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tw: abusive relationship

     "Evan Hansen. Haven't seen you in awhile."

     Evan gulped as he saw the familiar face of Will, his ex boyfriend. He did his best to put on a smile and wave back at the more buff boy, but he was horrified to be standing alone in the hallway with him.


     "I hear you're the lead in the musical. I'll be playing Heather Chandler so we'll be seeing each other much more often." Will smirked as he playfully moved his body closer to Evan's. Evan took a scared step backwards.

     "C-Cool... I gotta go but I'll see you around I guess..." Evan trailed off and started walking quickly towards his class, only to be stopped by Will coming up behind him and putting his hand on Evan's waist. His hand traveled lower than Evan deemed comfortable and he made a small noise that sounded like a squeak as he tried to get away from the other.

     "You've gotten hotter, Hansen. Stop hanging around that Murphy kid, you can do better, like... me" Will whispered, squeezing the uppermost part of Evan's thigh before strutting off down the hall in the other direction. Evan felt tears in his eyes as he ran past the class he was supposed to be in and to the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and let his body sink to the ground, he felt dirty. He turned on the sink and washed his face, crying even more as he saw his pathetic expression in the mirror.

     When the end of the day came Evan's eyes were red from crying and he just barely convinced himself to go to rehearsal. He found Connor quickly, and stuck to his side for the fear that Will would approach him again. Connor was surprised at the boys sudden attention to him, but accepted it and took the opportunity to flirt with him more.

     "Excited?" Connor questioned, punching Evan in the arm lightly and in a friendly sort of way. Evan jumped at the touch and shrunk away from Connor with fear in his eyes. He realized what he had done and quickly blushed and squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment.

     "Y-Yea... I-I'm happy that I get to hear yo-you sing more, you sounded really good in your audition!" Evan said cheerily, trying to cover up the trigger he just had.

     "Not as good as you."

     "Everyone in Beautiful on stage, lets try it out." The director yelled up to the cast that was either lazily sitting in the audience, or getting high outside. Evan smiled at Connor before running up to the stage, taking out his script and taking a deep breath. He got through most of the song with a flawless performance until the Heathers entered. He felt his breath hitch and his face redden when Will walked on.

     "And ya know, ya know, ya know? This could be beautiful..." Will had put his hand under Evan's chin and brought his face close to Evan's. He smirked at the boy, rubbing his thumb under the soft skin.



     "Evan you need to be more assertive with that line. Really act like your happy to be around them." Evan nodded shakily, when in reality he couldn't hate anything more than being around the trio of them. The song ended and Evan exhaled, feeling Will's eyes on him he ran to where Connor was sitting and collapsed next to him.

     "Are you and Will... close?" Connor questioned, having seen the other act strangely after the Heathers had entered.

     "M-My ex. I'll tell you about it later." Evan said quickly, taking a minute to distract himself in his script before having to go on stage again.

     "Hi homos. Ready for your sex on stage?" Jared had come up behind the boys, affectionately ruffling both of their hair.

     "S-Shut up Jared..."

      "Couldn't be more excited." Connor said with a naughty smile, putting his arm around Evan's shoulders jokingly. Evan blushed and hid his face in Connor's side.

     "Bleh. You two are so cute it's disgusting. I just had an amazing blowjob from the guy playing Kurt. His name's Rich." Jared trailed on, moaning ironically for effect.

     "Murphy and Hansen, let's go. We're gonna run Dead Girl Walking." Connor stood up, pulling Evan by the hand and walking down the stage. Evan didn't let go of Connor's hand until they got up onto the stage and Evan got into a shaky blocking of the song. He tried to adapt a scared yet really alluring mood, which was hard since his general aura was adorable. He glanced over to Connor, who was lying down with one of his knees bent and giving a wink at Evan. That was Evan's cue and he started singing softly, trying to get progressively more strong as he approached Connor more with every note.

     "I'm a dead girl walking..."

     "Ronnie? What are you doing in my room?"

     "Shh..." Evan dropped to his knees, climbing on top of Connor and running his hand on the others chest.      

    "Sorry, but I really had to wake you. See, I decided I must ride you till I break you... 'Cause Heather says I gots to go," Evan sang out, a new more confident tone in his voice as he put his hand under Connor's shirt. Connor looked wide eyed at Evan, somewhat out of character but more so impressed that such a quiet boy could suddenly be so sexy. He put his hand on Evan's waist slowly, trying not to scare him again. Evan was set on finishing his verse, taking a breath quickly before belting out again.

    "I'm your dead boy walkin' . Get on all fours, kiss this dead boy walkin' ." Evan crouched down and sang low in Connor's face, and Connor took it as his cue to take the bottom of Evan's shirt and beginning to pull it off. Evan halted, his voice going quiet immediately as he stood up and looked at Connor horrified. He breathed heavily before running off stage and out of the auditorium. Connor sat red in the face and waited for someone to do something, but seeing Jared making out with his new boyfriend. He got up and ran after Evan, throwing a glance at Will who was smiling in the audience. Connor took it upon himself to flip him off as he crashed out of the doors in the auditorium. He knew exactly where Evan was, and he ran to the familiar oak tree and saw the boy slumped against the stump. He approached Evan slowly, scared he might make the boy run off again.

     "H-Hey Evan... I'm sorry..." Evan looked at Connor and whimpered, reaching out a shaky hand inviting him to come closer.

     "No... It's m-my fault... It's be-because of him..." Evan spoke softly, playing with some grass next to him.

     "Do you want to talk about it...?" Connor put his hand next to Evan, and Evan had reached out his own to interlace their fingers.

     "I-I need to... Will and I da-dated for al-almost a year? He... took advantage of me... and made me feel like it was my fault... Which it pr-probably was... B-But any time someone tries to touch me I-I get scared because of hi-him..." Evan was choking on his words, and was moving closer to Connor as he continued on.

     "Evan... I can beat him up o-or we can get him kicked out of this production. I'm not letting you go on like this..." Connor was tearing up as he held Evan's hand tight in his own.

    "N-No! Please... I just want to get this all over with. P-Plus I have you... So I feel a little safer... W-We just have to work on the to-touching stuff..." Evan laughed a little through the tears, leaning his head on Connor's shoulder.

    "We can practice all you want..." Connor whispered, putting his arm around Evan again and felt the boy melt into his embrace.

    "C-Can I try something...?" Evan put his hand on Connor's chest and blushed.

    "Whatever you need." Evan nodded and brought his hand to Connor's face, looking deep into his eyes. He tilted his head and softly pressed his lips to Connor's. Connor put his arm around the others back gently, then kissing back against Evan's soft lips. Evan pulled away and backed up away from Connor.

     "S-Sorry you probably ha-hated that,"

    "You're kidding me. That was amazing, Evan. You're a really good kisser... I'm looking forward to doing that more often..." Connor smiled innocently at Evan, bringing Evan's hand to his lips and kissing it softly.

    "Aww cute. Now get both of your asses back into rehearsal. We've been waiting for like, half an hour? Your understudies are trash. Lets go, c'mon." Jared spoke sternly, grabbing both of the boys and dragging them back into the school.

    "E-Evan are you ready to go back in?"

    "Yeah. If you're with me..." Evan mumbled, standing close to Connor as they walked into the auditorium. Connor put his arm around Evan protectively, searching the audience for Will and giving him a cold glare.

     "Ready to try that again boys?"


     Connor lay back down on stage, and Evan let the lights go reset before he took a deep breath and started his song once more.


a.n: okay so i made this into a fic and ill be updating it pretty consistently with my one shots! haha enjoy

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