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Jon's POV~

I felt so ashamed... That girl was only defending her friends... I killed her... Right? I didn't mean to but I did... I look at my hands in the bathroom... They were stained with her blood, I felt tears rolling down down my face... I suddenly hear quiet sobbing,  I peak out to see Snipper was crying and Michael was trying to comfort him,"Hey... They said she will be OK... I know she will be...", I Finally put the pieces together! Grace and Snipper were not friends.... THEY WERE BEST FRIENDS!!! I felt a huge weight of guilt coming down on me, I decided to leave for the day, I was able to slip out, with them noticing, but I came face to face Springbonnie... Baby... And.... A new purple haired girl...

Pheniox's POV~

I felt unexplainable rage building up within me... This must be the rage Grace felt every single day... I glare at Jon, "You hurt my best... Friend...", he suddenly drained to a white colour, "Now you will pay!", I kick him were the sun doesn't shine! He looked astonished! But he was now on the ground as I and Baby were kicking the jump out of him, "Umm...", we both suddenly stop... We both look up slowly... To see... Springtrap.

Springtrap's POV~

I stare... Was Jon seriously getting beaten by a teenager and Bay, I slowly back away but the purple haired girl smiled, "Now... Where do you think you're going?", she said this in a sweet tone and that always means death...! I started to run with that girl on my tail, "GET BACK HERE!!!", I was terrified😰"...

Springbonnie's POV~

I watch as Pheniox chased Springtrap around the street, I sigh but I suddenly realised something... Why was Pheniox chasing someone she has never met before?? I shrug it off like it was nothing, I turn to my attention back to Baby and Jon.... To find Bay was still kicking the living daylights out of him... I shake my head and carefully pulled her off of Jon...

Grace's POV~

I think its been hours... Maybe... I don't know... The white room is actually starting to become a nudist! It hurts my eyes... A lot... The woman keeps saying that I have to defeat Springtrap and Jon until she said something different, "You are in control of this, Grace... You can wake up but... You might lose a few memories...", I sigh, "What memories will I lose if I wake up?", she shakes her head, she looked at me...

"The ones of Pheniox and Snipper..."

I froze... I can't believe it! But... They need me... I can't let them down! I turn to face the women, "I'm going back!", she was taken back, "Are you sure?? Your friends will be heartbroken when they see you have lost your memories!", I look at the white space..., "I can't sit back here and expect everything to be OK... I need to be there for them... Please... This is my choice...", the woman sighs, "OK... But before you go...", she takes off her hood...

"I wish you and your friends the best of luck..", I smile at her, "Thank you...!", I close my eyes and trying to wake up...

Springbonnie's POV~

Once we came back from Jon's we saw Molten had changed Grace's bandages, especially the one over her eye, "Thank you, Molten.", he turns to us with shock at first but then calmed down to see that it was just us, "Sorry... I thought you were someone else...", I nod, Pheniox sat down by Grace, I can tell this wasn't easy for her nor Snipper... I'm still trying to work out something: Why did she chase Springtrap when she just met him? So many unanswered questions...

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