Drama Class Antics

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For some background, my drama class is a mix of intermediate and advanced drama. (Yes, they're suppose to be different classes but there's only one teacher so this is the easiest way) Meaning that it's a mix of sophomores to seniors.
In my opinion, the most chaotic are the sophomores, sometimes the seniors and a few specific juniors. For example, we're working a lot on improv right now so we have different improv games we do. We did a game called interrogation. This is a game where three people are chosen, two are the cops and one is the suspect/criminal. The suspect is sent outside while the audience has to suggest three things, all of which need to be something/someone/somewhere that anyone could guess. The questions are: a person who has been murdered, a place that the person was killed, and a murder weapon that isn't originally a weapon. The suspect is let back in and the cops goal is to give them hints and have them "confess" aka guess all three as fast as they can.
Some of the suggestions have been: Chris Pratt killed at the Eiffel Tower with a whole drum set (they did this one for the game), Bibble killed in the ocean with tongs (they didn't do this one), and some dude (forgot who it was) getting killed in Las Vegas by a comedically large spoon (they did this). For all of them my teacher pretended to be a police officer radioing in and gave the suspect a hint. For the last one his hint was "An eyewitness states that before the victim died he shouted," *Elvis Presley singsong voice* "Viva this city!"
Another time, these two juniors made up a very long scene doing improv. It felt like I was watching a movie. To make a long story short, this mom goes to a parent teacher conference because her oldest son has been acting up aka he burnt his parents divorce papers aka he's a pyromaniac. She finds out that her two preschool aged sons have been given a serum and they are now 5'8 and 6' and adult men, and that her sons teacher has a giant crush on her.
Idk how these people came up with that but kudos to them.
About a week ago, two freshmen were doing impressions while our teacher was getting ready to start class. One was doing an impression of Mort from Madagascar while the other was doing an impression of King Julian. Right before my teacher started talking they began to sing, still doing the impressions, the beginning of "(I've Had) The Time of My Life". My teacher decided that instead of trying to quiet them down that he would call them up in front of the class and let them sing karaoke still doing the impressions. Two other sophomores joined them and they began using a karaoke track they found on YouTube.
Our teacher turned off the lights and put the random spotlight (we're in the old percussion room so that's why) on them. People were filming, people were waving their phone flashlights, our teacher made the spotlight different colors, and the four sophomores had wrapped their arms around each other and were swaying. It was beautiful.

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