Ch. 19: Wedding Epilogue

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A little over a week later, Luz was released from the hospital. It was at this time that Amity and Luz agreed, it was time to get married... hopefully before Luz ends up in the hospital again.

"Mom, I'm fine. Really." Luz said to her mother, adjusting her suit in the mirror as her mother, Camila, was in the room with her.

"I just want to make sure you're fine. You just got out of the hospital after all 2 days ago." Camila said to her daughter.

"I know, but I'm fine." Luz said.

"Kid, you swallowed more ash and smoke than a person that smokes a pack a day." Eda said, "I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried."

"You were worried?" Luz asked.

"You're my step-daughter, of course I was worried, Cam had to hold me back from bursting into the emergency room and healing you myself."

"It's true. Eda looked ready to kill someone just to save you." Camila said, chuckling a bit. "She's truly taken to motherhood."

"Awww. You know, it's not too late to have another." Luz suggested.

"Yes it is." Camila said quickly, no longer chuckling.

"Ah, why not?" Eda said, nudging Camila in the ribs, "Well, other than the fact that I don't need another child with powers, lord knows I already have a daughter that can talk to animals and a witch for a daughter in law, we can discuss other things, such as the fact that you're a criminal in your realm."

"Semantics." Eda said.

"There was also the... curse... which you did not tell me about before we got married." Camila said.

"Oh, please they wouldn't inherit it... probably." Eda said, "Any way, how badly do you think your future wife is doing, Luz?"

"Oh I'm sure Amity is doing just fine. She was always the more leveled headed of us." Luz said, adjusting her tie a bit.

Meanwhile, in Amity's dress room.

"Does this look right?!" Amity asked in the mirror, checking her makeup for the thousandth time. "Nothing running?!"

"Mittens, you're fine. You look great." Edric said.

"Edric I will say this only once, DO NOT call me that today of all days!" Amity shouted at her brother!

"Don't worry, Amity, you'll be fine." Emira said, "Luz loves you and nothing is going to stop her from marrying you today."

They heard the door open and all looked, seeing Alador. It was awkward.

"Uh... Edric, Emira, could you give Amity and I a moment?" Alador asked.

The twins gave him a look, but agreed and left the room. Amity and Alador looked at each other for a LONG minute.

"Well, Amity... I know you probably don't want to see me-"

Amity immediately hugged him.

"I'm sorry." Amity said.

"Uh....." Alador let out, slowly hugging her back while being a little confused. "Not that this isn't good but why?"

"The seed you put in my heart... Ghost would be dead... Luz may be dead... I may have been dead." Amity said, "You... you may have saved my life because of that seed."

"That's.....all I wanted when I found out about your condition all those years ago. I wanted you to live a happy, full life no matter what." Alador said, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I should've, but when you disappeared... I was just so afraid that I'd lose you again if I told you."

"You don't need to worry about that." Amity said, "I'm not leaving again, you're my dad and I love you."

Alador smiled.

"You don't know how much that means to me." Alador said, "That's all I've ever wanted to hear."

Amity closed her eyes, remembering Nathan's last words once again.

"Now... I have something for you." Alador said, putting a necklace on Amity's neck, "There I think the jewel really makes that pop."

Amity looked at it, it was silver in color, with a nice purple jewel.

"Thanks dad, I'll wear it all the time." Amity said.

"I'm glad." Alador said.

He went to the door and Amity stopped him.

"You know, I don't know how it is in the Demon Realm, but in the Human Realm, the bride typically gets walked to the Isles by her dad." Amity said.

Alador smiled.

"Well, I believe it's my fatherly duty to help with that."

Alador walked to Amity and took her by the arm as Amity quickly texted her human father about this, getting his approval for this.

"Ready?" Alador asked.

"Yes, I am... I'm ready to begin the next step to the rest of my life." Amity said, opening the door as the music began playing.

A few weeks later, the new Mrs. Noceda walked into the giraffe exhibit, prepared for her first day of work since... everything. She was still wearing the necklace Alador got her, she promised she would keep it, she meant it.

"Good morning my sweet, lovely, demons." Amity said, walking over to the fence and began getting the food ready.

"Good morning, Keeper Amity." A giraffe said.

Amity froze and looked up.

"D-d-did you just... did you just talk?" Amity asked.

"Hmm? Yes? I always talk." The giraffe said.

"But.....I can understand you." Amity said, still shocked.

Amity looked down and looked at the necklace, which had the jewel glow.

'He figured it out... I can talk to animals.' Amity thought.

Amity smiled and pet the giraffe.

"Don't stop talking." Amity said, nearly in tears, "I want to hear your beautiful voice."

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