Who's Next?(Edited on 15 August 2021)

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Monday, 26 October 2017


"That party was awesome, Cancer it's too bad you couldn't come" said Libra

"I would have been there but I had a cold and I didn't want to give it to anyone else" Cancer replied.

"That's ok. oh I forgot to tell you were writing a test today"

"WHAT. why didn't you tell me sooner"

"Hey I didn't tell you to stay at home all of last week"

"I was sick"

"Anyway, it's just English who doesn't do well. we speak it every day"

"Yeah how bad could it be and when do we have English today"

"Period 5"

"Plenty of time to study"

They walk into class and take their seats.
"Hey Libra I had this strange dream last night" said cancer

"Was it about living in an alternate reality and then waking up in an unknown place"

"You had the dream too. Weird"


"Yo gem do you know where I can find Pisces? I borrowed his calculator last week and I need to return it" said Leo

"I don't know I'm not his babysitter, just look for Virgo their always together"

"Not helping"

"I would help you look but I don't want to so bye" Gemini disappears into a classroom



"Yesterday some idiot thought it would be funny to prank call me I was just playing video games when the phone rang when I answered it some guy said "losersaywhat" I couldn't make out what he was saying so I said "what" and they started laughing"

Capricorn whispers to Taurus "when is she going to realise that we don't care"

"Are you even listening"

"Um. Scorpio, how do I say this...-"

"We don't give a fuck" said Capricorn

Scorpio rolls her eyes and takes a bite of her sandwich.
Taurus then gave Capricorn the death stare.
"What you were taking too long" said Capricorn

"So any plans for the weekend" said Taurus

"Nope" said Capricorn.

"I'm just going to stay home and do nothing" said Scorpio.

"Well there's a science thingie going on at the mall we should go"

"Sounds like a plan" said Capricorn walking to the bin to throw his lunch rapping.


"Have you noticed how much police I've seen around today?" said Aires

Leo was distracted and almost walked into a light pole while taking to Aries.

"Leo are you ok" he asked

"Yesh, I just feel a little dizzy"

"I think you should sit down"

Instead of sitting down, Leo falls face-first on the sidewalk.

"Are you alright?" Aires says as he shakes her "are you dead"

Aires finds something on the back of Leo's neck he takes it out and examines it "what is this" when Aires turned around he got punched in the face.
He woke up a few minutes later and looks around

"what just happened, WHERE'S LEO"



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