Chapter 7- Support Group

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WARNING: Upsetting Content. Mentions of cancer and dark humour surrounding it. Panic attacks.

Esther walked into her Synagogue.
She visited almost every day when she first got her diagnosis, but her visits were rare as the years went by.

Her parents, on the other hand- they're the first ones in and last ones out every day.

Esther gazed out at the main hall. Something about stepping foot inside this building brought her a sense of peace.

Just standing here, looking at every inch of the room, brought her a sense of calm and surety that she never felt anywhere else.

It was the one place where she felt like her cancer didn't matter.

And now she had to go to cancer support sessions here.

Does cancer want to dig the knife in deeper?

"Esther!", beamed a freckle covered woman.
Her her was styled into a tight bun, her hairline screaming for help as the multiple ribbons suffocated her hair.

"Hiya, Miss Aaronson!"

The woman beamed, her eyes widening when she saw the plastic tub in Esther's hands.
"What do we have here?"

Esther's face heated up, and she was suddenly hyper-aware that she brought a tub of food to a support session.

"Oh, my Mum told me to bring some Kugel for everyone", explained Esther.

The woman raised an eyebrow at this.
I'm surprised she's making my signature dish."

Esther just tapped her fingers against the side of the box.
"Um, where's the meeting?"

It's in the social room, darling."


The chairs were arranged in a circle. Esther had seen this set-up before in many movie scenes with support groups.

It didn't feel real.

There were seven chairs, with two of them taken.
A pale skinned, scruffy-haired boy hugged himself.

His nose was an alarming red, and his under-eyes were slightly puffy.
Esther felt an aching feeling in her chest when she saw him.

He looked up at her, and she gave him a reassuring smile.
He didn't seem convinced, but returned the gesture with a half smile.

Esther made her way over to him, and sat on the seat to the right of him.
I'm Esther.
What's your name?"

The boy didn't meet her eyes, but he opened his mouth to speak.

Esther smiled sweetly at him.
"Have you ever been to a support group like this?"

He just shook his head.

"Neither have I.
But I've got years of chemo experience under my belt, so I'm pretty sure I'll run this show soon enough", she joked.

A strained laugh escaped Rory's lips, and he relaxed ever so slightly.
"So, you're a pro?"

Esther laughed.
"Oh, definitely."

Her face softened, and she weighed up the pros and cons of asking him when he was diagnosed.

"How long have you had cancer?
You don't have to tell me, of course."

Rory hesitated, before nodding a few seconds later.

"-Hello, everyone!", grinned Miss Aaronson.
"We're just waiting on one more person, I think."

"But there are four chairs left", said the other girl in the room.

She had light brown hair styled into two space buns, and her front fringe was curled, sitting just on top of her eyebrows.

Miss Aaronson looked at the girl.
"Ah. Yes.
Well, some people have decided against coming.
Now, why don't we go around the room and tell everyone our names?
And how long we've had cancer for?"

No one spoke up, and Esther found it physically painful to watch the woman's smile falter, almost in slow motion.

"Uh, I'll go first", said Esther.
My name's Esther.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost four years ago."

Miss Aaronson gave her a grateful smile.
"Thank you, Esther."

The girl with space buns sat up a little straighter.
"I'll go next, I guess.
My name's Olivia.
Just call me Liv though.
I got diagnosed last year.
We tried a different treatment route though and things are looking up."

Esther smiled, and she noticed Rory's face light up.
I guess he, like Esther, really needed that fresh glimpse of hope.

"That's wonderful, girlie!"

Esther suppressed a laugh at the nickname.
There was a time when Miss Aaronson would only call her 'girlie.'

Liv saw Esther's attempts to suppress a laugh, making her smile and gently shake her head at Miss Aaronson's well meaning, but awkward attempts of endearment.

All eyes were on Rory, who looked like he wanted the ground to open up right then and there.

"Your turn, sweetie", said Miss Aaronson.

Noticing his discomfort, Esther lowered her voice.
"Yeah, go on.
You got this, boyie."

Rory and Liv laughed, earning a confused look from Miss Aaronson.

"I-I'm Rory.
I've b-"

Rory was silenced by the sound of black platform boots slamming against the floor.
A red haired person, who looked around Esther's age, stormed into the room.

They sat down in a chair, raising their legs up to rest them on the chair next to them.
They pulled their hood up so that it covered their forehead and chin.

"Hello, lovie!", grinned Miss Aaronson, once she got over the initial shock.

The person just let out an elongated sigh.

Miss Aaronson frowned, but recovered a couple of seconds later.
"What's your name?"


"What a lovely name!
Do you want to tell us anything about your cancer battle, girlie?"

"I'd prefer it if you didn't call me that."


"I'm non-binary."

This only added to Miss Aaronson's confusion.
"I'm afraid I don't understand, sweetheart."

"I don't identify as male or female."

"Then what do you identify as?"

"I'm just me."

"I'm sorry, this is all a bit difficult to get my head around."

"It's simple.
If you touch me you'll melt."

Miss Aaronson's eyes widened.

Arden chuckled.
"Nah, I'm just kidding.
Your face is priceless though.
Just use the 'they' or 'them' pronouns for me and you'll be fine."

Miss Aaronson wasn't very aware of many aspects of modern society, and found the different sexualities and identities on the spectrum hard to understand.

"Um, sorry, but we were on Rory", reminded Esther.

Arden looked at Rory and laughed. "Wow.
He looks terrified!
Don't worry mate, you'll be dead soon."

"Hey!", exclaimed Esther.

"Don't throw a hissy fit!
Atleast he'll get a nice fundraiser page to support his family after he kicks the bucket."

Esther's eyes widened in horror.
She couldn't believe how someone could be so cruel.

Rory clutched at his chest and fell to the ground.
His face turned a bright red.

"He's having a panic attack!", exclaimed Liv.

Esther knelt down beside him and gently placed a hand on his back. "Rory?
Rory, can you hear me?
It's ok.
You're going to be ok.
Just keep taking deep breaths."

Rory did as he was told, and his breathing slowly returned to normal, though he screwed his face up.

He gently rubbed his stomach.
Esther recognised what he was doing all too well.

After all, she had been where he was.

Without warning, Rory vomited on the floor, making Arden gag.

"Dude, that's disgusting."

Liv glared at Arden, but Esther was more focused on looking after Rory.
"It's ok, we've all been there before."

Rory brushed his sleeve over his mouth. "Chemo sucks..."

Miss Aaronson's eyes widened.
"Rory... you're not in the early stages of chemo, are you?"

"What does that have to do with anything?", asked Liv.

Miss Aaronson frowned.
"We specifically asked that no one who is going through their first chemo session join this group.
Chemo weakens the immune system."

"You don't have to tell us that", said Arden.

"But every round of chemo weakens your immune system", said Liv.

"Yes, but not all of you are doing chemotherapy right now.
Or atleast you shouldn't be.
Your immune systems have had time to heal.
We want to give those in the early stage a chance to rest and heal."

"My parents said I had to come..."

Miss Aaronson's face softened.
"Oh, honey..."

"They need this.
They're always so sad when I'm at home", said Rory.

"This ain't kiddy daycare though", said Arden.
"Maybe they should try giving a d*mn about their kid?"

"Maybe you should try shutting your mouth!", exclaimed Esther.

Whilst everyone was surprised, no one was as surprised as Esther.
She didn't want to snap, but Arden's comments were getting to her.

She gently rubbed Rory's back.
"When were you diagnosed, Rory?"

"Two weeks ago."




This was a more sad chapter, but like I said, I wanted to focus on some of the side characters from book 1, as I believe their stories need to be told.

What are your thoughts on the support group bunch?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?








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