Her First Episode...

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Phoenix's POV~

After I got a knife to cut the Pizzeria we dug in, Snipper was telling us how awkward his interview was, I mean it's Jon... He literally lost his sense of humour, we told him that ours wasn't as awkward as his, we told him about how the anamatronics were really nice to us, apart from Molten, as I was talking I realised that Grace went quiet, "Grace... Are you OK?", I turn and look at her, her eyes had gone pure white and had black pupils, "Grace??", I tried to shake her lightly, she seems to be in some trance of some sort... Snipper was extremely confused and scared...

Grace's POV~

I felt like I was drifting out of reality... I suddenly see something that nearly scared me...

I see Springbonnie walk up to me..., "Hey... I need to speak with you.. In private please...", I was shocked to see that, I suddenly blacked out and I find myself being crowded by a worried and scared Phoenix and Snipper, "Are you OK?!", it took me a few seconds to figure out what just happened, "I... I just saw something... In my mind...", Snipper piped in, "Maybe it's something to do with the future? What did you see?", I think for a few seconds, "I saw Springbonnie walk up to me and he asked me if he could speak with me in private...", Phoenix thinks for a few seconds, "Hm... Maybe he'll tell you about Springtrap?", I shrug my shoulders and stand up, "Well... You guys better get rest... I gotta my night shift to get to!", they wish me good luck, I came prepared, I had gone out and bought 4 packs of triple A batteries...

Bryan's POV~

I lead Grace to the Security Office, "I hope your ready...", Grace nods with a determined look, I smile, "I shall leave you be...", I give her the monitor and the keys, "If anyone gets off stage, go around and look for them... If Molten or Lefty leaves then you will find that they are at Jon's, Okay?", I understood the order as soon as he said it, "Of course Bryan!", He smiles and leaves for the night... I look at the clock... 11:55pm...I smile..., "Show me what you got!"...

Game on...

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