thanks.

 "Its ok, I'm fine with walking." Jessica said. Yoona signaled her driver to come close to them, so he did.

 "It's just a ride unnie." Yoona smiled at Jessica, she opened the car door for Jessica. "Well?"

 Jessica had no other choice, she went inside the car.

 Yoona sat beside Jessica. "So where to, unnie?" Yoona asked Jessica before the car starts to move.

 "The school." Jessica answered. Yoona signaled her driver.

 "Are you really Yuri's cousin?" Jessica asked Yoona. Yoona laughed at the question. "Yes of course, but why did you ask?"

 "You are.. Quite rich.. I mean a driver and a car.. Just like Tiffany." Jessica elaborated her thoughts. Yoona smiled.

 "Well, Yuri's rich as well." Yoona simply countered. Jessica looked confused.

 "..Rich with love for you, unnie."(Boom! Galing mo boy pick up!) Yoona said and Jessica laughed.

 "Whaa!? What's so funny, unnie?" Yoona asked.

 "You are cousins.. Now I believe you guys are." Jessica continued to laugh. She realized Yuri and Yoona are pretty much alike with their sweet-talking ways.


Chapter 42- Goes around, comes around.



 Jessica saw Yuri and Tiffany in a hand in hand manner, close to each other and very sweet. But Taeyeon and Jessica aren't exempted, they too are in such a manner, Jessica was hugging on to Taeyeon while Taeyeon was helding on to her. Yuri and Tiffany saw it, not a blink had blocked the moment, it was clear enough to be, unbelievable.

 "Uh.. What are you two doing here?"  Yuri asked eyeing Jessica. Taeyeon turned around to see who was talking.

 "Yuri.. Tiffany.." Taeyeon's eyes widen when she saw Tiffany but when she looked down she saw Tiffany and Yuri holding hands. "...."

 "Shouldn't I ask you the same question?" Jessica talked. She was furious to know if Yuri really was doing what she needs to or if she's slacking like what she's currently seeing in front.

 "We were with Yoona and Seohyun earlier.." Yuri explained, Tiffany backed up by agreeing. "How about you two? What are you two doing?" Tiffany asked.

 "Going out.. Is it bad?" Jessica answered because she knew, in the presence of Tiffany, Taeyeon would be mute.

 "Going out? Dating?" Yuri quickly added, Yuri was not happy nor very mad about the scene but it she felt as if Jessica shouldn't do so. Yuri was doing her best to get them back, their relationship.

 "Now who's the crasher Jess?" Tiffany asked in displeasure. She knew she wanted Taeyeon to be happy again but it's clear to her that Jessica should be with Yuri not Taeyeon. Especially considering, Tiffany is Yuri's best friend.

 "Oh so were back to basics eh, Tiff? I always knew you were a flirt." Jessica said, she even said the 'flirt' word, louder.

 Taeyeon was still mute but hearing someone call Tiffany a flirt, she had to aid quick. "Jess.." She held on to Jessica's shoulder.

 "Jessica? Can you just please tell me you are not dating her.." Yuri dreaded to say. She took a step forward, letting go of Tiffany.

 "Uhg. I had enough.. Let's go Taeng.." Jessica grabbed Taeyeon's wrist and turned around. Yuri grabbed her hand to stop her.

 "Don't run away, Jung Jessica! Answer me.." Yuri exclaimed, she was hurt but she didn’t know all of them are.

 Tiffany didn’t even looked at Taeyeon anymore. It wasn't bearable to her anymore.

 "P-Pani.. The-" Taeyeon wanted to explain but Jessica tighten her grip to her hand. She took a look at Jessica, Jessica was in pain as well.

 "Don't shout at me Yuri, you have no right to do so.." Jessica said, madly.

 "Well does she have the right now?!" Yuri turned to look at Taeyeon. Taeyeon didn’t mind though she was busy looking at Tiffany.

 "I never said that. I just dont want you to shout..Why are you so jealous?.." Jessica arched her eye brow. The word 'jealous' made Tiffany look towards Jessica. It made her cry, realizing her love for Taeyeon.

 "Because were suppose to trust and wait for me! You said you will!" Yuri shouted. She cannot contain it.

 Jessica cried upon Yuri shouting at her. Taeyeon looked at Jessica she was crying, Tiffany was also crying. She felt like she had to say something..

 "Yaah! Stop it!" Taeyeon shouted and pushed Yuri. After her attack Taeyeon shakes, probably in mixed emotions.

 Yuri became mad at Taeyeon meddling on their conversation. "Will you stay out this dork!?" Yuri pushed Taeyeon beside to go to Jessica, but Taeyeon pushed her back again.

 "I said stop! You've done enough Yuri! You made Tiffany cry and you made Jessica cry!" Taeyeon said in such anger that she even said the names Jessica and Tiffany straight.

 Yuri turned to look at Tiffany. She was wiping her tears. "Stop Tae?! Like you know what were going through!" Tiffany now vented her anger.

 "Do you know what it’s like to be used? To be hurt? To be left? To have your trust broken?!" Taeyeon said but she looked at Yuri not Tiffany. Yuri thought it was for her so she reached out for Jessica.

 "Jessica.. Ju-just wait.. Please.."

 Taeyeon looked back and grabbed Jessica's wrist. They both left Tiffany and Yuri. Taeyeon was crying as well, she couldn’t believe she belted such anger towards Tiffany.

 Jessica held on to her hand. "Your obviously bitter." Jessica handed her handkerchief to Taeyeon. Taeyeon smiled and didn’t accept. Instead, she rubbed her eyes on Jessica's shoulder.

 "Yah! Dork!"

 Yuri cannot believe everything happen. She was starting to make things right again but then it happen.

 "Aaaish! That dork!" Yuri turned to look at Tiffany. "Why don’t you just get that dork back?!" She told Tiffany.

 "I've made my decision.." Tiffany said.

 "Your Jessica isn't such an angel too you know." Tiffany indirectly defended Taeyeon.

 "Please let’s not fight. Ok ok.. I'm sorry.." Yuri walked up to Tiffany. She rested her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

 "Im.. Going.. Crazy.." Yuri muttered.

 "You always were.." Tiffany joked. Yuri wrapped an arm around Tiffany's waist.

  "Atleast.. Yoona and Joohyun are fine now.."

 Yuri closed her eyes.

 It was all hard for everyone of them. It always goes back to Yuri for the blame, but she was doing her best to make everything right. Tiffany was made to look bad in Taeyeon and Jessica's eyes, but she did it all for Hae Rin. Taeyeon was hurt but she never understood what Tiffany really conveyed. Jessica had little trust to Yuri's love. Everything Yuri did with Tiffany or Joohyun makes her jealous, but it was hard for her to do so though; knowing your future lover is somewhat a player.


Chapter 43 - Unexplainable.

 I guess when you say you're in love it involves a sense of feeling, unexplaianbly; it hurts, unexplainably; it makes you happy, unexplainably; its sad. Unexplainably, you're in love.

 "Why me?"

 "Why you?"

 "I don't feel like I deserve you.."

  As I hear her say such words, I thought of the past days where I happen to be a crazy stalker. I followed her around, watch her and sometimes I even ask the teachers about her. Why does she have to say she does not deserve me? Whereas I already gave my everything to her from the start. I was devoted to her, no one else.

 "Well I don't deserve you either, Seo.."

 I wanna see how she answers this, how she will attack and counter it. I wonder, did she ever find me attractive back then, like how I liked her?

 "You do."


 "Because I love you.."

 Does that mean you don't feel my love for you? I'm quite confused. You said I deserve you because you love me so in simple logic, I love you so you deserve me. Does it work that way?

 She then snuggled on me, hugged me tight. I find my dilenmas no longer there as soon as she did. I didn't mind our earlier arguement about this deserving problem.. When it all comes down into it, being with her is what matters to me.

 Being with her, what I always say.

 "Seohyun, did you know why I love you?"

 "I dont know.. Why?"

 "Its unexplainable."

 She frowned, of course if it was me I would have done the same. I have my whole self to blame about that though, I did open up a topic and I could not provide a better support to it. Stupid, Im Yoona. You always are..

 Seohyun let out a long sigh, I guess she really needs an explanation.

 Stupid. I always am when Seohyun comes in to my mind. Now that I think of it, its a fact about me. I walk around town and when I recieve a text from Seohyun, I hit a post or I bump on to people. I sometimes day dream about her, especially when she recites something in the class. I remember falling down the stairs because I got so excited going to Korea. Uhgh. Lots of more experiences, Seohyun doesn't know how reckless and careless I can be, when she's involved.

 Going back to Seohyun. I tapped her shoulder. "Ok.. Listen ok?" I wanted to try and explain. I dont need to be careful.. I'll pour my everything to this. To show her my love.

 She sat comfortably in front of me.

 "Do you remember when I used to.. Bother you.."

 "When you used to bully me?" I was trying to avoid that word 'bully' but she just had to say it.

"I just.. Want you to notice me.."

"You could have done it nicely.."

 Yeah she's right but I was so young back then that I didnt know how will I convey that I want her attention.  Eventually her love.

 "Aiish but you were so cute.. Bothering you was fun."

 "Bullying me.." She just had to insist that, I really just want her attention.

 "Alright! But Im so sorry about that.. Really." I held on to her hand to show my sincerity. "I guess you remember it all well..Now will you listen to what I'll say my love?" I'm smooth sometimes am I? Being Yuri's cousin is really useful at times.

Seohyun was a short cute girl back in our elementary days. She's wearing a pony tail, always neat and clean. I was still in Korea that time, Yuri and Tiffany were also in the same school but they were a year ahead of us.

 Seohyun's always quiet, she has her nerdy friends and I have mine. I seat behind her and she never talks to me because she's always busy reading or writing or chatting with her co-nerds.

 I wanted to talk to her so I tried calling her name once.

 "Joohyun-ah.. Psst!" She continued reading her book. I tried again.

 "Joohyun-ah? Hello." Still no response.

 "Seo Joohyun?" Still the same. I thought she was def. Really I did.

 Next time I tried calling her she's still the same. We were seatmates but hell she really does not talk to me. So one time I tried something.. I took her book while she was reading. She looked at me.

 "Give that back." First time she even layed her eyes on me. She's really cute.

 "This is too thick and heavy.. Hmm.." I read the title... "To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee?" I simply though is she gonna kill some birds?

 She snatched the book from me. She looked at me with a glare. "Its an inspirational book. Im-ah."

Starting that day I always do that to her, well atleast we get a bit of conversation from that. Sometimes I steal her lunch, sometimes I tease her. Other times I even pinch her nose suddenly. Haha, she's cute when she's mad.

 After a year, I needed to go to US to continue my studies there. At first it wasn't much of a bother. But as my classmates bid farewell to me, Seohyun didn't. I went all over the school to find that kid. She was sitting behind a tree.

 "Keroro-ssi, I finished the inspirational book today! Its very good." Seohyun was talking to this small frog doll. I approached her and I snatched the doll from her.

 "Are you crazy?! You're talking to a doll?!" She quickly stood up and tried to reach for her doll. She's not that tall back then so I raised my hand high and even if she tip-toed she still can't reach it. "Give it back.."

 "Next time." I smirked. She sat down again and frowned. "Seo.." I called her.

"Seo-hyun." I called her that way for her to notice me a bit. She didn't look at me. I guess she was really upset.

 I left Korea and as the years pass, only one person made me feel like I was having a sick mental disease of Histrionic disorder. I needed Seohyun's attention always because the way she looked at me, I remeber the first time she did. It was magic, unexplainable.

I held on to Seohyun's checks and looked at her straight. I looked at her chubby checks and then her eyes. I pinched her nose, i'm overloaded with her cuteness.

 "Yaah! Y-yoona!" She screamed in pain.  I laughed and stopped of course but it was simply irresistable.

 "How I loved you.. I stil can't explain. But I really feel this certain feeling when your with me. When your away I feel sad, when you laugh I laugh.. I just.. Loved you that way." She smiled a bit maybe satisfied with how I conveyed it.

 "But it's really unexplainable, Seohyun. How much I love you? Not even the word infinite and beyond are enough. " I smiled back, its not cheesy words. Its my heart.

 "Maybe the phrase 'I love you' is enough Yoona." She rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers as well.

 "I told you. It's unexplainable.. But ok I'll say it. I love you.. So much."


Chapter 44  - Gravity - P1

 "So uhn.. How's Hae Rin?" Yuri asked Tiffany as they took the train going home. "She's fine. But you know she misses you.." Tiffany replied.

 "Yah.. Poor kid. I can't even give her time." Yuri looked down. The train went on a bumpy ride. Tiffany smashed on to Yuri. "Haha hold on the handles Fany-ah!" Yuri pointed at the handles as Tiffany slowly pulled back from Yuri.

 "It can be dirty.." Tiffany said as she just held on Yuri's arm.

 "Besides this is my first time riding trains.." Tiffany quietly looked down.

 "Yaah. Rich kids."

 "But I guess this is fun, you can see great views.." Tiffany looked up to the sky. "Yeah.."

 The ride became silent as stations passed.

 "Jessica.." Tiffany blurted out.

 "She likes you a lot, Yul. I can tell.." Tiffany added, she also flashed Yuri her eye smile.

 "Yea. But I'm jealous of your Taeyeon.." Yuri arched her eye brow.

 "Is it because me or Jessica?" Tiffany smiled. "Haha both? Just kidding. Of course it Jessica!" Yuri answered.

 "Jessica's lucky. She has you and Taeyeon.." Even though it’s quite sad to her Tiffany still smiled.

 The train station where Yuri was supposed to get off was getting nearer.

"Bye, Yuri." Tiffany bid her farewells to Yuri. Yuri still stood by her side.


 "I think I'd pay Hae Rin a visit." Yuri smiled at her best friend.

 "Yul, you have a kid at home!" Tiffany complained. Yuri showed her phone to Tiffany. A text message from Yoona, saying she'll take Hyunki with Seohyun and her for a while.

 At the Hwang Mansion,

 Hae Rin was watching her favorite cartoons again, along with the company of her maids.

 Tiffany sneaked in the back of the sofa. She then signaled the maids to cover her also. Afterwards, she covered the kid's eyes.

 "Kwaaaa!~" Hae Rin screamed. Tiffany laughed at her daughter's cuteness. She took off her hands and smiled at her daughter. "Boo!~"

 "Fany-mommy!" Hae Rin stood up and hugged her mother. "Hae Rin I have a surprise for you!" Tiffany carried Hae Rin to the entance hall.

 When Hae Rin saw Yuri she jumped off Tiffany and ran quick towards Yuri. "Yul-daddy!"

 "Hi there Hae Rin!" Yuri bended down to the kid. "How are you?"

 "Happy! Because we’re together!" Hae Rin flashed her eye smile. Tiffany approached them as well. "She's quite lonely the past days, Yul. She complains about you forgetting about her." Tiffany lightly pinched Yuri's head.

 Yuri just replied with a smile.

 "I guess you're happy here. Are you taking care of your mommy well?" Yuri tapped the kid's head. Hae Rin smiled.

 "Stay here for dinner Yul?" Tiffany offered. But Yuri refused. "I need to go home but I'll stay for a while." Yuri told Tiffany, then she looked at Hae Rin. "It’s ok right Hae Rin?"

 Hae Rin frowned. "It's ok.." She ran over Tiffany's arms. "Ok then Yuri.."

 Tiffany then cuddled Hae Rin. "Play with Yuri for a while; I'll just change my clothes." Tiffany pinched the kid's nose but the kid seemed to be not amused.

 "I don’t want to." Hae Rin held on to Tiffany's arm. Yuri looked at her with confusion.

 "Aw why not?" Yuri pouted.

 "Because.. If I get used to you, I will be sad when you go."

 Tiffany quickly hugged Hae Rin. "Kya! Yuri has a lot of things she need to do, isn't it ok that she's here!" She then carried Hae Rin to Yuri. "Come on play with Yuri, you said you miss her right?"

 "But.." Hae Rin hid in Tiffany's shoulder.

 "I'll come back next time." Yuri carried Hae Rin. "Let's watch SpongeBob together!"

 Hae Rin smiled a bit.

 After a short while.

 Who Rives in a pineapple unde the shea?~ Yuri sang the theme, she can't pronounce some English that well.

 Spongebob Squarepants! Hae Rin loudly singing, in perfect pronunciation.

 "She's better than you in English." Tiffany said as she approached the two.

 "Haha! She's little Tiffany of course." Yuri rubbed her head.

 Tiffany sat beside Hae Rin.

 "Well let's eat!" Tiffany told the two who's so absorbed at watching the cartoon.


 "I need to finish this first, mommy!"

 "I need to finish this first, Fany!"

 Tiffany laughed at the two who said such in exactly the same manner and time. She then hugged Hae Rin as the kid watched. Tiffany leaned her head on the kid, she closed her eyes. Tiffany then felt a head leaning on her and arms wrapping around her and Hae Rin. She opened her eyes, it was Yuri but Yuri was still absorbed in the cartoon.

 Tiffany smiled. Happy family?

 After dinner, Hae Rin went up stairs because Yuri needs to go home. Hae Rin didn’t say a word when Yuri said goodbye but she just smiled, weakly.

 "Do you want me to ask a driver to drive you home?" Tiffany asked.

 "Walking isn’t bad. As long as it’s you.." Yuri replied. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

 "Sweet-talker Yuri never changes. That's why Sica hits you a lot of times." Tiffany chuckled. Yuri frowned though.

 "Aiish. Sica.."

 "What's wrong Yul?"

 "Sica's still angry at me. It just repeats again and again.." Yuri lied down in the floor. "Sometimes I’m scared... That I might get.. Tired." Yuri complained.

 "I know I’m in no position to rush her but I feel I’m making no advance. I'm doing all I can.." Yuri smiled but there was sadness in it. "I even felt jealous seeing her with Taeyeon.. Sica's not that happy with me." Yuri laughed but she's wiping some water in her eyes.

 "Haha! I wish Sica will understand my part.." Yuri looked down.

 "Yul.. Come on get up." Tiffany pulled her friend up. Yuri did went up, slowly.

The two best friends looked at each other.

 "I'm so unlucky with love.. But I have 3 future kids? Is it a joke? Haha" Yuri said.

 "Awee poor Yuri-ah ish sad." Tiffany pinched Yuri's nose.

 "Silly! Haha i'm not your baby." Yuri answered. "Awee little Yuri lost her Shika Shika.." Tiffany patted Yuri's head like a child. Yuri arched her eye brow, then she snuggled herself in Tiffany's chest. "Kwaaa Fany-mommy!"

 "Aaaah! ByunYul!!" Tiffany pushed Yuri, laughing with her joke. "But mommy, your baby needs hugs!" Yuri continued her play attempting to hug Tiffany again. "I was joking!" Tiffany exclaimed and Yuri laughed.

 Yuri then opened her arms wide. "Tiff, care to hug me for a while?" Yuri smiled. Tiffany smiled. "No byunyuls ok?" They both laughed and they hugged.

 Tiffany's still the sweetest friend anyone can ever have. Yuri remembered times where the girl she was hugging, was the girl she used to love.

 "Tiffany.. I have a question.." Yuri broke free from the hug. "Yea?"

 "Can I sleep over?"

 "Why not?" Tiffany answered with another question. "I'll just text Yoona to take care of Hyunki.."

 There's something that keeps pulling me back to you..

 Tiffany walked up stairs, Yuri followed her. "Tiffany, another question.."

 "Yea Yul?" Tiffany still continued to walk.

 "What if I wanted you again?"

 Tiffany stopped.


Chapter 45- Gravity Part Two

 "My answer will remain same." Tiffany replied smiling weakly. "But if you really want me back.. For Hae Rin I will."

 Yuri walked over Tiffany and hugged the girl by her waist. "That's heart-breaking.. You'll love me only because of her.." She rested her chin on Tiffany's shoulder. "I'm being honest Yuri. You know me.."


 Tiffany held on Yuri's hand, she then turned to see Yuri's face.

 "Guest room or my room?"

 "You make it sound dirty.." Yuri looked at Tiffany with a smirk. Tiffany smirked back. "Byun.. You're the only one who thought so." Tiffany lightly tapped Yuri's forehead.

 "Haha! You're room.."

 At Tiffany's room,

 Yuri wore some of Tiffany's pants and shirts. "I'm in pink! Haha!" Yuri held on to her shirt.

 "Kwaaa! Pink!" Tiffany hugged Yuri.

 "Haha I should have worn this when I confessed to you.." Yuri said as she hugged Tiffany as well. "Yea, I would have said yes." Tiffany broke free from the hug and smiled.

 They both sat on Tiffany's bed. Tiffany was texting and Yuri went to check her phone as well, seeing Tiffany.

 Unnie, Yoona will take Hyunki with her.. I gave the book to her. She liked it. (^o^)

 from Joohyun

 Yuri saw a text message from Seohyun she replied.

 Really? I'm glad you guys are ok now. Even with Hyunki c: I hope it continues!

 Yuri replied. She then turned her look to Tiffany still busy texting. "Do you have someone new Tiff?" Yuri asked her friend, Tiffany turned to look at Yuri.

 "Maybe?" Tiffany smiled.

 "You move on fast. Haha" Yuri chuckled. "I have the ease to ask you this ever since and maybe this is my chance.." Yuri looked at her friend straight. Tiffany stopped texting to listen.

 "What’s the reason why you rejected me?" Yuri smiled to show her friend she won’t get offended with anything Tiffany answers.

 "I was afraid to hurt you." Tiffany replied fast. Yuri looked at her confused, wanting an explanation.

 "I was afraid that I might do something wrong and we fall apart.." Tiffany explained but it seemed Yuri still not getting her point.

 "I don't get it.." Yuri frowned.

 "Uhmm.. Look, lovers tend to be cold at break ups; they don’t even talk to each other. They fall apart into nothing.." Tiffany stopped.

 "I was afraid that if we argued about something and broke up.. I would lose you forever.. But as my friend, we will be together.." Tiffany continued, Yuri seemed to be enlightened better.

 "I wouldn’t let that happen. You should have considered how I felt.." Yuri answered, she pinched Tiffany's nose.

 "But it doesn't matter now. This is the present, hurt or not; this is what matters." Yuri lied on the bed. She thought of the past where she confessed to Tiffany, she asked Tiffany out for a date which Tiffany thought to be a simple going out.

 "Tiff, I like you more that friends.. I love you."

 Tiffany was shocked at the confession.

 "Don’t joke like that! Its n-"

 Yuri held on Tiffany's shoulder.

 "Im serious. I love you.." Yuri looked down, blushing for her friend. She then kissed her friend, light.

 Tiffany walked two steps back. She then ran away.

 "Maybe my approach was wrong.." Yuri blurted out her regrets, she regretted doing the kiss without permission. Yuri thought it would have been one factor why Tiffany rejected her.

 "What?" Tiffany asked.

 "Nothing I said, I should have kissed you deeper back then. Hahaha!" Yuri laughed by her joke.

 "Haha! And I would have slapped you.." Tiffany lied beside Yuri as well she put her phone on the table.

 Yuri hugged her friend.

 "We used to do this right? Does it feel awkward?" Yuri asked. Tiffany looked far up to the ceiling.

 "A bit.. But not that much, I'm fine with it." Tiffany answered. Yuri hugged her by her waist and rested her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

 "You're Jessica will be furious if she sees you like this." Tiffany giggled and pushed Yuri's head lightly.

 "She won't know, you're my secret lover." Yuri again rested her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

 "Ohh you're such a cheater, Yul."

 "She replaced me with Kim-dork, who cares.." Yuri hugged Tiffany tighter, pulling her closer. Tiffany held on Yuri's shoulder and lightly pushed her away.

 "Yuri.. Are you serious? If yes. Stop. If not it's ok." They looked at each other. Yuri smiled and hugged Tiffany again.

 "Then no so I can cuddle you more."

 "I'm serious about that question. I'm Jessica's friend and you cheating on her, I won't tolerate."

 They both looked at each other again. Straight in each other's eyes, trying to guess what they were both thinking.

 "She's not my girlfriend, I'm not cheating."

 "Even so! You'll hurt her." Tiffany turned around. "Monkey!"

  "But she really is not! Besides she's dating Kim-dork, does that mean were over?" Yuri also turned around facing away.

 "She's not dating Taeyeon."

 She won’t replace me that fast..Taeyeon.. Tiffany mentally thought.

 "I feel Jessica does not see how much effort I exert for her.." Yuri said and held on Tiffany's waist, giving her a back hug.

 "Just a little more push, Yul.. You'll get her." Tiffany faced her friend. They looked at each other again, smiling.

 "It sounds like a melodrama, you as my secret lover while Sica's the faithful housewife.." Yuri smiled. Tiffany laughed at Yuri's silly words.

 "But my faithful housewife is stained by a dorky neighbor." Yuri added. Tiffany laughed some more.

 "What if it becomes like that?" Yuri started with it again.

 "Uhg. Yul stop it.. Don't be serio-" Tiffany was stopped by Yuri leaning on her. Tiffany's eyes widen to see them almost kissing. Tiffany tried to push her friend but Yuri held her hand, sensing she needed Tiffany.

 Tae.. In Tiffany's head flashed images of hers and Taeyeon's kiss. But sooner images of Taeyeon with Jessica bothered her.

 Tiffany stopped Yuri before they can even kiss. Tiffany wrapped an arm around Yuri, dragging her friend closer to comfort her.

 "Yuri.. Stop.. We should stop." Tiffany said. "I-Im sorry.. I just.." Yuri looked away.

 "You are just blinded by jealousy, Yul that's why.." Tiffany explained. She rubbed her friend's back.

 "How do you know how I fe-"

 "I'm jealous too." Before Yuri can finish her statement Tiffany said so.

 "I am jealous of seeing Taeyeon with Jessica.. I am.." Tiffany buried her head on Yuri's shoulders because she felt tears were flowing out.

 "I love this Kim-dork so much but I let her go.. Because I need to be with you.. Because I have to marry you! I have to look bad.. I have to.." Tiffany expressed everything she kept, a bile of sadness that hid inside her. She cried, Yuri held her friend who was hurt, more than neither Taeyeon nor Yuri herself would have known this kind of feeling she had.

 "T-Tiff.. I'm sorry.." Tiffany cried more, for days she needed someone whom would held on to her and listen to how she felt.

 "I can't believe.. I let my friend be hurt like this.." Yuri caressed Tiffany's hair. Tiffany wiped her tears away and faced Yuri with an eye smile. "It’s ok Yul.. I'm.. Ok now.."

 "You' sure?" Yuri asked. Tiffany said yes.

 "I dont want you hurting like this.. It pains me.." Yuri held on Tiffany's shoulder.

 "Fany let me help you.. Anything I can."

 Yuri loved her best friend too much that seeing her hurt and hide such feelings, pains her.

 "I'm fine.. Don't worry." Tiffany turned around, facing the other side. "Let's go to sleep.." Tiffany added. Stubborn Tiffany she was.

 Yuri felt a pang guilt, her friend was suffering alone inside. No one knew about this sadness her friend kept.


  "Tiffany.. Sleep tight. I'm sorry.."

 Tiffany continued to cry. Thinking about Taeyeon and her makes her do so.. Yuri can't do anything but just watch over her friend.


Chapter 46 - Lucky kid.

 Morning at SooMan high,

 "How’s your sleep?"

 "Were together last night and you'll ask me that?" A red haired girl held on to a taller girl's arm she looked pale but she tried smiling.

 "I wanted to ask it earlier but I needed to go home.. I hope you're fine." The taller girl replied.

 "Yuri! Fany!" A blonde girl was running towards them. They both waved to the girl. "You two are early today.." The blonde complimented.

 "Someone woke me up too early.." Yuri blurted.

  Because she didn’t sleep, she cried.. All night.. Yuri mentally added.

 Tiffany lightly punched her. "Well you needed to go home!"

 Hyoyeon looked at the two confused.

"I slept in her house." Yuri explained to Hyoyeon. "I see.. I think Sica's going to be late.. Again." Hyoyeon said. They all walked towards their classroom.

 "My princess needs her beauty sleep." Yuri answered.

 They all took their respective seats. The class went on without Jessica coming to the class.

 Lunch break,

 Yoona and Seohyun was walking towards the faculty. Seohyun needed to give something to their class adviser.

 "Yoona are you sure Hyunki's ok to stay in your house?" Seohyun asked.

 "Yep. My mother is in Korea but she's so busy in the business.. So she rarely comes home." Yoona took the papers Seohyun held on. "Don’t worry, now let me ok?" Seohyun said thank you and they entered the faculty office together.

 After a while, they went out of the office.

 "Treat me lunch, Seohyun-ah!" Yoona wrapped an arm around Seohyun's shoulders.

 "Ok, Yoong." Seohyun gladly said. "Let's go out again later ok? With little Seohyun?" Yoona offered. She really liked Hyunki more after their short bonding. Hyunki was mature, she understood Yoona was Seohyun's present lover. She just told Seohyun and Yoona: "This is the present. The future will be different."

 In Yoona's mind, she replied that there's no way she'd let Seohyun go.

 "But I wonder what will our baby look like?" Yoona put a finger on her lower lip. "You're thinking about that already? Isn’t it quite fast?" Seohyun wyringly looked at Yoona.

 "Haha was I? But I plan to be with you forever Seo." Yoona leaned forward to kiss Seohyun's check but she stopped.

 "Can I?"

 Seohyun looked at Yoona and bow.

 Yoona kissed her on the check. She gazed at Seohyun's lips.

 But I want her lips.. Am I being a byun? Yoona mentally asked herself.

 "Yaah! Lovey dovey!" Someone screamed pointing at Seohyun and Yoona.


 Taeyeon was walking down the 2nd year hallway, probably looking for Jessica. Jessica didn't text Taeyeon she was absent today.

 Taeyeon saw Tiffany come out of their classroom. She waited if Jessica would soon come out too. Taeyeon felt like saying sorry for her words to Tiffany she wanted to approach but Yuri and Hyoyeon came out and tailed Tiffany.

 "T-that.. Yuri.. Always with her.." Taeyeon talked to herself. "Jessica said I should trust the feeling Tiffany made me feel.." Taeyeon empowered herself with such words.

 She took a deep breath.

 "Kim Taeyeon-ah?" Someone patted her on the shoulder. Taeyeon turned around to see whom. "Y-Yuri.."

 "You dropped this..?" Yuri picked up the papers from the floor, Taeyeon took the paper. She looked at Tiffany looking at them both. "Uhm.. Thanks.."

 Taeyeon's plan backfired so she needed to leave immediately.

 "Taeyeon.. Since Jessica's absent.. Would you care to eat with us?" Yuri asked Taeyeon before she could go further. Yuri looked at Tiffany. "It's ok right?"

 "Sure.. But what about Tae-Tae? Is it ok?" Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon, something Taeyeon could not resist.



 At the cafeteria, they saw Yoona, Seohyun and Sooyoung together. Yuri sat by their table.

 "Awee you two are so sweet!" Yuri giggled seeing Seohyun feed Yoona a spoonful of rice. Seeing so, Seohyun and Yoona quickly retreated.

 Yuri and the other's took their seat but Taeyeon felt awkward being with them. Yuri stood up. "Seat here, unnie." Yuri offered her seat, beside Tiffany.

 What are y-you doing?! Tiffany mentally asked looking at Yuri confused. Yuri winked at her friend.

 Taeyeon didn’t move, she froze by that moment. "Don't you want to seat by my side Tae-Tae?" Tiffany again smiled. Taeyeon took the seat immediately.

 Hyoyeon and Sooyoung laughed at Taeyeon. Yuri sat beside Taeyeon, then she eyed her cousin.

 "I assume you two are ok now?"

 "Yea.." Yoona answered.

 "Are you guys.. A couple?" Sooyoung asked while eating her food.

 "Uhmm.." Yoona looked at Seohyun, Seohyun made a face like 'why are you looking at me for?'

 "W-we.." Yoona was not embarrassed yet she does not know if Seohyun would like to share it to others.

 "Yes,unnie.. We are." Seohyun answered. Yoona didnt want Seohyun to get the wrong signals so she wrapped an arm around Seohyun's shoulder.

 "Im so happy for you two!" Sooyoung happily said. "Me too! Congratulations!" Hyoyeon also said.

 "You two sounded like two parents, congratulating their child.. Getting married." Yuri laughed.

 "I told you guys right?  'Marry your daughter, make her my wife..'" Yoona said. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung's memory were refreshed about their short game back at Yuri's house.

 "Yoona's becoming more like Yuri as the days pass.." Tiffany crossed her arms. Yoona begged to disagree. "Quite.. Hehe." Seohyun added, now Yoona really disagreed.

 "I'm still better looking.." Yuri fixed her hair, gesturing a model-like smile. They all laughed at the joker, except Taeyeon.

 Cough cough~ "Ehem." Yuri faked a cough to get everyone's attention. She placed a hand on Taeyeon's hand.

 "But Taeyeon's the best looking."

 Taeyeon looked at Yuri with disbelief. Everyone also did.

 "'Cause you have a red-haired goddess head over heels for you." Yuri winked at Taeyeon making a pout pointing at Tiffany.  Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

 "Ayiie!" Sooyoung cheered on.

 "Dorky-Tae and Pretty-Fany!" Hyoyeon added a tease. "I gotta admit you two look good together, right Hyunnie?" Yoona asked Seohyun. "Yes, a 100%!" Seohyun clapped.

 "Aiish you guys. Look Tae-Tae's blushing!" Tiffany turned away looking at her food. Taeyeon snapped shyly she looked down as well.

 Yuri smiled.

 But then Yuri's phone rang. She answered it quick. Her friends looked at her.

 "..Its Jessica.."


Chapter 47 - Ten Seconds.

 "I need to leave." Yuri stood up and left her friends in a hurry.

 "What gives?" Yoona asked but Yuri dashed fast. Everyone was left questioning and confused.


 Classes resumed and Yuri didn’t come back. Afternoon, History class.

 "The ancient world needed water, in order to survive.. So that’s why they?" The teacher asked the class. He eyed Tiffany sleeping on her desk. "Ms. Hwang?" He called on Tiffany who's hiding behind her book.

 Tiffany didnt answer. Hyoyeon whispered her name because the teacher was approaching. "Psst! Tiff~" She whispered but it did not succeed in waking the girl up.

 "Sleeping in class eh Ms. Hwang? I assume you some Extracurricular activities last night?" The teacher said. Tiffany woke up hearing the whole class laughed. "Uhhg.."

 Tiffany looked up, when she saw her teacher she sat straight and hid in her book. "What made you stay up all night Ms. Hwang?" The teacher asked.

 "Uhmm sorry sir.. J-just some problems.." Tiffany was embarrassed her classmates were looking at her.

 "I suggest you to change Ms. Hwang.. Change your image in this school for once." The teacher walked back after throwing Tiffany some words. The class made noises about Tiffany.

 "She just pass her subjects because of her money.."

 "She's partying and drinking all night I guess.." "Yea and after that.."

 Tiffany ignored it all. She just looked up to the black board, still keeping her confidence. The teacher went back to the board to continue his lesson as well.

 Hyoyeon on the other hand, felt really sad that Tiffany's image was judged like so.

 She felt like she need to stand up to her classmates but before she did.. Tiffany stood up. "Sir.."

 "Yes,Ms. Hwang?" The teacher asked.

 "Julius Caesar crossed the river of Rubicon by his own; to defy the Roman constitution and to show his bravery. Right sir?" Tiffany explained the name her teacher wrote on the board, Julius Caesar.

 "Correct Ms. Hwang. I'm glad you somehow read your textbooks." The teacher commended Tiffany's short explanation.

 "I know there's also a saying that people who judge another without knowing, deserve the words they throw at that person more than the person insulted and judged." Tiffany looked at her teacher straight. Her teacher arched his eye brow. "Ms. Hwang if you’re trying to hit me with such words.. I prefer you just sit again." The teacher furiously said.

 "I didn't state your name sir. So don't say I was trying to attack you. I was simply implying ancient wordings in this class." Tiffany sat again. "And for that you'll go to the office after this class, Ms. Hwang." The teacher smirked. The class made some noises again and laughing how Tiffany got herself into trouble.


 At the faculty office,

 The teacher scolded Tiffany for straight 30 minutes. Tiffany didn't argue though, she already said what she wanted to say earlier in the class.

 "Ms. Hwang just because your father is a big help on this school, it doesn't mean you can do or say whatever you want." The teacher verged his rant. Tiffany simply nods.

 "Ah here's a good role model for you!"

 The teacher looked a far. Tiffany didn't bother to look, she just wanted to get the hell out of the office.

 "Kim Taeyeon-ssi!" Hearing the teacher say so, Tiffany felt a sting of electricity strike her body. She didn’t want to see Taeyeon, not now. Not after such embarrassment.

 "What's wrong sir?" Taeyeon approached the teacher.

 "Can you teach and lecture Ms. Hwang about being a good, great student like yourself." The teacher looked high on Taeyeon but looked down to Tiffany. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany.

 "I can do it myself sir but thanks though." Tiffany said as she turned her look towards another direction, away from Taeyeon.

 "No no no! Taeyeon-ssi, please change this girl make her responsible like you are!" The teacher pushed Taeyeon towards Tiffany. Tiffany quickly evaded.

 "I think it’s better if you just lecture me." Tiffany took a seat.

 "Oh no. It’s better that you learn from a student like yourself." The teacher pointed his index at Taeyeon. "Classes have ended as an extra assignment, I hope you change tomorrow Ms. Hwang, Taeyeon-ssi please do your best!"

 They left the school together but none of the two even tried to talk. They looked strangers walking parallel.

 Tiffany received a phone call. She answered it.

 "Oh Jong Hoon-ah!..Well it’s no problem. Hehe.." It was Jong Hoon apologizing on his friend's attitude.

 Taeyeon just looked at them.

 "Haha make up to me? I'm ok with a Sat-"

 Tiffany was cut when Taeyeon took her cellphone. "T-Tae? How rude was that?!" Tiffany angrily looked at Taeyeon.

 Taeyeon just put the phone on her ear. "Hello? This is Tiffany's lover please stop calling her!" Taeyeon exclaimed.

 "Wa? A gi-!" Taeyeon ended the call.

 "I was talking to him Taeyeon!" Tiffany glared at Taeyeon. She took her phone.

 "Yah! Don't call him back!" Taeyeon held Tiffany's hand to stop her from dialing.

 "Be a good student, I’m your teacher today." Taeyeon gently held Tiffany's hand.

 Tiffany didn't say a word because she was shocked but she kept her calm. "Ppani-ah.."

"What exactly did you do?" Taeyeon asked acting cool at the moment.

 "I slept in class." Tiffany answered fast. She tapped Taeyeon's fingers with hers.

 "You should sleep early always. Try to manage your time well.." Taeyeon did the same with Tiffany's fingers.

 "I know that but Yuri slept with me last night and-" Tiffany was cut when Taeyeon slipped her hand away from Tiffany's  "With her?! W-why?!" Taeyeon exclaimed with a face of bit anger.

 "She's my best friend. She was quite hurt seeing you.." Tiffany pinched Taeyeon's nose. "..With Jessica."

 "I feel the same way with you.." Taeyeon placed her hand on Tiffany's shoulder. Tiffany slowly walked back.

 "So teacher, can I go home now?" Tiffany was clearly avoiding Taeyeon's words by changing the topic.

 "Aiish.. I'll walk you home." Taeyeon didn’t give up, she wanted this chance to talk to Tiffany.

 "No thanks. I'll call my driver instead.." Tiffany took out her phone. Taeyeon stopped her yet again. "Let's eat dinner together. My treat!" Taeyeon tried again. She was determined.

 "I'll eat at home still thanks Tae-Tae!" Tiffany smiled and continued to call her driver.

 "Ppani-ah I still love you.." Taeyeon reached for Tiffany's hand. She held it tight. "It hurt so bad, everything you did to me.." They remained at the same position. Taeyeon looked at Tiffany calling her driver while she held the girl's hand tight.

 "But the good times.. Happy times with you.. They were greater." Taeyeon added she walked towards Tiffany.

 "I can't forget them both.." Taeyeon was just a hand-size away from Tiffany. Tiffany already finished her call.

 "Tae-Tae.." Tiffany whispered and turned around.

 "And I can't get over you Tiffany."

 They looked at each other. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon with feelings she conveyed for the past weeks.

Taeyeon tried to smile, showing how much she really feels for Tiffany.


 "I told you.. I just used you Tae-Tae!" Tiffany caressed Taeyeon's face in a teasing manner.

 "So get over me. Find someone else.. I'm telling you.. You deserve better." Tiffany said as she showed Taeyeon her eye smile. Though the girl does so, Tiffany was deeply wounded by her own words.

 No..Tae-Tae..I should be the one for you.. Tiffany mentally contradict her own words.

 "Then go on.. Use me more atleast, i'ts you.. I'm doing it for you.." Taeyeon held Tiffany's hand on her check.

 "Don't Tae.. Just move on.. Were still friends anyways!" Tiffany tried to lighten up. Taeyeon couldn't take it anymore, she hugged Tiffany. "So mean.. So bad Ppani.. Why are you doing this to me?" Taeyeon tighten the embrace, Tiffany just stood silent.

 "I really like you so.. So bad now.. Look at what it had given me.." Taeyeon chuckled trying her hardest not to cry.

 "I know.. You love me." Taeyeon buried herself in Tiffany's scent.

 "I don't.."

 "You do.."

 "I don't.."

 "You do.."

 "I don't!" Tiffany said loudly.

 "You do!" Taeyeon did the same.

 "Aiish! Let go! I don't want to argue!" Tiffany pushed Taeyeon away from her. Taeyeon looked at her so down and sad. Tiffany couldn't bear seeing Taeyeon like that, she just looked away.

 "I believe you from that day onwards.. This day, tomorrow and the next and so on.." Taeyeon placed her emotion with it all. "I believe in Us." Taeyeon smiled a bit, showing a little hope to their relationship.

 "Tae I.." Tiffany wanted so much to run and hug Taeyeon. To show her how much she truly feels but her mind tells her not to. ".. I'm sorry."

 A honk by a car was heard by the two causing them to see who. It was Tiffany's car and driver. Tiffany looked back at Taeyeon.

 She approached Taeyeon and hugged Taeyeon, holding on to her neck.



 "Ppani.. I love you." Taeyeon



 "Tae.. Yeon.."



 "Tell me you love me Ppani..."


 "Don't push me away.."





 "I love you. Goodbye.."

 Tiffany turned around and ran towards the car. Being so careful in hiding her face from Taeyeon, Tiffany didn't notice she dropped her phone on her way inside the car. Taeyeon picked it up as the car went away fast and quick.

 Taeyeon knew it was Tiffany’s but there was no way she can catch up to the car, especially with her short limbs.

 "She looks like.. Tippani.." Taeyeon looked at the wallpaper, it was Hae Rin having a similar eye smile like Tiffany's.

 10 seconds then I fall for you again..


Chapter 48 - The Healing

 (Again, the following scenes happen while the start of History Class in SM High.)

 Ding Dong~

 A tall tanned girl was knocking on to a door of a house coated in white and blue colors. She patiently waited for a person to open for her in the house plated with the name "Jung Family."

 She became quite anxious and fearful, hearing multiple steps approaching the door in front of her.

 Suddenly the knob turned, afterwards the door opened.

 "Unnie! I'm glad you came." A straight haired girl greeted her visitor. "Y-yea.." Swallowed in fear and tension the tall girl answered short.

 "Calm down, Yuri-unnie. Good luck!" The straight-haired girl cheered Yuri up, she also took the wrist of the girl dragging her inside.

 "K-Krys.. Wh-Where's Sica?.." Yuri asked Krystal as they entered the house.

 "Up stairs with Yeon Hee, should I call in a bit." Krystal ran along upstairs and pointed Yuri at the sofa. She asked Yuri to seat there for a while.

Yuri waited for a few minutes and then she saw Jessica coming down from the stairs. "Yuri.."

 Jessica stood on the middle of the staircase.

 "Mom and dad will talk to you in a bit."

Yuri just looked at Jessica in quite fear. "I know.. Cheer me on ok, princess?" Yuri smiled, looking up at Jessica.

"Well good luck." Jessica went back up stairs leaving Yuri looking at her princess's back.

 After a short while..

  "G-good after-r-rno-oon s-sir, m-maam.." Yuri gave a 360 bow to Jessica's parents. The Jung household was not that large neither small. But their living room space wasn't enough to contain Yuri's anxiousness and fear.

 "Take your seat here Yuri-ssi and how old are you?" Mr. Jung talked while crossing his arm.

 "18 s-sir." Yuri sat down.

 "Jessica told us about Yeon Hee, we could not believe it at first but that kid.. Has genuine traits from our family." Mrs. Jung explained. "How do you explain it Yuri-ssi?" Mr. Jung glared at Yuri.

 "I-I-I c-cant also e-explain e-e-everything."  Yuri was completely stuttering of so much fear. Seeing pair of eyes looking at her so throughly.

 "Calm down Yul-papa.." Yeon Hee suddenly sneaked on Yuri's side. She hugged Yuri. "Y-Yeon H-Hee.." Yuri was relieved for a moment seeing Yeon Hee's so cute face.

 "Everything is crazy." Jessica approached them as well. Yuri took a look at Jessica who's in her shorts and simple white shirt.

 "M-maam, S-sir I'm sorry if I can't explain t-this.. Events but I am w-willing to.. Take care of Yeon Hee.." Yuri proposed and held the little girl.

 "Well that would be good. She's a hindrance to Jessica's studies.." Mr. Jung arched his eye brow. He took a deep breath. "but.."

 He took a look at Yeon Hee who's never minding the conversation and happily hugging Yuri.

 "My daughter is the mother. She has a responsibility." Mr. Jung added.

 "S-Sir.. I'm very nervous to say this.. But I will take care of Jessica and Yeon Hee well.." Yuri spoke with her heart. She loves Jessica too much that she declares love in front of Jessica's parents.

 "The future is weird. We want Jessica to be a successful person someday.. Not a housewife." Mrs. Jung now entered the conversation.

 "I will do my best to make our future successful, maam." Yuri interrogated.

 "Yeah right. You still have two other girls Yuri.." Jessica butted in.

 "I'll make things right, remember Sica? I just need your faith and patience." Yuri pleaded looking at Jessica sadly.

 "Like you’re so faithful Yuri. You go out with Tiffany.. Eventually Joohyun." Jessica moved closer to Yuri.

 "Were not dating she's my best friend and Joohyun is just my friend." Yuri explained.

 "Oh! Holding hands down the streets? Leaning on each other?" Jessica stressed some more.

 "Trust me." Yuri answered.

Cough cough~

"Kids.. Kids!" Mr. Jung cut in. "We, Jessica's parents decided on something." Mr. Jung looked at Mrs. Jung.


 "Marry Jessica after you both finish college and find a good job and be successful." Mrs. Jung elaborated. Yuri's face lit up.

 That was my plan! Yuri mentally said.

 "But mom! Can't I decide for myself?!" Jessica argued. "I'll marry the person I want and not what you guys want!" Jessica added. But she turned to look at Yeon Hee and Yuri. Both pouted, they looked alike doing so.

 "Uhg.." Jessica arched her eye brow and she turned away.

 Yuri smiled and hugged Yeon Hee. "I promise I'll make things right Sica!" Yuri said in a volume Jessica would hear.

 Just make sure Yuri.. Jessica mentally answered.

 "But Yuri-ssi, we have some rules you both have to follow." Mr. Jung signaled Jessica to go back. Jessica went back but of course she was annoyed.

 "No kissing and No sleeping together not until you both are married." Mrs. Jung strictly said. "And 'that'." Mr. Jung added.

"Dad! There's a child here." Jessica scolded her dad. "Oh sorry!" Mrs. Jung smacked her husband.

"So can you comply Yuri-ah?" Mrs. Jung eyed Yuri. "And Jessica as well." she eyed Jessica too.

 "Of course!" Jessica answered immediately but Yuri thought for a while.

 At least a kiss! Yuri mentally complained.

 "Oh.. Ok maam..sir." Yuri smiled half heartedly.

 Mr. and Mrs. Jung stood up from their seats. "Yeon Hee-ssi come here!" Mrs. Jung opened her arms for the kid. Mr. Jung just fixed his glasses.

 "Yeon Hee-ssi, your grama calls you." Yuri carried Yeon Hee and smile at Mrs. Jung and looked away fast, being shy at calling the woman 'grama'.

 Being in this family is quite a dream. Yuri gave Yeon Hee to Mrs. Jung looking at Jessica who's walking towards the kitchen.

 My one and only future wife, please wait for me.


Chapter 49 - Our perceptions.

 Yuri went home with a happy smile on her face. She also took Yeon Hee with her because Mr. Jung requested so. He told Yuri to take care of Yeon Hee for the day because he wanted to build a room for Yeon Hee in the Jung household.

 "Why is Yul-appa smiling while looking up the sky?" Yeon Hee asked her appa smiling like an idiot.

 "Ahaha! J-Just thinking about your umma.." Yuri rubbed her head, laughing at own crazy antics.

 "I'm happy because I get to see appa again!" Yeon Hee held Yuri's hand by her small pair of hands.

 "I'm happy as well baby." Yuri smiled to her little child. "You look a lot like Sica-umma, Yeon Hee-ssi." Yuri noticed Yeon Hee's eyes and nose were from Jessica's facial structures.

 "But I have appa cuteness!" Yeon Hee flashe a full blown aegyo to Yuri. Yuri just carried the kid, hugging her tight while running towards their house.

 Yuri noticed the house lights were on. Yuri assumed her mother was home.

 "Umma! Your back!" Yuri happily welcomed her mother. "Where have you been?" Mrs. Kwon asked, then she eyed a little kid tugging behind Yuri.

 "Hello there! Yeon Hee-ssi?" Mrs. Jung quickly stood up from her seat and embraced Yeon Hee.

 "I missed my little granddaughters so much!"

 Yuri was glad seeing her mother happy with Yeon Hee. She imagined being with Jessica and she vision such a happy family. But she has to face the other two kids she was planning to reject.

 Meanwhile at the Kim Noodle Shop,

 "Tae-Tae finally you're home! Gosh come here help me serving!" Taeyeon's brother quickly pulled Taeyeon inside. But Taeyeon broke free from the grip. "Later I just got home can't you see?"

Taeyeon was still in a mild depression state after earlier events with Tiffany.

She went up stairs leaving the busy shop and her family working.

 Taeyeon crawled to her bed and looked at Tiffany's phone. She knows had to respect Tiffany's privacy but she really wanted to know what's inside the phone. She unlocked the phone.

 The wallpaper was a picture of Tiffany and Hae Rin together, showing off their eye smiles. Taeyeon found it really cute but she thought Hae Rin was Tiffany’s and Yuri's child. She felt she had no chances.

 Taeyeon looked over songs and images. Most of the images were Tiffany and Hae Rin. Some by the zoo, some by their house. They even make funny faces and cute poses in some other images. There was only one song on the phone though.

 "Hello Darwin?" Taeyeon read the song. She played it on loud speak and she was quite surprised it was a childish song, not Tiffany's genre of music.

 She then left the music folder for the messages. She found only 4 conversation messages there. The senders were named, YoonAh, Yuri<3, JongHoon and Daddy<3.

 Taeyeon quickly viewed Jong Hoon's messages. She found some sweet text messages and Taeyeon hoped Tiffany was there so that she can ask clearly who this guy was. She closed the messages because Taeyeon still had hope on how Tiffany feels about her.


 "Tae? Wake up!" Taeyeon looked at who was calling her. She looked up and she saw a red haired girl smiling at her. "Sleepy head!" Taeyeon sat up and rubbed her eyes to confirm her perception. "Ppani? What are you doing in my room?"

 "I wanna be with Tae-Tae!" Tiffany hugged Taeyeon. Feeling the warmth of the girl she loves the most Taeyeon hugged back. They soon parted from the hug and smiled at each other.

 "Tiff I love-" Before she can finish Tiffany stopped her by putting a finger on Taeyeon's lips. She then leaned on forward, preparing for a kiss.

 A bit more closer.. Taeyeon waited looking at her precious angel.

Kring Kring~

 Taeyeon woke up from her dream. She looked up to the ceiling realizing everything was nothing but a dream. She remembered she heard a ring, she looked for where it came from. It was under her pillow; Tiffany's cellphone, Yuri was calling.

Taeyeon didn't know what to do, in a split second decision she answered the call. "Y-Yuri-ah?.."

 "Hey Tiff! So uhh.. Sorry for earlier. I went to Jessica's house.. Anyways what happen to your voice? You ok?" Yuri spoke fast that Taeyeon didn’t register much words.

"I-Im T-Taey-yeon.." Taeyeon said. Yuri stopped silent.

 "Taeyeon? Why do you have Fany's phone?" Yuri asked. "She dropped it.. I wanted to give it back but I dont know where she lives." Taeyeon explained.

 "I can help you. Where do you live? Let's give it back to Fany." Yuri proposed, Taeyeon heard footsteps she perceived Yuri was going down stairs.

 "Uhh.. I-I dont think she'll be happy to see me.." Taeyeon expressed. "Nonsense. She'll be happy! If not, she'll be thankful cause you gave her phone back. Now let’s meet up!"

 "But Yuri-ssi its quite late.."

 "Dont you wanna see Tiffany in her pajamas or shorty-shorts?!"

 "Ok.. I'll text you my location using my phone." Taeyeon took her phone and Tiffany's and hurriedly left.

After an hour they meet up in a convenience store near Taeyeon's neighborhood. Without further waiting they left.

Walking towards the bus stop Yuri noticed Taeyeon looked down throughout their walk.

 "Taeyeon, you dont have to look down always.." Yuri offered a smile.

 "If I look at you, I look up. It gives me an aching neck.." Taeyeon smiled and looked down again.

 "Tell me.. Why Fany? I mean.. Didn’t you think she was.. Too much for you? No offense ok?" Yuri wanted to take this time to know who Taeyeon is. The person her best friend fell for.

 "My friends often discouraged me about it.. Haha! They kept on saying.. She won’t like you back, she's this girl. She likes this types of people not like us!" Taeyeon expressed and Yuri seriously listened because they also discouraged Tiffany towards Taeyeon.

 "But.. Tiffany.. She's not how they see her.." Taeyeon smiled but sorrow was seen through it. "How do you see Tiffany,Taeyeon?" Yuri asked, to Yuri only she knew Tiffany's real personality, away from other people's judgment towards her.

 "The adorable eye smiling-singing kid. It’s how I see her.." Taeyeon smiled at Yuri.

 A new year starts, for Taeyeon studying was serious matter. Especially, now that she's on her second year in high school. First day of classes she was part of the welcoming community for the freshmen so she was in the school early.

 Taeyeon was bringing decorations the school gym. She was putting designing the banner so to kill boredom. Taeyeon played her music player on. She played the song 'Waiting by Younha'.

 While designing she heard a voice overlap the music in her earplugs. She looked at the bleacher a student sat there, singing the same song she was playing. The girl waved at Taeyeon and asked. "Mind if I seat here sir?" She flashed Taeyeon her eye smile.

 Taeyeon became confused in a moment but it came to her that what she wore. Taeyeon had a cap on, her hair was black short, she had a surgical mask on plus a thick rimmed glasses and she wore a quite dusty jumper pants. No wonder the girl mistook her as a worker, Taeyeon though to herself.

 Continuing her work Taeyeon turned off her music and listened to the girl instead. The girl had a very nice voice so Taeyeon tried to listen besides she was singing Taeyeon's favorite song.

 Feeling how the girl sang it, Taeyeon somehow sang along as well. She didn’t intend to sing but it just came to her, like this girl dragged her to do so.

 Taeyeon sang along but it seemed the girl was leaving after receiving a text message. The girl went to the exit but before she did. "Sir, I think you have a nice voice but that mask stops you from so.. Anyways! Goodbye!" She eye smiled again and exited the gym.

 "Fany never recognized you ever since?!" Yuri asked after listening to Taeyeon's story.

 "Guess not." Taeyeon sighed.

 "Thats how I loved Tiffany though.."

 Yuri smiled. Seeing someone agree to how she sees Tiffany. "Taeyeon? Can I see Tiffany's cellphone?"

 "Sure here hehe"

  Yuri-Effect Stop Over Sessions,

  Hi there Hakufuu here! It has been a long ride in this story, quite the long one that is. Anyways this chapter, is another insert chapter really sorry guys but I had to stop the story for the time being and show you stuffs behind the making of this fanfic.

 This story, of course as stated in the introduction, it came from the manga Yomeiro Choice, if you guys have the right age (16+) and time, check it out. But even if it came there, this fic has a completely different story line than it. Y-E or YulE or how we call it.

 So let’s speed up the pace, I made this short interview for my friend Choi, it includes questions that are very interesting, made in order for us readers to understand more of the fic. I am a reader like you guys anyways; I am just ahead in chapters, maybe about 10 chapters away from what you guys can read lol. You guys really have to read this, it’s really informative and it will give you some enlightening throughout the story. I strongly suggest it!  

Tell me what's the story behind the tittle, 'Yuri-Effect':

The original tittle of the story was 'Baby Baby', I know such a common title. It came from Snsd's very own Baby baby song, I love that song. Anyways, Yuri-Effect because of well Yuri's charming self. I got the whole title thingy from an AXE commercial, Axe-Effect lol, whereas goddesses will fall slogan? Anybody knowing it? It came from there. As you can see, Yuri's future wives are goddesses so I decided to make it the title.

 Why Yuri?

Yuri is the Kkab of the group, but the truth is; Taeng was the original main character of the story. Well Taeyeon has a lot of fangirls so I thought it was good to have her but! Yuri has this charming appearance and out-going personality while Taeyeon gives off a quiet aura as I can see, so I chosed Yuri instead. Besides I think it’s better as Yuri, don’t you agree kuuf?

 Explain the setting of the story, 'SooMan High':

Again, originally as Taeyeon was the main character; it was supposed to be how they are. The girls are members of Girls Generation, and they faced these future baby problems. But I thought it would not match my plot line. Then when I changed the main character, I changed the setting as well. SooMan high yey!

 Who's Yuri's main pairing here anyways? YulTi? YulSic? SeoRi? SunRi?

 YulSic, because Yuri really likes Jessica in the story but don't think the story will end YulSic. It’s uncertain; I just said Yuri likes Jessica the best. Kinda like a favorite girl.

So there’s a possibility of other Yuri pairing ending?

Yea. Possible haha! To add a little note, it was suppose to be YoonYul not SeoRi, but chodding baby girl isn't a good idea. I mean, the kid acting like a kid? Seriously. So no YoonYul sadly.

 The names of the kids, care to explain? I am really curious how you came up with them.

 Oh that. This was the first thing that I wrote down even before the official plot. I thought it was hard to write the plot with me just labeling, baby 1 and baby 2. So I thought of names, I wrote down names of koreans I know and mix them. But it has a pattern though, example it the name Hae Rin, its rythym came from Eu-Ree, get me? Hyun-ki and Yeon Hee as well.

 Noticed a little secret? The kids call their parents different from each other, quite showing some of their personality. Yeon Hee calles Yuri, Yul-papa then Hae Rin calls Yuri, Yul-daddy while Hyunki calls Yuri, Yul-appa. Bet you didn't see that! haha!

(I seriously know that!)

 Who's your favorite baby and why?

 How about you haha? Anyways, my favorite baby? Do I have to choose? Ok fine, but this does not mean I’m bias to the pair ok? Yeon Hee, I love this kid, she's funny and Sica-like. She reminds me of my chubby niece. And again, I am not baised on YulSic.

 What happen to the other characters? They rarely show up! SooSunHyo!

Really sorry, I made Hyoyeon part of the JeTi friendship circle because I wanted more parts with her but as JeTi started to driff away so as Hyoyeon. I love Hyoyeon no doubt but I promise you'll see her more in the late chapters. SooSun, I said I wanted them as a pair right? So wait. Sooner they will. ;)

 Tell me the structure of your work.

 Are you my professor?! Structure, I just try to make each chapter interesting. But one thing I always do, Yuri is the main character so I add her in every chapter. Even just a short scene from her that is. Just like in chapter 16, Final Seconds. This was a TaeNy chapter but Yuri was in the first scene. Some are missing Yuri scenes but the chapter must be a special chapter Hehe info~

 If you were a reader which pair would you ship, in this story?

Personally, YulTi. I want them together lol. Sica can lighten up to Taeyeon and so does Taeyeon to Jessica. But I can't just let myself be swayed by what I like; I want my readers’ opinion and some reality checks. Sample reality check: If YulTi happened in chapter Gravity, then Yuri is not a desirable character anymore for me that is. Remember chapter Almost? Well Yuri made a promise you shi- Yuri! If you're serious to bringing back Tiffany be sure to contact Sica this first: Sica go to Taeyeon instead, Soshi-world needs TaengSic and YulTi more.

Author-ssi seems YulTi baised.

No am not. I just think they look good in this story.

 What's the process, time in making this?

Process was,yes. Make the names of the kids first and then make a plot. The story already ended in my plot line, I consumed 2 days (with intervals) in thinking over the plot. It was quite hard, the plot had so many conflicts especially to Yuri that I blamed myself for such lol.  The ending was worst! Seriously, the climax before was fine but ending, sure no joke and play time. So after I had my plot done, I started writing the ending first because I had to finalize it very well, we all want a good ending not like the Yomeiro Choice one. Seriously, not that ending please!

 I write chapters in my free times, at school, home or somewhere in my phone that's why updating is fast. I don’t brag no, I just feel the same way as you guys do. I mean, if I was left hanging for a stupid cliff-hanger for a month already, I'd probably drop the story or forget it, and re-reading can sometimes be so tiring. But re-read YulE surely you'll laugh again and maybe get enlighten a bit.

 Light-Comedy Drama, but sometimes Heavy-Drama appears. Care to explain? And Sometimes I hate drama.

Yea, I can be quite the emotional freak, but heavy drama happens on the happiest characters. Have you noticed? Happy Yuri cries for Icy Sica lol. But I still try to cope up with the comedy genre, I tried to make you guys laugh; but I guess as the chapter proceeds to the near climax it gets heavier. So please be prepared for that.

 What should we expect in the upcoming chapters?

Expect the unexpected lol! YulE is the kind of fic that provides you confusion and surprises. It cannot be predicted easily and it has a very complex plot. So it leaves you thinking but in the end, it makes you depend on the author for the decisions on the story. But surely you support the characters or pairs you like, I would love if you guys will still continue to support your pairs, never give up and try to believe. I assure you guys more great chapters as we go on. I hope you guys keep your patience with me and this story.

Now that this crappy chapter is done, I'd like to hear from you too. Do take the time to question, Pm or comment. I will read and answer it all. Thank you guys again! YulE will resume its story.

Oh and I'm starting my next fanfic after finishing this story, it will be different from this. Really different so I hope you guys support it too! *360 bow* thank you for giving the time in reading this.

Would you mention this? choikufu. Its Choi+Hakufu :)

End of YulE Stop Over Session 

I will update later on tonight. I promise guys!  :D We just got to have more updates. Right right? I want to share the good parts as soon as possible.


Chapter 50 - Timeless Part One

 On the bus going to Tiffany's house, Yuri was looking at the pictures of Hae Rin and Tiffany. She smiled at their cute pictures while Taeyeon looked at Yuri feeling jealous and a bit envious.

 Does Yuri like Tiffany as well? Taeyeon mentally questioned.

Yuri showed Taeyeon a picture of Tiffany in a cute blue blouse and white shorts taken from her phone. "Pretty right Taeyeon?" Yuri looked happy and proud showing it to Taeyeon. Taeyeon responded with an uncertain smile.

 What is she doing? Making me jealous? Taeyeon again mentally asked.

 "I have lots of them! I never delete it because they are memories, of me and her." Yuri smiled at Taeyeon, while Taeyeon misunderstood and thought there was something between Yuri and Tiffany. "I see.." Taeyeon did not know what to say, instead she looked in front targeting nothing.

 "Fany you know.. She has bragged about you once." Yuri tried to open up a conversation. "What did she say?" Immediately, Taeyeon asked.

 "She said, Taeyeon, does my homework for me. Very nice eh? Something like that." Yuri smiled at Taeyeon thinking Taeyeon would like to hear such but no, Taeyeon faked a smile. It was very offending to her, it made her feel more like a tool to Tiffany.

 "But she has this really cheerful attitude.. While hugging her notebook.. Given by you I guess." Yuri added on her little story. Taeyeon's mood cheered up a bit.

 "Yuri-ssi.. You know Ppani better than I do.." Taeyeon conveyed.

 "I guess, we're childhood friends, best friends and.." Yuri stopped a minute and looked at Taeyeon. "..Almost lovers." Yuri smiled.


 "Yeah. Tiffany.. I fell in love with her.. Back then.. But kinda failed. " Yuri chuckled a bit while Taeyeon listened very carefully. "Tiffany couldn't love me more than just a friend. But it’s ok.. She's all the best friend I'll ever need anyways.."

 "Taeyeon, if Tiffany reject you as well or something.. She always have a good reason about why she did it." Yuri explained to Taeyeon. "It's how I, Kwon Yuri, Tiffany Hwang's best friend knows her." Yuri patted Taeyeon on the back.

 "You're pretty lucky Tae. I'm telling you.."

 "Yuri-ssi.. Thank you." Taeyeon smiled like a dork and Yuri couldn’t help but laugh. "No problemo, Kim-dork."

 "Jessica.." Taeyeon looked at Yuri straight.

 "Jessica she loves you, Yuri-ssi. We talk a lot about you.. I think you should know." Taeyeon said.

 "Really?! Maybe that's why I can't sleep sometimes..Haha!" Yuri joked. "Jessica would always compare me to you.."

 "She would always say, talk Taeyeon it's quiet, Yuri always makes topics for us to talk about.. Hehe.. I'm quite the quiet person unlike you.." Taeyeon shyly added.

 "Because Jessica gets bored easily, so hanging out with her, you better entertain her." Yuri exclaimed a pointer which Taeyeon didn’t really care about.

 "What is she a princess?" Taeyeon arched her eye brow and giggled a bit.

 "She is! Jessica is my princess, we're the royal couple!" Yuri gave Taeyeon two thumbs up with the phrase 'royal couple'. "I love catering and serving Sica anyways.. Jessica can be sweet too behind the Icy attitude." Yuri smiled.

 "I agree with you there. But she needs to stop comparing me to you, I mean you're height is way ahead of me, Yuri-ssi!" Taeyeon measured their heights on the air making Yuri laugh hard. "Hahaha! And you're brains are way higher than me Taeyeon!"

 The bus stops to Tiffany's mansion and they both got off. The mansion was huge and Taeyeon's jaw dropped at its massive structures. "Holy co- T-this is where Ppani lives?!"

 "Yeah. She's highness Hwang here.. Hehe" Yuri approached the reception computer. Yuri told the security it was her, the guards knew Yuri well and one of them quickly ran inside.

 "Tiffany's a rich kid, but never did she brag about it." Yuri said. "Yes.. She did not told me she was this rich.. In fact she said she was not all that rich." Taeyeon added.

 After a short while, the guards opened the gates and maids escorted the two inside. Entering the mansion Taeyeon's eyes grew large at the amazing architecture of the mansion inside. The mansion's theme was the stars, skies, clouds and heaven. It was simply magnificent.

 "Woah.. I-is this a movie set?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Haha you're amusing, nah. This is the Hwang mansion." Yuri answered. They both looked up to a girl walking down the stairs in her cute blue pajamas.

 "Hae-baby!" Yuri called the girl and Hae Rin ran towards her daddy. "Yul-daaaddy!"

 Hae Rin jumped on Yuri excitedly upon seeing Yuri. "Hae Rin where's mommy?" Yuri asked the kid, putting her down for a moment.

 "Up stairs in the dressing room.." Hae Rin pointed up stairs in a door near the corner. "Let’s go see her daddy!" Hae Rin held Yuri's hand and dragged her up stairs. Taeyeon just stood still and silent. "Hae-baby didn't you notice?" Yuri pointed back to Taeyeon.

 Hae Rin looked at Taeyeon, she blinked thrice and dragged Yuri up stairs again. "Taeyeon follow us." Yuri signal to Taeyeon and she followed.

 "That's rude Hae-baby, greet Taeyeon as well.." Yuri pinched Hae Rin's nose before they entered their designated room. "..But what should I say?"

 "Hi Hae Rin-ssi, I'm Taeyeon Kim. Ppani's friend.." Taeyeon voluntary introduced herself to the kid. She had quite a bad memory with the kid regarding their first meeting. ".. Uhmm hello,unnie.." Hae Rin shyly said.

 "Call me Tae-Tae hehe" Taeyeon smiled at Hae Rin. Hae Rin did the same.

 "Ok, Tae-Tae-unnie.." Hae Rin said. Yuri opened the door and they saw Tiffany sitting in a large chair in front of a mirror. Hae Rin rushed to Tiffany. "Mommy are you leaving now?"

 "Not yet baby hehe.." Tiffany sought to the kid and turned her head left. "Shan! Aren't you done yet?" Tiffany shouted softly.

 "Just a minute milady! I need to choose your perfume."

 "Psstt. Fany!" Yuri waved at Tiffany, Tiffany saw her by the mirror. "Yul?! Oh Hi!" Tiffany waved back.

 Yuri grabbed Taeyeon from the back and showed her to Tiffany. Tiffany was taken back for a moment. "Tae-Tae.."

 "Oh! Why are you two here?" Tiffany got of her chair and faced her guests.



 Yuri and Taeyeon dropped their jaws at the sight of Tiffany in a red elegant dress. It wasn't too classy, it was simple. It revealed Tiffany's white shoulders and flawless legs. She was definitely beautiful. "What? Do I look like a ghost or something?"

 "N-no! You look beautiful silly! Anyways, where to?" Yuri asked quickly still eyeing Tiffany. Taeyeon stood silent still looking at Tiffany in something she never saw from the girl.

 "Daddy asked me go to one of their party and I hate it.." Tiffany looked down quite shy at her dress. "Do I look ok in this?" Tiffany asked letting out a cute pout.

 "Amazing.." Taeyeon said, Yuri pushed her towards Tiffany because she saw Tiffany blush a little. "Yaah! Sweet talker Taeyeon!"

 Taeyeon stopped on her foot to prevent her from crashing on to Tiffany. "..Uhg.. Pp-pani I-I-I.. Came he-here t-to uhmm.." Taeyeon became shaky in tension; she felt her heart beat so fast being with Tiffany close.

 "H-here!" Taeyeon handed out Tiffany's phone. Tiffany was still smiling while starring at Taeyeon, so she didn’t notice Taeyeon's hand. Taeyeon also looked at Tiffany, blushing.

 "Earth to Fany and Taeyeon! Hahaha!" Yuri sneaked between the two and laughed. But Taeyeon and Tiffany still starred at each.

 "I look amazing Tae-Tae?" 

 "Y-yea.. Tippani-ssi is.."

 Tiffany's personal stylist, Shan came out from the closet. "Milady!"

 "Shhh~!" Yuri signaled her to keep silent, and she carried Hae Rin.

 "Hae-baby, let's eat down stairs im hungry~" Yuri cutely pouted as she carried the kid with her. She then dragged the stylist with her as well.

 "..So beautiful.."


Chapter 51 - Timeless Part Two

 "Thanks Tae-Tae.." Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon. "Know what.. You look shorter.." Tiffany added, Taeyeon looked up to Tiffany. "You were always taller.."

 Tiffany turned her back on Taeyeon. She took off her heels and she decreased her height. "I'm wearing heels.. Silly."

 "You're still taller.." Taeyeon countered. Tiffany then approached Taeyeon again. She bended down to get her heels. She handed it to Taeyeon. "Try it!"

 "Wae?! Ppani-ah.. I can't walk well on those.." Taeyeon frowned at the heels.

 "Hmp! I'll be you're girlfriend if you walk on these!" Tiffany swayed her heels, crossing her arms. She shut her eyes in disappointment. "..B-but Ppani.."

 Taeyeon held Tiffany's hand and took the heels. "Alright.. But you said-" Tiffany laughed.

 "I was joking Tae-Tae! Haha! Let me have it back.." Tiffany then took the heels. She noticed Taeyeon held on to something else.

 "Is that my phone?"

  "Oh.. Y-yea. I came here because of this."

 Taeyeon gave the phone.

 "Thank you.. You even asked Yuri of my place." Tiffany eye smiled at Taeyeon.

 "It was worth it.. Seeing you.." Taeyeon said. Tiffany put her hand on Taeyeon.

 "Are you ok Tae-Tae?!" Tiffany asked looking worried. Taeyeon looked back confused. "Uhg.. I am?"

 "I think Yuri's sweet-talking disease got you too!"

 "Haha! Just a bit I guess!" Taeyeon laughed it off.

 "Tae-Tae, have you noticed? This is my new phone." Tiffany showed Taeyeon her phone. "I.. See.. I didn't quite know.." Taeyeon rubbed her neck.

 "It's a new unit."

 "What happen to the old one?"

 "I kinda.. Hate it."

 "Waste of money.."

 "I'm rich, not a waste its coins for me." Tiffany bragged and sat on her chair again.

 "Yea.. This mansion, the clothes, shoes, gadgets, cars and more expensive stuff.. It proves I am way far from you." Taeyeon felt self-pity. Tiffany hated Taeyeon feeling like this, she quickly stood up.

 "So what? Their material things. You Tae have something I sure don't have.." Tiffany showed her best eye smile to cheer up the older girl.

 "Like what? Hehe.. I don't have you.. It’s even worse." Taeyeon sadly added.


 "Noodles?.. Intelligence you say? I'm just a hard-worker."

 "No! What I mean is, you can cook, make and serve really great noodles!" Tiffany clasped her hands in delight. "You cooked one for me once right? It was amazing Tae-Tae!" She added.

 "Ok ok.. Thank you.. You always cheer me up.." Taeyeon gave Tiffany a mild bow, and smiled at the girl.

 "No problem, you were always there for me anyways.. Its nice that were not arguing right now.." Tiffany walked around the room. "I'm not hearing any sorrys or I love you still.. Most certainly were not crying.. Or shouting.." She stopped by the left of Taeyeon. ".. And were laughing.." Tiffany smiled. "Happy.."

 "Taeyeon.. I hope you find it ever in your genuine heart, that I love you because of these moments. Being with you.. I'm happy." Tiffany smiled with glowing tears in her eyes. It somehow messed her makeup and Taeyeom came to aid her fast. "Ppani hey! You just told me you hate it when were sad so dont be!"

 "But Tae-Tae.. I.." Taeyeon held Tiffany's arms so did the younger girl. "No buts. Just smile.. I understand everything now.." Taeyeon smiled and kissed Tiffany by her check. "The best thing I have in life.. Was having you in my memory, as a friend, as a schoolmate, as my everything and as you are." Taeyeon conveyed words, not structured well because it all came from her heart.

 "Since you've broke the rule of our happy moment by crying.. I'll say this.." Taeyeon took a deep breath, hoping she won't cry.

 "I'm so sorry.. Because I still and will continue to love you.." Taeyeon smiled. Tiffany smiled, breaking free from their closeness.

 After a short while, Taeyeon went dowm stairs and she found Yuri by the sofa of the living room. She was sleeping with Hae Rin while the TV was on. Taeyeon decided to leave Yuri there seeing them sleeping so peacefully that is. Tiffany told her driver to give Taeyeom a ride home but she stayed in the room to clean up her make up for the party.

 There was no limits this time.. Those words are boundless and timeless. Taeyeon, I love you too. These feelings, not a second they were gone. There was no end to it, I realized. Can you hear me?

 Taeyeon opened her phone. The wallpaper was their picture together, the one that Tiffany passed through her email. She carefully secured the picture, forever.



Chapter 52- Love opinions

 "Yuri.. Yuri.. Wake up!"

 "Uhg.. Wh-wh.. I fell asleep?"

 "Yeah. Would you like to sleep here with Hae Rin?" A girl in a red dress asked while fixing her necklace. "Fany?"

 "Yes?" Tiffany faced Yuri whos currently lying on the sofa with Hae Rin. "Where's Taeyeon?.." Yuri asked while trying to get up. She stopped when she noticed Hae Rin hugging her waist, beside her.

 "She left an hour ago, she left you because you were sleeping peacefully." Tiffany went by their side and bended down on Yuri's sight level.

 "Stay here with Hae Rin ok?" Tiffany smiled. 

 "Ok sure.. Did you two talk?" Yuri asked. Tiffany called one of her maids to take Hae Rin. "Yep."

 Tiffany stood up because one of the maids carried Hae Rin. "Are you guys ok now?"

 "Fine.." Tiffany turned around and told her maid to get Hae Rin upstairs to her room.

 "Bye Yul.." Tiffany walked towards the entrance leaving Yuri. "Take care and have fun, Fany." Yuri stretched and walked towards the staircase. "Oh and Fany, did you get your phone?" Yuri looked back and asked.


 "I see.. Good." Yuri smiled and she continued walking upstairs.


 At the car, Tiffany just stared outside from her window pane. The street lights created rays that shine over Tiffany's face and eyes. It reflected that the girl was amused by the scene around her.

 "Ms. Hwang?" Tiffany's driver called on her.


 "Taeyeon,she gave this.." The driver took a glance beside on the seat beside him. "But it's getting cold.."

 Tiffany looked forward and saw a plastic bowl of noodle. It was sweet; it had a small heart shaped egg. Tiffany cannot help but smile. "That dork.."

 At the party, Tiffany met up with her father and they entered inside. Inside the large hall, people of fame and popularity are around, wealty and celebrities are even gathered. Tiffany didn't mind much about these people, she didn't like the aura around these people because she grew up humble and simple. Tiffany just stayed at the corner beside the drinks area, her father talked to his friend and aquiantances. "It's boring here.." Tiffany said in frustration.

 "Some drinks, miss?"

Someone handed Tiffany a drink. She looked back who.


 "Hi unnie! What brings you here?" Yoona gave Tiffany the drink and they smiled at each other.

 "Father brought me here. So boring! What about you Yoong?" Tiffany took a sip from the punch.

 "Mother dragged me. She's over there.." She did the same as Tiffany.

 "Hmm.. We're on the same boat."  Yoona smiled at Tiffany and left her glass on the nearby table. "Let's take a seat unnie.." Yoona looked at the balchony terrace up stairs.

 "Sure. My heels are killing me.." Tiffany whimpered and they both took the stairs. "I sure am glad you're here unnie, I mean I dont know anyone here other than my mom.." Yoona complained while the other just laughed.

 Arriving at the balchony, Tiffany looked down to the guests of the party. Everyone wore elegant dresses and suits, Tiffany and Yoona just gazed down for a short while.

 "Imagine.. It’s like were in a different world.." Tiffany expressed her thought.

 "Well.. Get used to it.. You'll do the same in the future." Yoona suggested.

 "It’s funny how they talk like long time friends but all they speak about are business, expansions and property bragging.." Tiffany sat down by the nearby chair. She put a palm by her chin. "Sometimes I wished I weren't this.."

 "I never knew you're like that unnie, hehe you seemed cheerful and jolly at school.." Yoona leaned by the balcony and smiled at Tiffany.

 "I am but here you can’t just jump around and be yourself.. You have to be lady-like and pretend.. Right?"

 "Correct. But nevermind them.. Were different." Yoona gave thumbs up to Tiffany.

 "Well lets shift the topic, how are you and Hyunnie?" Tiffany had a sly smile on her face. "Were fine. Still in love haha!" Yoona laughed.

 "Good then.. Hmm.. Chodding-Yoong.. Have you..?" Tiffany slightly leaned forward and showed Yoona large eyes and a mouth hanging opened. "Y-y-yaah! N-no unnie! Ha-h-ha!" Yoona looked away blushing.

 "I was gonna ask if you two had watched Amazing Spiderman.." Tiffany tried to hide her laugh but failed a bit. "O-oh.. W-we haven't.. hehe." Yoona looked down blushing at what she thought.

 "Yoona-ssi needs to control her wild imagination sometimes.. Hahaha!" Tiffany laughed drastically. Yoona looked down embarrassed. "I guess.."

 "Don't worry about it.. I was just kidding. But you better take care of Joohyun well ok?" Tiffany said and Yoona smiled to agree. "Of course unnie! I love her so much.."

Tiffany was glad to see Yoona so in love with Seohyun. She felt like a mother being happy with her child confessing a secret love.

 "How abou you and Taeyeon-unnie?" Yoona asked. Tiffany suddenly snapped out and blinked twice. "Uh-uhmm.. Me and Tae? Were good." Tiffany smiled.

 "Good as in, dating? Relationship? Hehe" Yoona smirked. "Yah! No~ Were friends.."

 "Too bad. Taeyeon-unnie got it bad. You better chase her Fany-unnie!" Yoona pointed her finger a far.

 "No way~ I'm the girl.. Tae-Tae will chase me instead! Haha!" Tiffany laughed and pointed a finger to herself.

 "Well it does not matter who, as long as you love the person. I believe love exceeds norms and standards." Yoona shared her opinion.

 "I guess so.. But sometimes.. It’s not that easy to always choose love. There's something else.. That you need to consider before love.." Tiffany expressed her argument.

 "I always consider love as a priority. Anything else comes after,unnie.."

 "Then you're still not seeing the world. Reality is something more than love, Yoong. Trust me.." Tiffany said.

 "Seohyun is my world. I see her, my reality." Yoona replied. Tiffany didnt say anything more, Yoona was a kid madly in-love with Joohyun and its hard to argue with someone as her, so Tiffany swayed the topic away.

 "How are things with Yuri? You know.. The baby.."

 "Hyunki? She's with Seohyun hehe about Yuri and me.. We're ok, don't worry." Yoona's face quickly cheered up again.

 "Yoong, what did you feel.. When you found out?" Tiffany asked even if it was quite personal, she wanted to know. "Mad.. Angry.. Betrayed and lonely.." Yoona looked down to her toes.

 "It was not easy.. But I was wrong to be angry and mad at Yuri and Seohyun. They did nothing wrong.. I lost control got mad at Seohyun and I almost lost her.. I forgot Yuri didn’t do anything.. I was blinded. Depressed.." Yoona felt lonely re-telling their story but she felt fine after Tiffany held on to her hand. "I just.. Had to accept the present.. Prevent the future. That's what I thought.. I loved the kid too, she's like a little Seohyun hehe" Yoona added and gazed up to smile at her unnie.

 How I wish we were the same Tae.. Tiffany cried inside herself.

 "Good luck on you two! I swear, I will kill Yuri if she ever tries anything on Joohyun! I'll kill her twice if she even tries!" Tiffany said loudly. Yoona held up Tiffany's hands and leaned closer to Tiffany. "Still.. Go for Taeyeon ok unnie?"

 Yoona stood up still holding on Tiffany's hand. "How about if I go for Yuri? Haha" Tiffany asked.

 "No-no-no! Yul is better off with someone else, you and Taeyeon-unnie are perfect!" Yoona pulled the older girl up and they both laughed.

 "Besides if ever Taeyeon does something stupid on you unnie, I'll avenge you, she'll fear my height.." Yoona had her head high. Tiffany looked up to her chuckling. "But if its Yuri.. Were almost the same height.. She won’t fear me.. Sadly." Yoona then looked down the other way. Tiffany laughed at Yoona and she patted the taller girl.

 "Yoona! There you are, I've been looking all over for you.."


 "Hi aunty!"

 Tiffany and Yoona approached Mrs. Im. "Oh I saw your dad Tiffany-ssi, he never mentioned you were here as well.." Mrs. Im told Tiffany. "I told him not to mention me as his daughter.."

 "Why so?"

 "Tiffany is just unfamiliar around this kind of crowd." Yoona explained for Tiffany and Tiffany looked up to Yoona smiling.

 "Well be taking our leave though Tiffany-ssi, I have a meeting tomorrow.." Mrs. Im gave Tiffany a pat on the shoulder. "You can come to our house so you can continue your chatting with Yoong here.." Mrs. Im added.

 "I'll be happy to but i'm waiting for my father, thank you for the offer though aunty.." Tiffany politely gave a bow. Mrs. Im smiled and lightly tapped Yoona's arm.

 "Tiffany and her mother are the same.. Well lets go?"

 After a while Tiffany followed Yoona and her mother down stairs back to the party. Mrs. Im didn’t really went home, after introducing Yoona to Mr. Hwang that is, they chatted more while Yoona and Tiffany did the same.


Chapter 53 - One Parent

 Yuri woke up with Hae Rin's tap on her face. "Yul-daddy.. Wake up."

 Yuri slowly woke up and rubbed her eyes. The image of the girl beside her slowly cleared. "H-Hae baby.. Good morning.." Yuri tried to hug Hae Rin but she got off their bed and went to the nearby table. She gave Yuri, Yuri's currently ringing phone. "Oh thanks baby.." Yuri smiled at Hae Rin and answered the call. Hae Rin climb up the bed again, lying beside Yuri.

 "Hello? Sica?"

 "Yuri, is Yeon Hee ok? My mom kept on nagging me and asking me to call you, even dad does so; so Kwon Yuri would you please make them stop worrying cause I'm getting crazy here!" Jessica spoke so fast that Yuri didn't comprehend much of the topic. "S-Sica.. Please calm down.." Yuri suggested and Jessica took a deep breath.

 "Sorry.. My parents are just.. Worried if you're taking care of Yeon Hee well.." Jessica calmed down. Yuri hesitated telling Jessica she's at Tiffany's house, once more she slept there. She thought Jessica warmed up to her just recently and telling such a thing would leave them on the edge again.

 "She's ok,don't worry.."

 "Good. Now bring her here.." Jessica said in a serious tone. "N-now?!" Yuri exclaimed.

 "Yes. Problem? Before going to school.. Stop by here and bring her ok? Bye Yul!"

 "Bu-" Jessica hanged up the call before Yuri can even speak. Yuri rubbed her head as she looked around the room. She got off her bed and went to Tiffany's room. Hae Rin tailed her along the way.

 Inside Tiffany's room, Tiffany was not there. Yuri searched everywhere and she went down stairs. Mr. Hwang stood by the windows drinking a cup of coffee.

 "G-good morning sir.." Yuri bow and Hae Rin did the same. "Good morning grampa!" Hae Rin held on Yuri's shirt.

 "Looking for Tiffany? She slept in her friend's house." Mr. Hwang said. "Hae Rin-ssi, take your breakfast at the dining room, you too Yuri-ssi. Tiffany will come home in a bit." Mr. Hwang continued to sip his coffee and Yuri proceeded to the dining area. She looked at Hae Rin, thinking she can't just ask Mr. Hwang to baby sit Hae Rin she decided to take Hae Rin with her.


 "Uhg.. W-where..?" Tiffany rubbed her eyes and streched her arms up. She then heard a soft voice saying 'unnie'. Tiffany checked underneath her comforter, she found Yoona lying by her chest. "Yoona?"



 Arriving at Yuri's house.

 Yuri was holding Hae Rin's hand. They came across Seohyun and Hyunki, watering some plants together.

 "Joohyun!" Yuri waved. Seohyun looked at who and when she saw Yuri she waved back. Hyunki also waved.


 The duo approached Yuri but Yuri looked at Hae Rin hiding by Yuri's back. "Good morning unnie!" Seohyun greeted with a smile. "Unnie.." Hyunki waved to Hae Rin. Seohyun and Yuri looked at the kids.

 "Hi Hyunki.." Hae Rin still hid by Yuri's side.

 "You two know each other Hyunki-ssi?" Seohyun asked the kids. The kids nod at Seohyun.

 "Well.. Sh-shes my daughter as well.." Yuri explained. Seohyun looked at Yuri with confusion. "Seo-umma, Yul-appa has kids with other women." Hyunki explained. Seohyun made an expression like 'ah'. Yuri smiled embarrassed at Seohyun.

 "We better get back to our chores ok Hyunki.." Seohyun took Hyunki's hand but Hyunki protested. "I wanna be with Yul-appa today.." Yuri rubbed her head while Hae Rin pulled Yuri's shirt pointing inside Yuri's house.

 "Hyunki-ssi, unnie is busy.." Seohyun eyed her daughter and Yuri looked at Hyunki who's pleading up to her. "Appa.."

"A-alright!" Yuri took Hyunki's hand and they walked towards Yuri's house. Seohyun followed them but she heard her mother call her name. "I'll be right back unnie.." Seohyun ran towards their house.

Inside Yuri's house.

 "My gooodness!"

Mrs. Kwon was delighted to see her three granddaughters sitting beside one another.

 "Hae Rin, Yeon Hee and Hyunki Kwon!" Mrs. Kwon happily hugged the three. "I'd love to take care of you three but I have a special client today.. So Yuri will baby sit you three!" Mrs. Kwon added and eye Yuri while Yuri sighed in frustration, she remembered Jessica. Yuri called Jessica through her phone immediately.

 "Hello.. Sica?"

 "Yul! What’s taking you so long?! Ugh! My parents are seriously needing to see Yeon Hee.." Jessica said loudly that Yuri had to take away the phone from her ear.

 "Calm down princess.. Please." Yuri again said.

 "Ok ok! Now explain."

 "Hae Rin and Hyunki are in my house.. I need to baby sit them aswell.. How can I bring Yeon Hee?" Yuri asked, Jessica became silent.

 "Sica? Sorry.. I'll try to find a way.. I'm not going to school.." Yuri apologized but she had to take care of the three for that day. "You are the father,Yul take care of them too.. Let me talk to Yeon Hee."

 Yuri accepted the request and she went to the kids. "Yeon Hee-ssi, it’s your mama.." Yuri happily said. Yeon Hee got of her seat and took the phone. Yuri sat between the two remaining kids. Yeon Hee and Jessica talked to each other.


 "Yeon Hee! I miss you.. Is Yuri taking care of you well? Th-that monkey! I told her to bring you here.." Jessica spoke fast again but Yeon Hee already adopted her mother's anxiety problems when it comes to her and Yuri. "I'm ok Sica-mama! How about you come here?" Yeon Hee answered.

 "Me? I have school baby.. I'll come over after ok?"

 "Hmm.. Ok! Be quick ok?" Yeon Hee happily said.

 "Yes baby! I love you, tell Yuri.. Take care of you well ok? Tell her I'll hit her if she doesn't pay you attention."  Jessica said in relief, she thought Yuri would not take care of their daughter well. Truth is, she wanted to call Yuri yesterday, last night and every hour. Jessica grew more mature but she adopted her parents’ anxiety problem towards their siblings. A fine mother indeed.

  "Hae Rin-ssi, whats wrong?" Yuri asked the kid beside her whos holding on to her arms tight. "You seem scared? Yuri comforted the kid.

 "I.. Unnie.. Is here.." Yuri looked at the kid confused. She turned her head and looked at Hyunki. "Explanation kids?" By that time Yeon Hee also made her way back.

"What did Sica-mama say?" Yuri eyed little Yeon Hee and Yeon Hee smiled. "She said give me attention and take care of me well!"

 Yuri got of her seat and she was replaced by Yeon Hee.  Yeon Hee arched an eye brow on Hae Rin still looking scared. Yuri stood up and put her hands on her waist. "Ok.. My angels.. Mind explaining me why you three know each other?" Yuri asked. For some moment everyone just gave Yuri a gaze.

 "Were your daughters.. Obviously,papa." Yeon Hee said.

The others nod in sync. "So.. I did or will have you three in the future? And in different mothers?!" Yuri gained confusion all the way. She took a seat on the floor. "I wonder what my future is.." Yuri gripped on her shoulder.

 "You'll marry Fany-mommy.." Hae Rin said.

 "No.. Seo-umma first." Hyunki countered. Yuri looked at both confused and questioning. "Joohyun first?! Then Tiffany?! Then Sica?!" Yuri looked at Yeon Hee.

 "No.." Yeon Hee replied simple. Yuri approached the three. "I won’t marry Sica? But how come?" Yuri asked, it seemed so biased to the other two but she felt the need ask. "..Because.." Yuri had her mouth hanging at Yeon Hee's explanation.

 "Im.. Just a.." Yeon Hee looked down. Hae Rin comforted her sister. "Yeon Hee, it’s alright.. Daddy will understand."

 "H-h-hey! Whats going on?! Please tell me!" Yuri stressed out on the three. The three kids looked at Yuri afraid and quite shocked.

 Yuri realized she had just shouted at three kids, she rubbed her head and apologized to the three. The kids looked sad and afraid. "I-Im sorry.." Yuri looked at the three.


Chapter 54- Three Kids

"I slept here?" A red haired girl asked in shock. "Well.. Yeah.." A raven haired girl answered.

 "Hae Rin will be worried about me.." The red haired girl stood up and went for the mirror. She fixed her hair and face.

 "Unnie, you love the kid so much dont you?" The other asked, she still lied by her bed and pillow. "I guess.. I've grown to love the kid.. Like my own little sister." Tiffany answered.

 "I know how you feel.." Yoona buried herself by her white pillow. She made a sudden move when Tiffany spanked her butt. "Yaah! Unnie?!"

 "Get up lazy girl! Haha!" Tiffany smiled and showing Yoona her eye smile. "It’s still early haha I'll dose of some more.." Yoona continued to burry herself in her bed. Tiffany held the girl's wrist and pulled her up. "Get up Yoona-ssi!" Tiffany shouted while Yoona laughed and made herself heavier. Tiffany then pouted and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling exhausted that is. Yoona gave up and stood up, laughing.

 "Unnie sure is strict with time." Yoona eyed Tiffany. The older girl stood as well. "I just hate being a lazy head." Tiffany continued to walk towards the door but stopped when she saw Mrs. Im wave at her from down stairs. Yoona looked at her. "What's wrong unnie?"

Tiffany felt quite embarrassed at their current place. She slept at Yoona's house because Yoona's mother insisted to her father. Mr. Hwang allowed Tiffany to do so but Tiffany felt awkward that she woke up by Yoona's side. Tiffany just let out a long sigh, knowing Yoona is innocent at the situation.

 Very relieving and bothersome at the same time. Tiffany thought to herself, commenting about Yoona's innocent act that is.

 They both went down stairs to eat breakfast with Mrs. Im.


Back at Yuri's house.

 "Yul-appa.. Please remember.. We don’t have any memories of the future. It can alter your timeline that’s why.." Hyunki explained to her father. Yuri rubbed her nose. "I know.. Sorry you three.." Yuri approached the kids and hugged the three by her arms.

 "But did you guys know how much I miss you!" Yuri said loudly, while the three kids giggled upon their father.

 "Let’s all go out! Do you guys want to go the park?" Yuri broke the hug and asked her children. The three looked at each other's faces.

 "What about Sica-mama?" Yeon Hee spoke.

 "Fany-mommy?" Hae Rin added.

 "And Seo-umma?" Hyunki joined as well.

 Yuri looked at the three with distress and frustration, but she had an excuse. "They'll be going to school.. So well be going on ourselves! Ok ok?"  Yuri smiled and pleaded to her kids but none seemed happy about it.

 "Awee come on! Dont you guys want to be with me?" Yuri asked cutely. The three frowned still but smiled afterwards. "Ok.. Dont be sad Yul-papa.." Yeon Hee went down and hugged Yuri.

 "It’s ok, Yul-daddy! We went to the zoo without you as well..So.." Hae Rin also hugged Yuri by her left arm.

 "Seo-umma will understand. I’m sure, hundred percent!"

Hyunki hugged by Yuri's right arm.

 After all the troubles, this is the best gift so far.. Hehe... Yuri hugged the three as well. She thought of relief that even though her life went on a crazy ride, these three kids she hugged showed her warmth like no one else could. It was like the prize she gained from all the mental illness she almost gained.

 Maybe having three kids, isn't as bad as it was..


 At the Im mansion,

 "Bye Yoona, aunty! Thank you for your warm welcome. Till next time!" Tiffany gave a final bow to the Im family household. She flashed everyone her eye smile before leaving. Mrs. Im happily bid Tiffany goodbye and safety regards. She then turned around to her daughter currently heading for the kitchen.

 "Yoona, I think I know who's your special person is."

Mrs. Im asked and Yoona turned around. "Oh? Really?"

 "Yes. I have a very good source about it." Mrs. Im flagged a piece of paper. Yoona's eyes focused on the paper. "Whats that?!"

 "A picture.. Scandal.. Im Yoona's girlfriend." Mrs. Im laughed and teased Yoona. She exited the living room and hid the paper on her pocket.

 "Mom let me see!" Yoona followed her mother.

 "Oh no, no no~" Mrs. Im happily played but their telephone rang. Yoona picked it up, it was her dad. Mrs. Im answered it, while her parents were talking; Yoona left and went for the kitchen she was hungry.


 Yuri and the three kids were preparing for their short trip to an aquatic theme park.

 "I dont want you three spreading around ok? We'll be sticking together! Since Hae Rin is the oldest, you monitor the others with me ok?" Yuri eyed Hae Rin and Hae Rin nod with a smile.

 "The maknaes better respect your unnie ok?" Yuri now eyed the other two. "Yes Yul-papa!" Yeon Hee answered. Hyunki nod as well. Yuri held Yeon Hee and Hyunki's hand, leaving Hae Rin.

 "Since you’re a big girl, I'm sure you're very responsible right?" Yuri remembered Hae Rin and she tried to cheer up the kid but Hae Rin still wanted Yuri's security as well.

 "I'll walk by myself." Hyunki proposed, she also let go of Yuri's left hand. Hae Rin took the hand instead.

 "You better watch her unnie, she goes around exploring things." Yeon Hee told Hae Rin.

 "U-uhmm.. Hyunki-ssi! Daddy said you follow me ok? So please dont go on your own.." Hae Rin held Hyunki's hands. Hyunki fixed her glasses. "I understand.. unnie.."

 "Well that's settled! Shall we go?" Yuri asked the three kids and they all said 'let’s go'.

 I hope nothing goes wrong with these three.

 At the taxi cab, Yuri rode the seat beside the driver while the kids occupied the back.

 "You sure are a great unnie.. Treating your cousins I suppose?" The taxi driver smiled at the sight of three kids. Yuri laughed awkwardly because the driver though she was a good relative the three, no Yuri was a good father.

 "Yul-appa, I think you need to inform our mothers that you'll take us to a park." Hyunki leaned over and proposed. Yuri became alarmed because the taxi driver looked in the mirror dazed and confused. "Uh.. Ha-haha! Ye-yea sure.." Yuri laughed and looked at the driver.

 "Roleplaying haha..!" The driver laughed with Yuri as well. Yuri sighed and put out her phone. She texted Seohyun, Tiffany and Jessica.

 After a short ride they got off the taxi and happily sought the park's entrance.

 "Wow, an antique place indeed." Hyunki commented.

 Antique?.. Yuri thought.

 "The structure is ok for me but the design is so.. Old." Yeon Hee added. "This is the past.. What can we expect." Hae Rin also added.

 Future kids.. Futuristic. Yuri thought again.

 The three turned around and looked at the disappointed Yuri. Yuri thought at such an old fashioned place for the kids they won't have fun.

 "Appa! Let’s go!"

 "Yes yes yes! Let’s go papa!"

 "Yep daddy! What are you waiting for?"

 Yuri happily smiled, satisfied with her daughter's excitement and smiles.


Chapter 55 - Connections

At the aquatic park, Yuri and the kids were enjoying the scene of fishes and other water creatures around.

 "Sharks.." Hyunki pointed up at the glass where a shark passed by. "Scary, sharks eat people right?" Hae Rin stressed in fear. "Only if they got out of those giant mirrors.." Yeon Hee said, making the older kid more afraid.

 "What if they do?!" Hae Rin ran over to Yuri and hugged Yuri's waist. Yuri looked at Hae Rin almost crying in fear

 "Hae-baby, it’s ok.. Were safe, dont worry." Yuri bended down and the other kids approached her as well.

 "You two! Stop bulliying your unnie ok?" Yuri asked of the two. "Ok appa.. But I was just asking.. Yeon Hee scared her.." Hyunki said and Yuri eyed Yeon Hee. Yeon Hee held her head high. "I was joking."

 "Now now.. Dont joke like that. It seems your unnie got very worried about us.." Yuri scolded the kid and Yeon Hee frowned.

 "Uhmm.. Yeon Hee-ssi, dont be sad. Just dont do it again ok?" Yuri kissed Yeon Hee's forehead and smiled.

 "That's unfair Yul-appa, you kissed her what about me?" Hyunki protested and pouted at Yuri. "Very unfair!" Hae Rin did the same. Yuri just scratched her chin at two cute kids pouting and asking for her kiss.

  Such cute kids. Haha  Yuri kissed the two and they all advanced on their trip. Yuri looked down and she saw three cute angels looking at random fishes around. It reminded her about her father, she used to go the park with her father. After her father got an affair with another woman, Yuri never went to the park again; besides her mother was busy striving for them both so going with her mom was impossible.

 Somehow she felt that she needed to be a better father than her father was, but it seemed she cannot. In the end, she has to make a choice.


 Yoona decided to walk with Seohyun on their way to their school. Seohyun quietly walked and Yoona did the same. But to Yoona it was alright, all she wanted was being beside and near Seohyun. Seohyun also felt the same, she was just didn't know what to say to Yoona at that moment.

 "Yuri-unnie.." Seohyun thought of something. But Yoona didn’t answer, she simply didn’t want to hear Yuri's name for the time being.

 "I talked to her earlier.." Seohyun added and Yoona remained the same. "..Are you listening?" Seohyun noticed her lover's inattentiveness. "Yoona?"

Yoona snapped out from her short trip to jealousy-world upon hearing her name called by Seohyun's voice.

 "S-sorry.. What about Y-Yuri?" Yoona rubbed her head in annoyance of the topic. "I talked to her earlier.." Seohyun repeated.

 "..And I left Hyunki to her.. Without asking.." Seohyun looked down. "Hyunki may be bothersome to her.. I just didnt have time to get Hyunki back because of chores and going to school an-" Seohyun was panicking, thinking she could cause Yuri trouble by making her take care of Hyunki, without permission.

 "Caml down, Seo.. She's one of the parents silly.." Yoona put her hands on Seohyun's shoulder to stop her from worrying. "Ok, Yoong.. Sorry.. Yuri-unnie already has two kids to take care of, adding Hyunki.." Seohyun stopped when she noticed Yoona was laughing. "Hey what’s so funny?!"

 "You're cute when you worry.." Yoona said smiling like an idiot. "Yoona.." Seohyun pouted. "Gaah! Enough cuteness! And dont worry about Yuri she can manage.." Yoona hugged Seohyun by her neck but Seohyun still looked worried.

 "We'll get Hyunki after school ok? Besides I dont think Yuri will go to school with three kids on her hands." Yoona smiled and Seohyun did the same.

 "Now is my Seohyun ok now?" Yoona asked and Seohyun simply nod.

 They walked hand in hand, but Yoona was still bothered that Yuri and Seohyun still interacted. She doesn't want to be demanding though.


 At SooMan high,

 Tiffany was walking towards their classroom; she walked at a frequent speed because she remembered she was on cleaning duty today. She opened the door to her classroom and she found one girl cleaning the boards.

 "S-Sica.." Tiffany eyed Jessica but Jessica continued cleaning the boards. "Good morning Sica!" Tiffany smiled at Jessica. "Good.. Morning.." Jessica answered.

Tiffany put her bag on her desk and fixed the alignment of some desks.

 "So.. Uhm.. Why were you absent Jess?" Tiffany asked. There was an awkward tension but Tiffany still tried to make a communication. "My parents went home.. And.." Jessica stopped and took a look at Tiffany but Tiffany was facing the other way. "Tiff.." Jessica called on Tiffany.

 "Yes?" Tiffany faced her friend.

 "I’m sorry.." Jessica said.

 "Silly.." Tiffany looked down and wiped her nose. She ran over to Jessica not caring if she messes the chairs she fixed a while ago.

 "Sica! I can’t believe we fought!" Tiffany hugged Jessica.

 "It’s all monkey-Yul's fault!" Jessica hugged her friend aswell.

 "Sorry for all I've said. Really sorry Tiffany!"

 "I’m so sorry too! I never wanted to get in the way of you two, really! I didnt!"

 The two broke free from the hug and wiped their tears.

 "You were a very good friend and I said all those things.. Fany.. Please forgive me.." Jessica smiled and asked her friends apology. Tiffany just laughed and eye smiled. "Jess, no need. I never got mad at you, I understood you very well. Why you acted and said all those.." Tiffany explained. They both smiled but their attention was turned when the door was slid opened. "Kwaa! You two!" Hyoyeon came in and hugged the two. "Are you two finally ok now?! Its not a dream right?!" Hyoyeon said in tears of happiness. The two just laughed at Hyoyeon.

 "Of course! Were friends forever!" Tiffany said.

 "Im glad.. Does this mean you two are ok with Taeyeon and Yuri now?" Hyoyeon smiled and eyed the two. Jessica rolled her eyes. "That monkey.. What more can I do? We can’t just hate always right?" Hyoyeon smiled at Jessica's answer, she then turned her look at Tiffany.

"We're working on it.." Tiffany smiled weakly but it shows her honesty towards her words, Hyoyeon smiled as well. "Finally.."

 "Sub-unit?" Jessica asked her two friends.

 "JTH!" Tiffany held her hand up high.

 "JeTiHyo!" Hyoyeon hugged the two while the other two did the same.

 With all the trials of their friendship, all they needed was the fate to drag them into the right place. Making them understand the misunderstandings, making them realize the value of their friendship and making them connect again.

 "If you guys ever fight again.. I'll really leave you two behind." Hyoyeon said, while Tiffany and Jessica frowned. "No we won’t!" Tiffany answered and Jessica nod.

 "But hey, were on cleaning duty.. We should be cleaning.." Jessica remembered. The other two became alarmed and quickly cleaned the room.


Chapter 56 - Shinning day

At the 2-A classroom lunch break,

 Jessica went out of their classroom, followed by Tiffany who's busy texting on her phone. Hyoyeon ran towards the two listening to her ipod. "You two seem busy today.." Jessica said.

 After 5 seconds, the two girls looked at Jessica in front of them. "Late reaction-much?" Jessica commented but she had a smirk on her face.

 "I bet Hyoyeon's listening to Hiphop.." Jessica told Hyoyeon and the girl responded with a thumbs up.

 "Tiffany's texting.. Taeyeon." Jessica then looked at Tiffany. Hyoyeon gave two thumbs up.

 "Yep, I told her to eat lunch with us." Tiffany flashed the two with her eye smile. Cannot believe what Tiffany had just said, Jessica and Hyoyeon were left with a mouth hung open.

 "Wh-what's wrong?" Tiffany asked her friends who didnt seem to believe her words a while ago.

 "So you and Taeyeon are ok now?!" Hyoyeon clung her arms around Tiffany's arms. Jessica went nearer the two with arms crossing. "Is it Tae-Ny again?"

 "You two.. Is our relationship that intriguing?!" Tiffany laughed to sway the topic a bit but the two just didn't sway.

 "Goosh! So you two are on a relationship now?!" Hyoyeon agitatedly pushed Tiffany because of too much excitement. Tiffany bumped into Jessica.

 "Yah Hyo! Calm down!" Jessica shouted. Hyoyeon silenced a bit but giggled, anticipating for Tiffany's answer. "Drum roll please!...No were not." Tiffany struck her tongue out.

 "Liar." Jessica rolled her eyes. "I agree." Hyoyeon did the same, Tiffany just laughed. "I'm telling the truth!"

 Arriving at the cafeteria, they saw Sooyoung, Sunny and Taeyeon together at a table. Hyoyeon ran over to them to ask seats. Tiffany and Jessica followed.

 Hyoyeon took a seat beside Sunny who’s seating beside Sooyoung. Tiffany and Jessica hesitated to seat beside Taeyeon.

 "You seat, Jess." Tiffany smiled and paved a hand on the seat beside Taeyeon. "Oh please, Tiff. I know you wanted that seat so much!" Jessica smirked and took a seat but leaving a space for Tiffany.

 "Are you angry?" Taeyeon eyed Tiffany.

 "N-no!" Tiffany answered and took her seat. She heard everyone giggle at her action. She turned her look at Taeyeon smiling at her. She then looked at Jessica, smirking. "W-what?" She asked.

 "Oh nothing, can we just eat?" Jessica said.

 Yoona and Seohyun also arrived just a moment after.

 "Yuri's absent?" said Hyoyeon, mentally counting her friends around the table.

 "Yep, she has to baby sit 3 kids today." Jessica answered the question. "Seohyun and I will get Hyunki later.." Yoona said.

 "I guess I'll take Hae Rin with you two." Tiffany answered then she took a bite on her lunch. "I'll come with you.." Taeyeon made a cute smile at Tiffany. "If you're not busy sure, Tae." Tiffany smiled back.

 "Poor Yuri-ssi, having kids at a young age." Sooyoung stressed. "I wonder what Yuri's plans are.. Towards the future." Sunny said, the three wives looked at each other's faces.

 "No clues at all.. About that monkey's plans.." Jessica shut her eyes and arched an eye brow, thinking back; Yuri was making progress in making things right but her future plans are unknown.

 "She better come up with a good family planning soon.. 3 different wives is a hassle." Sooyoung joked. Yoona and Taeyeon didn't take it much though.

 "Hyunnie.." Yoona whispered to Seohyun and the girl answered with a yes. "Let's make the future us.." Yoona said and cutely smiled to her lover. "Of course, Yoong." Seohyun leaned her head on Yoona's head.

 Tiffany received a text message, she checked the message.

 Future plans : Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany!

 It was a message from Taeyeon. Tiffany smiled while the dork who sent it was quietly eating, not making it obvious that she texted a while ago. Tiffany replied.

 Future plans : Tae-Tae's cold noodles with a heart shaped-egg. <3

 When Taeyeon got the message she laughed and looked at Tiffany. Everyone looked at Taeyeon's laughing.

 "Know what these two have their own world." Jessica pointed at the two.


At the water park,

 "Yul-daddy, let's eat!" Hae Rin pulled Yuri's hands, pointing at a sweets shop. "Oh no, well take lunch instead." Yuri said no-no to the kid. "Yul-papa is not so rich in this time.." Yeon Hee commented, Yuri almost choked to the comments of her kids thinking she's cheap.

 "She's still young here.." Hyunki added. "But a little candy won't hurt budget right?" Hae Rin pouted.

 "Correct unnie, I'd like some butterscotch cookies." Hyunki also took Yuri's wrist, pulling her.

 "I'd take some strawberry cream puff!" Yeon Hee now pushed Yuri towards the sweets store.

 Yuri cannot win, not with three kids cutely pleading. But her weekly allowance was burning quick; all Yuri can do was sigh. They all went inside the sweets shop.


 At SooMan high, after school.

 Yoona and Seohyun waited for Tiffany in front of the gate. After a short while they saw Tiffany and Taeyeon walking towards them waving.

 "Sorry I had something to do at the faculty.." Taeyeon apoligized. "It’s ok unnie, being the council president isn't easy.." Seohyun said.

 "Ok now shall we go?" Tiffany asked but they looked back when they saw Jessica walking up to them.

 "Are you coming as well, unnie?" Yoona asked Jessica. Jessica nods. "Yuri and the kids went to a aquarium water park.."

 "Should we go there?" Tiffany put out her cellphone probably preparing to call her driver. "Well sure.. No prob." Yoona agreed.

 "Well all ride Tiffany's luxurious car.." Taeyeon giggled.

 "Or Yoona's car instead." Jessica added.

 "How about we walk? Hehe." Seohyun suggested but no one looked at her to agree. Even Yoona.

 "Ok.." Seohyun frowned and looked down. "It’s far from here Seo, but we'll walk finding them anyways." Yoona comforted Seohyun.

 They all rode Tiffany's car afterwards.


 "Now are you three satisfied?" Yuri asked the three who finished munching on to their sweet treats.

 "Yup!" The three kids answered in sync.

 "Good then.. But my money is burned geez.." Yuri sighed but then again she was happy. She never got the time to bond with the three. "Wait here ok? I'll buy some bottled waters." Yuri signaled the three to stay at the store bench. The three stayed still.

 Yuri walked over to the nearest store.

 "Well there they are!" Taeyeon saw three kids and one adult. Everyone ran towards where the kids were.

 "Hey buddy, what's with the jacket?" Yoona asked Yuri who's facing away from them. "Yoona.." Yuri smiled.

"Taeyeon!" Yuri then eyed Taeyeon.

"Seo.." then Seohyun.

"Fany.." At Tiffany. "Sica.." Yuri fell in awe to see Jessica.

 "I'm back!"


Chapter 57 -  The moment to decide.

 "Seriously Yuri what's with the fashion sense today?" Yoona said insulting Yuri in a black leather jacket. Yuri looked down to herself and chuckled. "It’s in trend.." Yuri replied to Yoona. "Trend?" Yoona asked.

 Meanwhile, the kids went to their respective mothers.

 "Hey guys, why did you come here?" someone asked from their backs. They looked back to a familiar voice.

 "What’s wrong? Problem guys?" Yuri asked.

 "What the fu-?!" Yuri exclaimed and dropped three bottled waters from her hands.

 "Two Yuri's?!" Tiffany exclaimed and looked at the two.

 "What's going on..?!" Taeyeon asked. Tiffany took Hae Rin's hands and brought her near her. Jessica and Seohyun also took their kids closer.

 "W-who are you?!" Yuri asked. The other her just smiled.



 "Future you. I came to take them back.." Yuri said pointing at Hae Rin, Yeon Hee then Hyunki. "Have they told you, they are here to help you decide your future?" the Yuri in black asked Yuri.

 "W-well quite.." Yuri answered.

 "Fany-mommy, don’t worry. Yul-daddy is just here to get us back.. Still it seemed to sudden." Hae Rin told Tiffany who's griping onto her tight. "You'll go home?" Tiffany sadly asked. Hae Rin nods her head to agree.

 "You'll see her again in a bit later Fany.." Yuri in black said. "You are her mother.." Yuri in black approached Tiffany and Hae Rin. "I missed that red hair of yours.. Maybe I'll tell you to get it back, it suits you." Yuri brushed her hands on Tiffany's hair. Tiffany felt awkward so she took a step back. "Oh I forgot.. At this timeline, you and Taeyeon are.." Yuri smiled at Taeyeon.

"Tae? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked Taeyeon whos looking a bit angry. "Were.. Friends if you must know. Friends don't glare at their friends.." Yuri in black commented. Taeyeon held Tiffany's hand and looked up to Yuri in black. "I just wanna show you.. Tiffany is mine." Taeyeon blurted, Tiffany blushed a bit at Taeyeon's block of courage.

 "Yes ofcouse, Taeyeon-ah." Yuri in black walked pass Taeyeon, Tiffany and Hae Rin. She stopped. "But she's mine later then forevermore.."

She then eyed Hyunki.

 "My genius kid! How's your late trip?"

 "Fine but Seo-umma here is with another.. Why didn't you stop her?!" Hyunki frowned to look at Yoona. Yoona didn’t say anything.

 "She's with Yoong at this timeline haha! She's my cousin baby." Yuri in black explained to Hyunki. "But she can replace me right? Yoong looks a lot like me." She added but Hyunki shook her head and disagreed.

 "Yoong.." Yuri smiled at Yoona. "Seohyun.." Then to Seohyun.

 "It’s how Yoona calls you right? In the future, I call you the same.." Yuri said. "Because Yoona told me to." She explained.

 "Y-Yuri.." Yoona was a bit nervous and jealous at the same time. She does not like this Yuri's airy attitude, she wants to talk but Yoona does not know what to say.

 "Are you gonna say Seohyun's yours as well? Like what Taeyeon did earlier?" Yuri broke the silence. Yoona clenched her fist, she needs to speak up.

 "Were for each other unnie.." Seohyun backed Yoona up, as she saw Yoona's shaking. Yuri in black smiled.

 "No you're not Seohyun.." Yuri in black countered. Hyunki also spoke. "It’s the first time you were wrong, umma.." Then, Yuri in black patted Yoona's shoulder.

 "Yoong.. I’m sorry." and walked pass Yoona.

 "Sica!" Yuri in black eyed Jessica. "So glad to see you.." Yuri in black approached Jessica and hugged her. "Y-Yuri.." Jessica murmured. To Jessica it feels the same, it was Yuri no doubt but somehow something was making it wrong. "Seobang.. Not Yuri.." Yuri in black whispered and hugged Jessica tighter.

 "Can you please explain why I have a kid with Joohyun and Tiffany?" suddenly Yuri tapped Yuri in black to stop her hug on Jessica. Yuri in black looked at Yuri straight.


 "Yes please explain to me. I just.. Don’t want to have a kid with the both of them.." Yuri looked down, she didn’t want Hae Rin and Hyunki hear so but it was the truth to be spoken.

 "You're upsetting Hyunki and Hae Rin.. Don’t say such questions here.." Yuri in black walked over Yuri. She then approached Hae Rin and carried the kid.

 "It’s like you're saying, I don’t want you Hae Rin." Yuri in black told Yuri. "Same with Hyunki.." She added with a blank serious face.

 "I'm sorry.. I love Jessica and besides, Joohyun loves Yoona no doubt. Tiffany loves Taeyeon too.. So Hae Rin.. Hyunki. I'm so sorry.." Yuri said sadly looking at her two kids. Yuri in black sighed. "Are you sure?"

 "I am.. If anyone wants to object.. Please tell me." Yuri eyed everyone around involeved. Tiffany did want to object a bit but Taeyeon held her hand, making her feel not to. Seohyun no doubt chosed Yoona over, though.

 "Then it’s your choice. I only am the person who you.. Chose to be." Yuri in black said.

 "In the future, yes. You will marry Seo Joohyun, Tiffany Hwang and Jessica Jung because well.. You love them and they love you. With a special future features, you will have kids with the three of them. I would like tell you everything but.." She paused and looked at Jessica.

 "You are choosing one.. One wife. One daughter.. I do not know the future I will get back to.. It's all I can explain." Yuri in black concluded. She walked over and took Hyunki's hand. She bended down to Hae Rin and Hyunki. "It’s her decision.. You two will understand right?" She smiled and hugged the two kids. Yuri in black stood and faced Yuri eye to eye.

 "Remember one thing though, you said you want Jessica right?" Yuri said. "Start being.. Cold.." She told Yuri.

 "Yeon Hee-ssi, come here. Let’s go.."

 "Sica-mama.. I love you!" Yeon Hee hugged Jessica. "I had fun being with you.. You were such a good mother." Yeon Hee said, Jessica hugged Yeon Hee. "I'm going to miss you.." Jessica sadly smiled. "We’ll see each other in a bit later.. Don’t worry!" Yeon Hee wiped Jessica's tear. She kissed Jessica and ran over to Yuri in black.

 "Hae-baby.." Tiffany approached Hae Rin, breaking away from Taeyeon's grasp. "Sorry.."

 "It’s ok.. I understand. Just know I love you mommy, I had a great memory in the zoo, picturing.. Everything" Hae Rin turned around and wiped her tears. "I hope you and daddy will still be together.. I'll pray like you taught me to.." Afterwards she ran, crying to Yuri in black.

 "Yoona-unnie.. Try to take care of umma.." Hyunki took off her glasses. "You look like appa.. But you can never treat her same as appa did or does.." Hyunki wore her glasses again. Seohyun hugged Hyunki. "I’m sorry Hyunki-ssi.."

 "It’s ok, umma. Please do some reconsideration sometimes.. Your intelligent, Seo-umma I just know you'll figure what's right soon." Then Hyunki walked to Yuri in black as well.

 "Now your goodbyes are done. Shall we go?" Yuri in black asked three kids. Hae Rin and Hyunki glowed in shades of pink and green. Yuri, Tiffany and Seohyun felt bad to the two but it was a decision they had to take. After a second, the two kids disappeared. Then Yeon Hee glowed in orange and disappeared too.

 "You've made your choice. Be sure to be prepared on sticking your cold heart to it. Remember my words.." Yuri in black looked back. She looked at Tiffany and Taeyeon then Yoona and Seohyun.

 "You guys as well.. Be prepared."

 "Especially you, Yuri.. Good luck."

 She then disappeared.

 The teenagers we left with silence. No one wanted to talk afterwards; they feared Yuri's last words of pre-caution. They wondered what could they be prepared to..


Chapter 58 - Preparations

 Yuri and her friends stayed in her house after the earlier events in the water park.

 "Seo.." Yoona held Seohyun's hand. She put Seohyun's head on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" Yoona asked.

 "I am fine don't you worry.." Seohyun replied and tightly held Yoona's hand back.

 "I'm sure with my decision.." Yuri spoke. She also looked at her friends serious. "I love Sica.." She looked at Jessica beside her and smiled.

 "Geez.. Is it the right time to tell me you love me?" Jessica flushed a light blush.

 "Of course! It has to be every time, anytime, anywhere!"

 Yuri smiled. "I declare Jessica Jung as my one and only wife!" Yuri wrapped an arm around Jessica.

 "Aiish.. Kkab! Stop it.. Everyone's looking.." Jessica shyly swayed away Yuri's arms but Yuri wrapped it on her waist instead. "They're lovers, why don’t we become one too?" Yuri whispered to Jessica.

 "Monkey." Jessica showed a frowning face but she was indeed blushing. Their friends laughed at Jessica's shyness.

 "Ice princess has a little weakness eh?" Taeyeon commented. "Prince Yul and Princess Sica haha! What fairy tale!" Tiffany chuckled, making labels for Jessica and Yuri's relationship.

 "I think King Yul and Queen Sica is better." Yoona also made labels. "Royal couple." Seohyun said. Yuri laughed at her friends.

 "I prefer to label something on Jessica too.." Yuri looked at everyone around their living room and lastly to Jessica. "I think Princess Sica or Queen Sica is quite not right." Yuri looked at Jessica smiling.

 "I prefer Kwon Jessica."

 Jessica looked down, hiding her reddish face from Yuri.

 The moment Yuri said so, Yoona threw a pillow at Yuri.

"You and your lines of cheesiness Kwon Yuri!" Yoona shouted playfully. "Haha! Yuri never changes.. But future you seemed cured though."Tiffany laughed and Taeyeon as well. "Unnie is worst than Yoona.." Seohyun looked at Yoona, feeling Seohyun's gaze Yoona calmed down on her seat. "I speak honest words of love, dear Seohyun.." Yoona said. She then received a pillow from Yuri.

 "Honest cheesy lines dear, Yoong." Yuri laughed.

 "Well if we’re same what about Tiffany or Taeyeon unnie?" Yoona looked at Tiffany and Taeyeon who quietly enjoyed their conversations. Yuri stood up and sat near Taeyeon. "I'm sure Taeyeon has some killer lines she told Tiffany.. I mean just look at Tiffany! She's madly in love with Taeyeon! Master Taeyeon can you teach me?" Yuri cutely pouted. Taeyeon just had an awkward smile.

 "M-me? I-I dont have any good lines.." Taeyeon rubbed her head, she turned to look at Tiffany. "Did I speak cheesy once?" Taeyeon murmured to Tiffany.

 "No, Tae-Tae never, you speak dorky. Pp-pani-ah!" Tiffany joked and Taeyeon took it seriously she frowned, thinking Tiffany doesn't find her sweet but funny.

 "..But that's how Fany loved you." Yuri tapped Taeyeon's shoulder and winked at Taeyeon.

 Yuri sat beside Jessica again.

 "But you guys don’t object my plan right?" Yuri asked everyone.

 "Whatever I or the future me warned us about, I'm sure we'll pull through." Yuri gave a peace sign to everyone. Everyone seemed to agree, even Jessica.

 After a while they all parted ways, Yoona and Seohyun together then Taeyeon and Tiffany. Yuri walked with Jessica on her way to the terminal.



 "When I first met you.. My thoughts about you. I said.. This girl.. Very icy, I'll never be friends with her.." Yuri expressed.

 "But then Fany became your friend, I wondered why you two clicked together while you two are opposites.." Yuri held Jessica's hand.

 "That was when I found out I was wrong.."

 "Jessica Jung looked snobbish not because she does not care but she does. Jessica Jung looks icy but truth is she just avoids talking too much.. In fact she's so lazy. Jessica Jung does not avoid jokes its just because she reacts slow.. She laughs alone afterwards. Jessica Jung doesn't want to get bored because she avoids falling asleep, she's pretty much a sleepy head." Yuri laughed at every words she used to describe Jessica, this is how she observed Jessica.  "But Jessica Jung is a good person. A genuine princess on the outside but a precious and humble person on the inside." Yuri stopped laughing. "And most of all.. Kwon Yuri loves Jessica Jung.. For whoever she is or whatever behavior she has."

 "Yuri.." Jessica was out of words to say, meeting Yuri a year ago she felt the same. She never thought they would even be friends. Yuri was simply annoying to Jessica but as they know each other more, it became hard to survive everyday school without a Kwon Yuri bothering her.

 "Kwon Yuri.. Jessica Jung loves you too." Jessica said words Yuri longed to hear. Jessica smiled. Yuri hugged Jessica and Jessica did the same.

 "Sica.. I promise, you're my only one." Yuri proposed. Jessica nod. "Better be or else you're dead." Jessica smiled.

Yuri leaned forward Jessica's face.

 "Can we kiss?" Yuri asked Jessica but Jessica stopped Yuri with her finger on Yuri's lips.


 "Remember you're ordeal with dad?" Jessica giggled. Yuri frowned by the ordeal she had been reminded of.

 A bus stopped by the terminal and Jessica looked back.

 "Bye, Yuri.." She waved at Yuri.

 Yuri stood on the terminal and waited for Jessica to take a seat. Jessica sat near a window and waved at Yuri. Yuri waved back.

 Jessica blew a flying kiss to Yuri. Seeing so, Yuri chuckled at how cute Jessica was. After capturing Jessica's cute action, only one thing ran to Yuri's mind that time.

 She better kiss me for real! Aiish Sica.. What a tease!


Special Chapter - Hidden Desire



 "Are you asleep?"

 "Well I should be.. I need to go to the office tomorrow.." Tiffany turned to face the person beside her. "What's wrong babe? Can't sleep?" She asked.

 "Nothing babe. I was thinking..  What could be the most convenient way to say this.." The person in front of Tiffany took a pause. Tiffany snuggled closer. "I’m sure it’s nothing I couldn't take right?" Tiffany provoked but the respondent was still hesitant.

 "Yuri.. We've been together from childhood, you can tell me babe." Tiffany caressed Yuri's shoulders and smiled at her.

 "I just thought babe.. Since the first day we've been together.. You've been the same towards me." Yuri explained. Tiffany kissed Yuri's cheek. "I'm guessing you want me to change?" Yuri shook her head and disagreed.

 "No. I'm thankful.. You took me.. Though I'm technically the worst jerk ever.." Yuri smiled at Tiffany but her words almost made her tear up.

 "You are the greatest jerk in the world but.. I love you Yul. Love isn't about counting good deeds, its acceptance and forgiveness." Tiffany hugged Yuri back. She loves Yuri this much, ever since Yuri and her got back, they loved each other dearly. "Are you going to Joohyun tomorrow?" Tiffany asked.

 "Yeah. She's going to Japan tomorrow afterwards.." Yuri replied. "So you'll sleep with me tomorrow?" Tiffany happily hugged Yuri. "Yea. I told Seohyun about it too.. She said she'll back at Saturday. At that time I should be in our house-" Yuri was stopped by Tiffany's kiss. After wards, Tiffany broke the kiss and smiled at Yuri.

 "I just wish you chosed me and only me.. It would have been better." Tiffany said.

 "I'm sorry.. I just.. Fell in love with Seohyun.." Yuri apologized to her wife. "It’s ok.. I told you I forgive you."

Tiffany gave Yuri a peck and smiled. "You wouldn't have created the world's greatest invention without her anyways.." Tiffany added. Yuri buried her head on Tiffany's chest. "I wonder what would have happen if I just had you.. It would have been better right?" She said.

 "You could use your own invention for that.. Why don’t you go back to the past and change everything?" Her wife proposed a plan but Yuri shook her head on it. Tiffany giggled a bit because Yuri was on her chest. "Yaaah~ byun!"

 "Babe, if I do that.. It can change everything.. You see I created it in order for the world to sustain its supply.. Not for us to re-write our wrongs." Yuri explained, but she did it slow not wanting Tiffany to think she is angry.

 "Are you saying being with me is wrong?" Tiffany pouted.

 "Aaiish. Silly, you’re my beautiful wife Tiffany Kwon. You’re never wrong! You're my destiny." Yuri hugged her wife tight.

 "But maybe.. It was all part of your destiny babe.." Tiffany commented. She lovingly leaned her head on Yuri’s. "My destiny.."

 "Yes.. And my destiny is to be one of your wives.." Her beautiful wife Tiffany took a pause and held Yuri's hand.

 "It seems wrong but I will endure. I love you, Yuri.."


 Outside a kid was listening to her parents’ conversation.

 "Hae-unnie, we better go back to our room.." A kid walked near the other and tapped the kid's shoulder.

 "O-ok.." Hae Rin left her parent's doorstep and walked beside the shorter girl.

 The two little girls walked towards their room. Their parents heard them walk but they ignored as they heard footsteps falling back.

 "Yeon Hee.."

 "Yes Hae-unnie?" Hae Rin opened the door to their room with a click on the security button pad.

 "Have you seen your mom?" Hae Rin asked as they made way inside.

 "Yep." Yeon Hee answered. She climbed her bed and hugged her white teddy bear. "Just not often though.."

 "Hmm.. Unnie, have you seen Yeon Hee's mother?" Hae Rin turned to a girl on the other bed silently surfing her Hologram-Pad. The kid looked at Hae Rin. "Yeon Hee? No I haven't." She fixed her glasses and looked back to her Holo-pad.

 "Hyunki-unnie's mom is tall.." Yeon Hee stood her bear and measured its height by her palm.

 "Yes! Is your mother tall as well Yeon Hee-ssi?" Hae Rin asked Yeon Hee. Yeon Hee shook her head. "No.. Yul-papa's still taller."

 Hae Rin jumped on her bed. She buried herself on her pink pillow; she then turned looking up to the ceiling.

 "What if we all have just one mother?" She asked. Yeon Hee and Hyunki turned to look at their sister.

 "I'd choose Sica-mama!" Yeon Hee quickly shouted.

 "Seo-umma is better.." Hyunki defended her mother.

 "Yaah you two. Stop it.." Hae Rin crossed her arms.

 Fany mommy said it could have been better if it was just her and daddy.. Hae Rin quietly closed her eyes. While being immersed in her world, Hyunki went down her bed and made way to the closet.

 "Where are you going unnie?" Yeon Hee asked. But Hyunki didnt answer. "We should get to sleep.. It’s getting late." Yeon Hee added but Hyunki continued to search the closet. Hae Rin opened her eyes when she heard Yeon Hee also walkover to Hyunki.

 "What are you two doing?"

 "Wh-why do you have tho-!" Yeon Hee was stopped by Hyunki putting a finger to signal her silence.

 "Appa can’t know about this ok?" Hyunki explained. Hae Rin went down to look at what the commotion was all about. "Hyunki-unnie what's that?" Hae Rin asked. Hyunki showed Hae Rin what she held, Hae Rin's eyes suddenly grew big.

"T-thats! TMCapsules!"

 "Yep." Hyunki agreed.

 "Why do you have those, unnie?" Yeon Hee asked as she took one and observed it. She held an orange capsule as big as her hands were. "P0-1..?" Yeon Hee read the writings on the pill-like thing.

 "Let me have that." Hyunki took the thing back. Hae Rin took one as well, she took the pink one. "This one is P0-7?" Hae Rin read it. "Still.. Why do you have these, unnie?" She added a question.

 "While Seo-umma and Yul-appa was busy in their room back in the US, I took some from the lab; I wanted to study them." Hyunki explained. She gave Yeon Hee the green colored one.

 "Since we were arguing who could be the best mother, why dont we all go back to the past and look who's the best?" Hyunki asked her two sisters.

 "But we don’t even know how to use TMCs.." Hae Rin said. Hyunki ran to get her Holo-Pad. "I researched about it in appa's computer yesterday. I found this.." Hyunki showed her sisters. The two climb up Hyunki's bed.

 "Cognition? Immersion? Stability?" Yeon Hee read she rubbed her head. "I don’t understand the words Hyunki-unnie.. Do you Hae-unnie?" She asked Hae Rin and Hae Rin shook her head. "No-uhh.."

 "I'll instruct you two, so are we game on this?" Hyunki turned off her Holo-pad and cheerfully asked her younger sisters. But the two looked so hesitant.

 "Yul-daddy will get worried at us.. And get mad.. So is Fany-mommy.." Hae Rin disagreed on the plan.

 "Hae-unnie is right.."

 "We'll leave a message then! I'm sure Yul-appa will get us back if she wants us to be back here!" Hyunki explained because was so excited on this adventure. Yeon Hee climbed down Hyunki's bed and went her way back to her bed.

 "Yaah! Yeon Hee come on! It will be fun, we'll see Yul-appa when she was young.. And we'll get to meet your mother.." Hyuki convinced the kid, Hae Rin also started to part. "Dont you guys want to spend time with your mother's more?" Yeon Hee and Hae Rin looked at Hyunki.

 "Besides this way we can help Yul-appa decide who’s the best wife for her."

 "Fine. I can’t sleep with your loudness anyways.." Yeon Hee agreed. Hae Rin also agreed. "But we better change our clothes.. I wanna look good at Fany-mommy in the past."

 They all agreed.


 Yuri and Tiffany was in the middle of their stimulation process. Yuri was kissing Tiffany all over her neck when she suddenly heard a loud explosion-like sound. Yuri stopped. "What’s that?!" She looked back to their doorstep. Tiffany dragged back Yuri by the neck. "The kids are playing.." Tiffany explained, Yuri left it and gave Tiffany her attention again. She was leaning closer to Tiffany's lips when she heard another loud sound of explosion. This time even Tiffany was bothered. They both agreed and looked where it came from.

 Tiffany and Yuri found three glowing circles on the room of the children.

 "Thats.." Tiffany knew now what happen.

 "Oh no.." Yuri looked down and read a note on Hyunki's holo-pad.

 Appa we decided to get back to the past and have one umma!

 "We should get them back before they can damage the timelines.." Tiffany proposed. Yuri agreed and she took out her phone, she called Seohyun.


 "Yes honey? Problem? I'm quite bus-"

 "I need a TMC.. Problem... Hyunki and my two other kids traveled back in time." Yuri said.

 "WHA?! I-I'll check the lab." Seohyun quickly hang up, she was worried about Hyunki. Yuri then called Jessica because Jessica was suppose to pick up Yeon Hee tomorrow.


 "Yeah Yul? Its late.. Why did you wake me up?"

 "There's a problem. You need to come here ok? Its Yeon Hee."

 "Yeon Hee?! Wh-I’m coming over NOW!" Jessica hung up.

 Yuri looked at Tiffany who's more worried than her. Tiffany didn’t even minded Yuri's call to her other girls, being so worried at Hae Rin that is. Yuri hugged Tiffany and fixed her wife's hair to ease some worries.

 "I'll get them back.."


Chapter 61- Seeking Secrets P1

 "Seohyuuun! Good morning!"

 Yoona greeted Seohyun who’s coming out of her humble home. Seohyun quickly took Yoona's hand and pulled her lover to walk away. Seohyun picked up speed at her walking making Yoona wonder if something was wrong.

 "Any problems, Seo?" Yoona asked, she also walked fast to catch up to Seohyun. "Nothing.. Let's just go." Seohyun still continued to look away focusing on the road they walked on.

 "You sure?" Yoona asked, she scanned over Seohyun's face; clearly something was wrong. "Im sure, Yoong. I just need to be earlier today.." Seohyun looked at Yoona and smiled.

 "We should have took my car instead." Yoona suggested, she also took Seohyun's bag but Seohyun took it away, immediately. "It’s ok.. We'll take the train." Seohyun smiled. Yoona smiled back but something about Seohyun today bothered her.

 On the train, Seohyun looked pre-occupied and gloomy, people are bumping on to Seohyun while the girl didn’t seem to respond too much. Seeing so, Yoona wrapped an arm around Seohyun, placing her hand on Seohyun's right shoulder.

 "Owww!" Seohyun lightly shouted and swayed Yoona's hand away. She looked at Yoona and held on her shoulder. Yoona looked at her lover concerned and very confused. "Y-you ok, Seo?"

 "I-Im fine. Sorry, It just aches a bit.." Seohyun referred to her shoulder. "Are you sure? Please tell me if something's wrong.." Yoona pleaded.

 "Sure Yoona I will. But you don’t need to worry, I just overreacted." Seohyun answered, smiling.

 Yoona felt an intuition that Seohyun was hiding something from her. She just let it pass but it still bothered her.

 "Did you make your science assignment?" Arriving at the school premises, Seohyun remembered.

 "Yea.. It was quite hard. I finished late.." Yoona stressfully said. "Can I copy?" Seohyun said. Yoona looked at Seohyun, thinking she heard something new from the girl. "C-copy?"

 "Y-yea.. I forgot to do mine.." Seohyun looked down. Yoona quickly searched her bag and when she found her notebook, she quickly gave it to Seohyun. "Thank you, Yoona.." Seohyun smiled. "N-no problem, anytime Seo.." Yoona smiled back, she helped Seohyun in making the assignment before going to their classroom. Yoona was still worried of what could have made Seohyun forget her assignment. It was completely something she didn't expect from Seohyun, but she was glad to help Seohyun; Yoona just wished she'd know what Seohyun's problem is.

 At class, Seohyun remained outstanding but Yoona was still worried about Seohyun but the girl doesn’t seem to give any clues or hints.

Lunch time,

 "Yuri-ssi, where's Sica? Can you call her, I need to talk to her.." Taeyeon came over to the 2-A classroom, Yuri had just came out of their classroom. She looked at Taeyeon with an arched eye brow. "What do you want with MY Sica?" Yuri stressed the word 'my'.

 "Y-Yuri-ssi.." Taeyeon was silenced of Yuri's silly jealous play.

 "Aww.." Yuri said as a notebook was hit on her head.

 "She just need my monthly fund report. Moron.." Jessica said. She gave Taeyeon the notebook she hit Yuri with. "Here.. Moron no. 2" Jessica told Taeyeon. She then turned around and grabbed Yuri. "Tiffany's waiting for you, finish your work fast." Jessica said to Taeyeon while dragging Yuri who's still rubbing her head.

 "A-ahh! Yuri, Sica, if you guys happen to see Joohyun tell her I need her reports too!" Taeyeon told the two before they parted.

 Walking on the hallway Jessica and Yuri came across Seohyun sitting on a bench underneath a tree. Yuri called on Seohyun but the girl didnt seem to respond. They decided to approach her.

 "Joohyun-ssi!" Yuri waved.

 "U-unnie.." Seohyun answered. "Where's Yoona?" Yuri quickly asked.

 "She left me." Seohyun acted lonely, looking down.

 "Wh-what?!" Yuri exclaimed. Jessica became alarmed as well. "W-why? That Yoona!" Jessica stressed.

 Seohyun cannot take the pressure of laughing, she laughed. "J-just kidding unnies, she just bought lunch." Seohyun continued to laugh while Yuri and Jessica looked at each other dumbfounded.

 "No way Yoong will leave you.." Yuri tapped Seohyun's shoulder the one that hurts. Seohyun quickly reacted and swayed Yuri's hand away. "Anyways.. We came here cause Taey-... Dork.." Jessica was stopped to talk more when she saw Seohyun's shoulder stained with some blood. Seohyun tried to hide it with her hand but Jessica saw it. "Joohyun.. What's wrong?" Jessica asked.

 Seohyun stood up and turned around on Yuri and Jessica. "I need to pass my reports.. Please tell Yoona." Seohyun walked away but Yuri stopped her holding the wrong hand. "Ooww.." Seohyun said in pain.

 "Go to the clinic." Yuri and Jessica said the same time.

 Seohyun had no choice but to obey, the bleeding was not stopping. Yuri waited for Yoona while Jessica escorted Seohyun to the clinic.

 "What happen to that?" Jessica asked Seohyun after the nurse had bandaged her wound. "Just some burns.." Seohyun said. "Burns dont bleed that much." Jessica argued. The nurse just looked at them, seemed Seohyun doesn’t want to tell anyone.

 "If you dont want to tell me it’s ok, but Yoona will come running here and be worried, needing answers.. Atleast tell her." Jessica suggested. Seohyun just smiled.

 Yoona came running after a short minute as Jessica expected. "Seohyun! What happen?! Are you ok?!" Yoona exclaimed not bothering that Jessica and the school nurse was there.

 "I'm ok Yoong.. Dont worry." Seohyun smiled. Yuri entered the room panting and catching her breath. "Geez Yoong.. You run fast when Seohyun is involved.." collecting herself she approached Jessica.

 "Are you sure? What happen to that shoulder? You told me it just aches now it bleeds.. Seohyun?" Yoona asked she almost lost her heart running but Seohyun still fought not to tell. "It’s nothing, I'm fine now." Seohyun made a forced smile but Yoona was still not convinced.

 "Tell her Seohyun.." Yuri talked out of the blue.

 "Yoona will accept it. She loves you, Joohyun.." Yuri added. Seohyun walked out of the clinic, leaving Yoona with Yuri and Jessica. "S-Seo!"

 Before chasing Seohyun, Yoona looked back at Yuri. "Yul.. You know something?"

"I don’t know if what I'm thinking is correct but it seemed so. You should ask her first though.." Yuri apologized; Seohyun told Yuri a secret about herself, and Seohyun highlighted Yuri not to tell Yoona. Hearing no answers from Yuri, Yoona chased Seohyun.

 Afterwards Yuri and Jessica left the clinic as well.

 "What is this secret that you and Joohyun only knew?" Jessica arched her eye brow, glaring at Yuri. "It’s about her mother, don't get jealous too easily.." Yuri smiled and held Jessica's hand softly. "I just happen to be the person willing to listen that time.. Her mom is crazy, trying to.. Kill her or something.." Yuri explained to Jessica.

 "So that wound must have been done by her mother?" Jessica concluded. Yuri nod in agreement. "But Joohyun herself must confirm it.. I just don't understand why she does not want to tell Yoong.." Yuri said, Jessica noticed Yuri's annoyed face. "Chill. Joohyun has her reasons, maybe she was scared to lose Yoona if Yoona did know." Jessica leaned her head on Yuri's shoulder.

 "Aiish, my cousin loves her madly and obssesed-like, she could have trusted that." Yuri still argued.

 "Just shut up Kwon Yuri, and love me instead." Jessica tapped Yuri's back. "Sorry baby.. I love you dont worry!" Yuri said wrapping an arm on Jessica's waist. She leaned near on Jessica's ear.

 "You owe me one kiss Sica-baby.."


Chapter 62- Seeking Secrets P2

"Tae-Tae, aren’t you done yet?" A red haired girl flushed her boredom, waiting fo Taeyeon who's busy at the faculty office. She saw a familiar someone pass by, Sunny who's probably heading by the faculty as well.

 "Tiffany-ssi, are you waiting for Taeyeon? Please do take a seat." Sunny eyed Tiffany and gave her a small seat but Tiffany shook to say no. "It’s ok unnie, will it take longer? The meeting I mean." Tiffany asked Sunny.

 "A bit, you should go and eat." Sunny sadly said. The student council was having a brief meeting with teachers inside the faculty, Sunny came out for a while to take papers from their council room. "I should get back now.." Sunny bid Tiffany goodbye and entered the room.

 "No! Se-Seohyun! Look at y-y.." Tiffany heard noises coming from the stairs. Hearing Joohyun's nickname Seohyun she quickly took a peek. She found Yoona pulling Seohyun, but it seemed Seohyun wanted to get up stairs. "No Yoona! Let go! The meeting is important!"

 "At least get proper examinations and treatments on that wound first, please!"

 The two argued but Seohyun got loose sooner, she ran up stairs. Yoona followed her of course. Tiffany tried to say hi to Seohyun but she ignored and entered the room. "Aaaiish! S-Seohhyun.." Yoona held back her fist from slamming the locked faculty door. She kicked the floor to belt anger at Seohyun's stubborness. Yoona soon noticed Tiffany starring at her quite surprised.


 "What happen?"

 Yoona went beside Tiffany and she leaned on the wall, frustrated. "Seohyun.. She's hiding things from me.."

 "And it connects to her getting inside the faculty room?" Tiffany giggled in her gossip girl attitude. She didn’t want to butt-in their problem but she just did. "Seohyun has a large wound on her shoulder.. I just want her to get it to a hospital first." Yoona replied.

 "The school clinic is ok, Yoong." Tiffany suggested but Yoona just rubbed her neck. "I just want to be sure.."

Tiffany tapped Yoona's arm. "You worry too much, she'll be ok. After school you guys can go to a hospital." Tiffany smiled and suggested.

 "I guess so.. Why am I over-reacting?" Yoona frowned and asked herself. Tiffany never minded the question and took a seat at the seat Sunny offered earlier. Yoona just stood silent and still looking sad. Yoona realized she became quite jealous, Yuri knows something about Seohyun while she doesn't. She mentally fought jealousy, making herself exert more faith to Seohyun.

 After a while, the faculty door opened. Sooyoung came out. "Why is this locked?" Sooyoung questioned. She waved at Tiffany and Yoona. Then teachers and council members started coming out of the room.

 "Tae.. I'm so hungry.." Tiffany told Taeyeon who came out. "S-Sorry Ppani-ah, let's eat now ok?" Taeyeon smiled to Tiffany. Sooyoung approached them. "I'll come with you two!" She looked at Yoona. "You coming, shikshin buddy?" Yoona didn’t reply though, the girl was busy looking at the room for Seohyun.

 "Just.. Catch up ok Yoona?" Sooyoung said but Tiffany pushed Taeyeon and Sooyoung near Yoona. "Let's wait ok?" Tiffany said.

 "I thought you said you were hungry?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany and the red head just laughed. Sooyoung went inside the faculty room again. "Yah! Sunny-ah, Joohyun-ah! Let's go and eat." Sooyoung called on the two, and the two did walk out.

 "Seohyun.." Yoona quickly gazed up to Seohyun, she approached the younger girl. "You ok?" Yoona asked and Seohyun nod as a reply.

 "Yoona's always worriying about Seohyun.." Sunny said in awe thinking Yoona's so sweet. "No.. She's crazy in love." Sooyoung added. Yoona just smiled weak.

 They all went to grab some lunch.


 At the 1-A class, afternoon classes,

 "There were petals everywhere; the ground was covered with pink. It almost seemed so dramatic that I cried forever."

 Seohyun diliberated the text in english very well. The English teacher was proud of Seohyun. Yoona smiled, happy that Seohyun is so outstanding in their class.

 "Ms. Im? Since your smiling like an idiot, would you happily read the next context?" The English teacher eyed Yoona. Yoona stood up and flipped the next page. Yoona was not great in english but she felt confident, she can read anyways.

 "Touch, sensing. Feelings were conveyed and untold. Sad, melancholic and lonely. Feelings were hidden and unfound. Did thy obscure thee?" Yoona read the context quite good and the teacher was impressed. "Good, Ms. Im. You did came from the US." The teacher clapped. The students made noises, questioning Yoona about US.

 "Silence children. Tell me Yoona-ssi, why study here? Financial problems?" The teacher silenced the class but he himself was interviewing Yoona. "Probably sir." A male student in front replied the teacher just said 'sssh' to the boy.

 "Uhg.. No sir." Yoona replied, before adding more she looked at Seohyun for help.

 "Then what's your reason Yoona-ssi?" The teacher added. Seohyun shook her head, signaling Yoona not to give her as a reason. But Yoona didnt quite get it.

 "Because of Seo Joohyun.." Yoona said still looking at Seohyun, Seohyun face palmed. The whole class looked at Seohyun. "Oooh.. Joohyun-ssi? Is she your friend here in Korea?" Asked the teacher.

 "Y-yes.. And ugh.. She's my main reason why I wanted to study here. I wanna be near her.." The class made noises at Yoona's answer. Seohyun just buried herself in her desk, feeling so shy at the moment.

 "Seohyun..? Are you ok?" Yoona mistook Seohyun's action that she asked. "Joohyun-ssi? Are you ok? Did Yoona's sweetness overloaded you?" The teacher joked the whole class also turned their attention to Seohyun.

Seohyun shook her head, not exposing her reddish face to anyone.

 "Uhm Fine, sir!" Seohyun said still hiding.


 After classes, 2-A classroom.

 "Sica.. Let’s eat dinner together." Yuri hugged Jessica from the back, the brunette was busy fixing her bag so she didn’t bother pushing Yuri away.

 "Tsk tsk! PDA much? Jessi? Yul?!" Tiffany playfully scolded the two. Hearing so, Jessica quickly pushed Yuri away. "Ehem. School premises.." Hyoyeon teased Yuri and Jessica as well. Jessica lighly slapped Yuri's arm at the action. "Owww Sica!" Yuri pretended it hurt and cutely pouted. Jessica just dragged Yuri.

 "We'll go on ahead ok Hyo, Fany?" Jessica bid goodbye to her friends and so did Yuri. As they exited the room, Hyoyeon chuckled at their cute cat fights. "Yuri and Jessica are back to normal. I’m thinking you and Taeyeon should be too.." Hyoyeon smirked at Tiffany, the red head smiled.

"I guess.. Sooner.."


 Walking home, Seohyun was not talking to Yoona. She became a bit upset about how Yoona reasoned her on why she transfered to SooMan high. Her classmates teased her to Yoona, which Seohyun was not used to.

 "Seohyun.. About earlier.." Yoona spoke.

 "You could have made up another reason.." Seohyun anwered facing Yoona with a pouting, upset face. "Why would I? I was telling the truth. You were my reason.." Yoona didn’t get what Seohyun had felt.

 "You could have lied.."


 "I wanted it.. Quiet.. Our relationship."

 "Are you ashamed? Of me?" Yoona asked, and quickly her face sadden. "N-no! That’s not what I mean.. I just.." Seohyun could not explain to Yoona very well, something her mind could not solve. "Im not ashamed Yoona, it was sweet in fact. But.. I never thought you'll tell it like that.. I was.. Surprised." Seohyun held Yoona's hand hoping their misunderstanding was clearing up.

 "Ok.. Now.. Tell me.. What really happen to your shoulder?" Yoona smiled and brushed Seohyun's hand with hers.

 "It’s a burn.." Seohyun answered.

 "But how? Cooking? How did it get burned?" Yoona questioned Seohyun. "It’s a burn.. period." Seohyun explained. "You’re lying.. Tell me the truth Seohyun.." Yoona knows Seohyun was not telling the truth, it was clear on how Seohyun avoids eye contacts with her.

 "Please Seohyun.. You told Yuri.. What makes me different?" Yoona sadly said. Seohyun looked at Yoona.

 "D-did unnie tell y-you?"

 "No.. But you can tell me.. I'm more than willing to listen.. To help." Yoona took Seohyun's hands to hers.

 "No.. I'm scared.." Seohyun crashed herself to Yoona's shoulders. "I dont wanna to lose you.." Seohyun said, hugging Yoona tight.

 "You won’t Seohyun.. You'll never." Yoona caressed Seohyun's hair. Seohyun broke the hug and wiped her tears, she continued walking and Yoona followed her.

 "I'm different.."

 Seohyun said as they continued on walking.


Chapter 61 - Seeking Secrets Part 3

 "Different? Just tell me.. I'll listen.." Yoona continued to tail Seohyun. "You won’t leave me.." Seohyun stopped.

 "Promise, Yoona."


 Seohyun took Yoona's hand and continued walking. They remained the same until they reached a Seohyun's home. Seohyun opened their gate and pulled Yoona inside. The house was dark and dim, it seems no one was living there. Inside the house, Seohyun opened the lights and everything was a mess. The kitchen, the living room, the wallpapers were all in chaos. Seohyun took a small chair and gave it to Yoona. "Sit.." Seohyun said and Yoona did so. "I'll get something to drink.." Seohyun left Yoona for the kitchen. Yoona looked around, papers and clothes were scattered all over the floor. The scent of the room was covered with alcohol and ciggarette.

 "I'm sorry.. But this is my life.." Seohyun came back with a glass of juice, she gave it too Yoona and Yoona smiled to her. "My mother will be home soon." Seohyun smiled back at Yoona. "I'll introduce you to her, Yoong."

 "Sure. I'll help you clean up this place.." Yoona took Seohyun's hand but Seohyun shook her head. "No.. It will only be messy after she comes home." Seohyun sat on the floor. "My mom works at a club.." Seohyun revealed.

 "And? What's wrong with that?" Yoona contradicted.

 "She's a stripper." Seohyun looked down. "I got this wound because we had a fight last night.."

 "I was always worried about her health, she's always drinking, smoking, going home late and bringing home men.." Seohyun continued. Yoona got of her seat and joined Seohyun on the floor. "She.. Accidentally slashed my shoulder with a knife.. She said she hates me. I am of no use.." Seohyun's tears began to fall.

 "I didn’t want to tell you about me because I was afraid that you'll be disgusted of who I am." Seohyun faced Yoona with tears falling of no end. "My family is a wreck.. I am nothing compared to people as fortunate as you.. I can't even take care of my mother well.. I am nothing but a dirty unfortunate girl." Seohyun cried but Yoona wrapped her arms around the girl. "It’s not true.. I told you. I love you therefore I'll accept who you are.."

 The door knob suddenly turned, Seohyun became alarmed. She quickly stood up. "Yoona.." She looked down to Yoona, smiling. Yoona stood up as well, holding Seohyun's hand.

 Seohyun's mother had cigar on her fingers; a man in a black suit carried her. It seems she was slightly drunk, but seeing Seohyun with a visitor she quickly changed in mood. "W-what do we have here?" She said eyeing Yoona. The woman approached Yoona and left the man on their doorstep. "H-hey? I thought its jus-!" Seohyun's mother ignored whatever the man said and slammed the door. The man knocked on their door. "What the f-?!"

 "Go home! I have a visitor!" Seohyun's mother shouted and locked their door. Afterwards she faced Yoona and Seohyun. "Where was I.. Oh you.. Who might you be?" The woman walked and smoked her cigar. Her make-up and hair was as messy as the house was. "Hyun's classmate e?" She took a seat by the staircase. Seohyun dragged Yoona near to her mother. "She's Yoona Im, umma." Seohyun introduced and Yoona took a bow. "She's also my girlfriend." Seohyun held Yoona's hand tight. The woman gave stern looks to Yoona, up from her head and down to her toes. She stood up and faced Yoona.

 "You fell in-love with this kid?" Pointing at Seohyun. "She's useless and a bad luck, go and play with other kids not Hyun.." She lightly pushed Yoona but Yoona stood strong. "She's not ma’am. I love her." With the words 'I love her', Seohyun's mother laughed. "What does a skinny kid like you know about love?" She poked Yoona's shoulder again and again. "You rely on your parents for money, you'll only use Hyun for your puppy love games. Just go home and play with dollies or computer.." The woman turned Yoona to the door and pushed her but Yoona's hand was interlocked with Seohyun.

 "Hyun you are not playing with her, understand?" The woman gave Seohyun large threatening eyes. "I am not playing umma." Seohyun justified. The woman turned to Seohyun. She held Seohyun's wrist and threw it downwards like a piece of waste. "I am your mother and some teenager won't get you! She'll use you for play times and give you nothing afterwards! Love? What is Money to Love?! Huh?!" Seohyun's mother was suppose to slap Seohyun but Yoona stopped the woman.

 "Get out of my house! I told you, you are not getting my daughter!" Seohyun's mother pushed Yoona again but this time it got Yoona on her knees. Yoona's cell phone and wallet fell out of her pocket.

 "Your father seems more of a suitable person for Hyun than you. He’s the one who provides you those anyways.." Seohyun's mother picked up the wallet. "You have some loaf of cash here.." The woman smirked. Yoona stood up and hid Seohyun behind her. Seohyun's mother slapped Yoona on the face. "You're stinking' rich are you? Soft delicate skin and wallet flowing with heavy cash.." The woman slapped Yoona on the other cheek. Yoona just gave the woman a glare. Seohyun was trying to get in front but Yoona was gripping her. "Hyun is better off with old men with loads of cash. That way they'll give my money fast and sure.." The woman laughed.

 "That's your concern?.. Seohyun's better off with.. Those kinds of people? You're her mother but you'd rather sell her?" Yoona spoke, she tried to contain most of her anger for the past minutes but the woman was clearly putting her temper to the test. "And you call yourself a mother?"

 "You little-!" Seohyun's mother got angry at Yoona and slammed Yoona with a lamp shade. Yoona guarded with her arms but the woman slammed her again and again.

 "Umma stop! Stop it!" Seohyun was trying to butt-in but Yoona was still stopping her. Yoona doesnt want Seohyun to get hurt anymore. "You disrepectful kid!" The woman pushed Yoona with Seohyun. Yoona hugged Seohyun. "Seohyun looks out for you dearly and you never realized that?! I'll take Seohyun with me!" Yoona said and Seohyun could only tear up from all the tension. "She loves you so much.." Yoona added. Seohyun supported Yoona's weight because Yoona was losing her balance. "Shut up. You dont know what my family had been through.." The woman defended.

 "I may not know. But I won’t let Seohyun be hurt.." Yoona walked dizzy but she was dragging Seohyun with her outside. The woman faced the other way, letting the two go. Before exiting, Seohyun still looked back to her mother, standing quiet.


 "Seo.. Let’s just go.. " Yoona wrapped her right arm to Seohyun because her direction was failing her. Her head took some hits from the lamp shade and it made her dizzy.


Chapter 64- First

 On a coffee shop,

 "You're still planning to marry me right?" Yuri asked a brown haired girl sipping her coffee jelly in front of her. The girl just looked at Yuri stern, quietly starring back at Yuri.

 "Sica? Are you mad?" Yuri asked if she did annoy the girl with her question. "You see.. I'm really serious about us." Yuri followed up. Jessica still remained silent, she put her cup down and looked outside.

 "How about Tiffany and Joohyun's kids?" Jessica asked.

 "I said I can’t make them right? I am yours and only yours." Yuri answered smiling, probably proud at her words. Jessica rolled her eyes at Yuri's sweet talk. "I know I know.. But.. Poor kids." Yuri arched her eye brows at Jessica's reply. "You want me to make them?" She asked irony. "No. I'm just saying.. It’s just.. kinda sad." Jessica answered still looking outside.

 "It is.. Those kids are really nice but too bad.." Yuri took a pause and held Jessica's hand with her own two. "Yeon Hee wins over them, because of you." The raven-haired girl smiled. Jessica poked Yuri's forehead. "Player phrases~."

 "Yah! You’re still not answering my question!" Yuri frowned at the same time taking a bite from her club house sandwich. "I will.." Jessica now looked at Yuri. Yuri hearing such an answer, she almost chocked and Jessica hurriedly reached for a glass of water to aid her. Jessica took the seat beside Yuri to lighly tap Yuri's back. "W-wh-what did you s-say?" Yuri recovered and she looked at Jessica beside her. "Babo~ I said I will." Jessica repeated and she made her way back to her seat.

 "Pinch me I must be dreaming." Yuri whispered but Jessica heard it. She stood up and prepared to pinch Yuri but Yuri stopped her. "I was kidding ok ok?"

 Jessica lightly chuckled at Yuri. "Monkey.." Yuri stroked her tongue out at Jessica. "Just keep on insulting me, but I know just how crazy you are at Kwon Yuri." Yuri boasted herself. Jessica rolled her eyes and looked at outside again.


 At the Im Mansion,

 Yoona was searching some pajamas to lend Seohyun for the time being. Seohyun was staying in their house's guest room because of what happen in their house earlier that evening. After finding the best fit Yoona, made her way to Seohyun's room. Inside, the girl was crying but clearly she was lowering her voice down.

 "Seohyun? Here.. You can change.." Yoona told Seohyun as she entered the room, somehow she was thankful her mother wasn’t home. Her mother would probably interrogate Seohyun, not minding the girl's situation.

 "Thank you." Seohyun turned to face Yoona, Yoona was quietly standing still. Seohyun got up and sat on her bed.

"I owe you this Yoong.. I guess.. It’s really embarrassing. How my mother treated you." Seohyun sadly spoke, Yoona approached her. "Silly.. It’s nothing. I will always be here to help you anyways.." Yoona gave Seohyun a green pair of pajamas. "Here.."

 "Nobody is like you Yoona.. Why are you so nice? Hehe"

 "I can be bad if you want."

 Yoona sat beside Seohyun and winked. "Just tell me how bad you want Im Yoona to be, milady." Seohyun lied down on the other side of the bed. Yoona did the same and wrapped them both with the mattress. Yoona hugged Seohyun's waist from the back.

 "Sleep in my room, Seo."

 "Nah, if you talk like that. Haha! You sound like it’s not good to be around you for the time being.."

Yoona quickly sat up. "Yah! I was kidding! Like I would do something on you." Yoona took it seriously, thinking Seohyun somehow got scared.

 "I was kidding but I can’t sleep in your room. Just think what would people here, most specially your mother. What would they think?" Seohyun said not facing Yoona.

 "Tiffany-unnie slept with me, they didnt even say anything. In fact, mom was even so jolly about it." Yoona proposed, the girl she talked to sat up fast as well. "Unnie? But wh-why?" Seohyun asked.

"I met her at a party I attended, then she slept here." Yoona replied but Seohyun looked quite sad. Yoona thought she said something bad and quickly asked.

 "Did I say something?"

 "Uhh.. No nothing.." Seohyun rested her body again.

 "You never mentioned anything about that Yoona.." Seohyun hugged a doll of a bear beside her. Yoona looked down at Seohyun's jealous expression. "Is possible that my Seohyun is jelly?" Yoona took the bear from Seohyun.

 "I am not! I was just.. Surprised. I never knew you two were that close." Seohyun replied and tried to reach for the bear back. "You had got to see your cute jealous face... It’s so cuuuute!" Yoona didnt mind what Seohyun even explained, she just hugged the bear doll tight.

 "Yoona.." Seohyun tapped Yoona because the girl seemed to forget she was there.

 "Oh! S-sorry, I was mesmerized by you, baby."                          


 "Yeah. My baby, Imhyun.." Yoona smiled. She gave Seohyun the doll back and lied beside the girl again.

 "You need to go back to your room, Yoona." Seohyun said. Yoona took Seohyun's hand inside the mattress and put it on her cheeks. "If you won’t sleep on my bed, I'll sleep here instead." Yoona spoke, brushing Seohyun's hands on her cheeks.

 "It’s the same, Yoona.." Seohyun replied but the other didn’t seem to listen at all.

 "We have school tomorrow right?"

 "Yes and we should sleep now because of that. So go to your room now, Yoona."

 "I don’t wanna go to school. I don’t wanna go to my room.. I wanna be with you here."

 "Yoona.." Seohyun took her hands and crossed her arms. "I don’t wanna go to school, I wanna be here and stay up with you all night." Yoona reached for the lamp shade and turned it off. She then, closed her eyes.

 "But Yoona.. We can’t do that! Education is important." Seohyun argued. Yoona moved closer and hugged the girl beside her. "Then just let me stay here. I won’t sleep but you take your rest, I'll wake you up for school."

 "Like I can sleep like that!"

 "Like I told you. Let’s stay up all night!"

 "But Yoona.. We have a quiz in math. Probably the council will need my report as well, then there may be an important lecture.." But Yoona didn’t reply, all Seohyun heard was breathing sounds from Yoona.

 "Yoona? Why aren’t you answering? Are you asleep?"

 "No. I just don’t wanna argue."

 Seohyun also gave up; she just quietly hugged the bear tighter. Yoona hugged Seohyun and she moved to kiss Seohyun on the cheeks. Seohyun closed her eyes reached for Yoona's hand to hold.

 "I wanna kiss you Seo.."

 "Go on."


Chapter 65- Call of Support



 "Ppani-ah? Its late.. Why are you still up?"

 "Well why are you still up then?"

 "I’m helping at our noodle shop remember? Anyways why did you call?"

 "Are you busy? I'll call you later then."

 "No wait! It’s ok, were closing. Just a minute ok, I'll call you back."

 Taeyeon hurried to the kitchen and helped her family clean up. After a while, she came up stairs to her room and called Tiffany. Unfortunatelly, Tiffany didn’t answer.

Taeyeon felt disappointed that she lost a chance to talk to Tiffany, but just as she was wrapping herself with her blanket; Tiffany called her.

 "Pani-ah! I thought you were sleeping.."

 "No I was just busy with this thing here." Tiffany replied, it seems as if she was doing something. "Busy with?"

 "Assignments, well that is why I called you Tae-Tae!" Tiffany explained but Taeyeon felt a little bit hurt about it. It made her remember how Tiffany reasoned out that she used Taeyeon. "..Oh.. So uh.. Do you need help?" Even it was a bit against herself, Taeyeon still offered Tiffany help. "Not really.." Tiffany answered.

 "Uhh.. O-ok.." Taeyeon became confused.

 "I just want to ask you something about this, you're good in math. So I wanna ask if what I did was right.."

Tiffany explained but still Taeyeon didn’t know what was really happening. "Ok then ask.."

 "I'll show it to you tomorrow, correct me if Im wrong ok Tae-Tae?" Tiffany proudly said. "Wow!" Taeyeon exclaimed.

 "Why what's wrong Tae-Tae? Haha! Amazed I'm doing my homework?" Tiffany smiled, proudly stating she's becoming more industrious.

 "Well.. A bit Ppani-ah. Keep it up."

 "Why do you sound like you're not happy about it?"

 "I am. But I just thought.. You probably dont need me anymore." Taeyeon said. Though she had hurt at that same reason Taeyeon still helps Tiffany voluntarily, but now it also hurt that Tiffany seemed like she does not need Taeyeon anymore.

 "Silly Tae, I called you cause I need help right? Anyways.. Another thing.." Tiffany paused.

 "Can we go out on Sunday, Tae-Tae?"


 "I wanna try your family noodles again." Tiffany added and smiled. "Ok then."


 Morning at the Im mansion,

 "Good morning Hyunnie!" Yoona happily greeted her lover who woke her up. "Good morning Yoong." Seohyun smiled back at Yoona.

 They both walked towards the stairs. Yoona streched up and looked down only to find their house maids and servants roaming and running all over the place. "Whats all the fuss about?" Yoona asked.

 "They were like this for an hour ago. About 4am.." Seohyun answered, Yoona took Seohyun's hand and dragged her down stairs.

 Down stairs, Mrs. Im seemed to be the one ordering and directing the maids. "Clean the carpets well ok?" She directed two maids cleaning the carpets. Yoona approached her mother. "Mom? What's happening here?" Yoona asked, hearing Yoona call the woman 'mom', Seohyun shyly hid behind Yoona.

 "Your dad's coming.. With some special guests tonight."

the woman explained. Yoona simply shook her head up and down. "Uhmm.. Mom.. Remember the girl I wanted to introduce?"

 "Yes dear, I remember. I already know her." Mrs. Im answered while she was ordering a maid to clean up the sofa.

 She knows me? Seohyun mentally thought.

 "So! You already know Seo Joohyun then?!" Yoona happily paved way for Seohyun to be seen by her mother.

 "Ofcourse.. Wai-!" Mrs. Im looked at Seohyun with large eyes. She quickly scanned Seohyun's features but after a while she stood silent. "Mom?" Yoona's smile faded seeing her mother's disapproving face.

 "Who is she? I thought.. It was Tiffany.." Mrs. Im said.

 "Wh-wha? N-no! Its Seohyun, your wrong. Seohyun's an intelligent girl from my school." Yoona smiled again, introducing Seohyun to her mother. "She was once my classmate here in Korea. I went back here for her mom.." Yoona added.

 "Nice to meet you ma’am. I'm Seo Joohyun.." Seohyun bow with her hands on her pants. Mrs. Im didnt reply though, she just simply looked at Seohyun.

 "You two should get ready for school." Mrs. Im turned around and headed for the stairs. "All of you continue your work.." The woman continued to walk up.

 Yoona wondered what was wrong with her mother. She took Seohyun's hand and dragged her to the dining room for breakfast. Seohyun looked sad and defeated, thinking Yoona's mother doesn’t like her.


 Morning at SooMan High,

 "Exams are coming up.." Hyoyeon flushed stress on their upcoming exams. She sat on her desk, feeling so down. "It will be ok Hyo! We can have a group study. Right Sica?" Yuri advised her group and Jessica.

 "I can study better on my own." Jessica said bluntly.

 "I think Sica's right. No way I could learn that way.." Hyoyeon agreed with Jessica. "Well ok then.."

 So much for being with Jessica.. Yuri sighed.

 "Good morning guys!" Tiffany greeted her gloomy friends. "Whats wrong? It’s like you guys lost a gamble." Tiffany joked and laughed by her own. She took a seat and looked at her friends confused. "Seriously.. What’s the problemo guys?"

 "In case Ms. No-worries Hwang is not informed, exams are this week." Jessica reminded her friend. "Hmm.. I know that." Tiffany just smiled.

 "How can y-you smile Tiff?!" Yuri exclaimed. "Yaah! Im sure your planning to fail eh Fany?!" Hyoyeon also exclaimed. Tiffany just laughed.

 "Ok its official. She has lost it. Tiffany Hwang lost her mind." Jessica commented.

 "Yah no! I don’t have to worry about most exams subjects that much.. I have to worry about Math and Science only." Tiffany took a pause and hugged her notebook.

 "And Taeyeon's currently supporting me on those subjects." She smiled happily.

 "Tiffany's lucky with Taeyeon." Hyoyeon commented.

Yuri and Jessica looked at each other. "At least I-I'm more loving than Taeyeon!" Yuri boasted to Jessica.

 "You're taller." Jessica smiled.


Chapter 66 - Tomorrow

 After school,

 "Sica, my mom wants to see you." Yuri and Jessica are walking dowm the hallway together. "What for?" Jessica asked Yuri. Yuri took Jessica's hand. "Well she wants to know you silly, is it wrong?" She cutely asked.

 "Ok then.. What should I say?" Jessica shyly looked down. Yuri hugged Jessica's right arm. "Nothing. Just be yourself.."

 "Will she like me?" Jessica looked at Yuri with concerns. Yuri also looked at Jessica. "She would. Why wouldnt she?" Yuri smiled. Their faces were centimeters away, but none of them are looking away. Jessica looks quite worried while Yuri was smiling.

 "Why are you so cute and pretty at the same time?"

 "Yaah! PDA again?!" Jessica heard Hyoyeon's voice, she quickly moved away from Yuri. Hyoyeon ran towards them, she was followed by Taeyeon and Tiffany.

 "Yuri and Sica are always lovey dovey~" Tiffany teased.

 "Well you two are the same." Hyoyeon smirked at Taeyeon and Tiffany.

 "I bet you two are worse." Jessica also teased.

 "How can loving be a 'worse'. Were better, right Tae-Tae?" Tiffany winked at Taeyeon. Taeyeon stood still probably mute on seeing Tiffany wink at her.

 Seohyun and Yoona were roaming on the shopping streets before walking home.

 "Seohyun? The whole day you looked gloomy and sad, please tell me why?" Yoona consoled her lover. Seohyun looked at Yoona, thinking if she should tell Yoona or make a lie up.

 No.. I should be honest to Yoona from now on.. Seohyun concluded.

 "Yoong.." Seohyun took Yoona's hand to her own.

 "I think your mom doesnt like me." Seohyun sadly added. "What more when she knows about my.. Chaotic family.." Seohyun looked down. Yoona moved Seohyun closer to her. "She's just busy. I love you, surely she'll love you too." Yoona comforted the girl.

 "I have a feeling she won’t.." Seohyun whispered.


 Tiffany was busy studying on her room. She took Taeyeon's advises and studied them well.

 Knock knock~


 "Stephanie? It’s me."

 "Oh come in dad."

 Mr. Hwang came inside the room, he stood by Tiffany and looked at Tiffany's desk. "Exams are coming up?" He asked.

 "Yup.. I wanna study but any problems dad?" Tiffany closed her notebook and looked at her father. Mr. Hwang sat on the chair next to Tiffany. "Stephanie, Hae Rin-ssi. She came back to the future you said.."

 "Yup. About her.. Dad I.."

 "She's Yuri-ssi and your future kid right?" Mr. Hwang cut-in and asked. "Yeah dad.."

 "I wanted a granddaughter like her but then again.." Mr. Hwang took a deep breath. "I think your future is more important rather than me thinking of having a granddaughter." Mr. Hwang sighed.

 "I know how you feel dad. It’s pretty much a happy home, when a kid runs around. Thinking about it, I miss Hae Rin." Tiffany looked down on her desk, the desk had pictutes of them together.

 "Stephanie. Your future is what’s important.. Make it bright and successful, I'll support you as long as I can." Mr. Hwang placed a hand on Tiffany's shoulder. Tiffany looked up to her father and smiled. "Your mom.. Everything she ever wanted was the best in your life. Since she is not able, I will give you the best Stephanie."

 "Thanks dad, did you know how much I love you?" Tiffany hugged her father. Mr. Hwang rubbed Tiffany's head like she was an eight year old kid. "Now continue studying, your mom would love you to study well."

 Mr. Hwang stood up and headed for the door.

 "I need to go to my friend's house." Mr. Hwang smiled at his daughter. "Don’t be too late dad! Take care!" Tiffany waved goodbye to her father.


At Yuri's house,

 "What's taking your mom so long?"

Jessica asked Yuri. She went to Yuri's house to meet Yuri's mother again and have a short talk but the night was getting deeper and Mrs. Kwon was nowhere in sight.

 "Probably traffic? She's not even replying to my texts. Yuri leaned her head on Jessica's shoulder. They were in front of the TV, sitting in a sofa. Jessica was surfing the channels of the TV and Yuri just enjoyed the moment swith her. "Dont tell me you planned this Yuri?" Jessica suspected.

 "Wh-what?! No! Mom really did tell me to bring you here.." Yuri defended. Jessica didnt quite believe it though. "Oh really? So where's your mom now?"

 "I told you, probably traffic." Yuri again defended, she was telling the truth though her mother really did ask for Jessica's presence in their household; for her to have a talk to them.

 "Whatever. I'm going home.." Jessica stood up from the sofa, as she stood up Yuri bumped her head on the sofa because she leaned on Jessica a while ago. "Eh? Wh-wait!" Yuri followed Jessica and tried to stop Jessica but just as Jessica was about to open the door, they heard a car park in front.

 "And that’s probably her." Yuri smiled showing her victory at Jessica. Jessica had no choice but to seat in the sofa again. "I told you!"


 After a short while, Mrs. Kwon greeted Jessica and Yuri. "Sica-ssi! It’s nice to meet you again! How are you? Aren't you too skinny? I think you should eat more but your still beautiful!" Mrs. Kwon complimented Jessica. She then gave Jessica a tight hug. "Uhm.. T-thank you maam.. Jessica replied, Yuri on the other hand enjoyed Jessica's shyness.

 "Why are you late mom? I was texting you." Yuri crossed her arms and scolded her mother like she was the mother of the household.

 "I was invited to my old friend's house.. My cellphone died, sweet." Mrs. Kwon replied and she lazily went towards the kitchen. "Did you cook Yuri?" She asked.

 "Yup." Yuri took a seat back to the sofa, Jessica approached her. "Do I look, ok?" She asked Yuri.

 "Gorgeous. Dont worry." Yuri smiled at Jessica.

 Mrs. Kwon went back with a plate of rice and the dish Yuri made. "Did you guys eat dinner?" She asked as she put her food on the small table in front of the TV.

 "Yep." Yuri replied.

 "I just wanted to know more of Sica-ssi.. That's why I asked you to come here." Mrs. Kwon took a taste of her food. "Yuri told me a lot about you, she's always saying Yeon Hee-ssi! She's like a carbon copy of Yeon Hee-ssi, whenever I ask her about you." She laughed and Yuri did as well.

 "Sica-ssi, are you scared of Yuri?" Mrs. Kwon followed up. Jessica became quite off-guarded by the question. "Well.. She had 3 kids in the future, were you a bit.. In doubt of her?" Mrs. Kwon cleared her question.

 "Honestly.." Jessica took a pause and looked at Yuri.

 "I was. I hated Yuri.. I hated Tiffany.." She said.

 "Its natural but you and Yuri are ok now right?" Mrs. Kwon asked. Jessica and Yuri replied with a nod.

 "But you see, Sica-ssi. If you wanted something or someone so bad, you should have the courage to stand up for it. Dont lose hope fast. Ok?" Mrs. Kwon gave Jessica her pointer. "Y-yes maam.." Jessica answered.

 "I want you and Yuri to be together, as long as you both can that's why.. Whatever the challanges are please hold on to Yuri. Im pretty sure she's strong when you are by her side." Mrs. Kwon smiled happily, she hugged Yuri and Jessica together. "The future is what you, yourselves is to decide on." She broke the hug and stood up.

 "I need a glass of water."

 Yuri and Jessica looked at each other. "What?" Jessica asked Yuri as she wore a smirk. "Nothing.. You just look so cute when you’re a bit nervous."


Chapter 65 - Torn

 After a dinner together Yoona and Seohyun decided to go home. Seohyun still felt such a freeloader to Yoona's family, she tried telling Yoona that she'll go home to her house but Yoona kept on refusing. Yoona wanted Seohyun to be secured and unharmed, Yoona worries that if Seohyun goes home her mother would hurt her again.


 "If you’re gonna ask me if you can go home, by now I would say; no." Yoona said bluntly. She opened the car door to go inside their home. "But Yoona.." Seohyun still fought,before she can go out of the car she grabbed Yoona's wrist.

 "Seohyun.. No.. You can’t go back not to her." Yoona pulled Seohyun to go out of the car.

 "Yoon!" A man called Yoona, Yoona looked at who called her. She saw her father and Yoona happily greeted her father. "Dad! Welcome back." She greeted, the man approached Yoona. Seohyun took a bow.

 "You must be? Joohyun-ssi, right?" Mr. Im asked Seohyun. Yoona held Seohyun's hand to prevent Seohyun from being blank. "Y-yes sir.."

 "Well.. I'm Yoon's father. Nice to meet you, have I seen you somewhere?" Mr. Im asked Seohyun a hand shake and Seohyun did. "N-nice to meet you too sir.. I think not.." Seohyun used the hand Yoona held to shake hands with Mr. Im.

 "Ehem. Can we go inside now?" Yoona diverted. Mr. Im went inside and the two followed.

 Inside the house the maids were cleaning up the whole place. "You guys were late. I had guests earlier.." Mr. Im said as he walked pass the large entrance hall. "Did you two eat dinner outside?" He questioned the two.


 "Joohyun-ssi, did you get permission from your parents that you'll stay here?" Mr. Im asked he poured wine on his wine glass. "Yoon, I forgot. Your mom needs you to your room." Mr. Im smiled at Yoona. Yoona dragged Seohyun with her to the staircase.

 "Yoon, Joohyun-ssi and I are talking.." Mr. Im said. Yoona looked at Seohyun. "I'll be back, just a short while. Make yourself at home Seo." Yoona kissed Seohyun's forehead, afterwards she ran up stairs.

 "Take a seat Joohyun-ssi." Mr. Im pointed at the sofa in front of him. "I know now.. I remember you." Mr. Im smiled at Seohyun. "I bet you don’t remember me.. But you look a lot like your mother." Mr. Im revealed. Seohyun was a bit surprised he knows her mother.

 "Surprised? Yea. I know her.. How is she?" Mr. Im asked, he took a drink from his wine. "Uhh... Fine sir.." Seohyun replied, she still felt an uneasy aura around the atmosphere at that moment. "I see.. That’s good." Mr. Im took a pause and looked up the second floor and back to Seohyun.

 "If you’re the same as your mother, I know why Yoon loves you badly." Mr. Im said. Now it was coming to a conclusion to Seohyun, to one question. "Sir.. How did you know my mother?"

 "I was wondering if you should know.." Mr. Im laughed and took a pause.

 "She's my ex lover."


 "Sica-ssi, what do you want to be in college?" Mrs. Kwon asked Jessica as she played Wii dance battle with Yuri.

 "A nurse maam." Jessica answered.

 "Ooh, nurse. It’s pretty hard, you have to be patient and very courageous." Mrs. Kwon pointed. "Courageous?" Yuri asked, she was choosing the song they will play.

 "Well you have to see blood, organs and other yucky things.. Trust me, I'm a doctor. I'm not scaring you.. I’m just waring you, ok Sica-ssi?" Mrs. Kwon  smiled at Jessica.

 "I am prepared maam." Jessica proudly smiled back.

 "What about you Yuri?" Mrs. Kwon asked Yuri.

 "Hmm.. I wanna be an Engineer." Yuri looked up to the ceiling. "Yuri's not even good at math and she dreams of that.." Mrs. Kwon teased her daughter. Jessica laughed at the two. "I can do it!" Yuri passionately spoke out.

 "Geez, time out Yuri Kwon.." Mrs. Kwon sat beside Jessica, lazyly. "Sica-ssi, why do you like Yuri?" She asked. Yuri stopped playing quick and sad beside her mother to listen. "Yuri's.. Sweet." Jessica answered.

 "And?.." Yuri and Mrs. Kwon asked.

 "And.. Uhmm.. Very patient with me.." Jessica smiled.

 "I see, goes to show Yuri really cares about you a lot."

Mrs. Kwon happily commented. "Yuri Kwoon~ you should take Jessica home now.. It’s getting late." She then dragged Yuri's ear near to Jessica. Yuri screamed in pain while her mother laughed.


 "Patient? Can you explain Ms. Jessica?" Yuri playfully asked Jessica. "Hmm.."

 "Hmm?.." Yuri copied.


 "Hmmm....?" Yuri did the same.


 "HMM?" Yuri again copied. Jessica laughed, really hard. Yuri didn’t quite get why Jessica laughed though.


 "That’s what I'm talking about, Yul. Very patient.. You really waited for my answer when my answer was all.. Hmm?" Jessica continued to laugh. "Uh.. O-ok.." Yuri rubbed her head. Jessica cleared her laugh.

 "I usually don’t talk too much.. But you'll stand by me though I don’t talk. You'll ask me something.. I'll answer with just a word; I think that's very patient. You've been like that from the day we met." Jessica explained, she took Yuri's hand. "I hope you remain the same to me.."

Yuri smiled at Jessica's explanation, she felt their relationship was growing slowly but Yuri would wait. She was patient.


 "Ex lover?.." Seohyun asked. "As you have heard it. Ex lover.. Former girlfriend.." Mr. Im clarified. Seohyun was shocked at this revelation. "But how?" She asked.

 "It was all in the past.. Anyways.. I hope you enjoy your stay here Joohyun-ssi. If you go home.. Tell your mom my regards." Mr. Im stood up from his seat and headed for the stairs. "Good night Seo Joohyun-ssi." He bid farewell and went up stairs.

 "I dislike her."

 "But why?" Yoona asked her mother as she bluntly told Yoona she does not like Seohyun.

 "Simply because.. I hate her.." Mrs. Im faced the window of the master bedroom. "Mom, Seohyun's intelligent. So industrious and caring, beautiful and multi-talented. You need to know her more.." Yoona approached her mother and stood up for Seohyun.

 "I dont care. I do not like her Im Yoon Ah.." Mrs. Im avoided Yoona's words and faced her back on Yoona. "You'll learn to like her. Please mom, I love her." Yoona pleaded some more but her mother doesn’t seem to react positively.

 "Mom? Please." Yoona took her mother's gaze to her pleading eyes. Mrs. Im turned away again.

 "You know me Yoona.. When I don’t like a person, I don’t.. And it can never change."

 "Then tell me whats wrong with Seohyun.." Yoona fiercely asked her mother. Mrs. Im felt like Yoona's words were disrepecful, so she prepared herself to tell Yoona her reason. Straight and honest.

 "Yoona.. Sh-"

 Suddenly Mr. In entered the room.

 "Yoon? What's taking you so long?" Mr. Im entered. He approached the two. "Joohyun-ssi is waiting for you." He added.

 "You were down stairs with her?" Mrs. Im asked. "Yep. We had a short chat, now Yoon go to her." Mr. Im smiled at Yoona, he lightly pushed Yoona to the door as well. "I hope you two a good night." Mr. Im told Yoona. Yoona wanted to continue her conversation with her mother but she didn’t want Seohyun alone, so she went outside of the master's bedroom.

 Yoona rushed down stairs to Seohyun. Upon seeing Yoona, Seohyun stood up and met Yoona half way. Yoona didn't say anything as she smiled at Seohyun. She quickly grabbed Seohyun's hand and dragged her up stairs.

 She dragged Seohyun to the guestroom she was staying at. Inside the room, Seohyun calmly sat on the bed.

 "I'll lend you some clothes ok?" Yoona said and made an exit from the room. After Yoona had left the room, Seohyun wondered if there was something wrong with Yoona, she was more sensible than Yoona was.

 Yoona picked a white tee and blue pants for Seohyun, she closed the door of her room and proceeded to walk. But Yoona heard her mother and father talk about Seohyun.

 "There's something about her that I hate.." Yoona didn’t get it too much because the wall was thick. She leaned her ear closer. "Somehow its familiar.." Yoona then realized this was her mother.

 "Your thinking too much.. Just accept her. Yoona loves her dearly." Now it sounded like her father.

 "I think Frank's or Henry's siblings are better than her.."

 "Well does Yoona like them? No right?"

 "I dont care. I dont like that girl.. Help me get her off Yoona's mind."

 "But honey..”

 Yoona's heart almost broke, it hurt that beloved mother does not like Seohyun. She even hated Seohyun for an unknown reason, Yoona took a deep breath and walked again. Towards the person her mother despises.


Chapter 69- Sudden Crash P1

 "Hows the exam Seo? I find it hard.. I guess it was easy for a genius like you.. Poo-" Yoona was cut by Seohyun.

 "-Yoona.. I need to go home.." Seohyun stopped from walking. Yoona faced Seohyun, ever since Seohyun felt unwanted by Yoona's mother; Seohyun always felt like going back to her drastic mother. "I have been staying at your house for too long.. It’s too much.." Seohyun quietly creed.

 "It’s ok.. My dad says it’s ok!" Yoona cheered her lover up. But Seohyun was not affected by it. Seohyun knows Yoona's father knows her mother, that's why hes kind to Seohyun. "No I need to go home.." Seohyun still fought.

 "Seohyun.. Don't be such a hard-head.. You're safer by my side." Yoona held Seohyun's wrist. Seohyun pulled the hand holding her wrist.

 "I know.. But it doesn’t feel right, Yoona."

 "Why doesnt it feel right?!"

 "Im not fit for someone like you, Yoona!"

 A moment of silence roamed the two. None of them looked at each other. Yoona looked down on her feet, not knowing what to say. Seohyun also felt the same, looking away far. People pass by the streets but the two remained still.

 A glass door behind of Yoona opened; it kinda pushed her a bit making her glare at the person who opened the door. But she suddenly changed in mood when its Tiffany who apologized to her.


 "Unnie.." Yoona looked at the person behind Tiffany. "Taeyeon-unnie.."

 "Oh Yoona! Really sorry about that.. Didn't mean to." Tiffany apologized again; Yoona's glare kind of scared her. She and Taeyeon exited the restaurant. 

 "It's ok, unnie. Seo, do you wanna eat?" Yoona asked Seohyun, but the girl didn’t respond. She felt kind of embarrassed if her unnies were to see them fighting like earlier, she approached Seohyun.

 "Seo?" She whispered. Seohyun looked at her. Yoona held Seohyun's hand. Yoona looked back to Taeyeon and Tiffany to wave goodbye.

 The two couples parted ways.

 Tiffany held on Taeyeon's arms. "I hope they become ok soon.. Yoona can die if they don't." Tiffany said. "Woah! Thats too much!" Taeyeon exclaimed, as she thought that was exaggerated.

 "It is, I had a talk with Yoona once.. The kid's world revolves only one person.. Its Seo Joohyun." Tiffany explained. Taeyeon made an confused expression.

 "Yoona's love is very.. Romantic." With Tiffany's words of compliment on Yoona's love, Taeyeon snapped out.

 "Yaaah! Wh-why dont you like Yoona instead?!" Taeyeon joked. She slides her arm off Tiffany's grip as well. "And my love isn't romantic.." Taeyeon pouted.

 "Silly! You didnt even let me finish! Yoona's love is romantic yes, yet it’s scary.. It creeps me out." Tiffany stressed. "Scary?" Taeyeon asked.

 "It’s just that.. Love comes in different shades, love for yourself, for your lover, family and others.. Yoona's just.. Joohyun, Joohyun and Joohyun.." Tiffany thought and she clarified to Taeyeon. "Hmm.. I see.." Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany. She wrapped an arm around Tiffany's waist.

 "Let's just leave the two, ok? I'm sure they'll be good on their selves." Tiffany leaned her head on Taeyeon and they continued their time together.

Late night at Yuri's room,

 Yuri was calling Jessica over the phone. She happily hugged her pillow while hearing Jessica's voice over the phone.

 "I think I want Yeon Hee's name to be Eunmin instead." Yuri told Jessica. Jessica laughed. "You're 18 Kwon Yuri, you should be thinking about your college course first. Rather than a name of a kid." Jessica contrasted.

 "I told you I wanna be an Engineer! Now where were we? Oh.. Eunmin.. Or maybe I'll make it an English name.. How about Princess?" Yuri shared another thought.

 "That’s a lame name. I think I like it as it is.." Jessica also shared her feelings as she thought; what more can she do, rather than join in on her silly girlfriends thoughts.

 "Yeon Hee? Well if you want it that.. I still prefer Princess or Queenie." Yuri still favored her preferred names. "Well who's the boss here?!" Jessica said in a bit high tone.

 "Y-yaah! You are General Jessica Ju- I mean Kwon!" Yuri played along.

 "Good. Major Yuri Kwon.." Jessica replied.

 Over the phone Jessica heard some dishes and glass objects break, she quickly asked Yuri. "Wh-What’s that Yul?!"

 "I-I don’t know.. N-neighbors..?" Yuri opened her windows to look outside. She saw broken plates on the ground, coming from Seohyun's house.

 "It’s from Joohyun's house.. I'll call you back ok baby?"

 "Y-Yul be careful!" Jessica told Yuri before Yuri hang up.

 Yuri went outside to check on Seohyun.

 "Dont ever come back here! Life wrecker! Give my daughter back!" Yuri looked over who was shouting it seemed to be Seohyun's mother, the others were man in a black suit, covered up by two body guards.

 "I'm telling you, my daughter and your daughter are together in our mansion. I came here to tell you.. You dont nee-" The man was stopped from his statement when Mrs. Seo threw a chair outside.

 "You ruined my life now my daughter’s life?!" Yuri saw the woman cry some helpless tears. She recognized the man she pertained to was Yoona's father. Uncle? What’s he doing there? Yuri thought.

 Mrs. Seo walked over to Mr. Im with a threat with a knife. "I'm telling you give me back my daughter!" Yuri saw a body guard push the woman to the ground, the body guard also clasped the woman's arms behind her.

 "Let me go! Just give my daughter back! Ims are the worst people in the world!" Mrs. Seo kicked Mr. Ims leg causing the man to bend down. The body guards pushed the woman's head even lower.

 Yuri felt the urge to stop this scene, to her it can cause her uncle to be admitted to the jail but the woman was also defense less.

 Yuri ran over to help Mrs. Seo. "U-uncle.." She looked at Mr. Im, then to Mrs. Seo.

 "Yuri-ah?! P-Please let us talk in peace." Mr. Im seriously told Yuri. But Yuri disobeyed.

 "Uncle this woman is Joohyun's mother. Your daughter's lover. Please don’t let your guards hurt her.." Yuri protected her friend's mother.

 "Yuri, honey.. I am but she's the furious one so please just leave.." A body guard dragged, Mrs. Seo with the sight of Mr. Im's signal.

 Suddenly, Seohyun ran over to her mother.

 "Mom.. wh-whats happening here?!" Yuri looked at Seohyun in distress. The body guard let go of Mrs. Seo.

 "Joohyun-ssi, why are you here?" Mr. Im asked, surprised.

 "I needed to go back to my mother.. She's still my mother." Seohyun answered. "What are you doing here sir?" She then asked.

 "I came to tell your mother you're living at our house, just that.. But it see-" Mr. Im was cut when Mrs. Seo furiously wanted to dash and smash him but Yuri and Seohyun stopped her.

 "Just leave Im!" She shouted. Mr. Im signaled the guards they will leave.

 "Joohyun aren't you coming?" Mr. Im asked as the car behind them started its engine. Seohyun shook her head.

 "I think Yoona would be upset.. Please come home."

 "No sir.. This is my home.." Seohyun disagreed. Afterwards Mr. Im left the neighborhood.

 Yuri helped Mrs. Seo inside the house. As they entered the house, Yuri recieved a phonecall from Jessica.

 Jessica called Yuri, asking the events. Yuri told Jessica she will summarize tomorrow, Jessica hang up and bid good night.

 "Hyun.. Don’t ever come near them.." Mrs. Seo spoke as she held her aching forehead. Yuri took a bow, asking her good bye.

 "People like them swim in money so many but they're filthy and dirty.." The woman spoke again. "Ims think they can buy everything with money?! Hah! They are dead wrong! I will never give anything to the Ims.. Not a piece of my hair!" The woman continued her rant.

 "So that Yoona is an Im eh? His daughter to be exact! Tsk!" Mrs. Seo pointed at Seohyun, they woman gave Seohyun a light tap on the cheek.

 "Hyun! She's no good for you! Understand?" Mrs. Seo tapped a bit harder.

 "Stick it to your stupid brain that Ims are sh-" Seohyun's mother tapped her harder that it was almost a slap. Seohyun was crying, Yuri cannot do anything this time. She wanted to leave, she felt like this was a family matter. Yuri turned the knob of the door and Seohyun looked at Yuri.

 "Unnie.. I'll walk you home.." Seohyun wiped her tears and escorted her outside.

 "A-are you ok? W-well.. Most certainly you’re not.. Sorry.." Yuri rubbed her head at the stupid statement she made. Seohyun smiled weak. "I'll be ok, unnie.. We're always like that. I'm used to it.."

 "Maybe I should call Yoona?" Yuri asked. Seohyun shook her head no.

 "You're mom.. She's kinda concerned about you.. Earlier.. She kept on asking uncle to get you back here." Yuri explained to Seohyun, she put her two hands on the younger girl's shoulder to wake her.

 "Joohyun-ah.. I hope your relationship with your mother gets well soon." Seohyun smiled weakly at Yuri's wish.


Chapter 68- Sudden Crash Part Two


 "Thank you unnie.." Seohyun thanked Yuri for the kind words. Yuri smiled to the younger girl, as they did a car parked behind them.

 Yoona came running and hugged Seohyun away from Yuri. "Seohyun!"


 "My father called me.. I told you going home wasn’t a good plan! I got so worried so I came over.. Don’t stay here! Your mother's crazy.." Yoona stressed all her worries about Seohyun. Seohyun broke the hug. "Yoona.. I'm fine. Dont worry.." Seohyun smiled. Yoona noticed a slightly swelling cheeks of Seohyun.

 "Did she do that?! A-aissh! I can't let you stay here!" Yoona held Seohyun's wrist but Seohyun shook her head no. "I'll be ok, Yoona."

 "No, I'll die of worrying.. Please stay at our house again.." Yoona pleaded, but the other didn’t seem to change in reaction.

 "Yoong, buddy.. I think you should let her stay.." Yuri smiled and suggested to Yoona. Yoona looked at Yuri. "No I can’t.." She disagreed.

 "This is her problem, her family matters.. We're not in the right to butt in." Yuri explained to Yoona, but Yoona didn’t seem to get it in a positive way. "Seohyun's my girlfriend; I don’t want her sleeping with someone who can hurt her not even family, Yul." Yoona fought.

 "You don’t get me Yoong, Seohyun decided to be here.. Respect her decision and support her as her girlfriend." Yuri stressed the phrase 'as her girlfriend' in her words.

 "It’s you who don’t get me! As her girlfriend I'll protect her away from any harm.. So butt-off our problem.. Please!" Yoona got tensed and looked away from Yuri.

 "Yoong, listen.. Joohyun's mother is worried sick about her.. Let her stay here." Yuri took Seohyun's wrist. Yoona quickly pulled Seohyun away. "And what so she'd be close to you?! N-no uhh.. Not you Yul.." Yoona said.

 Yuri already knew what Yoona meant. "Buddy.. I have chosen Jessica.. Dont get confused.. We're talking about Seohyun's decision no-"

 "Shut up!" Yoona shouted that Yuri stopped from talking.

 "I don’t want you two together! Not a minute, not a second!" Yoona looked down. The two stood silent and shocked at Yoonas words.

 "I-I’m scared.." Yoona cannot help but cry at het sudden rage.

 "I’m scared of how close you two can be when I'm not around.. I feel so weak against fate.. Seo.." Seohyun hugged Yoona, while Yoona cried at Seohyun's arms.

 "I don’t want to be left, Seohyun.. I'm so helpless when I think you and Yuri are future couples.." Yoona drained all her hidden feelings, not minding Yuri's presence nor how pitiful she would look. "I'm so insecure when I see you near Yuri, I lose my trust, I forget every love you share to me.." She continued to cry. Yuri couldn’t help but clench her fist, quietly blaming herself.

 Seohyun hugged Yoona tighter, as the cried at her arms. Like a helpless child.

 "Yoona.. Why don’t you sleep here?" Seohyun lift Yoona's head up. "You said you wanted to protect me right?" Seohyun wiped Yoona's tears.

 "I believe I'm safer with you, Yoong.. Did you know that? No one else makes me feel so secured than you." Seohyun kissed Yoona. Yoona's eyes grew wide with such an unexpected action from Seohyun.

 Yuri chuckled as the two broke from the kiss. "Still jelly Yoong? Well I am.. I wish Sica would kiss me like that."

 Yoona looked at Yuri with wide eyes, still not believing what Seohyun had just done.

 "Yoong.. You gotta put a little bit more trust in us okies?" Yuri winked at Yoona. Yoona shyly nod.

 "S-sorry Yul.."

 "Naah. It’s ok, I predicted this day would come anyways.. I had always saw you felt like that towards me and Joohyun.." Yuri snatched Yoona from Seohyun.

 "But buddy stop that! Ok? Remember our promise!" Yuri hugged Yoona tight. Yoona's tears flowed once more as she realized how wrong her feelings were. She hugged her dearest cousin as well.

 "You ok now buddy? You're gonna make me cry.." Yuri told her cousin. Yoona smiled wiping her tears, she then turned to look at Seohyun.

 "Yoong.. She just kissed you and asked you to sleep with her.. Don't lose the chance buddy!" Yuri whispered to Yoona. Yoona blushed with wide eyes and Yuri laughed.

 Yuri waved goodbye as she saw Yoona and Seohyun enter the Seo residence. It seemed Seohyun's mother is asleep already, so there was no noise upon Yoona entering the house, luckily.

 As Yuri got home, she wanted to talk to Jessica but she looked at the clock. It was mid-night, probably Jessica was already asleep, Yuri flew to bed and rested as well.

"If my mom throws us things when she sees us together in my bed be prepared ok, Yoona?" Seohyun told Yoona who's lying by her side.

 "I will be. I'll shield you.." Yoona turned to face Seohyun. She held Seohyun's waist and kissed the girl on the cheek. "But Seo.. I hope you and your mother can be in good terms soon." Yoona proposed. Seohyun thought it was the like the words Yuri had told her earlier.

 "Thank you, Yoong.. I hope so too." Seohyun smiled.

 "Well? Dont I get a kiss like earlier?"

 "Why would I?"

 "Good night kisses!" Yoona strongly suggested. Seohyun giggled at the request. She gave Yoona a light peck. Yoona smiled.

 "Another one? A bit longer.." Yoona requested. Seohyun shook her head no.

 "Aweee.. No fair." Yoona pouted. Seohyun kissed Yoona's pouting lips.

 "Much better?"

 "Hmm yeah. But it’s best if you'd do it longer.." Yoona said but Seohyun disagreed. Yoona pouted again.

 "That won’t work twice, try again tomorrow!" Seohyun turned around and hugged her pillow.

 "Ok! Everyday kisses are good!"

 Sunday morning,

 As scheduled, Taeyeon and Tiffany are going out today.


Seeing Taeyeon wait in the train station, Tiffany waved and called her. Taeyeon looked up whom, until she found only one person who could catch her eye in an instant.


 Taeyeon quickly approached Tiffany. Taeyeon and Tiffany wore the same matching shirt, they bought it yesterday. Seeing it worn by Taeyeon, Tiffany eye smiled.

 "It looks good on us!"

 "Yea, I love it more than you.." Taeyeon joked. Tiffany pushed Taeyeon. "Yaaah!"

 Tiffany looked at the train, she remembered her time there with Yuri. "Tae, are we riding the train?" Tiffany asked.

 "We can take the cab or train.." Taeyeon replied. "I wanna ride the train with you." Tiffany pleased. Taeyeon agreed, they both bought a train ticket.

 "Why does it seem like it’s your first time riding a train?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany who seemed so facinated around the train. "It’s not my first!" Tiffany proudly said.

 "Then why are you so amazed at every train station we stop by?" Taeyeon teased the younger girl. Tiffany frowned and stood silent.

 "We'll get off on the next station Ms. Hwang." Taeyeon leaned on Tiffany's shoulder and whispered. Tiffany looked outside, the train was slowing down and preparing to stop.

 They both got off the train afterwards.

 "Yuri's station is.." Tiffany whispered to herself as she realized the next train stop was where Yuri was suppose to go off like the last time.

 "Yuri?" Taeyeon heard a bit and she asked. Tiffany said it was nothing, she then dragged Taeyeon outside the station. Deep inside Taeyeon, she felt jealous of how Tiffany would always remember Yuri in places they would go. But Taeyeon needs to trust love, it was real.


002. Special Chapter -  Heartbroken Hero


 "Yuri-ah, its Sunny's birthday soon.. What could be the best gift for her?"

 "Functionality aspects of th-" Yuri was busy typing scribbles on her holo-pad.

 "Yuri! Come on listen.." This time Yuri turned her attention to her friend. "S-sorry Soo.. What were you asking again?"

 "Sunny's birthday present, any suggestions genius?" Sooyoung sat on the revolving chair in front of Yuri.

 "Hmm.. A new pair of heels!" Yuri suggested fast. After a short while she laughed. "That can’t be! I'm sure she has tons of those! Haha!" Yuri continued on laughing making Sooyoung annoyed.

 "You're not helping Yuri..."

 "Ok okay! H-ha.. I just don’t know what Sunny likes, I think you know her more than I do." Yuri turned her AGchair to look outside. "A vacation, maybe?" Yuri suggested. Sooyoung took time to think for a while. "Uhh.. No.. We went to Hawaii last Sunday.." Sooyoung disagreed.

 "A new dress?"

 "Bought that for her the other day.."

 "A new gadget?"

 "She's not so into those.."

 Yuri rubbed her chin thinking deeper on more suggestions, Sooyoung patiently waited for her friend's response and suddenly Yuri came up with something.

 "Marry her, Soo." Yuri stood up looking outside.

 "You two have been together ever since Seohyun and I fell apart. And m-maaan do I have to suffer watching you two become so sweet when I was currently brok-"

 "Thanks Yul! Gotta go bye!" Sooyoung cut Yuri's recall of her depression in the past. Sooyoung hurriedly left Yuri's office without Yuri even saying goodbye.

 "Woah.. G-goodluck my friend."

 Seeing her friend had left, Yuri resumed her work on her desk once again. "Okay where was I?" She asked herself. "Ah! The functions.."

 For an hour Yuri wrote and drew things related to her work. She was so absorbed to it that she refused any calls from her secretary. But there was one call she cannot avoid or miss.


 "What time are you coming home, honey?" Yuri recieved a phonecall from her wife, Seohyun. "Hmm about six'o'clock.? I need to fetch Hyunki as well."

 "Why are you so cold to me, lately?"

 "I'm quite busy, we'll talk later."

 "Y-Yu-" Yuri hang up on her wife. After she put her phone down to her desk, Yuri sighed.

 "How long do I have to be like this to her?" Yuri leveled all her weight on her chair. She looked at the ceiling pre-occupied as her attention was not in her work anymore.

 "Yul-daddy, when can I play with Hae Rin and Yeon Hee again?" Yuri's little girl, Hyunki asked her as Yuri drived her car. "Maybe this weekend if your umma allows you."

 "Hmm.. Are you two arguing again appa?" The kid comfortable lied on the back seat by herself.

 "Yaah! Hyunki-ssi, didn't I tell you? Not to listen to adult conversation!" Yuri softly scolded the kid. "Okay Yul-appa. Anyways.. My teacher asked me to give you this.."

 The kid took her box gadget and clicked it twice. It opened and she took out a photo.


 "Hmm.. A picture of who?" Yuri cannot look back well because she was driving, she took a moment and searched their house location and the auto pilot, drove the car for a while.

 "Oh.. Me? An autograph?" Yuri giggled at her picture.

 "What’s an autograph appa?" Hyunki asked. Yuri drove her car again, and put the photo aside for a while. "Well you ask signatures of people you like."

 "Ms. Han likes you appa?" Hyunki came up to the example. Yuri laughed at her kid.

 "Silly no! It’s just that maybe she likes my invention." Yuri gave the kid another conclusion.

 "Hmm.. Yul-appa is being liked by many girls.. Quite the charmer."

 "Yaah! Where did you learn that word? I'm a simple being. I like it better if you say I'm liked by you and your umma.."

After a short while they reached their estate. Hyunki happily hugged her mother as soon as she saw Seohyun.  "Umma! Umma! My teacher asked appa an autograph!" Hyunki told Seohyun. Yuri in the back didnt say anything because she wanted to know how Seohyun will comprehend it. "Really? What did appa do?" Seohyun smiled at Hyunki but she gave Yuri a glare.

 "Here!" Hyunki showed the photo of Yuri signed by her as well. The kid smiled proudly at it. "Oh.." Seohyun expressed. Yuri hissed.

 "We'll have a talk later ok?" Yuri whispered to Seohyun as she walked pass her daughter and wife, carriying Hyunki's things.

 Later that day, mid-night.

 "Do you have something to say to me?" Yuri crossed her arms while Seohyun was comfortably resting on their bed.

 "What do I need to say?" Seohyun asked.

 "I don’t know.. Maybe where you went last Wednesday?" Yuri looked out through the window. "Work?" Seohyun answered quick. Yuri leaned closer to her wife lying on their bed.

 "I see.. Does work define drinking coffee and dating with an ex-fiancée?" Yuri smirked. With words from Yuri like so, Seohyun quickly sat up.

 "Wh-wha? I-It’s not dating!" Seohyun quickly defended.

 "Really? Oh so are you saying Yoona is now part of your work?" Yuri said in irony, she saw Seohyun and Yoona, together inside a cafe.

 "Look, Yuri.. Honey.. It was nothing. I just happen to bump into Yoona that day.." Seohyun explained, she held Yuri's hand. "Please trust me."

 Yuri kissed Seohyun's hand. "I do. What did Yoona say? What did you two talk about?"

 "You." Seohyun rested on their bed once more. Yuri also lied beside her wife. "What about me?"

 "Just how are we.. You and Hyunki."

 "I see.. Did she mention how she wanted you back?" Yuri caressed Seohyun's cheek. "U-uhh wh-why would she?! I'm married to you.." Seohyun pouted and frowned.

 "I know.. It's scary.. My worst enemy is a person my wife loved once. Especially if she once left me for that person.." Yuri looked hurt and a bit sad. She did have the right to be so. "I'm sorry honey.." Seohyun apologized. She hugged Yuri.

 "It's ok, I am the wrong one. I mean have three kids in different mothers.." Yuri returned Seohyun her hug. "You're always like that. Its over and done.. I also made my mistakes, honey.." Seohyun hugged Yuri tighter, into a very warm embrace. Yuri savored the warmt of that is her wife.

 "Yuri.." Seohyun looked at Yuri. Yuri already had her eyes closed. "Can you tell about the story of Joohyun and Yuri Kwon?" Seohyun asked such a childish question, her wife opened her eye and closed it again.

 "Again and again, honey?" Yuri chuckled, her wife was very matured and serious but she shows her childish side to Yuri; which Yuri finds to be so cute. Seohyun kissed Yuri's cheek. "Yea. Once again.."

 "Alright alright. It was about Super hero, SuperYul saving a beautiful lady Joohyun." Yuri took a pause. She kissed Seohyun's forehead. "Away from the evil villain named Yoona and the Im monsters." Yuri opened her eyes seeing Seohyun laugh, Yuri smiled.

 "And they lived happily ever after. The end." Yuri moved closer to her wife and kissed her. Their kiss became more passionate but the two stopped to breathe air.

 "You're my life savior honey.. Forevermore. That's why you have to tell me that story everyday.." Seohyun rubbed her nose to Yuris. Yuri snuggled Seohyun's waist and dragged her closer.

 "Yes my love. Now.. Enough childish acts, can we be adults now?" Yuri smirked. Seohyun laughed softly.

 "Haha! Is it adult play time?" Seohyun held Yuri's hands with her own. "Hmm.. Wait..I'll take a look if our little genius is not roaming around.." Yuri gave Seohyun a peck and she stood up. She took a peek outside and looked if Hyunki had her room occupied.

 Yuri went back to Seohyun.

 "She's probably asleep." Yuri placed her hand to Seohyun's shoulders. "So.. Are we game?" Yuri pouted cutely as she rubbed Seohyun's smooth shoulder.

 "Then save me from distress, SuperYul." Seohyun pulled Yuri closer to her.

 "Oh so you want it super?"

 After two hours,

 "SuperYul.. Are you tired already?" Seohyun asked her wife as she played circles on Yuri's shoulder. Yuri was holding her wife on her arms. "Naaah.. Just a short break.. Hmm.." Yuri relieved her head on Seohyuns.

 "Yoona.. How is she?" Yuri asked.

 "Why did you ask?" Seohyun looked up to Yuri.

 "She's still my cousin, is it bad to know? Is she still slim? Does she look healthy?" Yuri winked.

 "Still the same." Seohyun replied, she closed her eyes in Yuri's comfort. A moment of silence roamed the room.

 "Yoona.." Yuri broke the silence. "She's not much of a villain.. Right?" Yuri spoke but Seohyun didn't answer.

 "Yoona was a victim of her family's greediness. Yoona loved you dearly but they didn't understand that.. They are the real villains." Yuri expressed, to Seohyun it was a topic she couldn't answer safely so she chosed to keep quiet about it.

 "It's ok, I know how much you also used to love her.. I know she loved you truely as well." Yuri gave Seohyun a kiss on her head. "But it was all in the past right?"

 Seohyun took a deep breath. She then leveled her head same to Yuris.

 "Yes, past love. Yuri.. Did you know something different between you and Yoona?"


 "Yes but no.. What I mean is.. Yuri Kwon has many similarities to Yoona Im.. But one difference was why Yuri is better than Yoona.." Seohyun closed her eyes. Yuri patiently waited, smiling like a child.

 "Is unlike Yoona.. Yuri understands me so well.. When I left you, you remained silent like I wanted. When fate brought us together once more you loved me again like how I loved you as well." Seohyun pinched Yuri's nose.

 "You had your heart badly broken but you still took me. Yoona cannot understand why I choose you over her.. It was simply how you remain calm and silent, waited for me to go back." She then kissed Yuri.

 "Yoona's now calm and silent. She's not bothering you anymore.. Now you can love her again..?" Yuri teased her wife.

 "Nooooo way! She needs a genuine TMC to get me back and snatch me away from you. But even if she does.. I believe were destined to be together." Seohyun hugged Yuri tight on her neck.

 "Even if I'm a second wife." Seohyun laughed. "As long as I am your wife."

 Yuri kissed her wife.

 "I love you, Joohyun Kwon."

 "I love you too, Yuri.."

 "But SuperYul.. Can you fly and find my undies? I can’t feel them anywhere in the bed."

 Yuri pretended to sleep. She hid her wife's underwear underneath her pillow to tease her and Yuri wanted Seohyun panty-less that night.

  "Stop teasing Yuri, I need them I recieved a text from the lab.. Give me my clothes back."

 Yuri still continued pretending to sleep.

 Punishment of Super Yul, honey sweet Seohyun..

Chapter 72 - Time Lock

At Taeyeon's neighborhood. The couple walked hand in hand, Taeyeon's mother waved at them outside their noodle shop.

 "Tiffany-ssi!" The woman happily waved and jumped around. Tiffany found it so welcoming but Taeyeon felt quite embarrassed at her mother.

 "H-hi au-" Tiffany was hugged tight by the woman, hugging her so tight that Tiffany stopped talking.

 "Tiffany-ssi! I'm so glad you came and visit again! Oh and call me umma instead." Mrs. Kim let go of Tiffany.

 "S-sorry umma.. Hehe" Tiffany blushed at the term 'umma' she just used.

 "Well you're forgiven now that you had visited again." Mrs. Kim dragged Tiffany inside the noodle shop.

 "Tiffany-ssi!" Taeyeon's brother waved to Tiffany, he tried to hug Tiffany but Taeyeon quickly stood in front of him to stop him.

 "Oh no hugs for you oppa." Taeyeon said.

 "Aweee!" Taeyeon's brother sat defeated.

 "We prepared the best food we can offer you, Tiffany-ssi." Mr. Kim fixed his polo collar and smiled at Taeyeon.

 "Y-you don’t have to.. Si-.. Appa.." Tiffany felt so special upon the way Taeyeon's family treated her. She looked down at all the foods they prepared. "I.. T-thank you s-so much.." Tiffany gave the family a bow to show her appriciation.

 "Ppani-ah, you see.. To them you're already a family.." Taeyeon offered Tiffany a seat. She happily sat down.

 "I'll take that seat!" Mrs. Kim rushed to the seat next to Tiffany and Taeyeon's brother also did. Taeyeon face palmed.

 Cough cough~ Taeyeon's father caught everyone's attention, Mrs. Kim dragged her son away and left the seat. Taeyeon sat down near Tiffany.

 "Tiffany-ssi, did you know Taeyeon calls your name when she sleeps?" Taeyeon's brother gave out. Taeyeon shook her head furiously for her brother to shut up.

 "Really? Really Tae-Tae?" Tiffany asked Taeyeon.

 "N-n.. M-maybe.." Taeyeon felt so embarrassed that she looked down and chomped on her food instead.

 "And did you know that Taeyeon always practiced words to say to you?" Now it’s Mrs. Kim. Taeyeon choked at the food she ate. She quickly grabbed a glass of water.

 "Yeah! I can always hear Taeyeon practice lines in her room! Something like, your smile shines though the dark, it glows radiant like your tender skin.." Then Taeyeons brother laughed. Taeyeon wanted to melt at her seat. Tiffany looked at her smiling and laughing.

 "Haha! Did you practice that meant to be line yesterday?" Tiffany joked. Taeyeon frowned and pouted at Tiffany. "N-no.. I mean.. Ye- Uh.. A little bit.."

 "Come on you two, stop teasing our Taeyeon Kim. Tiffany's here.." Mr. Kim noticed her daughter's change in behavior after the constant teasing.

 "Well I think its so cool and romantic." Tiffany tapped Taeyeon's shoulder. "So cheer up my love.." Taeyeon lifted her head and smiled at Tiffany.

 They all resumed eating and chatting till afternoon. Mrs. Kim kept on telling baby stories about Taeyeon. Mr. Kim on the otherhand, told Tiffany the story of their shop. Taeyeon's brother asked Tiffany of numbers of her beautiful girl friends. Tiffany thought of one, Hyoyeon.

 "Umma! We're going!" Taeyeon's brother came down from his room. Sooner Mr. Kim followed.

 "Where are you two going appa?" Taeyeon asked.

 "We're just going to buy supplies." Mr. Kim smiled at Taeyeon. "I see.. Well take care ok?" Taeyeon said.

 Then her mother came running. "I'm coming with you two! I need to buy our groceries as well!" She came up shouting and Mr. Kim held her hand to help his wife.

 "Calm down dear.. Well we'll be leaving you two here for a while ok?" Mr. Kim eyed Taeyeon and Tiffany. Taeyeon could see her brother smirk and wink at her like an idiot. Taeyeon knew exactly what her brother was trying to vibe her.

 Were alone? Taeyeon thought as she waved her family goodbyes. She looked back at Tiffany who's busy with her phone.

 "Yaaah! Who are you texting?" Taeyeon sneaked on Tiffany's back and surprised her. Tiffany showed her phone to Taeyeon. "Its Jess and Hyo, it’s a group chat." She told Taeyeon. Taeyeon sat by Tiffany's side.

 "Do y-you.. Uhm.. Want to go.. Upstairs?" Taeyeon asked, nervously. Tiffany stood up. "Sure." She took Taeyeon's hand and dragged the older girl up stairs.

 As they slowly walked up, Taeyeon was a bit stuck on looking at Tiffany's behind. When she realized she quickly looked away.

 Tiffany opened Taeyeon's room, she quickly jumped on Taeyeon's bed. "Hmmm.. It smells like you, Tae-Tae." She hugged Taeyeon's green pillow.

 "Nothing’s changed. It’s still the same.." As Tiffany lied down she looked around the room. Taeyeon sat on her bed. "I have no time and money to change my small room anyways.." Taeyeon also looked around.

 "Tae-Tae.." Tiffany tapped the space beside her, signaling Taeyeon to lie down on that very space. Taeyeon did and she hugged Tiffany, without any hesitation Taeyeon kissed Tiffany on the lips. It wasn't long, she ended it quick.

 "Feels like the last time.." Taeyeon's face looked a bit sad.

 "It’s different." Tiffany put both her hands on Taeyeon's cheeks. "I won’t leave you.."

 "Yes please don't." Taeyeon pulled Tiffany closer to her, she leaned for a second kiss. They kissed once more but some of their feelings were still locked by the past.

 Taeyeon pulled a blanket over them both after she broke their kiss.

 "Ppani-ah.. I wish you’re a blanket." Taeyeon said facing Tiffany.

 "Why? So you can wrap me around you everynight?" Tiffany predicted Taeyeon's pick up line. Taeyeon frowned. "N-no.. More like.. Make me warm or something.. Gaah! Why did you guess it!" Taeyeon ranted. Tiffany laughed at Taeyeon's dorky action.

 "Okay okay. Try again.."

 "Okay.. Uhh.. uhmm.. Are you a theif?" Taeyeon tried.

 "Hmm.. I think I've heard that from Yuri.." Tiffany teased but Taeyeon didn’t like that joke. "Oh.. Yuri-ah.."

 Tiffany saw Taeyeon's change in mood after what she said. She quickly comforted her girlfriend.

 "Tae-Tae, I’m sorry.. I don't like pick up lines anyways.." Tiffany hugged Taeyeon by her waist. Taeyeon took a deep breath. "Your m-mine.. Tipp- Tiffany.." She whispered.

 "I am, Taeyeon.." Taeyeon kissed Tiffany, she faced the girl and hugged her to pull her closer. Tiffany lifted her arms around Taeyeon's neck. The kiss got deeper that the two got drunk at it, and their feelings cannot be stop as sensation is all over.

 Knock knock~

 "Taeyeon? Are you two asleep?" Taeyeon's brother knocked on her doorstep. But since both of them were tired, Tiffany and Taeyeon didn't answer. Taeyeon's brother turned the knob, it was unlocked. He took a peek inside; both were asleep as a blanket wrapped them all up. He saw Tiffany's shirt on the floor with that he closed the door.

 "Where's your sister?" He went down and his mother asked. "Score." He said.

 "What?" Mrs. Kim didn’t quite hear it because she was packing out their grocery.


 Inside Taeyeon's room,

 Taeyeon woke up to the fragrant smell of Tiffany. It made her smile but then she heard Tiffany's phone ring.

She hurriedly tried to find it, she found it in Tiffany's pants underneath a pillow.

 "Ppani-ah.." Taeyeon woke Tiffany up. "Yea?"

 "Phonecall.. It’s your dad.." Taeyeon read. "Wh-wha..?!"

Tiffany quickly answered. "Yes,hello daddy?"

 "Stephanie? I called to tell you we'll be going in a party again.. Ok? Get ready."

 "Uh.. O-Okay.. Take care daddy!" With that Mr. Hwang hang up.

 "What did he say?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Oh nothing. Just saying I shouldn’t be in my girlfriend's bedroom especially if she's a byuntae." Tiffany joked. Taeyeon got alarmed as she picked up their clothes.

 "He said that?!" Tiffany laughed.

 "No I was kidding. Haha! I just need to go home soon.." Tiffany lazily leaned her head on Taeyeon's back.



 "Did we lock the door?" 

 "Uhh.. No.."


Chapter 73 - Stirring Truth P1

 (The following events happen the same time Tiffany and Taeyeon are in their train ride to Taeyeon's household. Please understand! Thank you.)


 "Hyuuun!" A drunken voice called out to Seohyun as she slept with Yoona hugging her. "Wake up and make lunch!" The voice continued nagging the same things over and over again.

 Seohyun opened her eyes, she looked down to Yoona hugging her by her waist. She heard her mother whine about some food and her being lazy. Seohyun rose from her bed, not waking Yoona up that is.

 "What took you so long? Go and make lunch, lazy head!" Seohyun's mother commanded her but Seohyun didn't mind any word she said, she continued to the bathroom. Inside the bathroom her mother continued nagging her.

 After a short while, Seohyun continued to the kitchen and prepared their lunch.

After cooking a lunch for her family, Seohyun prepared the plates and food. While her mother lazily sat on the sofa.

 "Bring those here.. I wanna eat here.." Mrs. Seo requested, Seohyun obeyed. She played three bowls of rice.

 "Are you drunk? It’s just you and me, idiot." Seohyun's mother questioned.

 "Yoona's here.." With what Seohyun mentioned, her mother's eyes glared in anger. "What?!"

 "Yoona slept here.."

 "You let that-that kid here?! And sleep by my house?!"

 Mrs. Seo angrily said. Seohyun nod to agree, her mother loudly tapped the table.

 "Hyun.. What did I tell you about that kid!? Nothing but trouble!" Mrs. Seo was mad at Seohyun's sudden rebellious act. "Now look... Because of her ,your disobeying me!" She then lightly tapped Seohyun's shoulder, the one that was still wounded.

 "O-Oww.." Seohyun let out a quiet sound as it hurt her.

 "Whats wrong?" Her mother asked. Seohyun shook her head telling her mother its nothing. Mrs. Seo stood up and went to the compartments.

 Seohyun went up stairs to wake Yoona up.

 "Hyun..?" Mrs. Seo came back with a first aid kit, she frowned when she realized Seohyun went up stairs to wake Yoona up.

 "Seohyun! Where have you been?" Yoona was already wide awake when Seohyun got to her. "I made lunch down stairs.." Seohyun quickly took Yoona's hand.

 "O-okay.." Yoona stood up and followed Seohyun's direction.

 When they got down stairs it was all cleaned and organized. "Wow.. Your house is quite spacious.. You did all this Seo?" Yoona asked as the floor looked larger with the things organized and in order.

 "No.. Umma did.." Seohyun went ahead and tried to find her mother. Her mother was busy cooking at the kitchen.

 "U-umma?" Seohyun was surprised her mother was cooking plus she seemed to have cleaned the living room. "What?! Can’t you see I'm busy?! Go back there and watch some shows.." She said, and Seohyun did obey.

 After a while, Mrs. Seo prepared a special lunch for them all.

 "What? Eat up.." The woman ate her cooking and Seohyun did the same, Yoona on the other hand felt a bit uneasy about it.

 "I just thought.. Our little visitor can have some hospitality.." Mrs. Seo looked at Yoona. "So eat up Im Yoona, not like I'll poison you." She said. Yoona did try to eat but there were still some hesitation in her head.

 "Umma, does this mean you're allowing our relationship?" Seohyun became jolly and bright.

 "No.. I still want you away from her and her family.." Mrs. Seo pointed her chopsticks to Yoona. The three continued to eat again. Seohyun looked at Yoona slightly hurt.

 "Umma..? Is it because Yoona's father was your ex-lover?" Seohyun spoke. The two persons around her became shocked. "M-my dad?!" Yoona asked.

 "W-what did he say?!" Mrs. Seo also spoke.

 "You were his former lover.. Not in details but if you two had a cold past.. You shouldn’t worry, Yoona isn't the same as he is." Seohyun proudly smiled at her mother. But Mrs. Seo did not respond, she just stood up and sat and lit up a cigarette.

 "Not the same, did you know how that bastard ruin my life?!" She madly said. "You! Im Yoona! Do you even know the dirtiness of your family?" She eyed Yoona.

 Yoona moved closer to Seohyun, just in case.

 "Now kids, let me tell you a story.. You see.. Me and Hyun's father had a great project. It was the invention of an anti-gravity technology.. But your father stole our blueprint.. My husband thought I had an affair with your father, he told my husband I fully gave the blueprint because I love him." Mrs. Seo looked away as she teared up. "Damn your father. My husband committed suicide because of him! My life was ruined and I was left with a baby that I couldn't raise on my own.." She cried. Yoona couldn't believe it all. Her father seemed to be too far from this kind of description. "M-my father w-wont.. Do that.." Yoona spoke out of the blue, her eyes were wide open but it does not believe what Mrs. Seo had spoken earlier.

 "Then don't! Didn't you even think why you lived such luxury?! Because your family steal inventions! I hope your family root in their forsaken money!" The woman furiously shouted at Yoona. Yoona couldn't take it anymore; she took steps backward and ran away.

 "Yoona! W-wait!" Seohyun tried to follow but she was stopped by her mother.

 "Let her know the truth, Hyun.. And now you know as well.." Seohyun stood still looking down. She had always blamed her father for leaving them, for making her mother half-crazy. But now, Seohyun was told the truth of why their life was all haywire.

 "That's why I told you she was trouble from the first place.."

 Yoona soon got home, she noticed there were lights in their house, cars were parked around their lot. She noticed some people in dresses and suits, but it doesn’t matter. Yoona wanted to know the truth.

 Yoona went inside their mansion, there we're lots of guests, prestigious and famous business people were there. Yoona was trying to look for her father but her shirt was pulled by someone.


Yoona looked at who called her. "F-Fany-unnie.." Tiffany eye smiled at Yoona. Then Yoona saw a familiar girl behind Tiffany.



Chapter 74- Stirring Truth P2

 Back at the Seo household,

 "Hyun.. I'm sorry for everything.." Mrs. Seo apologized to her daughter. "You were.. Everything.. Your father had wanted you to be.. Yet I had done nothing but put you in despair." The woman fell into a sadness that she needed to hug her daughter.

 "I know you love her.. I'm afraid you'll be hurt as what her family did to us." Seohyun kept her tears as her years of life flashed into her mind, how and why her mother became so depressed, how her life was so miserable and unfair. Seohyun hugged her mother tight, to make her feel her daughter was a very understanding girl. Seohyun accepted and forgave her mother after everything, because for her; she wouldn’t have lived without this very woman she hugged.

 "I've been asking your dad of your whereabouts he told me you were upstairs.. Where have y-"

 "My father? Where is he unnie?" Yoona cut on Tiffany, she was eager to find her father. "Uhh.. Somewhere there?" Tiffany pointed far away to a room near the hall's buffet. "Thanks, unnie.. See you two later." Yoona quickly made her way there.

 "I think I see Joohyun's name on that shirt.." Taeyeon looked at Yoona's back. Seohyun's name was written on it, it was Seohyun's shirt after all.

 "Kids these days.. They're taller than adults and their maturity grows faster than us." Tiffany joked.

 Yoona ran towards the place Tiffany told her but all she found was guests and more guests, guests that looked at Yoona stern and judging; probably because of how she dressed.


A sudden hand dragged Yoona inside a small room.

 "Yoona, what's with your clothes?! Hurry up and change." Yoona couldn't see the person talking as dresses and more clothes poured on her. But Yoona knows this voice, her mother.

 "M-mom! Wh-where's dad? W-waait!" Yoona furiously threw every clothing down to floor. Mrs. Im didn't say a word, surprised at how Yoona shouted at her.

 The door knob turned and opened, Yoona's father came inside and closed the door.

 "Hey Yoon!" Seeing her father Yoona ran up to him fast. Losing her temper, Yoona quickly grabbed her father on his collar. "D-Dad! Wh-why?! Why did you do that to Seohyun's family?!" Yoona madly asked.

 "What are you saying? Calm down."

 "Just answer me, dad! I know everything! Seohyun's mother told me everything!" Yoona tightened her grip.

 "Why dad?.. Did you know?.. How much Seohyun's family suffered with what you did? Seo-hyun's life.." Yoona calmed down in sadness and sympathy upon the Seo family, she let go of her father.

 "Yoona.. Why do you believe such lies against our family?" Mrs. Im approached her daughter.

 "Your mother's right. Whatever she told you, it brainwashed you. Look, you became violent and unethical.." Mr. Im also approached Yoona, he tapped Yoona's shoulders.

 "Yoon, it was her fault. She loved me, she gave me the blueprints voluntarily and that's why her husband committed suicide." Mr. Im explained his side to his daughter. "Besides Yoona, they worked for us back then. That blueprint was made for us. I pity her, for the long depression in her life that she made those lies up.." Mrs. Im wiped tears that came out from her eyes from her sympathy to Mrs. Seo.

 "M-mom.. Dont cry.." Yoona's heart quickly melted, she approached her mother and comforted her.

 "Yoon, please believe your family. Your mother and father.. We raised you up.. How can we lie to you?" Mr. Im hugged her family.

 "I-I... I can’t believe.. I thought wrong of my parents.. My family.." Yoona cried in her parents company.

 "A-anyways.. Yoona we have guests.. Can you change now?" Mrs. Im cleaned her tears. She fixed her makeup and quickly went outside.

 "Yoon.. We have guests.. We'll wait for you outside." Mr. Im gave Yoona a final hug and proceeded outside.

 "Tae-Tae, hows wearing high heels?" Tiffany playfully asked Taeyeon in heels and dress. "Very.. Scary.. Uncomfortable.." Taeyeon complained.

 "Hahaha! You'll look so short if you dont wear so.." Tiffany held hands with Taeyeon on their way to the buffet area. Tiffany would always say hi and greet people around. Taeyeon thought it was probably how rich people know their kind, somehow it intimidated Taeyeon but Tiffany was there to support her.

 "I wonder whats taking dad too long.." Tiffany took a drink. "Want some Tae?" She asked Taeyeon. Taeyeon took it and drank quick.

 "I'm sorry I dragged you all the way here.." Tiffany said.

 "It’s ok, atleast I am with you. Besides your father isnt here yet, I wanna accompany you for the time hes not here." Taeyeon went closer to Tiffany.

 "Damn that woman.. Telling Yoona such things.." A manly voice said beside Tiffany and Taeyeon.

 "Forget it.. Its seemed Yoong bit our words anyways.." Now a woman replied.

 "But I'm glad her girlfriend didn't tag along.."

Tiffany heard Yoona's name and she looked at the person.

 "Tiffany-ssi! Oh hi there!" Mrs. Im quickly changed her mood. "Hi aunty! Where's Yoona?" Tiffany smiled.

 "Just changing, she went to her friend's home. Is your father here yet?" The woman asked. "Nu-uhh.. He said he'll be late. But I'm guessing he's on his way.."

 "I see.. Well I'll leave.." Mrs. Im took a pause and looked at Taeyeon. "And who might you be?" She asked.

 "Kim Taeyeon, ma'am." Taeyeon took a bow.

 "Oh daughter of Kim HanJi? Nice to meet you." Mrs. Im shook hands with Taeyeon. "Uhh.. N-no ma'am." Taeyeon smiled correcting the lady.

 "Hmm.. Kim of the Dream company? Or Kim of the Skylight airlines?" Taeyeon still shook her head no.

 "Still no? Hmm.."

 "Taeyeon's family is simple and humble." Tiffany cut in. Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany then to Mrs. Im. "Ohh.. So.. They're not known?" Tiffany answered no proudly.

 "I s-see.. Oh well later Tiffany-ssi." She looked at Taeyeon judging and quite sighing, she then left with Mr. Im.

 Taeyeon took a deep breath. "Yoona's mother tensed me." Tiffany hugged Taeyeon tight. "Don’t worry about her.. She's very attached with the rich for the rich thingy." Tiffany joked and Taeyeon laughed.

 "Most of people here are like that Tae-Tae.."

 "I'm glad you aren't one of them."

 They suddenly turned their attention to Mrs. and Mr. Im talking to a guard by the entrance. Taeyeon saw a familiar face on the entrance.

 "Is that Joohyun-ssi?" Taeyeon said. Tiffany looked at where Taeyeon looked. "Your right.. Let's greet her."

Tiffany dragged Taeyeon towards the entrance hall.

 "Joohyun-ssi you might want to change in attire first.." Mr. Im proposed. "You see this is a party.."

 "I just need to talk to Yoona." Seohyun had tension and anger building up as she talked to Mr. Im but she kept calm.

 "Joohyun!" Tiffany waved at her. "Unnie.."

 Tiffany and Taeyeon approached Seohyun.

 "Unnie.. Can you call Yoona for me?" She asked Taeyeon and Tiffany. "There's Yoona-ssi." Taeyeon pointed at Yoona in a blue dress, everyone looked at Yoona.

 "Seohyun!" Yoona looked at Seohyun, she quickly ran up to Seohyun.


Chapter 75 - Just Disaster


 Walking, a figure was walking on an unknown world. Everything was white but there were white flowers flying everywhere in an uncertain unknown world.

 "Yuri!" The person looked back to a childish voice calling. "Yuri-ah!" She looked back, she found no one there. As Yuri looked to her front everything became black.

 "Remember my words.. Be prepared."

 She heard her own voice warn so. Yuri became so confused that she ran but the floor she ran on never ended. She just kept on running. "Yuri!" Someone called her, it seemed so familiar but Yuri didn't look back. Yuri then fell on a pit.

 "Waaaah!!" Yuri suddenly sat up. She was all sweaty. Yuri looked around her room; it was all a bad dream.

 "What was my dream again?" Yuri forgot her dream fast. She lied on her bed again, trying to think what it was.

 "Be prepared.." She said herself. It was a scary warning; it seemed something bad was coming.

 Back at the Im mansion.

 "Yoona.." Yoona approached Seohyun fast. She quickly dragged Seohyun inside the hall; guests looked at Seohyun with such judging eyes. Mr. and Mrs. Im decided to follow their daughter.

 "Yoon, Joohyun-ssi should change her clothing first. She's catching the eyes of our guests.." Mr. Im pulled Yoona and whispered. "I'll lend her some dress. Excuse us dad.." Yoona made way her again, passing her parents off to a spot where there were only the two of them, the gardens.

 "Seohyun! Seohyun! Seohyun!" Yoona happily hugged Seohyun. "Yoona.." Seohyun also hugged Yoona. As they broke the hug, both of the smiled.

 "Seohyun.. I talked to my dad. Turns out your mother was making up stories.." Yoona spoke happily but Seohyun didn’t like this news. "Making up?"

 "Yes. Your mother had a liking to my dad, I can't question that though.. She's working in a club anyways.." Yoona said relief. "And since your mother was a crazy liar, she's not good to be around. Seohyun stay here instead.." Yoona gladly kissed Seohyun's hand.

 For a while, Seohyun remained silent.

 "How can you describe my mother with such words.." Seohyun looked down on her feet. "She's not lying Yoona. I feel it.. My mother apologized to me.. I feel what she told us was the truth." She defended her mother.

 "I-Im sorry but.. Do you expect me to trust your mentally ill mother than my well-minded parents?" Yoona argued. She refused to believe Seohyun's mother.

 "Yoona.. I expect you to be by my side.. I expect you to believe me; like my feelings for you, like how I love you." Seohyun looked up to Yoona with a hurtful face. Yoona devastatedly took a step back for she does not know what to reply.

  "No Seohyun.. Y-you can't.. Criticize my family.. No.. I grew up with them! They're good people! Now trust me on this!" Yoona poured her feelings to disagree against Seohyun.


 Seohyun kept her hands on her lips, not wanting to cry so hard. The Yoona she believed to be a hero who would defend her against anything, turned out to be a false belief. Yoona cannot fight for Seohyun, not against her family, the family she trusted more than Seohyun.

 "I just want you to fight for me.. Yoona.." Seohyun's tears poured on her hands, hurt and broken. And all Yoona did was stand in front with wide eyes. "I had feared you would choose them.." Seohyun cried so hard, as she felt abandoned. "Y-yo-oon-n-a.."

 "Seohyun.. I-I.." Yoona was about to approach Seohyun when Tiffany called her.

 "Yoona! My dad wants to.. Talk to.. You.." Tiffany slowed down seeing Seohyun crying. She retreated and left Yoona and Seohyun.

 Yoona grabbed Seohyun's hand to drag her inside.

 "I don’t want to! Your family hates me and my mother.. And so do we!" Seohyun spoke as she wiped her eyes and nose, she tried to fight Yoona's grip but Yoona wouldn't let her go. "Aiish! Just follow me darn it!" Yoona forcefully dragged Seohyun. Even if Seohyun would almost trip over, Yoona still continued to drag her inside.

  "I'll prove to you how good my family is.. I'll show you!"

 "You dont nee-"

 "Stop talking Seohyun and show my family some respect. Please!" With Yoona's dominance, Seohyun shut up and obediently obeyed Yoona's request.

 Yoona saw her parents’ wave at her inside the room they talked at earlier. Inside the room, Taeyeon, Tiffany and her father was there.

 Tiffany held Seohyun's wrist. "You ok,maknae?" Seohyun smiled fake. Yoona pulled Seohyun beside her and Tiffany returned to Taeyeon.

 "All of you were not aware of this event aren't you guys?" Mr. Im spoke, he could feel Seohyun's glare at him.

 "What is this about anyways?" Yoona replied.

 "Well.. Im Company and Hwang are in partnership now." Mr. Im happily announced, Mr. Hwang happily clapped.

 "That's great news dad!" Tiffany also clapped. Taeyeon followed her girlfriend. "Congratulations sir."

 Tiffany dragged Taeyeon to her father. "Dad since you're happy today, I'd like you to meet Tae-"

 "Tiffany-ssi, your father and us.. We agreed on something very important and to celebrate it we had this party." Mrs. Seo, looked at Seohyun and back to Tiffany.

 "We're engaging you with Yoona."

 "What?!" Tiffany disrespectfully said. "B-But wh-why?! Dad how could you!? First Yuri now Yoona?!" Tiffany turned to her father. Mr. Hwang happily smiled. "I thought it would be the best, you and Yoona-ssi are friends anyways right?"

 "Taeyeon's my girlfriend! Dad! I love Taeyeon!" Tiffany shouted at her father. She looked back to Taeyeon. "Tae.. I love you dont worry.."  Taeyeon couldn't say a word on what she just heard. Tiffany caressed Taeyeon's cheek. "Tae-Tae look at me.. I love you I won’t allow that.." Tiffany tried to smile for Taeyeon.

 "Tiffany-ssi, open your eyes. You're not fit for someone like her.. Y-your future is to be treasured, assured and secured.. With Yoo-"

 "Shut up! I do what I want with my life!" Tiffany angrily shouted at Mr. Im, she didnt care if this was such a disrespectful act.

"It was accepted by your father.. Tiffany-ssi.." Mrs. Im implied but Tiffany didn’t care. She comforted Taeyeon all she can.

 "Now.. Do you see your family Yoona?" Seohyun said on Yoona's back. "The family you believed." With her last words, Seohyun let go of Yoona's hands. She took a step backwards and hurriedly left the room.

 "Joohyun! Hey Joohy-" Tiffany tried to stop her she looked at Yoona. "Yoona! Yoona! What are you standing there for?! Go and follow Joohyun!" She scolded Yoona but Yoona didnt respond.

 "Tae.. Let’s just go." Tiffany took Taeyeon with her.

 "Stephanie! Stop this. This is for the best.. Apologize for your unethical acts." Tiffany's father furiously spoke but Tiffany was determined to be with Taeyeon, she continued to walk until.

 "Unnie.. No.. Tiffany.." Tiffany looked back to see Yoona's grip on her wrist. "Taeyeon, let go of Tiffany.. She's not meant for you."

 With such words, the day Taeyeon declared them to be destined flash in her mind. Taeyeon cried, hurt. To her there was no more chances, first Yuri and now this. For Taeyeon, it seemed fate really doesn’t want them together.

 Taeyeon let go of Tiffany's hands and ran away. Tiffany tried to follow her but Yoona hugged her tight. Yoona was strong, it was hard to get away from her grip.

 "Taeyeon! Taaeeeyeon! Taeyeon!"

 Tiffany screamed to her lungs out, cried so hard but Taeyeon didn’t came back.

 "Tae.." Tiffany gave up, she just cried as Yoona held on to her.


Chapter 76 - Emotionally Sick

 Taeyeon had a hard time running away with her high heels on. As she ran, she cried heavily, ruining her make-up and her hair. But Taeyeon didnt care, for whom would she look good for anyways? Tiffany was out from her life once more, Taeyeon was completely sad and depressed.

 "Curse this heels! Curse this height!.." Taeyeon threw the heels on the streets and walked in bare feet. She wiped her tears and nose. Taeyeon saw a bench, she sat down on it and opened her cell phone.

 "Ppani-ah.." Taeyeon cried as she saw the wallpaper. A picture of her and Tiffany.

 "Tae-Tae! You're still using our old picture as a wallpaper?"

 "I-Its all I have.." Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon's cellphone. "Let's take a new one.." She held the cellphone and placed her finger ready to take a shot.

 "Smile Tae-Tae!"

 Taeyeon smiled with of her all white-teeth exposed.

 "1.. 2.. 3!"

 Tiffany kissed Taeyeon on her cheek and took the shot.

 "Yaaah! Tae-Tae we're so cute! Now put that as a wallpaper.."

 Taeyeon cried and shivered as she remembered Tiffany. She remembered everything, their special night together and the first time they shared a bond only the both of them knew.

"O-okay.. Uhhm.. Ppani-ah.. I'm not an expert at this.. So forgive me if I disappoint y-you.. Its my first."

 "It’s my first as well.. Dont worry."

 The days she first saw Tiffany and when they sang together.

 "Sir, I think you have a nice voice but that mask stops you from so.. Anyways! Goodbye!"

 Tiffany's bright eye smile. Everything about her..

 "I believe were meant to be, time has given me this chance.. To be with you."

 "Yeah. We're meant to be."

 "I believe so too, Taeyeon."

 But reminiscing about it makes Taeyeon cry even more. She hated the actual truth that fate has forbidden them to be together; fate has crushed Taeyeon's belief.

 Every moment she remembered, every smile, happiness, hardship and sadness they went through.. Taeyeon shed tears for each of them.

 "Ppani-ah.. I guess.. We're not meant to be.."

 Taeyeon turned off her phone.

 "Hey.. Here.." A handkerchief was handed to Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked up to who it was.

 "Moron.. What’s your problem?"

 "S-Sica.." Taeyeon stood up and hugged Jessica. She hugged Jessica tight, Taeyeon needed someone to lean on and Taeyeon cried heavily, displacing all her heavy feelings on Jessica's comforting help.


 "Just tell me when you're able ok?.." While crying Taeyeon nod her head, because she cannot say a word as her crying stopped her from saying anything.

 "I'm here to help.." Jessica supported Taeyeon. She hugged Taeyeon back.

 Back at the Im mansion party,

 "Dad.. How could you.." Tiffany and her father was left talking in a corner where no guests are interrupting. Mr. Hwang himself asked privacy from the Im family.

 "Stephanie.. I.. I'm sorry.." The man tried to comfort her daughter but Tiffany looked away. "I cannot believe you'll engaged me.. I-I thought you told me you wanted me to find love like you and mom? I thought love was a special destiny that.. That.. Still.." Tiffany could not hold her sadness and anger anymore. Her emotions were torn in this very tragic event of her life.

 "I thought this was the best for you.. I cared about your future.." Mr. Hwang sadly explained. He sat down at the nearest chair and rubbed his forehead. "Stephanie.. I'm not growing any younger.. In fact I'm getting older everyday.. Weaker.." Mr. Hwang took a pause and took out his wallet with a picture of his family.

 "I just thought.. That before the day my life ends.. I wanted you.. In good hands.. In someone who can spoil you like I do.. Whom will give you happiness your mother and I wished." Tiffany's heart was slowly melting realizing his father never intended this all. Mr. Hwang held Tiffany's hand. "I'm not perfect my daughter.. But I wanted the best for you.. I.. I am.. Sorry about you and Taeyeon.."

 Tiffany looked away. She walked away from her father and took air outside.

 Tiffany lost all of her anger towards her father, but she was trapped in sadness where she was pulled away from the person she loved the most.

 "What are you crying for?"

 Yoona went near her. Tiffany wiped her tears and looked at Yoona. "Yoona-ah, isn't this a bad dream..?" She asked.

 "Apparently this is reality." Yoona said straightforward.

 "It hurts.. I hurt Taeyeon once and now this.." Tiffany blamed herself for everything.

 "Forget Taeyeon.. You have no other choice anyways.." Yoona came beside Tiffany. She looked up to the stars above. "What you told me back then.. You were right.." Yoona said. Tiffany didn't reply.

"That sometimes, there's something else.. That you need to consider before love.." Yoona copied what Tiffany had told her back then. Tiffany turned to face Yoona.

 "No, Yoona when you love someone you'll consider them upon anything and fight for them.." Tiffany corrected her own words. "And I will fight for Taeyeon.." Tiffany was determined in this, she walked away from Yoona. Yoona held her wrist.

 "Just forget about it, you cannot break what's been agreed on already.." Yoona fought but Tiffany forcefully pulled her hand away from Yoona's grip.

 "I can.. As long as Taeyeon is with me."

 With her last words, Tiffany left Yoona standing there alone.


 "Uhmm?" Taeyeon was leaning on Jessica's shoulder as Jessica escorted her to their shop.

 "Remember this place? Where Yoona dropped me by?" Jessica reminded Taeyeon. Taeyeon didn't reply but it came to her mind, about Yoona and her expensive car.

 "I'm sorry I don't have a car.." Unconsciously Taeyeon said so. She thought of contrasting herself against Yoona.

 "Ofcourse you don't.." Jessica replied, she took a deep breath and tapped Taeyeon's shoulder.

 "Hey.. Moron. Do I have to bring you up to your room?" Jessica said as she looked up to Taeyeon's house. Taeyeon just gave Jessica her keys.

 "So you expect me to really get you to your room.." Jessica said in sarcasm. She dropped Taeyeon to the ground, but even if Taeyeon's arm hit the ground she did not respond.

 "Yaaah! Kim Taeyeon get up and get some sleep!" Jessica scolded but Taeyeon remained the same. "Heey! Get up!" Jessica lightly kicked Taeyeon on her leg but Taeyeon remained still.

 "Taeyeon enough sobbing, uhhg! Troublesome dork!" Jessica held Taeyeon's hands and tried to pull the girl up. Taeyeon did got up then she wrapped an arm around Jessica's shoulders.

 Jessica had no choice but to open the gates for Taeyeon. She unlocked the lock and carried Taeyeon inside like a drunken person. "Uuugh! Darn you Taeyeon! I'll get you for this!" Jessica angrily said, she tried to look if anyone was home and awake but no one answered.

 She decided to just bring Taeyeon to her bed and leave. And so Jessica did. "Now go get some rest." Jessica threw a pillow to Taeyeon.

 Jessica walked towards the door but she stopped to look back at Taeyeon who's not even saying any words.

 "Taeyeon.." As she looked at Taeyeon, the girl just looked up to the ceiling crying again like earlier.

 Jessica closed the door once more. "I wonder what happen to you.."

 "Is it Fany again?" Jessica guessed, Taeyeon nod her head. "Geeez you two.." Jessica sat on Taeyeon's bed.

 "What is it this time?"

 "Were finished." Taeyeon looked at Jessica.


Chapter 77 - Deep Slumber

 Another school day starts; Yuri has woken up with a very great attitude. She quickly packed up and got ready for school. She and Jessica decided to meet up to walk to school together.

 "Good morning my one and only Jessica!" Yuri waved at Jessica. Jessica didn’t reply much though. "Morning.."

 Yuri held Jessica's hand and smiled at her. "I missed you already darn it!" Still Jessica didn’t reply much.

 "Yeah.. Sure.." Jessica looked sleepy and gloomy.

 "You ok, Sica-baby?" Yuri asked.

 "I'm fine.. Just sleepy.." Jessica replied, she comfortably rested her shoulder on Yuri's shoulder. "You sure?" Yuri wrapped her arm around Jessica's shoulder.

 "Yea.." Jessica replied.

 "Hmm.. Okay then.. Did you know I had a weird dream last night.." Yuri started to walk and talk about her dream last night. But as she took a step, Jessica didn't advance.

 "Sica?" She tried calling Jessica, but she replied with nothing.

 "Did you fall asleep?" Yuri tried asking again but it seemed as if Jessica really did fell asleep. Yuri carefully rested Jessica on her chest.

 "How can you fall asleep all too sudden?" Yuri asked, amazed at her girlfriends somehow unbelievable sleepiness.

 "You could have slept in my room instead if your this tired Sica.." Yuri joked but Jessica was still asleep. "Are we skipping school?" Yuri looked at her wristwatch. They were 10minutes late.

 Yuri had no other choice but to stand there and support Jessica. People passed and looked at them but Yuri had to support Jessica, especially be her shoulder to lean on when she's in need.

 20 minutes more, somehow Yuri's feet were sore, from the long time she was standing supporting her own body and Jessica’s.

 This is how Yuri makes Jessica feel her love, with patience. Yuri may not be as what she seemed to be but Yuri cares for Jessica with unknown boundaries.

 Jessica moved a bit, she started to move her head and looked around. "W-wher?"

 "Finally awake sleeping beauty?" Yuri asked. Jessica looked up to Yuri, confused.

 "Did I fell asleep?" Jessica asked.


 "And we're super late?"

 "Yepp.." Jessica moved away from Yuri. "Yuri."

 "Yes?" Yuri asked Jessica. "Sorry.." Jessica said as she held Yuri's hand with her own. Yuri smiled. "For what?"

Jessica took a moment and stared at Yuri, she smiled.

 "Nothing.." Jessica said. She dragged Yuri with the direction she wanted and Yuri followed her obediently.

 "Can we walk around?" Jessica asked, Yuri replied saying it was ok.

 "Sica, know what I remember this.." Yuri said, she recalled some part of her dream.

 "Last night.. I think I had a dream about you and me.. You.. Dragging me somewhere.." Yuri tried to recall it all. "And then.. I lost you.. And when I tried to reach out for you.." Yuri stopped walking. Jessica stopped as well, she looked back to Yuri.

 "I fell.." Yuri's expression somehow became sad. She held on tight to Jessica's hand.

 "It was a nightmare.. I dont wanna lose you like that." Yuri tried to smile, though somehow this dream was surreal.

 "It’s just a dream.. Silly." Jessica went closer to Yuri, she comforted Yuri by clinging on to Yuri's arm.

 "This is real. Do you want me to slap you? To make you feel this is real?" Jessica joked but she hugged Yuri's arm tighter.

 "No need. I'm enjoying your oh so real chest anyways.." Yuri whispered the last part, making sure she was the only one who heard it.

 "You were saying?" Jessica asked.

 "Nothing, princess. I said you're beautiful, problem is you have hearing deficiency." Yuri joked earning her a mild push from Jessica. They both laughed at their sweet bonding time until Jessica remembered school.

 "Uhg.. Yuri.. Aren't we going to school?"

 "Were already an hour late."

 Jessica sat down on a see-saw, quite annoyed with a pouting face. "Geez.. I'm getting sleepy again." She complained. Yuri bended her knee and leveled herself to Jessica. "Then let’s go to my house.. My mom's on her work anyways." Yuri smiled sheepishly.

 "No thanks.. You, me alone? Remember our promise with daddy?" Jessica sighed, she closed her eyes.

 "Not like anything will happen right?" Jessica stood up. Yuri looked up to her, smiling like an idiot. "So you're going?"

 "I wanna sleep." Yuri stood up as well and they went to the taxi cab station.

 Back at SooMan high, 3A classroom;

 "Taeyeon-ah, about the visitors coming to the school.." After the teacher came out, Sunny asked Taeyeon about their college support. "They said they want to meet us.."

Sunny took a seat on her table. "I hope they choose us.. I mean. I wanna finish a college degree.."

 Sooyoung joined in the conversation. "I've heard Yoona's family is one of the sponsors." Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung. "I dont wanna meet them then.." Taeyeon said.

 "Woah-woah Taengoo, why not?" Sooyoung asked. Sunny also questioned Taeyeon.

 "I think I wanna work.. Then I'll help myself studying college." Taeyeon answered their questions. Sooyoung and Sunny looked at each other.

 They got back to their seats as they all heard their teacher enter the room.

 At Yuri's house,

 "Yuri.." Jessica was lying on Yuri's bed, facing the ceiling. Yuri was sitting on the floor, with her back against her bed. "Yes?"

 "We're you once bothered by what future you said? Her warning..?" Jessica spoke, Yuri looked up as well.

 "Of course.. I was.." Yuri answered. Yes, she feared those words as well, it haunted her night time and daylight. "I wondered what is it about.. I feel it’s something bad but.." Yuri took a pause.

 "What can choosing one person to love cause?" Yuri brushed her hair back with her right hand. Jessica turned to Yuri's side.

 "Cause? Maybe its effect.." Jessica contrasted.

 "What if choosing me only was wrong?" Jessica expressed, she held Yuri's hand. Yuri stood up and sat by Jessica. "It's not wrong. Tell me when did having three wives become right?" Yuri expressed, she admits she has a big responsibility if what Jessica was implementing was a big matter but Yuri chooses to stick to her word.

 "Like what mom said, hold on to me.. We'll be alright." Yuri smiled and kissed Jessica's hand, to her fingertips.

 "Yuri.." Jessica sat up and held Yuri's hand.

 "Yes?" Yuri smiled.

 "I need to tell you something.. Please understand me. Dont get mad."

 Yuri's smile turned into an uncertain smile.

 "I-It depends.."


Chapter 78 - Wide Awake

(Forgive me for cutting the YulSic part last time and up until now, sorry guys. Dont kill me please! So as early as now, I need to tell you the following events happen the same time YulSic was on their way to Yuri's house)

At SooMan high Lunch Break,

 "Tiff, can you ask Taeyeon about this?" Hyoyeon handed Tiffany a notebook. Tiffany sadly looked at her friend. "I can't.." The two friends exited their classroom last, outside someone waited in front of their room, Yoona.

 "Let's eat?" Yoona looked at Tiffany with her arms crossed. Hyoyeon looked at the two confused. "Uh.. Is something the matter?" She asked. Tiffany took Hyoyeon's wrist and dragged her away. Yoona followed them of course.

 Walking down the stairs, they met Taeyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung holding some papers and heading up stairs.

 "Tae.." Tiffany's eyes were locked with Taeyeon. "Taeyeon we need to talk.." Tiffany approached Taeyeon, Taeyeon passed by Tiffany. "Excuse me, Ppani-ah I have things I need to do." Sooyoung and Sunny looked at Taeyeon who walked away. Taeyeon looked back to her two friends. "What are you guys waiting for? Let’s go. Then we'll have our lunch.." Taeyeon smiled at Sooyoung and Sunny, the two tailed Taeyeon on.

 Taeyeon stopped for a while to look at Yoona, surprised and quite shaking. Yoona also looked at Taeyeon, she gave a bow and left Taeyeon. All the while, Taeyeon knows where Yoona went, to Tiffany. But Taeyeon was silently changing as well, she took her first step moving on. "Let’s go! Lets finish this and eat!"

 "Are you two fighting?" Hyoyeon asked as Tiffany remained still by the staircase. "I guess so.. Yoona? Do you know something?" Hyoyeon turned to ask Yoona but before Yoona can explain, they got distracted by  Tiffany running to the same direction where Taeyeon went and no Yoona didn't stop her.

 "Do you wanna eat Hyoyeon-unnie?" Yoona asked while starring at Tiffany running. "I'm currenly worried about Tiffany and Taeyeon.." Hyoyeon looked down and she saw a familiar girl going up stairs. "Joohyun-ah."

 "Hi, Unnie.." Seohyun said hi to Hyoyeon, she didn't look at Yoona as she passed by and Yoona did the same. As if both dont know each other. "Joohyun-ah, aren't you gonna eat with us?" Hyoyeon asked, stopping Seohyun from walking.

 "Sorry unnie, I have some things to do." She apologized and gave Hyoyeon a bow before leaving.

 "Are you two? Fighting as well?" Hyoyeon asked Yoona, Yoona replied. "No. We broke up.."

Meanwhile, Tiffany  was looking for Taeyeon though she followed her direction, she lost Taeyeon.

 As she roamed the Senior floor, she saw Taeyeon giving someone a bow. Tiffany tried to call on Taeyeon. "Tae-!" She was stopped when she saw Yoona's mother, she quickly hid by the nearest place she could, the corner turn of the floor.

 "What is she doing here? What is she telling my Taeyeon?" Tiffany questioned, but an answer popped into her mind. Kwa! That woman! She might lie to Taeyeon, I-I can’t let her do so! Tiffany mentally thought.

She tightened her fist, preparing to get on them, but when she jumped in front.

 "T-Tae!" She and Taeyeon faced each other, Mrs. Im already left, on her way back to the office.

 "Tae.. Did she tell you something..?" Tiffany asked Taeyeon. "What did you two talk about?" She added.

 "Nothing, it’s about the college scholarship they're offering.. I turned it down." Taeyeon replied. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon sad. "You could find another scholarship right? With your brain, you can get in Seoul University!" She tried to cheer on Taeyeon.

 "Nah, I think I'll work for a while.. Provide myself help I needed." Taeyeon smiled, she walked ahead and Tiffany followed.

 "We're still together right, Tae? You are not leaving me right?" Tiffany asked as she tailed Taeyeon wherever.

 "You'll be strong with me. We'll pull through.. Together." She added but Taeyeon continued ignoring her. "Taeyeon and Tiffany are meant to be remember?" Tiffany said and with such words Taeyeon stopped walking.

 "I don't believe in it anymore." Taeyeon coldly said.

 "Wh-why Tae-Tae?"

 "We can pull through.. Apart.. We need to forget and move on Ppani-ah." She turned and gave Tiffany a hug. Tiffany couldn't help but hug back, no it did not matter whether a teacher or anyone could see them like this; with Taeyeon giving up on her. "Dont do this.." She pleaded.

 "I will.. Ppani-ah, you tak-"

 "-Shut up! You'll take care of me!" Tiffany tightens her hug. "Yoona will be the one to do so." Taeyeon lifelessly retreated her arms around Tiffany.

 "No.. Don't you love me anymore Taeyeon?" Tiffany cried. Taeyeon closed her eyes shut, such words penetrated her cold heart. She wanted so badly to answer no, to tell Tiffany she loves her so much.. But Taeyeon's mind commanded her to stop.

 "Let's move on, let our past be just a memory.. Happy and not.." Taeyeon replied, she wiped Tiffany's tears.

 "We're still friends don't worry.. When you need me just text me.. Whatever Yoona couldn't give or do, I'll try to, Ok?" Taeyeon smiled for Tiffany, Taeyeon was maturing and opening her eyes to reality.

 Tiffany didn't reply. She could not move on, even with Yoona by her side. She was simply stuck, her heart was tied to Taeyeon and Taeyeon only. "Taeyeon I love you.. I'm dead serious!"

Taeyeon was letting go but Tiffany wasn't. Taeyeon tried to push Tiffany away but Tiffany hugged on to her tight.

 "I know you love me! I-I know it! Taeyeon you told me you won’t leave me!" Tiffany struggled against Taeyeon.

 "Ppani-ah! Stop being such a brat! J-just let go!" Taeyeon forced Tiffany's arms off her. Tiffany was so shocked, her tears fell as her eyes were open wide.

 "I'm tired of your immaturity so grow up a little ok?!" Taeyeon turned her back and walked away from Tiffany. She walked away because her heart was starting to melt once more, she couldn't bare being so close to Tiffany it hurts her yet it makes her somehow delightful, that Tiffany loves her like so. But she hurt Tiffany deeply with her words and though Taeyeon knew, she had to stop the younger girl from chasing a hopeless fate.

 But Tiffany couldn't read minds, to her Taeyeon was completely tired of her, Taeyeon doesn't want her anymore.

 Tiffany stood in the same spot for minutes, with eyes crying, seeing truth that their love was no more; their love crumbled and fell to the ground. A feeling, wide awake to reality.

  hapter 79 - Change in Hearts

 Meanwhile at the cafeteria,

 Yoona and Hyoyeon were trying to find vacant seats for them so sit in.

 "Uhmm.. Yoona..? Maybe we're not close enough for me to ask this but.." Hyoyeon paused her words to look at Yoona's expression.

 "It’s ok, unnie." Yoona assured. "Oh there's one.." Yoona pointed at one spot and she went there, Hyoyeom followed her of course.

 When they took their seat, Yoona told Hyoyeon to hold their conversation for a while, to get some lunch. After they had come back, Yoona asked Hyoyeon what she wanted to ask.

 "Why did such a lovely couple like you and Joohyun break up?" Hyoyeon asked. Yoona took a moment and looked at her food. "Oh! If its private, you can keep it as that ok Yoona?" Hyoyeon gave respect to the former couple’s privacy. "No its okay.. I was just thinking.. Tiffany should be the one telling her close friends." Yoona smiled at Hyoyeon.

 "Tiffany? Fany? Tiffany Hwang? Our Tiffany?" Hyoyeon was completely confused.

 "Yes her." Yoona answered, Hyoyeon's mouth opened in shock. "Tiffany?! Don’t tell me y-you and Tiffany? I m-mean.. Tiffany is the reason why you two broke up?!" Hyoyeon was so intrigued by this issue, she wanted to know more now that her friend was involved.

 "Not exactly her.. You see unnie.. Our parents decided on us, to be together." Yoona explained, Hyoyeon sadly looked down. "Oh my.. T-thats so sad right? It broke you and Joohyun, then Tiffany and Taeyeon.." Hyoyeon felt sympathy to her friends, their relationships went crashing down in an instant.

 "A bit sad, but you see.. I woke up to the fact that love isn't magical fairy tales of happy endings.. We won't always get the happily ever after. It’s just made-up stories to make kids fall asleep."

Yoona's perception of love went completely cold, she doesn't believe in the magical love she and Seohyun once had. For Yoona, when it all came crashing down, she became weak and was completely stuck to a decision, decided for her.

 "Yoona.. What did Tiffany say about it?" Hyoyeon asked, somehow, Yoona's perception of love bothered her but she could not suggest Yoona anything, they are not that close anyways.

 "She loves Taeyeon of course. She'll fight.. She says.. As long as Taeyeon's on her side." Yoona looked far, Hyoyeon couldn't get if Yoona felt sad about it but it seemed she didnt care.

 But one person still has Yoona's concern, Seohyun. She sought Seohyun far away from their table, the sight of the girl made her stop her from eating. Seohyun walked towards an empty table with her books and papers.

 Aish this girl, study already? She needs to eat lunch first. Yoona was concerned about Seohyun.

 Seohyun sat on a vacant table far from Yoonas, it seemed she didn’t notice Yoona's consistent stare at her so Yoona continued to eat again.

 Back at Yuri's house,

 "I-It depends.." Yuri replied with a stone face. Jessica sat up and looked at Yuri with a bit sad expression.

"Hahaha!" Jessica laughed.

 "Wae?!" Yuri got confused at Jessica's sudden laughing.

 "You should have seen your face! You look like you lost a gamble betting your all to it." Jessica continued to laugh. Yuri tickled Jessica for a revenge. "Yaaaah! H-how dare you trick me like that!" Jessica continued to laugh.

 "But y-your face hahaha!"

 "The face which Jessica is so crazy about!"

 They stil continued to laugh, with Yuri's tickle on Jessica's waist.

 But then their laughing time stopped, when they realized the position they were in. Yuri's face were close to Jessicas, both of them blushed.



 Jessica suddenly pulled and kissed Yuri. It was soft and gentle, though Yuri was quite surprised, it felt so sweet for her that she doesn't want to stop it but Yuri stopped.

 "Promise with your dad, Jessica-ah?" Yuri teased.

 "Okay then tell me you dont like my lips." Jessica can play the teasing game better than Yuri.

 "O-of course I love it!" Yuri lost and Jessica laughed, Yuri lied beside Jessica to make their selves more comfortable. Facing each other and scanning each other's facial structures. Yuri leaned closer for another kiss.

 "But what I'm supposed to say a while ago.." Jessica stopped her.

 "Uhh- no fair! You kissed me, I shoul-"

 "Listen first." Jessica arched her eye brow. "Okay.." Yuri shut up and obeyed Jessica.

 "I was with Taeyeon last night.. And.."

 Yuri didnt change in expression, she patiently waited for Jessica's explanation first before reacting. Though somehow it bothered her.

 "And she was crying by the streets. I carried her to her house, it was nearby anyways.." Jessica explained, Yuri remained in the same behavior.

 "She told me she and Tiffany broke up, she cried about it the whole night.. She told me Yoona an-"

 "Wait wait wait princess! Y-yoona? Why is Yoona in this story about Taeyeon and Tiffany?!" Jessica slapped Yuri's shoulder.

 "Let me finish first!"

 "O-okay sorry.."

 "As I was saying..  She told me Yoona and Tiffany are getting engaged. Then she cried afterwards, nagging about fate and something like giving up on Tiffany.. Now reactions?" Jessica finished her explanation.

 "Did you ask Tiffany about it? Even if they are getting engaged, i'm sure none of them will accept it." Yuri wrapped an arm around Jessica. "That's what you think. Taeyeon told me, Seohyun and Yoona accepted it." Jessica poked Yuri's forehead. "And Taeyeon said she will too."

 "Wh-what? Yoona?!" Yuri was surprised, Yoona wouldnt let Seohyun go. "M-maybe theres a better explanation for this.. I mean Yoong won’t give up on Joohyun that easily." Yuri tried to look for a positive note on this happening. She remembered every effort Yoona had exerted just for Seohyun.

"I hope they get back soon. I don’t want our friends avoiding each other.." Jessica moved closer to Yuri. She hated the fact her friends are currently rolling on a relationship downfall.

 Yuri noticed Jessica's sadden face, she needed to change the mood quick. She hates seeing Jessica sad anyways.

 "So that's why your all sleepy.. You stayed up all night with Taeyeon!" Yuri exclaimed a joke. "Yaaah you! You deserve a punishment!" Yuri was all loud.

 Jessica needed silence and peace, so to stop Yuri she kissed Yuri. "Apology accepted?" She asked after her kiss.

 "Not yet. One more.. No two more."

 Yuri kissed Jessica.


Chapter 80 - Cookie Revelation

After Classes,

 "Hey Taeyeon! You're not going home with Tiffany today!?" Sooyoung ran up to Taeyeon who's on a hurry to leave the school building. "Nope.." Taeyeon replied as she packed her things on her bag. She grabbed her bag and went outside their classroom.

 "Taeyeon, I'm guessing you two are on a quarrel again eh?" Sooyoung wrapped an arm on Taeyeon's shoulder.

 "We're friends." Taeyeon slipped away from Sooyoung and ran away. But Sooyoung felt very worried at her friend, she continued to chase the shorter girl.

 As Taeyeon ran down the stairs, Sunny pulled her up again. "Taeyeon if you have problems you could tell us." Sunny helped Taeyeon get up.

 "I don't have any.. I just wanna go home.." Taeyeon was really in a hurry. "I really need to go home you two." She begged Sooyoung and Sunny.

 "Okay fine." Sunny allowed her to go, Taeyeon brightly thanked her two concerned friends.

 Taeyeon went down stairs in a hurry, Sooyoung and Sunny followed her. But they saw Taeyeon stopping by the last step to the second floor.

 "What's wrong Tae?" Sooyoung asked Taeyeon.

 "N-nothing.." Taeyeon resumed going down stairs again. Sunny looked at the 2-A classroom, Tiffany was waiting there. "Taeyeon.. I think she's waiting for you.." Sunny told Taeyeon but Taeyeon pretended not to hear and continued to take steps.

 "Let’s? Taeyeon's leaving." Sooyoung asked Sunny but Sunny somehow hesitated, she wanted to tell Tiffany to go home, Taeyeon wasn't coming.

 "How long do plan on waiting?" Sunny didn't see, in front of Tiffany was Yoona leaning by the windows.

 "Taeyeon's part of the council, she has after school activities." Tiffany argued.

 "The school's empty. Everybody went home.." Yoona contrasted.

 "Taeyeon will come here." Tiffany still fought.

 "I think not."

 "She will!" Tiffany held her voice loud.

 But Yoona didn't want to argue anymore, today they didn't have anything but contrasing and fighting each other's beliefs. Nothing about them worked or clicked.

 "Tell you what, since we all got high scores on the exams I'll treat you two some food!" Sunny hugged Taeyeon and Sooyoung by the waist.

 "R-Really?! Cool! Sunny for the win!" Sooyoung showed excitement as Sunny proposed so.

 "I guess it’s okay.." Taeyeon agreed as she just wanted to be away from Tiffany and Yoona as much as possible. "If you eat too much, you'll pay half okay?" Sunny warned Sooyoung.

 "Wh-what?! I thought its your treat?!" Sooyoung frowned. "It is, just something that can fit the budger but treating you a feast isn't! Sunny fought. Sooyoung had no choice but to agree.

 "Haha!" Taeyeon laughed at her two friends.

 "Know what Soo, Sunny's way shorter than you but she makes you look little." Taeyeon continued to laugh. Her friends looked at her confused, asking how she can laugh at such a corny joke.

 "You know what they say; people with problems tend to laugh even at the corniest joke." Sunny tip-toed and whispered to Sooyoung. Sooyoung shake her head up and down to agree.

 "Taeyeon's crazy."

 "I heard that!"

 Sunny lead their group around the city, trying to find a nice food chain where they can eat together. She found one particular chain, she doesn't often eat at but she still entered it.

 "Hey wait Sunny!" Sooyoung called out for Sunny who came inside a bakeshop quick. "Aish.. Cakes? I prefer noodles right Tae?" Sooyoung pointed at a noodle shop in front of the bakeshop.

 "Uhg.. No. I hate noodles.." Taeyeon followed Sunny on, not agreeing on Sooyoung's decision to go to a noodle shop. Taeyeon had enough of noodles for a day.

 "Yuri-ah!" Sunny found Yuri inside the bakeshop, lining up on the customers buying. "U-unnie!" Yuri was surprised she saw Sunny there, somehow she got tensed thinking about Jessica and her cutting school.

 "Yuri-ah why are you here? I'm so glad to see you!" Sunny happily clung on Yuri's arm, she missed this younger girl.

 "So Yuri's here.. Hi Yuri!" Sooyoung happily greeted Yuri.  "Sooyoung!.. Taeyeon!" Yuri was quite surprised to see Taeyeon. "Hi Yuri.." Taeyeon smiled weakly.

 "Well.. Since Yuri's here as well, you wanna join us eating?" Sunny offered Yuri. Yuri slid her arm off Sunny's hold. "Uh-uhe-hehe.. I'm with Jessica.." Yuri replied, she then pointed to where Jessica is, sitting at a table in the corner. "There."

 "Oh~ Sica-ssi!" Sooyoung happily waved.

 "We should eat together then?" Sunny cutely asked.

 "I think Yuri and Jessica are on a date.." Taeyeon commented but without asking Sunny already dragged them to where Jessica is.

 After buying what they wanted,

 Sunny and Jessica sat side by side. Yuri sat near the window; next to her is Sooyoung then Taeyeon.

 "Uhg.. Really sorry we ruined your date Yul.. Sica?" Taeyeon felt guilty at Jessica and Yuri who seemed to be not having fun. "Its okay.." Yuri said and though she wanted Jessica alone she can't just tell her friends to leave them.

 "Where's Tiffany and Hyoyeon? Shouldn't they be here?" Sooyoung asked, when she said Tiffany's name she sneaked a peek at Taeyeon's reaction.

 "We're having a date.." Yuri replied. "Ohh~ A date.. A date?! Wh-why didnt you tell me?!" Sooyoung choked, talking while eating her cake that is.

 "Silly here." Jessica handed her a glass of water. Sooyoung drank it fast.

 "T-thanks.. Sica-ah, I can't believe you chosed Yuri!" Sooyoung frowned and acted sad. "I-I mean I had a something on you.." Sooyoung said.

 "Well sorry for you my friend!" Yuri proudly held her head high on Sooyoung.

 "I gave up on her long time ago. Its just a crush.." Sooyoung held her head high on Yuri as well. Yuri laughed at her friend's antics.

 "So you like Jessica then, that's why you know a lot about her, even that event of.. Taeyeon and Jessica at the council room..?" Sunny recalled that story, Sooyoung laughed as she remembered what she saw that time.

 "What event about Taeyeon and Jessica?" Yuri asked Sunny in enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Taeyeon and Jessica froze at the moment they remembered, Sooyoung saw the inciedent plus they never had the chance to explain.

 Taeyeon shook her head hard to signal dont to Sunny but Sunny didnt get it. Jessica was mentally preparing for Yuri's reaction, so was hers.

 "Come on, tell me! I bet its funny.." Yuri pleaded on Sooyoung. "Well.." Sooyoung kinda hesitated, she thought if Yuri and Jessica are really dating things like this are to be kept. Adding to the fact that Taeyeon beside her sweated bullets at the suspense.

 "Sooyoung told me, she saw Jessica and Taeyeon kiss at the council room. Yaah! Yuri-ah, could you imagine Taeyeon? Kissing hehe~" Sunny spilled it out.

 "Taeyeon? Jessica kiss?! Haha!" Yuri was going to laugh but it came to her slowly, the image of her Jessica kissing another while to her Jessica pushed her away every time she asked it.

 "WHAT?!" Yuri stood up slamming the table, breaking the cookies on her plates.

  hapter 81 - Withstanding

At the Hwang mansion entrance,

 "I'll do it Yoona-ssi.." Mr. Hwang himself opened Tiffany's car door. Yoona was about to open it for Tiffany but Tiffany's father insisted so.

 "Stephanie.." Mr. Hwang tried to give her daughter a weak smile.

 "Dad.." Tiffany didn’t smile back, she just went out the car and walked inside their mansion.

 "Good evening, sir." Yoona gave the man a respectful bow and rushed to Tiffany.

 Mr. Hwang felt so sad that his daughter hated him for this decision, all his life he had to fill up the mother and father part for Tiffany. It seemed he's not the best parent to Tiffany though all the man wanted was for his daughter's best.

 "You could have smiled for him a bit.." Yoona told Tiffany as Tiffany entered her room. "How can I? He broke me and Taeyeon!" Before Yoona can enter the room, Tiffany closed her door. Slam!

 "And your part of it as well Yoona!" Tiffany shouted so Yoona can hear. Yoona didn’t try to come in nor knock on Tiffany's door.

 "You act like Seohyun and I was not affected." Yoona whispered to herself. She retreated and sat on the doorstep, feeling somehow weak. She tried badly to win Tiffany even just a bit, but no. Yoona couldn't; not if she does not love the person.

 "Just go home, Yoona!" Tiffany shouted again. Yoona heard it but she remained still, she wanted a break from all this and lying on the floor was the best break she could have.

Back at Yuri at the bakeshop,


 "Y-Yuri, trust me i-it’s an acciedent!" Taeyeon explained quick, she doesn’t want her situation any harder than it was. "B-but when? How? Wh-why?" Yuri asked Taeyeon but it seemed Taeyeon was not able to explain very well. She turned to Jessica for answers.

 "I thought.. I was your first kiss.." Yuri sat again, sadden and disappointed.

 "It was an accident. It was my fault.." Jessica spoke up. Everyone on their table looked at her. "Sorry Yuri.."

 "N-no! It was my fault.. I tripped and landed on Sica.. Really sorry Yuri. We didnt mean to.." Taeyeon apologized she stood up. "If you want you can stomp on my foot as well.. Sica punished me on the right.. Yours is the left." Taeyeon proposed. Yuri looked at her and smiled.

 "You are such a dork Taeyeon.." Yuri told Taeyeon, afterwards she laughed.

 "If Jessica says it was an accident then that's all it is. I trust her." Yuri reached for Jessica's hand. She smiled at Jessica.

 "So sweet. I'm glad Jessica's in good hands." Sooyoung clapped at Yuri and Jessica's sweet moment. Sunny didn’t say a word though.

 "Besides, I don’t wanna deal with Taeyeon for taking your first kiss she's going for a rough time." Yuri shared her concerns for Taeyeon. Taeyeon sat down again and took a sip from her iced tea.

 Even the iced tea reminds me of you.. Can’t get you off my head.. Taeyeon remembered the iced tea she once served for Tiffany.

 "Sorry it's not the expensive tea.. And uhh.. Sorry about my family.."

 "It’s ok Tae, I think they are funny and this tea is good too!"

 "Taeyeon.. Hang on okay,pal? Don’t give up." Yuri encouraged Taeyeon to keep on holding on Tiffany.

 "I'm fine Yuri.. I just.. Need time to move on." Taeyeon was still stuck on her decision to let it go.

 "Taeyeon, you two came this far and you'll just let it go?" Now Jessica talked, Taeyeon held her head it aches so much because it battled her heart.

 "What's wrong with Taeyeon and Tiffany?" Sooyoung wanted to know. Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung and then Sunny, she took a moment to think if she should say she thought it was okay. To stop them from asking too many questions.

 "We broke up. She's going to get engaged to Yoona.." Taeyeon spoke, she tried badly not to cry somehow her pride was strong. It kept her tears at bay.

 "What? And you gave up! Wh-why Taeyeon that's so stupid!" Sooyoung held Taeyeon's shoulder, trying to wake her up from her stupid decision.

 "What more can I do? Her father decided on it.." Taeyeon fought.

 "You could have fought for Tiffany! Moron! You’re such an idiot!" Jessica was also mad at Taeyeon.

 "Call me what you want Sica.. But you see.. I cannot win.. I’m just an idiot? Fine! Whatever!" Taeyeon expressed herself.

 "You could have at least tried!" Yuri also disapproved.

 "G-guys.. W-were.. In a shop.." Sunny silenced her friends as people looked at them. And they did calmed down.

 "Taeyeon.." Sunny looked at Taeyeon.

 "What? Fight for Tiffany again?!" Taeyeon replied angry, she was losing her temper slowly with all these objections.

 "T-Taeyeon.. W-were just.. Concerned.." Sunny sadly said. She was somehow teary at Taeyeon shouting at her. Taeyeon felt bad at Sunny crying.

 "I-Im sorry I-I need to go.." Taeyeon felt her tears coming out so she rushed to leave immediately.

 "Taeyeon!" Yuri tried to call her but Jessica held hand and stopped her. "Let her Yuri.. Taeyeon's smart. She'll figure it out.. Soon." With Jessica's words Yuri calmed down.

With all the earlier events, the group decided to leave the shop. But Sunny was still devastated, crying at Taeyeon's rage.

 "Sunny.. Stop crying please." Sooyoung comforted her friend but Sunny didn't stop. She rubbed Sunny's back but noting changed.

 "Unnie.. Taeyeon's just.." Yuri also helped, Sunny hugged Yuri and cried by Yuri's shoulders. "Uhg.. Tae-Taeyeon's just.. Sad at the moment." Yuri hugged Sunny back. Jessica and Sooyoung looked at the two.

 "Come on Sunny, I'll treat you to a movie!" Sooyoung hyped, Sunny continued crying though. "Uhm three days lunch?" Sooyoung added but nothing changed.

 Jessica was not happy about her girlfriend hugging another, she knew Yuri was only comforting Sunny but she thinks Sunny was getting too comfortable, too close.

 "Unnie.. Don’t you worry. I'll hit Taeyeon hard for shouting at you." Jessica pulled Yuri and smiled at Sunny.

A teasing smile. "J-Jessica.." Sunny wipped her tears.

 "So we'll part ways for now. Its getting late.." Jessica looked up to the dark night sky.

 "I'll take Sunny home.." Sooyoung said. Yuri and Jessica bid goodbye and walked away.

 Sooyoung and Sunny walked together, their houses are near each other.

 "That's explains Taeyeon's behavior. I kinda feel.. Sorry for her." Sooyoung made a conversation.

 "Loving someone with another is hard." Sunny said, Sooyoung didnt quite get the connection but she agreed.

 "That's why I hate relationships.." Sooyoung stated her feelings. "Well I don't.." Sunny shared her view.

 "I want.. Someone who'll proudly tell the world they love me. Someone who won’t give up on me.. Someone romantic and funny.." Sunny smiled at the thought this dream of a special someone.

 "But relationships are not always happy-dumpy, there are bumps and humps as well.." Sooyoung contradicted.

 "If both of you are totally lost in love, both of you can create these magical happiness." Sunny was still showing happiness at this topic.

 "I guess so.. As long as you support each other." Sooyoung finally agreed to Sunny. "I hope for that someone.. Someone like her.." Sunny spoke in a low tone, looking down and sad.

 "I guess I lost my chances."

 "Hey Soo, you want some cookies?" Sunny took out a box of cookies from her bag.


 "Here, say ah!" Sunny proposed to feed a cooking to Sooyoung. Sooyoung was far tall from Sunny, Sunny held her hand up to feed her friend. Sooyoung took a bite.

 "I feel like an animal being fed." Sooyoung slowly chewed the cookie. Sunny just smiled at her.


Chapter 82 - Tell Her

Dance practice,

 "Okay guys time out!" Hyoyeon gave a short break for her group. They have been dancing hard for the finals on the competition they entered, especially Hyoyeon. She always thought about the upcoming finals, next week.

 Sooyoung sat beside Yuri wiping her sweat with a towel. "Yuri.. Can we talk for a while?" Sooyoung asked Yuri

"Sure, what up?" Yuri agreed. Sooyoung looked around the dance studio, her co-members were there.

"After practice?" Sooyoung said. Yuri agreed. The taller girl drank some water.

 "After okay Yuri?"

 "Sure sure."

 After practice,

 The group thanked each other for the hard work and they all parted ways. Hyoyeon was left in the studio, she said she wanted to practice some more; to perfect her moves.

 "Uhg.. Yuri earlier.." Sooyoung and Yuri walked towards home together. "What was it about anyways?"

 "How are you and Sica?" Sooyoung asked. Yuri quickly remembered Sooyoung has a little crush on Jessica.

 "Why are you asking?!" Yuri went on her guard.

 "N-no it-it’s not like that Yuri!" Sooyoung picked up Yuri's reaction. "I'm just asking please answer.." She added.

 "W-were.. Fine. Cool, in-love." Yuri replied, some part of her still felt suspicious. "Why ask?"

 "I just want to know.. If being in a relationship is.. Hard..?" Sooyoung rubbed her nape at such an awkward question.

 "Hmm.. It’s not that hard. You won’t even feel all the hardships when your with her. When you're by her side and her by your side." Yuri looked up to the sky, relating her words to her and Jessica.

 "I see.. I kinda.. Feel like liking someone.." Sooyoung shyly said. Yuri quickly turned to look at Sooyoung.

 "Seriously?! I thought you hate relationships?!" Yuri asked Sooyoung.

 "I-I just think I like-like.. I mean I don’t know if I am really in love.." Sooyoung proposed confusion to how she felt. Yuri placed her two hands on her friend's shoulders.

 "This person, makes you smile just by looking at this person's face?" Yuri asked, Sooyoung nod.

 "Makes you happy by being together though your only with this person for a while?" Yuri asked another, Sooyoung nod.

 "You think about this person 24/7?!" Yuri asked again but Sooyoung didn’t nod. "I think about food as well.."

 "But portions of your time was conquered by this person?!"


 "My gosh.. You’re in love!" Yuri happily hugged Sooyoung.

 "Wh-wait what?!" Sooyoung tried to comprehend all the things they talked about for a while and it came to her.

 "I-I.. Love her.." Sooyoung herself admitted.

 "Her? So who's this person?" Yuri broke the hug.

 "Sun-Sunkyu.. S-Sunny.." Sooyoung was still a bit surprised at her self-revelation. "I shouldn't have asked. Took you long to realize though.." Yuri said.

 "Tell her, Soo.." Yuri suggested. "I-I can't.." Sooyoung disagreed. She found a bench and sat on it, Yuri sat beside her. "Why not? You love her, no point in hiding."

 Sooyoung sat defeated and sad. "What if she doesn't like me back?"

 "Nonsense! You two are always together; I had always thought you two are dating." Yuri tried to encourage her friend. "Besides, what's to lose?"

 "Our friendship, Yuri-ssi.." Sooyoung thought of logics about this very important matter. "I'm afraid to lose it." Once again, Sooyoung sobbed.

 "Oh come on, what if she's waiting for some movements? You two will wait for each other's move? Like that forever? Until she finds someone brave enough to confess love to her?" Yuri told her friend encouragement to be brave at this. "Think about it Soo.. If you love her tell her. You can't go on pretending once you know you love her.." Yuri expressed, the topic actually related her largely. She also once felt the same as Sooyoung. It was the feeling she felt about her love with Tiffany in the past."If it doesnt go well.. Your friendship can fade but.. It’s better than pretending.. Lying to yourself and her." Yuri felt exactly the same on Tiffany back then, that's why she confessed.

 "But its all up to you.." Yuri took a deep breath, tired from her long speech. She patiently waited for Sooyoung's answer. The taller girl, looked down and thought about Yuri's words.

 "How should I start then?" Sooyoung asked.

 "That's the spirit!" Yuri happily supported her friend.

 "Help me ok, Yuri? You're the player here.." Sooyoung said and Yuri laughed. "No I’m not a player!"

 "You just tell her how you truly feel.. Then, don't kiss her suddenly okay?" Yuri remembered that it could have been the reason why Tiffany rejected her. "Just pour your feelings on it!"

 "Okay got that! Wish me luck Yul.." Sooyoung was now motivated, ready to tell Sunny how she feels.

 "Good luck!" Yuri cheered her friend on.

 At the Hwang mansion,

 It was afternoon and Tiffany just locked herself in her room. "Tiffany.. Just go eat something.." Yoona knocked on her doorstep.

 "I don't want to!" Tiffany was feisty and hard-headed.

Yoona didn’t seem to reply, and then Tiffany heard the door knob turn, sounds of keys clench as well.

 Yoona asked the house's care taker for a spare key.

 "Just eat up.." Yoona brought Tiffany some food. Tiffany didn’t even looked at Yoona. "You can die because of that.." Yoona sat on Tiffany's bed.

 "Why are you doing this? We both know we both love someone else." Tiffany looked far outside.

 "You're my fiancée.." Yoona took a taste of the cream soup she brought. "You're such a spoiled brat." Yoona said. Tiffany turned to look at her.

 "What? You mad about me calling you a brat? Well you certainly are.." Tiffany sadly looked at Yoona.

 "What happen to you Yoona? Why are you like this?" Tiffany asked, the Yoona she knew was now, different.

 "I grew up. You seem to be stuck at high school fairy tales though.." Yoona replied.


 "Yoona.. You love Joohyun right? Madly! Help me, help Taeyeon.. Let's help each other.. We can still fix all this!" Tiffany placed her hand on Yoonas. Yoona looked away.

 "What do you need?" Tiffany was about to smile at Yoona's reply when.

 "What do you want me to do to make you realize it’s over?" Yoona added her question. "Taeyeon already gave up on you. Seohyun did the same.. What more can you expect from people who does not want you anymore?" Yoona stood up; she turned her back on Tiffany.

 "Look around, where's this person who you wish to rescue you? Taeyeon's not here." Yoona left Tiffany's room.

 As she went outside, her mother was down stairs talking to Tiffany's father. She sighed; frustrated to the thought that Seohyun already gave up on her as well.

 "Hello? Soo, what up?" Sunny recieved a phonecall from Sooyoung. "Hi Sunny! I was wondering if you're not busy this weekend." Sooyoung quickly replied, calm and cool.

 "Well no.. Just preparing for our graduation day. Haha!" Sunny answered.

 "So will you go out with me?"

 "Sure, where to?"

 "You'll see!" Sooyoung was smiling happy Sunny was agreed to this. "Okay then, anyways we can talk later, my favorite show is on." Sunny bid Sooyoung goodbye and they both hang up.

 "So how did it go?" Yuri smiled to her friend, asking results on their date. Sooyoung proudly held her head high. "She's cool with it!"

 "Really? Wow! Good luck my friend!" Yuri brushed Sooyoung's head. "Thanks, Yul."


Chapter 83 - Glowing Confession

Lunch time at SooMan High,

 "Yuri-ah, I'm quite nervous.. Are you?"

 "Quite.. Someone here is nervous far greater than us.."


 Yuri was eating with Hyoyeon and Sooyoung for their lunch time. Hyoyeon was talking about their dance competition, it will happen in two days. Being the leader, Hyoyeon was very pressured. Sooyoung on the other hand, was nervous about her date with Sunny later after classes.

 Tiffany sat in front of the three, followed by Yoona.

 "Hi Tiff, Hi Yoong!" Yuri greeted the two smiling. Yuri thought what's the point of ignoring her friends just because their relationships tumbled? "I hope you two are ok.. Fighting!" She cheered on the two, but the later didn’t seem to be happy.

 "I think we have a very long way to develop.." Yoona sadly said, looking away. "I know, Yoong. You two never clicked anyways.. I think you should go back to Joohyun." Yuri was still eager to fix her cousin's broken relationship.

 "Yoona won't listen.. Not to you or anyone but her parents.." Tiffany commented, she looked rather pissed and angry. Yoona looked at Tiffany and pushed the tray of foods she bought.

 "Just eat Tiffany, you have been starving yourself for these days.." Tiffany looked at Yoona with a glare.

 "I'd rather die then." Tiffany pushed it back to Yoona and turned around. Yoona sighed, exhausted from all this.

 "Hey hey Tiff, might as well eat. You can't just die!" Yuri grabbed the crescent-bread and gave it to Tiffany. She bended near Tiffany. "Come on eat, you can get sick. Taeyeon won't be happy about that.. Either I or Jessica." Yuri whispered. Tiffany looked at Yuri. "Yuri, tell Taeyeon I wanna talk to her please." Yuri smiled. "Okay, I will."

 But even if Yoona can hear this request she did nothing but ignore Tiffany's whims, she turned her attention somewhere looking around for a certain girl.

 "Looking for Joohyun?" Sooyoung noticed Yoona look around the place. Yoona quickly looked down, embarassed at how she would still want to see Seohyun.

 "Joohyun's having a meeting with Taeyeon." Sooyoung said. "Jessica's there as well right?" Hyoyeon asked. Sooyoung nod while swallowing her food. "And other junior officers, etc."

 "Then why are you here?" Hyoyeon asked.

 "I'm hungry." Sooyoung bluntly said and chomped on her food. "Hopeless shikshin." Hyoyeon commented.

 "She has a point. I dont get it why people push food away, it’s simply pleasuring." Yoona said, eating some food she bought.

 "Shikshin buddy!" Sooyoung happily smiled at Yoona, Yoona smiled back.

After Classes,

 "Good luck Soo, go for it!" Yuri cheered on Sooyoung as Sooyoung left the school with Sunny. Jessica stepped beside her. "Taeyeon doesn't want to talk to Tiffany.. She isaid she's busy. Joohyun's same.." Jessica told Yuri, Yuri couldn’t help but sigh. Her friends are falling apart and there isn’t anything they can do to help.

 "You okay Yuri?" Jessica asked.

 "I'm okay. But I worry about Tiffany, she's not eating well these days.. Yoona told me." Yuri expressed, she knew Jessica could get jealous but she has to tell. Jessica was also Tiffany's friend anyways. "I wish Taeyeon would stand up for her somehow.." Yuri added.

 "Taeyeon's tired of the challanges in their relationship. But I don't know what happen to Joohyun and Yoona.." Jessica contrasted, being able to talk to Taeyeon she somehow understood how Taeyeon felt in their situation. "I'm sure Yoona has her reasons. I know her, she's crazy in love with Joohyun.." Yuri took Jessica's hand to hers.

 "I think.. Yoona loved Joohyun enough.. To let her go." Yuri spoke, somehow it seemed a meaning was hidden upon it but Jessica didn't try and ask.

Sooyoung took Sunny to the usual bakeshop they both love to go to. She felt a bit nervous but she remembered clearly how Yuri suggested.

 "You just tell her how you truly feel.."

Sooyoung monitored Sunny's reactions and she built up quite the esteem upon it. Sunny seemed to like her the same, but one confirmation was needed.

 "Soo, I talked to Taeyeon earlier.." Sunny spoke while twirling her strawberry sundae. "And? Did she apologize, I think she should." Sooyoung stopped scooping her sundae.

 "Yes, she apologized." Sunny looked sad. Sooyoung quickly comforted her. "Hey what's wrong? Did she say something?"

 "N-no.. It’s just that.. Taeyeon doesn't deserve to be hurt like so." Sooyoung in front of Sunny reached for the sad girl to relief her a bit. "I-Im fine Soo, let’s just be there for Taeyeon okay?" Sunny smiled. Sooyoung nod and agreed, admiring Sunny's care for her friends.

"Of course, what can that dork do without us?" Sooyoung calmed and started eating her desert again.

 "When's the finals of the competition?" Sunny asked Sooyoung about their dance competition.

 "Hmm.. In four days. We're practicing really hard."

 "Really? Go fight! Can I watch?"

 "Sure! That'll be good."

 Sooyoung smiled at the Sunny smiling happy, Sooyoung remembered the time. She checked her watch it was already 5:45. "Oh my! Sunny-ah let’s go!" Sooyoung stood up, Sunny was tasting her strawberry sundae.

 "W-Wae? We havent even finished the deserts!" Sunny hesitated but Sooyoung grabbed her bag, ready to leave.  "I'll buy you another later." Sooyoung looked determined, Sunny was quite surprised Sooyoung was leaving food behind. This has to be special, she thought.

 Sooyoung lead Sunny to a park full swallowed by the darkness of the night. 6:10, the park had some people passing and some seating by its bench. Sunny wondered if there was something special here.

 For a short moment, lights lit up. Coming from the trees and grasses. Everything became bright and glowed; darkness was mininized to a shadow.

 "Amazing.." Sunny commented. Everyone in the park seemed to have known this event and Sooyoung took her here.

 "Soo, this is amazing.."

 "Feels like Christmas?" Sooyoung laughed, Sunny did the same. This place was perfect, everything was set and the moment to speak a confession was coming.

 "Sunny-ah, I think.. You're a wonderful person." Sooyoung started. "I thank you, for being you. Standing by my side and being a good friend. I cannot leave you, not for a day.. I may sound silly but.." Sooyoung looked far, avoiding mistakes from her words.

 "Sunny-ah listen okay.." Sooyoung faced Sunny.

 "I think.. I might have been in love.. With you all along.." Sooyoung delivered her words, deep from how she truely felt. Sunny was quite surprised with this sudden confession but Sooyoung waited for Sunny's reply.


Chapter 84 - Persona

 Yuri was walking home alone; she saw one familiar face on her way home. "Joohyun..?" She's not sure if it was Seohyun because the image was quite unclear. Yuri decided to walk closer and confirmed.

 "Yah! Joohyun-ah!" Yuri waved to Seohyun whose busy carrying some grocery bags. Yuri noticed Seohyun was unable to wave back so she approached and helped Seohyun. "Thank you, unnie."

 Seohyun's mother came out from their residence, quite surprised Yuri's helping her daughter. "Well.." Yuri carefully laid the plastic bags inside Seohyun's house.

 "Just helping.." Yuri, quite feeling awkward she quickly gave a bow and left. "Wait! Yuri-ah!" Mrs. Seo held Yuri's shoulder.

 "Uh.. Y-yes?" Yuri turned around. "Thanks." Mrs. Seo smiled at Yuri. "I-It was nothing.. Joohyun's my friend."

Yuri smiled back. "In the future, your wife." Mrs. Seo said making Yuri and Seohyun jumped in shock.

 "Mom?!" Seohyun quickly apologized to Yuri. Mrs. Seo laughed at her daughter. "Well you two have a daughter in the future right? Then meaning she's your future partner." Mrs. Seo rubbed Yuri's head like a kid. "Hmm.. I think Yuri's better than Yoona." Yuri was left blank, not knowing what to say. "Yoona's better looking though. Yuri's kinda tanned." Mrs. Seo laughed and left Yuri with Seohyun, she headed to the kitchen.

 "Yuri-ah, mind staying for dinner?" Mrs. Seo offered but Yuri gratefully declined. Seohyun walked Yuri outside their humble home.

 "Joohyun-ah, I wanna ask you.." Yuri had always wanted to know Seohyun's side about Yoona's engagement. "What exactly happen? The engagement, break up and Yoona?" Yuri felt like pressuring Seohyun but when she looked at Seohyun. Seohyun looked calm and willing to answer her question. "Tiffany-unnie's father and Yoona's parents are merging their companies. So probably their siblings should be the same." Seohyun explained. Yuri listened carefully. "Yoona and I decided to broke up because we both found out our families disliked us. And Yoona..?" Seohyun stopped to look at Yuri. "Yoona's a jerk." Seohyun looked down, bitter on how Yoona left her.

 "J-Joohyun.. I know whatever Yoong did was.. Crazy.. But Joohyun-ah, I hope you'd give her time to straighten herself. I believe Yoona loves you deeply.." Yuri tried to lift Seohyun's love for Yoona up. "No. Yoona made her choice. I won't wait." But Yuri failed. Yuri knows how much Yoona loves Seohyun but with how Yoona had left Seohyun, Seohyun was left to try and erase everything about her and Yoona.

 "Joohyun-ah, please. I have no right to tell you what to do but.. At least, don't forget everything Yoona did for you, for the both of you." Yuri still tried.

 "I don't even remember unnie." Seohyun coldly replied. But inside Seohyun's heart ofcourse was Yoona and her love. "I'm happy with how my life is now. You see unnie my mom is changing. We're progressing.." Seohyun turned her back on Yuri.

 "We won't become like Yoona and her family." Seohyun stated. "But I guess.. You're side is different. Right unnie?" Seohyun looked back to Yuri and smiled. She then took her leave and walked to her home.

 "Take care.."


 Yuri was still left sad by what has happen to her cousin and her former lover. She promised to talk to Yoona more seriously and will do her best to fix her friends. Especially her broken best friend, Tiffany.

 Yuri went inside her house and changed her clothes, she promised to pay Yoona a visit if the is time.

 Inside Yoona's car, taking Tiffany to their mansion,

 "Is there something.. That you want me to do?" Yoona asked Tiffany who was staring at the skies, blankly-headed. "Tiffany.. You need to try and make this work." Yoona suggested, Tiffany looked at Yoona. "How can it work?.." Tiffany spoke, getting Yoona's gaze to her.

 "..When clearly you're in love with Joohyun. And I'm crazy about Taeyeon..?" Tiffany asked.

 "We can try." Yoona held Tiffany's hand, closing her eyes in the process. Yoona was made of a strong mask on the outside but inside her, Seohyun was still there. While holding on to Tiffany's hand, all she imagined was no one but Seohyun.

 "You can't lie, Yoona. I know you love her.." Tiffany slipped her hand away from Yoonas. "It’s hard to pretend. I can't Yoona.. I can't go on with this.. I need Taeyeon." Tiffany placed her hands on her heart, it was mysteriously aching.

 "We need to speak up. Come on Yoona.. Wake up! Show Joohyun how much you love her." Tiffany spoke in a loud tone to Yoona. Yoona looked quite surprised. "Se-Seohyun.." Inside Yoona, her internal forces were battling. "Yoona.. Don't give up. We can do this.. Together." Tiffany found a hope that she can turned it around. Yoona seemed to be moved by her words, so Tiffany kept on motivating.

 "Yoona, please. If you fix your relationship.. Taeyeon will come back to me.. Please.." Tiffany continued. Yoona trembled, holding her head. It ached with all the images flashing in her mind. "It can all be okay again."

 One certain image stopped Yoona from her anxiousness and fear. It was the image of Seohyun crying, with how she had declined to believe Seohyun. Seohyun cried something Yoona despised to do.

 The car finished parking on the entrance and a butler opened the door of the car of his masters.


 "I can't." Yoona stepped out of the car. Tiffany quickly chased Yoona. "Come on, Yoona! Please help me!" Tiffany ran up to Yoona who was standing before the entrance. As Tiffany stepped beside Yoona, Yoona held her hand.

 "Dad. What brings you here?" Yoona saw her father with Mr. Hwang.


Chapter 85 - Mistakes and Regrets P1

 "S-Soo.. You?" Words from Sunny's mouth slipped. She was blushing from the confession of her friend but replying to it was really hard.

 "I-I love you.." Sooyoung repeated her words. She was doing how Yuri had advised her to, Sooyoung was telling Sunny how she truely feel.

 "Soo.." Sunny took a step closer to Sooyoung. She took a deep breath and looked up high to Sooyoung. Sooyoung also looked at her, down. "I-.."

 "I'm sorry.. But.." Sunny looked away.

 "I think I like someone else." Sooyoung's lips opened a bit in shock upon Sunny's rejection. "I never knew you felt like this.. I thank you.. For loving me but.. I think.. We're better as friends." Sunny faced Sooyoung again but the taller girl was looking down, sad and hurt.

 "Soo.. Uh.. D-don’t cry.." Sunny held Sooyoung's hands.

 "Tell me who.. Who's this person?" Sooyoung looked at Sunny. "Y-Yuri-ah.." The name of the person ripped Sooyoung's heart apart. She was reminded of how Sunny would always act different when Yuri was around. Sooyoung blamed herself for being so blinded and not knowing it sooner.

 "I see.." Sooyoung turned her back on Sunny. "I need to go home. Good bye.." Sooyoung was hurt, what she thought that would be a good result was the exact opposite. Worst, the person who suggested to confess was the one sole reason of this pain.

 "Soo.. Please forgive me." Sunny couldn't follow her friend for she had hurt Sooyoung. She stood there not knowing how to even comfort Sooyoung.

 The following days in SooMan High, Sooyoung avoided any contact with Sunny. She didn't go to school yet Sunny would always send her text messages of forgiveness. For Sooyoung, everything was needed of time but it seemed, moving on would took longer than time.

 "Sooyoung's absent again?" Taeyeon checked the attendance of the council members and for three days Sooyoung was absent. Sunny looked down, she know's she's the reason. "We should contact her." Seohyun suggested.

 "Sunny-ah, do you know something?" Taeyeon turned to look at Sunny. "I do.." Sunny replied but as she looked around the council members. "I'll tell you later."

 Taeyeon agreed. "Sooyoung's an important member. We better help her, if she's going through something." Everyone agreed and Sunny couldn't have agreed more.

 The council continued on to their meeting without Sooyoung. As they finished Taeyeon and Sunny talked in private.

 "Sooyoung confessed to you?" Taeyeon elaborated Sunny's story. "Let me guess you turned it down?" Taeyeon added and Sunny nod to reply. "Because you like Yuri." Sunny was quite surprised on how Taeyeon would know so. Taeyeon smiled and rubbed her shoulder. "Yuri's quite the charmer around here, I wonder why you two didn't have a future baby.." Taeyeon joked, earning her a mild slap to the arm from Sunny. "Dork!" Taeyeon sighed. "If I were Sooyoung.. If I can't make you love me.. I'll get your heart! Literally.." Taeyeon tried to goof around because Sunny was looking sad. She felt the need to blame Sunny a bit but she cannot afford to make Sunny cry again. "You apologized to her, right?"

 "I did. But she's ignoring me.." Sunny replied and Taeyeon rubbed her temples to think of an resolve.

 "May I suggest that you.. Try and love her?" Taeyeon said. "It won’t work out well." Sunny replied but Taeyeon questioned it why. "Tae.. Look at Yoona and Tiffany, are they working out well?" What Sunny exampled made Taeyeon turn around. True, Tiffany would still chase Taeyeon around while Taeyeon was completely ignoring her. "But maybe you two are different." Taeyeon replied.  "I don't know.." Sunny walked towards the door. "How can I stop liking someone?" Sunny opened the door and came out of the room. Taeyeon followed her.

 "Uh.. Hi!" Yuri with Hyoyeon and Jessica walked towards the two. "Hi Yuri-ah.." Sunny waved and smiled to Yuri while Taeyeon sighed.

 "I was wondering.. Why is Sooyoung absent?" Yuri asked Taeyeon and Sunny. Taeyeon took a deep breath and rubbed her head. "Love problems." She said.

 "Well she should get over it. Our dance competition is three days in time!" Hyoyeon spoke up to Taeyeon, Taeyeon backed up a bit because Hyoyeon was really intense in her words. "Woah! I-I'm not Sooyoung okay! I'm not even as tall as her!" Taeyeon joked. Jessica laughed at her silly joke. "Dork." She showed her tongue to Taeyeon and Taeyeon did the same. "Jessick."

 Cough cough.

 "So as we were saying.." Yuri broke the moment between her girlfriend and Taeyeon as she noticed. "We need Sooyoung for our dance." Hyoyeon spoke for Yuri. Yuri nod and agreed.

 "We also need Sooyoung for our council planning." Taeyeon spoke up. Sunny smiled weak.

 "I'll talk to her." Sunny suggested, everyone looked at her. "You two are best friends, I'm sure you two will work it out." Jessica spoke up.

 After classes, Sunny walked home to Sooyoung's home. Unexpectedly, Yuri followed her.

 "Unnie!" Yuri placed her arm around Sunny's shoulders.  "Did uh.. Sooyoung tell you some.. Big revelation or something?" Yuri asked but avoiding any vulgar words. "A-are you following me?" Sunny looked at Yuri still surprised. Yuri quickly stepped away from Sunny and apologized. "S-sorry unnie! J-Jessica told me to talk to Sooyoung too so I ugh.." Yuri rubbed her head. "Kinda followed you.. Sorry.." Yuri apologized.

 "It’s okay. Yuri-ah.. Why do you love Jessica?" Sunny asked. Yuri thought for a moment, she had lots to say but she wanted it brief. "At first I was attracted to her cute nose." Yuri laughed. "But.. Knowing her better.. Jessica's caring. Plus she gets jealous easily.. Which is cute because you know she loved you dearly. Plu-"

 "Okay.. I get it." Sunny raised a palm to Yuri, clearly Yuri was so in love with Yuri. "Sorry.. I just love everything about her." Yuri smiled. Happy with her final explanation.

 "Jessica's lucky." Sunny turned left and knocked on a blue door. "You talk to her, okay Yuri?"

 Sunny hid in the corner. She thought Yuri should talk to Sooyoung first, Sunny was quite nervous.


Chapter 86- Mistakes and Regrets P2

 In the Hwang mansion, Yoona's relatives had gathered to meet Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang, the one and only daughter of the owner of the Hwang Corporation.

 "Are you done dressing up?" Yoona knocked on Tiffany's doorstep. No one answered though. Yoona used the spare keys of Tiffany's room to unlock it.

 "Tiff-Tiffany!" Yoona found no one inside, she found the windows opened. It seemed Tiffany tied her blanket to get down. Yoona quickly ran outside to the backyard to chase Tiffany.

 "Yoon.. Hey wher-" Yoona ignored everyone and ran to chase Tiffany.

 Yoona found that the gate of the backyard leading to the streets was opened. So she had a hint that Tiffany went outside the mansion premises already. She found an earring on the street; it looked expensive so probably it belongs to Tiffany. Yoona ran to find Tiffany once again.


 Back at Sooyoung's neighborhood. Sooyoung came out to talk to Yuri.

 "Yuri.." Sooyoung spoke. "How did it go?" Yuri smiled and happily asked. Sooyoung pushed Yuri.

 "It’s all your fault." Sooyoung angrily said. "If it wasn't for you.. I shouldn't have told her!" Sooyoung was still angry. Yuri doesn't know why though. "Wh-what exactly happen Soo?" Yuri still calmly asked. "Sunny doesn't like me okay? She likes you!" Yuri was shocked with what Sooyoung had said. "Now what more would you want to suggest? But I suggest you to leave." Sooyoung turned around and walked inside her home.

 "I'm sorry Soo, I didn't know.. But Soo." Yuri grabbed Sooyoung's wrist. "Taeyeon needs you. Hyoyeon also.." Yuri tried to smile. "If you'll end our friendship.. I think they shouldn't be affected." Yuri released her hold and was sadden by what had happen. She sadly retreated from Sooyoung's home to Sunny.

 "Sorry Yuri-ah.." Sunny heard everything. Yuri rubbed Sunny's head, messing up her hair style. "I just.. Didn't know.. I'm sorry unnie. You know how much I feel for Jessica." Sunny smiled back with Yuri's words. "It’s okay.. I know it.."

 Yuri continued to walk. "What should I tell her Yuri-ah?" Sunny followed. "The best line is.. I love you too." Yuri looked back to Sunny. "But pretending is wrong." Yuri turned to her front once again.

 "Let's just hope.. You two remain friends." Yuri walked. With that, Sunny didn't follow anymore.

 Walking home, Yuri saw Tiffany pass by bare footed. She tried calling Tiffany but she was running quick. She tried to ignore it but she was concerned of Tiffany somehow.

 "Tiffany!" Yuri called out but Tiffany already ran and turned left, not hearing Yuri. As Yuri turned back, she saw Yoona.

 "Where did s-she go?" Yoona was heavily panting from the running. But she was quite surprised to have come across Yuri. "Yoong.."

 "Where did Tiffany go?" Yoona stood straight, calming herself. "Whats happening?" Yuri asked, approaching her cousin.

 "I have no time for stories, Yul. So tell me where she went.." Yoona glared at Yuri. "I guess the better question is.. What happen to you?" Yuri stand pityful to her cousin, Seohyun was right. Yoona changed, into a jerk.

"Uhg. Just move!" Yoona forcefully pushed Yuri. But before Yoona can go, Yuri grabbed Yoona's waist.

 "I'm sure Tiffany's running away from you."

 The two faced each other, Yoona was glaring at Yuri. Yuri was such a hindrance that made Yoona slowly lose her temper. "Let me go." Yoona extorted, threatening her cousin with her glares.

 "I'll let Tiffany be with Taeyeon.." Yuri replied. She put up a serious straight face. "Yul.. I'll hurt you if you won't let me go." Yoona was blankly faced.

 "Do it." Yuri provoked her cousin. "Don't make me do it." Yoona curled her fingers and formed a fist. Yoona was clearly angry, stressed and tired. "Take a hit." Yuri further provoked.

 Yoona did gave Yuri a hit to her face, with a force that made Yuri almost collapse. Yoona pushed Yuri to the ground. "Just stay out of this!" Yoona left Yuri lying on the ground to follow Tiffany once more. But Yuri held on Yoona's shoulder and gave Yoona a hit as well.


 "Taeyeon.. Taeyeon-ah!" Tiffany was trying to knock on Taeyeon's house. Their store was closed and no one seemed to answer. "Taeyeon! It’s me.. Tiffany!" Tiffany called out with all her heart. Drops of water came from the sky, it started raining.

 "Taeyeon please! Let's talk.." Tiffany was still knocking on the residence's gate, no one still answered back. Tiffany was so soaked in wet yet she remained there, waiting for Taeyeon. "Taeyeon.." Tiffany lost her energy to knock, she fell to her knees; tired from all the running.

 Tiffany sang to comfort her a bit. She then noticed the gates were being opened. Taeyeon opened it for her. "Ppani-ah.." Tiffany quickly stood up and hugged Taeyeon. "Taeyeon!"


 "Damn.." Yoona rubbed her lip, it was wounded and it bleed a bit. Yoona's face was swollen from all the hit she got from Yuri. "You do realize.. Tiffany's with Taeyeon by now.." Yuri was not an exemption; she too had a wounded and swollen face. Yoona glared at Yuri.

 "Even if she does.. She's already my fiancée." Yoona replied. "But know what Yul? I dislike her.. She's lazy, spoiled and princess-like." Yoona breathed heavily, both of them let their guard down. "Then why did you leave Joohyun? You did everything to be with her again.." Yuri used her hand to comb her wet hair.

 "I did.. I did.." Yoona looked down. "But I realized she's not worth it.." Yoona smirked. Yuri shook her head left to right. "It wasn't you who loved Joohyun. I don't know you anymore.." Yuri stand disappointed at her cousin.

 Yoona fixed her stance and ran towards Yuri. And once again, the two fought underneath the rain.


Chapter 87 - Mistakes and Regrets P3

 "Ppani-ah, why are you here?" Taeyeon gave Tiffany a towel to dry herself up. "I wanna talk to you.."

 Taeyeon gave a seat to Tiffany and she sat in front of Tiffany. "Do you want some noodles?" Taeyeon offered. Tiffany shook her head no. "I just wanna talk to you, Tae." Taeyeon arched two of her eye brows.

 "Taeyeon.. How about we run away? Together?" Tiffany asked, she gave Taeyeon a weak smile. "I'll be a good partner. I will learn to work.." Tiffany held Taeyeon's hand.

 "You'll be my wife." Taeyeon smiled and clasped Tiffany's hand with her palms. "But Ppani-ah is used to being rich. It will be hard for you to adjust.. And.. We're both young.." Taeyeon said.

 "I will adjust, just as long as you're there Taeyeon." Tiffany stood up and hugged Taeyeon who’s sitting in front. "Even if we're young and unable to anything.." Tiffany cried, she was determined to leave her princess-like life for Taeyeon.

Even if my waiting is as long as one thousand years

Cheon nyeon ga teun gin gi da rim do
It’s okay if I can see you

Geu dael bo neun ge jo a
One day, one month, one year

Ha ru han da reul geu reo ke il lyeon eul
Though I know you won’t come

O ji an eul geu dael al myeon seo
I toss and turn endlessly

Ddo ha yeom eob si dwi cheo gi myeo
And fall asleep as I wait for you, wait for you

Gi da ri da gi da ri da jam deul jyo

 "You know that song?" Tiffany held on Taeyeon's shoulders and asked. Taeyeon nod her head. "I won't forget that song.. It was the song that brought me to you." Taeyeon held on Tiffany's waist and hugged Tiffany.

 "You, the pretty girl singing the song waiting. The pretty girl who told me I'm good at singing.." Taeyeon reminisced. Then it slowly came to Tiffany, that memory of a worker with a great voice, it was Taeyeon.

 "Oh Tae.." Tiffany hugged Taeyeon tight.

 "That's why I believed we were meant for each other.. I met you at the most unlikely situation and place.." Taeyeon hugged Tiffany tighter, not wanting to let go.

 "But no.. I just chased you that's why. I did everything to put myself in your life.. To know you more." Taeyeon let out a tear.

 "I believe there isn't a future for us. We'll be nothing but friends or strangers.. Or just a memory.." Taeyeon stood up and kissed Tiffany on her forehead.

 "And in the end, what was pre determined was never to be changed. In due time, I hope Yuri takes care of you well." Taeyeon caressed Tiffany's cheeks. "I don't know how she would do that with Jessica and Joohyun by her side as well but.. Then again.." Taeyeon rested her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

 "If you ever need me.. I'll be here.. Waiting." Tiffany cried with Taeyeon's words. Tiffany understands clearly, what Taeyeon had thought all along. She wasn't for Taeyeon. The times and moments given to her and Taeyeon were all false, it was all part of time to make Tiffany go to whom she was always meant to be with.

 "Taeyeon.." Taeyeon faced Tiffany with a weak smile. Tiffany did the same. "I love you Tae!" Tiffany kissed Taeyeon. "I love you too." Taeyeon broke the kiss and hugged Tiffany once more.

 "I want you to be happy.. Taeyeon.. I'll wait for the day fate brings us together once more." Tiffany showed Taeyeon her eye smile. "And when that comes.. Show me someone who can replace my eye smile."

 "No one can do so. You have the world’s best eye smile.." Taeyeon hugged Tiffany, she put her left hand on Tiffany's butt. "And world’s best.." Tiffany lightly slapped Taeyeon's hand. "Byuntae!" And they both shared a laugh.

 Yoona and Yuri are both soaked from the rain. Both of them were also trembling from the cold temperature.

 "What are y-you plann-ning now uh, Yoona?" Yuri asked Yoona with frail words. "May-be.. Get y-you to sleep.. Knock y-you out, Yul.." Yoona replied, trying to approach Yuri. But her body was too tired and it was shivering from the cold. "I told you on-once.. You're not my type.." Yuri collapsed on the ground. "I don't like.. T-Tall g-girls.." Yuri spoke while lying on the watery grounds.

 "Oh so.. Y-you don't l-like Seohyun?" Yoona sat on the ground. "B-but she's your future wife! Lucky.. Yul.. You're so l-luck-ky.." Yoona helped Yuri get up. "Seohyun's hundred times.. Better than Tiffany o-or.. Jessica.."

 "C-come on Yul.. Lucky.. Player.. Yul.." They both got up. Yoona took a deep breath and hugged Yuri.

 "Take care of her for me, buddy .." Yoona spoke. "Tell her.. I'm sorry.." Yoona cried but the rain made it less obvious. "My family and I did terrible things to her.. Her mother and father.." Yoona cried.

 "Tiffany too.. If she goes with Taeyeon.. Tell her I'm sorry for breaking them." Yoona hugged Yuri tighter, trying her best no to cry out loud.

 "I don't deserve Tiffany.. Especially Seohyun." Yoona rubbed her nose and broke the hug. "But you, Yul. In your future.. Take care of them for me.." Yuri doesn't know what to say or reply.

 "Handle my Seohyun and Hyunki with care okay?" Yoona smiled though her face eye was swollen.

 "Yuri.. Thanks for everything.. You're still my best cousin." Yoona gave Yuri a bow and turned away. Yoona walked away slowly, looking down but it seemed a pain in her chest was taken out. Yoona left Seohyun because she felt she doesn't deserve to be loved by Seohyun. Not when she knew her family was the sole reason why Seohyun's life was miserable.

 Yoona decided to walk alone; she felt this is her punishment.

 "Yoona.." Yuri called out. "Yoona!" Yoona stopped walking away. "What?" Yoona looked back to Yuri.

 "Seohyun loves you.. Remember that!" Yuri shouted, making sure Yoona can hear every word. Yoona turned around and continued her path.

 At the Hwang mansion,

 "Tiffany! Where have you been? Yoona's looking all over for you." Mrs. Im gave quickly aid Tiffany, brushing her wet hair.

 "I just talked to Taeyeon.. Please call Yoona.. Tell her I'm back." Tiffany smiled and gave a bow to the Im family members inside their mansion. "I'm Tiffany Hwang nice to meet you all." Tiffany smiled and quickly left the hall to make her way to her room. Mr. Hwang looked concerned but he had to accommodate his guests and worry about Tiffany later on.

 Knock knock~ "Just go in.."

 "Uhh.." Yoona came inside Tiffany's room. Tiffany was fixing her hair; she quickly stood up and looked at Yoona. "What happen to your face?" Tiffany asked, she quickly ran to Yoona. Yoona hid her face with her hands. "Uhh.. Got into a fight with Yul.." She said.

 Yoona sat in Tiffany's bed. "Yuri doesn't want me to interfere with you and Taeyeon.." Yoona explained. Tiffany also sat back on her chair.

 "Taeyeon and I are okay now." Tiffany looked back to the mirror. "I'll believe one day, fate will bring me back to Taeyeon." Yoona stood up. "I see.." She brought out something for Tiffany.

 "Here.. You dropped it." It’s the earing Tiffany dropped on the streets.

 "Thanks.." Tiffany wore the earing.



 "I'll try and make this work." Tiffany stood up. "But you need to talk to Joohyun first. Let’s clear everything with Tae and Joohyun.." Tiffany tapped Yoona's shoulder.

 "Then we can cry together with regrets.. " Tiffany eye smiled but she was clearly being forced to do so. "Excuse me. I need to talk to your grandparents." Tiffany left Yoona, Yoona was left there not knowing why Tiffany would suddenly agree. She asked why again and again, but it had to be Taeyeon as Yoona concluded in her mind.


Chapter 88 - Distressed Dreams

 Early in the morning, Yuri went by Jessica's house for them to go to school together. Krystal opened the door for her, looking shocked at Yuri's face.

 "Something the matter?" Yuri asked, giggling a bit.

 "Wh.. What happen to your face?" Krystal asked. Yuri laughed and looked inside. "Your sister's fault."

 "What?! Really?!" Krystal looked back to her sister going down stairs.

 Jessica ran towards the door. But took a pause and gave her parents goodbyes.

 "Sis, you did this?!" Krystal pointed at Yuri's face. But Yuri hid her face with her two hands. "Wae?" Jessica took off Yuri's hands.

 "You'll still love me, right?" Yuri hid her face once more.  "Y-Yuri.." Jessica grabbed Yuri's hand and left their doorstep. She dragged Yuri away from their house.

 "W-wait.. C-can't run.." Yuri stopped and held on her knee. She was heavily breathing. "Can't we just? Walk?" Yuri stood up and retained her composure. "What happen to you?" Jessica asked.

 "I'm sorry.. I tried to fix our friends and lookie what Yoona did." Yuri laughed. Jessica held her hand tight. "You two fought?"

 Yuri nod her head. "Idiot. Look at your face. Swollen!" Jessica poked Yuri's shoulder.

 "Sorry.. And Sooyoung.." Yuri frowned.

 "She hates me. Sunny said she likes me.." Jessica arched her eye brow. "Obviously." Jessica said. The two started walking once again.

 "I didn't know.. That's why I told Soo to confess." Yuri ran her fingers through her hair. "And now Soo hates me." Jessica bumped Yuri a bit.

 "You're innocent on it right?" She asked.

 "Well.. Yea?"

 "Then don't worry too much." Jessica held Yuri's hand with hers. "Actually, I'm worried about you." Jessica looked at Yuri's wounds.

 "You sure your okay, Yul?" Jessica asked, concerned.

 "I'm fine now." Yuri smiled.

 At SooMan High, Hyoyeon and Tiffany were also shocked at Yuri's face.

 "Yours is worst than Yoona.." Tiffany said. "Yea.. H-hows Yoong?" Yuri asked.

 "She's okay." Tiffany smiled weak.

 "So what did Soo say?" Hyoyeon asked. Yuri shook her head left and right. "She hates me."

 Hyoyeon was going to ask more explanations but their teacher entered the room. They all sat in their respective places and started the class.

 Lunch Time,

 "Oww.. Oww.. Hey Sica. Be more gentle!" Yuri screamed in pain as Jessica treated her wounds. "Hold still." Jessic held Yuri's jaw so the girl won't move.

 "Oww!" Yuri had her eye close at every touch of the cotton ball dipped in medicine. "Come on Sica, I know your a future nurse but nurses treat patients with care!" Yuri complained. Jessica frowned. "This is the payment I get for doing this free?!" Jessica turned away.

 "Oh.. Uh.. I was just.. Sica. Baby, I appreciate it really.." Yuri held Jessica's shoulder, comforting and apologizing.

 "Please? Forgive Yuri, baby." Yuri showed a cute pleading face to Jessica. "Uhg.. Whatever." Jessica chuckled at Yuri's silly face.

 Hyoyeon waved to the two and she approached the couple. "Yul.. We have a problem." Yuri asked what was it. "Sooyoung's still absent." Yuri frowned at the news.

 "Why do you guys monitor Sooyoungs attendance?" Jessica asked the two. Hyoyeon spoke. "Because she's a member in our dance group." Yuri nod and added. "We were supposed to practice yesterday and today but she's absent.."

 "That’s a problem." Jessica now understands. Yuri looked depressed thinking this was her sole fault. "I'll talk to her." Hyoyeon stood up and left her friends in a hurry.

 "I told you, don't worry too much. Okay?" Jessica smiled for Yuri, but Yuri smiled fake. Truth was, she was so bothered by the issue.

 Another day came and Sooyoung was stilll absent. Sooyoung avoided Hyoyeon also, making her dance group stressed, if she'll back out or not. The issue made Yuri more depressed and worried blaming herself for the lost of a valuable member. So stressed, she caught a fever the next day and Jessica offered to take care of her.

 "I told you don’t worry too much.." Jessica caressed Yuri's face. "I know but.. What about the finals?" Yuri stressed but she held Jessica's warm palms on her cheek. "Its Hyo's dream." Yuri closed her eyes, just feeling Jessica's warmth.

 "To win at the finals.. Since I joined her group. She had always aimed to be a known dancer.. She's so good at it." Yuri looked at Jessica quietly listening.

 "And I can't be the one who fails her.." Yuri added. Jessica sighed. "But it’s not your fault. Sooyoung's too emotional; career and personal lives are not to be confused of and to be mixed." Jessica said seriously. Yuri still blamed herself on it though.

 "I know.. But would you go to a place where a person you hate is there?" Yuri asked.

 "I will if I must. Besides not like I'm the only one feeling uneasy." Jessica answered. "Business is business. Career is career." Jessica added. Yuri laughed at Jessica's statement.

 "Ice princess.." Yuri sat up and said. She kissed Jessica on the forehead. "My princess.."

 "Don't stress on it too much okay? I'm sure Sooyoung will be enlightened. Give her a hit, like Yoona." Jessica suggested. Yuri took a moment to stare at Jessica.

 And suddenly got an idea from Jessica's words.

 "Maybe I can ask Yoona to dance!"


 "Well Yoona's good at dancing as well.. Maybe.. Just maybe.." Yuri thought of replacing Sooyoung.

 "Glad I helped." Jessica hugged Yuri.

 "So don't worry too much okay Yul?" Yuri hugged Jessica too. "You're hot.. As in fire, Yul." Jessica stood up and went to get a wet towel for Yuri.

 Yuri can only smile as she can see Jessica's potential in being a nurse. But she stressed at how she can be an engineer when all she can do is dance and all she worries for now is her friends.

 Engineer Kwon, someday. I guess..


Chapter 89 - Role Playing Game

 "Yaaah! Yoona!" Yuri was running down the hallway to call out to Yoona who's currently walking towards the stairs. "Yoong!" Yoona looked back to Yuri and stopped.

 "Uhm..?" Yuri caught up and took a rest for a while, catching her breath. "You need to help me.. Please say yes!" Yuri spoke up, but Yoona looked surprised not knowing what Yuri means.

 "Help about?" Yoona asked her cousin.

 "I need you to dance with us.." Yuri made a cute face. "Pleasee! I'll tell Joohyun to kiss you!" Yuri pleaded. Yoona laughed at Yuri's bargain about Seohyun's kiss.

Yoona turned away. "Like she would kiss me.." And Yoona laughed once more.

 "Oh come on Yoong, buddy, just help us. We need a member.." Yuri again adhered her cousin.

 "Hmm.. Where's Tiffany?" Yoona asked, Yuri told her she doesn't know. "I'll join if she.." Yoona took a pause and looked down. "Allows me not to talk to Seohyun." Yoona smiled by herself.

 "Okay then! I'll find Fany!"

 Yuri quickly ran to find Tiffany. She needed a replacement, the finals is in two days. Yoona was once a dancer so probably she can learn the dance in a day or less, she needed this for Hyoyeon and their group.

 She saw Tiffany sitting underneath a tree, taking a nap. Yuri quickly woke the girl up. "Tiff! Hey Tiff! Wake up!" Tiffany slowly woke up, she sat straight and rubbed her eyes.

 "Tiff, allow Yoona not to talk to Seohyun." Yuri spoke up already. "I don't know what kind of condition is that but please Tiffany!" Yuri clasped her hands and bended down to Tiffany. "Wh-what?! Stand up, silly!" Tiffany was taken aback by Yuri's action. Yuri did sat up and calmed down.


 "No can do." Tiffany arched her eyebrow. "Tell her I'm sorry but she needs to." Tiffany stood up and prepared to leave. Yuri quickly grabbed Tiffany's wrist. "Please, anything Tiff. I'll do it.." Yuri pleaded.

 Tiffany thought of something. "Anything, Yul?" She repeated. Yuri agreed. "Anything!"

 "Okay.. Tell Taeyeon she needs to go out with me tomorrow." Tiffany told Yuri her condition. "Tomorrow okay? And then I'll think about Yoona's coward-ness. " Tiffany added. "Okay wait here!" Yuri quickly ran towards the stairs to the council room.

 Inside the council room, Taeyeon was busy on her laptop typing something.

 "Awee that's so sweet."

 "Yes.. Ppani's the best.."


 Taeyeon quickly looked back to who spoke up, it was Yuri who had a large smirk on her face. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" Taeyeon quickly closed her laptop.

 "Let me see the image again! You two are so sweet there!" Yuri grabbed Taeyeon's laptop. "N-no! Th-that's my private stuff!" Taeyeon quickly took back her laptop, hugging it secured with two arms.

 Yuri laughed at Taeyeon. "Wh-why are you here anyways? Jessica isn't here." Taeyeon said, being quite defensive for the image Yuri saw earlier.

 "Oh yea! Ppani asked you out on a date tomorrow." Yuri remembered her deal with Tiffany. Taeyeon looked down and frowned. "I can't.." She said.

 "Wh-what?! Y-you can't reject Tiffany, Taeyeon! She's Tifany the best... Uhh.. You said earlier!" Yuri argued out, she needed Taeyeon to agree on this. "I can't, I have tons to do today and tomorrow.." But Taeyeon didn't agree.

 "Oh com'on Taeyeon, you and Ppani together!" Yuri provoked but Taeyeon was still saying no.

 "I'll help you with the papers, but you go out with Fany tomorrow okay?" Yuri offered but Taeyeon chuckled at this offer. "Like you know any math stuff and you need to be a council member." Taeyeon explained, she looked back to her laptop. "Darn it, you really can't go Tae?" Yuri was giving up.

 "I really want to go.. But.." Taeyeon spoke. "I need to finish all of this.." Taeyeon stressed out and laid her head on her desk.

 "Hmm.." Taeyeon thought of something.

 "You can ask Sunny to do some for me!" Taeyeon rose up fast. "Sunny-unnie?" Yuri asked.

 "Yes! If Sunny helps me with half of my paperworks, I'll can go out with Ppani tomorrow." Taeyeon smiled.

 "Okay! Then wait here!" Yuri was energized once more, and she ran once again to find Sunny.

 "Unniee!" Yuri found Sunny heading towards the cafeteria. She speed up and grab Sunny's shoulder.

 "W-Wha?!" Sunny was quite surprised.

 "Hi unnie! Can I ask you a favor?" Yuri breathed heavily so she slowly spoke. Sunny calmed Yuri down.


 "Yes! Please." Yuri cutely asked.

 "Uhh.. It depends.." Sunny replied.

 "Can you help Taeyeon with her paperworks? I need her tomorrow.. For uh.. Something.." Yuri can't tell Sunny a reason about Tiffany's request or Sunny will probably say no. "Please unnie!" Yuri was using her charms on Sunny, she knows somehow Sunny will agree.

 "Hmm.. Okay!" Sunny smiled and agreed.

 "Really? Alright!" Yuri happily jumped and hugged Sunny. She thought that now that Taeyeon can go with Tiffany, Yoona will agree to practice with them to replace Sooyoung. "Thank you, unnie! This means a lot to m-" Yuri stopped to see Jessica glaring at her in front.

She quickly broke the hug and laughed. "Aha-aha!" Rubbing her head and thinking about her previous position with Sunny.

 "You need to let me explain!" Yuri quickly approach Jessica. But Jessica ignored her and walked pass Sunny and Yuri. "Please baby, it’s not what you think.." Yuri was following Jessica. But she waved back to Sunny and Jessica saw it. "Uhg!" Jessica quickly walked leaving Yuri.

 "W-wait Sica! Don't get mad please!" Ofcourse Yuri chased her, but then she remembered break will be over soon; she needs to tell Taeyeon, Sunny agreed.

 "Jessica, I love you! Okay?" Yuri left Jessica who's running away from her. Yuri sprinted back to the council room.

 "Sunny agreed? Okay, cool!" Taeyeon rejoiced. Yuri was about to leave but Taeyeon grabbed her blouse.

 "But what should I wear Yuri-ah? Do you have some recommendations?" Taeyeon asked.

 "Just bring yourself, Ppani would love that." And then, Yuri left Taeyeon.

 Now, Yuri ran towards Tiffany's location. Tiffany was sitting and listening to her iPod. When she saw Yuri get close, she took off the earplugs. "So, what did Tae say?"

 "Approved!" Yuri happily announced. Tiffany stood up happy as well. "Really?" She asked.

 "Yep yep yep." Yuri smiled. "Now you'll allow Yoona to, Uh.. I forgot." Yuri forgot the condition Yoona gave.

 "Fine tell her do as she likes. But tell her she's a big wimp!" Tiffany stressed the last word. Yuri was somehow happy Taeyeon and Tiffany seemed fine now.

 "Are you two? Okay now?" Yuri asked.

 "We're not in a relationship but.. We agreed to be friends." Tiffany mellowed down. "That's why I wanted Yoona to fix her relationship with Joohyun as well.." Tiffany added. "Because you know Yul, this feeling doesn't easily go away and for once Yoona felt the very same feeling I feel.." She added. Yuri smiled at this wonderful words of Tiffany. Tiffany was growing up, developing to a very understanding and loving young woman. Afterwards she leave Tiffany to run again to Yoona.

 Yoona was patiently waiting for Yuri. Yuri arrived and Yoona approached her cousin. Yoona laughed to see Yuri's face was still a bit swollen. "What's so funny? My face? Look at yours!" Yuri laughed at Yoonas face as well.

 "So what did she say?" Yoona quickly asked.

 "Fine, she said do as you like and.. You're a wimp." Yuri delivered Tiffany's message very well. Yoona only smiled at this news. "So when will we practice?" Yoona asked.

 "After school." Yuri replied.

 "Still.. Why don't you try and talk to Joohyun?" She addded.

 "Not with this face." Yoona held her wounds.

 "Oh come on! Like those will matter with Joohyun.." Yuri said. "I know you two are engaged. But.. You can’t just let Tiffany go out with Taeyeon and you'll wait for her to go home." Yuri laughed. "How about you do the same?" Yuri suggested. To Yuri, it will also be a way for Tiffany and Yoona to have a sense to break the engagement off.

 "I can't.. Seohyun. I told you.. I don't deserve her." Yoona sadly said. Yuri doesn't get why Yoona is saying such but she's willing to help her cousin in this.

 "Find your strength like a superhero, Yoona." Yuri tapped Yoona's shoulder.

 "Fly to Seohyun." Yuri smiled.


Chapter 90 - Great Divide

 After School, Yuri tried to chase Jessica and explain to her what she saw. But Jessica left the school with Tiffany as soon as possible. So Yuri decided to go to their dance practice.

 "Can I master the moves in two practice sessions?" Yoona asked Yuri as they headed to the dance studio.

 "I'm sure you can!" Yuri motivately replied. As they reached the studio, Hyoyeon was there dancing. Yuri and Yoona watched Hyoyeon's moves, they were stunned. After Hyoyeon's dance they greeted the dancer.

 "That was so good Hyoyeon-unnie!" Yoona complimented and Yuri clapped at Hyoyeon.

 "Thanks, Yoona." Hyoyeon sat down and dried herself with her towel. "I asked Yoona to replace Sooyoung.." Yuri sat beside Hyoyeon, Yoona on the other hand looked around. "She agreed. We can teach Yoona the steps now." Yuri further explained. Yuri looked at the mirror in front to see Hyoyeon's reaction. Hyoyeon was smiling weakly and Yuri doesn't understand why.

 "Hyo? What do you think?" She asked her friend.

 "It’s over." Hyoyeon looked down.

 "No its not! We can still replace Sooyoung.." Yuri disagreed. Hyoyeon stood up and looked down to Yuri.

 "One of our members backed out because she found out Sooyoung backed out." Hyoyeon explained, she looked hurt though. "She said how can we win without us complete? And then she quited." Hyoyeon sighed; Yuri stood up and comforted her friend.

 "Besides, Yuri we can't change members. Their names are registered." Hyoyeon explained. "The dream's over." Hyoyeon picked up her bag and bottled water.

 "I guess my mom was right, dancing won't lead me anywhere.." Hyoyeon stopped from walking, she wiped her face. "Our dream will forever be a dream." Hyoyeon looked back to Yuri.

 "Yuri.. But I'm happy enough; we've come to the finals." Hyoyeon broke a tear but a smile was there. She quickly looked away and walked, but she stopped to see Yoona.

 "You can't just quit." Yoona said.

 "I can.." Hyoyeon replied.

 "What about the other members working hard? Yuri went through all the trouble to make me agree." Yoona explained to Hyoyeon, but the girl didn't seem to change in decision. "Unnie.. Come on, I'm a fast learner! I can practice your moves!" But Hyoyeon only passed by Yoona. Yoona continued to motivate Hyoyeon but Hyoyeon pretended not to hear any, she continued to leave.

 "Yul?" Yoona approached Yuri who’s sad on the floor.

 "She told me it was her childhood dream. But why would she give up like so?" Yuri asked. Yoona sat beside her. "Maybe.. There's something important.. That she realized." Yoona was somehow reflecting to herself with her reply.

 "I don't know my dream, Yoong." Yuri shared.

 "To be with Sica?" Yoona laughed at her reply and Yuri smiled. "Well isn't that a dream?" Yoona added.

 "Somehow like a good future, something like be this or be that and make this.." Yuri closed her eyes, thinking back what she really wanted. She remembered her kids, Yeon Hee, Hae Rin and Hyunki.

 "You have a good future ahead I tell you. You have Seohyun as a wife!" Yoona told her cousin, Yuri smiled at Yoona. "She's your wife, idiot." Yoona smiled weakly, she knows it’s somehow impossible.

 Yoona received a call from her father, trying to ask her whereabouts. Yoona excused herself and talked to her father.

 Yuri looked at herself through the mirror, she tried to smile.

 Future me, I want three kids with Sica and Sica only. Yuri mentally laughed at her thought.

  Yoona came back. "Yul? Can I go? Since we're not going to practice." She asked permission. Yuri agreed, she told Yoona she'd also go.

  "My dad told me to bring Tiffany to our house.." Yoona dialed Tiffany's number.

 "She's probably busy looking for an outfit." Yuri explained as they walked out of the studio. Yoona looked at her curious.   

 "Before I got her to agree with your condition, she told me to make Taeyeon go out with her tomorrow." Yuri explained. Yoona laughed at it.

 "She's totally glued to Taeyeon." Yoona stopped contacting Tiffany and kept her phone on her pocket.

 "I'll just wait for her to go home." Yoona's car was waiting outside, Yoona offered a ride to Yuri but she declined. Yuri said she'll head somewhere first.

 Yuri walked around town on herself. She became sad thinking back on her cute little kids. Somehow she some regrets came into her mind, not because of Seohyun and Tiffany but because of Hyunki and Hae Rin. She passed by the fast food chain she once came by with Hae Rin. She remembered Hyunki when she saw the bookstore she bought a book for the kid. It really made Yuri realize, these kids will no longer be there with her in the future.

 Yuri went home and her mother wasn't there, she looked at her desk and papers and pictures are scattered on the desk. She saw Tiffany's picture that Hae Rin left, she saw some of her with her mother. She also saw Yoona's picture there, all were memories. Yuri opened her phone. Jessica was the wallpaper; this was the one special picture she always needed to see.

 She called Jessica and the answering machine picked up.

 Please leave a message after the beep.

 "Uhm.. Sica? About me and Sunny earlier. It’s not what you think okay? Call me back. I'll explain to you.. And uhm.. Take care.. I love you!"

 Yuri left her message, hoping Jessica will call her soon. Yuri decided to walk down the neighborhood for a while. She picked up her phone and left their home.


Chapter 91 - Realization Effect P1

 We're getting closer to the end. T____T Thank you guys for reading Yuri-Effect, the final chapters are coming now. And it starts with Realization Effect part 1; stay tuned and enjoy my chosen ending. Glad it came to this point, seriously this is a long fic eh?

 Anyways oh happy reading!

 Walking around their neighborhood on her own, Yuri stopped by a nearby river to watch the night sky. Yuri was still waiting for Jessica's call; she wonders what her love was doing. She hoped Jessica is alright and fine though.

 "Hey.." Someone tapped Yuri on the right shoulder. Yuri quickly turned to look at who it was.

 "You're.. Yuri right?" It was a man in a white coat.

 "Uh..?" Yuri doesn't know this person so she didn't answer back. Yuri backed away a bit from this suspicious man.

 "Wo-woah wait Yuri! I-I won't hurt you!" The man waved his hands, and backed a little too. "I guess you don't know me yet do you?" The man said.

 "Let me guess.. You're from the future?" Yuri had a hint, with what this man wore, his talk and look; he might have been from somewhere else.

 "Bingo!" The man smiled. He had a thick rimmed eye glasses, his hair was grey and it was brushed up.

 "I'm Dr. Alex Han. You're partner from the future." Dr. Han introduced himself to Yuri. Yuri was still suspicious of this person. "Why are you here?" So she asked.

 "I just traveled back to see this river once again." He looked around the river, the moonlight was reflecting on its water. "Then I happen to bump into you.. I already knew you by the way you stand!" He proudly smiled at Yuri.

 "Did something happen to the river in the future?" Yuri asked and she looked at the river.

 "Yes. In the future, this river is dried. But in our next project, using your invention; we plan to stop that from happening." Dr. Han put his hands on his waist, showing off his proud attitude.

 "That's good." Yuri smiled, Dr. Han looked at Yuri.

 "You seem different from the future you.. Future you is more playful and hyper.. You seem less and.. Bothered." Dr. Han observed Yuri's quiet behavior. Yuri only smiled, she was going through a hard time and to be her usual playful self was hard to do so.

 "Sir, what am I in the future?" Yuri asked.

 "Well you are a Chemical Engineer of the Hwang family." Dr. Han replied.

 "How come, you remember the future? Traveling time has effects of some memory loss right?" It came to Yuri the words of her kids. Dr. Han sat down the ground, he smiled. "I'm your partner remember? You gave me your latest model. The one without the memory loss, Yuri-ssi.." He explained so. But a conclusion was made into Yuri's mind now.

 "Wait? I invented a-a t-time traveling machine?" Yuri eagerly asked Dr. Han, the man laughed at Yuri.

 "Bingo! And you are working on it right now, right?"

 "Wh-what? I-I don't even like Science, how can someone like me invent something like that?" Yuri was so confused about this future of hers.

 "Hmm.. At this year you're around 18 right? You should have some leads on the apex formula of th-" Dr. Han stopped when he saw Yuri doesn't get anything from what he said. "Maybe a bit more days, you'll be interested in Science!" Dr. Han smiled yet he looked so confused on why Yuri is really different, from what she is supposed to be.

 "I won't ever have interest in it. I'm not like Joohyun or Taeyeon.." Yuri sat down and said so in a low voice.

 "Joohyun! Joohyun-ah, where is she? Your wife!" Dr. Han heard Seohyun's name and he hopefully asked Yuri.

 "N-no sh-she's not my wife! And I don't know where she is.." Yuri declined.

 "She's your girlfriend?"



 "She's not my girlfriend, she's my cousin's." Yuri smirked. "Yoona Im?" Dr. Han guessed and Yuri nod.

 "This is very weird.. The timelines looked.. Oh no no no.. So wrong." Dr. Han stood up and brought out a gadget, clicking and reading it fast. "It seems the events of this timeline is wrong.." Dr. Han continued to check. Yuri stood up and looked at what Dr. Han looked at but she didn't understand it.

 "I'm not even supposed to meet you here.." He looked at Yuri. "Yuri-ah.." Dr. Han took of his glasses.

 "Did you want to change something in the future?"

 Yuri didn't think deeper, she knows there's a sole reason why she would change the future. Yuri wanted Jessica as her one and only wife.

 "I do. I wanted to have just one.. One wife."

 "Y-You can't just do that! You can change the future drastically!" Dr. Han panicked and walked around in circles. "That's why your different, that's why!" He continued to rant.

 "But why would having one wife change the future? I'm just a normal person." Yuri spoke her logic.

 "Yuri-ah, Yuri-ah, Yuri-ah. You are not just a normal person, you are an inventor of a most special invention of the future." Dr. Han put his glasses on once more, calming himself down.

 "Choosing one wife can change our future, if something goes wrong it will all be on you." Dr. Han fixed his glasses, looking so serious.

 "I don't get it.. Why would it matter so much?" Yuri was still so confused, she needs answers now.

 "Think it over. You're a genius; you just don't know it yet." Dr. Han turned around, preparing to leave. Yuri could only look down at this statement. Dr took his steps and left Yuri, but he stopped for his 5th step.

 "Yuri-ah, who's the only girl?" He asked.

 "Jessica." Yuri replied.

 "I had the wrong guess." He walked once more leaving Yuri looking at the river.


Chapter 92- Realization Effect P2

 Yuri was looking at the river, thinking back on her short conversation with this man named Dr. Alex Han. Yuri thought back on her decision, the day her future self told her:

 "Then it’s your choice. I only am the person who you.. Chose to be."

 Yuri asked herself if this one decision could really change her in the future. She realized, she would really change. Because this time, her future is going to be with Jessica only. Yuri doesn't want such a future with anyone else anyways, she wanted it with Jessica only.

 "Remember one thing though; you said you want Jessica right? Start being.. Cold.." 

 Yuri remembered another statement her future self wanted her to remember. She asked so badly what does this mean. What it was for? Why 'be cold'? Yuri really doesn't get this. She thought on whom to be cold, if she would be so. She cannot do so, Yuri's always a loving person, she cares about her loved ones and she hates seeing them lonely.

 "You've made your choice. Be sure to be prepared on sticking your cold heart to it. Remember my words.."

 My cold heart.. Yuri mentally said. She questioned herself if she was cold, but it came to it. Indeed, she was cold. She had rejected her supposed to be kids, not giving them any chances to live. But now Yuri understands partly of what her future self told her, she has to be cold on these kids if she wanted Jessica only.

 "You guys as well.. Be prepared."

 "Especially you, Yuri.. Good luck."

 Future Yuri's final statement. Yuri realized, future her already knew what will happen and she warned them about it. Yuri stressed hardly on how she could have been so stupid not remembering these words. Future her warned her about the decision but she still continued so.  

 Yuri held her aching head, it hurt so badly. It hurt her badly because Yuri doesn't want to admit it. She realized the answers already but it will make her breakdown if her heart admits it.

 "Choosing one wife can change our future, if something goes wrong it will all be on you."

 Yuri realized this was all her fault. It started with Yoona and Seohyun, then Taeyeon and Tiffany, afterwards Sooyoung and Sunny and finally, Hyoyeon.  She never thought this was all chain that makes her realize she had hurt her friends in exchange with Jessica. Jessica matters the most to her but to see her friends suffer was very heartbreaking for Yuri. To be with Jessica she had to hurt her friends, it may be indirect but this was the effect of her decision.

 "Be cold.." Yuri spoke and hugged herself, feeling chills from the wind. She also knows now why future her had told her to be so. If she wanted Jessica badly, she had to disregard whatever will happen to her friends or loved ones.

 Yuri laughed on her verge of tears; it hurt her badly to realize everything was all on her. Yuri heard the grass break; she looked back who it was.

 "It seems you had realized everything." Dr. Han came back. He approached Yuri, Yuri only smiled at him wiping some of her tears. "I didn't want to tell you directly.. I wanted you to understand your destiny." Dr. Han showed his right hand to Yuri, it had a yellow pill on it. "Its harsh but you have to decide once more Yuri.." He opened his left hand; there were three diamond rings on it.

 "You see these are your choices." Yuri looked at the pill and the rings.

 "Right hand is a pill that can kill you." Yuri's eyes widen to hear so but Dr. Han looked serious about it.

 "The others are rings, it means you'll change your decision and give this rings to your destined wives." Yuri's heart pounced so fast at this; she was confused and hurt at the same time.

 "What i-is this..?" She asked.

 "You see. If you can't bear your future, its either it gets passed to another person or you do it." Dr. Han closed his hands. "If you can't do it. You might as well be dead." Dr. Han coldly said. "Your death will only put an end to the wrong fates your friends had been experiencing." He further explained. "And changing your decision on one wife, it will also end the misery of your friends." Yuri shook her head no.

 "It won't! Taeyeon and Yoona will suffer if I marry Tiffany and Joohyun, Jessica as well! You're wrong." Yuri curled her fingers, angry at this decision making.

 "They won't suffer. In fact, they're your friends in the future. Jessica is your last wife, she will accept your two other quick." Dr. Han took a pause. "That is if you choose to change your decision. I'll let you travel back to time to do so.." He brought out his hands once more.

 "Now for you to decide."

 Yuri was still thinking, shaking and not knowing what to decide on this matter. If she dies maybe everything would be better, she thought.

 "If I die. What about Jessica?" She asked.

 "She'll be destined for another then." Dr. Han replied.

 Yuri closed her eyes, carefully thinking on her final decision. Yuri doesn't want Jessica to cry for her leave. Yet Yuri hates to see her friends suffer more, but she cannot marry Tiffany and Seohyun; for she knows they are for Taeyeon, her friend and Yoona, her cousin. But she also thought about Hyoyeon's fallen dream, she asked herself if she decides on this; would Hyoyeon finally achieve her dream? She also thought about Sooyoung and Sunny; if she wasn't there Sunny would have loved Sooyoung.

 Since she doesn't want to be unfaithful to Jessica and marry two other girls, Yuri laughed to the thought that maybe dying was the right thing.

 Yuri touched one of the rings. "I wish I could have given Jessica one of these." She smiled. But Yuri went pass the rings and grabbed the pill.

 "Can I at least call Jessica first?" Yuri asked. But Dr. Han told her she cannot. "That pill isn't poison. It will kill you, your existence; for it will trap it in an unknown dimension." Dr. Han explained.

 "Amazing." Yuri smiled at the pill.

 "It's our secret invention." Dr. Han said.

 "Thank you for making me realize all these." Yuri smiled at Dr. Han, and she cried holding the pill close to her lips. Yuri was shaking, her mind and body tells her not to but her heart had hurt enough to take this.

 "If this will make it right.."

 Yuri took the pill, it melted inside her mouth. Yuri looked back to the river and she closed her eyes. Yuri's phone dropped and it rang, someone was calling.

 Dr. Han picked it up and answered it.

 "Yuri? No need to explain, Sunny told me everything." It was Jessica.

 "And.. I love you too."


Chapter 93 - Free Dreams

 A hand was reaching out to a light. A light so frail yet it shines throughout the darkness. As the hand touched its light the frail light, shove all over the darkness.


 A hand reached the other, they held tight as everything colored black had been devoured by the light their hands had emitted.


 Nothing was seen. Nothing was heard or felt as a speeding flash of light had made everything go away.


 Suddenly the scene earlier disappeared. Eyes looked around the place, the place was colored in white, everything was organized and neat, it was a sunny weather outside. Someone was sleeping in front, sleeping so heavenly and calm was a black haired girl.

 "Taeyeon.. Wake up." Said the other. The sleeping person woke up slowly and smiled. "Good morning my love." Said Taeyeon who hugged the person in lying beside her.

 "I had a weird dream.." The person hugged Taeyeon back, looking quite terrified and tired. "What was it about?" Taeyeon asked.

 "It's.. I-it’s about.. Yuri.." The person lied closer to Taeyeon.

 "Who's Yuri?" Taeyeon asked.

 "I don't know.. I didn't even saw what Yuri looked like.." Replied the other. Taeyeon kissed the forehead of this person. "Just a dream, my love."

 Taeyeon sat up, pulling the person up with her. They held hands exiting their bedroom. "Tell you what, I'll make breakfast today.." Taeyeon offered pushing the person to the sofa lightly. "Okay, Tae." The person replied, opening the television for comfort.

 "Wait here my love." Taeyeon left her love and headed to their kitchen.

 The television showed a face of a familiar person, it was their friend on the television. Hyoyeon the superstar was on the television. The person watching happily cheered for Hyoyeon for her great performance.

 "Go Hyoyeon!" The person cheered.

 After a short while Taeyeon came back to this person with the breakfast she prepared.

 "Pancakes! I love it." The person smiled, happy and gave Taeyeon a tight hug. Taeyeon was glad she made this person happy. "But you love me more right?" Taeyeon playfully asked.

 "Of course, silly." The person replied. The couple ate the pancakes, they even fed each other. "I love you!" The person kissed Taeyeon on the cheek. Taeyeon smiled happily at this action. "I love you too.."

 Then Taeyeon got a phone call from her friend, Sunny.

 "Yes, Sunny?"

 "Uhg? Taeyeon later okay?" Sunny answered.

 "I know, don't worry!" Taeyeon hung up quick. The person in cleaned up the dishes and brought them to the sink. "I'll wash that." Taeyeon quickly followed her love to wash the dishes herself.

 "You're a queen today. So relax.." Taeyeon hugged her love from the back. "But, Tae.." The person refused.

 "Just get ready, we'll meet Sunny later remember?" Taeyeon rested her head on the shoulder of the person she hugged. "Okay, Tae.." The person broke the hug and left Taeyeon to head to their room.

 After an hour, the couple drove towards a cafe to meet Sunny. Sunny greeted the couple and hugged them both.

 "Look at you too! Still oh so lovey dovey!" Sunny was glad to see Taeyeon and her partner was still happy holding hands. "We had ups and downs.." The person arched an eyebrow to Taeyeon. "Well it’s always Tae's fault." Sunny laughed and Taeyeon said declined.

 "Well let's get going!" Sunny pulled the two towards their car.

 The three drove to a famous dress shop. They looked around for a for a dress as a gift.

 "I think she'll like the pink one more." The person suggested as Sunny can hardly choose a color. "Or the blue one." The person added. Sunny looked at the pink and blue one. "Tae? What about you? What do you think?" Sunny asked.

 "Blue." Taeyeon suggested and Sunny quickly bought the dress.

 They all walked around shops more and it turned out they bought some things for themselves. As the day passes they bid goodbyes and went in their respective homes. By the time they all got home it was already night time.

 "I hope she'll like our gift." The person sat by the window looking up to the starry sky. "Sure she will." Taeyeon approached her love sat beside this person.

 "Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's a big day." Taeyeon took the hand of her love and she pulled the person to their bedroom.

 The couple headed to the party of Hyoyeon's birthday. It was a special secret party prepared by Hyoyeon's special friends. Hyoyeon looked so happy as she saw Taeyeon and her love together.

 "Happy birthday, Hyo." The person gave their gift and hugged Hyoyeon.

 "Thank yo-" Hyoyeon was cut to see another friend. "Joohyun-ah!" Taeyeon happily greeted.

 "Happy birthday unnie!" Seohyun gave Hyoyeon her gift and Seohyun greeted Taeyeon and her love as well.

 "The Dean of Seoul University is a busy person, I'm glad she came by." The person teased Seohyun. "Oh unnie, like I'll miss this chance to see you all once more." Seohyun smiled. They all came inside the party.

 After a short while, Hyoyeon was greeted by Sunny with Sooyoung. "Happy Happy Birthday Hyo!" Sooyoung hugged Hyoyeon tight and Sunny gave their gift.

 "Yah! It’s like we don't see each other every day!" Hyoyeon broke the hug and they laughed. "So what! I'm your manager so I can hug you if I want!" Sooyoung laughed. Sunny pushed Sooyoung to the party. "Alright alright! Let’s just go in."

 Inside they all happily chatted. They talked about Taeyeon's restaurant, Sunny's pharmacist job and mostly Seohyun's successful ladder to becoming a dean in just a year.

 "When will you teach again?" Seohyun asked.

 "If Taeyeon allows me to." The person replied to Seohyun. "I'm allowing you!" Taeyeon playfully tickled her love. "Kidding~ I wanna focus on Taeyeon first." The person replied and Seohyun understood. Sooyoung and Sunny clapped playfully for this person's reply.

 "True Love!" They teased.

 "You too as well." The person directed to Sunny and Sooyoung and they all laughed.

 Afterwards, Hyoyeon got another guest.

 "Happy birthday Hyoo!" She greeted and hugged Hyoyeon. Behind this girl was another, holding a present for Hyoyeon. "Thanks you two." Hyoyeon hugged her guests. She lead the two inside.

 "Lookie the richest couple of Korea!" The person teased.  "Wh-what? It’s not like that!" The red haired girl sat on the sofa, followed by her partner. "Come on Tiff, you and Yoona. Seriously stop making money.." Taeyeon backed her lover for the teasing.

 "Oh unnie." Yoona can only chuckle at her friends's teasing. "Seohyun!" Yoona gave Seohyun a hug. "How's being a dean?" She asked. Seohyun smiled and told her it was okay.

 "Cool then." Yoona happily smiled and sat by Tiffany once more.

 Hyoyeon brought out the cake and they sang Hyoyeon a birthday song. "I wish Hyoyeon a couple!" Yoona shouted out loud. Hyoyeon slapped Yoona's shoulder at it. "Oh so then I wish Seohyun a couple then!" Seohyun only laughed at Yoona.

 "I wish Sooyoung will eat less." Sunny teased her girlfriend. "Wae?"

 Taeyeon laughed with her friends but she turned to her lover. "I wish?" Taeyeon thought for a while.

 "Would there be anything else to wish for?" The person replied caressing Taeyeon's face.

 "Nothing else, Sica." Taeyeon smiled.

 "I have everything I have ever wanted here Tae. By your side.." Jessica kissed Taeyeon's cheek. Their friends screamed, scolding the two for a sweet moment.

  Extension] Chapter 94 - Upon A Star

 "Yul-papa, wake up." 

 "Wh-where?" Yuri opened her eyes slowly. The images she saw were still blurry. As the images got cleared, Yuri saw a young man to her left, smiling with a toothy grin.

 "Finally idol's awake!" Another young man appeared to Yuri's right. Yuri was confused who these people were but somehow they looked familiar to her.

 "Yul-papa, what are you doing in here?" Yuri knows that voice, it came from her back. A young woman walked to show herself to Yuri. Yuri's eyes grew large seeing this girl. Yuri literally dropped her jaw to this beautiful girl; she wore a white jumpsuit, showing off her curvy and slim figure.

 "Waa! You're papa looked like she saw a ghost!" The young man in Yuri's left spoke up. Yuri closed her mouth and smiled at the girl. "Y-you're..?" Yuri asked the girl.

 "Yeon Hee." The girl named herself.

 Yuri stood up and looked at her daughter closely. "Oh my gosh, you grew up to be.. A-a-a major number 1!" Yuri proudly looked at her daughter. Yuri hugged Yeon Hee and Yeon Hee hugged her papa back. "You're my daughter with Sica right? You look a lot like her!" Yuri broke the hug and scanned Yeon Hee's face, definitely parts were from Jessica. "Of course, who do you want to be my mother anyways?" Yeon Hee giggled at Yuri.

 "Am I in the future?"  Yuri looked around the area, everything looked so pale and it looked like they were in a dump site. "Is this.. The future..?" Yuri frowned when she remembered this could have been the future she had made. The future became a disaster because of her, she assumed.

 "You are idol, but what are you doing in the dump dimension?" The tall young man asked Yuri. Yuri looked at this boy closely, he looked familiar. "You are?" Yuri asked.

 "I'm Jonghyu.. I'm Yeon Hee's friend. I guess you don't know yet." He said, he took Yuri's hand and shake it with his own. "It’s a pleasure to meet you, you in the form same age as me that is." Jonghyu smiled. Yuri knows these cheeks somewhere and the face somehow looked familiar. But something came to Yuri.

 "Wai-wait!? Don't tell me your parents are?"

 "Joohyun and Yoona Im." Jonghyu answered. Yuri turned to look at the other boy, who’s smiling. "An eye smile, Tiffany's son! With who?" Yuri crossed her fingers wishing not hear her name from this boy.

 "Taeyeon Kim. I'm Triece Kim. Nice to meet you, though I know you already Yuri Kwon-ssi?" He looked at Yuri and eye smiled. "This is so cool.." Yuri looked at these three youngsters and a warm happiness engulfed her body.

 "Still papa, what are you doing here?" Yeon Hee broke Yuri's happy moment by asking so. "I.. I remember.. Taking a pill of death." Yuri sadly said.

 "Y-you what idol?!" Jonghyu shouted, being so surprised. "I took a yellow pill, Dr. Han told me it would kill me.." Yuri looked at her hands, surprised she is still alive.

 "But I'm still alive.." Yuri looked around. "He also said my existence will be trapped in an unknown dimension.." Yuri got it. She was exiled to this dump dimension, but she doesn't know why she's alive and breathing.

 "Did you three save me?" Yuri asked but the three shook their heads no. "We we're lurking around and we found you're body floating around the space." Triece explained to Yuri.

 "Yul-papa, this person you spoke of earlier, what's his name again?" Yeon Hee asked her papa. Yuri tried to remember the man's name.

 "I think it was Alex.. Alex Han?" Yuri said. Yeon Hee looked at Jonghyu. Jonghyu brought out a gadget and it showed a screen with flashing names and pictures.

 "Hyu, we should know this person." Yeon Hee and Jonghyu nod to each other. Triece on the other hand told them something.

 "Hmm.. A pill that traps an existence. Sounds like a fail invention to me.." With Triece's words Jonhyu had a hint on how to look for this person's background.

 "Yul-papa, did he told you something else?" Yeon Hee sat beside Yuri. Yuri smiled at Yeon Hee, she was lost in thought thinking about Jessica. "Yul-papa?" Yuri snapped out from herself.

 "I-I uh.. Remember him telling me he was a partner of mine? And the pill was our secret invention?" Yuri explained. The two boys started their research once again as they had a new clue.

 Yuri laughed at Jonghyu and Triece. "Look at these two, Joohyun and Taeyeon in the making." Yeon Hee laughed at Yuri. "Not really, they're trying to impress me." Yeon Hee said, continuing her chuckles. Yuri arched her eyebrow. "So these two are suitors?" Yuri stood up and put her hands on her waist. "Hmm.. Papa doesn't approve my baby girl!" Yuri said and Yeon Hee laughed.

 "Wh-what?!" The two boys shouted.

 "Get back to work!" Yeon Hee directed and the two did so. Yuri laughed at her daughter, she remembered Jessica so much on Yeon Hee.

 After a while they all summed up all their gathered information.

 "Dr. Alex Han was part of the time machine project with Yuri Kwon." Jonghyu read his research. "But in an unknown reason he disappeared." He continued.

 "I remember, Taeng-appa told me once about Han's pill project. It was a fail classified invention that may have caused his lost." Triece shared his knowledge.

 "So in conclusion, this man is suspicious. We need to know more though.." Yeon Hee and her group turned to Yuri.

 "What do you think we should do appa?" She asked Yuri. Yuri rubbed her head nothing seemed to come into her mind; she's kinda embarrassed how these suppose to be kids are much smarter than her.

 "I uh.. Think I should get back to my timeline.." Yuri suggested but the three shook their heads no.

 "Yul-appa, this person has a grudge on you and you are not going back there without knowledge of this person." Yeon Hee suggested. But the group was suddenly startled when everything around them started to shake. They all looked down and the ground was cracking.

 "Oh oh, Yeon Hee I think this place is about to be destroyed." Triece observed. Jonghyu quickly lead them to their ship.

 "Hurry let's go!" They ran towards it but Yuri stopped.

 "I need to go back.." Yuri said. Yeon Hee reached out for Yuri's hand but Yuri smiled at her daughter instead. "You see.. If I stay any longer I can change something in the timelines. So I need to go back.. Now." Yuri said. "But Yul-appa, we'll help you fight this person! We'll find out more together!" Yeon Hee still insisted, rocks and debris soon fell from upward.

 "Thank you baby, I'm glad I met you once again." Yuri smiled.

 "Once again?" Yeon Hee was confused. Yuri could only smile at her cute daughter, a Jessica copy. "Though.. I'll never see you sisters ever.. I'm glad I saw you." Yuri closed her eyes and added, but Yeon Hee didn't hear so with all the loud noises.

 "Hey idol, catch!" Jonghyu threw a box to Yuri, and Yuri caught it fast. "Good luck!" Triece shouted and he closed the gates of the ship.

 The ship of the three left the dimension leaving Yuri. Jonghyu piloted the ship while Triece and Yeon Hee sat back.

 "Yul-appa.. Be careful." Yeon Hee looked at the stars.


[Extension] Chapter 95 - Unexpressed Love

 Yuri opened her eyes and the sun was shining so bright, yet the scene she sees is a bit disputed. Yuri realized she was drowning, she quickly sat up and she looked around. Yuri was lying in the river all the time. She looked around, people who passed by looked at her. She quickly stood up and embarrassedly walked away from the river.

 But before she left completely, she noticed her phone covered in grass. She picked it up, and it had tons of missed calls and messages.

 She noticed she was gone for already the whole night, but Yuri was thankful she was still alive. Her phone's battery died so Yuri decided to go home.

 When Yuri got home, her mother was on the sofa looking problematic.

 "Yuri!" Mrs. Kwon's eyes enlarged and she quickly ran towards Yuri. "I'm was worried! Where have you been?!"

 Mrs. Kwon was so worried about Yuri being gone away from home the whole night. She hugged her daughter even if Yuri was partially soaked in river water.

 "Long story mom, don't you have work?" Yuri broke the hug and asked her mother. Mrs. Kwon frowned.

 "How can I go to work when my daughter is not at home? And I don't know where the hell she is!" Mrs. Kwon lightly slapped Yuri's shoulder. "Why aren't you answering my calls and messages?! Where have you been?!" Yuri only smiled at her mother.

 "I told you mom, long story. I'll tell you later on.." Yuri made her way towards her room to have a short bath. Afterwards Yuri opened her phone; she checked the messages and almost all were from her mother. Yuri looked around her desk; she noticed something she never did before.

 "Yuri!" Someone suddenly opened the door and rushed towards Yuri.

 "Stop making me worry!" The person jumped on Yuri and they both fell on the floor.

 "S-Sica?!" Yuri was surprised to see Jessica.

 "Yuri, I'm glad you're safe.. I was so worried.." Jessica almost cried and Yuri was so touched to see her girlfriend become like this for the first time. "Not like I died anyways.." Yuri playfully said. She hugged Jessica tight. "Sica, do you know how much I missed you?!" Jessica smiled and comfortably laid her head beside Yuris. "I know.. How hard it is Yul.." Jessica spoke softly.

 "I know.. You're not the only one who feels it." Jessica's words puzzled Yuri, thinking what her love was trying to express.

 "Please don't ever think you're alone."

 Yuri's eyes suddenly showed a tear, even if she doesn't know what Jessica was going to; Yuri was touched by Jessica's words without even ending it.

 "I know that maybe somehow.. This was our fault. Why our friends are so.. It may be what future you had warned us about.." Jessica pinned her arms and showed smiled to Yuri. "But even so Yuri.." Jessica smiled but her face immersed a feeling of bit sadness.

 "Even if our decision was a wrong thing." Jessica cried.

 "Don't ever think you're alone!" Jessica's tears dripped down to Yuri's face. "It's our decision.. You're not the only one at fault." Jessica cried more, causing her to lose her strength and she collapsed to Yuri's shoulder.

 "Sica.." Yuri hugged Jessica, brushing the girl's hair while she cries on her shoulder. "Thank you.." Yuri closed her eyes.

 "I was such an idiot.. How could I ever think of leaving.." Yuri could only cry as well. She mentally punished herself for being an idiot and trying to run away. But now that Jessica has cleared her clouded mind, Yuri was now delighted and enlightened better.

 "I'm glad.. I'm so happy." Yuri expressed, she know this love of theirs was now the right decision. Yuri wiped her tears and smiled.

 "Sica, know what I met Yeon Hee once again." Yuri smiled looking up to her room's ceiling. She patiently waited for Jessica's reply but the girl was still quiet and sobbing. "She's so hot and beautiful!" Yuri closed her eyes and imagined the teenager Yeon Hee she met. But Jessica still didn't reply.

 "And if I didnt know she was my daughter..  I would have thought of asking her ou-"

 "Owwww!" Jessica quickly picked on her ear.

 "I was only joking!" Yuri quickly explained and Jessica frowned. "So if you saw someone like her you'll ask that someone out?" Jessica asked, slowly clearing her tears. Jessica lied beside Yuri on the floor.

 "Of course not. Like there's anyone else looking like you than Yeon Hee." Yuri explained while fixing Jessica's bangs. "Another thing, she grew up and looked a lot like you." Yuri chuckled.

 "I mean she's like you as well." Yuri caressed Jessica's cheeks. Jessica smiled at Yuri.

 "You don't know how much I feel for you, Sica." Yuri said. "You won't ever understand. Because even I can't express it well.." She continued.

 "No cheesy lines or words can ever do so." Yuri smiled. She was loves Jessica so much that she even attempted to die just for Jessica but now that Jessica told her not to never think she's alone; she loved Jessica even more. Jessica was her eternal savior, someone who will help her in times she's down. Yuri had always knew, Jessica was forever and nobody else was.

 "What, do you think I can express as well?" Jessica sniffed and smiled. "I also don't know how to express my love, Yul." Jessica put an arm on Yuri's shoulder.

 "But I know I love you.." Jessica pulled herself closer to Yuri. Yuri slipped her hand on Jessica's waist, pulling the girl for a kiss. They both shared their warmth, a feeling of love they cannot express in words. They made each other feel their undying love by the means of action, actions that cannot be expressed by words; love. They continued their new found expression of love afterwards. Though they did it slowly, time didn't matter for them. Both of them knew this was the best manner to do it, for they do it with love as the sole reason.


 Yuri held Jessica's hand as they walked down stairs. It seemed Mrs. Kwon has left their household once again, and could only Yuri sighed at this.

 "Hey, she needs to work." Jessica held Yuri's hand tightly as she saw Yuri's sad expression. "I know.." Yuri said.

 "But since I have you.. It's okay." Yuri smiled and Jessica pulled her playfully to the living room. She pulled Yuri twirling Yuri in circles. Yuri laughed at her girlfriend being all childish all too suddenly. "What gives?" She asked, pulling Jessica's waist to her. "Nothing, just happy you know I exist." Jessica replied showing her tongue to Yuri.

 "You should always remember how much I love you.." She added holding Yuri's hand, filling each space of Yuri's hand with her fingers. "It's sometimes unclear but.. Yuri I love you." She smiled, looking livelier.

 "I know, Jessica Kwon." Yuri smiled back, she leaned her head closer to Jessica's head.

 "Yuri.." Jessica tiptoed to give Yuri a short kiss.

 "I'm sorry.." Jessica pulled her hands away, she looked down. Yuri became confused, why would Jessica apologize.

 "For wha-!" Yuri looked back, her shoulder was stabbed by an injection. "Y-youu..!" Yuri trembled and strongly pulled off the injection Dr. Han stabbed on her.

 "W-what did you d-do.. To S-Sica?!" Yuri tried to grab Dr. Han but she got down on her knees from sudden energy lost. "I didn't do anything." He replied, looking down on Yuri. He slowly approached Jessica but Yuri grabbed his coat.

 "D-damn -you! Wh-wh.." Yuri's eye sight was slowly failing. She looked up to Jessica. "S-Sica.."

 "Yuri.. Please don't try to stop me.. I won't anyways.." Jessica showed a smile yet a pain was seen in her expression. "Wh-what.. Do you m-mean?" Yuri tried to get up, even if her arms trembled from probably the effects of what Dr. Han injected on her. "Don't believe.. W-what h-he says Sica!" Yuri crawled to Jessica. Jessica turned away, taking steps away from Jessica. Dr. Han followed Jessica.

 "Si-Sica! N-no.. D-don-n't.." Yuri reached out to Jessica but the images of Jessica and Dr. Han walking out her house became blurry. And slowly, Yuri lost consciousness, shutting her eyes.

  Extension] Chapter 96 - Against the odds

 "Yuri.. Wake up.."

 "Yuri!" Yuri her eyes to a loud shout, she looked up to a person by her side. Her sight was blurry, making it hard for her to know who this person was. "Uhg.. Wh.."

 Yuri tried to get up and recall the details of what happen before she lost her consciousness. She held her head as she remembered images of Jessica's smile, Jessica's tears and Jessica's departure with Dr. Han. "J-Jessica.."

 Yuri's sight was now clear, and so was everything that happen. She looked to her right, the person who wake her up was there looking at her with a worried face.

 "You okay?"

 "Soo.." Yuri was a bit relieved to see Sooyoung. Sooyoung smiled weakly. "I was passing.." Sooyoung took a pause and rubbed her head. "No, I mean I was.. Going to apologize." Sooyoung confessed. Yuri sat up comfortably and hugged her friend. "Sorry too, Soo." Yuri was quite glad her friendship with Sooyoung was being fixed.

 "I.. I shouldn't have blamed you, Yuri. You were just being a good friend and I was.." Sooyoung nearly cried but Yuri playfully tapped Sooyoung's back. "Enough of that Soo, I need your help." Yuri became serious.

 "Oh yea, what happen? Your door was left open so I came here and found you lying on the floor.." Sooyoung told Yuri what she caught up to.

 "Jessica was taken." Yuri stood up and Sooyoung did as well. "Taken by whom?" Sooyoung asked.

 "I don't know exactly who this person is, but he's definitely not from around this.. Time." Yuri looked serious but she looked at Sooyoung, waiting for Sooyoung's laugh or surprised reaction. But Sooyoung didn't react like how Yuri thought. "You're not..?" Yuri expressed.

 "Future kids and future kidnaper, what more?" Sooyoung smiled. She wrapped an arm around Yuri's shoulder. "If you're Yuri Kwon's friend, you better get used to the weirdness!" Sooyoung said with a chuckle. Yuri could only laugh as she now recalls her normal life was no longer normal, as these time travelers came to make her life extraordinary.

 "How can we find this time traveling kidnaper?" Sooyoung asked as she and Yuri came to look around the city. "I don't know.." Yuri smiled. Sooyoung lightly pushed Yuri. "Yaaah! How come you don't know?!" Sooyoung spoke and Yuri defended. "H-hey! Kidnapers don't say where they take their victims!" She logically said. Sooyoung took the time to process it. "You're right.."

 "So what are you planning now brainiac?" Sooyoung asked, she also looked around if she could see Jessica.

 "Get Jessica back." Yuri also looked around the people and establishments. "How smart Yuri-ah! I know that! But how?!" Sooyoung stressed. Yuri doesn’t know how exactly but she has Jessica as a main goal. "I don't know.." Yuri stopped for a while.

 "Can we ask for police help? Or Science experts?" Sooyoung suggested. Yuri shook her head left and right. "I'm afraid they can't track him down.." Yuri expressed hopelessness. How can she find this person if no clues was left? "The police surely has no record of him if he's from the future.." Yuri thought every information carefully. "Science experts won't believe two high school kids without evidence of a time traveler." She thought of another contrast.

 "So were on our own?" Sooyoung asked, but she comforted Yuri. "It's okay; I'll help you find her."

 "Thanks, Soo. We'll think of something.." Yuri smiled at her supporting friend. She closed her eyed; carefully thinking of a plan and solution but nothing came up to her.

 Damn it! I'm a future creator of a time machine and I'm this dumb.. Yuri somehow hated herself for not getting any ideas even if her head was drained to nothing.

 "Let's ask Taeyeon's help."

 Sooyoung tapped her friend's shoulder as she saw the agony Yuri was expressing. "For?" Yuri asked.

 "I'm sure for brains, we can ask for her help. She's good at solving problems.." Sooyoung explained and Yuri thought about it properly. "You have a point." 

 The two decided to call Taeyeon but Taeyeon didn't pick up. Yuri remembered Taeyeon probably went out with Tiffany that moment.

 "She's with Tiffany today.." Yuri told Sooyoung as she closed her phone. "That dork. She could at least answer the call.." Sooyoung pouted. Yuri smiled, somehow motivating herself with Jessica's love. She knows Jessica has a reason, everything has an explanation.

 The two walked around the city some more. Sooyoung bought a drink from a food chain for a while, so Yuri waited outside. Yuri looked around the place and she saw someone she called before, Taeyeon.

 "Taeyeon!" She approached Taeyeon who's silently waiting by a post across the street. "Y-Yuri-ssi!" Taeyeon was quite surprised to see Yuri.

 "Where's Tiffany? You two are on a date right?" Yuri looked around for Tiffany but she didn't see the girl anywhere near. "Suppose to be on a date.. But she's two hours late.." Taeyeon wasn't happy about it. She looked pissed, probably tired of waiting. "Yoona probably stopped her." Taeyeon sighed.

 "Wait, I'll call Yoona." Yuri saw this frustration of Taeyeon so she tried to help by asking her cousin about Tiffany's whereabouts. Sooyoung saw them together she approached the two.

 "Yoong, buddy!" Yoona picked up, her two friends came to her closer to listen. "Yea, Yul?" Yoona answered.

 "Any chance you tied Tiffany by a rope and didn't let her go out of their mansion?" Yuri sarcastically said. Yoona laughed at Yuri's words. "Why would I do that?" And Yoona laughed some more.

 "So where's Fany?" Yuri asked.

 "Hand-cuffed on her bed." Yoona said. Taeyeon reacted fast. "Wh-wha!-" Sooyoung held Taeyeon's mouth to stop the girl from reacting. "H-h cu- she!? P-p-ni-yaa!" Taeyeon still tried to rant but Sooyoung pulled her away a bit.

 "You have got to be joking, Yoong.." Yuri turned back to Yoona. "Yep. I was joking, obviously. Why would I do such a thing?" Yoona said. "She went out with Taeyeon, why'd you ask?" Yuri froze at the moment, thinking something bad might have happen to Tiffany.

 "You serious? She went out?" Yuri said worriedly.

 "Yea, about two hours ago. Why? What's wrong Yul?" Yoona also got some kind of thought that something was up. "I'm with Taeyeon right now. She's been waiting for Tiffany for two hours already." Yuri looked at Taeyeon. Taeyeon has calmed herself with Yoona's joke but she was getting worried about Yuri's looks of worries.

 "What?" Yoona asked with a bit of a loud volume.

 "Calm down.. I'll try calling her.. I'll call you up if we know where she is." Even though Yuri told her cousin to calm down, she herself was worried. "I'll meet you guys up, let's find her." Yoona proposed but Yuri declined.

 "I can't just stay here Yul, my parents and Mr. Hwang will kill me if Tiffany is missing.." Yoona stressed out, but she kept it in a volume low, so no maids or butlers could hear so. But Yuri still refused, she has another plan and if she's right she can have a clue to where Jessica is. But the problem is Yoona.


 "Yoong listen.. I need you to meet Joohyun now." Yuri spoke up. "As in now, please. You need to go, I belie-"

 "B-but Yuri I-I can't even face he-"

 "Just go or else you'll lose her as well!" Yuri shouted that it made Yoona silent. "Yoona.. Trust me." Yuri expressed, she thought if Tiffany and Jessica was taken, Seohyun has large chance of being taken next. "Yoong.."

 "Understood. I'll go." Even if Yoona was still half hearted at facing Seohyun, she trusted Yuri's words. If Yuri told her Seohyun's wellness was at danger, she'll set aside this fear of confronting Seohyun if it was for Seohyun as well.

 "Hurry up, buddy." Yuri worriedly said.

 "Okay, I'll tell my driver to use a maximum speed." Yoona got ready to go to Seohyun. Yuri ended the call and turned back to Taeyeon and Sooyoung.

 "I've been calling Ppani-ah she's not picking up.." Taeyeon told Yuri. Yuri could only feel her heart ache at this news, she knows Seohyun might be next and they have to reach her before Dr. Han does.


[Extension] Chapter 97 - Hero in a Villain

 Heavily breathing, running everywhere and trying to find a girl she had always avoided; Yoona did her best to find Seohyun around their neighborhood. She tried knocking by Seohyun's household but no one seemed to be home. Yoona feared badly on what can happen to Seohyun so she disregarded any fatigue or stress just to see Seohyun fine and safe.

 Until Yoona saw a familiar person come across the street. She quickly sprinted towards this person, Yoona almost got hit by a car but she evaded it fast. She didn't care if she'll get run by a car, what matters is she catch up to this person.

 "Hey! Are you trying to kill yourself?!" The owner of the car came out of the car and pertained to Yoona. Yoona pretended not to hear any of these complains and hurried to chase the person of her target.

 Yoona caught up to the person and she quickly tapped this person.

 "Mrs. Seo!" Yoona got the attention of the woman.

 "Mrs. Seo.." Yoona took time to catch her breathing and Mrs. Seo only looked at Yoona with a glare. "What do you want?!" Mrs. Seo angrily swayed Yoona's hand on her shoulder.

 "Where's Seo-Seohyun, ma’am?" Yoona politely asked but the woman she faced had a grudge on her.

 "Why should I tell you? What do you want from her?"

 "I need to see her, please." Yoona begged for Seohyun badly but Mrs. Seo ignored Yoona and continued to walk away.

 "Please, I just need to see if she's alright." Yoona followed the lady but the lady pushed Yoona back. "She's never been better! And I suggest you leave her alone!" Mrs. Seo pushed Yoona but Yoona was persistent to see Seohyun. "Please just let me see her.. I need to see her.." Yoona pleaded once more. But Mrs. Seo pushed Yoona with a great force, causing Yoona to fall on the ground.

 "So you can make my daughter cry again?! Leave her alone! You have no rights to see her, you hear me?!" Mrs. Seo scolded Yoona with the pain she felt on seeing Seohyun cry so hard with Yoona leaving her.

 "Please.." Yoona reached for Mrs. Seo's foot to stop her from leaving.

 "I said leave her alon-!"              


 "I-Its okay.." Mrs. Seo stopped when Seohyun called out to her from behind. Seohyun approached Yoona and lent Yoona a hand to hold on to.

 "S-Seohyun.." Yoona looked up to Seohyun, she had water in her eyes as she carefully looked at Seohyun's face. She slowly stood up, while Seohyun's hand was the support.

 "Yoona.." Seohyun wasn't smiling; she had a hurtful expression while looking at Yoona. "Mom.. I'll talk to Yoona.." She told her mother and Mrs. Seo allowed her daughter. Mrs. Seo knows her daughter is smart and intelligent; she'll be fine on her own. And somehow, she had faith that Yoona will regain her reputation.

 Walking around, Yoona held on tight on Seohyun's hand Seohyun was quiet though. "I-I.." Yoona was quite nervous, she knows Seohyun hates her yet she needs to stay and guard Seohyun.

 "I'm sorry.. Seohyun.." Yoona apologized.

 "For?" Seohyun replied, as she followed wherever Yoona lead her. "For.. Everything.. For.." Yoona took a deep breath. This was a moment she reflected on how she had hurt the person most important to her.

 "..Not being the person.. You knew I was.. You hoped I was.." Yoona stopped. She tightened her grip on Seohyun's hand.

 "I just felt.. I didn't deserve you.. Not when my family had hurt yours.." Yoona looked down on her feet as she trembled to a sadness she condemned for a while now.

 "I know.. I was wrong to leave you.. But you should know I did it for you." Yoona's tears dripped down to the ground. "I.. Know.. I wasn't worthy." Yoona cried, but Seohyun hugged her from behind.

 "Yoong.. You know I can't go on like this anymore.." Seohyun spoke up, hugging Yoona tight.

 "I hate this. I hate it when you cry.. It makes me weak, Yoona." Seohyun cried on Yoona's back. "You're supposed to be a bully right? You shouldn't cry.."

 Yoona slowly faced Seohyun, caressing Seohyun's cheeks. "Yoong, I still love you." Seohyun smiled though tears were falling from her eyes. Yoona cried as well and she then leaned her forehead to Seohyun's.

 "Seohyun.. I'm so sorry.. Please forgive me for what I have done.." Yoona sincirely apologized. Her cold mask was being disolved by Seohyun's love hugging her all around. "I love you so much.. And it will never change." Yoona gave Seohyun a light kiss on the lips.

 "Remarkable kind of love." Someone clapped a hand and commeted. Yoona and Seohyun turned to look at this person. Yoona quickly held on Seohyun tight, protecting her love.

 "You must be the person Yul was talking about?!" Yoona spoke up and the person clapped again. "I'm Dr. Alex Han, but you make me sound like a bad guy.." Dr. Han slowly approached Yoona and Seohyun but Yoona didn't let her guard down. "I'm just here to take Joohyun-ssi for a while." He proposed, giving a bow to Seohyun.

 Yoona quickly blocked Seohyun away from this man. Dr. Han frowned at this action. "I won't hurt her, Yoona Im. I just need her to come with me.." Dr. Han showed a hand to Seohyun. Seohyun held on Yoona tight, she fears to come with this man.

 "Joohyun-ssi, why did you fall for the wrong person? You were supposed to be Yuri's foundation in knowledge." Dr. Han frustratedly said. He then looked down to the ground. "I know you wouldn't care because the timelines are all wrong but.. You see you weren't chosen by Yuri as a wife." Dr. Han kicked the ground.

 "I know! I know! It was crazy when Yuri in the future is madly in love with you, not Jessica!" He crazily rubbed his head and burst like a mad man. "Everything's so wrooong!" He screamed and gave a glare to Yoona.

 "So I will make it right." He slowly took steps towards Yoona and Seohyun.

 Yoona quickly ran to him and punched the doctor to his face. With such force, the man fell backwards to the ground, screaming in pain. "Awwee! My face!" The doctor tried to find his glasses, Yoona came back to Seohyun and she took Seohyun to run.

 "Am-3A!" Dr. Han called out and a mechanical dog came out from the dark. The dog chased Yoona and Seohyun. Seohyun was a slow runner so Yoona tried to carry her instead. She quickly made a phone call to her driver to fetch them but suddenly..

 "Oww!" Yoona's arm was bitten by the mechanical dog and Yoona tried to sway it but it was locked tight on her arm. Seohyun picked up a metal rod and slammed it with the dog and it bit off Yoona.

 Yoona's arm bleed but she told Seohyun to run once again. As they both saw Yoona's car park nearby the two sprinted towads it but a mechanical cyborg quickly snatched Seohyun from Yoona's grip.

 "Seohyun!" Yoona screamed reaching out to Seohyun as the cyborg took her love away.

 "Let's go Am-3A.." Dr. Han ordered the cyborg.



 Dr. Han injected something on Seohyun and the girl fainted. Yoona ran towards the suspect but the cyborg shielded his master as Yoona tried to barrage to Seohyun. The cyborg pushed Yoona causing the girl to tumble backwards. Yoona didn't mind the pain she stood up again and tried to get to Seohyun once again.

 "Give Seohyun back to me! Darn it!" Yoona forced herself pushing the cyborg but it repeated what it did to Yoona. Dr. Han got Seohyun to his car and he signaled the cyborg to follow.

 "Darn it!" Yoona ran to follow the car; her own car followed her asking her to get on. Yoona got on her car and they chased Dr. Han's car.

 Yoona brought out her phone to call Yuri. "Yul, Seohyun's been taken." Yoona delivered a bad news. Yuri asked her cousin to calm down. "I'll chase him down. You guys find a way to corner this guy.." Yoona was determined if Seohyun was in distress, Yoona will do everything to rescue Seohyun.

 "Okay, Yoong. We're on our way.."                                                                              

 The cyborg suddenly jumped on top of Yoona's car. It punched and slammed the car, alerting Yoona and her driver. But as the cyborg jumped off their car, Dr. Han's car was already gone.

 Yoona came out of the car totally pissed and filled with worries. "Ugh! Seohyun!"


[Extended] Chapter 98 - Together; A team

 "Yoona!" Yuri met up with her cousin, who looked so deprived. "Yul.. I'm sorry.. I lost them." Yoona broke down and Yuri comforted her cousin. "It's okay, well find them."

 Taeyeon approached the two. "What does he damn want from them?!" She was angry at this guy for taking Tiffany that is.

 "He said, he wanted to make things right.." Yoona recalled what Dr. Han had informed her about.

 "He took Yuri's suppose to be wives right? Jessica, Tiffany and Joohyun." Sooyoung also joined the storming. "So there's a connection." She added.

 "A person from the future, came back to correct the past." Taeyeon also thought deeply. Yoona turned to look at Yuri.

 "He told me my decision was wrong.." Yuri spoke up. She looked down to her feet. "He told me; whatever happens it was all on me. I-I'm sorry you guys.." She apologized to her friends. The three quickly supported Yuri but Yuri moved back.

 "Don't you see? He's right." Yuri raged.

 "I was at fault at everything.. You guys should blame me.." Yuri added and she broke down to tears. Her friends looked at Yuri, this was serious; the usual happy and playful her has become but a thing of a past.

 "Non-sense!" Someone shouted from the back. This person ran to Yuri and smacked Yuri's head, making Yuri look back to this person. "H-Hyo.. Yeon.." It was Hyoyeon, smiling to Yuri.

 "What goodness will it give us if we blame you?" Hyoyeon asked Yuri. Behind her, Sunny waved to them all.

 "Su-Sunkyu.. Why? H-how?" Sooyoung became shy and retreated back but Sunny ran to her and held her hand. "I'm sorry.. Yuri called me.. And I took Hyoyeon with me.." She said and she tip toe'd to give Sooyoung a light peck on the cheek. "It took me time to realize.." Sunny blushed and she turned to Yuri.

 "Yuri-ah, it’s never all your fault. It was all our decision, we decide for our choices and whatever come out of it; it’s our responsibility." Sunny explained as she held Sooyoung's hand to hers.

 "Sunny's right. We are all to blame but.. Yuri-ah, first things first, let's get those three back." Taeyeon suggested, showing a determined expression.

 "You were never alone on this. You always had us, Yul." Hyoyeon wrapped an arm around Yuri's shoulder.

 "We're a team now buddy, not just you and me anymore.." Yoona smiled to Yuri.

 Yuri looked down and cried. She remembered what Jessica had told her before she left.

 "Don't ever think you're alone!"

 "It's our decision.. You're not the only one at fault."

 Yuri looked up to the sky; she remembered Jessica's words clearly. Jessica hated it when she blames everything on her own where all the while she had Jessica, no not only Jessica; Yuri had a team, friends who's there to be true and help her.

 "You guys.. Don't make me cry..." Yuri said so, but she was crying at this wonderful friendship they all shared.

 "Oww!" Hyoyeon smacked her head once more. She turned to Hyoyeon with a glare. "What was that for?!" Yuri asked. Hyoyeon showed a tounge to Yuri and smirked. "Jessica told me if she's not here, I have the privilege to hit you."

 "Wh-what?!" And everyone shared a short laugh.

 They all decided to head to Sunny's house nearby to plan their action.

 "If he plans to make things right, do it the nicer way. Not involving any kidnapping on it." Taeyeon spoke up as she, Sooyoung and Yoona checked the map for a possible route Dr. Han could have took.

 "If I were a mad scientist, kidnapping three young girls where will I take them?" Sooyoung questioned and Yoona chuckled at this question. "In a cave? Hidden hideout or something?" She replied.

 Sunny brought them some snacks and juices. Meanwhile, Yuri and Hyoyeon tried to contact each of the three but they failed.

 Taeyeon was thinking the hardest; she thought there has got to be a way to find the location in any means, satellites or any signal, equations and probabilities. Then Taeyeon's bright mind produced something, a solution that could lead them to their target.

 "I think I have something.." Taeyeon proposed. Yuri and the others sat around Taeyeon to listen. "This guys uses a car to travel around right?" Taeyeon asked Yoona and Yoona nod her head to yes.

 "I think this guy doesn't have enough future gadgets in his pocket." Taeyeon took a pause, everyone needed an explanation.

 "The intevals of the kidnap time is the clue, Jessica was taken probably around 6 hours earlier, Tiffany was 4 hours earlier and Joohyun was 2 hours earlier." Taeyeon wrote down these time frames but everyone was still confused.

 "Just spill it brainiac." Sooyoung hissed, Taeyeon brought out the map.

 "You guys see, he needs two hours to get back to a person he needed to get to his victim." Taeyeon marked down three locations.

 "That's Joohyun's house and my house?" Yuri asked Taeyeon's markings. Taeyeon nod her head. "Exactly. Plus the place where I was suppose to meet Tiffany was nearby.." Taeyeon pointed on the map.

 Yuri slowly patched Taeyeon's words and she came up to her conclusion.

 "So you're saying the location is, somewhere at a place that will take you two hours before you get to these markings?" Yuri asked Taeyeon and Taeyeon smiled. "Correct! So it's our first lead."

 "But there are tons of places that will need two hours to get to." Hyoyeon commented. "Not to mention, two hour ride of a car? It's quite a far place then." Yoona added a comment of her own.

 "It's not a two-hour car ride. Just a hour to get there.." Yuri took the pen herself. "And another hour to get back to the next target." She marked lines going away from the three places.

 "That's a good observation, Yuri-ssi." Taeyeon tapped Yuri's arm. Yuri smiled at Taeyeon. "You're the genius here, credits are yours." Taeyeon shyly looked down; Yuri looked focused back to the map.

 "We'll split up and search these three areas." Yuri's lines landed on three respective places. Everyone agreed to this search.

 Taeyeon and Yuri searched together, Yoona and Hyoyeon came together and lastly Sooyoung and Sunny searched the last location.

 Yoona and Hyoyeon searched near a shrine but nothing seemed suspicious around there as Yoona perceived. Sooyoung and Sunny got to a plain lot where a station was near, same as the other nothing seemed suspicious. They checked if there were any secret passages or anything but nothing came up.

 Yuri and Taeyeon got to a pier, with warehouses closed. They checked every opened warehouse but they saw nothing but fishes and boats. They wanted to check the closed warehouses but they weren't allowed to.

 "Soo? Found anything?" Yuri called Sooyoung. "Nothing.."

 Taeyeon on the other hand called Hyoyeon. The answer was the same.

 "No nothing.."

 "What's the plan now?" Taeyeon turned to Yuri. Yuri could only lose half of her hope at finding this location. She held her head as it sore from Jessica's loss and her unknown location.

 "Sica.." Yuri frowned from this result.

 "Hey, we'll find them." Taeyeon comforted Yuri but Yuri's expression suddenly changed.

 "Tell them to get here.." Yuri told Taeyeon. Yuri's eyes grew large as she saw one solid clue to the location.


[Extended] Chapter 99 - Reaching out

 "Hey idol, catch!"

 "Good luck!"

 Yuri remembered the box she got from Jonghyu. The very same logo from the box was printed on a box nearby a trash. Yuri noticed it as it fell out from the bin. Yuri took the box.

 "A TMCapsule.." Yuri held the box, thinking back and confirming if it was the same as what Jonghyu gave her. "It's the same." Yuri smiled.

 "Is this the place?" Taeyeon asked Yuri. Yuri nod her head. "Yes. Somewhere around here.." Yuri looked around the large pier. This was a big step closer to finding Jessica, Tiffany and Seohyun.

 After a while, the others arrived at the pier. Once again, they split up individually to search for the definite place. As they searched around Yoona noticed a familiar fellow lying on the gate of a warehouse numbered '11'.

 "A keroro key chain.." Yoona held on to it and looked up to the locked warehouse. "Seohyun!" Yoona quickly called the others as she thinks Seohyun might have left this as a clue for Yoona to find her.

 Hyoyeon asked someone to open the warehouse for them, it turned out this warehouse was used for boat and ferry engines and parts. The man who helped them was a friend of Hyoyeon's father, so the man gladly helped.

 As they entered inside, the group found nothing but an empty old ware house.

 "Tippany!" Taeyeon shouted around, but echo only came back to her. "Ppani-ah!"

 "Tae.." Tiffany's fingers moved. She opened her eyes to a place where everything was white. "Taeyeon.." Noises of clicking buttons and computer warnings filled the place. Tiffany's eyes enlarged when she regained her full consciousness. She slammed the glass holding her, but it didn't work as water made her every slam weak. Tiffany was inside a large tube filled with blue water, and bubbles filled the tank as Tiffany screamed Taeyeon's name.


 Taeyeon looked to her back; she felt a gust of wind coldly tapped her skin.

 "Ppani-ah.." Tiffany's name spilled from severe longing.

 "It has to be around here somewhere.." Yoona searched for a room but there was nothing. "Maybe it needs a hidde-!" Sunny accidentally touched a lever causing the middle floor to show a hidden stairs.

 "Good job Sunny-unnie!" Hyoyeon winked at Sunny.    

 "Glad I helped." Sunny smiled. They all went down, following this stairs. It lead them to a white laboratory underneath. But still there were no signs of Dr. Han nor the girls.

 "Hey look.." Yoona got alarmed.

 Suddenly, the mechanical dog Yoona encountered earlier came out. It transformed into a cyborg its eyes glowed, projecting something.

 "Why do you have to come here Yuri?" It was a projected video of Dr. Han.

 "We came for Jessica, Tiffany and Joohyun." Yuri answered bravely. Dr. Han sighed.

 "Why so persistent? I'm trying to correct your wrong here.." The man spoke. Yuri stepped up. "There was nothing wrong in my decision, our love was never wrong. You're the one who made it all seem wrong!" Yuri glared at Dr. Han.

 "Oh my, are you angry? Calm down." Dr. Han fixed his glasses and smiled. His smile suddenly became a smirk.

 "How about a deal then?" He took a pause. Three doors in front of them showed up.

 "What if I give you Jessica? But you leave Tiffany and Joohyun to me?" Dr. Han proposed. Taeyeon and Yoona looked at Yuri, Yuri courageously said no.

 "Give me back my friends." Yuri strongly said.

 "Yuri, Yuri, Yuri.. Please.. I had enough of your commands.. " Dr. Han's transition video suddenly became blurry, until noises covered the whole projection. "Here Yuri.. You, obey me." Dr. Han's voice was heard from the speakers coming from the laboratory's ceiling. "I will rewrite everything."

 The cyborg in front of them suddenly broke into three parts, making a smaller version of them.

 "Whoa, matrix movie came alive.." Sooyoung said, she took Sunny behind her for cover. Each of the cyborgs ran towards a respective door from their front. The three projected a transition once again.



 The first cyborg guarding the first door projected a video of Seohyun, the second one has Jessica’s and the last one was of Tiffany’s.

 "Each of those doors lead the person shown on the video.." It was Dr. Han's voice. "Now go get them Yuri.." He continued. Yuri and her friends took their step towards each door but suddenly a thick glassed mirror blocked Yuri's friends from her, separating them from each other. "Yoona! Taeyeon!" Yuri looked back and hit the glass but it was too hard.

 On the other side, her friends kicked and hit the divider as well but not a single scratch was made. "Damn it! This guy is playing with us.." Yoona angrily said.

 Yuri didn't hear anything her friends had been shouting at her. She looked towards the doors. "Now it’s a choice Yuri.. You choose one person to go to." Dr. Han's voice was heard once again, even in the side of Yuri's friends.

 "You can come back and save the other two, that is if you can.." Yuri's heartbeat became faster as she felt pressure had taken over her. "Once you saved one. You have 30 seconds to come back for the other two or their doors will close.." Dr. Han laughed evilly. "Forever.."

 Taeyeon kicked the glass hard causing her to bone cracked a bit, she fell down to the floor. "Damn it, Ppani-ah, I can't even do anything!" Taeyeon's pain was hurtful but the caution of the loss of Tiffany had an overwhelming pain. "Ppani-ah.." Sunny and Sooyoung came to her side to comfort their friend.

 "We'll think of something." Sooyoung helped Taeyeon to stand up.

 Yuri on the otherhand was stuck looking at the doors.

 "Once you open one door, your time will start Yuri." Dr. Han directed Yuri. Yuri doesn't know what to do, she closed her eyes hoping her mind will produce a solution. She cannot go and just save Jessica for Tiffany and Seohyun are her valuable friends as well.

 "Darn it!" Yuri hissed, mentally hurting from the decision she had been facing.

 "Now you it’s your turn to suffer Yuri.." Dr. Han spoke once again. "This is nothing compared to what I had been through." He said in agony, cursing Yuri for an unknown reason.

 "You have a hour to decide." Dr. Han spoke and the lights of the laboratory went off. Three spotlights lit up the three doors and still the cyborgs guarded each door.

 Thug thug! Yuri looked back to her friends, loudly slamming the glass. "Yuri! Don't decide yet!" Hyoyeon shouted so loud but Yuri shook her head, gesturing she doesn't hear a thing.

 "I said don't decide yet!" Hyoyeon tried again but Yuri didn't hear anything.

 "It's no use." Yoona had her arms crossed looking up to the wide stairs they went down on. "I give up.." Yoona walked towards the stairs. Her friends looked at her. "Wh-what?! Yoona, what are you saying?" Taeyeon asked her but Yoona continued to walk.

 "I said I'm going ahead." Yoona said and she went up the stairs. "Yoona you idiot! Come back here! What about Joohyun!?" Hyoyeon raged, angry at Yoona's stupidity. "Damn that kid." Sooyoung glared at Yoona as Yoona left them.

 Yoona on the other hand walked back to the surface, the warehouse. She brought out her phone and held on to the keroro key chain Seohyun left her.

 "Seohyun, wait for me.." Yoona dialed a number on her phone.

 "Where's Yoona?" Yuri looked back to her friends, she noticed her cousin was gone. Taeyeon and the others looked like they were losing hope. Yuri on the other hand had half a hour left to decide, she wanted to save Jessica badly but she needed to save Tiffany and Joohyun as well.

 Suddenly, everyone heard loud noises coming from the outside. Yoona came down running. "Move!" She told her friends to get out of the way, Taeyeon and the others did so still waiting for what Yoona was planning.

 Then, a car came speeding down stairs towards the glass wall, everyone was shocked as Yoona was the one who drove the car.

 "Wh-wait what the hell?!" Yuri noticed a headlight was glowing from the glass wall and suddenly it broke, smashed by the car. Yuri fell to the floor, almost getting hit by the bumper of the car.

 "A-Are you insane, Yoong?!" Yuri was so terrified for her life. Yoona came out of the almost destroyed car. "Y-You almost got me killed damn you!" Yuri was helped by Yoona to get up. Yoona looked at Yuri seriously. "I don't care, if its for Seohyun.." Yuri pushed her cousin. "H-hey!" Yoona smiled. Taeyeon and the others came to them too.

 "That's so cool, Yoona. You destroyed a million worth car yey!" Sooyoung clapped at what Yoona did. "Doesn't matter." Yoona walked towards Seohyun's door.

 "Let's go?" Yuri was facing Jessica's door, together with Hyoyeon. Yoona nod and agreed, teamed up with Sooyoung. Taeyeon also agreed she was paired with Sunny on Tiffany's door.

 They all entered, going towards saving their loved ones.


[Extended] 97 - Value of Love

 Stars, galaxies and planets; nothing was there, no one was there. A hand reached out to a glowing star, its vision was blurry but it felt a certain warmth that made it stretch out and try to reach that star.


 Jessica was somewhere unknown, floating, glowing with eyes soaked in water. She looked at nothing but at this very star, she knows Yuri will come for her.

 "You can't.."

 Jessica hugged her legs for comfort. She doesn't want Yuri to save her, for this decision was her final and nothing will make her change her mind.

 "I'm sorry.."

 Her eyes closed and she drifted to a world of unconsciousness, a world created by a vision of righteousness; Jessica's decision alone.

 Yuri and Hyoyeon run inside a tunnel which they believed to lead them to Jessica's whereabouts. They stopped for a while when Yuri fell to the ground being tripped by a rock. "Oww my nose.." Yuri was helped by Hyoyeon to get up. And they both ran together again.

 "Yaah! Taeyeon.. Slow down.." Sunny held on the wall, catching up to her breathing. Taeyeon stopped and walked towards Sunny. "Sunny-ah, we need to hurry." Taeyeon said, Sunny took a deep breath and stood up straight. "I know, Taeng." She smiled and started running once again.

 "You’re not the usual sporty kid, yet for Tiffany you will be eh?" Sunny teased Taeyeon, lightly tapping Taeyeon's back. "Go Prince Taeyeon! Let's save your princess!" She cheered on Taeyeon, Taeyeon could only smile to Sunny's support.

 "Seohyun.." Yoona and Sooyoung got to Seohyun fast. Seohyun was inside a large tube covered in blue water. Circuits were connected to Seohyun, and computers filled the small room. "How can we get her out?" Yoona asked as she held on Seohyun's tank. Sooyoung looked around, the computers. "I cannot understand any of these.." Sooyoung rubbed her head. Yoona took a look at the computers but she too doesn't understand any of what it shown. "Why don't we break this?" Sooyoung held on a rock up high.

 "Maybe I can help?"

 Sooyoung and Yoona turned to look at the person who spoke.

 Yuri and Hyoyeon got to the end of the tunnel they entered but Jessica wasn't there. A door opened, Dr. Han showed himself from it.

 "Nice to see you again, Yuri." He waved to Yuri. He walked in circles, with hands on his back. "Can we uh.. Talk? Just you and me?"

 Yuri glared at the man. Dr. Han opened the door where he went out. "I'll lead you to Jessica-ssi.."

 Hyoyeon pushed Yuri. "Go on.." Yuri looked back to her friend. "I can't leave you here.." Yuri was worried for her friend, but Hyoyeon shook her head. "I'll be fine.." Hyoyeon winked at Yuri. "Just come back okay? Safe without injuries.. We still have competitions to win." Hyoyeon smiled, Yuri hugged Hyoyeon suddenly.

 "Yes, your dream." Yuri hugged her friend tight.

 "Our dream, silly." Hyoyeon corrected.

 Yuri broke the hug and followed Dr. Han, and Dr. Han closed the door. Inside that door, Jessica was indeed kept so. "Sica!" Yuri looked up to her loved one.

 "Your beautiful wife is very kind did you know that?" Dr. Han sat in his chair. Yuri turned to his view. "Let her go.." She demanded.

 "I can't.. I do the rules here not you." But Dr. Han declined. Yuri immediately grabbed Dr. Han's jacket, lifting him up with force. "Let her go now!" Yuri angrily said.

 "Shut up!" Dr. Han pushed Yuri and a cyborg dog held on to Yuri's arm with its sharp teeth. "Uhg.." Yuri tried to sway her arm but the bite was too tight to let go.

 "Did you know all the trouble I went through?! All the suffering and pain?! All because of you!" Dr. Han took off his glasses pointing at Yuri.

 "You or the future you, the sole highest inventor of the world. Kwon Yuri, the genius creator of the time machine!" Dr. Han crazily laughed. "But look at you now? You can't even answer a simple equation! What happen to the genius Yuri?" Dr. Han continued, while Yuri was still struggling on the cyborg's grasp.

 "Yuri-ah, you're supposed to be a the world's hope.. But look at you now? A normal high school kid." He bended down and looked at Yuri straight. "Do you wanna know why?" He smirked. Yuri clenched her teeth. "Wh-why?!"

 "Because of me idiot." Dr. Han stood up and laughed drastically. "You see I went back to time to destroy your future! I altered everything Yuri.. Just so you could lead here.." He turned back to Yuri. "Joohyun was your foundation in being interested in Science, Tiffany was the person who'll provide and Jessica was your final patch." Dr. Han put his glasses on Yuri.

 "Use your brain Yuri, tell me what's wrong in your life.. Tell me what I did." He asked Yuri. Yuri looked down and Dr. Han's glasses fell to the ground. "The picture.." Yuri said. Dr. Han clapped at Yuri. "You're still smart after all.. Bravo!" Yuri frustratedly looked down.

 "The first time I saw Joohyun grown up beautiful, truth was I liked her.. But I saw Yoona's picture on my desk. I remembered she liked her as well.." Yuri's memories flashed back on her eyes. "So you called Yoona and boom! They got together and you had no foundation in knowledge!" Dr. Han insanely laughed. "It was indeed a great plan right? And the further events had destroyed the future you were suppose to have.." Dr. Han held on to Yuri's head, forcing Yuri to look up to him.

 "Easy and simple yet brilliant isn't it? And indeed you suffered along the way." Dr. Han glared at Yuri.

 "You had everything you wanted in the future.. No one listened to my plans because they thought my inventions were all trash!" He put his hand on Yuri's neck. "You need to ask Yuri's permission first! That's what they told me, but you declined it as well!" His grip on Yuri's neck tightened.

 "What's wrong with my invention? It will help reduce the population of the future! Better than what the time machine offers!" He ranted, Yuri breathed heavily as she choked on his grasp. "The death pill is a great invention but why did you disapproved it!?" He let go of Yuri's neck furiously. Yuri heavily coughed.

 "Wh-who would approve.. K-killing people as a solution?" Yuri tried to stand up. "It doesn't kill, it kills the existence!" Dr. Han shouted at Yuri. "It's the same!" Yuri suddenly kicked Dr. Han in the face, causing the man to fall backwards and the cyborg to clench its teeth deeper to Yuri's arm.

 "U-uhg!" Yuri screamed in pain from the cyborg's attack.

 "You can never understand.." Dr. Han slowly stood up again. "And so.. I will create my own future.." Dr. Han pushed a button behind him and sparks ran towards Jessica's tube.

 "Wh-what did you do?!" Yuri noticed Jessica's expressions change; it looked like she was hurting.

 "You see Yuri, with my years of research.. The time machine creation wasn't in your hands.." Dr. Han approached Jessica's tube looking up to Jessica. "The creation of the time machine was buried in the minds of your future wives.." Dr. Han laughed once again. "And this very tube sucks out that information. Then, I will be the first to create the time machine!" Dr. Han's computer showed many writings and formulas as the information from cords showered it.

 "D-damn youu!" Yuri was willing to pull her arm off the cyborg just to get the life out of the man hurting Jessica. "I'll get you for this!" Yuri furiously shouted. She looked up to Jessica, Jessica had her eyes closed but clearly she was suffering badly. "S-Sica.." Yuri's almost cried seeing her Jessica in so much pain. She looked back to her arm still being stuck on the cyborg's teeth.

 "F-forgive me Hyoyeon Kim!" Yuri forcefully moved her everything, she was willing to lose this very arm in order to get the chance to save Jessica from the agony she's feeling. "Uuhg! S-Sica!!" Yuri screamed in both pain and for Jessica's name. Her arm was slowly breaking it's skin, the bitten part was already bleeding badly but Yuri continued to pull it out.

 "I can't believe this, that's right suffer more.." Dr. Han enjoyed how Yuri suffered, and Yuri glared at him, madly.

 Yuri's bone suddenly made a sound, indicating her arm was being forced too much. Yuri cried to the greatest pain it had caused but she looked up to Jessica and her tears flowed down to the floor, she knows what she'll lose if she continues.

 "Heh. Just an arm.." Yuri smiled.


[Extended] Final Chapter - Beyond, You


 Yuri suddenly fell to the ground, opening her eyes with two hands supporting her from the fall.

 "B-but how?" Yuri asked herself and she looked back to the cyborg, the machine was broken in half. "You okay, Yul-papa?" Beside Yuri, a familiar voice spoke. Yuri looked at this person, a beautiful young lady. "Y-Yeon Hee!" Yuri hugged Yeon Hee. "I'm so glad to see you!"

 Yeon Hee helped Yuri to get up, she wrapped Yuri's arm with a piece of cloth to stop it from bleeding.

 "Y-your daughter?!" Dr. Han was shocked to see Yeon Hee. Yeon Hee coldly glared at the doctor. "Your under arrest, galaxy police." Yeon Hee showed a badge to Dr. Han, the man trembled in fear. Yeon Hee, pushed Dr. Han on his knees, hand cuffing him with an orange glowing ties.

 "I told you not to injure yourself!" Yuri looked back to this familiar voice. Hyoyeon and Yuri's friends were there. "Y-you guys.." Yuri happily smiled.

 "Tiffany.. Joohyun!" Yuri also saw the two being supported by their lovers. Yuri was so relieved the two were safe. Suddenly, two familiar boys came out from the back. "Triece! Jonghyu!" Yuri smiled widely at this two boys. "At your service, idol!" The two saluted to Yuri.

 "Triece, help here?" Yeon Hee called out Triece and the boy did follow. Jonghyu dragged Dr. Han to him, guarded. "Help me release Sica-mama.." Yeon Hee showed the computer controls to Triece and Triece did his stuff.

 "He looks familiar to me.." Hyoyeon whispered to Yuri, pertraining to Triece. Yuri chuckled at Hyoyeon's observation. "He's Taeyeon's son.." Yuri spoke and Hyoyeon jumped being shocked. "Taeyeon's son?!"  Taeyeon got alarmed by the statement. "M-my son?! W-wait wait with who?!" Taeyeon feared it was hers and Yuris.

 "Why who, Taeng-appa? Of course Ppani-umma.." Triece looked back to Taeyeon with an eye smile. Taeyeon fell weak in Tiffany's shoulder. "You didn't notice Tae?" Tiffany giggled.

  "And he's.." Yuri pointed to Jonghyu. Yoona wrapped an arm to Jonghyu's shoulder. "I know Yul.. He told me." Yoona proudly smiled. Seohyun held Yoona's hand, smiling.

 "Happy families.." Sooyoung frowned. Sunny hugged Sooyoung. "We have each other anyways.." Sooyoung smiled.

 "Yeon Hee, we have a problem.." Triece told Yeon Hee, showing the computer. "It's not working any hacks or reprograms not rewrites doesn't.." Triece told them the bad news.

 "Wh-what?" Yeon Hee looked up to her mother, the transfer of information was still ongoing. "Sica-mama! Wake up!" She called out. Dr. Han laughed crazily and everyone glared at the man.

  "Get, Jessica out of there." Yuri tauted the man but it ignored Yuri. "I can't.. There's no way to get her out of her own created fantasy. She choose this on her own.. Even if you take her body out, her existence is lost." Dr. Han explained to them.

 Yuri held on her broken arm and approached Jessica closer.

 "Sica, baby! Wake up! It's me Yuri! Stop dreaming about me and wake up! I'm real; standing, waiting so wake up!" Yuri talked to Jessica, but the girl didn't move neither a snap.

 "It won't work. I told you, she's the only one who voluntarily wanted this." Dr. Han informed everyone. Yuri looked back sadly to the man. "What did you tell her? Get her back!" Yuri ran to Dr. Han and she gave the man a kick to the stomach.

 "T-the same thing.. I-uhg.. Told you.." Dr. Han smirked though her coughed some blood from Yuri's kick. Yuri was so angry, she attempted to hit the man once again but Yeon Hee stopped her.

 "Calm down, Yul-papa.. We'll find another way." Yeon Hee pulled Yuri back beside her to calm her anger down.

 "Better find a way faster! Or else the computer will suck out her life too.." Dr. Han laughed but he suddenly stopped when Yeon Hee gave him a very icy glare.

 "Jessica's daughter is the same as her.." Hyoyeon commented.

 "There must be a way to make her come back to reality." Yeon Hee crossed her arm thinking of a solution. "Uhm.. Suggestion, Yeon Hee-ssi.." Seohyun raised her hand and everyone looked at her.

 "While captive by inside that tube, I can sense Tiffany-unnie and Jessica-unnie nearby me.." Seohyun told everyone. "Joohyun's right! We can try to talk to Jessica by that way!" Tiffany agreed to Seohyun's plan. And they decided Yuri to enter the tube Tiffany had gone through.

 "I didn't had the chance to say this last time but.. Good luck, Yul-papa." Yeon Hee hugged Yuri before she entered the tube. "I'll get your mama back, don't worry." Yuri winked at Yeon Hee.

 Yuri closed her eyes; she needed to trust this one last chance to get Jessica back. She was more than determined; she will get Jessica back in any means.

[Play this for better reading experience : Heart Road]

 Floating in an admist of an unknown world, Jessica was still looking at the bright star that made her feel warm. She choose this decision for Yuri and their friends, she reflected it was better if she was gone. Yuri could have continued her pre determined fate and made everything right.

 Jessica suddenly cried down when memories of a young child flashed in her eyes. It was her cute yet grumpy daughter, Yeon Hee. She remembered her supporting family, friends, classmates and the person most important to her, Yuri.

 "Yuri.." Jessica reached up her hand to the star so bright slowly losing its light.


 A hand interlocked with Jessica's, Yuri appeared in front of Jessica. Yuri wiped Jessica's tear. "You forgot.. You were never alone.." Yuri spoke but Jessica turned away, crying.

 "I didn't.. But everyone.. I don't want them to suffer.. Not because of us, not because of my love.." Jessica cried tears for guilt upon their love. "And.. I want you to continue life.. Without guilt, Yuri.." Jessica shrugged to the sadness of letting her life go.

 But Yuri won't give up to this, she came too far to let her love go.

 "I'll forever be guilty if I let you go."

 Yuri hugged Jessica tight and secure. "Our friends, families and loved ones.. They won't suffer.. This is our decision, our love, our fate.." Yuri shed a tear as she knew the same feeling Jessica felt. "These decisions, choices and destinies.. We don't know what's up ahead. It's beyond us.. Beyond you or me.." Yuri broke the hug and held Jessica's cheek with her hand.

 "But what matters is we face it all.. Together." Yuri smiled, the best comfort she can ever reassure Jessica was her smile, always ready to make Jessica secured of their decision. Their decision was always and had always been the right thing they did.

 "It will all be fine. We're never alone.." Yuri kissed Jessica softly. Jessica closed her eyes, with tears flowing. But these tears indicated Jessica's share of hurt, she's never ignorant, she cares deeply but Yuri held her; making sure she shares this pain.

 The effect of their decision, not just Yuri and Jessica; they will all face a future unknown, untold and undetermined. But everything will be all right, as they stay strong together. Nothing was wrong, nothing was to be corrected, nothing was to be changed, to their decision to love; a time machine wasn't needed.


[Play this for better reading experience : It's Fantastic (JeTiHyun) ]

 It's 7:00 Am, Yuri opened her eyes looking up to the ceiling. She was late, she quickly sat up, looked at her arm for her wrist watch but it wasn't there. She stretched her two arms up, she had a wonderful dream last night.

 Yuri went down the stairs her mother was busy preparing breakfast. "Be careful.. Your arm just healed." Mrs. Kwon warned Yuri and Yuri only smiled. They both ate their breakfast together in their table.

 "Yeon Hee-ssi should have let me hit that guy first, before getting him to their prison." Mrs. Kwon spoke so.

 "I'm sure he's taken care of." Yuri smiled, happily eating her breakfast. After a while Yuri bid goodbye to her mother and headed to school. Today was a special day, not for her but for some of her friends, graduation.

 "Congratulations guys!" Yuri hugged Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Sunny. "Taeyeon's too old for Tiffany! Ahjumma!" Yuri teased Taeyeon, she wrapped an arm on Tiffany's shoulder.

 "We could always retain our original future." She joked looking at Tiffany. Tiffany took off her arm. "In your dreams, Yul." She ran to Taeyeon and hugged Taeyeon. "Congratulations, Tae-Tae!" She held on Taeyeon's many awards and medals. "I'm so proud to be your girlfriend." She eye smiled at Taeyeon. Taeyeon covered her eyes, crying. She never thought one day, Tiffany will be so proud of her being a nerd.

 "Flowers for the graduates!" Yoona gave a bouquet of flowers to each of her graduated friend. "Congratulations, unnies." Seohyun hand shaked her co-council members, Sooyoung and Sunny. "Joohyun-ssi, you take over okay?" Taeyeon told Seohyun. Yoona proudly stepped in their middle. "And I'm planning to support President Seohyun!" She waved out a pink flag with Seohyun's name written on it.

 "What about your parents? I thought you're suppose to go back to US?" Yuri smirked and asked Yoona. Yoona cleared her throat. "Well whose the only daughter anyways?" She smiled proudly. "They allowed me to do what I want.." She added.

 "Tae, dad agreed to break off the engagement." Tiffany told Taeyeon and Taeyeon smiled showing her bright teeth, Tiffany eye smiled back.

 "Since I'm free again, I'll be here bullying Seohyun for another year!" Yoona pinched Seohyun's nose, Seohyun quickly turned away. "Yoona!" She glared at Yoona, giving Yoona a light punch back. "H-Hyunnie! That hurt, Seohyun!" Yoona pouted.

 "Aww, I'm sorry Yoong.. Did I over do it?" Seohyun worriedly looked at Yoona. "Who taught you to fight back?" Yoona acted like it hurt badly. "F-Fany-unnie.." Seohyun concern on Yoona immdietly became soft and easy.

 "A kiss to make it up to me?" Yoona whispered to Seohyun, Yuri heard it and she tapped Yoona from the back.

 "Hey!" Yoona glared at Yuri, they both showed a tongue to each other.

 "Soo, I made you something.." Sunny brought out a box to Sooyoung. "Cookies?" Sooyoung happily tasted one of the cookies. "Tastes good.." Actually the cookie was salty but Sooyoung knows Sunny has been learning how to cook for a while now, all for her. "So eat the whole box okay?" Sunny joyfully handed Sooyoung the box. Sooyoung smiled quite bothered though. "T-thanks.."

 Hyoyeon whispered from her back. "That's relationship for you my friend.." She teased.

 "We'll join this competition okay!" Hyoyeon showed a paper to her friends. "And we'll welcome Yoona as our new member!" Hyoyeon was even more determined for this competition.

 "Where's Sica-baby?" Tiffany approached Yuri and asked. "Probably late.. Sleeping." Yuri scratched her head.

 "Sorry I'm late!" Suddenly, a pair of hands blocked Yuri's eye sight. She took of the hands and looked at the person owning the hands. "Always.. But glad you're here." Yuri smiled, holding Jessica's hand.

 "For the graduation party, my treat!" Yoona shouted but Seohyun tapped her. "You are still on an allowance cut for destroying your most expensive car.."

 "Opps.. So it's Tiffany's treat then!"


 "My treat then, to our noodle store!" Taeyeon proposed.

 "So, about the name of Yeon Hee.." Jessica playfully poked Yuri's shoulder. "Maybe we can change it to something else.." She added. Yuri shook her head no.

 "I want it that way.. Yeon Hee." Yuri said. She looked up to the sky and held Jessica's hand tight.

 "Then have two more kids named, Hyunki and Hae Rin.." Jessica arched her eye brow, poking Yuri's just got healed arm.

 "Ooww! Kids with you of course!"


Final Author note:

 Hi there! Choi here, so this will be my final author note for Yuri-Effect. Looking back on this fic, Wow. I mean it got to 98 chapters? Not including specials okay? Definitely wow. For my first fic, this definitely is an achievement. Thank you guys for making me feel like so! I now consider Yuri-Effect as a huge success! I never thought it will be this popular it was suppose to be a short fic but.. Indeed it became a very long ride, from the time traveling kids to time traveling villains to decisions, underground laboratories, not to mention the irony of three wives, I know the imagination was wide.. I know!

 I wonder if you guys liked the story for overall though? About the endings. You can compare it to a dating sim or a rpg, where what you choose will determine a type of ending. I did have voting for Yuri's decision, but I decided to show the three possible endings instead. Imagine a dating sim where you're Yuri and you have to choose between three girls. Ohh, I'd love to play that! *smirks*

Did you guys get the whole 'Yuri-Effect' tittle? One chapter, in 74; Deep Slumber. Yuri and Jessica gave a hint for it, it was this conversation:

Yuri: What can choosing one person to love cause?

Jessica: Cause? Maybe its effect..

Bet you didn't see that one! Most of you will probably ask Yuri's original future am I right? The future with three wives, not just one. Well, Dr. Han hinted it out too:

Dr. Han: Joohyun was your foundation in being interested in Science, Tiffany was the person who'll provide and Jessica was your final patch.

-Cough prepare for a long explanation cough-

If it wasn't for him altering Yuri's life, Yuri wouldn't have told Yoona about Seohyun going to the same school and she eventually, herself will fall for Seohyun. Thus, Yuri won't meet Jessica because Yuri will be motivated to study by Seohyun, she won't play the piano and in that definite time; she's at home sleeping not meeting Jessica by chance. Then when Yuri graduates she's much smarter and more intelligent than Taeyeon is, she's still Tiffany's best friend and Jessica's classmate but her relationship with these two won't advance any sooner. Take a deep breath, the original future is a long story that's why I didn't include it, its not too important anyways.

Then Yoona comes in the frame, remember my special SeoRi chapter, Heartbroken Hero? In that very chapter, I gave a hint on what happen to Seohyun and Yuri's relationship:

Yuri: I know.. It's scary.. My worst enemy is a person my wife loved once.. Especially if she once left me for that person..

Seohyun: I'm sorry honey..

Seohyun did leave Yuri for Yoona that time, I know this is crazy but the Im family engaged Seohyun with Yoona, pretty ironic right? How and why?

Simply after they all graduated from high school, Yuri and Seohyun had an invention changing the world. No not the time machine, it was a computerized genetic-program. Choi, Science freak much? In English, the invention to produce a child using the genes of two people.

The Im family took Seohyun in their company, they used Yoona and Seohyun's relationship to blind the girl, well she is a famous inventor. Then back to Yuri, so Yuri was left as a broken hearted nerd, Tiffany comes to the frame. Tiffany was also left by Taeyeon that time, how and why oh why TaeNy? Simply because, Taeyeon's not madly in love with Tiffany here, Tiffany was the first to fall not Tae.

And then, Tiffany and Yuri as best friends and still Yuri once loved her, now broken hearted they became lovers. Yuri worked as one of the inventors of the Hwang corporation.

But then Seohyun told Yuri she was pregnant lol cool. And Yuri indeed was troubled, when the news broke to Tiffany, she asked Yuri for a break up. Yuri's world almost crashed, she tried jumping by the building, like the Almost chapter remember? But Tiffany stopped her, she told Yuri to marry her and have a kid with her as well. So did Yuri, she loved Tiffany that much and she married her. But Seohyun being pregnant, Yuri had responsibilities on Seohyun, Seohyun dissolved her engagement with Yoona and she wanted Yuri and her to get married. Tiffany agreed to this kind of set up, if Yuri will give her a child and stay by her side back at the US. Special YulTi chapter Hidden Desire gave a hint on what Tiffany's reaction was to Yuri having two wives:

Yuri: No. I'm great-ful.. You took me.. Though I'm technically the worst jerk ever..

Tiffany: You are the greatest jerk in the world but.. I love you Yul. Love isn't about counting good deeds, its acceptance and forgiveness.

Awe, Tiffany haha! She's too kind. Now Jessica, Jessica's the last wife. If you remember, Yuri had a conversation with the kids giving clues to Yuri's wives.

Yuri: I wonder what my future is..

Hae Rin: You'll marry Fany-mommy..

Which is right, Yuri did marry Fany.

Hyunki: No.. Seo-umma first.

Wrong, Tiffany was first but Hyunki was the first baby.

Yuri: Joohyun first?! Then Tiffany?! Then Sica?!

I hinted out the correct sequence of the birth of her children here.

Yeon Hee: No..

Yuri: I wont marry Sica? But how come?

Now were getting into the intriguing issue..

Yeon Hee: ..Because..I’m.. Just a..

Yuri and Jessica's relationship happen when Yuri came back to Korea, she was with Seohyun in Japan working on their time machine project but so far the project always failed because the time traveling has awfully bad effects, Yuri, being Tiffany's wife, Hwang corporation supported her every project though. Back to Jessica and Yuri, they met in the hospital, Jessica was a nurse in the hospital her mother worked at. And uhm, Yuri had a slight affair with Jessica but she fell in love deeply with Jessica and they had Yeon Hee. They weren't married, Yuri insisted so but Jessica didn't want to be in competition with her two wives. Jessica decided to stay away from Yuri, contacting Yuri only for Yeon Hee's status. Now look at this conversation in chapter the Guest;

Yuri(Future): "Sica! So glad to see you.."

She hinted that she and Jessica haven't seen each other for quite a long time. Because of Jessica's distance that is, but even so Yuri considered Jessica as her third wife.

Lastly about the time machine, Jessica was an expert in medicine. She helped Yuri discover a suitable substance that prevents the awful effects of time traveling. See they all were essential to the creation of the time machine.

About more of the hints I gave, Hyunki told Yuri has a big heart remember? That's because Hyunki remembers how her appa had loved her and her sisters fairly, she used up a different capsule than the other two kids.

Now, YoonHyunYul theme for this fanfic was Hero, Villain and Damsel. Noticed it? Seohyun was a damsel in distress and Yuri and Yoona were the heros who'll save her. But in some instances, Yoona was the villain. Still YoonHyun is my otp so no question, in the end they will be together; so basically Yuri's choices were just Tiffany and Jessica. For my head that is. Haha! Sorry SeoRi fans..

Then the YulTaeNy theme, it was time and fate. Remember how their chapters were always about seconds/ time or fate? That's because TaeNy here is the most dramatic couple. Taeyeon believes in fate and Tiffany believes in self reliant decisions. Because Yuri and Tiffany somehow had something in the past and possibly the future, Taeyeon lost her faith in fate. But Tiffany made a way for them.. Awee TaeNy.

If YulTi was the ending couple, which I know few or no one will pick SeoRi because YoonHyun is too lovely, TaengSic will end up together. Jessica and Taeyeon really clicked though, Yuri and Tiffany too. Especially with Hae Rin. Right?

SooSunRi, I gave hints throughout about them. Sooyoung hates relationships, but she's always curious of it. Some chapters she asks if Taeyeon and Tiffany were a couple. Then Sunny, Sunny was a hopeless romantic and she saw the ideal lover in Yuri. Suppose to be she was another wife but plot didn't allow me to, sorry Sunny.

Then, Hyoyeon was Yuri's boss in dancing, she taught Yuri to dance and to dream. She represented Yuri's role model, Yuri does what Hyoyeon tells her.

Then the YulSic couple, to be honest; not much of a theme for them. I liked them in chapters 60-90, they produced a solid couple up till end. Basically, Jessica was always the quiet one, so I had to give her one big role. So she was the kindest person willing to give up her life for her friends to have a proper future.. Yuri did the same but with Jessica as a reason.

So that's it, it's a the end! I hope you guys loved this story as much as I did. *cries* I worked hard for its complex plot, I had to say it was so complex I almost wanted to finish the story and drop it in any easy ways but I can't fail you guys. I'm a reader as well and I hate it when I have a hanging feeling..

Anymore questions, comments, suggestions or requests? Feel free to comment down or send me a PM for that, I won't bite.

Thank you to my partner reading this story, Hakufu. Thank you for my awesome friend who gave me the main idea of this story, actually she looks a lot like Yuri, who cares I love you wifey . ♥

To  everyone who supported this till the end, thank you so much! 

I dedicate this fic to all as in everyone, if you guys want to laugh, share a tear, hold up a suspense and mystery; I recommend you Yuri-Effect.

Is this all what I need to say? I hope I said it all. I'm working on my new fic ' The Bad Teacher' so I hope you guys support it. Again, thank you guys for reading this story and..

Oh sequels? I'll think about. But I do have lots of hidden chapters and specials unreleased. So if my mind gets to think unwell again because I'm unwell for writing a fiction for non stop; I will release them. *laughs* But right now, it's Girls' Generation.

Till next time, next fan-fic! :)































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