Chapter 13- Fixing Friendships (Part 2)

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Kayden knocked on Esther's door, unsure of what to expect.
When she opened the door, Kayden barely got a chance to greet her before she grabbed his shirt and pulled him inside.


Kayden went flying, landing on the sofa.
His eyes widened when he saw Nico next to him, and Nico looked just as surprised.

"What's going on?", they asked, in unison.

"You two need each other.
You balance each other out, and honestly?
I think you help each other to be better people.
So you're making up and you're making up now", said Esther.

Kayden and Nico looked at each other. They had never seen Esther like this, but neither of them wanted to make the first move.

Nico glanced at Esther, who nodded her head at him.
He exhaled sharply, before closing his eyes for a few seconds to compose himself.

"I'm sorry that I broke my promise.
It just ate away at me!
You put your Dad's feelings before you're own and... I guess it hit too close to home."

Kayden furrowed his eyebrows at this. "How do you mean?"

Nico frowned.
He already had to relive the pain when he spoke to Esther, but he knew opening up could be the only thing that could save his friendship with Kayden.

"When I was younger, my Dad made me deal dr*gs.
And look after them.
I would've done anything for him.
Mum was always dr*gged up, so he was basically the only parent I had."

Kayden's eyes widened, and he couldn't find the right words to say.

"I had a lot of dreams but I never went after them because I was too busy dealing with my Dad's cr*p.
So when I saw how you are around you're Dad... it just takes me back, I guess."

"Nico, I-I didn't know."

"Why would you?
I never told you.
I was exonerated for the things I did, but that doesn't mean people still don't see me as a criminal."

Esther clenched her jaw, a wave of anger crashing over her.

"You know you don't have to do everything he says, right?", asked Nico.

Kayden frowned.
"He wasn't always like this.
I mean, he's always been quite business minded, but he used to care about us a lot.
I think that side of him is still there."

"But how long will that take?
I was the same way with my Mum.
She let me down, but more importantly, she let Cam down too many times.
I had to make the decision to cut her off."

"I appreciate that that must've been hard for you, Nico.
But... I need to keep trying.
I'm not giving up on him."

Nico contemplated this.
He thought he was doing right by Camryn, but did he give up on his Mum too soon?

"Actually, I think I should be thanking you", said Kayden, which surprised both Esther and Nico.
"Yes, things are rough at home, but it's a massive relief not to have Morgan in my life."

Nico sighed.
"I'm glad, mate."

He looked over at Esther, who gave him a look of encouragement.
He nodded and inhaled deeply, before exhaling softly.

"There's something else.
I... I've never really had a friend like you.
You know, someone who's made something of their life at a young age.
I guess I just feel like the joke of our group."

Kayden's face softened.
"I never saw you like that!
Actually, I look up to you."

"You do?"

Kayden nodded.
You have this confidence that I could never have.
And the way you look after Camryn? I've only ever dreamed of standing up to my father for Amie."

"I-I didn't know that."

Kayden chuckled.
"I guess we both envy the other."

"But you both totally envy me, right?", asked Esther, making the boys laugh.

"Oh yeah.
One hundred percent", teased Nico.

"Definitely", added Kayden.

Esther laughed.
So, where do we go from here?"

Kayden looked at Nico.
"The big shock for me is that my father didn't actually ban me from seeing you. So, why don't we start again?"

"How about we promise to be open with each other about how we're feeling?", suggested Nico.
"I know that's a big ask, especially because of how guys are 'supposed' to be, but... screw it."

Kayden smiled.
My father always preaches the importance of leaving your emotions on the table and ruling with your head but... screw him."

Sorry I had a really weird double meaning from that", said Esther, shaking her head in disgust.


Camryn joined Amethyst on the bench, after the latter told Eli to get her.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you", said Amethyst.
"I didn't know the whole story."

"Neither did I", admitted Camryn.
"I guess we've both been in our own little worlds.
We forgot to check in on our big brothers."

Amethyst nodded.
"That's going to change though."

Camryn nodded in agreement.
"And what about us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we going to change?"

"I don't get what you're saying."

"I don't want us to just be friends because we're in the same club.
Or because my girlfriend and best friend like you a lot.
I want us to be proper friends."

Amethyst's eyes widened.
She didn't expect this from Camryn.
"I-I mean, what would we even talk about?"

"Our brothers?
Different creative projects we're working on?
There's loads of things", said Camryn.

Amethyst realised that those things had always been there.
All this time they spent disliking each other, when they could've been pretty good friends.

"I was wrong about you, Camryn."

"I was wrong about you as well."

"So... friends?"




They've made up! Are you looking forward to seeing both friendships grow?

Is there a particular one of these friendships that you're more invested in?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?








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