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Alex was entered the office, he was surprised to see a female mouse with blonde hair.

The woman scruffed Alex's hair.

???:So this is the great Alex Stilton I've been hearing about.

Alex blushed a little.

Pandora:Alex, this is my Aunt Petunia.  She's actually joined us on a few of our adventures.

Alex:Um, nice to meet you.

Pandora:If you're a little confused since we look a little different, it's alright, we get that a lot.  I'm actually from a mixed race couple.


Petunia:Thea was right, you are adorable.

Alex got a little flustered. He began talking to Petunia, and they got along really well. Pandora later invited Alex to their house. When Pandora showed Alex her room, his jaw dropped. There games and cool posters everywhere.


Pandora:Impressive isn't it?

They began playing the day away. Petunia called them in for lunch. When Pandora left to use the bathroom, Alex asked Petunia a bit of a controversial question. 

Alex:So where are Pandora's parents? Are they out of town or something?

Petunia seemed be caught off guard a little.

Petunia:Um...take a seat for a moment, please.

Alex did so. Petunia sighed.

Petunia:My sister, Pandora's mom...*sigh* I protected her for years. Then one day she told me that she told her boyfriend she was pregnant. But he ditched her. I decided to help her out until she got on her feet. day, she was getting her car fixed, but the mechanics did a lousy job. She was driving home when her car started speeding. She tried hitting the breaks, but it was doing nothing. She ended up crashing into another car, killing both the people in the other car and herself. The mechanic was blamed for the accident and sent to prison for criminal negligence.

Unknown to either of them, Pandora was listening to them.

Alex:So you decided to raise Pandora.

Petunia:I'll admit...I wasn't exactly huge on the idea of becoming a mom. But I decided to pull through for my sister's sake. However, she grew on me. And if anything happened, I'd search for her day and night. Just then, Alex's phone went off. It was Thea.

Petunia:Oh yeah, the WIFI is wonky. We're trying to fix that.

Alex went home. The next day, Petunia came back from buying groceries.

Petunia:Pandora, I'm back!

However, there was no response.


She looked all around the house, but there was no sign of her niece.

Petunia drove to the office and she burst in, all out of breath. present...

Geronimo:Petunia, slow down. What's wrong?

Petunia:Pandora's gone missing!


Petunia:She must have overheard the conversation Alex and I had yesterday and thought I didn't care about her!

Petunia was hyperventilating.

Thea:Petunia, calm down.

Petunia:Calm down?! My niece is out there, and I don't know where! 


Petunia:Such a horrible excuse for a guardian!


Petunia:Now my niece is gone!

Thea then suddenly slapped her.

Petunia:I needed that.

Thea:Petunia, she is not dead!

Petunia began to calm down a little.

Ben:We'll help you.

They began to look all over town.

Petunia:I really hope she's okay. If anything happens to her...

Alex:I'm sure she's okay.

They began asking people across town if they've seen her, to no avail. Just as they were about to lose hope, someone said they saw Pandora at the arcade. When they entered the arcade, they found Pandora by herself playing on one of the games

Pandora:Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?

Petunia hugged her niece tight

Geronimo:Where were you? We were looking for you all day.

Pandora:I texted Auntie that I was hanging out at the arcade.

Petunia:Well then why didn't I...Oh, right...the bad wifi. But I thought you were upset about what I said yesterday.

Pandora:I wasn't upset. I've known that you always have sacrificed a ton for me. I know you wouldn't just toss me.

Everyone looked Petunia a little annoyed. Petunia rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous smile. She then walked over to her niece.

Petunia:Regardless, Pandora...I swear I'd never leave you. You're one of the best things to happen to me, and I would never want you to leave.

Pandora hugged her.

Pandora:I love you, Auntie.

Petunia hugged her back.

Petunia:I love you, too.

Pandora:Say, I could use a real challenge with this game.

Petunia:You're on.

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