That's What Happens (Edited on 7 December 2021)

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Tuesday 19 December 2017


"That's what happens when you don't listen to your friends" said Virgo while bandaging scoripo's arm

"I'm sorry I thought I could help"

"And did you find anything" said Taurus

"No" said scoripo

"Your lucky we showed up in time"said Aires

"I wish some food would show up right now, cause I'm hungry" said gemini

"so who's going to the store to get some" said Libra walking out of the kitchen "The cupboards are empty"

"I think you should"said Aquarius

"Well he can't go alone so you should accompany him" said Cancer

"Why don't we all go the hunter wouldn't attack us all right" said scoripo


After walking for a while they arrived at a small store Aires, Taurus, Libra and pisces waited outside while everyone else went in.

"So how much money do we have"asked Virgo

Everyone pulled out whatever money they had.

"There's not much we can get cheese and bread I'm sure we could all survive on sandwiches we should keep the remainder of the money for later" said virgo


"So what are we looking for" asked Libra

"Were keeping watch incase the hunter shows up" said Pisces

"Why do we need to?" said Aires" we're standing out in the open of course he's going to find us"

A dart hit Libra in the neck and he collapsed on the ground

"See. what did I tell you" he said pointing at Libra.

"We need to move" said Taurus dragging Libra in to the store.

Virgo just finished paying when Taurus walked in carrying Libra, Aires and pisces were right behind him.

"We need to leave"

He walks out the back door of the store everyone follows him back to the house.

"We can't stay here what if he finds us" said Gemini

"We don't need to stay" said virgo pointing at the car "which one of us can drive"

"I'll do it" said Taurus

Everyone got in the car it was cramped but they had no choice Taurus sat in the driver's seat and scoripo jumped in to the passengers seat everyone else sat I the back

"Where are we going now" asked gemini

"I don't know"


Nivesh38 😋

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