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This is a one-shot based on what happened in the Theatre Club Book 2, Chapter 10. It's not a spoiler to the overall plot, but if you don't want to be spoiled, read Chapter 10 before reading this.

This takes place when Esther and Nico were in school. Esther would've just turned 16, and Nico would also be 16. Esther was diagnosed when she was 16, but we'll say this happened before her diagnosis. The ages and things have had to be changed slightly due to an error on my part, but it shouldn't change the overall storylines.


A blue haired girl hurried into the classroom, a bright smile on her face. "Ess, guess what?"

A girl with hip-length jet black hair furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Jordan's proposed?"

"Don't joke about that!
I'd just about diè if he did!"

"Of excitement or shock?"

"A bit of both, actually.
We'd have gorgeous babies."

Esther's eyes widened.
"Woah, slow down there, Cora!
You've only been on three dates."

Cora glanced at a scruffy haired boy with his head on the table.
"Hey, Nico?
Has Jordan said anything about me?"

Nico raised his head, though his facial expression reminded Esther of a zombie.
Why you askin' me for?"

"You're his best mate, aren't you?", asked Esther.

"We're not joined at the hip like you two, you know", he replied.

"Well he must've told you something", said Cora.

"We really don't talk like that", he insisted.

Esther raised an eyebrow at this.
Nico wasn't the most sociable, but she knew he was close to Jordan.

Nico noticed her looking, but chose not to comment on it.

"Anyway, are you excited for the trip?", asked Cora.

They don't happen very often.
I'm dreading the weather though", answered Esther.

"Only because you get cold so easily!", exclaimed Cora.
"You're like the Ice Queen, Ess!"

"I know!"


Cora quickly shoved her textbook into her bag, before waving goodbye to Esther and hurrying off to see Jordan before their next class.

Nico held a black pen out to Esther. "Cheers for the pen."

As Esther grabbed the pen, her fingers brushed against Nico's, and the boy recoiled.

Why the f*ck are your hands so cold?"

Esther chuckled at his reactions.
"God, you don't half overreact, do ya?"

"That's bullsh*t."

"No, that's what you call the stuff you say."

Nico's eyes widened slightly, and an impressed look appeared on his face. Esther didn't just take what he said with a pinch of salt— she fought back too.

He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy their usual cheeky exchange.

"Seriously though, your hands are really cold."

Esther shrugged.
"My hands aren't even a problem.
It's my neck that gets proper cold."

"Have you heard of these things called scarves?"

"Have you heard of this thing called me not caring about your opinion?"

Nico laughed at this, a bright spark dancing in his eyes.
He put his backpack strap on his arm. "You're a weirdo, Snow White."

Esther rolled her eyes, before pointing to his shirt with a red car on it.
"Yeah, yeah.
See you around, Lighting McQueen."


It was the day of the trip, and whilst some people were falling asleep at their desks, the majority of the class were excited.

"Are you ok with me sitting with Jordan on the coach?", asked Cora.

"Yeah, go ahead", replied Esther.
Her sleek black hair wrapped around her bag strap as she tried to take it off. "Ow!"

Cora's eyes widened, and she tried to unravel it for Esther.
"Sh*t, sh*t, stay still!"

A blonde haired boy walked past and snorted with laughter.
"Rapunzel's in a right state."

"Oh, do one, Blake!", hissed Cora.

Blake rolled his eyes.
"Oh, Esther, you're Mum called me.
She said I was so good in bed last night."

"Ugh, you're disgusting", frowned Cora.

"I'm not being funny, but I don't think her Mum wants to come anywhere near you", said Nico.
"Not with all your diseases."

Esther looked up at Nico, and when their eyes met, he gave her a small smile.

She smiled back, and a laugh escaped her lips.
"She wouldn't touch him with a 6 foot pole."

Nico laughed at this, before looking at Blake, finding his red face amusing.

"You've got all red now, look!", laughed Cora.

"F*ck off!", yelled Blake, before storming off.

Nico shook his head.

Cora's face lit up when she read a text message.
"Jordan's waiting for me in the Hall!
I'll catch you later, Esther."

Cora ran off, her ponytail swaying from side to side.
Esther laughed, gently shaking her head.

A nervous Nico glanced at Esther.
He rubbed his sweaty hands on his jeans and shook his head, as if that would get rid of his nerves.

He threw a rainbow coloured scarf next to Esther.

Esther's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but she picked the scarf up. "What's this?"

"A scarf", he replied.

Esther rolled her eyes.
I had no idea", she replied, sarcastically. "I mean why have you given it to me?"

Nico shrugged.
"My Nan was throwing some stuff out.
I mean, I did say I would get you a scarf."

"Well, yeah, but I thought you were joking!
This is so pretty!
I can't take this", said Esther.

"It's a knitted scarf not a diamond donkey!"

Esther furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"A diamond donkey?"

"Shut up!", he exclaimed, an amused smile on his face.
"It was the first thing that came into my head!"

"You could've said diamond ring.
But no, you went for diamond donkey", she teased.

"Alright, whatever.
Do you want the scarf or not?"

Esther looked at the scarf, a grin slowly appearing on her face as she looked at all the colours.
"I mean, if you're sure?
Yeah, I'll take it.
Thank you."


Everyone poured into the two coaches, desperate to get good seats with their friends.
Esther smiled sweetly when she walked past a loved up Cora and Jordan, though Jordan looked a little embarrassed.

She noticed Nico sitting a few two rows in front of her— his head against the window.
Esther quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper and scrunched it up. She threw it.

She quietly cheered when it hit the back of Nico's head.
The startled boy picked up the note and opened it up.


- Esther

He chuckled when he saw a drawing of a donkey with a diamond ring on its back.

He looked behind him, and playfully rolled his eyes when he saw Esther grinning.

The scarf looked like it had found its home with Esther.

Not that Nico was looking at the scarf anyway.








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