Ch. 7: Emotional

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Amity walked to the apartment, her emotions beyond control. She was so angry and huffing deeply, that she didn't notice Luz was in the kitchen getting a drink, surprised a bit by Amity's entrance.

"Amity?" Luz asked, getting her attention as she walked in before she was shocked. "Amity, why are you crying?"

Amity didn't say anything as she continued to huff before she began crying harder, becoming sad instead of mad before blubbering into her hands. Luz went over and held her. She guided her to the couch and say them both down, letting Amity cry into her shoulder as Ghost moved to sit on the coffee table.

"It's okay... I'm here." Luz said.

"L-L-Luz..." Amity mumbled between her cries. "A-A-Alador...."

"What happened?" Luz asked, "Did he hurt you? Do I need to introduce him to Tina?"

'I don't think that's necessary." Ghost said as Luz gave her a look.

"Don't lie to yourself." Luz said to the palisman.

"H-H-He put a palisman seed in my heart, right when I was a newborn." Amity said with a stutter, "He experimented on me when I was barely old enough to cry!"

"What?! But why would he do that?!" Luz asked in shock.

"He wanted to try an experiment! I don't even want to see Alador ever again after this!" Amity yelled.

"You don't mean that." Luz said, "You're just angry."

"How would you know?" Amity asked, a bit angrily.

"Because I said that to my dad once... he was on an expedition for months and his phone broke." Luz said, "My mom and I thought... I feared that he died thinking that I was angry at him... when he came home I... you never know when your last conversation with your parent will be... don't leave anything left unsaid."

"But....But how do you expect me to just forgive something like that? It could've killed me." Amity said, holding her have over her heart.

"I'm not saying you should've forgive him right away, I'm just saying you shouldn't cut him out of your life if the last thing you say to each other is something bad." Luz said before looking at Ghost. "But, if he didn't put that seed in you, you might never have had your loyal cat companion."

Amity looked away. She didn't want to talk to him, she wasn't going to. Her and Luz were going on an adventure, and she wasn't going to look at him until then.

"I...I think it's best we move on and focus on more important matters." Ghost said, trying to relieve some of the tension.

"She's right." Luz said, picking up Amity, "To the bedroom!"

"What?!" Amity let out as Luz carried her away, surprised.

"You need something to take your mind off it! And I have the perfect thing in mind!" Luz said as she peppering kisses on Amity's cheek, "Besides, I'm not wearing anything under my shirt."

Amity smiled and blushed.

"To the bedroom!" They both said.

Ghost watched as they left while thinking of what Luz said to try and chair Amity up.

'But, if he didn't put that seed in you, you might never have had your loyal cat companion.' Ghost recalled, placing a paw where her own heart would be if she was a real cat.

"Mother?" Ghost said, thinking about Amity.

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