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Today I saw a production of Oliver! At my kinda local theatre. It was amazing! I love this theatre so much. I've been to a lot of their shows and been in Oklahoma! last June-August (counting rehearsals). Almost all the people there are super nice and accepting, some aren't like that because I'm different and more of a outsider so I am treated differently. Most I haven't really interacted with but I'm slowly interacting with people. Oh and to add, back in January or February they had auditions for Oliver but I couldn't audition because my mom is getting her Masters and my dad works so no one could take me. Oh and my school is like a hour from all the other schools that the kids that perform there go to so only a few kids from my school have performed on that stage. A girl one grade older than me, that goes to my school, was in Oliver and so was her mom (she subs for us sometimes) so I hugged them. The girl and I are taking turns representing people from are school (this is a joke and it's mostly her)
Edit 1/30/21: And now I'm not even in the same district and the high school I go to is the "enemy" of the one the rest of the teens go to. If I ever decide to be in a show there again I'm gonna be hated even more. (Jk, maybe.)

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