Ch. 9: Arrival

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When they landed, Luz and Amity exited the plane.

"Did you really have to smack me?" Luz asked.


"But why?" Luz asked with a slight whine.

"Because I said we wouldn't do it on a plane." Amity said as they walked to baggage claim, "Now come on, we have work to do."

After calming their luggage and Ghost, who snuck back into her carrier cage before the plane landed, the left the airport for the hotel they would be staying in before their expedition.

"You know, now that we're on solid ground-" Luz said as they waited for a taxi.

"Jet lagged, no naughty." Amity said, being surprisingly resistant to Luz's advances.

'God, why must you punish me?' Luz thought with a small amount of dread at her fiancé's denial of love.

The two arrived at the hotel and got unpacked. The room had two beds with white sheets, a small couch, a business desk, a small balcony, flat screen tv, and a luxury bathroom right next to the front door.

"Ah, this is the nicest hotel I've ever been in." Luz said.

"Yeah. It reminds me of some vacations I took with my parents in school." Amity said as Ghost moved to lay on one bed.

"And these beds feel so fluffy. Like clouds." Ghost said.

Ghost rolled around on it.

"Mother, come lay with me!"

"Which one?" Luz asked, looking at Ghost.

In a way, Luz was Ghost's stepmother when she and Amity officially got married.


Smiling at this, Luz playfully jumped onto the bed to make Ghost bounce in the air before landing back safely.

"Who's a good living piece of wood?" Luz asked, tickling Ghost's stomach.

"I am!" Ghost said with a smile.

"Yes you are!" Luz said with a smile, scratching Ghost's sweet spot under her chin.

Amity laughed.

"You two are a ridiculous pair." She said with a smile.

"Maybe but we're YOUR ridiculous pair." Luz said, pointing to Amity. "You can't get rid of us, no matter how hard you try."

"I know but why would I ever want that?" Amity asked as she walked over, laying down to join them.

Luz began to scratch Amity's ear, making the witch purr again.

"And you're my precious, little tigress." Luz said to Amity, moving to kiss her cheek a bit.

"Can we stop with the purring thing!?"


"I agree, mother." Ghost said, nuzzling against Amity. "I enjoy your purrs as you enjoy mine."

Luz struggled to hold in her joy, this was just so adorable.

'Need a picture.' Luz thought as she quickly pulled out her phone and snapped a picture.

Once the moment passed and they finished unpacking, the trio were laying in bed to order some room service for lunch.

"It's nice to have these small moments of peace like we did before all this magic and death came around." Luz said.

"Yes, it's so peaceful...a little boring though but still peaceful." Amity said.

"Boring is a good thing but it can be tedious. Perhaps they have some nice movies to watch." Ghost said, pointing to the tv in the room.

"Who's a smart little kitty?" Luz asked, petting Ghost.

"I am." Ghost said with a smile.

"Yes you are." Luz said.

Luz then grabbed the remote and turned on the tv to an animal documentary movie, one of her favorite kinds. Didn't matter what animal it was, Luz loved these documentaries.

"Wow, you really can't get away from work, can you?" Amity asked.


"No wonder you're so much of a workaholic it's fun for you." Amity said to her, shaking her head.

"Like you aren't." Luz replied, enjoying the documentary.

It was about the African Savanna.

"Awe, look at the Wild Dogs, it's like the pack I'm part of." Luz said.

"Dogs?" Ghost asked, her fur suddenly standing up. "You are part of a pack of DOGS?"

"Um, yes? Is that a problem? I didn't think a magic cat would hate dogs." Luz said to Ghost.

"Ghost, relax, Luz won't let any animal hurt you." Amity said.

"I don't need to be protected! I have magic." Ghost said, turning away. "I just don't see the appeal of dogs when felines are so much better."

Amity rolled her eyes and pet her cat.

"Ghost, no magic on innocent animals." Amity said to her.

"But mother! What if they attack first?!" Ghost asked her, whining/meowing.

"Then you turn invisible and run to either me or Luz."

"But-" Ghost was cut off by Luz scratching her back.

"Violence only begets more violence." Luz said to her as the door was knocked on. "That's must be room service."

Ghost jumped off the bed and went to the window.

"This is a great view!"

Luz rolled her eyes as she went to answer the door and pull in their food.

'Thank god this hotel doesn't have a "no pets" policy.' Luz thought.

"Thank you." Luz said.

"Enjoy your meal, ma'am." He said before Luz gave him a generous tip.

"Have a nice night." Luz said to him, "Dinner time!"

Amity and Ghost turned to the cart as Luz rolled the cart to the middle of the room.

"So, my precious little kitties, ready to eat?"

"Don't call us kitties." Amity said.

"But I like being called a kitty. I never was a kitty but I like being called one." Ghost said since Palismen only have one form their entire lives. "Any who, what's for dinner, mother?"

"Fake meat!" Luz said, pulling the tray cover off.

Giving off some steam, on the tray was two vegan hamburger steaks made from the finest vegetables the hotel had to offer with a side of mashed potatoes and collared greens. There was also some spring rolls and some butter.

"And they say that fake meat doesn't taste good." Amity said.

'If those burgers were the standard, hopefully these hamburgers steaks are just as good.' Amity thought, feeling like a real carnivore.

The two ate in silence, when Luz asked a question.

"So, if you made Ghost, you could make other Palisman?"

Amity paused as she ate, making Ghost pause as well as she turned to Amity with curiosity.

"What?" Amity asked, turning to Luz.

"I'm just asking, if you were able to create Ghost when you were just a baby, could you possible create more as an adult?" Luz asked.

"Luz, I don't want to think about that damn seed right now." Amity said.

"I know I know but still, what if you could make more Palismen or our kids could make them?" Luz asked. "I'm not asking out of offense, I'm just curious."

"Luz... please drop it."

Luz could see Amity looking away, picking at her food now as Luz felt guilty now.

'Stupid Luz, you still can't keep your curiosity in check. Even for someone you love.' Luz thought, berating herself.

"Listen, I didn't mean to make you upset."

"I know you didn't but you need to understand, this seed in my heart, it could've killed me all those years ago and I wouldn't have even known. I've got questions about it too but it's just too painful to think about right now." Amity said.

Luz put a hand on Amity's shoulder.

"Still, I shouldn't have pushed that on you and not see you would be uncomfortable." Luz said, "I'm sorry."

Amity moved to put her head in Luz's shoulder, humming in her embrace.

"I forgive you but please, promise me you won't bring up questions like that again until I'm ready." Amity said to her.

"Before, after, and beyond our wedding. I promise. But... speaking of seeds." Luz got up and walked over to the window, "Let's plant some."

Luz closed the curtains.

"...I think I should leave." Ghost said as she quickly jumped off the bed and walked to the door.

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