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     Jared stood awkwardly at Evan's doorway. He had gotten a text from Connor saying to walk Evan to school because he didn't want him to go alone. He was scared to face Evan again after upsetting him the day before, but he tried his best to smile when Evan walked timidly out of the door.

     "H-Hi... First of all I'm really really sorry for lashing at you yesterday I didn't mean it. Second, why are you here?" Evan rambled out, adjusting the collar of his shirt as to best try to cover the hickeys on his neck.

     "It's chill, I'm sorry that scum bag attacked you... And I'm here because Jared Kleinman is a good friend who wants to walk his friend to school?" Jared didn't want to make it seem like Evan was weak, because anybody in his situation should be protected.

     "Cool. Let's get going?" Evan was eager to see Connor. He had woken up to a series of cute texts reading all sorts of positive messages from Connor. Jared smiled, motioning a shoulder for them to start walking the short distance to school.

     "How's it going with the stoner boy?"

     "Don't call him that! And it's going really well... I really like him, Jared..." Evan had a blush evident on his cheeks. Jared awed at the pureness of the boys relationship.

     "Have you had se- Never mind. Sorry." Jared caught himself to late, wincing as he saw Evan frown.

     "Y-Yeah... I mean, we haven't. But I hope one day, I'd like to get over this stupid fear of people touching me..." Evan kicked a rock down the sidewalk, a part of him angry with himself for not being "normal". He knew Connor didn't care, but he felt like he was disappointing Connor.

      "It's not stupid! It's so valid, and I'm sorry that fucking jerk had the nerve to attack you."

     "Connor beat him up yesterday." Evan whispered, Jared turning his head quickly to look at Evan surprised.

      "Evan! That's great!"

     "N-No you don't get it... Will's gonna do something... He always gets what he wants. And I don't want him to hurt Connor... He's already messed me up enough." Evan stated defensively, sighing as they walked up to the school door. 

      "I'll do whatever I can to protect you guys. I'll even get Rich and Jake," Jared said as he threw his head back for effect. "those two moan so much and it's fucking HOT." Evan giggled, smiling more as he spotted Connor in front of them. He ran ahead until he met up to Connor's side.

     "Hey babe... Doing okay?" Connor's face had lit up upon seeing Evan, and he wrapped an arm around the boys waist protectively as they walked inside. 

     "Great now that I'm with you." Evan said quietly, earning a kiss on the cheek from Connor. 

     "If I see Will today-"

     "It's okay, Con. M-Maybe if we don't bother him he won't..." Evan trailed off as he saw Will walking down the hallway, his face adorned in a black eye and his lip with a small row of stitches.

     "I could sue, druggie. Or you could come with me to the office right now." Will spoke every word laced with hatred. Connor held Evan close, staring at Will with a deathly tone.

     "I'll go with you to the damn office, under one condition: stay the fuck away from Evan."

      "Why would I do that? You seem like the abusive type, beating people up... It's not safe for you to be around him! Don't you think so, Evan?" Evan refused to meet Will's glance, so he instead buried his face in Connor's side.

     "He's fucking scared of you Will, fuck off."

     "I think he's scared of you! You could really hurt him." Will said with a smirk, watching the principal walk up to them from behind Connor and Evan.

     "Really? I recall the reason I beat you up, and I will again, is because-"

     "Murphy. Let's go to my office, shall we? Will, why don't you come along too." Connor looked horrified, while Will smiled grimly. Evan gripped tightly to Connor, fearful of what could happen if he let go.

    "You have to understand, Will is attacking-"

     "It seems to me that you attacked him, the boy has stitches! My office. Now." Connor gulped, following along with Evan still in his grips.

     "Leave the boy here, he hasn't done anything. Has he?"

     "Nope. Just me. Let's go." Connor stuck his hands into his pockets, gritting his teeth as he walked to the office. Evan felt his eyes well up with tears, jumping as a hand patted his back.

     "We'll keep you safe from Connor." Will smiled, then trailing after the principal innocently. Evan ran with a few hot tears streaming down his face down the hallway, until colliding with Rich.

     "Hey, watch it! Oh shit, Evan, right? Jared's friend. Hey, you don't look so hot. What's wrong? Anyone who's a friend of Jared's is a friend of mine."

     "N-Nothing... I'm just... My boyfriend..." Evan rambled on, more tears spilling from his eyes as he tried to stop crying.

     "Slow down... Let's go to the bathroom. We can talk it out?" Rich said comfortingly, leading Evan to a quiet bathroom in the hallway.

    "Okay. Say whatever you need to."

     "M-My ex w-won't stop trying to get me back... But he was abusive and I have a b-boyfriend, Connor, wh-who I really love and he beat up my ex and no-now I'm scared he'll get in trouble..." Evan choked out, and looking up to see Rich look at him in shock.

     "Shit, man. That's not cool, listen, I'll go after him to. I'm gonna march to the office and give him a piece of my mind..."

     "N-No! I don't want more people getting in trouble because of me... B-But thank you..."

     "I get it. I'll stay low until you want me to do something. You okay to go back to class or you want to chill here?"

     "I-I think I'm good..."

     "I'll walk you there. Jared has a good taste in people, you're a good kid, Evan." Rich smiled, offering Evan a hand up from the floor. Evan declined the hand and pushed himself up, walking out of the bathroom with a small smile. Rich waved bye to Evan as he left him at the English classroom, and Evan felt confident as he walked into the classroom.

     It was the end of the day when Evan saw Connor again, and he ran up to the boy and engulfed him in a hug. Connor looked down at Evan with a smile but tears in his eyes, and Evan immediately frowned.

     "What's wrong?" 

     "Will's not getting expelled. He has a one day in school suspension. I'm so fucking sorry... I-I tried the best I could... And I have detention for a week but I'll probably skip." Connor said as his voice cracked, holding Evan tightly in his arms.

     "I-It's okay... It's not your fault. It's mine." 

     "Don't ever say that. It's that bastards fault... I could kill him." 

      "Please do-don't! They would take you away from me..." 

     "I'm not letting them do that." Connor whispered. The boys were standing in the abandoned auditorium before rehearsal. Connor and Evan stood in silence afterwards, enjoying being in each others arms for just a moment. Evan reached up to kiss Connor's lips, and Connor held Evan's jaw steady as their lips connected. The trio of Rich, Jake, and Jared walked in clapping and Evan pulled away embarrassed before Connor reached back to steal another kiss. 

     "The cutest couple."

     "Next to us three, of course." Jake added, throwing his arms around Jared and Rich. 

     "Sure. But have you seen Evan Hansen?" Connor showed Evan off, having his arm around his waist.

     "Point made." Jared added in.

     "Evan, we're all here to defend you. Will's not getting away with anything as long as we're around." Rich stated, all of the other boys nodding as well.

     "You need anything, you know who to call."

    "Y-You don't need to do this... Thank y-you though..."

     "I find it hard to believe I don't need to protect the one I love. So under all circumstances, my only goal is to keep you safe." Connor whispered, his lips against Evan's ear so that only he could hear. He blushed, leaning more into Connor's side. 

      "We get it, you're dating. C'mon guys, we have enough time for a blowjob before rehearsal." The threesome of boys left, Jake in the middle and squeezing both of the boys asses beside him.

     "They wish they could be as cute as us."

     "T-They wish..." Evan giggled, Connor sneaking in one last kiss against his cheek before students started to trickle into the auditorium.

     "We're running Freeze Your Brain and Dead Girl Walking! Let's get going guys!"


a.n: late night writing is bad sorry     


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