3 Gemini 3

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Gemini left Aries and Taurus by the door, still trying to pry it open. She wasn't as sure as they were that Human was gone for good. They must just be jumping to conclusions. Sure, Human was never the best owner, but he would never abandon his pets. At least, that was what Gemini kept telling herself.

She found Leo and Cancer napping together on the bed that Human had generously left behind. She nudged them both awake, "Hey, guys, wake up!"

"What is it?" Leo groaned. Cancer jumped up excitedly.

"I heard Aries was trying to escape! Did he get the door open?" She asked. Gemini shook her head, disappointed that even Cancer believed Aries' story. It didn't make sense. Why would Human just leave and not come back?

"No, but– you.. You really believe that we should escape?" Gemini asked anxiously. "It just doesn't make sense, does it?"

"What other reason could there be?" Leo asked. "I think, yeah, Human did leave us. It's not the end of the world! We can go exploring for the first time ever."

Gemini groaned at the idea. Though none of them were related, Gemini and her friends had all lived with their human since they were kittens. Since they could walk, they were always talking about exploring. What was just simple daydreams had become a goal for the cats recently.

"Is there any cat that agrees that this is a bad idea?" Gemini asked.

"Um, Libra. And Pisces, and I'm not sure about Capricorn." Cancer said.

"Libra just agrees with everything that Gemini says." Leo pointed out.

Gemini scoffed, "Not true!"

"Too true." Leo snickered, "And Pisces is just a big baby who is scared by the idea of going outside."

"Idiot." Gemini growled at Leo. She didn't know how any of the other cats could stand him; he was obnoxious! He always thought that he was right and that anyone who disagrees with him is just an idiot.

She stomped away, determined to find Libra or Pisces. She later found them both, sitting side by side. Libra was sleeping while Pisces was playing with his tail, clearly bored.

"Hey guys." Gemini greeted them. Libra opened his eyes, blinking sleepily.

He sat up, "Hey, Gemini. What's up?"

"I was talking with Leo about how stupid Aries' idea is. You know, like, how everyone thinks that Human abandoned us. He uh, said that you guys agreed that it was dumb."

"It's not a dumb idea." Pisces shrugged, "I just think it isn't true."

"Me too. But everyone besides us three agrees that it's the truth, and I don't want our group to split up. If Aries gets the door open and everyone leaves, I'm going with them."

"Me too." Gemini said, looking down at her paws. "But I won't be happy about it."

"Neither will I." Pisces agreed, "But maybe if we leave we'll find a new owner somewhere."

"Let's hope that's the case." Libra sighed. "I hate the idea of becoming a wild cat."

"Look out!"  Aries suddenly growled from the direction of the door. Gemini whipped around to see the white tom racing towards the glass door. With a deafening noise, he crashed into it, sending glass flying in all directions. The door shattered.

"An idiot!" Libra exclaimed, "Aries, you are a massive idiot!"

"I uh, I did it!" Aries staggered away from the door, bleeding from several small cuts caused by the glass. He limped towards Leo, who was standing nearby with a look of terror plastered on his face.

"Aries, you could have killed yourself!" Leo gasped, his eyes wide.

"I didn't." Aries shrugged, "And now we can escape the house!"

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