Their boss

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Chapter 4

"Is Tenth in there?"

"Is he ok?"

The door of Tsuna's room immediately opens, revealing a worried looking Gokudera and Yamamoto. It has been a week since Tsuna's strange behavior and apparently, his behavior has been getting stranger in each day.

He would suddenly space out and look depress as if remembering something horrible. Also, the brunet's actions were starting to look mature and his mental and physical skills had improved all of a sudden that everyone who practically knew the brunet had a huge question mark over their heads.

But what got them worried the most was when Tsuna suddenly shut himself from everyone, figuratively speaking, for he suddenly acted distant and his answers would always be the 'I'm fine, don't worry' reply and he suddenly picked up a habit of putting on fake smiles and masks. What caused him to change like this? Last time they knew him, he was the same old no-good and naïve but open boy… but then the next day he suddenly turns into this skilled person, who suddenly became observant in every little thing and his once honest eyes were now shut with secrets that suddenly popped out of nowhere.

And so back to the situation at hand, the brunet's two best friends decided to visit him one Saturday morning. They heard that Tsuna suddenly shut himself (now literally speaking), to give him some time for himself. And they couldn't help but feel, as I have written before, worried.

The two immediately spotted Tsuna sitting on the floor, leaning against his bed with Na-Tsu (he summoned him), taking a nap on the brunet's lap. Tsuna was unconsciously stroking the cub while spacing out.

"Tsuna." Yamamoto calls to him, snapping him out from his trance.

Tsuna looks at his two friends standing by the door way "O-oh! Hey guys! What brings you here?"

Gokudera and Yamamoto exchanged looks before nodding at each other. Tsuna looks at them questioningly, when all of a sudden, the two approached him and grab both his arms.

"O-oi! Wha-what are you guys doing?" Tsuna asks standing up as the two pulls him up, causing the lion cub to drop down the ground and growl "S-sorry Na-Tsu!" he then said as the lion cub turns back into a ring.

"Oi… where are you guys taking me?" Tsuna asks with a sigh

His two best friends had dragged the brunet out of his house and were now taking him to town.

"I deeply apologize Tenth… but…-" Gokudera was cut off by Yamamoto "We just want you to come with us and have an outing together."

Tsuna, of course, knew they were doing this… it was because he had been cooped up in his room for too long and they wanted him to have fun and hang out with them, he smiles at their concern over him "Alright I understand… so… where are we going?"

Yamamoto had grin widely at this "Amusement park!"

Tsuna sweat-drops at this, they can be so childish sometimes.

"Baseball idiot! How many times have I told you we're going to the movies!" Gokudera glares at Yamamoto

"Maa, maa… but they don't start until 5 in the afternoon." Yamamoto replies

"Well, then if that's the case let's go to the amusement park, we can go to the movies later Gokudera-kun." Tsuna said flashing a smile to the bomber. Gokudera looked a bit disappointed at this "Err… but I can't wait to watch the movie…" 'Whatever it is…' Tsuna chuckles at Gokudera's happy face.

As they continued on their way, they suddenly bump into Kyoko and…

"EXTREME! It's been awhile Sawada!" Ryohei said turning to the brunet

Tsuna looks at the older sibling in a bit of shock "O-onii-san…"

"You EXTREMELY kill people like they have no significance in this world."

"A-ah it's been awhile…" Tsuna said awkwardly

The other three noticed this and immediately cuts in as soon as they saw a hint of Tsuna about to go into another depression, though they weren't sure what the reason was, but, they really couldn't stand seeing the brunet look upset while they had no idea why…

"S-So, where are you guys going?" Kyoko asks the trio

"Haha! We're going to the amusement park, right Tsuna?" Yamamoto said as he slings an arm around the small boy

"Uh… y-yeah…" Tsuna said immediately snapping out, they all sighed in relief at this, except for Ryohei who had no idea what was going on.

"A-and then after that, we're going to the movies…" Tsuna added putting on a smile

"That sounds fun!" Kyoko giggles

"EXTREMELY!" Ryohei added

"So… where are you heading turf-top?" Gokudera said glancing at Ryohei

"I'm gonna have an EXTREME road work while EXTREMELY accompanying my sister to a cake shop octopus head!" Ryohei replies

Gokudera was about to yell at Ryohei, but was immediately stopped by Tsuna "Calm down Gokudera-kun."

"Anyway, we should probably get going…" Kyoko spoke "…the cake shop might run out of strawberry mousse."

"Hahah! Alright! See you later!"



They watch as the two siblings leave before continuing on their way to the amusement park.

Tsuna kept looking around the buildings and shops in interest, the two watch Tsuna do this a bit confused but at the same time, they find the action a bit adorable.

"Are you trying to look for something Tsuna?" Yamamoto asks the young boss who turned his attention to him "Ah… no… I was just… looking around…" Tsuna replies 'It's been awhile since I came here, and I just can't help but look around.'

Yamamoto then spots a certain shop "Oh hey guys, can we go there for awhile?"

They all turn to the shop Yamamoto had pointed, it was a sports shop.

As soon as they entered the shop, Yamamoto had immediately gone to the baseball section where bats, balls, mittens and other stuff needed for baseball where found. Yamamoto immediately grabbed a bat and smiled happily as he analyzes it. Tsuna watches his rain guardian swing the bat happily. He couldn't help but smile at the scene. He then turns his attention to the cash register and saw some wristbands, he approaches the desk, leaving Gokudera, who was reading a magazine, and Yamamoto who had grab another bat to analyze.

Tsuna looks through the wristbands and was able to find a plain dark blue one, and for some reason he wanted it.

"Is there something you need young boy?" Tsuna looks up to the worker, who was giving him a small grin.

"U-uhm… well…" Tsuna looks back to his friends, focusing on Yamamoto who had grabbed a wooden bat cheerfully. Tsuna grabs the wristband and gave it to the worker "I would like to buy this."

"I should start saving or something. Cause I'd like to buy all those bats!" Yamamoto exclaimed in a joking matter, Tsuna chuckled.

"Whatever." Gokudera said rolling his eyes. And his eyes soon landed on a bunch of magazines displayed in front of a bookstore, the title was 'UFO sightings' and with that he dashed towards the said magazines before saying a short 'Excuse me' to his precious boss.

Yamamoto laughed at this while Tsuna just sweat dropped.

"Anyway Tsuna, I saw you bought something back at the shop…" Yamamoto looks at the smaller teen "…what did you buy?"

Tsuna blinks before looking down shyly. He then puts a hand in his pocket and Yamamoto saw something like a cloth as the brunet took out the mystery item. Tsuna brought up his clenched fist in front of Yamamoto before opening it, revealing the wristband he had picked a moment ago… Yamamoto's eyes widen at this as Tsuna spoke "It's-it's for you… sorry I can't buy you a bat."

The brunet immediately felt himself be engulfed in a warm hug "Hahaha!" Yamamoto let out a hearty laugh and Tsuna could immediately feel his heart warm up, it had been a long time since he heard his rain guardian laugh like that, it always soothed him even in his most troubled times "Thanks a lot Tsuna! You're the best." Yamamoto said letting go of the brunet before taking the wristband from him and wear it, he looks at it in adoration before turning to Tsuna "But why'd you buy it for me?"

"W-we're friends after all, right?" Well, that was half the truth, the other half was because he knew how much the baseball player love the sport that it broke his heart as he remembered that in the future, Yamamoto had focused on practicing the sword, thus, hardly having any time to play his favorite sport. And he felt responsible and guilty for it. Sadly, all he could do was buy the wristband for forgiveness and thanks for everything he had done for him. To even go to the extent of sacrificing something important to him, and yet, instead of staying as a good friend he had manage to disappoint and make the baseball star fear him in the future.

"Hahaha… you got a point there." Yamamoto replied, flashing a smile to the brunet, before turning to Gokudera "Oi Gokudera, let's go to the amusement park already!" he exclaims cheerfully.

Gokudera turns to them before reluctantly putting the magazine back to follow the two.

Amusement park…

"Wow, there sure are a lot of people here…" Yamamoto said looking around

Tsuna nodded in agreement while Gokudera just muttered something like 'overpopulated' or something.

"So what ride do you guys want to go to first?" Tsuna asks

"Let's try the go-carts!" Yamamoto immediately suggested before Gokudera could.

"Ok." Tsuna smiles

They all went to the said ride while Gokudera kept sending Yamamoto some glares.

As soon as they gave their tickets they all chose their own cart and began driving around the racing track.

"Hey Gokudera! Race you to the finish line!" Yamamoto calls out to Gokudera before driving ahead

"Baseball idiot! I won't lose to you!" Gokudera started speeding up as well.

Tsuna watches the two in amusement and speeded up a bit to catch up to them. As Tsuna absent-mindedly drives, he started remembering the time when they came here for Lambo's guardian trial. Ah good times… good times…

Tsuna suddenly snaps out from his daze when a screeching noise suddenly made him turn back.

His eyes widen as he saw a go-cart driving towards him, without a driver.

"What the-!" the cart suddenly catches up to Tsuna and gave a dangerous tackle to Tsuna's cart "GAH!" Tsuna tries to steady his vehicle.

Gokudera and Yamamoto immediately heard Tsuna yelp and immediately saw the brunet being tackled by a cart with no driver.



They immediately made a U-turn and drove towards their boss. Tsuna looks at the cart before speeding up his cart to avoid another dangerous tackle'What's up with that cart? Is it remote controlled? Could it be…-?' Tsuna frowns 'Well, first I need to throw it off course…'

He then drove with full speed and watch as the remote control cart followed, he then made a dangerous (but cool) swerve as he turned, the cart however didn't crash to the wall as he was expecting it to be. Gokudera and Yamamoto who were watching this had their mouths hanging open, since when did Tsuna learn how to drive like that? 'Maybe I have a tracking device? Uwaah! I have no time to think of such things… I just need to stop it before it crashes to other people!' Tsuna immediately skidded to a stop and leap out the cart, and the other cart stop as well 'Nope, no tracking devices… it would have crashed towards my cart if it did.'

The cart rushes towards him and before Yamamoto or Gokudera could call out his name, Tsuna gave a strong and powerful kick towards the cart thus, denting the front of it and making it stop to a halt. Sparks of electricity came out before black smoke exploded from it.

The workers immediately ran towards him, followed by Gokudera and Yamamoto.

"Are you alright sir?" One of them asks

"Oh! Uhm, yes… I'm ok!" Tsuna replies


"Juudaime!" his two friends approach him

"Are you ok Juudaime? You didn't get injured did you?" Gokudera asks trying to check for any injuries

Tsuna smiles "I'm fine… calm down Gokudera-kun…"

"Neh Tsuna, when did you learn how to drive like that? That was so cool!" Yamamoto exclaims

"Oh… uh well… it was just an adrenaline rush…" Tsuna sweat-drops 'I actually learned those from car chases and stuff back at my time.'

"We deeply apologize, sir! The cart might've malfunctioned!" The workers bows to Tsuna in apology

"Ah, no… it's ok… I should be the one apologizing for… err… destroying it." And as if on cue, one of the wheels fell off the cart. They all sweat drop while Tsuna chuckled nervously.

Chapter 5

The three were now currently walking around the amusement park while Tsuna…

'I'm positive it was an assassination attempt…' Tsuna thought deeply 'This is bad, I might endanger Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun…'

"Maa, maa Tsuna, what's the matter?" Yamamoto notices his serious look

"Nothing…" Tsuna replies before smiling 'I'll manage to protect them somehow… besides, if I try to go home now…' he looks up and watches Gokudera and Yamamoto have another one-sided argument 'I might hurt them, and I don't think I want to do such a thing twice.' He then thought as he remembers the future and sighed.

"Hahi! Tsuna-san?" Tsuna immediately turns around, followed by Yamamoto and Gokudera.

"H-Haru?" Tsuna looks at the said person in surprise. It had been awhile since he last saw her… he was always so busy at the mansion, that he really never had time to visit Haru and Kyoko at the future.

Tsuna immediately spots Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta beside Haru and also Kyoko. They all greeted Yamamoto, Gokudera and him

"What are you guys doing here?" Tsuna looks at them with a small smile

"Well, when I went to the cake shop, I met up with Haru-chan and we both ate some cakes, but only a bit (Tsuna chuckles at this), and then after that we decided to head to the amusement park… since I remember you were all heading here…" Kyoko said

"And then we thought that maybe we should bring Lambo-chan and the others with us as well." Haru added

"Ahahaha! That's great! The more the merrier I say!" Yamamoto exclaims

"Tch! They'll just be a handful." Gokudera mutters

"Neh, neh Tsuna-nii! Where do we go?" Fuuta asks the brunet

Tsuna smiles brightly at him "Where do you guys wanna go?"

"Oi Dame-Tsuna!" Lambo had jumped on Tsuna's shoulder "Let's go there!" Lambo points to a booth

They all turn to the booth, it was where you get a prize when you knock out a stack of bottles with a ball, but the people who were playing couldn't knock the bottles. 'There's probably something supporting it…' Tsuna thought

"Sure! Come on let's go!" Yamamoto said as he drags Tsuna, the others followed

"W-wait Yamamoto, you'll just waste your money at this-"

"Maa, maa Tsuna… just trust me ok?" Yamamoto grins at the brunet as he placed his money

"Nyahahaha! Do it for Lambo-san!" Lambo said jumping up and down at Tsuna's shoulder, Tsuna had to steady the boy afraid that he might fall.

"Go for it Yamamoto-kun." Kyoko cheers

"Yamamoto-san you can do it." Haru exclaims

Gokudera just snorted.

The baseball star was given three balls and he gladly accepted them. He grabs one ball. Yamamoto raises both his hands overhead, with the ball in their clutches, and then raises one leg to the front before twisting his body sideward as he threw the ball, with a lot of power.

The bottles actually got knock down, and Tsuna and the others cheered. This streak went on as soon as he was out of balls and he was given three prizes. Yamamoto picked some stuff toys and gave it to the three children.

"Arigatou Takeshi-nii!" Fuuta said hugging his stuff toy.

"Thank you!" I-pin bows

"Nyahahaha! Lambo-san got a stuff toy!" Lambo ran in circles while raising his stuff toy.

"Lambo, you should say thank you to Yamamoto…" Tsuna said turning to the cow child who just ignored him. Tsuna could only sigh while Yamamoto chuckled "Maa it's ok… I had fun anyway."

"Where do we go next?" Kyoko asks

"Let's look around at some other booths!" Haru suggested

"Tch." Gokudera crosses his arms as they started walking "Ahahaha, what's wrong Gokudera? Why so grumpy?" Yamamoto asks

Tsuna was about to follow them when he then caught sight of a child trying to knock down the bottles. He then approaches the child, who seemed like he was close to tears for he wanted to get a prize.

"Here, let me do it for you." Tsuna held out a hand, the child looks at him for a moment before nodding and handing him his last ball.

Tsuna pats the child before standing straight, he looks at the stack of bottles and raises his arm and made a powerful throw that you could've felt the wind rush as he swung his arm. The ball hit the stacks of bottles with a loud 'WHAM' and not only did the bottles get knocked down but it also broke into tiny pieces. The manager of the booth looks at the broken bottles before looking at Tsuna in shock.

Tsuna just smiled brightly before turning to the small child who just looked confused "Go ahead and pick your prize…" Tsuna said gently, the child immediately broke into a wide smile and thank Tsuna with a hug "Thank you onii-san!" he then said before turning to the prizes to point at a stuff toy… he watches the manager shakily grab a stuff toy while still looking at Tsuna in shock.

"Oi Tsuna! You coming?" Tsuna turns around and saw Yamamoto waving at him, the brunet gave a small wave to the boy before catching up to the others.

"Heh! This one looks interesting." Gokudera said pointing at the archery booth

"Nyahaha! More prizes for Lambo-san!" Lambo yells

"Shut up stupid cow! I'm gonna win this for Juudaime!" Gokudera exclaims

"Ahahaha, there's no need for that Gokudera-kun." Tsuna said to the bomber "I don't really want anything, why don't you ask Kyoko-chan and Haru instead, it seems like they want something."

"Gokudera-san, if you don't mind! There are those friendship bracelets me and Kyoko-chan want!" Haru exclaimed pointing at the said prize

"It causes 300 points to get them…" Yamamoto said looking at the worth of the bracelets.

"So you should at least hit the board at the center for like three times." Tsuna said looking at the small round spot at the center of the target board that had 100 written in it.

Gokudera was given five arrows (plastic of course, but it was still pointy at the end) as he gave his money.

"You can do it Gokudera-kun." Tsuna cheered the bomber

Flames immediately surrounded Gokudera as he heard Tsuna cheer for him, practically ignoring the cheers of his other friends… 'I must show Juudaime what I've got as his right hand man!'

Tsuna just tilted his head with a clueless smile.

Gokudera grabs a bow before positioning the arrow, slowly he stretches the bow and he shut one eye to calculate his target, then he releases the arrow and it manage to hit some 90 points. Then this went on with him getting 80 points, then 100, then 50 and then 100 again.

As the two girls got the bracelet Tsuna then cheered at Gokudera "As expected of Gokudera-kun, you were able to hit two 100 points!"

However, despite the praise given to him by his beloved Juudaime, Gokudera remained depress "I'm grateful for your praise Tenth… but…" Gokudera sulks in a corner "Hitting a Fifty, means I still have a long way of becoming a perfect right hand man to you Juudaime…"

Tsuna sweat drops, what does that actually have to do with being a right hand man? He then looks around some booths, maybe he could look for something that might cheer Gokudera up, maybe some takoyaki? He then shook his head 'Gokudera isn't the type who cheers up over some food…' Tsuna thought and then his attention lands on a shooting booth where you need to shoot down the prize with a toy rifle. An idea pops in Tsuna's mind.

"Hey Tsuna, we're gonna go grab some food… come on!" Yamamoto exclaims

"Oh uh… I'll catch up later…" Tsuna said walking off

"Where are you going Tsuna-nii?" Fuuta asks the brunet

"Err… it's nothing I'll be back as soon as possible." Tsuna replies

They all look at Tsuna's leaving figure confusedly, while Gokudera continued sulking.

Tsuna stops at the front of the shooting booth. He then gave his money and accepted the toy rifle given to him by the manager of the booth. Tsuna looks at the prizes that he wanted to shoot down. He then spotted a hair tie that had skulls as a design 'That's totally perfect for Gokudera-kun!' He then thought, not only did the hair tie suit Gokudera's style but it was also for guys so he didn't have to worry about it looking girly if Gokudera decides to wear it.

He immediately position his rifle to the target, he pulls the trigger and 'TAK'! He was able to hit it in one shot. The manager gave him the hair tie. He nodded his thanks, now he only had two shots left. What was he gonna do with them? His eyes then wander to a cellphone chain that had a bird that looked similar to Hibird as the design. He absent-mindedly hit the keychain and randomly hit a card that had the words 'stuff toy' written to it.

The brunet was immediately given the cellphone chain and a bunny plush. He then sweatdrops, he'd look weird bringing a plush around the area. At least he knows what to do with the cellphone chain but what about the plush? He could give it to Kyoko instead.

He was about to agree to the idea when a little girl who was running tripped on the ground. Tsuna turns to the small girl who started sobbing as her mother immediately tried to help her up.

Tsuna approaches the girl "Hey there little girl… you ok?" The girl sniffs before looking up at Tsuna and shaking her head.

Tsuna just smiles brightly "Well then, I hope you'll feel better when I give you this!" Tsuna said holding out the bunny plush.

The girl immediately stopped sobbing and made a cheerful smile as she accepted the bunny "Arigatou onii-san!" she said as she hugs the plush. The mother thanked Tsuna before leaving with the girl.

The brunet then waved at the girl who looked back at him before walking off to the food court, guessing that his friends were there.

"There you are Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko calls out as Tsuna enters the food court

Tsuna immediately spotted his friends at a table and approach them "Sorry, if I made you guys wait…"

"Maa maa… it's fine, anyway we already placed our orders, you don't mind a burger and some fries right?" Yamamoto asks as Tsuna sat next to a still sulking Gokudera.

"It's fine." Tsuna replies, he then turns his attention to Gokudera as Yamamoto started talking with the others.

"Uhm… Gokudera-kun… you're still not upset over that archery stuff… are you?" Tsuna asks the bomber, who immediately looks at him "Of course I am Juudaime! If I Can't even score perfectly in those archery then I failed as a right hand man!"

Tsuna sweatdrops "Eh?"

"My weapon is all about archery, it was a disgrace that I wasn't able to shoot perfectly! And because of that I might be able to miss an enemy when I shoot, and then the enemy will suddenly attack you and then-!"

"Stop! Stop!" Tsuna immediately said holding out both his hands "Gokudera-kun, what are you talking about?" 'And how did it actually end up at the part where an enemy would suddenly attack me?'

Gokudera then sighs as he looks down "I just want to become the perfect right hand man for Juudaime, I don't want to fail you Juudaime and I swear to never leave your side."

Tsuna felt a bit sad as Gokudera said the last part 'Never leave my side? I wish that were true…' Tsuna then remembered what Enma said to him when he and Dino visited him back when he was still in the future.

"Tsuna-kun." Enma sighs "Please tell us what's happening. There's obviously an issue going on between you and the others. I mean, I find it a bit shocking that Gokudera-san isn't here with you right now."

'Yeah… very shocking…' Tsuna sighed

"Juudaime?" Tsuna immediately snaps from his trance and force a smile to Gokudera "Gokudera-kun, it's ok… you don't have to be a perfect right hand man, I told you before… it doesn't matter if you become my right hand man or not… as long as your…" Tsuna paused for a moment as he remembered a time when Gokudera would look away as he turns his attention to him "…your just next to me as a friend." He finished with a fake smile.

And before Gokudera could say something Tsuna immediately held out the hair tie "Here! It's for you. I tried winning it in a shooting booth for you. I hope it would cheer you up."

Gokudera looks at it in pure shock before shakily taking it. 'Tenth… Tenth won this… for me?'

The others noticed the hair tie.

"Wow Tsuna! Where'd you get that?" Yamamoto asks

"I won it in a shooting booth." Tsuna replied

"Oh, so is that why you left?" Haru asks

Tsuna nodded.

"I never knew you were good at shooting Tsuna-nii…" Fuuta spoke

"Oh well, it took me a lot of tries to get it…" Tsuna lies, actually, even though he never used a gun when he battles, Reborn had always been forcing him to train how to use guns.

"Juudaime…" Tsuna looks at Gokudera "Y-yes?"

"T-Thank you very much!" Gokudera said standing up and bowing at him

"I-it's fine… anyway… please sit back down Gokudera." Tsuna said as he noticed people staring at their direction.

"If you say so Tenth!" he replies with enthusiasm

Tsuna could only sigh with a sweat-drop. At least he got Gokudera to go back to his old self.

Chapter 6

"Let's try the roller coaster next!" Haru exclaims

"E-eh?" Tsuna looks at her

"Yeah! That's sounds fun!" Yamamoto said cheerfully "What do you guys think?"

"Sure!" Kyoko smiles

"Tch… I don't really care…" Gokudera replies (he was wearing the hair tie by the way)

"Roller coaster! Roller Coaster!" the three children cheered

Tsuna paled at this lightly, even though he was (in the inside) 25 years old, he was still afraid of roller coasters. I mean who can stand riding a cart that keeps twisting and swerving in full speed while going up and down on a frail looking rail?

"B-but… we just ate…" Tsuna tries to reason them

"Maa, maa, that was like an hour ago…" Yamamoto said patting the brunet's shoulder "It's fine now…"

He was then dragged by Haru, Kyoko and Fuuta "W-wait-!"

"Maa Tsuna-kun let's go before the line gets longer." Kyoko smiles at Tsuna

"Don't worry Tsuna-san… we're not afraid of roller coasters." Haru cheerfully said

'But I AM!' Tsuna mentally screamed, he then shook his head 'Darn it Tsuna, you're ten years older now! You should take this maturely!'

They were now sitting on the carts, and Tsuna had now fainted as his soul was slowly leaving his body about to fly off to heaven. Unfortunately, there were no people in line for the roller coaster despite the fact that the amusement park was practically flooding with people, and it was only them who were about to ride the roller coaster. Tsuna couldn't blame the people who didn't want to ride…

And so the sitting arrangement was like this… Yamamoto and Gokudera were at the first cart; Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta were at the second cart; Kyoko and Haru were at the third cart, and for some reason, Tsuna ended up at the fourth cart without anyone to sit with.

"Is Tsuna-kun ok?" Kyoko asks looking behind.

"Maybe I should sit next to Juudaime…" Gokudera said about to leave his cart when the safety rail suddenly activated, making him stay put "Oi! Damn bastards!"

"Maa, maa, calm down Gokudera… the ride is about to start." Yamamoto chuckled

And as if on cue, the coaster started moving, slowly they went up and Tsuna was still unconscious.

As soon as they reach the top, they immediately descended in full speed, they all screamed except for Tsuna, Yamamoto and Gokudera.

Yamamoto kept laughing while Gokudera just covered his ears in annoyance… and Tsuna… was still unconscious.

They have gone through the loops and then curves and zigzags, and oh gosh… if Tsuna was conscious, he would've fainted all over again.

And as they went near to their stop they suddenly felt suspicious as why the cart wasn't slowing down to stop. They were immediately shocked as they passed the platform they had to stop on. What's going on?

"OI! Why didn't it stop?" Gokudera said looking back at the platform they were suppose to stop at.

"Hahi! M-maybe they wanted to give us an extra round?" Haru uncertainly said

"It sure doesn't seem like it…" Yamamoto said with a frown as he saw the workers looking at them in panic

"Uwaaah! Lambo-san scared!" Lambo started crying

"I-pin scared too!" I-pin said clutching to Fuuta's sleeve

"Takeshi-nii, Hayato-nii! What do we do?" Fuuta looks at the two guardians who exchange looks.

What can they do? They can't just force their seatbelt s off and try fixing something on the cart, when they have no idea what or where the wirings are. And plus, they just can't jump off.

They then notice the coaster was going faster and faster, Kyoko and Haru were hugging each other starting to feel frightened, the three children were already crying and Gokudera and Yamamoto were trying to come up with a plan.

By this time the workers were now calling for some help as they noticed that there was something wrong with the coaster.

Tsuna, thankfully, woke up and noticed that he was still in the ride 'I was sure that it would've been done by now!' he then noticed the frightened looks of his friends 'What's happening?' his question was immediately answered as they suddenly passed by the platform that they were suppose to stop on.'What-why didn't it stop? Could it be?' Tsuna groans silently as he ruffled his hair 'It's those assassin's doing again! Darn it! I shouldn't have let my guard down!'

He immediately started thinking of a way as he noticed that the roller coaster was dangerously going fast.

An idea immediately pops 'I hope this works!' Tsuna shut his eyes for a moment and as soon as he opens them, they were now bright orange and a flame appears on his forehead.

'Yosh… it worked...' Tsuna clenches his gloved hand (he brought his mittens but he forgot the pills).

He then forces the safety rail off him. By this time, the others had heard the noise of a metal being force off and immediately turned to Tsuna.

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto looks at the brunet in relief

"Juudiame!" Gokudera said also feeling relieved

"Tsuna-kun! Becareful!" Kyoko immediately calls out as he watches the brunet stand and stretches his hands in front of him


"Everyone, put your heads down." Tsuna commands

They all complied. Tsuna used his other hand to hold on to the cart while the other maintains its position. Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows as he releases hard flames from his outstretched hand.

"What's Tsuna doing?" Yamamoto said as he noticed the huge amount of flames being release over their heads

"Juudaime is trying to stop the cart by putting some pressure against the direction its heading!" Gokudera exclaims "As expected of Tenth! Such a brilliant plan!"

"Hahi! So Tsuna-san is trying to contrast the cart from another direction to stop it?" Haru asks

"It seems to be working!" Kyoko said feeling a bit more relieved as he watch the rollercoaster slow down.

Tsuna was clenching his teeth in pain, the pressure was too much for his small body. He could feel his shoulders ache as he continued releasing hard flames while trying to put pressure on the cart with his other arm 'Just a little more…' Tsuna thought as he watches the cart slow. Luckily they were getting nearer to the platform and as they were by the platform, the cart stopped.

Tsuna collapses on his seat while panting as the dying will flame on his forehead vanished 'I'm never riding a roller coaster ever again!' he thought with finality. He felt exhausted, for he knew that his current body couldn't take the pressure of forcing his HDW mode to activate. He actually needed a few months before he had gotten use to transforming into his HDW self without the pills or bullets

The workers immediately approached them, checking for injuries. They were about to ask a stretcher for Tsuna, but he immediately declined the offer as he said he was ok, despite the pale and exhausted look evident on the brunet's face.

"Are you really ok Juudaime?" Gokudera asks for the umpteenth time while looking at the brunet beside him worriedly, at the same time cursing at the workers for the malfunction of the coaster.

Tsuna was currently sitting on the bench, his head thrown back with a cool towel draped over his eyes. Gokudera and Kyoko were sitting beside him while the others just stand and watch the brunet worriedly.

Tsuna took off the towel before flashing Gokudera a smile "Don't worry, I feel fine now…" true, his face seems to have regained its color, but he still seemed a bit exhausted.

"Tsuna-kun, please don't push yourself." Kyoko exclaims to the brunet

"That's right Tsuna, you released a lot of flames back there." Yamamoto said with a frown

"I already released a lot of flames every time we get attacked by the mansion- I mean back when we tried to defeat Byakuran." Tsuna replies, chuckling nervously at his little slip up

Luckily no one seemed to have notice "But still…" Haru looks at Tsuna

"Maa, maa…" Tsuna stands up, everyone tried to protest, but Tsuna just wave them off "So what ride do you guys want to go to next?"

They didn't reply. Tsuna raises an eyebrow at this.

"Let's go back home Juudaime. You need to rest… we can always go back next time." Gokudera then spoke up.

"No way." Tsuna immediately disagreed "Don't forget Gokudera-kun, we still have that movie you want us to watch this five pm." Tsuna looks at his watch "We still have enough time for another ride though."

"We can always watch the movie next time Tsuna…" Yamamoto exclaims

"That's right Juudaime." Gokudera then said

"No." Tsuna said firmly "Besides, you already bought the tickets, am I right?"

Gokudera looks at Tsuna, slightly surprise "H-How-?"

"It's just common sense…" Tsuna grins "Once you decide to go to a movie you buy the tickets first of course." And so he turns back to the others "Anyway, come on guys, what ride do you want to go to next?"

They still didn't reply, they knew that Tsuna still felt exhausted and they didn't want him to feel more exhausted by choosing another (probably chaotic) ride, even the three children were silent.

Tsuna, of course, noticed this and sighed before giving them a warm smile. He felt really happy that they were considerate of him, but that still doesn't change the fact he that he would just cancel everything in a blink of an eye. And so he spoke "Well then, if you're not gonna request anything, then I will." They all look at the brunet in surprise.

Tsuna's smile widen as he pointed at the huge Ferris wheel "I wanna ride that."

The group had no choice but to be divided into two, since there was a limit of number of people for each cart. The first group was Kyoko, Haru, Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta and the second were Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto. The ride will take five minutes to be able to complete its rotation.

And so as the three guys entered their cart they immediately took a sit and felt themselves get lifted up in the air slowly. Tsuna sighed as he leaned against his seat, ignoring the worried looks of Yamamoto and Gokudera.

'I wonder how my future family is... are they doing ok?' Tsuna wonders

It was a bit ironic, that Tsuna was still worried for his guardians despite the fact that they practically turned their backs on him and also the fact that he just got shot (twice) before he left the future. He then wondered what happened after that. Did he disappear as soon as he blacked out and got transported to the past? Tsuna couldn't help but continue wondering, that is until his train of thoughts were cut off as Yamamoto spoke.

"Neh Tsuna, I don't mean to be a bit straight forward… but…" Yamamoto looks at the brunet "Can you tell us what's going on?"

Tsuna blinked for a moment "Are you talking about the malfunctioned rides?"

Yamamoto shook his head, before Gokudera spoke "We mean about you, Juudaime."

Tsuna raises an eyebrow.

"You suddenly changed…" Yamamoto said looking at the brunet

"Are you upset that I changed?" Tsuna asks

"No! Of course not! What I mean is that… how can I put this? What happened to you?" Yamamoto asks, his eyebrows furrowed a bit "And why aren't you telling us anything?"

Tsuna frowns. Has it become that obvious that Yamamoto even noticed he was hiding something?

"Juudaime, you can tell us anything." Gokudera spoke

"Come on Tsuna, why won't you tell us?"

Tsuna looks at them seriously before smiling gently towards them "I would but I can't…" They both look at Tsuna questioningly "…it's because I might change something… and it's best if you won't know." The brunet suddenly looks at the empty space beside him before turning back to Gokudera who spoke.

"H-huh? But why Juudaime? Don't you trust us?" Gokudera said looking depress

Tsuna chuckles at this "Of course I trust you guys, you're practically at the top of my trust list…" he said jokingly

Yamamoto continued staring at the brunet "Then why?"

Tsuna looks out the small window of their cart as he silently replies "Because, it'll just hurt… really bad."

The two weren't sure on what Tsuna had meant, but just seeing a dejecting look pass the brunet's eyes made them silent.

And for some reason, they suddenly feel like apologizing to their boss. But before they could even utter a word Tsuna suddenly spoke "Oh we're in the bottom already? Come on Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto!" he slides the door open before stepping out, and the two could only watch Tsuna's small figure leave the cart.

Did he always look so fragile?

"Are you sure, you guys don't want to watch the movies with us?" Tsuna looks at the girls and the kids

Kyoko shook her head before speaking "Its fine Tsuna-kun, we don't want to trouble you anymore…"

Tsuna also shook his head "What are you talking about? You're no trouble at all!"

"Don't worry Tsuna-nii…" Fuuta then spoke up "Just enjoy watching the movie with Hayato-nii and Takeshi-nii!"

Tsuna smiles softly at the younger boy before patting him "Thanks Fuuta."

"Bye then Tsuna-san!" Haru waved as they left to go home.

Tsuna waves back at them before turning to his two best friends "Shall we go guys?"

"Juudaime, you really don't have to force yourself…-"

"Gokudera-kun, how many times have I told you that it's alright?" Tsuna said smiling at him "Besides, we're just gonna watch a movie… there's no harm in that…"

"Maa, maa Gokudera… Tsuna's right." Yamamoto puts a hand on Gokudera's shoulder "Let's just go watch the movies."

"Shut up baseball freak! Don't order me around!"

"Hahaha… maa, maa…"

Tsuna could only chuckle as he watches his two friends have another one-sided argument.

The three friends then entered the theater and then took their seats at the highest row. The movie they were about to watch was called 'Manhunter'. And as what to Tsuna read at the summary, the story was about a very-skilled fighter whose job was to capture (and probably kill) drug addicts and dealer… and so he was named manhunter, for he was hunting man who were drug addicts and dealers… well, as to make the name sound more shorter and cooler, they just called him manhunter… but then everything went downhill as an incident happened… and etc. and etc. He really didn't bother reading the whole summary since he was going to watch the movie soon anyway.

"Hahaha, this is gonna be exciting…" Yamamoto exclaimed as he ate his popcorn

"Oi- wait a minute! Where did you get that popcorn?" Gokudera looks at the baseball star in surprise

"Ahahaha, I bought it of course, I kept asking you if you wanted some as well, but you were too busy talking to Tsuna…" Yamamoto shrugs a bit before holding out his bucket of pop corn to Gokudera "Want some?"

"Tch! Of course not!" Gokudera leans back his seat

Tsuna could only watch in amusement, before Yamamoto turn to him with the bucket of popcorn "Here, Tsuna, have some."

"It's fine Yamamoto." Tsuna said

"Ok then, but if you want some, don't hesitate on getting some." Yamamoto grins, making Tsuna chuckle a bit.

The lights then dimmed, signaling that the show was about to start.

"The show's starting, Gokudera!"

"I know that stupid baseball-idiot!"

Tsuna sweat drops at this before turning to the screen, as words came out saying to shut off their phones and that smoking was not allowed.

And so sooner or later, the show began. Tsuna watches a guy (probably the main character) training and exercising in a gym. Abs and muscles could be shown as they bulge when he lifts some dumbbells. Tsuna started wondering why he didn't grow muscles even after all Reborn's hellish training ten years later. He frowned a bit, despite the fact that he had grown very strong he still couldn't help but feel depress on why he couldn't at least have muscles (maa, maa Tsuna, I find you better without muscles).

And so the movie had went on as the main character did his first mission as soon as he joined an agency that deals with catching drug dealers and addicts.

Tsuna watches in interest as the manhunter successfully accomplish his mission with a bit of injuries, since the drug addict was unbelievably strong. Tsuna find the drug addicts a bit scary as he saw how pale and thin they were, the eye bugs on their face and that, disgusting expression they always wore made Tsuna shudder a bit. Good thing, he didn't have to deal such things at the future, since the only thing he could worry about were the assassins coming after him and his family, and also… paperwork.

Tsuna rubs his temples with a sigh as he remembers them. He really didn't want to deal with them again in the future.

The movie had gone on with the guy successfully accomplishing every mission with a bit of suspense but soon after, the man was slowly turning into a professional as he finished his jobs perfectly, thus gaining him his title and fame (and also, Yamamoto munching on his popcorn cheerfully).

Gokudera seemed to be focused at the movie and Tsuna started wondering why Gokudera even chose this movie.

"He said that it was to note down ways to becoming a perfect right hand man with the manhunter's skills…" Yamamoto whispered to Tsuna as the brunet asked him

Tsuna sweat dropped, before turning his attention back to the screen.

The young boss stifled a yawn as the movie went on, and now it was at the climax. The scene had went to the part where a drug dealer had taken the manhunter's daughter (Yes, the manhunter had a family and he had a daughter that was about 7 years old) as a hostage and the manhunter could only watch in fear as the drug dealer point a butcher knife at the girl's throat.

Tsuna stared at this with mild interest, slowly he lifted up his chin from his palm as he watch the drug dealer say something threatening. Tsuna's mouth parted a bit as he watch the drug dealer slowly back away with the little girl crying in his arm. Then all of a sudden, the drug dealer tripped on a stone as he took another step back, and the manhunter immediately took this chance to attack the drug dealer.

The manhunter had lounge towards the drug dealer as he drop the child and grab the knife. He slashes the drug dealer with the butcher knife and blood splattered towards the manhunter. Tsuna watches this with wide eyes as a memory flashes in his mind.

Tsuna stabs the man who was about to kill his family with just a press of the button of a remote with his own hand. Slowly the remote drop down the ground and before anyone could turn to the boss, Tsuna had killed all the other enemies.

As his family look at Tsuna their eyes widen as they saw Tsuna stab the last assassin with his hand and then pull it out, making more blood splatter onto the brunet.

Tsuna couldn't help but cover his mouth with a horrified expression.

"Are you ok?" the manhunter looks at his daughter, completely unaware of the blood painted all over his body. The little girl started shaking in fear as she saw this.

Tsuna turns to his guardians. They couldn't help but flinch… probably in surprise… or fear.

"Are you guys alright?" he asked with his small and monotone voice.

The man was about to approach his daughter when she suddenly screamed "DON'T COME NEAR ME!" the manhunter looks at her in surprise. Dejection flashes in his eyes.

He turns to them and was about to take a step when the stunned and scared looks of his guardians made him stop.

It took a moment to realize that blood was painted around his clothes and probably skin, making it look… frightening.

"I'll…" there was a momentary pause "I'll go get the medics to treat you guys."

Dejection flashes in his pair of dull brown eyes before being covered by his bangs.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!" the girl shrieked

Tsuna's eyes widen as he heard this. Unknown to him, tears were already sliding down his face as the familiar prickle in his heart came. Slowly he mouthed the word…


Chapter 7

It was a fine Sunday morning, and a certain arcobaleno was talking to his phone while sitting on his favorite mini couch in Tsuna's room.

"Alright… make sure you come." Reborn shuts his phone before turning his attention to Tsuna, who was still sleeping on his bed.

'Dame-Tsuna…' Reborn crosses his arms 'What are you hiding from me?' he frowns, Tsuna was never the kind to hide stuff from him. And even if he did, Reborn would always be able to see through him. But now… Tsuna was hiding it pretty well, even with his threats Tsuna wouldn't waver.

Reborn could still remember the day before Tsuna change. It was just the same old night and Reborn had threatened Tsuna to do his homework, and the brunet had squeaked in fear as the infant pointed his gun to him. And then soon after that they had retired to the night, and then the next morning…


Reborn turns to the alarm clock that kept beeping and watch as the brunet groan on his bed before covering his pillow over his head.

"Oi Dame-Tsuna!" Reborn hop towards the foot of Tsuna's bed

All of a sudden the brunet sat up with a surprise look pasted on his face, he then grabs his shoulder then stomach. Reborn could only watch him questioningly "What are you doing? Baka-Tsuna?" the brunet looks up at him still looking shock.

And for some reason, Reborn had a feeling this Tsuna… wasn't the one he once knew.

"R-Reborn! What-What are you doing here? I thought-!" Reborn raises an eyebrow as he saw Tsuna unconsciously touch his throat as if noticing something 'He thought what?' Reborn frowned at his student's strange behavior.

He watched as Tsuna looked around the room with wide eyes, like he had no idea why he was here.

"Oi! Baka-Tsuna!" Reborn hits him in the head, to be honest, he couldn't help but feel concerned for the boy "What's wrong with you? Did you have a nightmare or something?"

"H-huh? Oh! Uhm… it's nothing." Reborn watches Tsuna blink for a moment as if trying to snap out from something. Reborn raises an eyebrow at this, he was obviously lying, Reborn could see the confuse look on the brunet's face. And for some reason he looked stress and problematic. Why? He couldn't think of any problem that could've made the brunet act like that.

"S-so, what-why'd you wake me up?" Reborn continued looking at Tsuna suspiciously "Idiot, you have classes today." he crosses his arms "Did you hit your head while sleeping?" he was actually serious when he asked that, why was the brunet acting like he had no idea what was happening around him?

Tsuna forces a smile while shaking his head "No… anyway, I guess I should get ready."

Reborn didn't like that smile, he knew it was a force one, but it was almost believable. Since when did he learn to do such a skill? Last he remembered, once Tsuna forces a smile, anyone could see through it, heck, even a pre-schooler would've noticed it.

He watches Tsuna go to the bathroom to prepare himself for school. He had never felt this clueless or confused before! Nothing ever slipped pass him but now… a 14 year old boy who could hardly keep a secret properly from his devilish home tutor, made him, REBORN, actually feel confused and clueless.

He couldn't help but feel like something was up. 'I should probably observe Dame-Tsuna, just in case.'

End of Flashback…

Reborn enters the dining room and greets Nana "Good morning Maman…"

"Ah, Reborn-kun, Good morning… did you have a good sleep?" Nana asks as she watches Reborn take a seat on his high chair.

"Of course." Reborn replies

Then soon came Fuuta, Lambo, I-pin and Bianchi. Nana greeted them as well before placing a plate of omelet before them.

"Arra? Tsu-kun still isn't up yet?" Nana asks

"Tsuna-nii is probably tired because of yesterday…" Fuuta said taking a bite of his omelet.

"Ohh? What happened?" Nana looks at Fuuta curiously

"Tsuna-san saved us when coaster malfunctioned…" I-pin exclaims

Reborn looks at them questioningly 'Malfunctioned roller coaster?' he then remembered that Tsuna left to go to the amusement park with his two best friends and that Fuuta and the others were picked up by Kyoko and Haru to also go to the amusement park.

"Oh my… were you scared?" Nana looks at the three children worriedly

"Nyahaha! Lambo-san wasn't scared at all!" Lambo said

"Lambo stop lying." I-pin scolded the cow child

Fuuta then shook his head as he looks at Nana "No not really! Tsuna-nii was there, so I wasn't really scared."

Nana giggles at this "I'm glad to hear that. My son is starting to turn into an independent young man!"

Binachi looks at Nana "Tsuna changed hasn't he Maman?"

Nana nodded "Mn!"

A small yawn made them all turn to a sleepy looking brunet, who entered the dining room while rubbing his eyes tiredly "Good morning…" he mumbles to them

"Ah Tsu-kun! Good morning." Nana smiled at Tsuna

"Tsuna-nii! Good morning!" Fuuta waves at the brunet

Tsuna makes a small smile before sitting next to the ranking boy. Nana then placed his breakfast, Tsuna mumbles a small thanks.

Reborn noticed Tsuna looking a bit gloomy "What's wrong Dame-Tsuna?"

Tsuna immediately snaps out his gloomy state and immediately fake a smile "It's-it's nothing… just had a small nightmare."

Reborn wanted to smack Tsuna as soon as the brunet made the fake smile, but he held himself back. 'A nightmare? I wonder if he's lying.' Reborn frowns, now he can't even tell whether brunet was lying or not. Usually he could tell if the brunet was lying at him if he would avoid eye contact to Reborn, but now, Tsuna was looking at him straight at the eyes as he spoke with the stupid fake smile.

He couldn't really accept it as a truth though since he made the fake smile.

"Do you want to talk about it Tsuna-nii?" Fuuta asks looking at Tsuna worriedly

"No, no it's fine…" Tsuna said smiling at the boy beside him

Reborn took a bite of his omelet, before looking up at Nana, who suddenly took out a list before writing on it.

"What's that for Maman?" Reborn asks the woman

"It's a list of things I need to buy for my grocery shopping later…" Nana replies before turning to Tsuna "Tsu-kun do you want me to buy you anything."

Tsuna shook his head "Nope."

Lambo then jumps up and down his seat as he yelled "Candy! Candy! Lambo-san wants candy!"

"Ehh! Lambo that's unfair." Fuuta said to the cow child

"Lambo selfish!" I-pin spoke

Lambo just sticks his tongue out.

"Hai, hai… Don't worry, I'll buy you all candy." Nana giggled as the three children cheered

She then looks at the long list before tucking it in her pocket "You don't have to go and buy them Maman. Tsuna will do it for you."

"Eh?" Tsuna sweat drops.

"Really Tsu-kun?" Nana looks at her son cheerfully

Tsuna could only smile "Sure…"

Reborn stared at the brunet, a bit surprise that Tsuna didn't whine at him like how he always does.

"Are you sure Tsu-kun? It's a pretty long list." Nana said holding out the list

Tsuna just smiled softly "Yeah I'm sure."

And he didn't even put on a horrified look as he looked at the list and glare at the infant for suddenly suggesting him to do it. I mean it was pretty long. Reborn crossed his arms as he watched the brunet accept the list and pocketed it before smiling at Nana who thanked him.

'Who really is this person?' Reborn then wondered

"Here' s the money." Nana then handed Tsuna the money "Do you have the list?"

Tsuna nodded before putting on his shoes and walking towards the door "I'll be going now."

"Take care Tsu-kun." Nana said as she watches the brunet leave, shutting the door behind him.

Up at Tsuna's room, Reborn watches the brunet jog off before taking a sip of his coffee. He then leaned against the mini couch he was sitting, and waited for a few minutes before putting his cup down before standing up and as if on cue the door bell rang "They're here."

Reborn hops down the ground before leaving the room.

He makes his way downstairs. And as soon as he arrived at the door, he then heard Nana spoke "Ah, why if it isn't Tsu-kun's friends, sorry but Tsu-kun just left to do some grocery today."

"It's fine Maman, I was the one who invited them here." Reborn then spoke to the short haired woman

"Oh hey kid!" came Yamamoto's cheerful greeting

"Reborn-san. Why'd you call us? Does it have something to do with Juudaime?" Gokudera immediately asks the arcobaleno

"I came here as you EXTREMELY requested!" Ryohei energetically exclaims

"Go to the living room… we still need to wait for the others." Reborn said

And so with that said the three went to the living room before greeting Nana politely.

"I'll go prepare the snacks and tea." Nana cheerfully said as she left to go to the kitchen

The three guys then took their seats as Reborn entered the living room.

"They should be arriving here by now…" Reborn said as he hop up the table and sit on a small couch.

The glass door to the lawn suddenly slides open as a certain prefect appears.

"I'm glad you came Hibari." Reborn turns to the prefect who just grunted in reply before sitting by the door, trying to distance himself from the crowd.

Gokudera glares at the prefect but didn't say anything, while Yamamoto just laugh and Ryohei greeted the prefect who just ignored him.

Mist suddenly appeared at the corner of the room, before a certain pineapple-haired girl emerged from it.

"Hey there!" Yamamoto greeted the girl who just gave him a small nod.

"It's good that you arrived, Chrome." Reborn looks at the girl

Chrome turns to the arcobaleno, before taking a seat by the corner.

Nana then enters with some a tray of snacks and tea. Gokudera immediately assists her, Nana then thanks him before leaving with the tray.

"Now you are all probably wondering why I called you here." Reborn crosses his legs before looking at each one of them "I have a request to you all, in regarding to your boss."

Gokudera narrowed his eyes while Yamamoto's smile dropped.

"As his guardians, I would like you all to keep a close eye on him." Reborn's eyes shadowed

"And why should I do that?" Hibari said with a glare

"Let me finish." Reborn said firmly "As you might've noticed, Tsuna has been acting… different."

This made Hibari look at Reborn in mild interest while Yamamoto and Gokudera exchanged looks.

"Really? Sawada doesn't seem EXTREMELY different to me." Ryohei said

"You stupid lawn head! You're just too unobservant!" Gokudera practically yelled at Ryohei

"Maa, maa, both of you calm down…" Yamamoto immediately said

"It is true… Boss had changed." Chrome suddenly spoke up that everyone turned their attention to her

"How would you know that?" Gokudera then glares at Chrome

"I would sometimes spy on Boss, because Mukuro-sama told me so…" Chrome said as the bag she was holding turns into a trident "He told me that Boss' aura suddenly changed a week ago."

Reborn raises an eyebrow 'That was the time when Tsuna started acting strange when I woke him up.'

"Aura?" Yamamoto looks at her questioningly

Chrome nodded as she stood up, her trident clutch to her chest "And ever since that day, Mukuro-sama told me to watch over Boss for he felt interested."

"What did you get as you observed Dame-Tsuna?" Reborn asks

Chrome looks down for a moment before suddenly tapping her trident on the ground, a small mist suddenly appeared before a scene suddenly played in it, almost like a TV.

Gokudera and Yamamoto's eyes widen as they saw themselves racing at the go-cart ride in the amusement park.

"Hey that's-!" Gokudera looks at the scene with wide eyes

"When we were at the amusement park!" Yamamoto exclaims

"I disguised myself as one of the workers." Chrome then spoke, her eyes were shut as she concentrated

Reborn immediately notices a cart that had no driver driving towards Tsuna before tackling the brunet's cart. Tsuna yelps.

Gokudera and Yamamoto couldn't help but look at the scene with worry, even though it already happened and their boss was now safe and sound.

They watch as Gokudera and Yamamoto make a U-turn, while Tsuna speed his cart a bit, trying to avoid another dangerous tackle. Tsuna frowns as he looked at the cart behind him. Usually Tsuna would be panicking at this, but at the scene over there, Tsuna looked perfectly calm as he started thinking of a method to probably throw the cart off course.

Tsuna suddenly makes a perfect swerve as Reborn looks at this in a bit of shock while Hibari was already watching the scene with full interest.

Tsuna suddenly screeches to a stop before leaping out his cart. And then as the driverless car headed towards him, everyone's eyes widen (except for Reborn and Chrome) as Tsuna suddenly kicked the cart really hard that it actually stopped and a dent was marked at the front.

"Wao…" Hibari smirks

Yamamoto, Gokudera and Ryohei had their mouth hanging open at this.

The scene then change. This time it was at the hitting booth where you try to knock down the bottles. Tsuna's face was suddenly close up as he spoke "Here, let me do it for you…"

"What were you disguised as at this part?" Reborn asks Chrome

"A little boy." Chrome replies

They then watch as a small hand gives Tsuna a ball. The brunet then patted the boy who gave the ball before standing straight. Tsuna raises his arm before throwing the ball really quickly that his arm was a blur. There was a loud WHAM that it made some of the occupants of the room wince.

They were all stunned as they saw the bottles break into pieces.

Ryohei then whistles as he spoke "Sawada sure is an EXTREME guy…"

Another scene had appeared and this time it was in a shooting booth. Gokudera and Yamamoto immediately knew this was probably where Tsuna won Gokudera's hair tie.

Tsuna then gives his money as he was handed a rifle. He paused for a moment as he tries to look at all the prizes, before suddenly finding what he wanted and positioned the rifle perfectly.

Reborn puts a hand on his chin as he watch Tsuna hitting a hair tie with perfect accuracy followed by some two other prizes, which he just randomly picked judging by the way he absent-mindedly shoot them.

Yamamoto, Gokudera and Ryohei couldn't help but look at the brunet in awe.

Tsuna was now looking at a bunny plush embarrassingly before suddenly turning their way and suddenly speaking something before handing the bunny plush to whoever he was talking to.

"I had disguised myself as a little girl there…" Chrome murmurs as a bit of red spread across her face, "And at the same time I made an illusion of a mother accompanying me…"

"Wow, I never knew Tsuna could do such things…" Yamamoto said in awe

"A-as expected of Tenth." Gokudera said, still looking stunned

"EXTREME!" Ryohei exclaims

"Hmm…" Hibari just stared

"Oi Chrome… what about the time they rode a rollercoaster?" Reborn looks at the illusionist 'Tsuna… something's definitely up.'

Meanwhile at a convenience store…

Tsuna picks a carton of milk, before taking a look at its expiration date and putting it on his now fully loaded shopping basket 'It's a bit heavy…' Tsuna then sweat drops as he adjust his shopping basket, his caramel eyes then landed on an obento, Chrome suddenly flashes in his mind 'Oh yeah, in this time… Chrome doesn't eat much does she?'

Tsuna grabs three of them 'I'll use my money in these…'

And so as Tsuna approaches to the counter to pay for the stuff he picked, he suddenly felt someone watching him. He immediately turns around with a cautious look.

"Um sir… would you like to reheat these obentos?" Tsuna immediately turns back to the cashier and nodded "Yes."

He looks around again trying to find anyone suspicious… he then gives up as he couldn't find any suspicious looking people before paying for the stuff he bought as the cashier calculated them all.

"Thank you for coming!"

Tsuna steps out before sighing tiredly. He was now carrying two huge plastic bags as he walks down the street 'I can't believe mom always do this.'Tsuna thought feeling a bit guilty that his mom always had to do all the chores in the house at the same time buy a lot of things for them. Good thing he let her have a vacation with his dad at the future.

Tsuna's train of thought was then cut off as he suddenly sense something and jump back as something small rush past him. Tsuna's eyes widen as the window of a store beside him broke 'Someone was trying to shoot me.' the owner then came out with a furious look as other people look at the broken window.

However Tsuna just ignore them as he tried to look for the sniper, however, he didn't have enough time as another bullet almost hit him. Tsuna immediately sprinted off as a trail of bullet followed him. People were looking at Tsuna in confusion and shock 'Darn it! I need a place where there are less people! Someone might get hurt!'

The brunet was in such a deep thought that he suddenly bumps into someone.

"I-I'm sor-!"

"Is that you Tsuna-kun?" Tsuna's eyes immediately went wide as he saw Kyoko smiling at him 'This is bad!'

"Arre? Are those shopping bags? Did you-?"

"Kyoko-chan look out!" Tsuna pushes Kyoko down as another bullet almost hit Kyoko. The bullet grazes him on the shoulder.

"W-what's happening?" Kyoko looks at Tsuna as she sensed that something was wrong, her eyes then landed on Tsuna's shoulder "T-Tsuna-kun! Yo-you're shoulder-!"

"Don't worry it's just the shirt." Tsuna said immediately standing up before holding both shopping bags on one hand while the other grabs Kyoko by the arm. He then started sprinting with Kyoko stumbling a bit at his speed.

Tsuna immediately turns to an alley along with Kyoko and stop there, to let the other catch her breath. Kyoko started panting as she looks at Tsuna with a confused and scared look. Tsuna notices this, he then turns to her with an assuring smile "Don't worry everything will be fine." Kyoko blinks at this before nodding a bit.

"Please hold on to these…" Tsuna said handing her the shopping bags, Kyoko took them "I'll be right back…" Tsuna was about to walk off as Kyoko suddenly call out to him "W-wait Tsuna-kun!"

Tsuna turns to her "Yes?"

"Please… be careful!" Kyoko looks at him worriedly

Tsuna smiles at her before nodding "Of course." Kyoko could only watch as Tsuna leave feeling worried and nervous for the brunet.

A man in a coat could be seen on a roof of a shop with a rifle on his hand "I lost sight of the Vongola Decimo…"

"Looking for me?" The man immediately looks up and saw Tsuna standing beside him, his caramel eyes glaring at the assassin.

The assassin immediately points his rifle at Tsuna, but the brunet grabs it and immediately tilted it away from his face as the assassin pull the trigger, the man was stunned and Tsuna took this chance to kick the gun away and grab the guy by the collar of his shirt.

The man looks at Tsuna in shock and slight fear as the brunet spoke in a dark and threatening tone "Tell your family to leave me and my friends alone or else, I'll be forced to kill each and every one of you."

Tsuna then throws him off the roof, listening to a loud THUD accompanied by a painful scream.

Tsuna jumps down the other side of the roof as to not make himself look suspicious to the people who had gathered around the man he had thrown off the roof.

Tsuna immediately felt depress. He had done it again. He had just threatened a life again.

The brunet arrives at the alley he had left Kyoko, and immediately saw the orange haired teen look at him with relief. Tsuna fakes a smile "I told you I'd come back soon…" he then said as he took the bags off her hands, and as soon as he had done that Kyoko hugs him "I'm so glad you're ok."

Tsuna's eyes widen slightly before smiling again, but this time it was a real one.

As soon as Kyoko let go and apologize for suddenly doing that, Tsuna then asked her if she wanted to come over his house and have dinner with them. She immediately agrees as she followed Tsuna when they started walking off towards the direction of his home.

The two had then arrived at his house, and Tsuna looks at Kyoko in surprise as the girl remembered that his brother was planning to visit him this early morning.

"Eh? Onii-san?" Tsuna opens the door of his house and Nana immediately appears

"Welcome back Tsu-kun! Did you get everything on the list?" Nana said helping him with the groceries

"I'm back, and yap… it's all here." Tsuna said "Oh yeah, Kyoko-chan is going to have dinner with us by the way."

"Sorry for intruding…" Kyoko then spoke as she makes a small bow

"No, no it's fine…" Nana giggles before ushering the both to enter.

"Oh yeah Tsu-kun, you're friends are here…" Nana turns to her son

And as if on cue, Gokudera comes out the living room, with Yamamoto and Ryohei right behind him.

"Juudaime! Welcome back!" Gokudera immediately said as he bows to the brunet

Tsuna looks at them questioningly "What are you guys doing here?"

"We just came by to visit…" Yamamoto immediately said

"EXTREMELY!" Ryohei added

Tsuna walk towards the living room, followed by the others, as he sense more presence in there and he immediately saw Chrome and Hibari, his eyes widen slightly before feeling suspicious as his eyes landed to a certain hitman who was sitting on the table while drinking a cup of tea.

"Oh, so you finally came home… Dame-Tsuna." Reborn turns to him

"Boss, welcome back…" Chrome said standing up

"Everytime I see Boss… I can't help but remember when you were covered in… in… blood."

"A-ah…" Tsuna frowns a bit before shaking his head and turning to Hibari, who suddenly stood up and took out his tonfas "Let's fight Herbivore."

Tsuna wasn't sure why Hibari suddenly wanted to fight him as he looks at him questioningly but answered "Oh… uhm… I'd rather not…"

"Bastard! I won't let you lay a finger on Juudaime!" Gokudera said putting an arm in front of Tsuna, as if to protect him from the prefect.

Hibari stared for a moment before leaving "Hmpf… fine then…"

"I'll be leaving as well Boss…" Chrome then said

"Aren't you gonna stay for dinner Chrome-chan?" Kyoko asks her friend

"No… but thanks for the offer." Chrome replies

"Ah! Wait! If that's the case… stay there for a moment." Everyone watches Tsuna leave and then suddenly come back with some bentos on his hands "Take this with you…" he pushes it on the girl's arms

"B-but…" Chrome looks at the lunch boxes shyly

"Maa, maa… its fine… you can share them with your other friends as well…." Tsuna said smiling gently to the girl. The others watch the scene with soft smiles. Their boss was a very kind person and that's why they respect him.

"T-thank you… boss…" Chrome looks down as a small blush decorated her cheeks

All of a sudden, a certain cow child ran in the room, making everyone turn their attention to him.

"OII! Tsuna! Where's Lambo-san's candy?" Lambo ran around Tsuna

"Shut up ahoshi! Stop annoying Tenth!" Gokudera said as he chases the cow around

Chrome and Kyoko giggle at this, while Yamamoto said "Maa! Maa!"

Ryohei suddenly started cheering for who knows why, while Reborn just continued sipping his tea.

Tsuna sweat drops.

"Got ya!" Gokudera said as he grabs Lambo "Let me go Octopus head!"

A vein pops on Gokudera's head as he smacks Lambo on the head. The child immediately started crying as he took out a certain purple bazooka.

Tsuna's eyes widen at this, unconsciously he suddenly said "Wait! Lambo! Don't-!" All he knows was that… he just couldn't face the ten-years-later Lambo. He just couldn't. Reborn then noticed this and immediately looks at Tsuna.

But unfortunately for Tsuna, Lambo had already shot himself with the bazooka, and the room was immediately filled with pink puff of smoke.

End of Chapter...

Chapter 8

The room was filled with pink smoke and everyone could only cough as they try to fan the smoke away with their hands. Tsuna however remained stunned as he looks at a tall figure emerging from the smoke. What do he do? What should he do? He then shook his head, what was he thinking? He really has no reason to ask these questions, especially since he is ten years younger right now. So he doesn't know anything… he must pretend that he doesn't know anything!

"Yare, Yare…" a deep cool voice suddenly came making Tsuna gulp and step back a bit.

The smoke has cleared and everyone looked at the new person in the room.

"That was EXTREME!" Ryohei punches his fist on the air

"Ahahaha! Was that a magic trick or something?" Yamamoto cheerfully said looking around

"Idiot! How stupid can you get?" Gokudera yells at Yamamoto

Kyoko and Chrome exchange looks before giggling.

Lambo then looks around "It seems like my younger self used the bazooka again huh…" he said smiling slightly at his younger looking friends.

"Isn't it obvious you stupid cow?" Gokudera said rolling his eyes slightly

"Yare, Yare…" Lambo then stood up as he dusted himself, but he stopped midway as he saw Tsuna before him.

"L-Lam- I mean Adult Lambo…" Tsuna fakes a smile "It's nice to see you again!"

Lambo's eyes widen as soon as he saw Tsuna, and Tsuna was sure that Lambo looked really scared just by looking at him. He immediately tried to stop himself from looking dejected as he forces a confused look while he spoke "What's wrong? You look scared."

"I-it's nothing, Young Vongola…" Lambo avoids his eyes contact

"Oi ahoshi…" Gokudera suddenly cuts in, and Lambo immediately turns to Gokudera, looking a bit eager as he looked away from Tsuna. This hurt the brunet.

"How's Juudaime in the future?" obviously, Lambo wasn't expecting this question as he looks at Gokudera, a bit surprise.

"He's-He's doing fine…" Lambo replies avoiding eye contact

"Hahaha… that's good to hear!" Yamamoto exclaims "Are we still hanging out with him?"

"M-more or less…" Tsuna knew that Lambo was lying, and he felt kinda bad for the boy

"Is Boss… eating well?"


"Is Sawada still as EXTREME as he is?"

Tsuna watches Lambo's eyes widen for a moment before frowning a bit. "No…" he suddenly said silently, the brunet was able to hear this of course, but he tried to pretend he had no idea. He watches the other clenched his fists before looking down with his eyes shadowed "He…"

Everyone suddenly went silent as Lambo suddenly looks up with a serious face "He's not the same person as you think he is right now."

Tsuna's eyes widen at this 'What?'

Was that what his guardians thought of him after what he did at that incident? They thought he changed? Did they start thinking that he had turn into a monster? Did they think that he wasn't the same old person just because he stabbed someone? That's not how it works damn it! He had never change! No, never! He'll always stay the same for them. No matter what…

The others could only look at each other confusedly, Lambo turns to Tsuna, expecting to see Tsuna look confused and clueless as well… however… his eyes widen slightly as the brunet looks at him with an upset look "Are you saying that I changed?"

"Uh… err…" Lambo gulps at his little slip up

Tsuna tries to keep his voice controlled as he clenches his fists, he felt angry, he could feel emotions stir wildly inside him, he wanted to cry and scream at him so badly. But at the same time he felt guilty as he saw Lambo look at him in fear. Almost the same as when he was back at the future.

Everyone looks at the two silently. They weren't quite sure on what to do as they look back and forth to Tsuna and Lambo.

The brunet blinks for a moment as he snaps himself from his thoughts. He immediately ignored the angry and hurt feeling bubbling inside him as he sighed to try to calm himself. That's right… he had no right to be angry at him and probably snap at the boy for just saying what he thought was the truth. Sad caramel eyes look at Lambo for a moment before looking down… it was his entire fault after all.

He then spoke in a small and soft tone "I'm sorry… I know you all got scared… and I don't blame you guys for feeling that way…"

Lambos' eyes widen as he heard this, it was as if Tsuna knew what he meant.

Tsuna then looks up, with a pained smile "…I was scared too…"

"Young… Vongola…" Lambo was about to go near Tsuna when a puff of smoke suddenly surrounded Adult Lambo. Time was up.

Reborn frowned as Tsuna excused himself and left the room. Everyone calls out to their friend worriedly as he walks off. Gokudera then grabs the now 5 year old Lambo and yell at him "What did you do to Juudaime?"

"Oi wait a minute Gokudera… there's no point asking the Lambo now…" Yamamoto was looking unusually serious

"What just EXTREMELY happened?"

"Tsuna-kun…" Kyoko said worriedly

"I-I have to go now…" Chrome then spoke as she snaps out from her daze, and a mist immediately engulfs her as she then disappear.

"All of you head to the dining room, dinner is probably about to start…" Reborn commands as he hops down the ground "I'll go check on Dame-Tsuna."

Tsuna was now currently lying on his bed in a curled up position with the lights off. The door then opens as the lights switch on. Tsuna slowly opens his eyes and watches Reborn jump on his bed and land in front of his face.

Tsuna was waiting for the questions the arcobaleno was going to ask him, but he was a bit surprise as the arcobaleno spoke "Aren't you gonna have dinner? Baka-Tsuna?"

Tsuna felt too tired (thanks to all the events that had happened all day) to bother looking surprise as he just shut his eyes and softly asks "Aren't you gonna ask me questions about the things I said awhile ago?"

"I won't force you to answer if you don't want to…" Reborn said looking at the brunet "But that doesn't mean that will stop me from finding out what you're hiding

Tsuna chuckles, before he softly mutters "Same old Reborn…"

Reborn raises an eyebrow at this before watching the brunet suddenly doze off. He couldn't help but sigh "Baka-Tsuna… you still didn't have dinner." However, he didn't disturb the sleeping brunet as he hop down the ground before turning off the lights and closing the door behind him.


At Kokuyo Land…

Chrome was now sitting on her usual corner while staring at the obento on her hand, she had already gave Ken and Chikusa their lunch boxes and they had immediately wolf it down (Well, more on Ken's case).

The pained look that Tsuna had as he spoke to the ten years later Lambo flashes in her mind. She then remembers the time at the amusement park when Tsuna and his two friends went to the Ferris wheel. At that time she also went to the Ferris wheel with them, but she made herself invisible and had hid her presence.

"Juudaime, you can tell us anything." Gokudera spoke

"Come on Tsuna, why won't you tell us?"

Tsuna looks at them seriously before smiling gently towards them "I would but I can't…" They both look at Tsuna questioningly "…it's because I might change something… and it's best if you won't know." The brunet suddenly looks at the empty space beside him before turning back to Gokudera who spoke.

The empty space beside the brunet was where Chrome was actually staying. Chrome was a bit surprise that Tsuna had suddenly looked at her as if knowing that she was there.

Chrome's eyes then wondered to a bunny plush beside her. She then picks it up before staring at it. She could remember when the brunet had stared at her straight at the eye, she had immediately spotted the lonely and painful look on his eyes thanks to some unknown secrets hidden beneath them.

"Boss…" she spoke with her tone full of concern. She had to admit, even though she only finds Tsuna as an important link to someone important to her, it still didn't stop her from slowly caring for the boy. It was hard to not care for him with his kind nature and honest heart. And even though the young boss already knew that Chrome was only trying to get close to him so that Mukuro could get the chance to possess him in a certain time, the brunet still cared and accepted the girl as his friend… or rather, family…

"I'm sorry… I know you all got scared… and I don't blame you guys for feeling that way…"

Tsuna then looks up, with a pained smile "…I was scared too…"

Oh how Chrome wished she could do something to help solve the current problem of her precious boss.

"Scared?" she said confusedly "Why?"

She starts thinking hard as to what Tsuna had meant before giving up as she couldn't come up with anything. She turns her attention back to her obento before picking it up and unwrapping it. She then took a bite of the food inside it before muttering "Delicious…"

Tears welled up her eyes as she frowned 'Boss… thank you for everything… I swear I'll repay you somehow…'

Next Day…

The young brunet was now on his way to school while feeling a bit depress. He really doesn't know how to face his family now, after what they had heard him say to Lambo. Yesterday, after his little nap on his bed he then realized his friends had already left. This relieved him a bit but at the same time it made him feel a bit of panic as to how he'll face them the next day. He knows that he can't avoid them forever not that he was planning to anyway.

Tsuna sighed, his emotions got the better of him that night. He should've kept his mouth shut and pretended that he had no idea of what the future Lambo said.

He ruffles his hair as he makes another sigh.



Tsuna immediately stops on his tracks as he felt two presence going near him, he turns around as his two best friends stop in front of him "Good morning!" Yamamoto exclaims cheerfully before putting an arm around the brunet's shoulders. Tsuna couldn't help but feel a bit surprise at this action.

"Baseball freak! How dare you act close to Juudaime like that!" Gokudera immediately yells as he was about to greet Tsuna as well.

"Ahaha… maa, maa, we're all friends now…" Yamamoto said with a grin

Ok, now Tsuna couldn't help but find their actions a bit suspicious. Usually they'd ask the brunet -what the heck just happened last night?'- or something like that and start telling him that he could trust them and so on and so forth.

As Tsuna was about to give the two a suspicious stare, Yamamoto and Gokudera were suddenly looking at him with a gentle smile pasted on their faces. Tsuna could feel his heart melt at this. It was like they were trying to say…

We're not gonna force you to say something you don't want to say… but just remember that we're here if you need something…

Tears prickled Tsuna's eyes as he shadowed them "Juudaime let's go…" Gokudera then said "Ahaha! Come on Tsuna we're gonna be late!" Yamamoto said as he gave a light push to the brunet.

"You stupid bastard! Don't just push Juudaime like that!" Gokudera immediately glares at the raven-haired teen.

"Maa, maa… calm down…" Yamamoto scratches the back of his head

Tsuna could only watch his friends bicker as he tightly shut his eyes, he then felt his heart throb painfully as he thought 'The only thing I need, is an assurance that you guys would still be here beside me both present… and future….'

"Come on Tsuna!" Yamamoto then exclaims as he ignores Gokudera's rambling

"Sure." Tsuna looks up with a fake smile '...but, I don't think that's gonna happen…'

The future Lambo's words echoes through his mind, as he slowly looks up at his two friends' turned backs 'You'll still leave me… won't you?'

A small breeze suddenly made its way as Gokudera and Yamamoto turns to Tsuna as if sensing something. However, they were immediately fooled by Tsuna's smiling mask, before shrugging off the strange feeling and continuing on their way to school.

School had started and Tsuna was now staring outside the window. He watches a bird pass by before turning his attention back to the sky.

"Alright class… as you all know, the school festival is soon approaching…" the teacher then announces, and excited murmurs immediately erupted. The teacher clears his throat, making everyone quiet down "Ok then so, do you have any ideas as to what you want us to do this festival?"

"A Café!"

"A Haunted house!"

"A takoyaki stand!"

"Ahaha! What about a roleplay?" they all turned to the person who suggested this. Yamamoto laughed lightly as he spoke "I thought it would be more fun with that."

"If Yamamoto-sama says so…"

"Let's have a roleplay!"

The teacher then looks at everyone as they enthusiastically talk about the roleplay they have to do, well… except for a certain brunet who was still staring outside the window "Oi Sawada." The teacher calls out to him, making everyone turn their attention to the brunet, Tsuna immediately turns to the teacher as he spoke in a quick tone "O-oh yeah! Sure! Wha-what they said…"

The teacher could only sigh before turning his attention back to Yamamoto "I guess it's settled then, we're going to compose a play."

There was a chorus of 'YES!'

The teacher turns his attention to Yamamoto "Since you suggested the play Yamamoto, you should come up with the story."

And before Yamamoto could say something, the door suddenly slides open, making everyone shift their gaze to the person who entered, or rather a very small person, who was wearing a black toga and was holding a diploma in one hand.

Tsuna sweat drops as he saw 'Reborn…' he then face palmed as he mentally groan 'What's he planning this time?'

"Professor Bo-reen! What brings you here?" The teacher immediately said as he looks at the arcobaleno in surprise

"I couldn't help but over hear your conversation as I happen to pass by this classroom…" Reborn said

'Liar…' Tsuna thought as he makes another sigh

"I would like to help you decide on your play…" Professor Bo-reen exclaims

"That would be a great honor Professor Bo-reen!" The teacher said happily, not even feeling suspicious as to why the Professor was helping them on their roleplay, unlike how Tsuna felt.

"Good," Bo-reen looks at the students "Now the play I'm suggesting will be about a boy… who was always no-good at everything was suddenly told by a cool and awesome hitman tutor that he was the next mafia boss of a prestigious group. But of course the boy immediately refused such an amazing news and then there was a bit of struggle before he had agreed to become one in the end for the sake of protecting people."

Tsuna could only stare at Reborn in disbelief.

"Mafia?" the students started murmuring at one another

"The twist is kinda' good if you suddenly have to make a no-good person turn into an awesome mafia boss, neh?"

"But isn't mafia a group that does illegal activities? Why does it need to protect people?"

"Well, we could always make our own version of the mafia as a group of good guys… there are always those kinds of twists right?"

"It's a bit strange that a hitman tutor was the one who told the news."

"But it's also original and very unexpected."

"As expected of Professor Bo-reen to create such a unique and original idea!" The teacher said praising the infant who just smirked. Tsuna saw a mischievous glint in Reborn's eyes as he felt something bad settle on his stomach.

"Ahahaha, neh Tsuna…" Tsuna turns to the baseball player as he called him "Don't you think his story sounds familiar?" Yamamoto asks while looking utterly clueless, Tsuna could only sweat drop as he sighs yet again.

The teacher clears his throat, silencing everyone in the room "Alright now that Professor Bo-reen had suggested a wonderful idea for the play for us… let us now plan for the script and the characters-"

"There is no need for that…" Reborn cuts in yet again, they all look at the small professor as he suddenly hold out a script "I had already made the script and the characters."

"Oh Professor! Thank you so much for your help! We are forever indebted to you!" the teacher exclaims

Tsuna immediately looks at Reborn suspiciously 'Since when did he make the script?' it was almost like Reborn had already planned the whole thing out. His eyes then widen before turning to Yamamoto. Yamamoto turns to Tsuna questioningly "Uhm, Yamamoto… did Reborn… by chance… asked you to suggest this roleplay?"

Yamamoto suddenly laughed lightly "Ahaha, yup! How'd you know?"

'I knew it!' Tsuna immediately glares at Reborn. It would make a lot of sense if Reborn got Yamamoto to suggest it for people would obviously agree to anything Yamamoto requests… especially his fangirls.

Gokudera suddenly stood up his seat with a hand raise up "I would like to suggest Tenth to be the main character!"

"Ahaha! I second the motion!" Yamamoto exclaims cheerfully

Tsuna could only stare at his friends in shock before he face palm himself.

People started murmuring yet again…


"I can understand if he gets the part as the no-good boy…"

"But him as a mafia boss?

"Everyone calm down…" Reborn spoke as he suddenly took out a box filled with rolled pieces of paper "To make everything fair, I have decided that you just pick out the characters you will be playing."

They all murmured before agreeing.

Tsuna could only watch as the box was passed around, he turns to Reborn, giving him a –What-are-you-planning?- look. The infant immediately got the message before giving him a smirk and then looking away to talk to the teacher.

Tsuna sighed as he decided to just let Reborn do what he wants. He really couldn't care about anything anymore. He picks a rolled paper as the box was passed to him. He was about to read what his character was when a sudden blur from outside the window made him look out, a bad feeling immediately made its way to Tsuna's guts.

"Hey Tsuna!" the young boss immediately turned to Yamamoto who called him and approach his desk, it seems like everyone had got their papers and were now comparing their characters. His bad feeling was immediately forgotten.

"What role did you get?" Tsuna asks him

"Ahaha! I got the part of the right hand man of the main character… his name is Yato…" Yamamoto said observing his paper

"What?" the silver head bomber suddenly appeared surprising both Tsuna and Yamamoto, apparently, Gokudera was striving for that character, even though he didn't know there was such a character despite the fact that they haven't read the script yet.

"Damn it! Why did you get that part?" Gokudera glares at Yamamoto, who just chuckled and asks Gokudera "Well, what about you Gokudera? What part did you get?"

Gokudera grumbles before replying "I got the part of a care-free friend of the main character, who got involved with the mafia stuff in the end… his name is Keshi." The bomber glares at the paper "Tch! What a lame character."

Tsuna could only sweat drop while Yamamoto laugh a bit

"What about you Tenth?" Gokudera immediately turns to his precious boss.

"Uh… well…" Tsuna opens his paper, he looks at it in shock for a moment, and Yamamoto and Gokudera looks at the brunet curiously as he did this. The Tenth looks up with a nervous chuckle

"I got the part as the villain who wanted to destroy the main character and destroy the group he was in…" he said holding up the piece of paper, "…his name is Kuran."

"Alright! I got the main character!" a boy suddenly spoke

End of chap...

Chapter 9

"Eh? I'm a mafia boss?" the boy named Kenji said as he tried to act out the role he got. Which was the main character of their roleplay named Yoshi. Tsuna was a bit impressed of his acting and he was a bit good looking and so on, but… the only thing that Tsuna didn't like about the guy was he was one of his bullies.

So the brunet couldn't help but feel worried for the part where he (as Kuran) gets beaten by him (as Yoshi), for the ending, what if he gets beaten up for real? Sure he could dodge him with his impressive skills… but Tsuna didn't want to arouse any suspicion, especially with Gokudera and Yamamoto's abnormal observational skills.

It was a few days after they had picked their own roles. And now they had started practice.

Tsuna read his lines one more time before looking at Kyoko. Her character was somewhat similar to Chrome, who was only ordered by someone to protect Yoshi as an ally to his mafia group. Kyoko was then called Romu.

Speaking of the mafia group, the Vongola Family was then called Clam group. Tsuna sweat drop at this but just ignored it.

And then there were other random guys in their class who also had their roll that were the same as Hibari, Mukuro, Ryohei and Lambo.

Hibari's character had his personality the same as the prefect's. However, his favorite saying was "I'll beat you to death…" and his name was Kyou. Yoshi then met Kyou as he got challenge by him and had somehow perk his interest as the boy was able to give him a fair fight, gaining Yoshi his respect.

Mukuro's character, was also a sadistic type. In the story, he tries to take Yoshi's position as the new mafia boss of the Clam group by killing the boy, but in the end he lost but Yoshi forgave him and he became part of his group. His name was Kuro.

Next was the hyperactive role of Ryohei. The first time the two just met, they immediately became friends and so on. The name was Hei.

And so lastly was Lambo. Instead of having his personality as the 5 year old (which will be very weird if a student acts like one), they had the future Lambo's personality instead. And they used his name as Vino. Vino liked Yoshi as they met… so that's how they become close.

Tsuna then rereads the script, there were some parts that were different from his situation. Like the fact that they all met in Italy, in a school where they only wear fancy suits. Tsuna sighed at this, a roleplay, shouldn't really be like this, it should usually be about a fairytale like Cinderella, or Snow White, or the one Shakespeare made, Romeo and Juliet. Not a random story about the mafia.

Tsuna yawns a bit as he looks at the boy acting as Yoshi acted like he was looking at Yamamoto uneasily when the raven haired teen introduced himself as his right hand man while kneeling down with a bow. Tsuna chuckled as he watches the girls squeal at this action.

"Ahaha…" Gokudera makes an obvious fake laugh as he looks at Yamamoto with a forced smile "Stop acting so formal to Yoshi…" Gokudera said slinging his arm around Yoshi's shoulder, painfully.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Kenji immediately moved away from Gokudera's painful grip

Hana sighed as he watches this (she was the director) "What's the problem now?"

"He-He keeps slinging his arm around me tightly!" Kenji whined as he points at Gokudera who looked really pissed as he looks away "That's what you get for stealing Juudaime's part." He mutters but Hana heard him.

"Gokudera, how many times have I told you, no one stole anyone's characters, got it? We all did this by picking out randomly." Hana said slamming a rolled script on her other hand


Hana gave the boy a warning glare before speaking "Ok everyone, let's take five."

Tsuna was immediately surrounded by the three popular student of the school, which were his friends.

"Ahahaha! This is kinda fun, neh?" Yamamoto exclaims as he sat beside the brunet on the floor.

"What are you talking about? This play is lame without Juudaime playing as the main lead!" Gokudera grumbled

"Gokudera-kun, calm down…" Tsuna smiles at the bomber "We really can't do anything about it since he had picked out the role."

"So, Tsuna-kun… how's the role you're assigned to?" Kyoko asks the brunet

"It's ok I guess…" Tsuna replies as he flips through the pages of his script boredly "All I need to do is make some evil laughs and insult the main character and also try to provoke him and stuff…"

"Haha… will you be able to do it Tsuna?" Yamamoto suddenly asks him, making Tsuna look at him questioningly , noticing this Yamamoto continues "I mean you're usually the good guy… I really can't see you act as dark as this."

Tsuna makes a small smile "Really?" 'But if you guys were from the future… I think you'd find it easy for me to do such things…' he thought darkly "Thanks, but I think I can somehow handle it…"

"You can always try and switch with that idiot…" Gokudera said tilting his head to Kenji who was talking to some girls with a smug look on his face

"I'll pass…" Tsuna smiles

"Alright everyone! Back to your places!" Hana suddenly said "Let's go to the part where Romu meets Yoshi." Hana then turns to Kyoko who nodded at her with a smile

"Hello there… It's nice to meet you… Boss…" Kyoko said to Kenji

"E-Eh? Boss?" Kenji said acting surprise, however in the inside he was smirking.

"Kuro-sempai had told me to protect you from harm…" Kyoko said with a small voice as how the script instructed her to "So I'll always protect you, Boss!"

Kenji suddenly smirks before putting a hand on Kyoko's chin and tilting her face up. Tsuna had raised an eyebrow at this. That wasn't part of the script.

"Why thank you… Romu…" he was suddenly leaning forward as if about to kiss Kyoko, and the girl could only look clueless.

"Oi! Wai-!" Before Hana could hit the other boy with her rolled script, a small item suddenly rushes pass her before hitting Kenji straight at the head with a 'Tack'!

"OW!" Kenji immediately lets go of Kyoko as he held his head in pain. Kyoko looks at the ground and saw an eraser "Arre?" she picks it up and saw Tsuna innocently checking on his pencil case. Gokudera and Yamamoto were only staring at Tsuna in a bit of shock.

The bell started ringing, signaling lunch time.

Everyone started filing out, but before the brunet could leave with his two best friends Hana calls him. Tsuna approaches the dark haired girl "Is there something you need?" he asks

"I just want to tell you to prepare yourself this afternoon, we're gonna try out the part where the villain appears," Hana said looking through the script "Oh and…" Tsuna blinks as the other suddenly pats him on the shoulder "Thanks for defending Kyoko awhile ago…" and with that she left "Ah! Wait for me Hana!" Kyoko said following her best friend before stopping at Tsuna and giving him his eraser with a bright smile then continuing on her way to follow the other.

The Tenth boss makes a small smile before following his own friends as they call out to him.


"Ahaha! Being a right hand man is fun! Maybe I should try being one for you Tsuna!" Yamamoto exclaims cheerfully

"Not when I'm around you baseball freak!" Gokudera yells "How dare you try and steal my position!"

Tsuna continued eating his lunch silently as his two friends continued arguing. He yawned softly as he took another bite of his eggroll.

"Hey Tsuna, what you did awhile ago was so cool!" Yamamoto turns to the brunet, completely ignoring the fuming bomber behind him.

"Eh?" Tsuna looks at the swordsman

"You know, how you threw the eraser straight to Kenji's head." Yamamoto said as he points his own temple "How'd you do that?"

Tsuna choked slightly before speaking "So…so you saw it huh?"

"Hahaha! How could I miss it?" Yamamoto cheerfully spoke "I mean it suddenly passed by Kurokawa, and before I knew it I was staring at you holding a pencil case."

"As expected of Juudaime to hit something so accurately!" Gokudera praised

'You mean 'someone'…' Tsuna thought as he sweat drops

All of a sudden…

Tsuna couldn't help but gasp as he felt some presence. The two immediately looked at the brunet who suddenly gasped

"Tsuna?" Yamamoto looks at Tsuna worriedly

"Is there something wrong Tenth?" Gokudera immediately asks

Tsuna fakes a smile "No, nothing's wrong… I just bit my tongue." He lies

"Ahaha… I see." Yamamoto immediately grins

The door to the rooftop suddenly opens making Tsuna tense a bit, but immediately relaxing as he saw it was just a student "There you are Takeshi!" the boy said as he turns to Yamamoto "Coach wants to talk to us about the game that's coming soon." Apparently, he was a teammate of Yamamoto's.

"Ah ok!" Yamamoto then stood up as he puts his lunch down while putting its cover "I'll be right back!" he immediately said as he left the two.

The young boss could still feel the presences that were suddenly surrounding the rooftop "Gokudera! Can you buy me an orange juice?" he suddenly said, his voice sounding a bit panicked, luckily the other didn't notice

"Of course Juudaime! Leave it to me, your right hand man!" Gokudera said standing up with pride before running off "I'll be back before you know it!"

'I hope not…' Tsuna thought as he stood up.

A strong wind suddenly came distracting the boy for a moment before being surrounded by men in coats. Tsuna frowns a bit. That wasn't the worst part… they were all holding a gun and there were five of them… great.

"it's time to die… Vongola Decimo…" they all pointed their guns to the brunet. Tsuna could only glare at them before they all together pulled the trigger.


Yamamoto looks up, momentarily ignoring his coach who was talking to him, as he suddenly heard something 'What was that?'

"Oi Takeshi! Listen to me when I talk!" the coach said loudly, causing the boy to look back at him "Ahaha… sorry 'bout that…" the coach frowned for a moment before continuing on whatever he was talking. Slowly, Yamamoto looks up worriedly.

Gokudera was now holding a bunch of orange juice in his arms and was about to grab the last orange juice when he suddenly heard something, he immediately looks up 'J-Juudaime…?'

-Back at the rooftop-

The men looks at Tsuna with wide eyes, the brunet had managed to dodge the bullets as he was still on his feet, uninjured. Tsuna glares at them threateningly as he spoke darkly "Are you with the guy who tried to snipe me last time?"

"Q-quick! Shoot him!"

Tsuna growled at this as he dodges the bullets before kicking a guy on the head as the said person tried to lounge towards him. He then directed his attention to another guy running up towards him with a knife on his hands, Tsuna merely grab the hand that was holding the sharp object before flipping him on the air and letting him land roughly on the hard cold ground.

Tsuna moves aside as a bullet passed his face, grazing his left cheek. He could feel the blood trickle down from the wound before wiping off the liquid.

He turns his attention to the guy who shot him while punching another assassin who tried to attack him from behind. His eyes narrowed before dodging another knife that almost hit him from the back, thanks to another assassin. Tsuna does a back flip while grabbing two abandoned guns on the ground.

The brunet wasn't able to notice the door of the rooftop open, revealing two certain people, as he shot the assassin who tried attacking him with a knife, at the shoulder. The assassin screamed in pain before dropping on the ground. Tsuna turns his attention to the last man standing, with guns still in his hands, he points them at the assassin who was looking at Tsuna in fear. Slowly, he approaches the shaking assassin, with both his hands still pointing at the other.

The assassin shoots Tsuna with his gun but the young boss easily evades the bullet with just a tilt of his head.

Tsuna then stops as he spoke in a dark tone "I hope you remember my question, cause I don't like repeating myself." His finger touching the trigger, made the assassin drop his gun before shielding himself as he spoke "Ye-Yes! We're in the same Family! W-we're from the - Family and we were told to assassinate Vo-…"

"Shut up!" Tsuna points the gun to closer to his face, immediately silencing the frightened guy "How many times have I told you to-"


Tsuna immediately stops as he heard the voice of his rain guardian. His eyes slowly widens before turning to the door only to see "Ya-Yamamoto… G-Gokudera…kun…"

The assassin immediately senses this opportunity to run away as he yelled "Retreat!"

And as if on cue, the others immediately stood up while some of them grab the one Tsuna had shot. Tsuna immediately snapping from his daze pointed his guns to the assassins who were about to retreat only to be grabbed by Yamamoto "Tsuna don't!"

"What are you doing? Let go of me now Yamamoto!" Tsuna said in a very demanding tone, that it made Yamamoto flinch

"Juudaime! This isn't like you…" Gokudera had grabbed him as well.

Tsuna could immediately feel anger swell in him, as his two guardians say the same thing when he was about to get shot. How dare they say such things when in the end it only caused him on getting shot! Here he was trying to eliminate the assassins that were an obvious danger to him and his family, and there they were trying to stop him from protecting them.

"Then you probably don't know me at all!" Tsuna suddenly yells, stunning the two boys "You guys always hold me back as if you know what's best!" Tsuna throws both the guns on floor in frustration as he soon realized it was useless on holding on to them, especially that the assassins have already escaped, and then he immediately added "Can't you just leave me alone with my work?"

"Tsuna! You just can't shoot those people even if they are your enemies." Yamamoto then spoke "What if you kill them?"

"I don't care." Tsuna suddenly bursts out "I'm used to such things, remember?"

Yamamoto and Gokudera could only look at the brunet with pure shock as he said this, at the same time confused on what he meant at the last part.

"I'll… I'll kill anytime I want every time I want!" Tsuna said swinging his hand on the side as if throwing something invisible, his eyes had now lost their light as they were filled with hate and rage "I don't care about their lives…!"


Tsuna's head was now tilted to the side as he felt a stinging pain on his right cheek. His eyes slightly widen, before looking at a certain bomber who had grab him by the shoulders with his head bent down he then spoke silently "Juudaime please… please… stop… you're… you're acting like a…"

Yamamoto then interrupts as he continues with a serious look on his face "Like a monster… Tsuna."

Tsuna's eyes widen at this as he spoke softly "Mon…ster?"

Now realization hits him. So they really have been seeing Tsuna as a monster, not only because he killed but because of the way he acted when he killed others without a care. He was now positive, that they didn't misjudge him, that they didn't make a mistake… that they were right. He shouldn't have gotten mad at them, for being scared… it was his fault, not theirs… it was always his.

Tsuna shut his eyes before pushing Gokudera away and running off, while the two could only look at the brunet's fleeting figure before looking away…slowly turning their backs on him.

"Sawada… Sawada! Oi Sawada!" A painful smack made Tsuna yelp in pain as he looks up at the person who was responsible for it.

"W-what?" Tsuna asks rubbing his painful head

Hana groans as she taps the rolled script on her hand impatiently "I told you it's already you're part, so get your butt off the floor and go to the front."

"O-ok…" Tsuna said silently before following her instructions.

Hana frowns at this as Kyoko approaches her with a worried look on her face "Is there something wrong with Tsuna-kun?" she asks

"How would I know?" Hana then huffs while shaking her head

"Yamamoto-kun and Gokudera-kun are suddenly acting distant to him… did something happened?" Kyoko looks at the two persons she mentioned. Yamamoto and Gokudera looked silent and depress for some reason "Did they get into a fight?"

"That's surprising, I always thought those three were too close to even fight amongst themselves…" Hana mutters as she crosses her arms.

Kyoko then shifted her attention to Tsuna with a worried look 'Tsuna-kun…'

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Kenji exclaims as he tries to act looking angry "Why are you trying to harm my friends?"

"Because I want t-the Clam Group… to, to crumble down and then me and my group will be recog-recognized as the new powerful a-and extraordinary Group in the whole m-mafia world!"

"No! We'll never be beaten by you…-!"

"Cut! Cut!" Hana suddenly yells causing the two to look at her in surprise, she then turns to Tsuna "Sawada, try to improve your acting a bit… try acting… like a heartless monster or anything that is dark…"

Tsuna flinch at this as he unconsciously grips his script with his eyes shadowed.

"Anyway, let's continue where Kuran makes his evil chuckle… we won't redo the scene 'cause it will just take up time…" Hana said looking at her wristwatch before looking back at the two "And action!"

There was a moment of silence before Tsuna makes a scary smirk, he slowly looks up revealing dull and blank caramel orbs as he chuckled darkly. For some reason, the temperature suddenly dropped as everyone shivered at Tsuna's hallow and lifeless chuckle.

"Think again… Yoshi… I'll do everything to bring you and your friends down… even if I have to take lives from others." Tsuna held out a hand before clutching it tightly

Kenji gulped at this, he was trembling from head to toe.

"H-How horrible of y-you! Just to gain p-power… you try to go th-this far as to even involve i-innocent lives?" he stutters

"Me? Horrible?" Tsuna slowly felt angry as he said his next lines with a glare "You're the one who decided to involve your little friends to this dangerous world…" the brunet clenches his fists as he knew those words were suppose to be directed at him "…don't you feel guilty?

"What-What are you talking about?" Kenji then said as he gulps

"You know perfectly well what I mean…" Tsuna said looking down "So let me ask you... who's the one involving innocent lives now?"

Everyone was silent as they watch the sudden change of attitude of Tsuna in shock. Gokudera and Yamamoto also looks at the brunet in shock as something in the inside told them that, they now know, Tsuna can act like a bad guy pretty well.

"T-That's a wrap!" Hannah suddenly calls out.

End of Chap

Chapter 10

Tiit! Tiit! Tiit!

Tsuna sighs as he looks at the thermometer in his hand, before giving off a light cough. "38 degrees…" he mutters, before setting it down to his desk as he continued preparing for school 'Oh well… I still need to go to school to help for the preparations of the festival…' He thought as he tries to ignore the headache that kept coming while tying his necktie. He then wondered what got him to get sick like this. Probably the stress that he's been through lately… see how much it can affect one's health?

"Tsu-kun!" her mother suddenly yells from downstairs "Breakfast is ready!"

"I'm coming!" Tsuna yells back before coughing.

He grabs his bag as he went downstairs to the dining room.

"Good morning…" Tsuna mutters as he enters the dining room while scratching his head.

There was a chorus of good morning directed back at him as the dining room was full of people again.

"Arra? Tsun-kun, are you ok? You look kinda' pale…" as expected of Nana to know when her son is not feeling well.

"Hm? Oh… I'm fine…" and as expected of future Tsuna to pretend he's ok.

But even though he said this, Nana immediately rushes towards her son as he lightly touches his forehead then the sides of his face "Oh no… you're sick!"

"No really I'm fine… it's just a light fever…" Tsuna lied. Actually, he felt really awful, thanks to the fights he had been in lately, some parts of his bodies were aching, his headache was making him feel nauseous and he felt really exhausted and dizzy.

Nana however, ignores what he said and continues "Maybe you shouldn't go to school today…"

"It's alright…" Tsuna said firmly "Doing nothing all day is kinda bad for one's health…" 'Besides… if I don't go to school today, assassins might attack some students, and I can't let that happen.'

"That goes the same on trying to force yourself to do a lot of stuff when you're not even feeling well… Baka-Tsuna…" this time it was Reborn who spoke

Tsuna turns to the arcobaleno before giving him an assuring smile "I promise I'll be ok…"

Nana gave the brunet another worried glimpse before sighing "I guess it can't be helped… since Tsu-kun wants to go to school so badly."

Tsuna grins at this "Thanks mom."

"Now eat your breakfast before you get late." Nana said as she hurries back to the kitchen to get Tsuna's breakfast.

Tsuna sat on the dining table before covering his mouth to cough a bit.

"Tsuna-nii, are you sure you're ok?" Fuuta looks at the brunet worriedly

"Tsuna-san looks pale…" I-pin exclaims

Tsuna nodded with a smile "Don't worry about it."

"Dame-Tsuna, since when were you so enthusiastic on going to school?" Reborn looks at the young boss suspiciously

"Since the world began…" Tsuna jokingly said before dodging a bullet Reborn had shot him "I'm just kidding!" Tsuna said with a sweat drop

"I'm in no mood for your lame jokes…" Reborn said giving him a dead serious look "You're health isn't a joking matter after all…"

Tsuna looks at Reborn in a bit of shock 'Since when did he care for my health?'

"After all, if you die, who would help lead the Vongola in the near future?" Reborn bluntly said

'Ugh… I knew it…'

Tsuna was reading his script while walking towards school. He wipes the sweat that was trickling down his face before shutting the script with a cough. The brunet suddenly spots Yamamoto walking ahead of him. He was about to call him… but stopped as he remembered what happened yesterday. He shook his head as he continued "Ya-Yamamoto!" he calls out before coughing lightly.

The swordsman turns to the person who called him and saw Tsuna. His eyes widen for a moment as he slowly frowns Tsuna noticed this and was taken back.

"Good… Good morning…" Tsuna lightly said as he went near Yamamoto

"Uh… Yeah, mornin' Tsuna…" Yamamoto fakes a smile while avoiding eye contact

There was an uncomfortable silence as Tsuna looks up at Yamamoto, a bit hurt. He looks down as he clutches the script in his hands "So… uhm… did you memorize… you're script?"

"Yeah… kinda'…"came Yamamoto's unusually small reply. Usually the baseball star would talk and talk to make everything comfortable, but here he was right now… making things awkward "Uhm… Hey Tsuna… I have baseball practice to attend to… so I have to go…"

Tsuna immediately looks up at this. He watches the baseball star about to turn away, and he immediately grabs the other's arm "Wait Yamamoto… I-" Tsuna stops as his eyes met with Yamamoto's amber ones. 'Yamamoto… I…' Tsuna looks down before slowly letting go '…I just can't tell you the true reason on why I did that…' "N-never mind…" Tsuna mutters before making a small cough.

"You…ok?" Yamamoto asks as he coughs again

"I'm fine…" Tsuna replies before clearing his throat "You should probably get going or you'll be late for your practice…"

"A-ah…" Yamamoto watches as the brunet walk off with a small frown and a sigh.

"Oi, Sawada…" Tsuna looks up as Hannah approaches him "Take this documents to the teacher's lounge…" She then gave him a huge stack of papers. Tsuna stumbles a bit at this. He tries to hold back a groan, for he felt really weak and tired, and making him carry a huge stack almost made him collapse "O-ok…"

Hana was able to notice this as she raises an eyebrow "You don't look so good… maybe I'll ask someone else."

"N-no! It's ok…" Tsuna immediately said as he noticed her about to call Gokudera

"Hm? Why not? I think Gokudera wouldn't mind bringing those documents for you." Hana said

"Uh… no… I-I don't want to disturb him…" Tsuna said looking at Gokudera who was being measured by some girls for his costume. Of course, the girls were made sure that they weren't crazy fangirls… for… you know the reason "I'll get going now." Tsuna said leaving the room, unknown to him, Gokudera was watching him with a frown.

As Tsuna walk through the hallways, he couldn't help but think about his two best friends. Usually, when he would be assigned by this kind of task, Yamamoto and Gokudera would suddenly come out of nowhere and divide the stack for them to carry, Gokudera would usually ask all the papers, but Tsuna would immediately disagree.

Yap, he remembered that memory in one of his middle school days. Tsuna could only chuckle a bit as he remembers Gokudera always arguing at Yamamoto for the baseball star had more papers than him and he wanted to carry more than the other, for he wanted to prove himself as a capable right hand man to his beloved Juudaime.

All of a sudden, an image of him (his future self) lying on his bed while looking at a window in a daze, with a lonely look pasted on his face flashes in his mind.

Tsuna turns his head to the side to cough, and before he knew it the world suddenly spun making him stagger and almost fall, but fortunately he was caught by a certain senior before he could land on the ground. The young boss immediately stood straight at this as he felt himself get caught.

"I-I'm… I'm so sorry." Tsuna immediately mutters as he tries to shift the weight of the documents in his arms

"You look like you need some EXTREME help there, Sawada!" the young brunet immediately looks up and saw Ryohei "Onii-san!"

The sun guardian grins before grabbing all the documents from Tsuna "This is EXTREME!" Ryohei said carrying one stack on one hand and another stack to his other hand "So, where are we suppose to EXTREMELY take these documents to?"

"Ah, wait a minute onii-san, I appreciate the help… but let me carry them…-" Tsuna was immediately cut off as he started coughing roughly

"Oi, you ok there?" Ryohei looks at Tsuna with a serious expression

Tsuna nodded as he waves a hand telling him not to worry "Anyway… the documents…-"

"No way… after seeing that you are EXTREMELY weak… I cannot EXTREMELY let you carry the documents…" Ryohei said firmly, and before the younger teen could say anything, the boxer then asks "So where are we suppose to bring these?"

As Tsuna saw Ryohei look at him with a determined face, he immediately sighs in defeat before telling him to follow him. The least he could do was accompany the boxer towards the location he had to give the documents at.

Teacher's lounge…

Tsuna bows to the teacher before leaving with Ryohei right behind him. He lets out a cough before speaking "Thanks a lot onii-san… you were an extreme help." He smiles.

"Sure! It was no problem at all Sawada!" Ryohei replies with a grin, but his grin immediately vanishes as the brunet started having a fit of coughs before muttering a small 'sorry'. A hand immediately touches the brunet's forehead with surprising gentleness from the usual hyperactive guardian, the hand immediately left as Ryohei (almost) yelled "You're EXTREMELY burning hot!"

Tsuna also touches his forehead out of reflex, his hand felt clammy and yes, he does feel hot "Oh… uh… don't worry about it… I really don't feel that bad…" he lied.

"What are you talking about Sawada? You need to get to the clinic to the EXTREME!" Ryohei said pulling the brunet's arm towards the direction of the clinic

"Calm down onii-san," Tsuna said pulling his arm off the boxer "I promise I'll go there later… but right now… I'm kinda' busy, and we still have practice for the play… so…"

"Sawada…" Ryohei looks at him seriously

"I'm fine really… thanks for worrying onii-san…" Tsuna said with a grateful smile "Anyway, I have to get going now…" he starts walking off

"Then promise to EXTREMELY call me if you need something!" Ryohei said looking as the other walk away, who had said 'ok!' before coughing again. Ryohei clenches his fists 'Sawada… you're not alone…' he was silent for a moment, when all of a sudden he screams out "I FEEL EXTREMELY WORRIED!"

Hibari was currently on his desk in the disciplinary office, staring at a certain Hibird cell phone chain dangling on his own mobile phone. Apparently, it was the herbivore who gave it to him. He leans his hand against his head as he remembers when Tsuna gave it to him this early morning…


Hibari, as usual, was by the gate, guarding students who were gonna be late… and bite them to death. The skylark yawns, feeling a bit bored for there were still 30 minutes left before the school bell rings.

He suddenly saw Yamamoto walk in, followed by Gokudera. He raised an eyebrow as he watches them enter without the herbivore with them… which was strange since they never separate no matter what. He then shrugs it off. Well, as long as it doesn't concern him, he couldn't care less.

He then decided to stay at his office for awhile and let Kusakabe handle things, when all of a sudden someone calls him… which was very new.

"Hibari-san!" Hibari turns around. He knew who that voice belonged to "Herbivore…" he mutters as he saw Tsuna walking towards him while waving with a small smile. Hibari felt his eyebrow twitch, how dare he try and act all friendly with him. He was about to threaten him but immediately stopped as he saw the brunet looking paler than how he usually looked.

"Good morning." Tsuna greats him weakly

"Hn." Hibari said about to walk away but was stopped as a clammy hand grabbed his arm. Hibari automatically took out his tonfa and was about to hit the young teen for grabbing him like that, but was again stopped as a cell phone keychain dangles in front of his face "It's for you…" the cloud guardian felt the other's sweaty but soft hands grab his hand before dropping the cell phone chain that had a bird that look a lot like Hibird on it "Hope you like it." Tsuna said with a bright smile before coughing.

Hibari looks down at the brunet as he did this "Herbivore…" Tsuna immediately looks up at him before apologizing "S-sorry, about that, I got something in my throat…"

"Sick herbivores aren't allowed to go to school." Hibari said as he crosses his arms.

Tsuna suddenly grins "Haha… I never knew you cared Hibari-san."

Hibari immediately glares at him, making the brunet wave a hand in front of him "Just kidding… just kidding…" he said with a small chuckle before coughing again "Anyway, I'll be going now… bye."

Hibari watches him walk away "Hmpf… even idiots like you can catch a fever…"

Tsuna suddenly chuckles "I think you mean 'a cold' Hibari-san…" Hibari immediately shot him a glare but the brunet just turns away before saying "…but yeah… you're right…"

…I am an idiot…

The prefect watches Tsuna give him a sideward glance with a small lonely looking smile.

And for some reason, Hibari felt annoyed as he saw this.


End of Flashback…

Hibari just gripped his phone before shoving it in his pocket, feeling annoyed yet again.

"Finally… you're down…" Kenji said looking down while acting serious.

Tsuna, meanwhile, was on the ground in all fours, panting a bit. The script had said that Kuran was suppose to look exhausted as if he had no more energy left while looking utterly defeated.

Though, it really wasn't acting.

'Oh gosh I feel sick…' Tsuna thought as he tightly shut his eyes.

"And now… I'll defeat you!" Kenji exclaims in a lame heroic tone.

"Cut!" Hana suddenly said, making the two look up.

"Huh? But why? We're getting to the good part." Kenji frowned

"It's because of your lame acting." Hana huffed

"What? What are you talking about?" Kenji approaches the girl

Tsuna was about to stand up, but for some reason his body wasn't listening as it suddenly felt heavy 'Come on stand up!'

"Tsuna-kun… are you ok?" Kyoko had approached the brunet who was still on the floor "Do you need help on getting up? You look like you're having a hard time…" she looks at him worriedly as she crouches

"I-it's fine-!" Tsuna suddenly felt a pair of strong arms help him up as he was held steadily.

Tsuna looks up at the person who helped him and was a bit shock as he saw his one and only Storm Guardian.

"G-Gokudera-kun…" Tsuna murmurs

Gokudera was looking away, with his eyebrows a bit furrowed, making him look slightly unsure, before his forest green eyes landed on Tsuna's brown ones.

"Juudaime… I-" Tsuna felt Gokudera's grip on him tighten a bit

'Is he trying to apologize?' Tsuna frowned at this 'Or is he forcing himself to apologize?' the brunet shut his eyes, trying to hold back how he felt before looking up with a serious look and pushing Gokudera off him, stumbling a bit, but he immediately stood straight "Thanks for helping me up…" he muttered


"I need to go to the bathroom…" Tsuna immediately said as he walks out the room

"Juudaime wait-!" However the brunet already left and Gokudera could only look down looking frustrated

Kyoko looks at Gokudera then at the direction Tsuna left, feeling confused and worried.


Tsuna leans on the cool fence before sighing. 'I guess I should apologize to them instead…' he thought as he looks down the baseball field.

His guardians were still the same as the ones in the future. Whether they were from the past or the future… they'll still feel and think the same. Tsuna chuckled darkly. He was stupid to think that he could just go back to the past and think everything will just be ok and be the same as always! Correction, he was actually stupid to try and wish it. Whatever time period he'll be… nothing will change.

Once he had done such a ruthless act… he can never run away from it for it will always chain him down.

And no one will be there to help him up… He'll always be bounded…

"They won't come… will they?" brown orbs looks out the window as he watches the blue sky, he slowly held out a hand as if reaching something he couldn't reach, his hazy eyes were suddenly filled with tears as he spoke in a heart-breaking tone "I can't reach them anymore…"

"Eh?" Tsuna blinks as a memory suddenly flashes in his mind, but before he could comprehend the sudden scene, the brunet immediately jumps back as the position he was standing on suddenly exploded, he stumbles a bit at the force.

Hopefully, the students weren't able to notice this… at least that's what he thought.


Yamamoto and Gokudera immediately felt the small tremor of the building as well as the other students. All of a sudden, a girl approaches them, she had black eyes and light brown hair that reached her shoulders "A-ano, did you both feel that?"

"Hahaha, yeah kinda'… probably just a small earthquake…" Yamamoto said with a grin while Gokudera just grunted.

"What-what if it was something else?" the girl asks yet again

"What's up with you?" Gokudera glares at the girl "Why are you so cautious over little things?"

She then frowns before looking around "A-arre? Where's Sawada-san?"

"He went to the CR." Yamamoto said frowning for a moment before putting a smile "Why do you ask?"

The brunet sighed before walking out the classroom.

"What's with her?" Gokudera mumbles as he watches her leaving figure

"Oi both of you…"Hana suddenly approaches Gokudera and Yamamoto, the two looks at Hana "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?" Yamamoto asks

"Who was that girl? I've never seen her before in here." Hana said glancing at the door

"Huh?" they said in unison.

Tsuna panted as he tries to dodge bullets before kicking another assassin. He felt someone punch him at the stomach making him gasp in pain before giving the other a punch as well for pay back. The young boss grunted as he held his aching stomach. Sweat rolled down his face before dropping on his knees.

Ten men in coats were now lying on the ground, totally beaten up and knocked out. Tsuna started coughing harshly making him cover his mouth. He cursed how his body was so weak and small. Usually, he could take more than this to make him drop on his knees even with a fever.

All of a sudden, three shadows loomed behind him. Tsuna's eyes widen and before he could even turn around, he was immediately grabbed by the shoulder before being pushed down to the ground roughly 'I shouldn't have let my guard down!' He felt something cool press against his head before hearing a 'click'.

"Game's over, Vongola Decimo…" brown orbs looks at the man pointing the gun at him then at the two other guys behind him. He needed to come up with a plan fast! He was about to give the man a kick but his legs were firmly held down on the ground as well as his arms, thanks to the other two guys 'Darn it!'

"Time to die…" Tsuna watches with wide eyes as the finger slips in the trigger…

No he can't die yet! He just can't leave things like this!

Tsuna shut his eyes tightly, he wanted to say help… but no one will come.

No one…

"W-wait! Hey guys wait!" he held out a hand out a hand trying to reach his guardians and family

"Wait-!" His body was suddenly wrapped in chains and before he knew it he was in a web like chains… and in the web were dead bodies of the people he killed. His eyes widen at this and try to struggle from the chains wrapped around him while screaming out for help… then a hand suddenly grabs his ankle.

He looks down with wide eyes as a bloody corpse gave him a twisted grin

"They'll never come…"

"LET GO OF ME!" Tsuna had manage to get his other hand free as he slapped the gun away from the other's hand, he looks at them furiously while tears streamed down his face.

Tsuna tries to struggle from the others' grips but was immediately held down before receiving a punch on his cheek.

More tears streamed down his face, but not because of the unbearable pain from his cheek but because no one was still coming to help him.

The assassin looks at Tsuna, a bit annoyed that the brunet still kept struggling, he was about to give another punch to the boy, thinking that making him suffer would be more fun than killing him immediately when…


The door of the rooftop suddenly slams open as a flash of black suddenly came to them in full speed and before they knew it they were thrown away by a powerful force.

Now free from his binds, the young boss sits up as he held his now swelling cheek. He slowly looks up at the person standing in front of him, with his back faced, letting a tear stream down his face.

"I'll bite you to death…" Steely dark eyes glared at the assassins


End of chapter…

Chapter 11

"Herbivore… I warned you about coming to school while feeling sick…" Hibari said glaring at the weak looking brunet.

"S-sorry…" Tsuna mutters while looking down

"Hmpf…" Hibari turns away as he hits another assassin that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"DIE VONGOLA!" a guy suddenly appears behind the brunet and as Tsuna looks behind him in shock, a jet of flame from the ground suddenly enveloped the stranger, making him scream in pain.


"Boss!" Tsuna immediately turns his attention to the door of the rooftop and saw a girl with short brown hair and dark eyes. She looked like a normal Namimori student, but the trident she was holding was a bit out of place. The girl suddenly turns into a certain pineapple haired girl.

"Chrome!" Tsuna exclaimed before watching the assassin drop down the ground with some painful looking burns.

The mist guardian immediately ran towards the young boss before kneeling next to him "Are you ok?"

Tsuna looks at her shock, before smiling gently "Ah… Thanks for saving me…"

The eye-patched girl shook her head before looking at him worriedly "It's nothing boss… as long as you're ok."

The two suddenly heard some beeping sounds, making them turn to the prefect who was dialing something on his phone. Hibari puts the phone against his ear as he suddenly spoke "Kusakabe, I need you to dispose some bodies…"

Tsuna couldn't help but sweat drop at this, he then noticed the Hibird keychain dangling from his mobile, making him smile softly. He then turns his attention to Chrome and was about to ask her what she was doing here when the girl suddenly gasped "Boss… you're cheek!"

Tsuna smiles as he watches the girl take out a hanky before pressing it softly on his cheek. Chrome was a very nice girl… he sometimes felt bad that she had to be dragged in the mafia world "It's fine Chrome… it's nothing, it'll go down once I put some-…" he was immediately interrupted as another fit of coughs attacked him. But this time they were harsher.

"Boss!" Chrome worriedly exclaims as she supports the boy who seemed like he was about to collapse anytime soon.

Hibari suddenly appears at the other side of the brunet. Tsuna suddenly felt the cold hands of the disciplinary president touch his burning forehead as he panted.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, you're fever's getting worst." Hibari was glaring at the boy

Tsuna was very surprise to find Hibari actually care for him. However, he wasn't able to show his surprise as he felt a headache come to his head. He groans.

"I-I'll immediately take you to the clinic…" Chrome said while looking panicked

It took almost all of Tsuna's strength to pull away from the girl as she was about to help him "N-no… not yet…" he shakily stood up. Chrome also stood up about to help her boss but the brunet immediately backs away from the helping hand, his mind felt hazy but he spoke "I-I need to ta-talk to… G-Gokudera-kun… a-and!" Tsuna shut his eyes tightly trying to hold back the nauseous feeling that started building up.

"Herbivore, you're delusional." Hibari spoke as he watches the brunet wobbly walk towards the door.

He really looked awful. His face was pale as a sheet and he was sweating. His eyes were tightly shut while panting and his cheeks were tinted red.

Tsuna ignored what Hibari said as he went through the door before walking towards the stairs. He suddenly grabs his stomach in pain while clutching the railing of the stairs. The punch really hurt.

"Boss!" He could hear Chrome coming closer, but he just ignored her as well.

He took one step down the staircase, before immediately losing his balance as he lets go of the railing in surprise.

Chrome gasps as she immediately ran towards the brunet who was falling. Hibari's eyes widen a bit at this before walking (almost running) towards the herbivore as well.

The mist guardian's hand immediately reaches out for her falling boss, hoping that she will be able to grab his outstretched hand… however their fingers only brushed as Chrome missed.

Tsuna could feel gravity do its thing as he knew he would land on the cold hard ground, he shut his eyes, preparing for the impact… when…

"Tsuna!" the brunet felt himself land on a pair of warm arms, his head unconsciously leans against the firm chest of no other than… his rain guardian.

"Yama…moto?" the brunet's unfocused caramel eyes look up at the baseball star, who was currently holding him up as his legs shake.

"Juudaime! Are you-?" Tsuna was about to turn his attention to his storm guardian who suddenly popped out when he felt another hand touch his forehead.

"You're burning up!" Gokudera immediately said looking panicked

Another hand suddenly touches Tsuna's forehead as the brunet heard his rain guardian gasp from the heat "Tsuna! You're-!"

"I…!" Tsuna suddenly spoke, making all occupants around him stop for a moment (that includes Hibari and Chrome who were rushing downstairs).

Tsuna suddenly looks up at both Yamamoto and Gokudera with teary-eyes, his expression was heart-breaking as he spoke in a soft and shaky voice "I'm sorry…"

The two were stunned for a moment as a numb feeling settled in their hearts. Yamamoto had slightly weaken his grip on the brunet, making Tsuna drop down the ground with a 'THUD' as he suddenly fainted.

This immediately snaps them from their stupor as they knelt down next to the brunet. Yamamoto gently held the brunet in his arms "T-Tsuna!"

"Boss!" Chrome knelt beside their boss, followed by Gokudera who looked really frantic.

Hibari had took out his phone calling for a car or something.

They all watch as the brunet breathes unevenly, sweat trickle down his flushed cheeks while his face scrunch up looking really uncomfortable.

"Quick! We need to take Juudaime home!" Gokudera immediately said making Yamamoto carry Tsuna as he stood up. The swordsman could feel heat radiate from the boy. He was really burning up.

Not good.

Brown orbs darted around the dark void, feeling confused and a bit scared, was it him or did he hear chains clanging? This made him shudder. He didn't like being alone.

However… this was unavoidable…

This place somewhat represented his heart…

Something suddenly caught the corner of his eyes and he immediately turns around to see what it was. He immediately felt relieved as he saw his guardians.

"Everyone!" the brunet exclaims as he ran towards them and stops as soon as he was in front of them "I'm so glad you're-" but he was immediately cut off as they suddenly looked away and walk off.

This surprise and hurt him. Where were they going? Why did they suddenly turn their back on him? Did he do something wrong?

He suddenly heard chains rattling again, but he ignored it as he chased after the others.

"W-wait! Hey guys wait!" he held out a hand out a hand trying to reach his guardians and family

And all of a sudden as he was about to call them again… something happened…

"Wait-!" His body was suddenly wrapped in chains and before he knew it he was in a web like chains… and in the web were dead bodies of the people he killed. His eyes widen at this and try to struggle from the chains wrapped around him while screaming out for help… then a hand suddenly grabs his ankle.

He looks down with wide eyes as a bloody corpse gave him a twisted grin

"They'll never come…"


A small gasp suddenly escapes from a pair of trembling lips as caramel eyes open wide.

"You ok there kid?" The boss' eyes landed on a figure standing beside his bed "S-Shamal…"

"You should really stop over-working yourself…" Shamal said "… Reborn's going to kill you and it's getting annoying treating men… especially you, kid…"

The brunet just smiled weakly at him before frowning again.

"Got a nightmare or something?" The doctor asks as he leans against the window of the bedroom while taking out a cigarette.

There was some shuffling sounds of sheets as a sick-looking Tsuna sat up while rubbing his aching forehead "M-more or less…" he turns to the doctor who had lit his cigarette "And stop calling me 'kid', I'm like 25 for crying out loud…"

Shamal just shrugs as he looks out the window "You still act like a kid to me…"

Tsuna could only sigh at this before looking down feeling a bit depress about the nightmare.

The perverted doctor noticed this of course "Mind telling me what's wrong?"

Tsuna blinked for a moment then looks up at Shamal with a fake smile "It's nothing big…"

Shamal's eyes narrowed at this "You're smiles are getting uglier by the second…" he mutters, Tsuna just chuckled a bit while making a small apology.

There was a moment of silence…

"So… where are the others?" Tsuna asks while trying to hold back the desperate feeling bubbling inside him, wanting to know where his precious friends were.

"They're on a mission, remember?" the doctor said blowing out a puff of smoke

"O-oh yeah…" Tsuna felt a bit disappointed at this, even though there was this little issue going on between him and his guardians, he still wanted to see them for they were always the one who made him feel better. But… sadly, it's a bit different now…

"Anyway, get some rest for awhile kid… I put some pills by your desk, drink them after you have your dinner…" Shamal said as he stood straight before heading towards the door "I'll come by to check up on you later…"

Tsuna watches the doctor shut the door before lying down on his fluffy bed again. He pulls the sheets over his shoulders then look up at his canopy.

He felt so lonely… He missed his guardians so much.

He missed how they would suddenly barge in his room looking frantic…

He missed how Yamamoto would calm Gokudera who immediately looked guilty as if he caused the sickness…

He missed how Ryohei would try and heal him with his flame, even though it only regenerates cells in other words, only heal injuries…

He missed how Lambo would look at him worriedly while pretending he didn't care…

He missed how Chrome would come in with a cooked porridge (though, knowing Chrome's cooking skills) and Mukuro smirking a bit evilly at him as Chrome tries to spoon feed him with the -ehem- strange purple looking porridge …

He missed how Hibari would stand at the door leaning against the frame, as if it was a way to guard him while giving him glances…

He missed them all so much. And sadly, those times had suddenly left and distanced itself from his reach.

He looks at the door… anticipating… every second… every minute… and every hour… until, finally giving up. His tiny piece of hope shattered into more little pieces.

"They won't come… will they?" brown orbs looks out the window as he watches the blue sky, he slowly held out a hand as if reaching something he couldn't reach, his hazy eyes were suddenly filled with tears as he spoke in a heart-breaking tone "I can't reach them anymore…"

I just can't…

Light suddenly blinded him as he slowly opens his eyes. He was about to sit up, but his body felt somewhat heavy and it was aching. He groans softly as he felt another headache attack him. He felt worst than before. As the aching slowly went away for a moment he then realized he was in his room. He immediately remembers the early events that happened in school before sighing 'Guess I fainted…'

His mind then wonders to the dream he just had… which was actually a memory when he also got sick from over-working himself.

Apparently, it happened during the small feud that had aroused between him and his family.

Tsuna's eyes unconsciously landed on his door, unconsciously anticipating as well. However, not wanting to hope again he immediately shook the thought of them coming in, about to try and cure him.

'I've already learned my lesson…' Tsuna thought as he steadily pushes himself up to sit. He ignored the aching about to enter his heavy head. He clutches his head a bit before positioning his bare feet on the ground. He slowly stood up, feeling a bit nauseous, he tries to steady himself by grabbing his desk.

He shut his eyes tightly trying to block the feeling of someone hammering his head, but was unsuccessful, and as a result he lost his balance making him fall down the ground, yet again, with a loud 'THUD!'

"Ow, ow, ow…" Tsuna tries to push himself off the floor while his arms tremble from his weight.

He shut his eyes tightly as he felt the world spun around him making him cover his mouth trying to stop himself from vomiting.

All of a sudden there were sounds of rushing footsteps and before he knew it the door of his room suddenly slams open.

"TSUNA!/JUUDAIME!" and before he could even look up to the people who suddenly barged in, he immediately felt a pair of strong arms support him "Let's get you to bed…" mutters Yamamoto

"Yamamo-!" Tsuna was cut off as he felt another pair of arms help him up to his bed, he looks at his right hand man "Go-Gokudera-kun…"

He was a bit shock, but at the same time he felt this overwhelming happiness rush in him as he saw his two guardians right beside him, fussing over him while looking really worried and concerned even though they were…

His eyes widen slightly as he remembers their little fight. Before sadly looking down as he was settled down on his bed, however he refuses to lie down as he sat straight by the edge, despite the sharp pain coming from his stomach while feeling light headed

He was about to open his mouth to probably say or apologize again to the both, but the other two were faster.

"Tsuna you don't have to say anything…" Yamamoto spoke as a gentle smile forms

"Juudaime, you're health is more important…" Gokudera looks at him with one of his rare smiles "And if it will make you feel better Juudaime, let's just forget what happened."

'NO! That doesn't make me feel any better at all!' Tsuna thought. To forget everything and ignore it… it just wasn't right. It was like ignoring a knife that might someday stab you. He didn't want them to forget it. He wanted them to remember it and use it as a hint that in the near future he might make the same crime and mistake and could somehow expect or accept this. He didn't want them to fear him again when that time comes.

"No… That won't solve anything…" Tsuna said with a stern face

The both stiffened at this and looked at Tsuna with a frown.

"I-… this incident might happen again…" the brunet said softly "…someday, probably in the near future or most possibly, tomorrow… no one knows." he looks down "I assure you that that kind of situation is unavoidable."

Ryohei suddenly enters the room before stopping as he noticed the sudden tension that grew in the room.

"Everyone changes, and that goes the same for me…" the young boss continued "So it might so happen that I might do more, than what I just did, someday."

Chrome also enters before (surprisingly) Hibari followed looking a bit pissed as he leant against the frame of the door not wanting to go further in the crowded room.

"I'm warning you in advance and also…" The tenth looks at his guardians with his caramel eyes, before looking back down again "I'm… I'm so sorry…" finally, he said the words he wanted to say to his guardians. The words that were always bounded inside him for he knew the guardians from the future will never forgive him, making him feel fear every time he was about to say it.

There was a moment of silence…

Tsuna bit his lower lip that suddenly started quivering. They're not making a noise… does that mean that they-?

"What are you EXTREMELY talking about?" Ryohei suddenly exclaims making Tsuna jump a bit as he somewhat realized that his sun guardian and the others were there. What were they doing here? "You don't seem like the type that would change to the EXTREME!"

"Boss, will always be Boss…" Chrome softly said as she makes a small smile.

"…" Hibari just remains silent

"I don't think you'll make the same mistake Tsuna…" Yamamoto said to the brunet

"Juudaime, I know you did that for our sake, but we can defend for ourselves…" Gokudera looks at him determinedly "We'll become stronger…"

"You don't know what you're talking about…" Tsuna suddenly said sharply. He knows that his family was and still is strong but… everyone has their weaknesses. And besides, they have no idea… of how much he had repeated such mistakes over and over again… how he wasn't the Tsuna they once knew… and how he had changed… a lot…

"You have no idea what you're talking about…" Tsuna said closing his eyes

There it was again, the lonely look that their boss always had… the look that screamed I-know-something-that-you-don't.

It made them feel a bit depress that they can't do anything to help carry the unknown burden on the brunet's shoulders. What is he keeping from them?

"Tsuna…" Yamamoto hesitantly spoke. The brunet looks up at him. "I know I've said this before… but, you do know… we're here for you… right?"

Tsuna stares at him then at the floor blankly before nodding silently 'Ah… I know that…'

"And…" the baseball star looks at the others who gave him a nod with a determined look pasted on their faces "We'll always be there for you and we promise to never leave your side…"

Tsuna had looked up at these words. Slowly, it registered his mind. He suddenly felt like laughing as if what he said was a joke.

How could he say that? When they weren't even sure of what might happen!

Why… why did he say that? What made him say that? He shouldn't say such things that won't even happen! Were they testing him or something?

"You're not alone… Sawada!" Ryohei suddenly said while raising a fist in the air

"Juudaime, I'll protect you with my life!" Gokudera looks at him determinedly

"We'll always be here for you…" Chrome quietly said

There was a pause… before the young boss suddenly lies down his bed while pulling the sheets over his head "I need to sleep…" He couldn't stand hearing those empty promises anymore. He knows what will happen in the end… he came from the future after all.

He wanted them to stop, he wanted to sink into the void of darkness in his heart and hide there forever. He couldn't stand anything anymore, he was tired and frustrated. A tear ran down his face. He wasn't sure why he was feeling like this… probably because of the fever.

The others look at Tsuna in shock as the brunet suddenly lied down and cover himself with a blanket. They couldn't help but wonder why he always liked doing that. Trying to run or look away when they would shower him with words of comfort and resolve.

Ryohei was the first one to react as he immediately approached the brunet's bed, he then grabs the brunet's shoulders pulling him up before pushing the blankets away "Oi Sawada! What are you…-?"

A sniff escaped from Tsuna as he tries to wipe his tears away. They all look at Tsuna in shock and worry. They felt a stab from their heart as they first caught glimpse of him sobbing. As Ryohei push the blanket away, they immediately saw Tsuna's teary brown eyes and hurt expression. They watch as a tear slide down on his pale but now flushed cheek while his shoulders trembled in his sun guardian's hold. They have seen Tsuna cry from stupid things (like Reborn's threats and trainings) but never in their entire life have they seen him cry… as if he was broken…

It hurt them seeing their sky like this… unconsciously they vow to never make him cry like this… ever again

Ryohei lets go of Tsuna in surprise. But, what was more surprising was when a certain guardian who had been leaning on the door suddenly entered and approaches the crying boss "Herbivore, stop your pathetic crying…" He grabs the hand that was wiping his teary eyes.

"Oi Bastard! What do you think are you doing?" Gokudera had glared at the prefect

"Tsuna, you ok?" Tsuna felt a hand on his head, he looks up and saw Yamamoto smiling softly at him, practically ignoring the fight that was about to start between the storm and cloud guardians.

"Sawada, don't force yourself to the limit…" Ryohei crosses his arms.

Tsuna was a bit surprise at this… aren't they gonna ask him questions and stuff? He felt Hibari's hand let go of him, making him turn to his cloud guardian, who suddenly made a small murmur before suddenly walking out. Gokudera shouted some nonsense at the prefect who left, but Tsuna could only ignore it as he tries to comprehend what Hibari had said…

"Stupid Herbivore… just listen to them… they're getting annoying…"

He blinks… was Hibari telling him to believe them? That was certainly out of character… but putting that aside… to believe their words despite the fact that he himself had proof that they were all… lies… they've got to be kidding him.

'B-but…What's wrong with believing them?' Tsuna thought 'This… this is the past after all… I was given a chance…I was given another chance to start over!' he immediately realized how stupid he had been acting ever since he had came to the past… he kept thinking about his situation back at his present time that he didn't even reconsider that he was now in the past… where his friends would always stay beside him and protect him. He was so selfish and stupid! Here they were… feeling worried for him, always being selfless, and while he… kept thinking about how betrayed he felt for the things they haven't even done yet until ten years later!

Tsuna had clutch the Vongola ring that was hanging around his neck.

"Is there something wrong Juudaime?" Gokudera suddenly enters his sight

Slowly, Tsuna makes a small smile, and suddenly it turns into a huge happy one.

Everyone was startled as the brunet started laughing, the young boss stopped as he looks up with a gentle smile while his eyes turned into glad arcs "No, nothing's wrong… I'm fine… Thanks a lot for taking care of me guys…"

Everyone couldn't help but feel puzzled at the sudden change of attitude of their boss, but just seeing him smile like that warmed their hearts up making them also smiled back, deciding to ignore their puzzled feeling.

But the sweet moment immediately ended as the brunet suddenly collapse on his bed, looking more sickly making everyone panic and run around the room franticly, trying to look for some medicine and sheets.

They weren't able to notice a certain infant standing by the door, who had actually saw everything that happened and unlike everyone, instead of feeling glad that Tsuna had laugh (which he haven't done for awhile), he only felt more suspicious…

End of chap...

Chapter 12

Tsuna… forgive us…

Juu…daime… *sob*

Come on… wake up! You're stronger than that Sawada!

Tsuna's eyes immediately shot open before looking around, trying to look for the voices that were calling him. It was the middle of the night and it was too dark to see his surroundings and the light from the screen of his computer was the only thing that lit the whole place up.

He blinks. Computer? He then realizes he was sitting on his computer chair and was currently checking on something at his comp and he must've fallen asleep while checking this 'something'.

He makes a small yawn before looking at the screen 'Oh yeah, I was trying to hack the Vongola's top secret files…' He suddenly typed some complicating codes to the computer 'I hope they won't notice it… I just need some information from that Family…'

Tsuna then stops as he spoke in a dark tone "I hope you remember my question, cause I don't like repeating myself." His finger touching the trigger, made the assassin drop his gun before shielding himself as he spoke "Ye-Yes! We're in the same Family! W-we're from the Orso Family… (a/n: I recently added that name ^^"')

'This Orso Family sounds kinda' familiar…' Tsuna types another code with unbelievable speed, he grabs the mouse before clicking something, and then continuing to type in full speed, before finally pressing 'ENTER'.

Caramel eyes watch a loading bar appear…


He bit his bottom lip hoping it will work.


If it does work, he inwardly prayed that the Vongola headquarters won't notice that someone just hack through their files.


'Come on… Come on…' He needed to find out who this Family was and defeat them once and for all or they might cause unexplained danger to his friends and family. They still didn't confirm their defeat after all…

99%-100%- CODE ACCEPTED.

Tsuna grins widely at this 'Alright! Victory is mine!' the brunet mentally cheers before scanning through the files of some Families that the Vongola had collected. He then types '- Family' in the search bar and presses ENTER. He watches it load before the said Family's file appeared. He clicks on it.

"Good at hacking machines… likes assassinating from far distance where they cannot be seen…" Tsuna's brown orbs darted from left to right 'Hmm… they don't sound that dangerous…-' Tsuna stopped for a moment as he read something, his eyes narrowed at this 'Well, that goes for the members but… the Boss…'

The boss, Grindo Orso, of the Orso Family (A/N: This will be the name of the family that had been recently trying to assassinate Tsuna) , is good at close combat and guns. He is a very strong member of the Family and he is a mastermind in assassination. Though his subordinates are not that strong as the Boss himself, they are still able to defeat any Family they want to destroy. There were only a few survivors who had managed to escape from the clutches of the - Family. The Boss, is very dangerous and he is very sadistic. He likes finding out the weakness of the Boss of a Family he wants to destroy and use this weakness to shatter the Family.

'Using one's weakness for battle…' Tsuna glares at the screen 'What a coward…' he then sighed before shutting the computer off, he yawns and stood up his seat stretching a bit "I should get some sleep…" 'I'll worry about the -Family next time… I have a feeling they won't make any movement for now… hopefully…'

Thanks to his drowsiness, he wasn't able to notice a pair of dark onyx eyes observing him.

Tsuna lies down on his soft mattress before slowly shutting his eyes close.

"Vongola… wake up… please!"

"Boss! Boss! *sniff*"

"Herbivore, if you don't wake up, I'll bite you to death…"

"Oya, I don't think that will help anything…"

Tsuna groans softly, tossing and turning on his now messy sheets before abruptly sitting up with eyes widening 'Whose… whose voices were those?' he was about to try and find out when his eyes landed on his alarm clock. His eyes went wider before jumping out of bed practically yelling "I'M LATE!"

Ha made a mad dash towards the bathroom as he hit himself on the head, he completely forgot setting his alarm!

A couple of seconds later, the young boss came out with his hair still messy, his vest a bit crumpled, his tie just hanging around his wrinkled collar, still untied and his pants hanging loosely on his small hips as he forgot putting his belt on.

Tsuna immediately noticed this and blushed at how he looked when he checked himself in the mirror.

"Arra, it's already getting late…" Nana looks at the wall clock 'Oh well, I guess I could let Tsu-kun stay home for awhile, he was sick yesterday after all…'

"MOM!" Tsuna then enters the dining room panting a bit "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You're going to school today?" Nana looks at her son worriedly "But you had a fever yesterday…"

Tsuna looks at his mom, before smiling softly "Don't worry, I'm fine… really. If you want proof, you can take my temperature…"

"But Tsu-kun…" Nana frowns a bit

Tsuna approaches her before giving her small a hug and then letting go "I'm sorry I made you worry yesterday, but I promise I'm fully recovered now."

"Baka-Tsuna, how can you be fully recovered when you stayed up all night using your computer?" Reborn had entered the dining room as well

Tsuna immediately turned to his home tutor a bit shocked 'H-He saw me last night?'

"Tsu-kun!" Nana suddenly spoke a bit louder and angrier "Is that true?"

"I-I-I was searching something for my homework! Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun told me yesterday, we had homework and-"

"I thought your class was busy preparing for the School Festival… I doubt you had classes at all…" Reborn eyed him suspiciously

Tsuna could feel him sweat before pointing at the wall clock "AH! Is that the time already? I gotta get going now! Bye Mom!" he dashed out while grabbing his bag by the counter.

"W-wait! Tsu-kun-!" However Nana was immediately cut off by the slamming of the door "Mou~…" she crosses her arms.

Reborn frowns 'Tsuna…'

The gates were now closed and Tsuna could only look at the iron gates helplessly. He turns his head from side to side, before taking some steps back then suddenly leaping over it as soon as he grabbed the top of the steel, giving him support to leap higher and then landing graciously on the ground.

He dusted himself and was about to leave when something silver was about to hit him, making him dodge and step back. He immediately looks up at the attacker "Hibari-san!"

"Herbivore… you're late…" Hibari glares at him

"Oh… uh, yeah… sorry about that… I kinda' overslept-" Tsuna immediately dodges the tonfa that had swung towards his direction

"No excuses…" Hibari frowns "I'll bite you to death…"

"Wait Hibari-san! I'll miss more classes at this rate!" Tsuna immediately said dodging another attack from his cloud guardian

"Then just go home Herbivore, besides, there are no classes… they're just preparing for the annoying festival." Hibari said

Something suddenly clicked in Tsuna's head as he wondered why Hibari suddenly wanted him to go home 'Could it be… that he's worried I'm still sick?'Tsuna's eyes widen before a chuckle escaped his mouth.

Hibari raised an eyebrow as the brunet suddenly chuckle "What are you laughing for Herbivore?"

Tsuna shook his head, before looking up at Hibari "I'm fine Hibari-san… please don't worry…"

The skylark's eyes widen at this before narrowing them "What nonsense are you saying this time Herbivore?"

"Haha… nothing, nothing…" Tsuna immediately ran off before Hibari could even react.

"Tch. Stupid Herbivore…"

Tsuna slams the door of his classroom open before speaking "Sorry I'm late!" he panted, but as he look up, he suddenly found himself staring at a group of people in suites, while the suited people also stared back at him.

There was a moment of silence…

"Ah… sorry… I must be in the wrong classroom." The brunet said sliding the door close, but was immediately stopped as a certain silver head grabbed the door and pull him in, Tsuna yelped. He felt his right hand man grab both his shoulders before looking at him in shock and worry "Juudaime! What are you doing here? You just had a fever yesterday!"

Tsuna wasn't able to reply, for he was observing the bomber's clothes. He was also wearing a suit, but he wasn't wearing any tie and his coat was unbuttoned. He also had his hair in a ponytail with the use of the hair tie he gave to him. Tsuna smiled inwardly at this.

"Juudaime?" the brunet immediately looks up

"Oh, haha, don't worry about it Gokudera-kun. I feel fine now."

"You shouldn't really push yourself Tsuna… it's ok if you just stayed home…" Yamamoto had also approached the brunet

Tsuna couldn't help but gawk at Yamamoto's looks as well, the raven haired teen somehow flattened his spiky hair and he was also wearing a suit, but his neck tie was a bit loosened while his coat was also unbuttoned and his sleeves were rolled up, revealing a lot of bracelets and rings on his hands… almost like… Gokudera…

Ahh… now he gets it, they were trying to dress up like each other.

He sweat dropped at this. It kinda' suited them.

"I feel better, so don't worry…" Tsuna spoke as he immediately stopped gawking at his two friends.

"Are you sure?"

"Yap… anyway, are those your… costumes for the play?" Tsuna pointed at their clothes

The two suddenly blushed lightly at this, making the boss look at them questioningly "Ahaha, yeah kinda… it's kinda embarrassing neh?" Yamamoto scratches the back of his head

"They said it was for a dress rehearsal…" Gokudera muttered

"Ohh…" Tsuna smiles brightly at the both "You guys look great!"

Yamamoto and Gokudera felt their face heat up a bit before thanking the brunet for the compliment.

"Ah Sawada… you feeling better already?" Hana approaches him

"Yap…" Tsuna replies

"Good…" Hana suddenly turns around and Tsuna couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled as Hana suddenly yells "Girls! Do your thing!"

And before Tsuna could comprehend anything he was suddenly drag off by squealing girls "H-Hey! W-what's happening? Gokudera-kun! Yamamoto!"

"Tsuna!/Juudaime!" the two could only watch in horror as their friend got drag off by rabid fangirls- I mean dangerous looking girls. They actually know the horror of being dressed by those girls.

As soon as the door of a room where Tsuna was drag off by the girls, was shut. Everything went silent as they listen to Tsuna's screams.

"L-Let me go!"

"Kyaa! He looks so cute!"

"H-hey! Ow!"

"Oh my! You have such soft hair!"

"W-Wait! Do-don't touch me there!"

"Kyaaa! His skin is so soft and smooth!"

The girls who were listening (and some boys) looked like they were about to have a nosebleed, while the guys could only pray for Tsuna's soul.

Yamamoto and Gokudera exchanged worried looks before approaching the door of the room where Tsuna was held captive as soon as it opened. A wobbling brunet had came out, now wearing a suit, except that he had no coat or tie, so it wasn't completely a suit, and his hair was slightly messier than it was before.

"Yamamoto… Gokudera-kun….." tears had welled up his caramel eyes making the two approach the brunet in worry, and some to blush at the adorable sight of the young boss.

"There there Tsuna…" Yamamoto pats him

"Juudaime, are you ok?" Gokudera said supporting his beloved boss by the arms.

"Tsuna-chan~" Tsuna tensed at this before hiding himself behind his two friends. The girls from before suddenly came out the door with creepy looking smiles "We can't wait until we dress you up at the main show…~!"

"Oi… oi…" Yamamoto chuckled nervously as he felt Tsuna tighten his grip at the back of his shirt

"Damn women! How dare you scare Juudaime like this!" Gokudera yells at them, but the girls only retreated on their dressing room while looking at some photos in their phone as they giggle creepily.

The two couldn't help but wonder what those photos were….

Yamamoto suddenly noticed Tsuna going red "Could it be…!"

Gokudera was suddenly surrounded with a murderous aura that it practically scared almost everyone in the room "Don't worry Juudaime… I'll annihilate them for you…"

'I should've stayed home…' Tsuna cried

*Time skip after the dress rehearsals*

Lunch time…

The three friends, now with Ryohei and Kyoko, were eating their lunch by the rooftop. They were all talking in small tones since a certain brunet slept peacefully while leaning against the fence of the rooftop, his lunchbox remained opened and still untouched.

"He must be EXTREMELY tired…" Ryohei said munching on his food before looking at his boss

"Hahaha… it can't be helped, Tsuna had done a lot of things all morning…" Yamamoto said giving a gentle pat on Tsuna's fluffy hair, making the brunet smile a little at the soft touch. The baseball star couldn't help but chuckle.

"Damn those annoying girls…" Gokudera suddenly mutters

"It can't be helped Gokudera-kun, I guess Tsuna-kun was too cute for them…" Kyoko said giggling

"I'll get them someday, how dare they harass Juudaime like that!" Gokudera grips the riceball he was eating.

"Maa, maa, calm down Gokudera, or you'll wake Tsuna up." Yamamoto said turning to Tsuna who suddenly toss a bit, before caramel eyes suddenly fluttered open "Haha… too late…"

"A-arre? Did I fell asleep?" Tsuna looks around

"I-I'm so sorry for disturbing your sleep Tenth!" Gokudera immediately bows down to the ground, his forehead hitting the floor at the process

"Wait Gokudera-kun! It's ok! Please stop hurting yourself!" Tsuna immediately said "Besides, I just woke up because of a weird dream…"

"A weird dream?" Kyoko looks at the brunet curiously

"Y-yeah, it wasn't much of a dream though, I just kept hearing people telling me to wake up and stuff…" Tsuna said while shoving some rice in his mouth

"That is EXTREMELY weird…" Ryohei exclaims

Tsuna could only blink for a moment before looking up the sky. Something… didn't feel right. And that's not good at all.

The brunet suddenly caught Gokudera staring down the building and he couldn't help but follow his gaze as well. He immediately saw some students carrying, a weird looking stone and odd objects. Something clicked in his mind 'Ah… could that be the Occult club?' Tsuna watched as they brought a cardboard that had a drawing of a UFO on it 'They're probably planning to decorate their club room again this year…'

As Yamamoto and the Sasagawa started a conversation, Tsuna looks at his right hand man 'Oh yeah, doesn't Gokudera like occult stuff?' he frowns 'Why didn't he join the occult club?' Gokudera turned to his boss as soon as he felt someone stare at him 'Could it be… because of the mafia? Or… me?'

"Is there something wrong, Juudaime?"

"Uh, no nothing's wrong…" Tsuna said turning away from the bomber before looking up. He then fakes a I-have-an-idea look as he turns to his friends "Hey, do you guys want to check out the Occult club?"

Tsuna immediately saw Gokudera looking at him a bit shock and a bit excited, while the others could only look at the brunet questioningly

"Why?" Yamamoto asks

"Oh… well, I just wanted to check it out…" Tsuna explains "…I kinda feel curious on what they're having this Festival."

"Now that you mention it…" Kyoko looks at Tsuna with a bright smile "Let's go see! I can't help but feel curious too!"

"Juudaime! I swear that it is very interesting!" Gokudera said enthusiastically

Tsuna smiled softly at this "Haha, of course."

"Let's go to the EXTREME!" Ryohei said standing up

"Maa, maa… calm down sempai…" Yamamoto grins

They all pack their lunches before leaving the rooftop.

Caramel eyes stared at the starry sky above him "Hehh… the sky is pretty…"

"Ah…" forest green eyes also stared at the sky while looking excited "I hope we get to see some UFO, neh Juudaime?"

"Ahahah… really Gokudera-kun…"

Tsuna smiles slightly as he remembers a small scene of a memory.

-Occult club-

Even though Gokudera looked calm and collected, his eyes were obviously shining with happiness.

"Gokudera-san!" A girl who had green hair and eyes (which was covered by a pair of glasses) asked "W-what are you doing here?" the girl blushed. Obviously she had a crush on the bomber.

But Gokudera, as usual, remains impassive at the girl's feelings.

"I just came here in Juudaime's orders!" Gokudera said sternly

Tsuna immediately felt a glare from the girl but ignored it with a sigh.

"Well, Dame- I mean Tsuna-san doesn't mind me taking you around the club, neh? Tsuna-san?" The girl looks at the brunet darkly

"Sure… go ahead Gokudera-kun." Tsuna didn't seem affected by the look given to him as he dominates it with a really bright smile that you could almost see a shiny background behind him.

The girl felt a bit annoyed at this before deciding to call some of her club members to help show Gokudera around.

"I will never leave Juudaime's side!" Gokudera said standing firmly next to Tsuna

"Gokudera-san, we have the latest issue of the 'Mysteries of the World'… do you wanna see it?" A 1st year boy asks

"I…will… n-never…" Gokudera was obviously holding himself back, when all of a sudden, a soft hand touches his shoulder.

"Its fine Gokudera-kun… you can go with them if you want to… I'll wait for you here, along with the others." Tsuna said reassuringly "You're so kind Juudaime!" Gokudera said turning to his beloved boss, his face brimming with happiness. Tsuna sweat drops 'He held himself back too much…'

As soon as the bomber was out of sight with the club members, Tsuna couldn't help but feel something lonely settle in his heart 'Gokudera-kun…'

"Haha! These things are so cool." Yamamoto along with the Sasagawa siblings approaches the brunet as they looked around the clubroom that was filled with supernatural designs like UFOs, aliens, a weird looking tomb and etc, etc…

"This is EXTREME!" Ryohei said turning to a tomb of a mummy

"It's so mysterious." Kyoko giggles as she stares at a cardboard that had a drawing of an alien holding a sign that had unknown letters in it.

"What do you think Tsuna?" Yamamoto turns to the brunet with a smile, but his smile immediately drops as soon as he saw Tsuna looking a bit daze and depress "Tsuna?"

"E-eh?" Tsuna immediately looks up the swordsman "Sorry, Yamamoto… I wasn't paying attention. What was it you asked?"

"Never mind." Yamamoto makes another smile, but there was a hint of concern in his smile as he watches the brunet wander off to look around.

He really wanted to ask his dear boss what the problem was, but he made a vow, along with the others, to not push Tsuna to answer something he doesn't want to answer not until the brunet decides to finally speak. After all, if they force the brunet to speak, they might encounter his crying face again and they never want that to happen again for it broke their hearts in a million pieces.

So, if they have to…. They need to be patient… really patient…

Tsuna looks at his watch, the bell had already rang and Hana was gonna kill them if they don't appear soon 'I should look for Gokudera-kun…' He thought looking around the clubroom. The clubroom, by the way, looked a bit like a maze, with cardboards used as barriers to separate some paths and some UFOs hanging above and so on.

"He should be around here somewhere…" Tsuna murmurs as he makes a turn. Then he heard his storm guardian.

"Ah! This is the UFO sighting at New York in 1988!" came the bomber's voice, sounding excited

'That was Gokudera-kun!' Tsuna pokes his head out of a cardboard and saw Gokudera chatting excitedly with the occult club members.

'I should probably call him now…' Tsuna's mouth opened about to call out his right hand man, when…

"Gokudera-san… why don't you join the Occult club?" the girl from before asks

Tsuna's mouth immediately shut.

"That's right Hayato-san! You're so knowledgeable in all the world's occult! You'd become a perfect president for the Occult club." a guy said praisingly

"S-shut up! I'm not that good." Gokudera had crossed his arms while looking away, a small tint of red appeared on his cheeks. Tsuna had leant against the cardboard wall, trying to hide from view, looking depress.

His storm guardian actually looks happy and content, even without him… and yet, something was prickling inside him.

"Anyway Gokudera-san, why don't you join?" the girl asks looking at him with her huge emerald eyes, as if trying to look all cute in front of the bomber

"Tch. I just don't have time for clubs." Gokudera said shoving his hands in his pockets

"Could it be because of Sawada-san?" the boy beside him said, immediately feeling mad at the certain brunet.

Tsuna's eyes widen slightly, before slowly shutting them, with a small sigh. They're right. It was his entire fault. No use on arguing about that. He really wouldn't mind if the bomber could take a small break once in awhile and join some clubs to at least enjoy his middle school days.

'It's obviously because he's too worried for me with all the assassination attempts back with my past self, if I remember correctly…' Tsuna thought guiltily. He should've tried to become stronger so that he wouldn't have to worry for him all the time

"I'm so sorry Gokudera-kun…" he murmurs softly "I should've become a stronger boss for you… I don't deserve your loyalty…" tears were welling up, but he held them back immediately

"Don't you dare accuse Juudaime!" Gokudera's loud voice suddenly boomed that it surprised Tsuna.

"But it's true-"

"I never joined your club because I don't want to." Gokudera scowls "Juudaime has nothing to do with it. And besides, he will always be in my top priority than this damn club."

Tsuna's eyes widen slightly 'Gokudera-kun…'

"Juudaime… is very important to me…. He saved me… and accepted me…" Gokudera's eyes soften as he said this, the club members could only exchange confuse look "That's why, I'll do everything I can to become Juudaime's best right-hand man ever!"

Tsuna was stunned as he heard this. His eyes were slightly wide as he looks down the ground.

He was so stunned and shocked that he wasn't able to notice Yamamoto heading his way "Oi Tsuna! We need to head back now." Tsuna still remained unresponsive, making the baseball star look at him quizzically "Tsuna?"

Gokudera had also appeared looking pissed immediately snapping Tsuna from his trance.

"Yoh Gokudera! Did you enjoy the stuff they showed you?" Yamamoto turns to the bomber.

"Hmpf! It was lame and boring." Gokudera spoke, his forest green eyes immediately landed on his boss "Ah! Juudaime! I'm sorry if I had kept you waiting!" he bows to Tsuna "N-no, it's ok Gokudera-kun…"

"Anyway, let's get going guys, or Kurokawa will bite our heads off. The others are already waiting outside." Yamamoto said running off "Race you guys!" was the last thing they heard

"Oi! You stupid idiot! That's cheating!" Gokudera turns to Tsuna "Juudaime! Let's go!" he then said giving him a grin, about to turn away to walk off when a soft hand grabbed his arm. The bomber immediately turns to his boss as he grabbed his arm "?"

"Gokudera-kun." Tsuna was looking down, his hand gripping the bomber's arm lightly before looking up with the brightest smile "You're the best right-hand man ever!"


Gokudera's eyes widen slightly at this as his cheeks slowly turned red… his mouth opened as he spoke in a disbelieving but excited tone

"Really… Juudaime!"

Tsuna beams at him "Hn!" 'You have always been… Gokudera-kun…'


"Gokudera-kun… why are we having a camp out?" 24 year old Tsuna looks at his right hand man as he tries to make a fire

"It's because I want to go star gazing with you Juudaime without those idiots!" Gokudera replies while building up a tent.

Tsuna sweat drops as he knew perfectly well who those idiots were "Maa Gokudera-kun…"

Gokudera suddenly stopped building the tent and suddenly destroyed it (literally) before throwing it away.

"Gokudera-kun! What are you doing?" Tsuna said in surprise

The silver haired man suddenly took out their sleeping bags and arrange them down the ground "Sorry Juudaime, but we're stargazing right? So there's really no need for a tent."

"Ah, now that you mention it… but where are we going to sleep now?"

"Sleeping under the sky is much comfortable Juudaime! I swear!" Gokudera said enthusiastically

"Well, yeah… but what if it rains?" Tsuna sits on his sleeping bag as soon as he was done making a fire

"Don't worry Juudaime! I'll umbrella you with a huge leaf all night if I have to!" Gokudera said putting a thumb up

"Ehh?" Tsuna sweat drops

Gokuder also took a seat on his sleeping bag that was next to his beloved boss, before lying down on it, he turns to the brunet with a grin "Juudaime, go ahead and lie down! Look! The sky is really pretty!"

Tsuna blinks for a moment before smiling softly and lying down as well.

Caramel eyes stared at the starry sky above him "Hehh… the sky is pretty…"

"Ah…" forest green eyes also stared at the sky while looking excited "I hope we get to see some UFO, neh Juudaime?"

"Ahahah… really Gokudera-kun…" Tsuna turns to the bomber "You should've become an occult researcher or something."

"No way!" Gokudera suddenly sits up and look at the brunet in a disapproving way "The only person I want to become is your right hand man Juudaime… nothing more!"

Tsuna also sat up and looks at the other a bit stunned.

"I'll never put anyone or anything else above you Juudaime!" Gokudera puts a hand on his chest "I'll always protect you Juudaime even if it causes me my life!"

"Don't kid about that Gokudera-kun! That's a bad omen!" Tsuna said frowning "You should prioritize yourself than me. You should know that." The brunet lies back down to look back up at the sky "Cause if something happens to you… the boss would feel powerless… without his right hand man…" he turns to him "Neh?"

Gokudera looks at Tsuna, his forest green eyes widen a bit before smiling.

"Of course… Juudaime…"

'What I actually wanted to say was that I couldn't afford losing a friend like you… Gokudera-kun.' His caramel eyes look at the bomber 'But… I guess you'll just find that out… right?"

"Ah! Juudaime! Look a shooting star!" Gokudera points to the sky as he watches a bright looking star soar across the sky

"Ah I see it." Tsuna smiles warmly

"Wait a minute! It must be a UFO Juudaime!"

A soft chuckle was heard before he spoke "Yeah… maybe it is…"

End of Chap...

Chapter 13

It was finally the end of the day, and the brunet couldn't help but feel exhausted from the dress rehearsal, well… not completely. (He isn't the usual Dame-Tsuna after all)

He was packing his script back in his bag when he suddenly noticed Yamamoto talking to a classmate.

"Ahaha, sure! I'll be there." Yamamoto said grinning, though, for some reason the baseball star's smile seemed a bit forced. The boy talking to him then left and Tsuna took this time to approach him.

"What's up Yamamoto?" Tsuna asks his rain guardian

"Oh, Tsuna." He turns to Tsuna and smiles "I'm sorry, I guess I can't join you and Gokudera on walking home… I have baseball practice."

"I see… that's too bad." Tsuna then smiles brightly "Well then, we could always wait for you until your practice ends."

"No, no… it's ok." Yamamoto held out a hand "Just go ahead without me." He grabs his bag and sling it on his shoulder "Anyway, I'll be going now… bye."

Tsuna watches the other leave the classroom with a small frown.

"Juudaime! Shall we get going?" A beaming Gokudera suddenly pops out of nowhere, surprising Tsuna.

"G-Gokudera-kun…" Tsuna sweat drops at the bomber who seemed really happy. Too happy. Ever since he had told him he was the best right hand man, he had become… too cheerful.

"Let me carry your bag for you Juudaime!" Gokudera said holding out a hand to ask for the boss' bag

"No! It's ok, I'll carry it myself, and Gokudera-kun…" Tsuna suddenly makes an apologetic smile "Sorry, but… can you go home ahead of me?"

Tsuna peaks through the baseball practice behind the stands and immediately saw Yamamoto doing some swings. His eyes landed on the wristband Yamamoto was wearing and realized it was the wristband he had given him. A small tint of pink spread across his cheeks as he smiled cheerfully. If anyone would've seen this, they would've nosebleed and faint from the moe.

His smile immediately disappeared as he also realized Yamamoto was practicing alone. His teammates were nowhere in sight. He frowns. 'So is this what he meant as a baseball practice?'

Tsuna watches Yamamoto sigh tiredly. Well, he couldn't blame the swordsman for feeling tired, the rehearsals were as harsh as the training they received in the future and to have baseball practice after that… he wouldn't be shock if he collapsed now.

A hit of realization suddenly came as Tsuna knew why Yamamoto had made the forced smile awhile ago.

Lately, there was this news that the baseball team was gonna have a tournament a few weeks from now, and the brunet had noticed how Yamamoto's teammates would depend on the rain guardian. Tsuna felt sorry for him. How could they let Yamamoto carry such a burden? And knowing Yamamoto's good side, they had probably taken advantage of that.

Tsuna decided to continue watching the rain guardian's practice, frowning a bit. No one takes advantage of his guardian. Not when he's around.

"Tsuna, is that you?" Yamamoto had spotted the hiding brunet and Tsuna could only curse his lame hiding skill.

"Ya-Yamamoto!" Tsuna steps out from the stands, knowing it was futile on trying to hide further

"Hey, I thought you headed home already…" Yamamoto approaches the brunet, smiling softly

"Oh, well, I didn't want to…" Tsuna scratches the back of his head "I already told Gokudera-kun to go home…" he sweat drops as he remembered how hard it was to let the bomber go ahead without him.

"Ahaha… I see. So what are you doing here?" Yamamoto puts a hand on the brunet's head with a cheerful smile

"I… I wanted to watch you train…" Tsuna exclaims "Do your best ok?"

"Sure of course…" Yamamoto flashes him a tired smile, and Tsuna immediately realized what he said "Ah! W-wait, I d-didn't mean it that way…"

"Hm?" Yamamoto looks at Tsuna confusedly.

"N-never mind…" Tsuna sighed, it seems like Yamamoto can be too dense sometimes "I see you're wearing… the wristband I gave you."

Yamamoto instinctively brought his arm up with a huge grin "Ahaha! Of course I'd be wearing it! It's very comfortable and besides… you gave it to me after all!"

The young boss couldn't help but smile feeling really happy "I-I see…" Tsuna scratches his cheek. He was stuttering too much, probably because his rain guardian was too cheerful and nice that he just felt embarrassed. He wanted to return the favor and then thought of something.

"Yamamoto… can you teach me baseball?" Tsuna asks. It was perfect. Yamamoto had always go and on about baseball and stuff and he felt a bit guilty that some (mostly Gokudera) would just find the conversation annoying and stupid. So why not let him share baseball to him? He had a feeling in his guts that Yamamoto would be really happy with that simple request.

The baseball player immediately broke into a wide grin… and his guts were right. "Sure! Hahaha! I'd be happy to!"

The tenth let himself be dragged by the eager rain guardian who had started talking about the field and etc.

Tsuna watches the swordsman talk excitedly about his games as they both sat on a bench. The brunet couldn't help but smile at his rain guardian's cheerful expressions as he continued talking about his set of homeruns.

Sooner or later, Yamamoto had suddenly fallen asleep while leaning against the brunet. Tsuna chuckled as he watches the peaceful sleeping face of his rain guardian. 'He pushed himself too much…' Tsuna shook his head slightly 'But that's Yamamoto for you…'

'He really loves baseball… doesn't he?' Tsuna slowly frowned 'But… he had to give it up in the future… because of me.' He clenches his fists before letting his caramel eyes land on the boy leaning against him. A memory then passes…


"You didn't have to come you know… now you missed the baseball game…" caramel eyes looked down guiltily

"What are you talking about? That game wasn't important as this." Yamamoto frowns


"Yamamoto… I'm sorry…" he softly said. An image of the future Yamamoto with a serious expression on his face flashes in his mind "Because of me… you had to quit baseball… you were forced to fight… and because of that, your smiles left as well… I'm so sorry…"

I took your happiness away…

Tsuna looks down at the ground sadly. Of course, he wasn't expecting any reply as the baseball star kept sleeping without any care in the world.

There was a moment of silence and Tsuna listened to his rain guardian's soft breathing.

He then decided to buy Yamamoto a drink before he wakes up. He slowly moved Yamamoto to let him lie down on the bench. He chuckled as he watches Yamamoto's face scrunch up from the loss of warmth and decided to walk away as soon as he was positive that the other teen wouldn't be waking up any time soon.

Tsuna presses a button on the vending machine while looking at it blankly 'Since I'm in the past, maybe I could let Yamamoto not get involved in this mafia stuff!' It was a great idea, but something in the brunet didn't want to let his rain guardian go. He was always the one who comforted and calm the group and he couldn't afford to exchange Yamamoto for anyone else (same for his other guardians of course). He shook his head, he was being selfish.

Tsuna heard the cans drop from the vending machine before bending down to pick them up from the slot 'I guess it's settled…'

He walks back to the direction he had left Yamamoto. And as he got nearer to his destination, he suddenly heard some voices.

"Oi Takeshi… what were you doing sleeping out here?"

'Could it be a teammate of Yamamoto's?' Tsuna thought as he slowly made a peak and saw Yamamoto, now awake, sitting on the bench with a sheepish smile "Hahah, just fell asleep…" he said looking at the two boys in front of him

"Really now? Well then, you should avoid getting sick." Guy no. 1 said as he crosses his arms "I mean, what will we do without you? We might lose the tournament and stuff if you know what I mean."

"Don't worry, I won't catch any cold." Yamamoto said with a small smile

"Hahah, of course he won't! He's Yamamoto after all." Guy no. 2 turns to Yamamoto "Hey Yamamoto, lead us to another victory on the next tournament ok?"

"Sure." Tsuna immediately noticed the now forced smile in Yamamoto's face and he immediately felt anger rise in him. He dropped the can of orange juice he bought.

"OI!" all heads turn towards the brunet who was now stomping his way towards them, looking really furious.

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto looks at the brunet in surprise, but Tsuna just ignore him as he stood between Yamamoto and the two guys.

"What do you want Dame-Tsuna?" Guy no. 1 looks at Tsuna with a raised eyebrow

"I want you guys to leave Yamamoto alone!" Tsuna glares at them

Guy no. 2 started laughing as he looks at the brunet "Ahahaha! What's up with you? You jealous that we're hanging out with Yamamoto?"

Tsuna's eyes just narrowed "No… I don't care who Yamamoto hangs out with, as long as these people won't make use of him!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Guy no.1 frowns at Tsuna

"Oi, Tsuna…" Yamamoto looks at Tsuna uneasily. Why was the brunet acting like this?

"You perfectly know what I'm talking about." Tsuna was trying to hold himself back to roll his eyes "Yamamoto isn't the only baseball player in your club you know! Why do you keep giving him the responsibility to win for the tournament? Why can't you guys do it instead?"

"Huh?" Guy no.2 looks at Tsuna as if he was a psycho or something "What are you talking about Dame-Tsuna? Yamamoto's the clean-up hitter, so it's only natural that he should bring our team to victory."

"So you're saying Yamamoto should do all the work?" Tsuna could feel his fists clench tightly, he wanted to punch the two teens so badly "You're all such lazy jerks."

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto had grabbed the teen by the shoulder, about to say something when guy no.1 spoke

"Why you-! Why don't you speak for yourself!" Guy no. 1 looks at Tsuna furiously "You keep hanging around Takeshi like a lost puppy! And I bet you keep using him as a shield for bullying! I mean every time we see him he would be covered in injuries!"

Tsuna was stunned

"Yeah! And because of you, Yamamoto had skipped a lot practices already!" guy no.2 exclaims

Tsuna was silent as his eyes shadowed. And Yamamoto could only watch the brunet in worry.

"Hmpf! Why so silent? So I guess we're true huh?" Guy no.1 made a smirk

"It's best if you don't hang out with him anymore Yamamoto." Guy no.2 looks at Yamamoto, who also looked up at him

"Cause he is Dame-Tsuna after all… he'll just cause misfortune to you and…"

he'll just take you away from baseball… he'll only cause you misery.

Tsuna felt a thousand needles strike his heart and before he could react, a sudden blur suddenly made him look up. And before he knew it, he was facing the guy who just spoke, now with a bloody nose while looking at a certain someone with wide eyes.

Tsuna's eyes slowly widen, before turning towards the swordsman. Yamamoto had his fist held out while his expression looked dark and angry.

"Yama…moto?" Tsuna looks at the usually cheerful friend in shock

"Yamamoto! Teme-!" Guy no. 1 glared at him

"Don't ever… insult Tsuna like that…" Yamamoto spoke, his voice sounded really scary

Tsuna didn't know whether to feel glad or guilty. Glad, because he was defended… guilty, because he just made Yamamoto punch a teammate of his.

"Darn you! Since when were you in that loser's side?" Guy no.1 points an accusing finger to the brunet

"Tsuna isn't a loser. And I've been in his side ever since I met him." Yamamoto said calmly as he shut his eyes

"Yamamoto!" Guy no.2 was about to punch Yamamoto, but Yamamoto made no movement to dodge it, and Tsuna could only watch with wide eyes before immediately blocking Yamamoto to receive the punch which landed straight to his face.

"Ack!" Yamamoto had shot his eyes open as soon as he heard this "Tsuna!"

The brunet cupped his swelling cheek. He could feel the stinging pain well up, but he experienced much more pain than that, so it's all well.

The young boss grabs Yamamoto's arm, giving him a stern look "I'm fine." He could tell that the taller teen would probably punch the other again, just seeing that angered look from the usually cheerful baseball star… he didn't like seeing him make such a face "Let's go home." He mutters

"Oi! Where do you-" Guy no. 1 was immediately interrupted as Tsuna gave him the coldest glare ever, that it made him shut up and gulp

Tsuna took this chance to grab the stunned baseball player and drag him to get their bags.

It was already sunset, but the sky was covered with dark clouds so it wasn't that obvious. Two teens were heading home with an awkward silence. Amber eyes looked at the brunet beside him, his eyes were shadowed, so he couldn't tell what his friend was thinking. He then stares down at the swollen cheek "Tsuna, your cheek… does it hurt?"

No answer.

Yamamoto slump a bit, feeling a bit hurt for being ignored "Tsuna. What's wrong? Err… did I do something wrong?"

Still no answer.

"Oi Tsuna." Yamamoto's eyebrows furrowed a bit "Tsuna." He slowly felt anxious. What did he do to make the brunet look so upset? He was growing impatient and he couldn't handle the cold shoulder given to him by his boss. All he did was try to defend him, and he rewards him with ignorance instead of a thank you? Yamamoto clenches his fists, before unclenching them to grab the brunet by the shoulder "Oi Tsuna! What's the matter with you? Why aren't you answering me?"

Tsuna just shrugs his hand off, before continuing his way. Yamamoto's frown deepened, he was starting to feel angry, and he hardly gets angry, but being ignored by someone you just defended (especially if he was your best friend) can practically tick anyone off.

The baseball star grabs the other's arm firmly, so that the brunet won't be able to pull it off and spoke loudly "Oi Tsuna! What's wrong with you?"


Yamamoto tightens his grip slightly "Are you angry at me? Did I do something wrong? If so, why? What did I do wrong?"

"No! I'm not angry at you!" Tsuna turns to the baseball star with furrowed eyebrows and guilty looking eyes "I'm angry at myself! Okay?"

Rain drops started falling from the sky, but they didn't pay any attention to the soon coming rain.

Yamamoto was caught off guard as the brunet said this, making his grip loosen a bit "W-What?"

"I'm angry at myself for making you do those things!" Tsuna shut his eyes tightly as he said this "I… I made you frown and feel angry! I made you punch a teammate! Because of me…! Because of me you're always in trouble! You were always forced to do things that you were not suppose to do because of me!"

Yamamoto looks at the brunet in front of him with a sad expression. Slowly he lets go of the other's arm.

The rain started pouring but the two didn't seem to care even though they were starting to get soaked by the rain.

"I'm a burden to you! A hindrance!" Tsuna hugs himself, clutching both his arms "And I'll ruin your future! So please…" his heart thumped a bit painfully as he hesitated for a moment to what he was about to say next. Slowly, he looks up, his caramel eyes landing on the frowning face of Yamamoto. The kind of face he hated so much, for he was always the cause of it.

He wanted to stop making him lose his calm and comforting smiles.

"Please… just…" he was shivering "…go away… before-before I make things worse for you…"

It was the best for his rain guardian.

But not him.

His rain guardian will be more content and happier if he focuses more on baseball and just live his life peacefully, instead of practicing the sword to prepare for fights.

But he'll lose his solace of comfort. He'll lose his rain guardian, his friend who always settles conflicts and washes everything away.

But he had no right to be selfish.

They were now soaked to the bone but neither of them made a move to shelter themselves. Tsuna shut his eyes, still clutching his quivering arms, waiting for his rain guardian response.

Yamamoto suddenly makes a step back, making Tsuna look up.

The rain guardian suddenly bows "I'm sorry Tsuna…"

Tsuna felt a painful clutch in his heart but he tries to ignore this, as well as the tears that had welled up in his caramel eyes "It's-it's ok… Ya-Yamamoto…-I-I understand…-" he hiccups a bit, finding it more hard to speak more clearly to his friend. He rubs the tears away while forcing a crooked smile "I-…"

"I'll have to refuse your order." Yamamoto suddenly said

"E-eh?" and before Tsuna knew it, he was engulfed into a warm hug

"Do you really think I'll do what you say when you practically look like you need someone to be with?" Yamamoto chuckles softly "Tsuna, you're one of the greatest friends I ever had! You were never a burden. And besides, you're the one who always makes things right when I do something wrong, so you can never make things worse."

Tsuna was about to argue back about that, but Yamamoto just hugged him tighter and ruffles his wet locks "Maa, maa… you worry too much Tsuna. I'll be fine. I swear. So everything will be okay."

Just hearing Yamamoto's gentle and comforting words almost made him cry his heart out to the other and practically tell him about the future and how he changed but he held himself back. Yamamoto lets go before looking down at the younger teen "Well then, why don't we look for some shelter? I don't think I want you to get another fever."

"Let's just go to my house immediately…" Tsuna suggested as he points to the direction of his house "We'll just catch a cold waiting for the rain to stop while soaking wet."

"Ahaha! You got a point there!" Yamamoto grabs Tsuna's hand "Well then, come on!" he grins before running, dragging the brunet with him.

Tsuna smiled softly 'Yamamoto… you never change…'

"Hey Tsuna!" A certain swordsman enter the 25-year-old Tsuna's office

Tsuna looks up from his papers and watches as his friend enter "Yamamoto, hey there what brings you here?"

"I got some tickets to a baseball game for tomorrow afternoon!" he held out two tickets "Wanna come and watch with me? I promise to help you with paperwork!" he grins

Tsuna could only chuckle before giving him an apologetic smile "I'm sorry Yamamoto… but I can't come… I have a meeting with another Family tomorrow."

Yamamoto looked a bit dejected before speaking "Oh… which Family?"

"It's the Gesso Family…"

"What! Don't go Tsuna! Remember what they did to you last time?" Yamamoto almost dropped the tickets before approaching the brunet's desk

"Maa maa… calm down Yamamoto. Byakuran's not there anymore, and besides they want this meeting to have an alliance with the Vongola family." Tsuna said giving him an assuring smile, but Yamamoto could only frown

"Do you at least have a guardian assigned to escort you?" Yamamoto looks at him worriedly.

Tsuna turns away for a moment "Y-Yeah… so back to the other topic… I'm sorry I can't go to the game. Just go without me and enjoy it, okay?"


Tsuna panted as he dodges a bullet. It seemed like the Gesso Family was avenging him for their boss and the meeting was all a trap… of course… how typical.

He was alone by the way. All his other guardians were on a mission, and he was suppose to be escorted by his rain guardian but he was-


The door was suddenly slammed open, revealing an angry looking Yamamoto who was holding two beaten up body guards.

"Yamamoto!" the rain guardian attacks the enemy looming behind his precious boss before grabbing Tsuna's arm and pulling him behind, slashing all the enemies away as they got near him.

"You okay Tsuna?" Yamamoto turns to his boss as soon as he defeated all the enemies and check if he had injuries

"You didn't have to come you know… now you missed the baseball game…" caramel eyes looked down guiltily

"What are you talking about? That game wasn't important as this." Yamamoto frowns "You could've gotten killed!"

"I was okay on my own! Don't underestimate me." Tsuna grumbles

"I know that… but… do you have any idea how worried I felt when I realized you left on your own? Without an escort?" Yamamoto grabs the brunet by the shoulders "The last thing I wanted to happen again was when you went to a meeting with Byakuran. I was afraid that I was going to see you dead like last time."

Tsuna looks at Yamamoto in shock before looking down "I'm sorry…"

Yamamoto sighed before putting on a smile "Promise me to tell me when you need me ok?"

Tsuna didn't look like he wanted to say 'yes' as he looked down.

Yamamoto sighs again "Tsuna… look outside the window…"

Tsuna blinks for a moment before looking up to do what the rain guardian had said. As he stared at the window outside, he immediately saw the grey clouds and rain drops 'Rain?'

"It's raining, so the game was canceled…" Tsuna felt relieve at this

"…but I'll still come even if the game wasn't canceled." Yamamoto puts a hand on his shoulder "That shows how important you are to me… and to everyone else as well…"


"Baseball isn't the only important thing to me Tsuna. Please remember that…" Yamamoto smiles "I'll be right here if you need me… remember that… okay?"

Tsuna slowly smiled as well "Okay…"

End of chapter...

Chapter 14


How long are you gonna lie there Sawada? It's been weeks.

Vongola… everyone's waiting… please come back to us…


Tsuna yawns for the umpteenth time as he slowly makes his way downstairs.

"Ah Tsu-kun! Good morning!" Nana turns to her son, she immediately noticed he was still wearing his pajamas "Arra, aren't you going to school today?"

"No… today's the start of the school festival, but our play isn't until tomorrow." Tsuna mutters "Besides, Kurokawa-san told us to take as much rest as we can."

"What about Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto-kun?" Nana asks "I'm sure they would've wanted to hang out with you today to the school festival."

"Well… yeah, but I told them I wanted to rest." Tsuna replies as he took a seat

"Baka-Tsuna you should've gone with them." Reborn enters "It's important to be closer with your subordinates."

"How many times have I told you they're not subordinates? They're my friends." Tsuna sighed

"Mama! Mama!" Lambo suddenly enters with I-pin trailing behind him "Lambo-san wants to go to the festival! Let's go! Let's go!"

"Oh my, I guess you heard us talk about that, hm?" Nana picks the cow child up, as well as the Chinese girl "But sorry Lambo-kun, Mama's still busy."

"EHH! Noo! Lambo-san wants to go! Lambo-san wants to go!" Lambo whines

"Lambo quiet!" I-pin scolded the other

Tsuna makes another sigh as he watches his lightning guardian whine "Lambo, if you want to… why don't I go with you to the school festival instead?"

"Eh?" Lambo immediately stops whining before jumping towards to Tsuna with sparkling eyes "Really Baka-Tsuna? Yay!"

The young boss could only smile in amusement at the small child in front of him, he turns to I-pin "If you want to I-pin, you can come as well."

"Thank you Tsuna-san!" I-pin joins the cow child at cheering

"Are you sure Tsuna-kun? I thought you wanted to take a rest today." Nana asks

"It's fine." Tsuna drinks the glass of juice in front of him before standing up "I'll go get change then."

Reborn watches the brunet head upstairs.

"Do you want to go with them as well, Reborn-kun?" Nana turns her attention to the arcobaleno with a bright smile

"Nope, I still have something else to do…" Reborn then turns his attention to Lambo who was jumping up and down excitedly while a certain purple bazooka was sticking out of his huge afro hair 'But not now..' he added in his thought

Tsuna pulls down the light blue parka over his head before straightening it.

He looks up at the mirror and stared at his ten year younger self's reflection. His mind wondered to the voices he kept hearing in his dreams. Who could they be? Why did they sound so… sad?

"Oi Baka-Tsuna!" the brunet was immediately snapped from his thoughts as he heard Lambo yell from downstairs "Hurry up! Lambo-san wants to go now!

"Hai, hai…" Tsuna mutters before leaving the room, grabbing his gloves and pills on the way.

"Oi Dame Tsuna, let's buy some takoyaki!" Lambo jumps on the brunet's shoulder

"Lambo, we just got here and you already want some takoyaki?" the young boss stared at him "Didn't you have your breakfast?"

"Lambo! Stop bothering Tsuna-san!" I-pin scolded

"Takoyaki! Takoyaki!" Lambo pulls Tsuna's hair

"Ow! Alright! Alright already!" Tsuna grabs the cow child trying to stop him from pulling his hair out, he also picks I-pin up as he went to the takoyaki stand for the two children.

"Hehh… there sure are a lot of booths." Tsuna said looking at the pamphlets in his hands "It's been awhile since I've been in a school festival. I really wanna try all the booths."

"Tsuna-san?" Tsuna turns to I-pin who was holding out one last octopus ball to him "Do you want some?"

The brunet chuckles before kneeling down her level to pat her head "It's ok… you can have it instead… but thanks for the offer."

"Lambo-san shall have it!" Lambo suddenly pops out and grabs the last octopus ball, Tsuna sweat drops.

"Lambo no!" I-pin chases him as he ran off

"Oi! Wait a minute you two!" Tsuna follows them.

"EXTREME!" a few people winced at the loud yell before turning to a boxing ring that was strangely found at the outside of the building between some food stands. Weird, shouldn't a boxing ring be in a gym or something?

A certain white-haired senior was standing in the ring wearing nothing but boxers and a pair of boxing gloves "Who wants to EXTREMELY fight me!" he said punching the air with so much speed that people slowly backed away.

"Oi sempai, can't you relocate your ring somewhere else? Our customers are getting scared." A student from the booth found beside Ryohei's boxing ring calls out

"What are you EXTREMELY talking about? Now with my boxing ring outside, a lot of good fighters will come and challenge me! Then they'll join the boxing club to the EXTREME!" Ryohei exclaims excitedly, unconsciously punching the air "EXTREME!"

"But sempai… you're really out of place…" the student sweat drops

"That doesn't matter to the EXTREME!"

"Onii-chan! What are you doing here?" Kyoko suddenly appears with Haru right beside her "Hahi! What's a boxing ring doing out here desu?" Haru looks at it in surprise "Mysterious desu!"

"Ah Kyoko! Haru!" Ryohei turns to the two girls

"Onii-chan, you're not supposed to put a ring out here!" Kyoko exclaims

"But it will catch more EXTREME attention this way!" Ryohei grinned "Saa! Who wants to EXTREMELY challenge me!"

"Mou onii-chan…" Kyoko pouted

"Sempai?" they all turned to the person who spoke and saw Yamamoto who was wearing his baseball jersey… probably practicing baseball.

"Yamamoto! Great timing! Let's have a round to the EXTREME!" Ryohei said holding out his gloved fist

"Ahaha, sorry sempai… but I can't… maybe next time." Yamamoto grins

"Yamamoto-kun! Good morning!" Kyoko said smiling at Yamamoto

"Good morning. What are you guys doing here?" Yamamoto turns to the two girls

"Kyoko-chan invited me to their school festival desu! We were planning to head to a café!" Haru replied

"Arre? Isn't Tsuna-kun and Gokudera-kun with you today?" Kyoko looks at the swordsman questioningly "I thought you three would be hanging out today." She said knowing how close they are and how much they like hanging out practically every day.

"Tsuna said he wanted to rest today and Gokudera said something about not going anywhere without him… so apparently we couldn't hang out."

"Nyahaha! You can never catch Lambo-san!" a certain child in a cow suit ran towards the group.

Kyoko bent down to grab the running cow child "Lambo-chan!" Haru looks at Lambo

"Ah Kyoko! Haru! Buy me some cotton candy!" Lambo exclaims

"Lambo! Behave yourself!" I-pin soon came running as well, followed by Tsuna "Lambo-!" he immediately stops as he found himself staring at his friends "Ah! Everyone… you're all here!"


"Tsuna-san!" Kyoko and Haru approached the brunet

"Ahaha! Tsuna!" Yamamoto waves at the brunet as he approaches him as well "What are you doing here? I thought you were resting today…"

"I was planning to… but Lambo wanted to come to the festival…" Tsuna sighs, he then noticed Yamamoto wearing his baseball jersey, his mouth twitched into a frown "Y-You didn't get in trouble… did you?"

Yamamoto looks at Tsuna with a raised eyebrow before understanding what he meant "Hahaha, don't worry… they let me off the hook."

Tsuna makes a small smile of relief and Kyoko and Haru could only exchange confused looks.

"SAWADA! YOU'RE EXTREMELY HERE!" Tsuna jumped in surprise before being grabbed by the shoulder and be dragged inside the ring "W-Wait a minute! O-onii-san?"

"Let's fight to the EXTREME!" and before Tsuna knew it he was on the ring wearing a pair of boxing gloves. (Luckily, Ryohei didn't ask him to strip into his boxers.)

"Tsuna-san, you're gonna fight?" Haru blushes while saying "How dreamy desu!"

"Tsuna-kun, good luck!" Kyoko exclaims

"Ahaha! You can do it Tsuna!" Yamamoto cheered

"Ara? A fight?"

"Quick let's watch it!"

"Arre? Is that Dame-Tsuna?"

"This is gonna be interesting!"

Tsuna sweat drops 'Great, wasn't this place being ignored awhile ago?' he watches as a lot of people started crowding around the ring.

"Let's go Sawada!"


Ryohei delivers the first punch and Tsuna immediately dodges it. The sun guardian gives him another set of punches with full speed that you could only see his arms become a blur, but surprisingly Tsuna dodges them all without breaking a sweat.

"You're really good Sawada! When did you get so strong?" Ryohei asks looking more excited

'Actually, you always ask me to spar with you at the future… so I kinda got used fighting with you.' Tsuna thought with a nervous smile

"Fight to the EXTREME!" Ryohei uses an uppercut punch, but Tsuna dodges it yet again before giving the boxer a nice punch to the face, though, he had to hold himself back. He wasn't the future Ryohei he once knew that can stand his powerful punches.

There were some gasps as they saw Tsuna punch the other,

But the sun guardian continued his counter-attack as if he wasn't punched.

'As expected of onii-san…' Tsuna smiled cheerfully dodging another punch. As much as he wanted to admit it, he kinda' missed the times they spar together. His smile immediately dropped as he suddenly felt a hostile presence.

His eyes slowly widen in fear before looking around the crowd. So many faces… too many faces… He couldn't identify whose hostile presence was that.'It can't be… those assassins from the - Family? Ugh! I completely forgot about them!'

He immediately felt a punch on his stomach "Kuh!"he also punch the other at the cheek with a bit too much force, (feeling a bit annoyed for being interrupted from his train of thoughts) that he flew off the ring 'Ah shoot!' "O-onii-san!" Tsuna ran towards the direction Ryohei flew off.

By that time everyone was gaping as they slowly back away and pretend nothing happened, except for Yamamoto and the others of course as they also ran towards the other side of the ring.

Tsuna took off his boxing gloves as he knelt beside the knocked out boxer "I-I'm so sorry onii-san!" Tsuna was about to touch the boxer's shoulder when he abruptly sat up with a huge grin pasted on his face "That was EXTREME!"

Tsuna immediately fell back in surprise with a sweat drop.

"Onii-chan! Are you ok?" Kyoko was the first to arrive

"I'm EXTREMELY fine!" Ryohei stood up, looking perfectly well and excited, he then turns to Tsuna and points his gloved hand to him "Sawada! Join the boxing club!"

Tsuna sweat drops "N-no thanks."

"That was amazing Tsuna!" Yamamoto held out a hand to help the brunet up. Tsuna gladly accepts it.

"Hahi! That was so cool!" Haru exclaims

"Gyahaha! Turf-top got thrown away!" Lambo laughs

"Lambo behave!" I-pin scolds

"Maa, maa…" Yamamoto turns to Tsuna "Anyway, it's time for me to go back to our practice."

"Ah ok…" Tsuna smiles

"I'll get going now, but let's hang out after practice 'kay?" Yamamoto said walking off

"That's a promise…" Tsuna waves a hand

"Arra, we need to go to the café now… or else it'll be full!" Kyoko looks at her wristwatch

"Kyoko! Haru! Take Lambo-san with you!" Lambo exclaims jumping up and down

"Oi Lambo…" Tsuna turns to the cow child

"It's ok Tsuna-san, we don't mind bringing them with us…" Haru spoke as she picks up I-pin

"Hn!" Kyoko picks Lambo up as well "We'll take good care of them. Don't worry."

Tsuna looks at them smiling a bit "Ok then." And with that they also left.

"Sawada!" Tsuna flinches before turning to the boxer "Y-yeah?"

"Let's go for another EXTREME round!" Ryohei said pumping his fists

Tsuna sighed "Maybe later." He suddenly caught sight of a bleeding cut at the boxer's arm

"Ah! You have an injury! Uwah! I'm so sorry!" Tsuna exclaims pointing at the wound

"Hm?" Ryohei looks at the small cut "It's just an EXTREMELY small cut… don't worry about it."

Tsuna frowns a bit.

He puts a hand in his pocket, taking out a handkerchief. He wipes the injury before wrapping it.

"I'm really sorry…" Tsuna silently spoke "I panicked… I hit you too hard in mistake…"

"Panicked? What for?" Ryohei looks at Tsuna, who immediately shut his mouth "E-err! No-nothing! What I meant to say was… I panicked cause your punches looked powerful… a-and I didn't want to get hit!"

"What are you talking about Sawada?" Ryohei grins "I gave you a punch but you didn't seem affected at all!"

Tsuna blinks 'Oh yeah, I was just punched at the stomach…' his eye twitch as he felt the effect well up "I-itte…" he clutches his stomach 'Even ten years younger onii-san still have hard punches.'

"O-oi, Sawada… you ok?" Ryohei watches the brunet slowly slouch down the ground as he clutches his stomach

"Ahaha… yeah… never better…" but even with that said he collapses


In the familiar void of darkness a certain 25-yr-old Boss stood, looking a bit dazed when a sudden sky flame appeared behind him.

'Decimo…' a deep and cool voice spoke

"Primo…" Tsuna turns to his great-great-great grandfather

'How long… are you gonna ignore their calls?' Primo stares at him sadly

"What do you mean?" Tsuna immediately felt confused… whose calls? Then all of a sudden, a voice echoes in his mind

"Juudaime… I-I… finished my mission today…" a quivering voice spoke "I…I accomplished it today…"

There was a silence… It was as if whoever was talking was waiting for a reply… but…

"Juudaime… pl…please tell me how I did… please…. Wake up…"

"I see you're here…" Another voice came, "And I see Tsuna isn't awake yet…"

There was another silence…

"What… have we done?" the new voice spoke in sadness and regret

Tsuna immediately held his head. 'These voices… they're so familiar… but…' he tightly shut his eyes, trying to remember them, 'I don't know… who they are!'

"Decimo… it's because you're trying to block them. You're trying to forget them. Open your heart and accept those painful memories…' Primo said 'Remember, Decimo… the wounds in your heart might've healed because of your wish… but the scars will never disappear so….'

Don't try to cover them…

Caramel eyes immediately shot open 'Primo!'

He was frozen for a minute, before murmuring "A-arre, what was I dreaming?" After seconds of thinking what it was he gave up before groaning slightly as he sits up 'Ugh… onii-san can really punch hard…' he immediately remembers what happened earlier.

"Good! You're awake to the EXTREME! I guess my healing worked!" Ryohei suddenly appears in front of his face that he almost fell back on the bed he was laying on 'Eh? Bed?' Tsuna looks around

"You're in the clinic." Ryohei spoke, knowing that the brunet was wondering where he was "Sorry if I knocked you out. You had an EXTREME late reaction."

Tsuna sweat drops as he slowly felt a blush rise up "Ahaha, yeah… I guess…"

"Anyway, now that you're all better, let's EXTREMELY get out of here!" Ryohei immediately said as he pulls Tsuna out of the bed "Eh? Where to?"


The sun was shining brightly up the sky as the sun guardian lie down the ground, he could feel the warmth from the sun as he grins "This feels EXTREME!" he then turns to the brunet who was just standing by the door "Come on Sawada! It feels great!"

Tsuna could only smile nervously before approaching the boxer and lie next to him. His pale skin glowed a bit from the light. Tsuna puts a hand over his eyes as to block the sun's rays. It was a bit hot "Neh, onii-san… why are we doing this?"

"It's because it's relaxing to the EXTREME!" Ryohei turns to the younger teen "And Master Collonello told me about getting a lot of energy when you do nothing and… stuff… I forgot to the EXTREME!"

Tsuna could only sweat drop, before staring up at the beautiful blue sky, a small relaxing breeze came as a scene of a memory suddenly pass…


"Onii-san… you didn't have to… come with me to Italy you know…"

"And why would I not do that to the EXTREME?"

"We-well… it's because…" a small splashing sound was heard "It's dangerous…"

"EH? What are you EXTREMELY talking about?"


Tsuna was interrupted when he immediately felt a hostile presence. He sat up making Ryohei also sit up at the sudden action "Sawada, what-?"

"Onii-san! Quick! Get out of here." Tsuna stood up looking around with a serious face

"Oi, what's happening to the EXTREME?" Ryohei looks at the younger teen in pure confusion.

His question was immediately answered as a group of men –about 18 or 20 of them- appeared. The brunet cursed inwardly…. Their numbers were increasing by each assassination attempt. Luckily they weren't targeting innocent lives or bystanders.

"Who are these EXTREME people?" Ryohei could immediately tell they weren't good company as he held up his fists.

"Assassins…" Tsuna replies coldly, surprising the sun guardian at the out of character "Quick, escape… while I'll try to distract them."

"Wai-!" But Ryohei was cut off as soon as Tsuna suddenly lounged towards the enemies and land a punch to the nearest unfortunate guy.

The Sky boss dodged all the bullets, making them miss him by an inch, before taking them out one by one. He makes a side kick to another assassin, hopping back for a moment to dodge the two assassins who was about to lounge towards him, only to have their heads meet painfully. The brunet makes a roundhouse kick to all the enemies that had tried to surround him and unfortunately for them, they immediately got knocked out by the surprisingly powerful kick.

Tsuna immediately felt a presence behind him and was about to elbow the enemy that had dared to attack him from behind only to be stopped as he saw Ryohei punch the said enemy.

"Onii-san!" he said in surprise before frowning "What are you doing? Get out of here! Quickly! It's too dangerous!"

"What are you talking about Sawada?" Ryohei punched another enemy "These guys are EXTREMELY easy to beat! And besides…"

Tsuna kneed an assassin on the stomach, before turning to Ryohei questioningly. Huge brown eyes met with bright looking grey ones "I'll always fight with you Sawada…"

Tsuna's eyes slightly widen, he opened his mouth about to say something, but he was interrupted when a huge looking assassin appeared behind the boxer immediately grabbing him in a strong grip and backing away with the sun guardian struggling from the clutches.

The brunet could only stare in shock and was about to run towards his senior only to held himself back as another assassin appeared while holding a gun to Ryohei's head "I wouldn't move if I were you Decimo."

He clenches his fists, he had let his guard down! How did he not notice the bulky assassin before?

"Let him go! I'm the one you want!" Tsuna yells

The one holding the gun could only smirk before softly speaking to a mini microphone attached to the collar of his coat "Are you getting this boss?" an evil laugh was suddenly heard before it spoke "Ah… I can perfectly see it…"


A guy sitting on a chair while looking at a huge screen makes a smirk "This is perfect… I guess we found the weakness of the Vongola Decimo…"

"Let me go to the EXTREME!" Ryohei exclaims as he struggles in the abnormal strength of the enemy. It was shocking that he couldn't break free from the grip of the other. What's with this guy?


Ryohei immediately stopped moving as he felt the gun press against his head "I'm warning you… if you keep struggling… things will get messy…"

"Let. Him. Go." The now deep and threatening voice made them all turn to the young Tenth, who was now in his hyper dying will mode. He was frowning while his bright orange eyes that were shadowed by his bangs a bit, glared at them coldly. The two assassins could've sworn they felt their souls freeze from the cold glare while Ryohei could only stare at his boss in shock… speechless at the sudden change of aura.

"As you might've noticed, Tsuna has been acting… different."

Ryohei gulped slightly 'The kid was right…'


End of Chapter...

Chapter 15

"Let him go… or else…" Even with the shadow casted over his eyes, the orange orbs seemed to be glowing dangerously as he glares at them.

"I don't think you're in the position to hold threats to us… Vongola Decimo. If I must remind you, we have a hostage." The assassin said pressing the gun closer to Ryohei's head. Although the guy had said this with a smirk, he looked a bit uneasy.

Tsuna slowly raised his hands, revealing his gloves; version Vongola ring. An orange glow immediately surrounded it before turning into pure sky flames… a huge amount of pure sky flames.

Ryohei felt the gun on his head tense as well as the one holding him captive.

"Q-Quick! Attack him!" The assassin bellowed

And a new batch of assassins appeared and Tsuna inwardly apologized to his cloud guardian for the prefect would be stuck with disposing all the bodies he was about ki-… almost kill…

As soon as the assassins got near the young boss, Tsuna's flames grew… and the last thing Ryohei saw was a bright flash before opening his eyes, just in time to watch bodies fall down the ground with nasty looking burns.

He looks up at Tsuna, a bit shock, and watched the other put his hand down before slowly heading to their direction. The assassin who was holding the gun on the sun guardian's head immediately snapped out of his shock and pressed the gun harder on his head, quivering a bit "I-I'm warning you Decimo!"

Tsuna kept advancing towards them.

"Fine then! I'll kill him!" The assassin was about to pull the trigger but was stopped mid-way as a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist and gripped it painfully making him loosen his hold of the gun, dropping it to the ground in the process. His eyes went wide as he stared at the brunet who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere "H-How did you-arrrgh!" The guy screams in pain as he felt the wrist the small boss was holding burn.

Ryohei had looked away at this. For some reason… he couldn't take it.

Tsuna punched the guy that was holding Ryohei captive and the boxer immediately got himself freed. He turns to his boss and watch as he single-handedly make the two opponents fall to their knees.

"Na-Tsu." Tsuna summons his box animal, and the lion cub immediately appeared on his shoulders

"Nao!" the lion cub also glares at the two enemies on the ground

"Y-You'll pay for this Decimo!" the assassin looks at Tsuna furiously while holding his burnt wrist "You and your Family…! They'll all be destroyed! Our Boss will trample you!"

"Na-Tsu…" Tsuna didn't need to say his order as Na-Tsu immediately understood. He opened his mouth to growl "GAARR!" and sky flames shot out engulfing the two, slowly turning them to stone. And before the assassin was fully turned into stone he spoke with a creepy smile "He'll make sure your guardians won't survive… Vongola Decimo…"

Tsuna's eyes had slowly widen at this before glaring at the now stoned assassin then breaking it into pieces… and Ryohei could only watch with wide eyes as Tsuna broke the stoned person… taking a life away.

"Ahh~! That was so delicious desu!" Haru exclaims as she sips her tea

"Un!" Kyoko agreed, she turns to the two children "Wasn't the cake delicious, Lambo-kun? I-pin-chan?"

I-pin nodded while Lambo yells "Lambo-san liked it! Lambo-san wants more!"

"Hahi! More? But didn't you have enough?" Haru exclaims looking at the stack of plates beside Lambo

"No Lambo, it's bad to have too much sweets…" Kyoko said with a smile "Maybe later…"

"Ehh~?" Lambo looks at them disappointingly "But Lambo-san wants more!"

"Lambo behave!" I-pin scolds the whining cow child, but the other just ignores her as he hops off his seat

"Fine then! If you don't buy Lambo-san sweets, Lambo-san will ask Dame-Tsuna instead!" And with that he ran off

"Ah! Lambo-chan wait!" Haru stood up to run after the child, who was immediately followed by Kyoko and I-pin.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, a suspicious looking person observes them before slowly moving away from his hiding place.

Tsuna and Ryohei were currently walking on their way back to Ryohei's boxing ring. And Tsuna was in a deep thought. He was currently thinking of what the assassin said to him, at the same time, unaware of the unusually silent boxer trailing behind him.

Ryohei watched as Tsuna seemed to be arguing on something inside of him before sighing as if giving up. Tsuna had changed… a lot. And he found this new side of Tsuna a bit extreme… but at the same time… freaky.

"Onii-san…" Ryohei had tensed up as Tsuna spoke, and as soon as Tsuna saw this action, Ryohei immediately saw something flash in the brunet's caramel eyes… something like dejection, before smiling at him softly, but something with this smile seemed a bit off "Sorry for putting you in danger. I hope you can forgive me."

"I-It's okay…" Ryohei was a bit surprise when he stuttered "…to the EXTREME!" he immediately added

Tsuna's smile wavered a bit, before turning away from the boxer, a painful feeling immediately settled within him as the familiar situation happened again and he unconsciously ruffles his hair a bit with a frown.

'Remember, Decimo… the wounds in your heart might've healed because of your wish… but the scars will never disappear…'

Tsuna's eyes slightly widen as he heard this 'W-what the…?'

"Sawada…" a surprisingly small call from the boxer behind him, made Tsuna's heart clench, he turned to his senior nonetheless, faking a smile "Yap?"

"Err… I have to extremely go back to the ring…" Ryohei said avoiding Tsuna's eyes while smiling nervously "I'm kinda busy to… you know…" he still felt a bit uncomfortable to the sudden change of his friend that his EXTREME didn't sound that extreme anymore…

"Oh…" Tsuna tries to hide the hurt and disappointed tone in his voice, but it seemed to be harder than how he expected it to be. But who can blame him? Here he wished to be back in the past, trying to avoid what happened to the future only to have it crashing back down to him like déjà vu "Sure…"

Ryohei noticed that the brunet looked like he was close to tears, this made him feel panic, at the same time, immediately forgetting the uncomfortable feeling he had.

"I'll go…" Tsuna seemed hesitant as he tries to think of an excuse "I-I'll go look for Lambo and the others and go back home… I still need to rest for the play…" Tsuna had turned his back "B-bye…-!"

"Wait Sawada!" Ryohei immediately grabs the other's arm "What's up? Is there something wrong?"

Tsuna couldn't trust his voice, as he shook his head. He was pretty traumatized at the whole cold-shoulder issue his guardians gave him back at the future that his whole figure tremble in fear that it might happen again.

"I-I'm EXTREMELY sorry…" Ryohei didn't know why he had apologized, but he had a feeling it was his fault and he also had a feeling he had to say those words… no… he should say those words.

Tsuna turned to his sun guardian, a bit surprised at his apology, before forcing a smile "What are you apologizing for? It… I'm the one who put you in danger… I should be the one apologizing."

Ryohei frowned at those words. For some reason, he had a feeling that the younger teen was hiding something from him and it was probably something troubling "Sawada…"

Tsuna looks up at him.

"Come with me…" Ryohei said seriously before dragging the brunet away from the crowded place.


"Nice hit Yamamoto-sempai!" a first year student waves at a certain raven haired teen

"Ahaha! It was nothing!" Yamamoto held out a piece sign

"Alright then, ready to hit another ball?" the pitcher asks

Yamamoto turns to him "Sure-!" then the baseball star suddenly saw Ryohei and Tsuna sitting by the stands while talking to each other. He also noticed the two looking a bit serious, he frowns.

"Oi Yamamoto! Eyes on the ball or you might hit your pretty face." The pitcher calls

"E-Eh? Oh! Ahaha, sorry!" Yamamoto gave the two one last worried look before turning back to his teammates.

Ryohei looks at the brunet beside him "Sawada… you-"

"I'm sorry." Tsuna had his eyes shadowed "You almost got hurt. I shouldn't have let you fight. I should've taken them all down."

"Oi, don't act like I couldn't EXTREMELY help you." Ryohei couldn't help but feel a bit mad. Why was Tsuna acting like he was just a nuisance? Sure he became a hostage but still… "It's like you're telling me I don't know how to fight to the EXTREME."

"No… it's not that." Tsuna clenches his fist "You're just not prepared to fight… not with me. And you'll never be prepared."

"What are you-?"

"Those enemies were in a different level, you saw how you couldn't escape from the assassin back then… there are more enemies that are much stronger than them." Tsuna gave him a sideway glance before looking back down "And…" he hesitated for a moment "…you're just not prepared…"

Ryohei stood up, looking furious "Sawada! Are you EXTREMELY saying I'm weak?" Ryohei clenches his fists as Tsuna remained silent "I challenge you Sawada! I'll prove you wrong!"

"Then if I win… will you stop fighting?" Tsuna had looked up at his senior, his caramel eyes looked blank and cold that Ryohei was a bit taken aback "Fine. A real man never turns back on his word! I'll win to the EXTREME!"

Tsuna slowly stood up. And Ryohei could almost feel the sudden change of aura from the small brunet. For a second there he had almost imagined Tsuna staring at him with a murderous glare that it made him feel a shiver run down his spine. He unconsciously touched the handkerchief Tsuna gave him, that was still wrapped around his arm 'I have to EXTREMELY win this…' He looks up at the brunet 'I'll prove you wrong Sawada…'

So here they were, back in the boxing ring. And luckily for them, there weren't a lot of people who were passing by anymore, since the overwhelming aura the two were radiating practically made everyone back away and run off.

"I'll make this quick…" Tsuna puts on his boxing gloves

Ryohei stares at the brunet with a frown. He always wanted to fight Tsuna, but in a more friendly way… not like they were enemies. Ryohei would never want someone like Tsuna to be his enemy. The sun guardian touches the handkerchief wrapped around his arm before putting on his boxing gloves.

'I won't lose.' Ryohei turns to his boss 'Just remember… to stand up before the count of ten…'

Tsuna's eyes narrowed and silently he spoke "Let's… begin…"

"SAWADA!" Ryohei throws his first punch and Tsuna, as expected, dodges it easily.

"I'm not done yet!" Ryohei uses both his fists to punch in full speed, while the other continued dodging them effortlessly. Tsuna immediately spotted an opening and used this opportunity to attack. He punches Ryohei at the guts, the other immediately gasped in pain before receiving a powerful uppercut.

Tsuna watches his senior stagger to the ground before pushing himself back up, without wasting any time, the brunet gave him another punch right at the jaw and some other series of punches 'Onii-san…'

"Agh!" Ryohei drops down the ground, blood was dripping down his chin, his body and face was covered with bruises and some swelling, but Ryohei still stood up muttering something like "…stand…count…ten…"

Tsuna frowned "Let's stop this onii-san…" his voice sounded cold "If Kyoko-chan sees you like this… she'll get worried. Just admit defeat."

"Never…" Ryohei had one eye shut for it was swelling "This round isn't over yet to the EXTREME, not unless one gets knocked out or admits defeat."

"Onii-san…" Tsuna glares at the boxer "You'll end up at the hospital…"

"I'll survive!" Ryohei charges to Tsuna and tries to punch him, but Tsuna just dodged it with an arm and gives the other another uppercut but the boxer immediately delivered another punch, as if unaffected, Tsuna was caught in surprise that he barely dodged the surprising attack.

"I'll keep standing up before the count of ten to the limit!" Ryohei exclaims

"Is that so?" Tsuna suddenly gave the injured boxer a really hard punch that it had literally knocked him down the ground while feeling a bit stunned.

Tsuna stared at him with cold calculating eyes "So if you stay there for more than ten seconds, it's my win… right?"

Ryohei could only look at the younger teen in shock, his whole body was frozen for some reason.


Ryohei scowled "Why? Why aren't you using all your strength to defeat me… huh SAWADA?" he slowly moved his arms his legs, ignoring the pain it was emitting.



"What are you talking about?" Tsuna's eyes narrowed as he watches the boxer struggle to stand


"Are you really doing this because you think I'm too weak to fight for you to the EXTREME?" Ryohei had managed to push half of his body up.



Tsuna was about to push the senior back down but had paused at what he said…


"Be honest Sawada…" Ryohei stares at him with a gentle look


"Kyoko is not the only one who gets worried when I'm in a fight…" slowly he pushes himself up. Tsuna's eyes widen slightly before slowly shadowing them.


Ryohei then stood up, looking really pumped, despite the injuries that covered his body "I'm EXTREMELY glad you're worried Sawada! But this is my answer!" Ryohei raised his fist about to punch the smaller teen "I'll defeat you to the EXTREME!"


"I… admit defeat." Tsuna softly spoke, and the fist stopped inches from his face, caramel eyes looks at the other's grey ones "You won… onii-san…"

Ryohei looks at Tsuna in shock before retreating his hand. Slowly, the boxer gives him a huge grin "ALRIGHT! I won to the EXTREME!" he suddenly staggered a bit but Tsuna immediately caught him "I'm sorry…" Ryohei felt a bit dazed but he could hear the soft apology from the brunet and also felt the warm hands (Tsuna had taken the gloves off) that softly clutch his back "I'm so sorry… onii-san…"

'Sawada…' Ryohei felt the other gently lay him down the ground of the boxing ring.

Tsuna took off the gloves of Ryohei before lifting up the hand that wore the sun ring, he chuckled softly "I see you're still wearing this." The boxer felt two soft hands hold his softly "What a burden… it is…"

"Not as much as the burden you're holding Sawada…" Ryohei had no idea what made him say that, but for some reason, he just knew that.

He immediately saw the caramel eyes look at him in shock, a spark of sorrow appeared before letting themselves shut "I don't know what you're talking about…" he softly spoke


"Let's start healing you onii-san…" Tsuna interrupts as he held the hand a bit tighter "I'll offer you some flames to help you heal…"

"Wha-?" Ryohei's ring suddenly let out a yellowish glow, and he could only watch with wide eyes as it release a huge amount of sun flames even when he didn't do anything.

Slowly, he felt his injuries heal and he couldn't help but feel shock at the amount of flames his ring was emitting. He looks at the brunet who was still holding his hand with his eyes shut in concentration.

No… the flames wasn't from his ring or him… it was from Tsuna. And the young boss was producing too much flames he might end up like Uni! This thought made Ryohei panic a bit "O-Oi, wait Sawada! Stop, I feel EXTREMELY better already-!" however he felt his struggles weaken a bit when he suddenly felt a bit drowsy as something nice and warm engulf him 'Sawada… please stop…'

Tsuna slowly opens his eyes to look at the boxer who was now unconscious, he makes a small smile, before shutting his eyes once more as more amount of flames erupted 'Onii-san… this is my thanks to you…'


"I-it's kinda hot onii-san…" Tsuna said fanning himself, he turns to his sun guardian who was lying on the grass looking unaffected by the heat.

"What are you EXTREMELY saying? This feels nice to the EXTREME!" it was probably Tsuna's imagination or was the sun guardian shining?

"Well… I guess I should get back to my paper work, the others might be panicking that I suddenly disappeared…" the brunet said, remembering when Ryohei suddenly barged in his study and drag him out the mansion without anyone knowing. Just imagine what Gokudera would be doing right now. Tsuna could only shudder at the thought.

"Maa Sawada! Have a day off, you've been cooped up in that place for too long." Ryohei sits up at the soft grass

"Maybe some other time…" Tsuna stood up "It's a bit too hot to do anything today."

"Are you EXTREMELY sure about that?" Ryohei had also stood up

"Eh?" And before Tsuna knew it, he was suddenly forced to take off his coat and neck tie before getting pulled at a huge pond nearby…



"Onii-san! What did you do that for?" Tsuna exclaims as he tries to push some strands of his hair away from his face

"You said you were hot… so I thought we should have a good swim to the EXTREME!" Ryohei grins (he had took his shirt off)

"We could've gone to a beach instead you know!" Tsuna said "Now my clothes are ruined… Reborn's gonna kill me…"

The brunet suddenly felt a splash of water hit his face "Onii-san!"

"Relax to the EXTREME Sawada! You worry too much…"Ryohei grins

"That's because there are a lot of things to worry about…" Tsuna said standing up, his clothes now dripping wet. But before Tsuna could walk away from the pond, Ryohei had grabbed his ankle "Eep!" making him fall back down the water with a loud splash.

Tsuna resurfaces from the water and turns to Ryohei to yell at him but was immediately cut off by the boxer.

"Italy is a nice place, neh Sawada?" Ryohei said scooping some water "But I think Japan is better…"

Tsuna looks at him for a moment before frowning

"Onii-san… you didn't have to… come with me to Italy you know…"

"And why would I not do that to the EXTREME?"

"We-well… it's because…" Tsuna splashes some water "It's dangerous…"

"EH? What are you EXTREMELY talking about?" Ryohei said in confusion

"Aren't you worried for Kyoko-chan? And Hana?" Tsuna asks

"Of course I am…" Ryohei grins "But they'll be fine…"


"You're worried for them too right? Sawada?" Ryohei turns to him looking glad "I'm very grateful you always think of them… and now I know we can both protect them no matter what."

"But you could've lived with Kyoko-chan without any problems." Tsuna frowns "And Hana wouldn't be waiting for you back in Japan… you won't have to be burdened to fight others…-"

Ryohei pats his wet locks "Calm down… Sawada…" Tsuna looks at him guiltily "Sure when I was young, I kinda' blame you for involving Kyoko and others at this…" the brunet had looked down at this "…but, it was actually my fault all along… it was my EXTREME decision after all, I was given the chance to back out but I chose not to…"

Tsuna sulks "So you're saying it… really wasn't your intention and you just made a stupid and immature choice?" somehow, that didn't make him feel any better

"I guess you can EXTREMELY say that…"

"I'm going back to the mansion…"

"Wait a minute Sawada! Let me finish!" Tsuna turns to Ryohei looking really upset, making the boxer sweat-drop a bit

"I didn't say I regret that choice, it was a bit reckless… but it was worth it…" Ryohei grinned "Sawada, you remind me a lot of Kyoko… you always worry for me and you never want me to get into fights to the EXTREME." He softly smiles "And because of that, I treat you like a brother, and you're someone important to me and Kyoko that I have to protect you."

"I don't think making me spar to death is what you call protecting…" Tsuna mutters

"It's for training to the EXTREME…" Ryohei ruffles his hair "So that we can be stronger to protect those around us."

Tsuna looks at him "Remember Sawada, never give up in a fight, and whenever you get knocked out, always stand back up before the count of ten…"

Tsuna slowly smiled before sighing "Alright… I understand"

"Good." Ryohei grins

"Juudaime!" a distant yell made the two look at the mansion's direction

"Oh shoot! That must be Gokudera!" Tsuna exclaims walking out the pond followed by Ryohei

"Octopus head can scream loud!" Ryohei said following the brunet "He should join boxing!"

Tsuna sweat drops "Seriously onii-san…"


Grey eyes slowly opened, before noticing the orange sky up above him.

"I see you're up…" Ryohei had automatically sat up at this and turn to the brunet still sitting right beside him "Sawada! You-!"

"Do you feel better?" The brunet smiles softly

And of course, the boxer had noticed all his injuries were gone, as if he never was injured and all the energy that disappeared came back "I feel great to the EXTREME!"

Tsuna chuckled "That's good to hear, I was a bit worried when I tried healing you, it seems like I kinda broke some of you bones… I'm really sorry… anyway, you were asleep for a really long time that the sun started setting… all the other stands have closed and…-" the brunet was soon interrupted when Ryohei grabbed him by the shoulders

"Sawada! You used a lot of flames! Are you EXTREMELY ok?" he looked really worried

"Oh… that… don't worry, I'm fine…" Tsuna smiles, he then felt the other grip his shoulders tighter

"Are you telling me the truth?" Ryohei looks at him with a frown

Tsuna was shock for a moment, he then scratches his cheek "I just feel… a bit exhausted… promise!"

Ryohei loosen his grip before letting him go "I could heal myself Sawada… you might've… disappear, like what happened to that Uni girl…" he then remembers when Uni disappeared with Gamma

"Eh?" Tsuna looks at him "Onii-san, what are you talking about? I won't disappear like Uni, besides, she exerted a lot more flames than me…" the tenth smiles sadly "she would disappear of course, after all, she was trying to revive the arcobaleno's lives, and I was just healing some injuries…"

"I-I see…" Ryohei spoke

There was a moment of silence before Ryohei asks "Have you EXTREMELY seen Kyoko and the others?"

"Hm? Now that you mention it…" Tsuna frowns slightly

"Tsuna-kun! Onii-chan!" Tsuna and Ryohei saw Kyoko, Haru and I-pin running towards them.

"Ah! There they are!" Tsuna smiles, but his smile immediately disappeared as he noticed the worried looks of Kyoko and Haru.

"Ah! Kyoko! What EXTREMELY took you?" Ryohei hops down the ring followed by Tsuna

"It's awful!" Haru said looking teary

"What's wrong?" Ryohei said also noticing their distress look

"Kyoko-chan what happened? And where's Lambo?" Tsuna asks finally noticing the absence of the snotty cow.

"Tsuna-kun! We can't find Lambo-kun! We lost him!" Kyoko exclaims tears welling up in her eyes

"Oi! Tsuna?" Lambo opens the door of an empty classroom "Lambo-san wants some cake!"

A dark shadow suddenly loomed behind the cow child, making him turn back "Tsuna?"

But instead of seeing the sweet and kind brunet, he saw a suspicious looking man in a coat "Come with me kid…"


End of chap...

Chapter 16

Tsuna's eyes widen as he stared at Kyoko who started sobbing "Wha-? What happened?"

"He wanted to look for you and he ran off…" Haru answered

"I'm so sorry Tsuna-kun! It's all my fault!" Kyoko said trying to wipe her tears away

"No, it's fine…It wasn't anyone's fault…" Tsuna puts a hand on her shoulder "Lambo is just probably somewhere around… "

"But still…" Haru spoke

"Tsuna-san…" I-pin looks at him worriedly "Are you ok?"

"Eh?" Tsuna turns to I-pin "What do you mean?"

"Tsuna-kun, you look kinda' pale…" Kyoko said as she had finally calmed down from crying

"Sawada…" Ryohei had also look at him in concern and guilt

"Huh? What are you guys talking about? I feel fine. It's just probably the sunset…" Tsuna said scratching his cheek "A-anyway, we need to look for Lambo!"

"Oi! Tsuna!" they then saw a certain baseball player approach them

"Yamamoto-kun!" Kyoko exclaims while Tsuna sighed in relief that they had shifted their attention to the other.

"What's wrong?" Yamamoto had apparently noticed their troubled looks

"Lambo's lost…" Tsuna said "Have you seen him?"

"No… sorry, I didn't…" Yamamoto frowns

"We need to look for him!" Haru said "What if something bad happens to him?"

Tsuna's thoughts immediately landed on the assassins that were currently attacking his family. He also remembered when they took Ryohei as their hostage. Then a dreadful question appears in his mind. What if they do the same to Lambo?

He immediately turned paler "I'll start looking for him…" Tsuna ran off


"Oi Sawada!"


"Lambo!" Tsuna slams a door open, making all the students inside the room jump in surprise, he immediately ran off as soon as he saw no sign of the cow child.

"Lambo! Lambo! Where are you?" the young boss jogs through the hallways, and as he makes a turn he bumps at a certain prefect. He fell on his bottom "Ow!"

"Herbivore… it's against the rules running and shouting in the hallways-"

"Hibari-san!" Tsuna had stood up and look at the prefect desperately "Have you seen Lambo?"

Hibari's eyes narrowed a bit before speaking "No."

The prefect would've thought the brunet was going to hyperventilate in front of him, just by looking how panicked and pale he was "I see… just tell me when you've seen him…" Tsuna said a bit too quickly before running off again.

Hibari watches the retreating figure of the young boss with a slight frown before following the direction he went.

'Lambo…' Tsuna shut his eyes tightly 'I hope you're ok…'

He ran through the halls and opened every door, he was starting to feel dizzy and exhausted, thanks to the flames he had exerted but he just shook them off. He had to find Lambo. He remembered what the assassin had told him early morning.

"He'll make sure your guardians won't survive… Vongola Decimo…"

He clenches his fists, "LAMBO!" he yelled on top of his voice. He stood quiet for a moment, waiting for an answer, but there was no reply… that is…


'That was Lambo!' It was faint, but he knew it was Lambo. He looks around. But where was he?

Tsuna! Tsuna! Help!

Lambo was in trouble. That's bad. REALLY bad. He needs to find him quick. He started running to who knows where to, but it seems like his feet was already leading him to the right place as he sprinted up the stairs "Lambo! I'm coming!"

The door of the rooftop was immediately in view, and as soon as he was near enough, he had slammed it open "Lambo!"

A dark laughter rang through his ears and Tsuna's eyes widen as soon as he saw a guy in a dark coat hold a rope that was connected to a certain tied up cow child. Tsuna was about to charge to the guy…

"Tsk. Tsk. Not so fast Vongola Decimo…" The assassin held the tied Lambo by the edge of the building.

Tears immediately well up as Lambo looked down, he was so high up "Gupya! Don't drop me!"

"Stop! Don't do anything to Lambo!" Tsuna exclaims

"Sure…" the stranger snaps his fingers and another group of assassins appeared "If you turn yourself in to our boss."

Tsuna clenches his fists, should he attack? He would be able to speed towards Lambo and grab him then just fly down, but his flames were currently weak and not to mention his physical state. It was taking him all his will not to stagger and fall.

"Tsuna! Tsuna!" Lambo struggles on his rope

"Lambo-ah!" a nearby assassin lounged at him and push him down the ground. He felt both his arms get twisted behind his back "Get off me!"

"Not a chance…" the assassin spoke "Well then, I guess this kid isn't useful anymore." His grip around Lambo's rope loosen

"Wait! No!"

"Too late Vong-"

"Hey." All their attention turned to the cloud guardian standing by the door with his tonfas out, gleaming dangerously "You're noisy…"

"Oh?" The guy looks at Hibari with a raised eyebrow "One of your guardians I suppose?"

"Hibari-san!" Hibari immediately saw the brunet being push down the ground, he turns to the assassin who was holding Lambo with a glare "I'll bite you to death."

"Attack him!"

They all took out their guns while some charged to him, Hibari just dodged the shots before hitting the others that came too close.

Tsuna immediately noticed the one holding him captive got a bit distracted and immediately took this chance to bend his legs to his back where the assassin was sitting on, he used both his feet to grab the assassin by the head and bent his neck with a crack, and the other immediately collapse down the ground.

The brunet pushes the guy off and stood up.

"Flexible I see…" Hibari suddenly appears beside him, he had managed to defeat all the enemies except for the one who was still holding Lambo hostage.

"Thanks…" Tsuna then turns to the assassin who was still holding Lambo "Give back Lambo!"

"Hmpf." The assassin suddenly smirks "Data collected."

Tsuna had raised an eyebrow at this, he was about to ask what he meant but the guy suddenly let go of the rope and disappear "Lambo!"

"GUPYAA!' Lambo screamed

The brunet immediately ran towards the edge of the building before jumping off.

Hibari's eyes widen a bit "Tch." He then exited the rooftop.

"Uwaaaahhh!" Lambo screams, tears streaming out his eyes

"Lambo!" Tsuna reaches out to the falling child. It was no use, he was too far ahead. Tsuna puts on his mittens with lightning speed and gulp some pills.

A flame immediately ignites on his forehead and his mittens transformed into gloves. Flames burst from his gloves, thrusting him forward, thus, giving him the opportunity to grab Lambo in his arms and land safely on the ground.

The flame on Tsuna's forehead immediately burns out, and Tsuna panted in exhaustion.

He sets the cow child on the ground, who by the way, was still crying "Maa Lambo… it's ok now… stop crying…" the young boss said while untying the rope.

That was… his biggest mistake yet, cause as soon as he untied the rope, Lambo had yelled the usual phrase "Gotta… calm… down…" and took out his bazooka and targeted it at himself.

"Lambo! Wait! Calm down!" but… it was too late…


Pink smoke engulfed Tsuna, and the brunet tries to fan it away. He immediately felt nervous for he was gonna see the future Lambo again, when all of a sudden, he heard some sniffling sounds 'C-could it be the Bazooka didn't work?' "Lambo?"

The smoke had cleared and he was expecting to see the usual five year old but no… it was…

"A-Adult Lambo…" Tsuna muttered his eyes wide in shock, however, he was immediately snapped out from his shock state as soon as he saw the other sobbing. He felt deep concern for the boy "La…Adult Lambo… is there something wrong?"

"V-Vongola?" Lambo had looked up, his eyes were puffy and full of tears, and before he knew it, Lambo suddenly lunge at him and engulf him in a hug "I'm-we're so sorry! We're so sorry! Please forgive us!"

Tsuna frowns "L-Lambo, wait a minute, w-what are you talking about? You're not in the future anymore… you're currently in the past."

"P-past?" Lambo slowly lets go of Tsuna and look at him with sadness "Young Vongola…"

Tsuna smiles softly, "Yes?"

"Please come back! Please wake up!" Lambo suddenly said as he grabs Tsuna by the shoulders

"W-What?" Tsuna looks at him, puzzled. And for some reason, the words that Lambo was saying sounded awfully familiar.

"It was our fault you got shot! We didn't mean to get you hurt!" Lambo's grip tighten "We're so sorry!"

'Got… shot?' Tsuna thought


Tsuna shook his head as he raises his hand, ready to stab the man with it, and the other could only watch in fear.

"Tsuna no!" Tsuna's eyes widen and look at the broken wall behind him. He saw two of his guardians running towards him…

"Juudaime, please! This isn't you!"

"Gokudera-kun… Yamamoto…" as soon as Tsuna forgot about the enemy in his hands, the other immediately grabbed a gun strapped around his leg and points it at Tsuna and then…



Tsuna gasped slightly as if remembering the pain. He then pushes off Lambo, who had came back from his senses "Y-Young Vongola? I-I'm so sorry… I just, I got a bit carried away… I-I thought for a moment you were…" Lambo wasn't able to finish his sentence for he looked like he was about to cry again.

"What's… wrong with the future me?" Tsuna asks, suddenly looking impassive

"You…you got shot in the future… because… because of us…" Lambo was in so much shock that he forgot to not reveal any information from the future, but of course, Tsuna was from the future, so what's the difference? "And… and you're in a coma… you won't wake up!"

"Then that's good isn't it?" Tsuna didn't mean to suddenly sound so angry but… all the bitter memories had came back to him… and he had also remembered the past dreams he'd been having. The voices that kept calling for him… he gets it now. It was his guardian's voices, calling to him, telling him to wake up from his coma. And yap, that's right… he was currently in a coma ever since his soul was transported to the past.

Lambo looks up at the brunet in shock "W-Wha-…?"

"Shouldn't you be glad I was in a coma?" ok, he really shouldn't be revealing anything about himself being from the future, but he couldn't hold himself back anymore "Every one of you practically ignored me and pretended I didn't exist! So why do you want me to wake up now huh? Do I have to get shot just to grab your attention? Just to let you know how you guys should really be sorry for?"

"Y-Young Vongola- eep!" Tsuna had grabbed him by the shirt "What if I don't want to wake up? What if I never wake up?" angry tears started streaming down his face

Lambo's eyes slowly widen as if realizing something "How… how did you know about the future?"

Tsuna finally snapped out of his anger and let go of Lambo "I-… for-forget what I said…" he wipes his tears away.

"Could it be you're…" Lambo had looked at him hopefully and Tsuna could feel his heart breaking. He hated it. He didn't want to go back, because he was unwanted there, and now they wanted him back because of guilt, not because they wanted to apologize by the way they treated him "I won't go back…" Tsuna suddenly said

Lambo was taken aback at this.

"Just let me die!" Tsuna yelled, and as soon as he said this, a puff of pink smoke surrounded the stunned Lambo.

Out came the 5 year old Lambo, who was looking around in confusion, Tsuna was about to reach to the cow child when all of a sudden he felt a cool hand behind his neck and the deep voice of a certain skylark spoke "Sleep herbivore…"

And before he knew it, his vision blurred and then he blacks out.

Ryohei and the others meet yet again by the boxing ring after scattering around to look for Lambo as well.

"Any sign of him?" Yamamoto asks

Kyoko and Haru shook their heads, while I-pin looks down worriedly.

"O-oi, is that Hibari?" Ryohei pointed at the entrance of the building.

And surely, it was the Disciplinary President, walking towards them, with Kusakabe beside him. They immediately saw Kusakabe carrying someone on his back, supporting that person with only one hand while the other held a struggling Lambo.

"Lambo-chan!" Haru exclaimed

"I-I'm so relieved!" Kyoko ran towards Kusakabe, the others followed as well.

Yamamoto immediately spotted the familiar mop of brown hair behind the Vice President "Tsuna!"

"Eh? Sawada?" Ryohei watches as Kusakabe hand the unconscious brunet to Yamamoto.

"Is-is Tsuna-kun ok?" Kyoko turns to the young boss in Yamamoto's arms, she cups his pale looking face "He looks paler than before."

Ryohei turns to Hibari "Oi Hibari! What happened to the EXTREME?" he demanded

Hibari ignored him as he spoke "I need to talk to the akanbou."

Yamamoto and Ryohei immediately looked serious while Kyoko and Haru exchanged worried looks.

Hibari looks at the unconscious young Boss… he and the baby were gonna have a long talk.

Sawada's Residence…

"Juudaime!" Gokudera immediately barges in the house.

"Ah, Gokudera-kun… welcome…" Nana approaches the bomber

"Sorry to barge in like that! Juudaime's mother!" Gokudera said while bowing

"Maa maa, it's ok… anyway, if you're looking for Tsuna-kun and his friends, they're up at his room." Nana pointed at the stairs

"Thank you so much!" Gokudera said before running up the stairs

Nana watches Gokudera go before giggling softly "Tsuna-kun has such caring friends..."

"Juudaime!" Gokudera opens the door

"Ah Gokudera!" Yamamoto was sitting on the bed, next to a now awaked Tsuna "Gokudera-kun… what are you doing here?" Tsuna makes a tired smile

"Juudaime! A-are you ok?" Gokudera knelt at the side of his bed

"Of course he's ok octopus head." Ryohei was sitting by the small table found in the middle of the room

"I didn't ask for your opinion lawn head!" Gokudera glares at Ryohei

"Calm down Gokudera-kun… I'm fine." Tsuna said

Gokudera looks at Tsuna uncertainly before grumbling "If Juudaime says so…"

"Neh, where's Reborn?" Tsuna asks looking around

"He's…" Yamamoto hesitated for a bit "He's talking with Hibari at the living room."

"Oh… I see." Tsuna knew that they must be talking about him

Gokudera frowns. He really had no idea what had happened and he hoped to find out soon after being called by Reborn to come over. "Juu-…"

The door of the room suddenly opens revealing Chrome.

"C-Chrome? When did you get here?" Tsuna looks at her in shock.

"J-just a few minutes ago…" Chrome replies, before turning to Gokudera, Yamamoto and Ryohei "The arcobaleno is calling us." The three nodded before turning to Tsuna.

"We'll be right back Tsuna…" Yamamoto assured

"No, no… you guys should go home as soon as you're done with… whatever your doing…" Tsuna smiles softly

"Sawada… are you sure?" Ryohei looks at him with a frown

Tsuna nodded.

"I'll still come back Juudaime!" Gokudera said enthusiastically. The tenth could only sigh for he knew there was nothing to change his right hand man's mind. And so with that they exited Tsuna's room. Yamamoto had turned off the lights and told Tsuna to get some rest before leaving.

The young boss lies down his bed before pulling up the covers.


"V-Vongola?" Lambo had looked up, his eyes were puffy and full of tears, and before he knew it, Lambo suddenly lunge at him and engulf him in a hug "I'm-we're so sorry! We're so sorry! Please forgive us!"


'So all this time… I was in a coma…' Tsuna curls up 'It would've been better if I had disappeared…'

He bit his lower lip, feeling a bit angry "Why do they bother keeping me alive? Why do I have to listen to them talk to me in my dreams? I thought they don't need me anymore." Slowly, his anger turned to guilt… he was the one to say such things. They were just misled. He shouldn't get angry at them for his mistake, he wasn't able to explain to them anything from the beginning anyway.

He then started thinking, what if he just told them his reason? Would they believe him and forgive him or would they just find it as a lame excuse?

Tsuna clutches his sheets, slowly sadness overtook every part of him… he missed them… he missed them so much. Even if they hated him, even though they misunderstood him… he wanted to see them again. But he couldn't face them.

The brunet clutches his head. He was so confused and lost.

A small ray of light suddenly filled the dark room, making Tsuna sit up. He then finds the door ajar, and a certain cow child peeping in.

"Lambo?" he then wipes his eyes as soon as he realized tears had started streaming down his face.

"Lambo-san wanted to check Dame-Tsuna if he's… ok…" Lambo muttered

Tsuna blink in shock before smiling softly. He stood up his bed and approaches his young guardian, he picks up the small child and carry him towards his bed. It was dark, but Tsuna could see Lambo's huge green eyes staring at him as he sets him down his bed "Thanks for worrying Lambo. And yap… I'm ok…"

Lambo then looks down before taking his tail and started twisting it "Anoh neh…" Tsuna looks at Lambo questioningly "What's wrong?"

Tears suddenly welled up Lambo's eyes which made Tsuna panic a bit "L-Lambo? A-are you ok? Why are you crying?" he turns to his desk and grab a tissue box

"It's-it's because…!" Snot had started dripping on Lambo's nose as his tears started falling like waterfalls "Oi, Lambo… calm down…" Tsuna said soothingly as he wipes his nose.

"Lambo-san saw… Lambo-san saw Tsuna s-sleeping! And Baka-Tsuna won't wake up e-even when-when Lambo-san kept telling him to-to w-wake up!" Lambo cried even harder "Ahodera k-kept telling L-Lambo-san D-Dame-Tsuna…w-*hiccup*wasn't feeling w-well!"

The young boss looked at Lambo in surprise then pity. 'I see, he must've seen me in my coma state from the future… and I guess Gokudera tried to assure Lambo I was just not feeling well… but I guess… Lambo knew better…'

"Lambo…" Tsuna said softly, but the cow child just continued crying, his snot already dripping all over, the brunet took another roll of tissue before wiping the cow child's face "Lambo… Lambo listen to me…" Lambo sniffed before looking up at him. His green eyes stared right at Tsuna's caramel ones, despite the fact it was dark around them and only the moonlight was their source of light.

"Don't worry about what happened ok?" Tsuna smiled "That was just all a bad dream… after all, I'm right here standing in front of you… perfectly fine!"

Lambo stared at him for a moment, before shaking his head wildly "No! Lambo-san wasn't dreaming! I saw it! Lambo-san saw Baka-Tsuna was hurt! Lambo-san didn't dream it!"

Tsuna slowly frowned 'Lambo…' he then gathered the sobbing cow child in his arms, before hugging him gently "Maa…maa… it's ok Lambo…" he could feel his shirt get wet as Lambo sob, but he couldn't care less "I promise that won't happen… So don't cry, neh?" Tsuna said while smiling gently

Lambo slowly looks up "Baka-Tsuna promise?"

Tsuna smiled brightly at him "Yap, I promise."

"If-if Baka-Tsuna breaks the promise, Baka-Tsuna will buy me lots of candies!" Lambo said jumping off his arms while pouting.

Tsuna chuckles softly "Alright, alright…"

Lambo wipes his eyes and nose before running out the door "Lambo-san is gonna go ask Maman for milk!"

Tsuna could only watch the young guardian leave with a small smile 'A promise… huh?' slowly he lies down and shut his eyes. 'I guess I should start saving…'

Reborn looks at all the guardians present in the room with a serious face "Seeing that Tsuna is being targeted by a Family, I want you all to be in you guard and protect your boss no matter what."

They all look at him with determination (except for Hibari, who was just leaning against the wall far from the group with his eyes closed).

"Remember… it's not only the boss who protects the guardians," Reborn crosses his arms "It's also the guardian's duty to protect their boss."

"Hai!" they all said (except for Hibari)

Hibari opens one eye and stared at the arcobaleno "Hn."

Reborn pulled his fedora down to cast his eyes before making a smirk "Alright, now that that's settled, you're now dismissed."

End of chap...

Chapter 17

'Decimo…' blue eyes stared at a certain brunet sitting in a far distance, with his legs pulled up and his head buried in his knees.

Primo walk towards the boss and stopped in front of him 'Decimo… you're guardians from your current time are depressed and worried for you.'

"And how are you so sure about that?" Tsuna asks, not even looking up

'The Vongola rings are also an extension of your hearts… and the souls within the rings, have told me…' Giotto replies

"So?" Tsuna slowly looks up "It's not like I can do anything… Besides, I can't go back to the future. I'm not allowed to make another wish anymore."

'If you were given a chance to go back? Will you accept it?' Giotto asks

Tsuna's eyes had slightly widen, before closing them again, looking sad "No… I can't stand seeing them turn away. I'm tired of feeling depress and alone… I don't want to… to feel like a murderer and be treated like one."

'Decimo…' Giotto's eyes softened as he looks at the broken brunet in front of him 'I have something to tell you…'

Tsuna didn't respond.

'This… isn't your true wish….'

Tsuna wakes up as he felt someone shake him.

"Juudaime, you're awake!" his storm guardian exclaims

"H-huh? Gokudera-kun?" Tsuna looks around, he was in his classroom, and a lot of his classmates were running back and forth. It was the second day of the school festival, and so class 2-A was busy preparing for the role play that was about to take place this afternoon.

"Haha, you suddenly fell asleep Tsuna." Yamamoto, who was next to the bomber, said with a grin "Didn't you sleep last night?"

"Oh! Uhm, I just kinda stayed up late, to you know… memorize some lines for the play." Tsuna replies before standing up from the floor. He was a bit surprise that he had fallen asleep, sitting on the floor of the classroom while the other students were busy preparing. It was embarrassing.

"You look really tired Tsuna-kun…" Kyoko had approached them

"Not really." Tsuna said with a small smile

"Oi, Yamamoto, Gokudera! You need to try out your costumes!" Hana exclaims

"Right!" Yamamoto left "Be right back." He then said as he turns to the brunet

"Tch. Stupid woman. Juudaime, I'll be back." Gokudera reluctantly left

Tsuna could only chuckle softly.

"Tsuna-kun, why don't you take a walk for awhile?" Kyoko smiles at him "So that you could relax before the play. I'll make up an excuse to Hana-chan."

"Eh? But…" The young boss looks at her uncertainly

"It's fine… you've been through a lot lately… I know that much…" Kyoko looks down sadly "I wish I could do something for you…"

"Kyoko-chan…" Tsuna looks at the school's idol with a slight frown

"Maa! You should hurry and go!" Kyoko suddenly said as she gently pushes Tsuna out the classroom

"Fine…" Tsuna said in utter defeat before turning to Kyoko "Thanks a lot Kyoko-chan."

"No problem." And with that said Tsuna trudges off, leaving Kyoko to stare at him with slight concern.

Of course, Tsuna's destination was the rooftop, as usual. He opens the door and saw a figure lying down on the ground. And of course, that figure was none other than Hibari.

"What do you want herbivore?" the prefect suddenly asks

Tsuna slightly smiled at this, he closes the door behind him "Nothing much… I just wanted to stay up here for awhile. Hope I'm not disturbing you."

Hibari made a snorting sound "Already did."

Tsuna chuckles softly before walking towards the fence of the roof he leans against it as he stares down the ground. A small relaxing breeze caressed his face, making him shut his eyes feeling at peace.

"You'll fall if you lean like that… stupid herbivore…" Hibari said, still pretending to nap

"I'll be fine. Thanks for your concern." Tsuna said pulling away from the fence. He immediately felt a glare directed at him.

"I don't care for weak herbivores." Hibari muttered

Tsuna then remembers something as the prefect said those words.


A certain figure was kneeling at another figure who was currently lying on a stretcher as medics try to treat him.

"You're such a weak herbivore…"

"Haa…haa… s-sorry… didn't mean to worry you…" the other panted before groaning in pain.

"Stop talking Herbivore." His companion frowns "And I don't care for weak herbivores like you…"

The other chuckled before wincing "L…like you're in the p-position to say that…"


"Oh yeah…" Tsuna turns to the prefect, remembering something "Thanks for yesterday. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be able to save Lambo from those… mafia guys."

Hibari just grunted.

"I know! Let's hang out! In return for my thanks!" Tsuna was about to step towards the prefect only to stop as the prefect sits up with his tonfas now taken out while glaring at the young boss "Don't get all friendly with me Sawada Tsunayoshi…-" Tsuna winced as he remembered the bitter memories when the prefect calls him by his name "…-I don't like hanging out with weak herbivores and I hate crowding."

Tsuna frowned at this. He unconsciously leans on the weak fence behind him and before he knew it, it suddenly made a creaking sound before suddenly breaking with a snap.

"!" The brunet was immediately aware of the absence of the fence's support making him fall back, he was of course, unaware of the prefect looking at him with wide eyes before abruptly standing.

Tsuna slowly turns to the ground he was soon about to fall towards too, unconsciously estimating the height. He felt his feet leave the ground, he was about to grab on to something when all of a sudden a pale hand grabbed his outstretched one immediately pulling him to safety without a second to waste.

"Hibari-san!" Tsuna looks at the prefect before him in surprise

Hibari glared at him in an I-told-you-so way. The young boss smiled apologetically "Sorry…I wasn't expecting that…" brown eyes stared at the broken fence behind him, scanning at the freshly cut wires of some other parts of it which he wasn't responsible of 'But I guess there were some rats who did…'

"Tch." Hibari looks at the fence with a small glare before taking out his phone to call Kusakabe about renovating the fence.

"Thanks again Hibari-san." Tsuna said, but Hibari just turned away as he spoke to the phone.

The brunet immediately saw the Hibird keychain dangling at Hibari's phone. His eyes slightly widen at this, and he immediately makes a soft smile. Was it him or was Hibari nicer? It was a bit surprising that the prefect had not bitten him to death yet after breaking the fence. Then there was that time when he didn't want him to enter school after his fever, and then when he was obviously concerned during his fever.

But despite the shocking change, the young boss felt like he wanted to at least give his cloud guardian a proper 'thank you.' He started thinking, completely unaware of Hibari staring at him.

The prefect had remembered yesterday, when the brunet jump down the building. As soon as Hibari ran down the stairs, he had just made it in time when the cow child shot himself with the purple bazooka.


"Then that's good isn't it?"


"Shouldn't you be glad I was in a coma?"


His words were mixed with pain and stress, that Hibari felt pity for the boy. (Only a bit)

He pursed his lips. The herbivore was annoying him non-stop that for some reason he just couldn't find himself to ignore him anymore.

What bothered him more was when the brunet suddenly exploded to the future Lambo and started ranting something he wasn't able to get.


"Every one of you practically ignored me and pretended I didn't exist! So why do you want me to wake up now huh? Do I have to get shot just to grab your attention? Just to let you know how you guys should really be sorry for?"


What did he mean by that? He didn't remember Tsuna ever getting shot. He immediately felt a vein pop. Why was he so concerned about it anyway? It was not his problem, and he totally couldn't care less for the younger teen. This was so annoying.

"Hibari-san, do you want to eat something?" Tsuna suddenly spoke up with a cheerful smile

Hibari remained silent.

"I know, what about ice cream?" Tsuna said raising a hand "Do you like ice cream?"

"No. Leave me alone herbivore." Hibari muttered before turning around to leave

"Ah! Wait Hibari-san!" Tsuna reaches out about to grab his arm, but when his hand was inches away from the other, the brunet immediately yelp in pain as the prefect hit his right hand with a tonfa. The young boss clutches it against his chest before looking up at Hibari with a stunned expression.

"I've warned you about acting all friendly with me Sawada Tsunayoshi…" Hibari said in a cold tone "And I hate weak herbivore like you."

"Well… I kinda' knew that already." Tsuna chuckled, his caramel eyes avoided those steely ones, even with that said, he still couldn't control the pain flashing in his eyes "You always tell me that. But you still try and help me, don't you?"

"Don't get the wrong idea…-"

"I know, I know… you just want to protect Namimori." Tsuna said gripping his hand a bit tighter as the numbing pain started spreading, he then looks up with a grin "But I just wanted to thank you… so stop being so stingy…"

Hibari raised an eyebrow at this, he watches Tsuna turn around and look at his injured hand. Hibari caught a purplish color from the said skin and inwardly frown.

"You can walk out now…" Tsuna suddenly said, "You don't have to force yourself on staying in the same place with a weak herbivore like me." There was a slight hint of mocking in his tone and Hibari felt his eyebrow twitch at this, he wanted to bite the other to death, but… something held him back.

He suddenly walk towards his boss and grabbed his right arm, Tsuna squeak in surprise and look at Hibari with wide eyes. The prefect looks at the nasty bruise that had formed on his forearm before turning to Tsuna "I don't take orders from herbivores like you." And with that said he pulled the smaller teen inside the building "O-oi!"

Disciplinary Committee's office…

Tsuna sits on the couch and looks around, confused. Hibari approaches him holding an ice pack. He then threw it at the brunet, who caught it with his left hand.

"Just press it over that bruise." Hibari mutters before walking towards his desk to sit.

"T-Thanks…" Tsuna mutters before pressing the said object over his forearm with a slight wince

There was an awkward silence.

Hibari turns to Tsuna, and saw the brunet looking down his injury, his face impassive, but a shadow casted over his face, making him look a bit… sad.

"I guess I owe you a lot…" Tsuna suddenly spoke as he turns to the prefect with a small smile

"I don't need any favors from you…" Hibari replies before turning away

"Sou?" Tsuna silently said "I guess that's expected from you…"

The prefect raised an eyebrow "Strange herbivore…"

"I could say the same about you…" The young boss said "The strange part I mean…"


"You kinda' changed…" Tsuna grins "You've been… well…" he chuckles "…nicer." He immediately covers his mouth

Hibari glares at Tsuna before standing up "Say that again… and I'll bite you to death…"

"I didn't mean it!" Tsuna raises a hand defensively "Well… I did, but…" the brunet chuckles nervously

A hand suddenly slams inches away from Tsuna's face.

"I hate mingling with herbivores, and I didn't save you from those times because I was being nice… I did it because I had to protect Nami-chu…"

Tsuna just smiled.

This annoyed Hibari more. Why was he acting like he knows him? But as much as he hates to admit it, he was right. He had been trying to act a little concerned. And that was against his nature. He hates to mingle, he hates weak herbivores and he could care less about them. Though, it would be completely different if the person was strong like the infant… Hibari's eyes widen slightly… Tsuna noticed this.

Slowly, the prefect smirked.

Tsuna unconsciously frowns… something was up.

Hibari retracts his hand before standing straight and crossing his arms "I usually couldn't care less about weak herbivores… however… if they were carnivores…"

Tsuna's eyes slightly widen "What are you talking about?"

"You're not the herbivore…" Hibari points straight at him "You're him… yet someone else…"

The young boss gulped.

"Lately, I had sense the change of your aura…" Hibari's eyes narrowed "I ignored it… but now I'm fully aware of it… it's stronger…"

Tsuna's lips slightly parted "No…"

"Almost strong enough… to lust… for blood." Steely gray eyes stared at him, all of a sudden the other yells…

"You're wrong!" Tsuna held his head, an image of him covered in blood flashes in his mind "I-I'm… I'm not someone to be feared! I don't want them to turn away!" his eyes slowly widens as an image of his friends walking away appears before him "Make them stop… make them stop!" he shut his eyes tightly, tears started welling up.

Hibari could only stare at the breaking brunet in front of him… stunned.

"I got them scared…" Tsuna muttered, his eyes were now shadowed "…but I was scared too… but I had to be strong for them… I-I-!" Everything was dark… he couldn't see anyone… he was alone, his eyes were now widely open but it was still dark.

Hibari stepped forward, his shoe got a bit soaked from the ice pack that had spilled as Tsuna dropped it. His hand slowly stretched towards the shaking boy.

He understood now.

His eyes closed as he puts his hand over those soft locks. This seemed to have snapped the other out from his hallucination as he stopped shaking.

He hated herbivores… that's true… but…

"Sawada Tsunayoshi…" Hibari started but Tsuna immediately interrupted him

"Herbivore…" the brunet said softly "Just call me that… the way you say my name… brings back horrible memories…"

Hibari was a bit stunned and confused but continued "You're a stupid herbivore…"

The Tenth froze for a moment before speaking "Yeah… I know."

but this one was different… he couldn't leave him alone…

His hand then trailed down from Tsuna's soft locks to the back of his neck "Sleep Herbivore… you're gonna need it…" then he hits a certain pressure point, making the other fall forward. Hibari caught him and lays him down the couch.

he always did have a soft spot for herbivores.

After bandaging Tsuna's bruised hand Hibari looks at the unconscious teen before leaving the office.

"I never said you were a fearful person… stupid herbivore." The prefect mutters as he closes the door behind him.

Oh how wrong you are Hibari.

Meanwhile, the sleeping boss was dreaming of a memory…


"Seems like you'll be assigned to me on this meeting Hibari-san…" The Vongola Boss said while grinning nervously at the prefect standing behind him.

"Tch. You better be a hindrance." Hibari said as he walks out the mansion.

Tsuna sighed before following his cloud guardian.


"You! How dare you show up here!" A boss of another family slams the table as he stood up, glaring at another boss across the table.

Tsuna inwardly frowns. This is not going well, if the two families don't get along, he won't be able to make an alliance here. Apparently, the other boss, the boss of the Lupo Family had actually once assassinated the previous boss of the Aquila Family, which was the father of the current Boss of the Aquila Family.

Tsuna mentally slaps himself. He should've looked at the two's history more closely! It couldn't be helped, he just became the Vongola boss just a year ago! He was practically a newbie!

"How dare you accuse me!"

And that's when all hell broke loose. Both families had called out their body guards, which seemed to be… a lot… and started a battle, completely forgetting about the alliance.

Tsuna dodges another bullet before calling out to his cloud guardian "Hibari-san! We need to leave."

Hibari knocks out another body guard before turning to Tsuna with a glare "Stupid Herbivore, remember this is your fault. Fix this or else I'll leave you."

"What?" Tsuna looks at him in disbelief.

Hibari just turned away "The weak dies… so I could care less of herbivores who can't even solve their own mistakes."

"H-Hibari-san!" Tsuna watches the other slowly leave, while beating up those who would block his way "Wait a-!" Tsuna stopped as he saw a man point their gun to the unsuspecting Hibari. The cloud guardian was too busy beating up another body guard to notice and it was too noisy and crowded as well for him to be noticed.

"Hibari-san!" Tsuna yelled, making the other turn to him in annoyance, but soon his annoyed look turned into a shock one as the brunet suddenly lunge in front of him before abruptly crying out in pain as a bullet, he wasn't expecting, hit his boss at the stomach.

The cloud guardian's eyes widen as the other fell towards him, unconsciously catching the limp figure. Blood started dripping down the ground, and the last thing Hibari remembered was being blinded by rage and anger as he beats and destroys every person that was within his range.


After Hibari destroyed both families, he immediately called for the medics and an ambulance immediately arrived as the medics puts Tsuna on a stretcher before tending to the wound.

"You're such a weak herbivore…" Hibari spoke silently

"Haa…haa… s-sorry… didn't mean to worry you…" the other panted before groaning in pain.

"Stop talking Herbivore." His companion frowns "And I don't care for weak herbivores like you…"

The other chuckled before wincing "L…like you're in the p-position to say that…"

Hibari just clenches his fists before replying "I'm… sorry."

"Eh?" Tsuna looks at him in surprise, trying to see if what he heard was right. But he wasn't able to find out as Hibari knock him out by hitting the pressure point at the back of his head.

"Go to sleep herbivore…"

And as soon as Tsuna woke up, he had found himself watching his right hand man yelling at Hibari while his other remaining guardians immediately ran to him as soon as they realized he was wake up.

Gokudera had also ran towards him, but Tsuna just stared at Hibari, who also looked at him, before walking out of the room.

The brunet inwardly sighed.

Oh well… Hibari will be Hibari…

End of Chapter!

Chapter 18

A student with short light brown hair and black eyes looked around the hallways, trying to search for something, or rather, for someone.

'Where is he?' she thought in panic 'What if he got attacked?'

She turns around, continuing her frantic search as she wandered through the hallways. She stopped on her tracks as soon as she saw Hibari come out of the Disciplinary Office she then muttered "Cloud man."

Hibari turns to her with a raised eyebrow before narrowing his eyes "It's against the rules impersonating someone you're not…" but he closed his eyes and continued walking away "…but I guess its part of the baby's request. If you're looking for him, he's in there…"

Her dark eyes watched the prefect's retreating figure until it is just a mere dot against the bright sunshine shining brightly through the windows of the school, casting a golden glow on the windows. She turns to the disciplinary office and enters. As she opened the door, she immediately spotted a certain brunet lying on the couch, unconscious.

She sighed in relief.

The girl approaches him and knelt beside him, her brows slowly relaxing from the furrowed state. All of a sudden, a mist surrounded her form, slowly her looks changed… her light brown hair turned to deep violet and her bangs shifted to form a pineapple-like hairstyle, an eye patch made its way to her right eye while her left eye turned into a beautiful amethyst color, and then the typical Namimori uniform gradually darkened in color, changing into her usual Kokuyo uniform.

"Boss…" she stroked his cheek softly before pushing away some bangs "I'm so glad you're okay…"

She pulls back her hand as she sat on the floor, watching his boss sleep.

Should she wake him up? As if in cue, the other groaned softly, making her look up. He was still asleep…

'A nightmare perhaps?' Chrome thought

Slowly she reaches out a hand, hesitating whether to make physical contact with her boss or not. And then something struck her, "I can take a glimpse of Boss' dream…" she whispered to herself softly, palming her fist. Mukuro had been training her on a technique of being able to look into people's dream, though she wasn't as good as Mukuro, she knew she could still do it. It was a basic step to possessing a person. That's what Mukuro had told her.

She softly pushes up Tsuna's bangs, before leaning her forehead against his. She closes her amethyst eye and concentrated with all her mist flame.

As soon as she opened her eye, she found herself standing in a void of darkness.

She looks around "Boss? Boss?" her voice echoed through the darkness.

It was so cold and lonely here. How could her boss stand staying here?

Something glistened in the darkness, standing out from the endless shadows. She walked towards it. As she walked closer, the 'thing' slowly took shape. A glass, circle-shaped prison stood in front of her. A human figure was sitting inside, igniting more of her curiosity.

When she approached the prison, her eye slowly widens as she found herself staring at none other than… Tsuna. But this Tsuna was the real Tsuna. The one that was always known as No-Good Tsuna, the one who never held fake smiles or secrets… the one that suddenly got replaced by the Tsuna now.

Chrome touched the barrier between them, looking at her boss, who seemed to be in a deep sleep. Her amethyst eye stared longingly at him.

She had found him- the true him- finally, she found their boss. But…

"Boss! Boss! Wake up!" she calls out, hitting the glass

The young brunet remained asleep inside the tube. She puts on a determined look, she held out her hand and a trident appears. She gripped her heavy yet familiar trident tightly, silently praying that whatever she was going to do next would work. She slams the tip of the trident against the barrier, "Ah!" only to have herself thrown back by the repelling barrier.

She stands up with the support of her trident, and as she looks up, everything was gone- the container vanished along with her boss. "Boss! No!" She felt something break inside her. Her heart healed little by little, the instant she saw Tsuna, but now she had to see him disappear from sight, again- it shattered her more than before, she was surprised how much it hurt.

She held out a hand wanting to touch the container, hoping beyond hope that she could keep it from vanishing, but her hand slipped through it and when she turned back, the last thing she saw was her boss still fast asleep.

"Boss…" she fell on her knees while her trident clattered to the ground. She was right in front of him. And… and she couldn't do anything to get him out of that place. She wished everything could just go back to normal, so that her boss didn't have to be confined to that uncomfortable-looking place.

'Wait. If Boss was sleeping in there the whole time, who… replaced him?' and as if trying to answer her question she suddenly found herself standing in an office room. She blinked. Where was this place?

She walked towards the huge window behind the desk and took a look at the fascinating scenery outside. Before she could point out her location she heard someone talking outside the door. The context was spoken in Italian, though some of them were thickly accented with Japanese.

"I'm… in Italy… but what…" Chrome was interrupted as the door opened, a man in a suit entered. He looked like he was around 24. He had brown spiky hair and familiar caramel eyes.

"B-Boss?" Chrome stepped forward. This was her Boss… Ten years later!

She must've been invisible since the brunet continued on his way to his desk without even sparing her a glance. Chrome watched as Tsuna sighed tiredly before looking through a stack of papers. She couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for him. He looked like he'd been through a lot.

A knock made both Tsuna and Chrome look up.

"Come in." Tsuna's voice was now deeper than before, much more mature and serious as if there were a lot of pressure weighing on his shoulders.

The door opened revealing Gokudera and Yamamoto. The both looked serious as they stared at the brunet. Chrome slightly frowned, why were they looking at him like that?

"We finished our mission." Yamamoto muttered as he approaches Tsuna's desk and put a file in front of him.

'Did they get into a fight?' Chrome thought in disbelief. Even if they did get into a fight, it wouldn't have come to this extent. Gokudera wouldn't even give Tsuna a glimpse.

"Thanks for your hard work." The brunet smiled, but Chrome could see through it- she wasn't the mist guardian for nothing. Yamamoto just turned away, the brunet frowned.

"Uhm… hey Yamamoto, I'm free this weekend, do you want to watch a baseball game?" Tsuna asks quietly.

"No thanks." Yamamoto bluntly replied.

Chrome was a taken aback.

"O-oh…" Tsuna forces a smile "What about you Gokudera-kun? Do you want to go star gazing?"

"Maybe next time Juudaime…" Gokudera immediately replied before leaving with Yamamoto and shutting the door behind them.

Chrome looks at the closed door, a bit shocked and mad. She turned back to find her boss' eyes shadowed, but he immediately shook his head as he stood up and walked out the office. Chrome knew she had to follow him.

Chrome listened guiltily as Tsuna talked to a guard at the doorway.

"So who else is in a mission?" Tsuna asks, scanning through some papers marked with the Vongola crest.

"Everyone had come back from their mission, except for Mukuro-sama. He would probably come back tomorrow…" the guard informed him.

"Ok. Thanks for your hard work." Tsuna smiles before leaving.

Chrome observed Tsuna as he tried interacting with Ryohei, Lambo and Hibari… she immediately knew something was wrong. Why were they so distant? And what's with the cold attitude they were giving him?

When Tsuna asked Ryohei if he wanted to have a picnic by the pond near their mansion, Ryohei had refused him in a very down-right manner. And then when the brunet tried talking to Lambo, the young Bovino just slapped his hand away. As Tsuna hesitantly raised his hand to pat him, he ran off, eyes brimming with unshed tears. Lastly, the cloud man had turned down an offer from Tsuna to escort him to a meeting, saying he didn't care about him.

Chrome would've thought the brunet would break down there, but instead, she saw something in his expression that made her shocked. It was evident in his calm yet hurt features that he was experiencing everyday- he was used to it now, but he hasn't given up hope just yet.

"B-boss…" Chrome looks at the older boy with worry.

The scene shifted.

Chrome gasped as she surveyed her surroundings.

A beautiful flower-bed stretched across the garden with different assorted colors, almost like a rainbow. Neatly trimmed bushes signified as the barriers between the pathway and the flower-bed. Tsuna walked through the stoned pathway and Chrome immediately saw a beautiful arch in the middle, the vines wrapped around the elegant shelter.

Once she caught up, Chrome immediately spotted a lady, about the same age as Tsuna, standing under the arc, looking at the flowers. She had a small smile in her face, showing how much she admires its beauty.

As soon as Tsuna got near to her, Chrome looks at the lady in shock, no sooner did she realize that the lady… was her.

"Chrome…" Tsuna called

Chrome expected her to look at Tsuna questioningly as she did whenever the brunet would call her, but the lady suddenly turned tense. She hastily turned to Tsuna, but she didn't look at him. Chrome frowned. What was she doing?

"Y-yes Boss?" her one eye darted around, not meeting the brunet's soft gaze.

"The garden's beautiful… neh?" The tenth boss asked gently, that Chrome couldn't help but smile at him and make a small nod, even though he wasn't talking to her.

"Y…Yes it is…" and with that the older Chrome turned away.

Chrome wanted to ask her other self why she was acting so rude to her Boss. But she knew it was futile.

Tsuna was about to touch Chrome's shoulder, but he held himself back "Do you mind if I watch the garden with you?" the brunet asks softly.

Chrome stared at her other self, almost daring her to say no.

"I-I'm sorry Boss… but I have to go…!" and with that Chrome ran off hastily, without looking back.

Chrome could only stare in shock. How could she just run off like that? Tsuna… her boss… the person who cared for her and her Mukuro-sama, despite the fact he knew their objective was to try and possess his body… how could she reject him when he just asked her to join her in watching the garden?

Chrome turned to Tsuna and saw that the brunet was just staring at the ground, his caramel eyes looked dull and his expression was impassive, but she knew better that it was just a mask to hold back how hurt he felt.

'But why is he dreaming this?' Chrome slowly reaches a hand towards her boss' face 'Why a future where everyone treats you like you're unwanted?'

Her fingertips seemed to have brushed against his skin, but she didn't feel anything.

Then she suddenly remembered Mukuro telling her about looking into dreams…


"Remember my dear Chrome… there are times when we look into people's dreams that we get lost."

"Eh? Why Mukuro-sama?"

"It's because, as we try to walk our way through their dreams, we sometimes find ourselves wandering at a deeper most part of their minds… and there are also times when we stumble in memories without even realizing it…"


Her hand froze as her eye widen, a strong gust of wind suddenly made its way, making petals dance around the air, but she ignored them.

'Could this be… a memory?' she knew that Tsuna would never try and dream this kind of nightmare, so… it could be that… 'No way…' Chrome stepped back "It couldn't be… he…" petals suddenly swirled around her making her shut her eye tightly…


Chrome fell on her back as if pushed by an unknown force. And once she opened her amethyst eye, she soon realized she was back in the disciplinary office. She panted slightly while looking at the brunet who was still unconscious on the sofa.

Tsuna's eyes suddenly fluttered open, surprising Chrome. She stood up as she watched Tsuna weakly push himself up, feeling a bit worried as she helped him.

"Are you ok Boss?" she asks

"C-Chrome? What are you doing here?" he looks at her in surprise while rubbing the back of his neck.

Before Chrome could reply she immediately saw his bandaged hand, she then held it "W-what happened?"

"Eh?" Tsuna looks at the hand Chrome was holding "Oh, uhm don't worry about it… got it in an accident."

"Are you sure?" Chrome asks

"Ah…" The brunet smiled

As soon as Chrome saw this, a picture of the adult Tsuna smiling flashes in her mind. She shook her head before letting go of his hand. Tsuna noticed the strange action "Is there something wrong Chrome?"

"I-it's nothing Boss." She then stood straight "I shall be going now…"

Chrome was about to turn away only to be stopped when a hand grabbed her arm.

"Wait, do you want to hang out for awhile?" Tsuna asked, smiling lightly.

"Eh?" Chrome turns at him questioningly

"Have you eaten anything yet since this morning?" he said, still smiling.

And as if on cue, her stomach grumbled, making Chrome blush a deep shade of red. Tsuna just chuckled.

"Maa maa…" As soon as Tsuna stood up he immediately fell forward. Luckily Chrome caught him.

"Boss! Are you ok?" she looks at him in panic

"I-I'm fine… I just feel a bit dizzy." Tsuna said straightening himself up.

Chrome then remembered Mukuro telling her about some side effects to the person once they entered his/her mind.

"I-I'm so sorry…" Chrome unconsciously said

"Eh? Why are you apologizing?" Tsuna asks as rub his dizziness away

"H-huh? O-oh… n-nothing…" Chrome immediately replied, averting his gaze.

Tsuna could only look at her questioningly before shrugging and leading her out the office and talk to her about some stands she might want to visit.

Chrome looked at Tsuna, chuckling as he started talking about how Gokudera had once tried to cook. Slowly she made a small and determined smile.

'Boss had always been warm and nice to me… I want to stay by his side…' her amethyst eyes scanned his smiling face 'I'm still not sure on what I had seen in his mind… but… I had realized one thing…'

'I… don't want to see Boss' smile vanish…

and get replaced by that lonely look.'

End of chapter...

Chapter 19

A certain mist guardian and her boss were walking outside the school building while looking around some stands.

"I know, do you want to try some crêpes?" Tsuna asks pointing at a stand "Or do you want to eat some pasta?"

Chrome just clutched her bag tighter to her chest before looking down, twirling her bag around her fumbling fingers, "I'll try whatever you want me to try Boss."

Tsuna could only smile, his mouth curving up into a gentle smile, "Oh come on now. Just tell me what you want to eat."

Chrome looks at Tsuna uncertainly before looking back down, her cheeks blushing scarlet at the teasing tone of her Boss, "I…I… would like to eat some riceballs…"

The brunet looks at her in surprise. "A…A-and if possible… I-I want Boss to be the one who makes it." Chrome looks up hopefully.

Tsuna felt a small blush creep up his face, but inside he felt a soft glow warming up his heart. It has been so long that someone had seen him as a friend instead of merely a Boss. Seeing the blushing brunet, Chrome looks down bashfully, feeling her face burning with embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry… it was a stupid request…"

The young brunet suddenly made a hearty laugh. The laugh didn't make Chrome feel embarrassed at all… instead, it made her feel warm and happy. She makes a small smile.

"No, no… it's not stupid at all…" Tsuna said turning to Chrome with a smile "I'll make them…"

The mist guardian looks at Tsuna in shock, surprised that Tsuna actually gave a second thought to her request, "E-eh?"

The brunet just nodded firmly before grabbing her hand and dragging her back into the building.

"W-wait Boss! It's ok, you don't have to!" Chrome hastily said, shaking her head to emphasize her point.

"Maa maa… don't worry. It's no trouble at all." Tsuna smiles softly "If that's what Chrome wants, then I'll happily do it…"

The eye-patched girl didn't know how to react, but her instinct was smart enough to make her break her eye contact with her Boss. After all, making her Boss awkward was the last thing she wanted to do right after she asked for a favor. 'Boss…' her amethyst eye then landed to the hand holding hers'He's still as warm as before…'she can't help but sigh with relief, Tsuna's dream suddenly rushes back to her, but she can't take it now. Pushing it to the back of her head, she clears her mind and cheerfully smiles.

Tsuna looks from right to left before opening a room. It was simply structured just like the others- a white door with a small glass panel for the windows. A small board stuck out of the wall above their head, indicating that it was an out-of-bounds room when teachers were not around. Tsuna sneaks inside, and Chrome could do nothing but follow closely behind. He closes the door and locks it.

"Boss, are you sure…?"

"Don't worry… I don't think anyone would come in," he gave her a quick, reassuring smile.

"I-I'm sorry…"

"Don't apologize… there's really nothing to apologize… I was the one who decided," Tsuna said looking around the room. Chrome surveyed the room carefully and realized that the room is where the students usually cook for Home Economics.

He leads Chrome to a seat, "Sit down for awhile. It might take some time to make them."


"It's ok… trust me…" Chrome looks at him before making a small nod, giving up eventually.

Tsuna looks up the clock, a red 10:48 stared back at him, 'The play doesn't start 'til 3 pm… so I still got lots of time. Hopefully, Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun won't get too worried for my sudden disappearance…'


Tsuna turns to his mist guardian "Ah, sorry… I was just thinking of something…" he immediately bends down at the cabinets to look for some ingredients'Alright there's enough ingredients for some rice balls,' Tsuna takes out the rice, salt and sheets of nori seaweeds "Uhm, Chrome, what fillings do you want?" he turns to her questioningly.

Tsuna could tell that she is hesitating. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, she replied awkwardly, "A-anything's fine…"

Tsuna shrugs, before taking out some pickled plums (umeboshi) and bonito flakes (okaka) "Sorry, these are the only fillings I could find…"

"I-it's fine!" Chrome immediately said.

Tsuna stood up before grabbing an apron and putting it on, he then turns to Chrome with a grin "Alright! Let's begin the cooking show!"

Chrome giggles softly at Tsuna's hilarious appearance. His hair was sticking up everywhere, messier than usual, and the additional apron made him look cute and funny at the same time.

Tsuna washed his hands before grabbing the rice 'Luckily, I practiced making rice balls back at the future…' Tsuna puts 4 cups of rice into the bowl before soaking it 'I always made some for my friends…' he smiles sadly '…but I knew I always put too much salt, but they never admit it. I could practically see their lips pucker…' Tsuna chuckles softly at this… though he was unaware of the small tears at the corner of his eyes '…though, Chrome was the only one who seemed to enjoy them… she didn't seem to mind eating it.'

The young boss suddenly felt a hand towel wipe the side of his face, making him turn to his one and only mist guardian "Are you okay boss?"


"You look sad…" she frowns "You don't have to force yourself… e-especially with your injury…"

Tsuna looks at his right hand, he had taken off the bandages so that they won't get in the way. He could see the purplish bruise, but it wasn't as bad as before "I'm fine… I don't really feel any pain." He said waving it off, "See?"

"Do… do you want me to help?"

"Eh? But you wanted me to make them right?" He gave her a gentle push "Don't worry, I'll be okay on my own… just sit still and watch! I promise to make those rice balls!"

Chrome stares at him worriedly, making Tsuna sigh with exaggerated patience.

"Tell you what, if my hand starts hurting really bad, I promise I'll tell you and let you help make the rice ball… will that be fair enough?" Chrome made a small smile before cheerfully nodding and going back to her seat.

The brunet chuckles softly as he turns back to cleaning the rice. About a couple of minutes have passed and Tsuna was preparing the other ingredients. He took out 2 sheets of nori seaweeds and cuts them into strips. Then next he moistened the bonito flakes with soy sauce and so on. In the middle of cooking, he immediately senses a presence. He sighs tiredly, turning to the place where Chrome was once sitting, but was now replaced by…

"Mukuro… what do you want?" Tsuna asks staring at the other's mismatched eyes.

"Kufufufu… oya, oya? Is that how you greet your guest, Sawada Tsunayoshi?" the mist guardian spoke.

'More like an intruder than a guest…' Tsuna thought before turning back to the rice cooker, "Stop possessing Chrome and give her back her body… you know that the more you use her mist flame the more you exhaust her body."

"Now, don't be so stingy Sawada Tsunayoshi… I merely came here because I wanted to see you cook…" the illusionist smirks.

Tsuna could only blush a bit before glaring at his direction, and then turning back to the rice cooker.

"Oya, oya… I never knew you were good in this…" Mukuro approaches him and looks at the neatly arranged ingredients "Knowing your usual self, you would have already set the kitchen on fire."

The brunet gave him a look before opening the lid of the rice cooker as soon as it was done cooking "It's just rice balls. Don't speak like I'm trying to light a fire in a place filled with gas."

Mukuro chuckled and watched as Tsuna try to cool the rice off a bit and soak his hand and sprinkle them with a certain amount of salt. He placed a quarter of rice in his hand and wraps them around a certain amount of pickled plums. The illusionist immediately spotted the tenth's bruised hand before grabbing it, making Tsuna look at him in surprise. Mukuro gently caressed the bruise making Tsuna flinch a bit "Kufufu… you should take care of yourself more, Tsunayoshi-kun…" he said "I don't want the body I would soon possess be always covered in injuries…"

Tsuna pulled back his hand, Mukuro immediately saw something flash in his caramel eyes, but it was soon gone before he could even realize what it was "Just turn Chrome back…" he muttered while shaping the rice ball and wrapping the bottom with a strip of nori seaweed. Before he could even place the (surprisingly) well-shaped rice ball to a plate, the illusionist suddenly spoke.

"I know who you really are… Sawada Tsunayoshi…" This made Tsuna freeze immediately.

Mukuro leaned to his ear "I know you're not from this time… I know… you're from the future…"

"Wha-?" Tsuna was immediately interrupted when the rice ball he was holding was suddenly grabbed away by his mist guardian. Mukuro took a bite "M-Mukuro!" he sweat-dropped before sighing. Luckily, he didn't see Mukuro's eyebrows twitch after his first bite, before reluctantly wolfing the whole thing down.

He turns his back from Tsuna "Kufufu… thanks for the meal…" Tsuna just stares at the illusionist with a frown "Mukuro…"

"Do not worry… Sawada Tsunayoshi… I haven't told my precious Chrome yet… but…" he gave him a smirk "I know she'll soon realize it…" the young boss clenches his fists. Mist had engulfed Mukuro and Chrome soon appeared, staggering, making the worried boss instinctively grab her, "Chrome, are you okay?"

She looks up to see a worried face peering down at her, "B-Boss! Don't worry… I'm fine." She replied but Tsuna insisted to assist her back to her seat.

"Sorry, I'm still not done with the rice balls. I'll finish it soon…" before Tsuna could turn away Chrome had grabbed his arm "Boss looks troubled."

"Huh? Oh don't worry… something just happened and…-"

"Did Mukuro-sama say something wrong?"

"What? Of course not… ah! The rice might go cold!" Tsuna exclaims before hastily turning away, leaving a worried Chrome staring after him. She watches the brunet as he tries to distract himself by putting all his concentration on wrapping the rice around the bonito flakes.

She sighs.

"Here you go!" Tsuna - smiles as she handed the girl two plastic containers that contained the rice balls he made. The brunet turns to the clock "And just in time for lunch time too! Oh! And you can share them to your friends too if you want to."

"T-Thanks Boss…" she opens one container and Tsuna watches her curiously.

"I want to taste the rice ball boss made for me…" she said taking one out.

Tsuna couldn't help but feel nervous "C-can't you just try eating it when I'm not around. I kinda' don't want to know the outcome."

Chrome just smiled softly before taking a bite of his rice ball. Tsuna - watches anxiously. She chews on it before her eye slowly widened. The brunet blinks. There was a small silence as Chrome continued eating the rice ball until it was fully swallowed. The young boss couldn't help but asks quietly.


"Too much salt…" Tsuna felt something strike him "And the rice is a bit overcooked…" the brunet sweat drops. Great, not only does he have a habit of putting too much salt but he had also overcooked the rice and he never knew this until now! How embarrassing!

"But…" Tsuna looks up and saw Chrome smiling happily with her eyes shut as if savoring the flavor, "…it's delicious… since Boss made it himself and had done it with all his heart. It's the - tastiest thing I have ever tasted. I love it." Tsuna had blushed at this "Arigatou Boss!"

The brunet suddenly found the floor interesting to stare at "N-no problem… t-thanks for being honest."

"Boss…" Tsuna looks up. Chrome was looking down at her rice balls, staring them as if they were precious "May I… ask you something?"

"Uhm… sure. What is it?"

Chrome looks at Tsuna with her one amethyst eye "I know it's sudden… but I've always wanted to know…" she lightly grips the plastic containers "If Boss was my parent… would he have done the same thing as what my parents did as soon as they had realized I was beyond cure and abandon me?" she then immediately realized that she had never told Tsuna or anyone about her past and that Mukuro was the only one who knew. She instantly covers her mouth.

Meanwhile, Tsuna could only stare at Chrome in shock. Chrome had never bothered speaking to him about her past. Though, he had found out about it in the future… but still…

"I-I'm sorry… you probably didn't understand…-"

"No…" Tsuna shook his head "I completely understand and… I would never abandon you."

Chrome's eye widens "I would never do such a thing if you were my child." Tsuna smiles softly "You're nice and sweet… those people just couldn't understand you. And what do you mean beyond cure? Anyone would still survive from ruptured organs when a person with the same bloodline donates their organs right?" Chrome felt Tsuna pat her head affectionately "Well, I'd gladly donate my organs to you. Not just organs but everything. Even if it was my heart."

Chrome was looking at her Boss, shock and stunned. Slowly tears filled her eye and before Tsuna knew it Chrome tackled him and hugs him tightly "Boss! Boss!" she cried softly her shoulders trembled as Tsuna puts a comforting hand on them "Chrome…" 'You've been through a lot. It must've been a heavy burden to keep thinking how unwanted you felt because of your parents and suddenly getting dragged into this Mafia mess…' Tsuna puts his other hand on her head. He could feel his shirt get wet, but he couldn't care less 'And you must've felt lonelier and scared after what I have done in the future…'

"I'm so sorry." Tsuna murmurs

He wasn't sure if Chrome had heard him as the girl continued sobbing. They've been like that for a couple of minutes before the girl had finally calmed down, "I-I'm s-sorry…f…for suddenly crying…l-like that…"

"It's ok… I didn't mind really." Tsuna said taking out his handkerchief and handing it to her.

"Well then, shall we head out before someone enters?" Tsuna asks before realizing something, "Speaking of which… why hasn't anyone entered yet? I mean, there could've at least been one student who came in to get some supplies."

"Oh… it's because I made the door vanish from the people outside." Chrome replies.

Tsuna sweat drops 'W-what?'

Tsuna and Chrome were walking though the hallways chatting. Well, the brunet did most of the talking while Chrome would either nod or smile. The boss was aware of the whispers of his schoolmates.

"Hey, isn't that Dame-Tsuna?"

"Who's that cute girl?"

"Could she be Dame-Tsuna's girl friend?"

"No way!"

Tsuna turns to Chrome with a sheepish expression "Sorry, it seems like I'm putting you in an uncomfortable position…"

Chrome just shook her head and gave him a small smile, "I don't mind Boss…"

The brunet could only chuckle nervously.

"Juudaime-!" Tsuna looks ahead and saw Gokudera running towards him with Yamamoto trailing behind-.

"Gokudera-kun! Yamamoto!" Tsuna smiles at them.

"Where have you been Tsuna? We've been looking all over for you." Yamamoto asks.

"Ah… sorry… I've been… busy" Tsuna replies

"Ah! Juudaime! What's she doing here?" Gokudera glares at Chrome.

"I came here to guard Boss." Chrome said


"Hahaha… I see!" Yamamoto grins

Gokudera looked angry "Juudaime is just fine with only us guarding him!"

Chrome just ignored this by shutting her eyes and turning to Yamamoto who spoke "Arre? What are those?" he points at the plastic containers sticking out of her bag.

"Oh this?" Chrome took one out, revealing the rice balls inside the transparent container "Boss made them for me."


"Tsuna made those?" Yamamoto and Gokudera looked surprise. Tsuna scratches the back of his head "B-but they're not that good though…"

"What are you talking about Tenth? Everything you make is great!" Gokudera exclaims as he grabs Tsuna's hands and look at him with his green eyes sparkling in admiration.

"Do you want to try some?" Chrome opens the container.

"Haha! Sure why not?" Yamamoto took the rice ball

"I'd like to try some of Juudaime's rice ball as well!" Gokudera said taking one

"W-Wait! No! Don't! They're not that good!" Tsuna said grabbing both their hands "Tell them Chrome!"

"Boss' rice balls are the best!" Chrome cheerfully said. Tsuna almost fell at this.

"Haha! Calm down Tsuna. Anyway! Thanks for the food!" Yamamoto took a bite of the rice ball

"I shall eat this with all my heart!" Gokudera exclaims before taking a bite as well…


Tsuna could only look down in embarrassment as he listen to his friends try to fight themselves from choking and spitting the food. Yamamoto and Gokudera exchanged looks before swallowing the food. They turned to the brunet who was looking at the floor his face red and tears forming at the corner of his eyes, he then murmurs "I can't even make rice balls right… I really am no-good."

The three guardians immediately went into a slight panic. Gokudera and Yamamoto ate their rice balls as quickly as they can.

"Ahahaha! M-maa maa! What are you talking about Tsuna? I like the way you make your rice balls!" Yamamoto said.

"Juudaime! I really love the way you put extra salt in the rice and how over-cook it is!" Gokudera said clenching his fists in determination.

However, this didn't make the brunet feel any better at all as he sulks in a corner.

"M-maa maa Tsuna!"


"Boss…" Tsuna looks up as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Chrome smiles at him "You're rice balls are the best. They say the way you make them depends on your feelings. The way you put too much salt shows how much you love us. You always find your love not enough and give us too much of it. And the way you over cook the rice is the same as how over protective you are of us." Her face slowly got near Tsuna's, and plants a kiss on his cheek. Tsuna turns visibly red while Gokudera and Yamamoto looked shock.

"Thanks for everything Boss." Chrome stood straight while Tsuna, who cupped his cheek feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Oi! You stupid woman! How dare you kiss Juudaime!" Gokudera said kicking at her direction while Yamamoto held him back "Maa maa, calm down Gokudera…"

Chrome turns to the bomber "You can kiss Boss if you want to…"Gokudera turned red "That's not what I meant you idiot!"

"Chrome," the eye-patch girl turns to Tsuna, "Can you watch our play later?"

Chrome nodded enthusiastically "Of course boss! I had already agreed to watch when the Arcobaleno handed me an invitation."

"Eh? Reborn?"

The mist guardian nodded "Anyway, I shall go now Boss… Take care." Tsuna watches as she disappeared, luckily, there weren't many students to see that.

"Darn that girl." Gokudera said crossing his arms

"Hahaha, anyways Tsuna… Kurokawa had been looking for you. She said she wanted to tell you something." Yamamoto turns to the brunet.

"It must be about the practice for the play." Tsuna could only sigh "She's probably gonna yell at me for skipping or something."

"Don't worry Juudaime, I'll defend you…" the three started heading to the classroom

"It's ok Gokudera-kun…"

"Don't worry about it Tsuna… we'll watch your back!"

"You baseball-idiot! Get your hands off Juudaime!"

"Gokudera-kun… Yamamoto… *sigh*" however, Tsuna makes a small smile. It was just like old times.

As the trio walked off, they weren't able to notice a man in a dark coat and glasses watching them from afar.

"Target spotted Boss…"

"Perfect… just keep an eye on them…"

"When do we attack the Decimo Boss?"

"Soon… but before we can attack the Decimo… we need to use his weakness first…"

"And what would that be?"

An evil chuckle was heard "We shall attack his family and use them as hostage…"

End of Chapter...

*Special Chapter*

In a dark lonely room, a lone figure sat on a couch… he had his legs pulled up while his chin rested on his knees, he had his arms wrapped around his legs. His dull brown eyes stared down at the small cupcake that had a small lit candle stabbed over the top, in front of him. The small candle was the only source of light in his room… His eyes traveled to a digital clock beside him. 23:55.

He felt depress…

It was a special day for him today… and it was going to end in less than five minutes.

However, no one was there to celebrate it with him… not even them

Tsuna groggily wakes up at the sound of his alarm clock 'Ugh…' Tsuna pushes himself up as he turns off the alarm. Not wanting to be a victim of Reborn's morning wake-up calls, he reluctantly stood up from his soft and warm bed and absent-mindedly walked towards the bathroom while shivering a bit because of the cold morning before bumping on the door making him crouch down the ground and clutch his painful forehead with a groan.

Yap, a totally fresh start for beautiful mornings like this.

As soon as Tsuna was done preparing himself, he comes out the bathroom with a yawn (and a small red mark on his forehead). As he was about to leave his room, his eyes landed on the calendar hanging next to his door frame. He blinked as he realized something… it was October 14! That means, it was his-

"Tsu-kun! Breakfast is ready!"

"Hai!" Tsuna yelled before running down.

As Tsuna reached the dining room, he saw his mother cook breakfast like almost every other day. Tsuna sighed before taking a seat. "Good morning Tsu-kun, you're up early!"

"A-ah…" the brunet replied while feeling slightly disappointed. Well, it can't be helped, she was a bit of an air-head. She'll soon realize, one way or another. Tsuna pouted a bit, this always happened every year. She would always find out at either the afternoons or probably the end of the day.

"Tsuna-nii, good morning…" yawned a sleepy Fuuta who entered the dining room with Lambo and I-pin

Tsuna smiles at them "Good morning." He approaches I-pin and Lambo who looked like they were about to go back to sleep on the ground, and pick them up carefully. The young boss had been very close to them as time passed and had been a great big brother to them.

"Maa, Lambo, I-pin, don't sleep on the ground now…" Tsuna grinned jokingly while Nana couldn't help but coo at how sweet they were.

"It's good to see you early Baka-Tsuna…" Reborn, who had entered while riding on Bianchi's shoulder, said.

"Yeah… well…" 'I have to avoid your tortures after all…' Tsuna thought, before setting Lambo and I-pin down to their seats. He sat back down his seat as Nana placed their food. Tsuna watches Reborn point a gun to Lambo who was about to steal the arcobaleno's omelet, while I-pin scold the cow child. His caramel eyes landed on the food before him.

The day was normal.

But today isn't like those ordinary days… for him anyway. Today is his special day. It was his birthday. And once again, he felt disappointed and depress that no one knows. He felt a bit embarrassed for feeling like that, but I mean… if you have experienced having no one to know it's your birthday since you were a child for you were always known as no-good, thus, no one wants to be your friends, plus your mom sometimes forgets about it… you would practically want a day when people all around you would greet you and maybe feel a bit selfish for attention.

"What's with the gloomy atmosphere Dame-Tsuna?" Reborn's voice snapped Tsuna out from his thought, making the brunet look up in surprise and turn to his tutor "I-it's nothing..!" he exclaims

Reborn frowned before tilting his gun to Tsuna "I don't like it when you keep things from me, so spill!"

"HIIIIII! I-I think I'm gonna be late! I have to go now!" the tenth immediately said as he grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the dining room.

"Take care Tsu-kun!" was the last thing Tsuna heard as he rushed out the house.

"Seriously, Reborn can be so troublesome…" Tsuna muttered as he walks down the street still munching on the piece of toast he had managed to grab.

A cold breeze caressed the young boss' face, making the brunet shiver a bit…

What a morning to start his birthday…

Will it always be like this?

Always lonely and depress on the day I was born…?

Heh… it feels like no one really wants to celebrate the day I existed huh?

Tsuna clenches his fist, before ruffling his hair animatedly "Ahh~! What am I getting so worked up about? Everyday someone has a birthday, so what difference does it make with mine?" 'And besides, I have friends now, they would remember it's my birthday right?'

"Juudaime!/Tsuna!" Speak of the devil.

As Tsuna turned around, he immediately saw his two best friends. Yamamoto and Gokudera. He was about to greet the two, when his sight zeroed in at a wrapped boxed in Yamamoto's arms. It couldn't be… a gift? For him?

"Juudaime! Good morning!" Gokudera calls out, snapping Tsuna from his thoughts

"Good morning Gokudera-kun." Tsuna replies

"Yoh Tsuna!" Yamamoto greeted

"G-good morning Yamamoto!"


Yamamoto sweat-dropped as Tsuna stared at him intensely, Gokudera, thankfully, broke the awkward moment "Juudaime, is there something wrong?"

Tsuna blinks "Hm? Oh! Uhm… well…" his face went a bit red as he felt slightly embarrassed for feeling a bit selfish "I-I was just wondering, w-what's that gift for!" he really couldn't help but want to know.

"Oh this?" Yamamoto held out the box "It's a birthday gift!"

Tsuna's heart skipped a beat!

"A student in our class has a birthday today." Yamamoto continued


"So I thought I'd give him a gift!" Yamamoto exclaims with a grin "I think his name was… Kenji?"

"Ken…ji?" Tsuna muttered

"Tch. What's the point of giving someone you hardly know a gift, you idiot? You can hardly even remember his name!" Gokudera glares at Yamamoto

"Ahaha! Maa, maa! We're all friends in class now right?" Yamamoto said

"H-how'd you know it was his birthday today?" Tsuna asks 'Instead of mine?'

"Well, he kinda' announced it to the whole class yesterday, remember?" Yamamoto said as he turns to the brunet

The young boss looks down, feeling downright depress "I-I see…" His own friends forgot his birthday. But then again… it could be possible that they had no idea when his birthday was. After all, with their lives filled with battles and life-threatening choices to make… he couldn't just suddenly say "Hey guys! My birthday's coming soon!" And besides, he feels a bit shy and awkward when he would want to announce his birthday, not to mention foolish.

But despite that fact, he still couldn't help but feel depress, now in a higher degree.

"Juudaime? Is there something wrong?" Gokudera asks worriedly

"I-it's nothing…" Tsuna rubs his cold hands together "Why don't we guys get to class? Hibari-san might bite us to death." He makes a small smile before turning away making Yamamoto and Gokudera exchange confused looks.

'Should I tell them?' Tsuna watches the two bicker behind him. They were now by the gates of Nami-chu, and Tsuna had been fighting with his inner-self about whether he should tell his friends it was his birthday. Feeling a bit childish, he decided to just stop thinking about it. They'd eventually find out right? Tsuna's train of thoughts was yet again interrupted as he accidentally bumps into someone.

"S-sorry about that-!"

"Watch where you're going herbivore."

"HIIIEE!" Tsuna falls on his butt "Hi-Hibari-san! I'm so sorry!"

Gokudera immediately appeared between the two and glared at the prefect "How dare you bump into Tenth!"

The brunet tried to stop the bomber "S-stop Gokudera-kun! It was really my fault I wasn't looking." He turned to the prefect "I-I'm really sorry!" And before Gokudera could protest as the baseball idol just laugh it off as usual, Tsuna had dragged the two away. Hibari watched the other leave before grunting.

"I'll let you off the hook for now herbivore… since today's your special day."

As soon as the trio arrived at the classroom, they immediately saw the room covered with decorations like balloons and confetti, and at the front was Kenji grinning boastfully as his classmates greeted him.

"Happy birthday Kenji-kun!" a girl squealed

"Thanks." Kenji fakes a gentle smile, but it somehow made some of the girls swoon

'To even throw a party here in school…' Tsuna sighed with a sweat drop 'What a guy.'

"I should probably give him his gift, neh Tsuna?" the young boss unconsciously peered at the gift in Yamamoto's arm before nodding while looking away.

With that said, the swordsman left.

"Tch. What a show-off." Gokudera mutters

"Let him be Gokudera-kun." Tsuna's caramel eyes landed on the other birthday boy "He just wants to celebrate his birthday is all."

"I still think he's too much of a show-off…" Gokudera muttered, totally unaware of Tsuna's longing look.

They then went to their seats to put their bags.

"Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko approached the brunet "Good morning!"

"G-Good morning Kyoko-chan!" Tsuna replied

Kyoko smiled brightly at him before speaking "Isn't this great? It's Kenji-kun's birthday today!"

Tsuna looked down "Uh y-yeah… good for him." He looks up with a small smile "He-he even threw a small party to celebrate, it's a good thing the teacher agreed to this."

"Well actually, some other classmates and I actually planned the whole party…" Kyoko exclaimed cheerfully "We wanted him to feel happy on his special day. And also, it's thanks to him that our *volleyball team reached the championship, making our school's name famous! That's why the teacher kinda' agreed with the whole party thing."

"O-oh…" Tsuna frowned slightly, feeling more disappointed. Of course they would throw a party for Kenji, he was pretty popular after all, and he was just a no-good person that even his classmates don't remember his own birthday. Of course…

"Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko looked at him worriedly "Are you ok? You look a bit depress."

"H-Huh? Err… It's nothing… I-I just have a lot of things in my mind… that's all…" the young boss hastily replied. Kyoko however, continued looking at the brunet intensely before frowning slightly

"If Tsuna-kun says so…"

"Tsuna!" an arm immediately slung itself on the brunet's shoulder "Haha! I already gave my gift!"

Feeling a bit relieve at the sudden intrusion of his best friend, he asked with a small smile "I see, did he like it?"

"Yap!" Yamamoto grinned

"Ah! That reminds me, it's almost that time." Kyoko suddenly said, making Tsuna and Yamamoto exchange questioning looks. Before either of them could ask, Kyoko had already left to talk to some girls about something.

The young boss could only shrug at whatever Kyoko was talking about before turning to Yamamoto for a small conversation which was later joined by a certain bomber.

"Ahaha, anyway, speaking of birthdays, when's your birthday Tsuna?" Yamamoto turns to the smaller teen, making the other tense a bit.

"M-mine…?" he squeaks

Gokudera had turned pale as he realized that he had no clue when Tsuna's birthday was. What kind of right hand man was he? To not even know his boss' birthday, he was a disgrace to the Vongola Family!

"Juudaime! You must tell us!"

Tsuna blinked before looking down "I-it's really not that important guys…"

"Maa maa, come on and tell us." Yamamoto grinned "So that we could throw a party for you too."

"E-Eh?" Tsuna felt his face heat up a bit "Y-you don't have to."

"That's right. He's only Dame-Tsuna, why throw him a party?" a random student, who had apparently eavesdropped on their conversation, spoke up.

"Yeah, what did he ever do for us?" another joined in

"He doesn't do anything but cause trouble for others…."

"No one would even bother remembering his birthday."

Tsuna was hurt. I guess it was true that he was no good, and I guess he always caused trouble for others, especially his friends. His eyebrows furrowed… this thought… actually made him think his own existence was… useless.

Meanwhile, as Gokudera and Yamamoto heard this, the baseball idol's smiling face had vanished before immediately replacing it with a serious look while Gokudera glares at them with a scowl. However, before either one of them could do or say anything, the lights suddenly switched off, making everyone murmur in confusion. Tsuna, however, remained in his state of shock and depression.

The classroom's door suddenly opened and a glowing light made them turn their attention at the entrance. Then, all of a sudden, Kyoko enters the classroom carrying a birthday cake in her hands. Tsuna looked up at this, and almost immediately, he felt a bit jealous. He remembered when he was still a child, he would always watch a classmate get a cake on his birthday, while he had none. Actually, it was also his birthday, but his classmate threatened him not to tell anyone for he wanted to celebrate his birthday only.

"It's so unfair…" Tsuna muttered, but no one seemed to have heard him as the whole class look at the cake in awe before singing Kenji a birthday song…

Happy birthday to you~!

The brunet always wanted to celebrate his birthday with friends and family.

Happy birthday to you~!

He always wanted them to at least just greet him… that alone was enough…

Happy birthday~ Happy birthday~!

Just to show that they remember…

Just to know that there really was a significance on the day he was born.

Happy birthday to you!

There was… right?

Cheers and claps had snapped the brunet back to reality. The lights went on and Tsuna watched them slice the cake after Kenji blew the candles. He remains on his spot. He didn't know what to do. He felt really upset and he couldn't stand the thought of no one knowing about his birthday anymore. He was tired of celebrating them alone.

"Hey Tsuna, we brought you some cake…" Yamamoto spoke softly

"Juudaime…" Gokudera looks at Tsuna with a frown before turning to the students who insulted his Tenth with a glare. They were gonna pay dearly.

"Maa maa Tsuna… don't listen to them. What they said was wrong…" Yamamoto said pushing his cake towards the brunet "So cheer up… okay?"

Tsuna bit his lower lip "No, it's not that…"


"It's not that…" he repeated before looking down

"Then what's wrong Juudaime?" Gokudera asks, Kyoko had approached them, wondering what was up.

"Today…" Tsuna was hesitant for a moment before finally sighing as he continued "…I don't feel so well… I'm gonna head home." He grabs his bag and walk out the classroom, leaving his friends to call out to him in worry.

"Was there something wrong with Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko asked with a frown

Yamamoto and Gokudera exchanged looks "We need to follow him." The baseball player muttered before leaving the room, followed by Gokudera. Kyoko blinked before leaving the classroom as well.

"Ah! K-Kyoko!" Kenji calls out for the school idol, who didn't seem to hear him as she just left. Leaving the birthday boy shock and depress.

The tenth boss of the Vongola family sneezed as he walked through the freezing town. He pushes his scarf up to his cold nose. Wow it was freezing.

Tsuna felt stupid walking out like that. He felt slightly ashamed at his actions and he couldn't help but feel like he was being over dramatic back there. Tsuna passes by a small café and caught sight of a small boy celebrating his birthday with his little friends and family. Tsuna makes a small smile. There sure are a lot of people having their birthdays today.


Tsuna turns to the owner of the voice and was shock to see Chrome "Chrome! W-what are you doing here?"

"I was going to buy some food…" Chrome replied silently before shivering a bit when a gust of wind made its way. This made the brunet realize that the girl was wearing a black coat that reached up to her knees, her school uniform underneath it and her boots were the same one she always wore… but that was all. No wonder why she was cold, only wearing a black coat was not enough to keep someone warm.

"You shouldn't have come outside only wearing that." Tsuna exclaimed with a frown, immediately he took off his scarf and wrap it around the girl's neck who was surprise at the sudden action.

"I-it's okay Boss! You don't have to-!" Tsuna just waved it off as he took off his black gloves and put them in Chrome's hands.

"No it's fine! You'll need it more than I would!" he insisted, knowing full well where Chrome was living. Compared to the building made of ruins she was staying and his warm house, he knew the things he was offering were not even enough to keep the poor girl warm.

"B-but…" The mist guardian looks at the warm gloves on her hands

"It's okay…" Tsuna smiles warmly, making Chrome feel a bit relaxed. The brunet started looking around as Chrome, with slight reluctance, puts on the warm gloves. She then looks at her hands in awe before smiling softly.

'Boss' warmth… it feels so nice…' she puts both her gloved hands near her chest

A gentle tap on the shoulder made Chrome snap to Tsuna's direction who was now holding a plastic bag filled with… canned milk and coffee? He suddenly points at a nearby vending machine "I bought some warm drinks, I'm not sure what you prefer though… so just pick out what you like… oh and you can share them with Ken and Chikusa as well!" he places the plastic bag in the pineapple haired girl.

"Boss…" Chrome looks at her boss in shock before looking down with a slight tint of pink in her cheeks "I'm so grateful… thank you."

Tsuna just smiled "You're welcome… just tell me when you need something, okay?" the brunet always cared for the girl and couldn't help but always fret for her. Despite the fact that Chrome was a very powerful and strong illusionist, she was still a girl and she is very fragile. Having illusions for organs didn't help either.

"Anyway, I should get going now." The tenth spoke as he walks away. Chrome wanted to call the other for unknown reasons, but just kept her mouth shut and watched the brunet walk away. After a moment's silence, Chrome blinked "M-Mukuro-sama? Is there something you need?"

Another silence…

Slowly, her amethyst eye grew wide "Eh?" she turns to the direction where the brunet had left.

"It's Boss'… birthday?"


"Hiiee! Onii-san?" Tsuna exclaims, looking at the boxer in surprise.

The brunet had just decided to go to the park to probably sit on a bench and cool off his mind, despite the fact it was freezing cold. However, he wasn't expecting to see Ryohei doing push-ups in the middle of the park like a crazy man.

"Onii-san! What are you doing?" Tsuna knelt beside the boxer. Practically in shock.

"Ah Sawada!" Ryohei continued his push-ups "Do you want to join like a real man to the EXTREME?"

"N-no thanks…" Tsuna sweat drops before falling on his butt as Ryohei abruptly stood up

"Why not to the EXTREME?" stormy gray eyes landed on his caramel ones

"I-it's because it's too cold!" and to prove his point, Tsuna unintentionally sneezed "S-sorry about that…" he covers his mouth.

Ryohei's eyes narrowed slightly as he frowned you're going to catch an EXTREME cold! Come on Sawada! Train with me to feel the EXTREME heat!"

"I-I'd rather not." Tsuna replied before pushing himself off the ground. He immediately noticed Ryohei's pale hands, making him frown in worry "Onii-san, you're so cold!" he had held his hand, and sure enough, it was cold as ice. Why didn't the boxer wear gloves while doing push-ups?

"Hm? Oh! Don't worry about that! I can't feel a thing to the EXTREME!"

'Of course you can't! You're hands are practically numb from being cold!' Tsuna lets go of Ryohei's hands before taking out a can of coffee, it was still a bit warm. He was saving it for himself, but Ryohei, with frosted fingers, needed it more than him.

"Here…" Tsuna puts the warm can in Ryohei's hands

"Woah! It's EXTREMELY warm!" the boxer grinned, but his grin immediately vanished when the younger teen suddenly sneezed "You okay Sawada?"

Tsuna wipes his nose "I'm fine…"

Ryohei held out the can of coffee to him "Here you go Sawada! I think it's best if you EXTREMELY have it."

"Huh? No, no! It's okay… I can go buy my own." The brunet insisted before standing up to leave. He dug his hands deep into his pockets to keep them warm "I'll get going now. Don't stay out the cold for too long oniisan." He smiled before walking off.

Ryohei frowned slightly before muttering "Right back at you… Sawada." He watches the brunet's figure slowly disappear, when all of a sudden, his phone rang. He took it out.

"Hello!" Ryohei loudly said "Ah Kyoko! What do you need?"




Yamamoto and Gokudera continued searching for the brunet around town.

"Baseball idiot, you go that way I go this way!" Gokudera said pointing at a random direction

"Wait Gokudera! Is that-? Yamamoto was staring at someone behind the bomber. The storm guardian also looked at the direction Yamamoto was looking at, hoping to see his Boss, but his hope immediately shattered as soon as he saw Chrome, she had walked out a clothing store carrying a paper bag in her arms "Tch. It's only one of pineapple head's minions."

"Maa maa Gokuera…" the baseball idol pats the bomber's back trying to calm him down "Maybe she'll know where Tsuna is." He turned to the mist guardian and waved his hand to catch her attention "Hey! Chrome! Over here!"

Chrome turned to them "Hai?"

The two approach her "Hey, we'd like to know where Tsuna is. Have you seen him?"

"Boss?" Chrome unconsciously touches the scarf given to her. Gokudera noticed this action and as soon as he saw the scarf he was stunned. But immediately he looked mad.

"That's Juudaime's scarf! And gloves!" green eyes had also noticed the familiar black gloves "Why do you have them?"

"Boss handed them to me…" Chrome said looking down "Do you want it back?"

Before Gokudera could speak, Yamamoto had cut in "No, it's okay. If Tsuna handed them to you, then I guess he had his reason." He grins "But anyway, back to the topic, have you seen Tsuna?"

"Boss seemed to have headed that way…" Chrome pointed at another direction "I think Boss was gonna head to the park."

Yamamoto turns to Gokudera with a smile, the other just grunted "Thanks a lot Chrome! Oh, before we go… I'm kinda curious, what's that paper bag for?"

"Baseball idiot! Can't you save your stupid questions for later?" Gokudera grumbled

"Haha, just curious…"

"It's for Boss…" Chrome quietly answered, but the two heard her loud and clear, and they couldn't help but look at her questioningly. What was it for?

"It's a gift… for his birthday…" she added


All the color had drained from their faces as Yamamoto and Gokudera gape.


"It's…it's Juudaime's birthday?" Gokudera stuttered

Chrome nodded while looking at him questioningly.

"Tsuna… today's his birthday?" Yamamoto immediately felt guilt build up as he remembered Tsuna looking a bit interested on the gift box he was carrying earlier this morning.

Gokudera immediately felt dreadful, not only did he not realize it was his precious boss' birthday but they had only celebrated that idiot's –Kenji's- birthday instead! He had failed his duty as a right hand man!

After a moment of uncomfortable silence…

"A-Ano…" Chrome started

"We have to find Tsuna…" Yamamoto looked deadly serious for the first time

"Juudaime…" Gokudera clenches his fists "Let's go Baseball idiot!"

Chrome could only watch curiously as the two suddenly dash off, before shrugging it off and heading to her next destination… Sawada's household.

"Achoo!" Tsuna shivered slightly from the coldness of the weather.

He was currently sitting on a bench while sipping a can of warm coffee, trying to keep himself warm, apparently, it didn't help much. If you're wondering why he didn't want to go home yet… well… let's say, he just doesn't want to…

"I guess celebrating my birthday like this isn't so bad…" Tsuna mutters to himself, trying to cheer himself up. Bah, who was he kidding! This was one of the worst birthdays ever! He doesn't want to see anyone at all, because he'll just feel all lonely again!


Tsuna snaps his head to the people who called him, and sure enough he saw his friends running towards him. Unconsciously he grips his chest, feeling small prickles.

"Yamamoto, Gokudera-kun…" Tsuna forces a smile "Err, I can explain why-!"

"Tsuna, wait we…"

"Juudaime! We're so sorry!"

Tsuna looks at them in surprise. Why were they apologizing?

"We… we didn't know it was your birthday…" Yamamoto looks down in shame

Gokudera was now on the ground still apologizing "Juudaime, we really didn't mean to…" Gokudera's voice was muffled "Such an important day and we didn't realize! I'll accept any punishments as you're right hand man."

"Same here Tsuna… I- we're sorry…" Yamamoto said with a guilty looking smile

A pang of realization hit Tsuna as he watched his best friends apologize to him. The brunet felt stupid for feeling upset over his birthday when his friends didn't even know about it.

"N-no… don't apologize…" Tsuna held the can tightly in his hands "I should've told you guys, and I kinda' overreacted and… I just felt kind of lonely that… I don't have anyone to celebrate it w-with…" warm tears had welled up but Tsuna held it back immediately.

A pair of warm hands held his cold ones. Looking down, it was Gokudera, who was staring at him with those gentle forest green eyes. The bomber shook his head before saying "It's not your fault at all Juudaime. We should've known. It was our duty."

An arm wrap itself on Tsuna's shoulders, making it more warm for the brunet "It must've been lonely neh Tsuna? Sorry, we really didn't mean it. We promise to not forget your birthday ever again!" Yamamoto gives him a grin

"I-it's okay… really." Tsuna looks down. They 're so warm

"No Juudaime! I'll even personally make your birthday a holiday Tenth!" Gokudera exclaims, Tsuna sweat-drops at the idea.

"For apology~!" Yamamoto suddenly held out a small cupcake and on top of it was a candle.

Tsuna looks at it in surprise before taking it "T-This is…?"

"Haha! Sorry, we couldn't afford a cake, but next time for sure we'll bring you a HUGE cake!" Yamamoto exclaimed as he threw his arms over his head as if to emphasize his point.

"Stupid baseball idiot…" Gokudera muttered before taking out his lighter to light the small candle.

Tsuna watches the small flame that flickered on his now lit candle.

"Make a wish, Juudaime." Gokudera grins

Yamamoto smiles softly "Go ahead!"

Tsuna looks at his two friends before looking down at his cupcake, feeling touched. It was the best birthday gift he received from his friends. He shut his eyes before making a small wish in his head.

I wish all my birthdays would be this warm…

And then, the flame disappeared…

Tsuna looks at his friends with a small smile "Thanks… Gokudera-kun… Yamamoto." The two smiled back, but before they could reply, Tsuna sneezes.

Yamamoto and Gokudera immediately fretted. Well, more on Gokudera's case. The bomber was about to practically take off all his clothes just to keep Tsuna warm but the brunet immediately tried to stop him as Yamamoto calm the other, but the baseball idol also kept staring at Tsuna worriedly.

"We need to take you home immediately…" Gokudera exclaims as he grabs Tsuna's hands and finally notice how cold they were.

Yamamoto had taken off his scarf and put it on the brunet's neck "Maa, maa, calm down Gokudera…"

"W-wait Yamamoto, you'll get cold." Tsuna said trying to give back the scarf, but Yamamoto just waves him off "Come on, let's go." He stood up.

"Juudaime, please wear these!" Gokudera pushes his gloves to Tsuna

"W-what? But-! No I can't! Don't worry, I have my pockets! They're warm so it's okay! Really!" Tsuna insisted, but as soon as he saw those desperate eyes of Gokudera… he gave in with a sigh

"Let's just hurry so that no one gets too cold…" The brunet said in finality

10 years later in the future…

A tired and sick looking brunet puts down the last stack of documents before leaning back on his chair. It was really cold and a headache had been bothering him all day. He probably caught a fever, but he'll manage it. Tsuna looks at the mini calendar by his desk before sighing and shaking his head. He turns his head to the digital clock. 20:15

It was cold… so cold…

Tsuna stood up from his desk before taking off his black coat and tie, he threw them to his chair. He grabs the digital clock and put it on the couch. He had then decided to look for his guardians, despite the little feud they were currently having. Just to… you know, check up on them.

He walks out the study, leaving the clock by the couch.

This was definitely weird. All his guardians were nowhere to be seen. Tsuna pokes his head in all the places where his guardians would usually be, the garden, their rooms, the roof, the training room, the dojo… where could they be?

Tsuna ignored the prickles in his heart as he continued searching for them. They wouldn't pretend that it wasn't his birthday right? I mean, even if they had an argument, they'd still acknowledge his special day… his birthday… right?

"Decimo!" Tsuna almost jumped as someone called him. He turns around to see a guard.

"What is it?" Tsuna puts on his impassive face

"I would like to give this to you." The guard hands out some documents "I apologize for only handing them to you right now. I was supposed to give it to you last week. I deeply apologize!" he bowed

"It's okay. Thanks for your hard work," Tsuna said as he smiled then sighed as soon as the guard left.

"What's this for? More paperwork?" Tsuna scratches his messy brown locks, his eyes scanned the first page… when all of a sudden…

Tsuna's eyes slowly grew wide. His hand trembled as he looks at the next page then the next page. The prickles in his heart had turned into painful stabs as he read the documents. Tsuna opens his mouth to gasp as if realizing something, before biting his lower lip. No… they…

There, written on the white sheets of paper, were notifications from his guardians about the missions that they had assigned themselves as well as the dates that they will be doing their mission. And one of those dates had included his birthday…

They forgot his birthday…

Tsuna's inner mind reassured himself that there was no reason to be upset of. Everyone tends to forget someone's birthday, and besides… it was just a birthday, so what?

However, even though those thoughts circled in his mind. His heart as usual, couldn't seem to be in good terms with his brain.

The decimo drags himself back to his study, his hands hanging limply on his side while holding on to the documents.

He shuts the door behind him as he entered the study. There was a moment of silence as the brunet kept looking at the ground, stunned, hurt and confused. Minutes passed and something seemed to have ticked inside Tsuna as the he suddenly threw the documents rashly and scream a painful scream. He let it all out… but even when doing this, he never ran out of all this negative feelings.

The brunet thrashed his things, pushing all the items on top of his desk, ripping papers, breaking and shattering all fragile items in his room. Tsuna had done this a couple of times, to calm him down, it does work most of the times, but sometimes, he had to be tied down cause he would practically go out of control. Of course, his guardians never knew about this, for when Tsuna finally regains his sanity back he would tell the others to keep it a secret from them.

The door to his study suddenly slammed open, but Tsuna ignored it as he grabs a random picture frame and was about to slam it on the ground when a hand, larger than his, grabs his wrist. Tsuna glares at the person who had dared interrupt him. It was no other than Dino Cavallone.

"Tsuna calm down!" The blonde gripped the other's hand tightly, making him lose grip of the frame, thus, dropping it on the ground as it shattered.

Tsuna instinctively looked at the newly broken object. As soon as his enraged brown eyes landed on the picture, they immediately went wide as tears welled up. "Tsuna?" Dino calls out to his brother loosening his grip, which he immediately regretted as the brunet suddenly dropped on his knees. Slowly, Tsuna reaches out to the picture. He ignored the glass that pricked his fingers and palm as he tried to push them away.

"Tsuna stop! You're hurting yourself!" Dino had knelt beside the brunet and grabbed the boy's hand to stop him from damaging himself further.

"Everyone…" came Tsuna's small voice "Everyone… everyone… they…" the tenth's shoulder started trembling as his body racked with sobs. Dino looks at his small brother in pity, he had discovered about the argument Tsuna was having with his family and he knew how terribly lonely the Vongola Boss had been feeling. He would often visit the brunet with Enma, but they had been busy lately as well.

The bucking horse caught sight of a page of a document, and as soon as he saw the notifications for some missions, he didn't need to see the others just to know what had caused the brunet to break once again.

Dino hugged Tsuna in a brotherly way, soothing the younger brunet before he suddenly fainted. Dino soon realized Tsuna had a fever. He carried the surprisingly light boss to his bed before calling out some maids to clean the room and get some medicines for Tsuna.

"Tsuna-kun, is he gonna be ok?" Enma and Dino were currently standing outside Tsuna's room. The red-head heard what happened from Dino, and almost immediately he started looking frantic and worried.

"I hope so…" Dino sighed "Lil bro needs time for himself, come on… let's just come back tomorrow."

The blonde walks off while Enma reluctantly followed.

Brown eyes slowly opened before carefully sitting up. He held his forehead and sure enough he could feel the cooling pad for fevers stuck on it. He looks at his right hand and saw it was cover in bandages. He shook his head with a sigh before leaving his bed while ignoring the protests of his exhausted and weak body.

As Tsuna walk to his study, which was now tidied up, he spotted a pack of cupcakes tied with a red ribbon on top of his desk. He approached it and saw a small note.

Happy birthday 'lil brother! Hope you like them!


Tsuna makes a small smile before taking one cupcake. Then an idea suddenly lit up. Tsuna puts the cupcake by the coffee table in front of the couch.

The brunet opens his closet before rummaging through it. He then took out a box, that looked a bit dusty and old. Tsuna sat on the ground as he opens the box. A small smile formed as memories rushed through him like a gentle breeze. In the box contained pictures and items he kept and deemed precious from the past. Like the baseball ball he got from Yamamoto, a dynamite Gokudera offered him, saying it was going to protect him, Lambo's old horns, Dino's whip… and so on. Tsuna digs in the box, trying to find something.

Then he found it.

Slender fingers carefully touched the small candle from ten years ago, the time when Yamamoto and Gokudera and all his other friends first found out about his birthday.

He closes the box before walking back to the couch.

He stabs the candle on top of the cupcake. He smiles sadly… how nostalgic…

He pulled up his legs and rested his chin on his knees. He stared blankly

He took out a match and lit the candle. The small fire immediately lit the dark room, which made Tsuna realized it was already night. He pulled up his legs and rested his chin on his knees. He stared blankly at the cupcake before looking at the digital clock he had left. It read 23:55. His birthday was gonna end in less than five minutes. Tsuna sighed and immediately notices the familiar documents beside him. He frowns before hesitantly picking them up, but before he could reread them a pink puff of smoke suddenly surrounded him, in surprise, Tsuna dropped the documents.

Present time…

As soon as Tsuna, Yamamoto and Gokudera arrived at the Sawada household. Tsuna almost jumped from the sudden greeting from his friends and family as they arrived at the dining room.

"Happy Birthday Tsuna!"

Tsuna was surprise to see the party made for him as well as the people invited in the party. Namely Kyoko, Chrome, Haru, Ryohei and surprisingly, Hibari! Tsuna was immediately snapped out from his shock as a certain demonic home tutor kick him on the back of the head "Stop gawking like an idiot Baka-Tsuna!"

"S-sorry!" Tsuna exclaimed as he rubs his aching head

"Juudaime, are you ok?" Gokudera asks

"Hahaha, maa, maa…" Yamamoto grins

"Tsuna-kun, I'm so sorry for not knowing…" Kyoko had approached the brunet while looking extremely guilty

"I-it's okay Kyoko-chan! I understand." Tsuna replied "But, how'd you found out?"

Kyoko makes a small smile "As soon as you walk out the room, I also tried following you, I thought you would be here so I came here first. Then your mom told me it was your birthday and she had almost forgot it again. Then after that we decided to make a party for an apology."

Tsuna sweat drops

"Tsuna-san!" the brunet immediately got glomped by Haru "Haru has a gift for you!" she then took out a neatly wrapped gift "These are home-made cookies! Haru made them just for you!"

"T-thanks! Thanks a lot Haru."

"B-Boss…" This time, it was Chrome who approached the brunet. Tsuna looks at the girl questioningly


The girl looks at him shyly then back down before thrusting to Tsuna a small paper bag "H-Happy Birthday Boss!"

The brunet looks at the bag in shock before smiling brightly "Thanks Chrome…"

Chrome looks up happily.

As soon as the three girls left to chat, Tsuna took a pick of Chrome's present and sweat dropped to see a pair of pineapple designed mittens. Oh well, it was still a nice gift.

"Sawada! Let's party to the EXTREME!" Ryohei puts an arm over Tsuna's shoulder

"Hiiie! Please calm down onii-san!" Tsuna said as Ryohei drags him round the room. Gokudera had soon seen this and started arguing with Ryohei.

The party went on and time flies, so no one was quite aware it was almost midnight. Well, at least there were no classes tomorrow. Everything was very enjoying, that I until, Lambo and Gokudera started fighting once again.

"You stupid cow! How dare you steal Juudaime's present!" Gokudera chases the annoying cow child.

"Blehh! This is Lambo-san's present now!" Lambo continued running around, unfortunately for him, he wasn't able to notice Reborn sticking out a leg to trip him, which came out successful as the cow child flip through the air, his bazooka suddenly shot out his afro. And one unlucky brunet became the target of the bazooka as the trigger accidentally got pulled.


Pink smoke immediately surrounded the brunet.



Yamamoto and Gokudera called out. A taller figure started emerging from the smoke, and most people in the room knew this was the future Tsuna. Slowly, they got a clearer view of the brunet.

"T-Tsuna?" Yamamoto was the first to call out for his friend

The person immediately turned to the speaker, and surely this really was the brunet, familiar caramel eyes and spiky brown hair with bangs now longer that it reached at the tip of his nose- yap it was Tsuna alright. However, he seemed… different.

The older boss was paler and thinner than before. He looked malnourished and stressed.

Gokudera was the first to react in worry "Juudaime! Are you feeling well?"

"You don't look so good Tsuna." Yamamoto said approaching the brunet with Gokudera

Tsuna was looking at them, stunned. It was like he was seeing ghosts.

"Boss?" Chrome also approached the current boos, making him snap from his trance.

'Ah, my younger self must've got himself shot by the bazooka.' Tsuna makes a sad smile 'I knew it was too good to be true… and for a second I thought it was really them…'

"Uh, yeah I'm okay…" Tsuna replies with a grin

Yamamoto held out hand to help him up, Tsuna gladly accepts it.

"Arre? Did you hurt yourself?" Yamamoto said looking at his bandaged hand

Tsuna immediately retrieves his hand "O-oh this? I broke a glass…"

"You should be careful Boss." Chrome spoke

Tsuna just smiled.

"Herbivore." Tsuna looks at Hibari in surprise, he was by the corner of the room, glaring at the other, he suddenly took out his tonfas "Fight me…"

"Uh, no thanks… I don't feel like doing it…" Tsuna replied. Well, that was true. His head was still throbbing and he felt like he could collapse any minute now but he couldn't show them. He will never show his weak side to his family.

"Oi Sawada, is that a cooling pad on your forehead?" Ryohei asked

"E-eh?" Tsuna immediately puts a hand over his forehead before unconsciously spreading his bangs to hide the pad from view.

"Tsuna-kun! Could it be your sick?" Kyoko looks at him worriedly

"Oh, don't worry about that! I feel fine now!" Tsuna assured or more likely lied

"It must be a bummer to be sick on your birthday huh?" Yamamoto said

Tsuna's smile wavered a bit "Yeah… I guess."

"Baka-Tsuna, how's Vongola?" Reborn asks

Tsuna turns to the arcobaleno with a small frown before reluctantly smiling as he answered "It's doing great."

Reborn, for some reason, didn't like how Tsuna answered. The brunet spoke as how he normally spoke however, he can sense that the brunet was hiding something, but he really wasn't sure what it was.

"Hey Tsuna did we hold a huge party for you?" Yamamoto asks "I bet we made a great surprise party!

"Baseball idiot, of course we'll throw Tenth a huge party! I have full faith in my future self!" Gokudera huffs proudly

Tsuna continued smiling, oh how wrong they were, but he couldn't help but just drag himself into their fictions, almost imagining himself celebrating his birthday with his future guardians and enjoying the time. He sighed, oh how he wishes that really happen.

Others continued asking Tsuna questions before deciding to continue the party. Tsuna was able to enjoy himself for a short time before vanishing as the familiar pink smoke poof him away.

Ten years in the future...

Younger Tsuna had suddenly found himself in a dark room. After looking around for a couple of seconds, he had then concluded this was his room. Tsuna's attention immediately landed on the familiar cupcake before him 'Of course! Today must also be Future me's birthday… but…' Tsuna looks around.

Surely he was alone "Could the others be sleeping already? It is a late hour already."

He looks around then at his cupcake, "Yeah, that could be it…" however, he then noticed some documents on the ground, feeling a bit curious, Tsuna picks it up and read it. 'Eh? Missions? A-arre? Why are everyone's names in here?' Tsuna still wasn't sure on what he was reading but the nervous beating of his heart, somehow told him something bad happened.

"Huh? They're all in a mission today?" Tsuna turns to the small cupcake and the candle that was melting 'So my future self had been celebrating his birthday alone?'

Tsuna frowns before moving around the room to find the light switch. As soon as he found it, he turns it on. The room was very neat, well… except for some shredded papers on the floor and broken pieces of glass from a… picture frame?

Tsuna approaches it curiously. Surely beside the desk, right on the ground was a picture frame of him and his friends smiling (some were scowling) at the photo. The frame had shattered but why? Another dread washed over Tsuna as he stared at the broken object. Was it a sign? Did something happened to the future? Did something happened between him and his friends… his family? He had to find out!

But before the brunet could run out the room to investigate more, a puff of pink smoke immediately surrounded him!

"E-everyone!" Tsuna exclaimed as he got back in his time

"Yoh Tsuna! How was your visit from the future?" Yamamoto was the first to greet him

"H-huh, oh… uhm… well…." Tsuna fidgeted. Should he tell them about what happened to the future? About how his future self celebrated his birthday alone while they were away from a mission. About how suspicious it was that the guardians were doing the missions while the Boss was hardly doing anything.

"Well? SAWADA?" Ryohei had suddenly appeared

"HIIIII! The visit was great!" Tsuna lied 'Hiii! Why did I lie?"

"Well that's good then!" Yamamoto grinned

"Juudaime! Welcome back!" Gokudera ran towards Tsuna

No sooner than later did everything went back to normal, however, Tsuna still couldn't help but think about his future self and the future… what happened? Oh how he wished he knew.

Future Tsuna was soon back in the future, it took a couple seconds before he finally collapsed on the ground. The candle on his cupcake was now extinguished, leaving behind melted wax on the top, but Tsuna couldn't bring himself to care as he slowly shut his eyes.

A tear slid down his face.

Mou, he doesn't care anymore…

His birthday was done, he was able to celebrate it at the last minute… but he wished it was the guardians from his current time he had celebrated it with.



Tsuna chokes back a sob… minutes passed and before he knew it he had passed out on the cold hard floor. The next day he was found by a panicked looking Dino and Enma. They practically called every doctor as soon as they saw Tsuna unconscious on the ground.

Dino couldn't take it anymore so he called Tsuna's guardians, telling them the horrible state of their boss. It didn't take long before Gokudera and Yamamoto came back in the mansion, looking slightly impassive, but worry was evident in their eyes.

And as soon as the two best friends of Tsuna entered his room, their eyes immediately landed on a certain cupcake that was still sitting innocently on the coffee table with the melted candle right above it. The two frowned as they saw this. Why did it looked familiar?

"It must've been lonely neh Tsuna? Sorry, we really didn't mean it. We promise to not forget your birthday ever again!"

"No Juudaime! I'll even personally make your birthday a holiday Tenth!"

Slowly their eyes grew wide and their face went pale. Their heart was clenched tightly as they realized what date it was, but what was more heart aching was that… they had broken their promise to the most precious friend they had… they were idiots.


"Stop slacking around Dame-Tsuna and do your homework." It was late and Tsuna was being forced to do his homework by his tutor despite the fact that he was gonna have school tomorrow and he wanted to go to sleep really badly. The day was tiring for the brunet, Gokudera had kinda insulted Hibari at school and they ended up running around the school with the prefect right behind their trails. Well more on Tsuna's situation, he didn't want Gokudera to fight with Hibari and forced him to run away.

"But Reborn!" Tsuna whines, but was immediately silenced by the gun that was pointed to him

Tsuna gulped.

"Do your homework or else…"

"Hiiie! Ok! Ok!"

And so the brunet was forced to do his homework for who knows how long, and fortunately Reborn had told him to retire for the night as Tsuna was just practically nodding off on his notes.

Tsuna sighed in relief as he finally gets his rest, as soon as his head hits his pillow, he immediately blacks out.

It was dark, everything was dark. But what was he doing here? What was he suppose to be doing here?

'Decimo…' sky flames suddenly appeared behind him

Tsuna turns around and saw a figure emerge from the flames "P-Primo?"

And surely, the blonde appeared looking impassive, yet something flashed in those orange orbs of his. It was worry.

'I have a favor to ask of you…'

"F-Favor?' Tsuna blinked as the first boss nodded

'I would like to borrow your body for a moment…' Primo said

"Hiiii! W-what? Why?" Tsuna backs away

'But it's not me who's gonna be borrowing. It will be him…' Primo waves his hand and all of a sudden an unconscious man appears behind him. He was lying on the ground flat on his back with his hands neatly placed at his sides. Tsuna tries to get a better view of his face and he suddenly gaped at the unconscious man as soon as he realized they practically looked alike!

'That's because he is you, he is your future self…' Giotto said as he saw the brunet's expression 'He had experienced a lot of horrible things… hurt, betrayal, and loneliness… right now, he needs something to heal him as an accident suddenly occurred.'

"Accident? What happened?" Tsuna knelt beside his older self. He looked peaceful when asleep, as if he never really experienced anything Primo had just said. It must've been a great relief for his future self to finally be able to sleep, to finally be able to shut himself into the darkness away from the real world.

'I am sorry, but I must not tell…' Giotto replied 'But… I expect you to notice that something is happening to the future… am I right?'

Memories of Tsuna sitting alone in a dark room, with only a small candle stuck on top of a cupcake as the source of light flashes in his mind. "You mean at that time?" Tsuna looks up at Primo worriedly "Did something happen to my friends? Are they in trouble or something?"

Primo looks at Tsuna in surprise before smiling softly, he pats his successor on the head 'It is good that you worry for others, Decimo… and don't worry, they are fine…' Tsuna sighed in relief at this '…but, bad things may happen…'

"W-what do you mean?"

'I'm sorry Decimo but I have no time to explain. Just please answer my question… will you lend me your body?'

Tsuna was hesitant, why? Why did he have to this? What was the purpose of this? He had so many reasons to disagree on that favor and one of them was because of the lack of information. But for some reason… deep inside him, he wanted to agree. Primo said it right? Bad things will happen to his friends, and probably… to him as well. Tsuna also knew this was no trick, his intuition told him so.

"If… if I agree… will everything be okay?"

'It all depends to you, or rather… him.'

Tsuna looks at his future self with a frown. What happened to the future? And why does he feel like he was the problem again. "Did he-I do something wrong?"

Giotto just stared 'Yes…'


'You did something… sinful.'

'A sin? What could it be?' Tsuna bit his lower lip before shaking his head, he had no time to think about this, he had to make his choice… and he already knew what it was.

Tsuna stood up, before looking at Primo with determination "I-I accept. I'll do it. I'm not sure what happened, but I have a feeling this 'sin' I made caused a huge problem." Tsuna turns to his future self "I'll repent it. I'll do everything to solve whatever this problem is, just to make my family safe."

Giotto looks at Tsuna with calculating eyes before stepping forward. He puts a hand over the brunet's face, the young boss looks at the glove hand questioningly 'Then… you shall now slumber…' an orange glow from Primo's hand suddenly made him sleepy, his eyes got heavy and before he knew it he blacks out.

Giotto caught the small teen. He looks at his heir with sad yet proud eyes "You have already repented that sin Decimo, however your family mistook it and you had to carry the burden for them."

Giotto looks at the sleeping brunet in his arms, then at the future Tsuna with a frown.

Decimo… hopefully… your sacrifice won't go to waste…

End of chap...

Chapter 20

"Where the heck have you been SAWADA?" a rolled script made its way to Tsuna's head in lightning speed

"OW!" Tsuna held his head

"You idiot! How dare you hit Juudaime!" Gokudera yells at Hana, who glares at him in return

"Hey Tsuna, where'd you get that injury?" before Tsuna could react, Yamamoto had grabbed his right hand to observe the bruise on his forearm. As soon as Gokudera heard what Yamamoto said, his head snapped to their direction and stared at Tsuna's injury as if it was an incurable disease "W-wha-who- WHO DID THIS TO YOU JUUDAIME?"

Tsuna could only sweat drop as he pull back his hand "Calm down Gokudera… I got it in an accident…" he half-lied

"Sorry to cut into your weird-way-of-showing-your-friendship-time… but we have an emergency." Hana said looking really impatient and annoyed. The three turned to Hana questioningly before exchanging looks.

"Eh? Kenji can't make it?" everyone chorused

"Ah, as well as all the ones who were suppose to play as Yoshi's guardians, except for Gokudera and Yamamoto." Hana said crossing her arms

"Even Kyoko-chan?" Tsuna asks looking really worried

"Ah, don't worry about her. She only has a sore throat but she promised to watch the play." Hana turns to the brunet, who sighed in relief "Unfortunately for the main character and the others, they got a bad stomach and got sick."

"What about their understudies?" a student asks

"They got sick too…"

Tsuna couldn't help but think that this had something to do with a certain home tutor…

"So? What do we do now? Without them, our play is ruined!" One of the students exclaimed

"Ah… we'll be needing replacements." Hana had crossed her arms

Gokudera's hand immediately shot up "I suggest Juudaime to be the main character!"

"Gokudera-kun…" Tsuna sighed

"What? But he's already ok with acting as Kuran." Hana turns to the bomber

"I think Tsuna would do great as the main character as well." Yamamoto raises his hand as well "Maybe we can find another person to act as the villain."

"Guys can be such idiots…" Hana murmurs "It's gonna take a lot of adjustments if we continue changing roles!"

"Hohoho! Everyone please calm down." All the students turned their attention to a certain arcobaleno who was standing on the teacher's desk, wearing the same black toga while holding a diploma.

"Professor Bo-reen…" Hana turns to the cosplaying hitman

"I see you're having a crisis…" Reborn said

'And whose fault do you think it is?' Tsuna mentally yelled

"…well then, since it cannot be helped… I shall help you." Reborn said with a smirk "I have already found some new replacements for those you need replacing… and don't worry, they can act out the role perfectly…"

The brunet couldn't help but look at the small baby in suspicion.

"R-really?" Hana looks at him in surprise

Reborn nodded "Except for the main character." He then added, making everyone groan in disappointment

"Like I said! Juudaime will fit it perfectly!" Gokudera insisted

"Tch. I guess we have no choice." Hana crosses her arms, Gokudera immediately looked happy as well as Yamamoto, while Tsuna could only sweat drop. Luckily he unconsciously memorized the lines of the main character. "Now all we need is a villain…"

After much argument and complaints, Hana was able to choose Mochida (even though he was from another class and year), by dragging and forcing him to participate. However, as everyone started fixing for the preparations, Tsuna couldn't help but wonder who these substitutes were.


Nana enters the building with Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta by her side.

"Maman! Lambo-san want food!" Lambo complains

"Now, now Lambo-kun, we can eat later… right now we're going to watch Tsu-kun's play!" Nana giggles excitedly "I can't wait to see my little Tsu-kun act."

"I'm excited too! Hayato-nii and Takeshi-nii said Tsuna-nii is great at acting!" Fuuta looks up at her

"Oh my~! My lil boy is growing up!" Nana cooed

"Tsuna-san cool!" I-pin agreed

"Hahi! Sawada-san!" Nana turns around and saw Haru running after her with Kyoko

"Ah… Kyoko-chan… Haru-chan." Nana greeted the two "Are you going to watch Tsu-kun's play too?"

"Hai desu!" Haru replied

"Arre, wasn't Kyoko-nee suppose to be part of the play?" Fuuta tilted his head questioningly

"Ah… well… I have a sore throat you see…" Kyoko spoke, her voice hoarse and soft

"Oh no, that's too bad." Nana said, frowning "Are you going to be ok?"

Kyoko nodded while smiling brightly

"Tsuna-san and the others might be panicking by now, neh? I mean… they'll be missing a character." Haru pointed out

"Maa, I guess Tsuna-kun would be able to handle the situation." Kyoko replies "Tsuna-kun is such a reliable person after all…"

As the group continued chatting, Lambo had suddenly left. He had suddenly spotted a trail of candy and decided to follow it, leaving the clueless bunch.


Tsuna peeked through the curtains and saw the huge audience settling at their seats. He gulps.

"There sure are a lot of people, neh Tsuna?" Tsuna turns around and saw both Yamamoto and Gokudera, wearing the outfits they had once wore at the dress rehearsals. "Y-yeah… I'm feeling kinda' nervous." The young boss admitted. Despite being the fearsome Boss of the Vongola, he still couldn't get over his shy side.

"Don't worry Juudaime! You'll do great!" Gokudera exclaims

Tsuna could only nod while absent-mindedly play with his bandaged hand. He wasn't aware of the worried looks his two best friends were giving him. "Uhm… hey Tsuna… can we… ask you something?"

"H-huh?" Tsuna turns to the two

"We don't mean to be rude Juudaime… but-!"

"We want to clear everything up Tsuna…" Yamamoto looks at the brunet seriously "I know we told you we should forget what happened back when we… had a fight… but, I'm sorry. I just can't shake it off my mind no matter what."


"Juudaime! This isn't like you…" Gokudera had grabbed him as well.

"Then you probably don't know me at all!" Tsuna suddenly yells, stunning the two boys "You guys always hold me back as if you know what's best!"

"Tsuna! You just can't shoot those people even if they are your enemies." Yamamoto then spoke "What if you kill them?"

"I don't care." Tsuna suddenly bursts out "I'm used to such things, remember?"


"Yamamoto…" Tsuna looks at him sadly

"I'm sorry Juudaime. But I have to agree with the baseball freak." Gokudera exclaims

"Gokudera-kun too…?" Tsuna's eyes shadowed

"Can you tell us after the play?" Yamamoto pleadingly smiles at him

"…" Tsuna turns his gaze away from them "I can't…"

"Juudaime… you have to!" Gokudera had grabbed his arm "As your right hand man, it's my duty to know what's really happening to you…"

"You're making it sound like I turned into a crazy person!" Tsuna snapped with a glare, making Gokudera let go of him. The brunet's fierce glare melted away. "I-I'm sorry…"

"It's ok… Juudaime…" Gokudera replied in a quiet tone

The lights had dimmed, signaling the show was about to start


"It's just that… It's not that I can't tell you… I just don't want to." It was feint, but they were positive that his voice was quivering.


How can one question hold so many answers?

"It's because…" Tsuna's voice was drowning from the narration given to the audience at the stage. The two had to go near the brunet to hear him properly "…I'm afraid that once you guys realize it… you'll… you'll look at me differently and… you'll turn your back on me…" it was just probably the dimmed lights or something, but was it them or did the sides of Tsuna's eyes glittered… like there were tears?

"Why would we do that to you Tenth?" Gokudera asks, looking dumbfounded

However, the bomber's question remained unanswered as the narrator call out for Yoshi's character.

Tsuna turns away from the two as he opens the curtains. The lights from the stage entered the dimmed backstage, and the two guardians were able to see a clearer view of the brunet's pale face. He look sad, depress and lonely. He then spoke, as his caramel eyes landed at them…

"Just… don't leave me alone… ok?" it sounded like a childish request, but hearing it from the brunet… it was more than that…

Gokudera and Yamamoto weren't able to give their reply for Tsuna had already left for the stage.

"Arra! Look! Tsu-kun has come out!" Nana exclaims as she watches her son enter the stage

"Arre? Where's Lambo?" Fuuta asks looking around, finally noticing the absence of the cow child.

"Is Tsuna-san ok?" Haru whispered to Kyoko "He looks depress desu."

Kyoko could only shake her head cluelessly while looking at the stage in worry.

There was once a no-good boy named Yoshi… the boy always had poor grades and was a total klutz.

And as if on cue, Tsuna tripped, earning some laughter from the audience 'W-what the! Where did that rock came from?' The brunet exclaimed glaring at the offending object found in the middle of the stage.

He was always made fun of by his classmates and was always the center of attention for the bullies.

Tsuna's classmates came out of the back stage and jogged past Tsuna while pointing and laughing at him. The brunet sighed before looking up. He almost fell back as soon as he saw five huge guys in school uniform grinning down at him. Almost immediately, Tsuna ran to the backstage with a squeak while the supposed bullies followed him.

The audience broke into laughter as a scream was heard in the backstage.


Tsuna was literally being beat up by the huge bullies. Luckily, Yamamoto and Gokudera had arrived in time to save the poor brunet from broken bones.

"Who were those people?" Tsuna exclaimed turning to Hana

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the bullies were also absent because of sickness… those must've been the backup Professor Bo-reen had mentioned." Hana looks down at Tsuna who wobbly stood up "They're really good actors aren't they?" Tsuna sweat drops 'That's because they were real!'

However, this no-good boy was about to get his destiny change as a certain visitor was found sitting in his living room…

Tsuna entered the stage once again. The place was now decorated like a living room with couches, coffee table, potted plant and so on. Tsuna couldn't help but wonder how they were able to decorate the stage in a short amount of time. He continued on his way as he started wondering 'Oh yeah, I wonder who the tutor would be? I mean, whenever we have practice, there was never a role to fill it out. When I would ask Kurokawa who it would be… she would just say it's a secret…' Tsuna had suddenly came face to face with a chair facing away from the brunet 'It probably has something to do with Reborn… So it could be…'

Slowly the chair turned to Tsuna and Tsuna's caramel eyes widen.

There sitting in front of him, was a man… wearing a suit and a fedora. He had curly side burns and his sharp black eyes were staring at him. In short… the man looked a lot like… Reborn?

There were squeals from the audiences and some excited murmurs as they ask each other if the hitman was a model or a famous star. However, Tsuna ignored this.

"W-who are you?" Tsuna stuttered out, he was shock and stunned. He knew this was Reborn. Reborn's true form. He had known of the arcobaleno's curse in the future and he knew Reborn shouldn't be back in his normal form for it was impossible!

'No…' Tsuna blinked. He could perfectly see the mist flame emanating from the man. He was just an illusion. Nothing more, nothing less… 'But why an illusion?' Tsuna sweat drops 'Could it be he didn't want anyone else to play his role? That sure sounds like the Reborn I know.'

The man smirked as he took out his gun and point it at Tsuna, making the brunet step back.

"My name is Reborn (Oh yeah, Reborn, didn't want his name to be dubbed as well…' Tsuna thought) I am a hitman, and I'm here to give you good news."The man spoke in a cool deep voice that it made more girls squeal

"G-Good news?" Tsuna stares at the illusion uncertainly

"Ah…" the man stood up and approached the brunet "You're gonna be the next Mafia Boss of the Clam group…"

"E-eh? Mafia?" Tsuna flinched as the man held his shoulder 'This is a real illusion…and I've got a feeling I know who's making this illusion…' he thought as he felt the other grip his shoulder

"That's right, and because of that. You shall enter a Mafia school." The hitman said as he patted the smaller teen's soldier. Tsuna sweat drop as he heard girls scream.

The next scene came, and Tsuna was now wearing a suit, as it was the uniform for the supposed school he was attending. The brunet was currently holding a huge stack of books while struggling to walk across the stage. It was said in the script that this was the part where Yoshi meets Keshi.

And as if on cue, the brunet bumped on someone, making himself loose his balance and drop the books "Ah!" Luckily, a hand had grabbed him before he could land on the hard unforgiving floor. He looked up and saw Gokudera's concerned forest green eyes, he looked at the bomber from head to toe, his outfit was the same as what he wore at their dress rehearsal.

Tsuna then remembered that he was supposed to land on the ground… not get caught by Keshi.

Tsuna staged whispered "G-Gokudera-kun, w-what are you-?" he was interrupted when Gokudera gripped his arm lightly, his eyes filled with desperation as if, he wanted to tell the brunet something.

Tsuna was about to ask what was bothering the bomber, only to be interrupted once again as Gokudera suddenly spoke "Sorry about that." Gokudera strained a smile

Remembering the play Tsuna hastily replied.

"I-it's okay…" Tsuna said straightening himself, he felt Gokudera hesitantly let go of him "It was my fault for walking around with all these books." He knelt down to pick up the books, Gokudera followed

"Hahaha! Maa, maa, let me help you with that!" Tsuna was awed by Gokudera's perfect acting of Keshi's role. His laugh was hearty and his smile didn't seem strained as it was before. What changed? Back in their practice, Gokudera would growl and step on the script when he would read the part he had to laugh and act all cheerful and bubbly, which he found annoying.

"O-okay." Tsuna said and watched Gokudera stand, he abruptly stood up as well.

They started walking around, as it was told in their script before arriving at a table and putting the books on top of it.

"Hey, you're that new transfer student! Am I right?" Gokudera grinned

"U-uhh yeah…" Tsuna still can't understand how Gokudera can manage to make such faces when all the silver-head do is scowl and growl at people. Sure, he would usually smile at times, but never this long and in front of a lot of people.

Squeals and screams could be heard from the crowd once again.

"My name's Keshi! Nice to meet you!" he held out a hand, Tsuna shook it "I-I'm Yoshi…" the brunet immediately noticed the shaking of Gokudera's hand. The brunet suddenly thought of something.

Was Gokudera, depress?

Tsuna always knew that when the bomber gets depress he would always push himself from acting perfectly normal… which Tsuna would conclude toonormal that it made him suspicious. With that realization, Tsuna knew perfectly well why Gokudera was acting so good.

He was pushing himself from acting, doing things unwillingly just to hide his depression, but Tsuna knew better. He knew the bomber was trying to seek comfort at what he had probably done, when he snapped at Gokudera from the backstage.

"You're making it sound like I turned into a crazy person!"

Guilt spread within him as they let go of each other's hand.

"I heard you're the future boss of the Clam Group! Wow that's so cool!" Gokudera exclaimed

"Yeah, I guess so, but... me? As future Boss of the Clam Group? A very prestigious group…" Tsuna chuckled half-heartedly "I'll just bring it to its downfall."

Gokudera frowned, as he finally noticed something off from the brunet.

"Eh? How would you know that when you haven't even started?" Gokudera asks, however, his eyes didn't seem puzzled as how it was said in the script, instead, he seemed to be focusing to Tsuna, trying to find out what was off from the brunet.

"With someone as no-good as me, who always mess things up and is nothing but trouble…" Tsuna strains a grin "…I'll obviously cause misfortune for others, and probably this mafia group. I'm gonna mess up big time."

The crowd had gone silent. The drama the brunet was letting out was intense.

"Hey don't say that. Nothing bad happened yet."

"Yet…" Tsuna emphasized, before making a tired sigh "Anyway, it was nice knowing you… I-" however, before the brunet could even leave, something unexpected happened.

"Juudaime! Please wait a minute!" Tsuna's eyes widen as he felt the bomber grab him.

This wasn't part of the script!

"I… I want to tell you something!" Gokudera said with determination and seriousness

"G-Gokudera-kun, can't we just talk at the backstage instead…? We're in the middle of a role play here…" Tsuna whispered

"No!" Tsuna looks at the bomber in shock

"Gokudera-kun, what-?"

"Juudaime, back at the backstage… you… you were implying to us that we won't be able to understand you…" Gokudera's grip tightened "Am I… Am I right?"

Tsuna's eyes widen slightly. Actually, back when they had 'the talk' at the backstage, Tsuna's words were different, yet there were implications on what he was trying to say. And it had been echoing in his heart.

"…I'm afraid that once you guys realize it… you'll… you'll look at me differently and… you'll turn your back on me…"

You won't understand…

You won't understand anything… or me…

Another light grip made Tsuna snap back, he was unaware of the tears welling up. It couldn't be help, once you hear someone say something you're heart had been screaming, you couldn't help but crackup and feel sad yet happy that that person had finally realized the things you wanted them to know yet unable to let them know.

"True, I can't understand anything right now… but…" forest green eyes look at Tsuna. The undeniable loyalty and determination shone through them, it had been awhile since Tsuna had last seen them. He had missed them so much.

"…what I truly understand from Juudiame is that Juudaime is the best Boss there is! Juudaime has a kind heart and is so amazing that only a few people can see it. Juudaime… you're very special. You always put others before yourself and will do anything to save your familigia…" Gokudera smiled gently

"And that is the Juudaime I understand, the Juudaime I have sworn to follow and protect with my life."

Tsuna felt a numbing warmth course through him. A memory suddenly passes…

"Juudaime!" a 21 year old Gokudera ran towards a problematic looking Tsuna by the garden of the Vongola mansion

"Ah Gokudera-kun, what's up?" Tsuna smiles tiredly

"Juudaime, is there something bothering you?" Gokudera approaches the brunet with concern etched on his face

"Hm? O-oh it's nothing." Tsuna scratches his cheek "You won't understand…"

Gokudera frowned "I won't understand anything if you won't tell me anything."

Tsuna looked at him in shock. Gokudera had some slight changes these past years, and this blunt attitude of his was one of them. Though, this attitude was actually good for him.

Tsuna reluctantly sighed "In the matter of understanding, that's the problem."

Gokudera raises an eyebrow at this "What do you mean Juudaime?"

"Ever since we came here… it's been hard to… adjust." Tsuna crouched down to probably distract himself by caressing some flowers "Some people… they don't seem to get me… I heard some talking behind my back." Tsuna smiles sadly "But I guess what they were saying were true. Why did a scrawny guy like me became the mafia boss?"

"What?" Gokudera exclaimed looking furious before calming himself down "Tch. It doesn't matter anymore, they'll soon see how amazing Juudaime is … "

Tsuna couldn't help but look at the other in confusion, sensing this Gokudera just grinned "Don't worry Juudaime, I perfectly understand you! You're the best boss there is! Juudaime has a kind heart and is so amazing that only a few people can see it. Juudaime… you're very special. You always put others before yourself and will do anything to save your familigia…"

Future Gokudera's exact words echoed within his mind.

Gokudera noticed Tsuna's silence, making him look up, worried that he might've upset his boss "Juudaime?"

"A-arigatou…" tears were literally sliding down Tsuna's cheeks as he smiled softly, making the bomber panic "H-Honto ni… arigatou…" the brunet was now wiping his tears with a small smile

The crowd went 'Awwwe…'

"Ju-Juudaime! Please don't cry!" Gokudera said, still looking panicked

"Gah! Don't look at me!" Tsuna tries to wipe his tears away before running off, his face bright red in embarrassment, but beneath those arms that were trying to hide his tears, was a cheerful smile.

"J-Juudaime!" Gokudera ran after him.

Then the lights dimmed, ending the scene with excited chatters from the crowd. They couldn't wait for what was to happen next.

End of chapter...

Chapter 21


"You IDIOT! What do you think were you doing? You almost ruined our role play!"

Tsuna flinched at Hana's yell.

"Shut up Stupid Woman! I could care less about this dumb role play!" Gokudera yelled back

"Maa maa, both of you should calm down." Yamamoto grins "At least it turned out successful, neh Tsuna?"

Tsuna blinked before nodding.

"Hmpf, you're lucky the audience liked it, cause of they didn't, you're so toast." Hana glared

"Tch! Whatever." Gokudera walks away

"G-Gokudera-kun…" Tsuna was about to run after the silver head bomber only to be held back by a hand on his shoulder from his rain guardian "Haha, don't worry about Gokudera Tsuna. He'll be fine. Anyway, our turn's coming up next! Come on!"

"Uh, s-sure…"

And so…

As Yoshi walked through the halls of the school he suddenly came across a student who looked like a delinquent.

Tsuna stops by the middle of the stage to look up at Yamamoto who had passed by. He watched as Yamamoto walk by with an impassive look. This whole new attitude made all the girls in the crowd (and probably in the backstage) squeal in delight. The baseball star turns to him and glared.

Tsuna flinched 'Yamamoto's good at this…'

All of a sudden, Yamamoto took out his script and spoke out his line as he read his script.

"What are you looking at?" Yamamoto said trying to look pissed

'I take back what I said.' Tsuna immediately thought as the crowd started laughing "Yamamoto what are you doing? You're not supposed to show you're script!" the brunet whispered to his friend

"Eh? I'm not?" Yamamoto looks at Tsuna cluelessly

The young boss could already hear Gokudera yell at the backstage 'That idiot!"

He turns to Yamamoto before nodding "This isn't practice anymore!"

"Ahahah, gomen gomen! It's just a bit hard to memorize you see." Yamamoto said as he rubs the back of his head sheepishly

More laughs erupted.

"Can we start all over again?" Yamamoto grinned and Tsuna could only smile nervously at his rain guardian "Yamamoto… we can't start all over when we're already this far… we need to keep moving forward." The other whispered

"But I made a mistake." Yamamoto whispered back

Tsuna suddenly smiled "Then we have no choice but to go on and forget about it…" the brunet suddenly pulled the other's hand and forcibly switched their positions, making Tsuna's back face the audience "...and hope for the best."

'Tsuna?' Yamamoto blinked

Tsuna then whispered "Alright, I'm gonna mouth the lines you're supposed to speak. Be sure to keep up."

"But what if I get it wrong?" Yamamoto said smiling uncertainly

"What are you talking about? The Yamamoto I know never makes mistakes, not unless he follows his instincts." Tsuna said

Yamamoto looks at Tsuna, stunned. He watched as those caramel eyes looked straight into his own amber ones, as if they were looking directly to his soul. But instead of feeling scared or numb, the baseball star felt confidence and assurance.

"Alright then… time to begin!" Tsuna mouthed, and sure enough Yamamoto could imagine Tsuna actually saying it! It was like his senses were now open wide and more alert.

"N-nothing!" Tsuna said feigning a scared look "I-I wasn't looking at you!"

"Hey, you're that Vongola kid." Yamamoto was surprise as he spoke almost at the same time as Tsuna mouthed his lines, however, he did not show it as he crossed his arms "You don't seem that strong for a boss. You don't have what it takes to be one at all!" he points an accusing finger at the brunet.

Tsuna makes a small smile before nodding and stepping back as Yamamoto pointed at him "Y-yeah, I've been getting that a lot…" he said while scratching the back of his head

"I challenge you to a duel!" Yamamoto declared "I respect and follow The Clam Group, so I have the right to see if you're fit to be the boss!"

"What? B-but-!" Tsuna squeaked "No way!"

Then the lights dimmed…

"I can't believe you forgot your lines!" Hana exclaims

"Haha, sorry…" Yamamamoto grinned

Hana could only sigh as she knew it was useless scolding a thick-headed idiot like Yamamoto "Anyway, I guess we need the flash boards…"

"No." Yamamoto suddenly spoke up, and Hana could only look at him in confusion "Why? Did you already memorize your lines for the next part?"

"Err… no." Yamamoto turns to Tsuna, who had been watching the exchange the whole time. The brunet also looked at Yamamoto in confusion, clueless on what the baseball star was planning.

"It's just that…" Yamamoto suddenly grins as he slung his arm around Tsuna's shoulder "I want to continue Tsuna's method! I want him to be mouthing my lines while I try to lip read!"

"You idiot, stop making things harder for Juudaime!" Gokudera had suddenly popped in the conversation, surprising the trio slightly

"Maa maa Gokudera! Calm down!" Yamamoto grinned

"Why would I calm down when you keep troubling Juudaime with your own troubles-!"

"Well, I think it's more effective to use that method." Tsuna spoke up


"I mean, think about it, if we have to use that method, it would be easier and more natural to look at. If we have to use flash boards, Yamamoto would have to keep looking on the backstage just to see his next lines. But if we do my method, then it would be less noticeable… after all, Yamamoto has to look at me when we speak, right?" Tsuna explained with a small smile but the smile immediately dropped as he saw the three look at him with a stunned look.

"U-uhh… err… but if you guys really don't want to…-"

"As expected of Juudaime to think things through!" Gokudera's eyes were shining with admiration as he looked at the brunet

"Hn. About time you used that brain of yours properly Sawada." Hana crossed her arms while looking slightly impressed

Yamamoto grinned at me "That's a relief! I really want to continue doing it you know!"

"Eh? Why?" the young boss asked, feeling slightly confused. I mean, why would he want to continue lip reading? It can be very confusing at times and might lead him to mistakes and misunderstandings.

"Well you see. When we were doing it earlier… It felt like… we were synchronizing…" Yamamoto pulls the brunet closer "It was like we were connected! You and I…"

Gokudera started yelling at Yamamoto to get off Tsuna, but he was just pushed away by Hana, thus leaving the two alone.

"You're amazing you know that Tsuna?" Yamamoto lets go of the boy. Caramel eyes stared at the taller teen questioningly "Not only were you able to memorize my lines but… for some reason, when I lip-read everything you said, it was like you were leading me to the right path. It was like you were clearly expressing me the things you want me to understand."

Tsuna looks at him with eyes widening slightly. A hand suddenly ruffled his hair gently "Hahaha, maa… if only you were that expressive at times Gokudera and I can't seem to understand you."


Yamamoto gazed at Tsuna softly "When you do that, acting distant and stuff, it always feels like watching someone talk silently, confused and curious on what he was trying to convey, unable to understand or hear anything at all."

Tsuna looks at the swordsman with a slight frown "Well, the reason why we talk silently at times is because we don't want others to understand or hear what we want to say, but instead, we want them to already know and realize this without conveying it and accept whatever it could be."

Yamamoto was looking at Tsuna in shock and slight confusion. Noticing this, Tsuna just wave a hand "N-never mind what I said… come on, the next part's about to start."

"Wait Tsuna… I have to tell you something-!"Yamamoto was interrupted when they were called by their classmates to get ready on the stage. Tsuna had left. 'Guess I can tell him later…' Yamamoto thought

"Just… don't leave me alone… ok?"

"Let's begin!" Yamamoto took out his sword.

'A-arre? Yamamoto's gonna use a sword to fight? And a real one?' Tsuna sighed, remembering the times they were having their practice, Yamamoto's weapon was always unknown 'I guess this is also a part of Reborn's plan huh?'

"Eh? Time out! Time out!" The brunet exclaims positioning his arms into a big letter 'T' "Aren't their rules against fighting in school grounds?"

"What are you talking about?" Yamamoto looks at him skeptically "This is a mafia school. All rules are about fighting."

"Ehhh? No way!" Tsuna steps back before mouthing the other's next line

"No backing down!" Yamamoto points his sword to Tsuna

The young boss was about to say something that is until he saw piano wires descend from above and suddenly wrap themselves around Yamamoto's arms. Tsuna looks up and saw Reborn holding 2 cross like woods that had the end of the piano wires attached. Almost like the ones they used in puppets.

'W-what the-!' Reborn also looked at Tsuna, he suddenly smirks as his eyes glinted mischievously he suddenly thrust a hand that was holding one of the central rod towards the brunet's direction.

"T-Tsuna! Watch out!" the Tenth look back at his friend and saw the other running towards him with his sword pointing dangerously at him. He immediately dodged it, earning some 'ooh' and gasps from the crowd. Yamamoto halted and went into an offensive stance. Tsuna could see the panic in his face.

Not so sure of what to do, he just gave the baseball star a smile, trying to tell him to calm down and that everything will be okay. Yamamoto looks at him uncertainly before nodding. Tsuna returns the nod before mouthing Yamamoto's next line.

"Good job on dodging that. But I assure you my next attack will destroy you!" Yamamoto said and as if on cue, Yamamoto lunged towards the younger teen before thrusting his sword at him multiple times in lightning speed. It was a little faster than Yamamoto's technique that Tsuna was having a bit of a hard time dodging it.

'Darn it Reborn! You're gonna get me killed!' Tsuna thought as he side-stepped the attack, unfortunately he wasn't able to immediately react as Yamamoto hit him by the stomach with the hilt of the sword.

"Gah!" The brunet was thrown to the ground while the audience clapped and cheered.

The swordsman was about to call out to his friend in worry but was stopped as he saw Tsuna put a finger over his lips. Obviously telling him to not yell and that he was okay.

"W-wait! Stop! I don't want to fight you!" Tsuna stood up while holding out both his hands

"It's too late to back down…" the rain guardian lip-read "You're finish!"

However, as Yamamoto was about to deliver an attack, a grenade suddenly drop in front of Yamamoto. Tsuna's eyes widen at this. He was sure this wasn't part of the script! He didn't have any time to think or glare at Reborn, who obviously dropped the grenade for some stupid reason as he practically lunged himself towards Yamamoto "Yamamoto look out!"

He held the taller boy's body tightly, surprising the other, before landing on the ground roughly. The grenade exploded, but fortunately, the explosion was smaller than the usual ones. The whole stage was covered with smoke as Tsuna felt the impact. The bruise on his hand worsened as he landed on it after lunging at his best friend.

Screams and gasps were heard as the audience try to get a better view of the stage.

"Tsuna-!" Yamamoto tries to look down at the boy, with one eye shut. Thanks to the smoke, it was a little hard to keep their eyes open.

"It's okay… I'm gonna protect you Yamamoto…" Tsuna suddenly spoke, his hold tightens around the other "I'm the Boss after all… it's my duty and responsibility to protect everyone…"

'Tsuna…' Yamamoto looks at Tsuna, stunned before shaking his head lightly. He freed himself from the smaller teen's hold and wrapped his arms around the small form 'You're wrong…'

The smoke was starting to clear and Tsuna immediately pushed himself off Yamamoto. He was positive he didn't want people seeing him in that embarrassing position. The two stood up while coughing slightly from the smoke.

Sighs of relief and cheers thundered through the gym as they saw the two characters okay.

"The effects were so real!" one of the audiences said

As soon as the smoke cleared, Yamamoto instantly started acting his role, much to Tsuna's surprise.

"You saved me!" Yamamoto exclaimed, acting surprise and stunned

"W-well, I just can't watch someone get blown up… even if that someone tried to kill me." The brunet nervously smiled.

The baseball star suddenly knelt in front of Tsuna and held his bruised hand. He frowned at the bruise before looking up at Tsuna "Thank you so much for saving me. My life is now indebted to you…"

"W-what? You don't need to… I mean, I really don't need your life-!"

"No." Yamamoto spoke firmly "I swear to protect you with all my life." Amber eyes met with caramel ones "…it's the guardian's duty after all…" Yamamoto smiles brightly. Tsuna frowned.

Girls had started squealing at the scene, but Yamamoto didn't seem to notice as he puts a hand over Tsuna's bruised hand, making him wince. The young boss started mouthing Yamamoto's next lines but to his surprise, the baseball star ignored him and spoke.

"I'll follow you and never leave your side…" Yamamoto said "I know there are times when we can't seem to understand each other, but… even so. I'll never leave or abandon you at all!"

'W-what?' Tsuna looks at his rain guardian in shock

"You're just like lip reading… you try to emphasize the truth without the words, making others mislead or misunderstand you… at times, they make mistakes as well. But, you said it yourself, neh? When committing mistakes, we have no choice but to move on… and hope for the best." Yamamoto stood up and hugged the smaller teen.

Once again, the audience cooed and 'awwwe'd.

"All you have to do is voice it out Tsuna… you don't need to mouth the words anymore… with that, there'll be no need for mistakes we'll just have to follow you without worries, now that the truth had been said there'll be no misunderstanding, we'll keep following you and never leave your side." Yamamoto whispered softly at the brunet

Tsuna's eyes widen before hesitantly returning the hug… 'Yamamoto… I know… but I can't… and you can't… you can't keep following me, unlike that time.'


"Tsuna! Tsuna!" in an airport filled with busy people trying to catch up their flight, a raven haired teen ran through the crowd, pushing and dodging the people who were in the way.

And by the gate of one of the flights was a brunet around 18 or 19, with lonely looking eyes.

"Yamamoto?" the boy said

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto panted as he stopped in front of him "I-I want to come too!"

"W-what? But you can't!" Though, he looked a bit happy at what the other said, he immediately disagrees at the suggestion while knowing full well what consequences will await Yamamoto with his decision "Y-you can't come with me to Italy. It's… you're not suppose to!"

The baseball star looks at Tsuna with a hurt expression "Why not? The kid gave me a ticket see? And I already have my passport and my things!"

"Yamamoto…" the soon to be boss had gone serious "…this isn't a field trip you know. Once you go to Italy with me. You'll be forced to train as the rain guardian of the Tenth Vongola Boss. You'll stay in Italy for who knows how long and you won't be able to see your dad for a very long time!"

Before Yamamoto could say a word, Tsuna had grabbed him by the shoulders and looked at him straight in the eyes "Don't come with me. Please, don't follow my future. It's very dangerous and risky. Stay here instead, live a good and peaceful life… aim to be Japan's or better yet, the world's professional baseball player and get married and have kids. I'm positive you're gonna have a future like that once you stay here."

"Tsuna." Yamamoto grabs the hands holding his shoulders before putting them down gently "I've already decided. Back then, baseball was everything to me that the only thing I protect was me and my body, but then you came along and made me realize that there was much more things to protect than just my physical state and health. I had to protect the ones I care about…" he smiles softly "…and you're one of them Tsuna…"

"Yamamoto… no…"

The swordsman could feel Tsuna's hands tremble "Look you're trembling… stop forcing yourself to say things you actually don't want to say… I know you're lonely." Yamamoto grips his hands lightly "And I know you'll end up handling things alone. I'm sorry, but I won't let you. You don't have to carry the burden alone Tsuna. We're all here with you to support you."

Teary caramel eyes looked up at Yamamoto, who in return, makes a smile "Look! Here they come now!" Yamamoto exclaims before pointing at a group of people making their way towards them.

And sure enough, Tsuna's sight met with all his guardians. Gokudera was arguing with Ryohei. Chrome followed with Lambo in her arms and surprisingly, Hibari was trailing from behind.

"See Tsuna? You're not alone anymore. We'll always follow you and never leave you."


"Tsuna…" the brunet had snapped from his memory flashback as soon as he heard his rain guardian call him. He was still in the arms of Yamamoto… much to his embarrassment.

"The things I said… they were my reply to you at what you said to Gokudera and I earlier…" Yamamoto whispered

"Just… don't leave me alone… ok?"

"They were true you know…" Yamamoto added "They weren't just lines from a script…"

Tsuna slowly shut his eyes, trying to feel Yamamoto's warmth as he whispered back "Yeah… I know."

And with that, the lights dimmed, signaling the end of another scene…

End of chapter...

Chapter 22


"Baseball idiot! How dare you act so close to Juudaime like that!" Gokudera had charged towards Yamamoto and grabbed a fistful of his shirt "Let me annihilate him Juudaime!"

"Gokudera-kun, calm down…" Tsuna sighed

"Haha… maa maa Gokudera, you were acting close to Tsuna too you know." Yamamoto pointed out.

"You idiot! At least I didn't go far as to embrace Juudaime!" Gokudera exclaimed while Tsuna could only blush in embarrassment.

"Well, we both know it was just a friendly hug." Yamamoto scratches the back of his head, "I mean, Tsuna looked like he really needed it." The baseball star turns to his other friend with a huge grin plastered on his face. Tsuna blinks slowly before making a small smile.

"Well done on making the first part of the play successful…" Professor Bo-reen suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Reborn!" Tsuna crouches down "What were you thinking dropping a grenade like that? What if Yamamoto got injured, not to mention the audience?"

"That's Professor Bo-reen to you." Reborn's eyes glinted dangerously "…and what are you talking about? I don't know anything about this grenade."

"Mou-!" Tsuna was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder "Yamamoto!" he looks behind to see his best friend grinning at him.

"Calm down Tsuna. Don't worry about that, what matters is that we're both fine and no one got hurt." The baseball star said calmly.

"That's right Juudaime! Don't waste your time worrying for this idiot!" Gokudera glares at Yamamoto who laughed in return.

Tsuna sweat dropped.

Professor Bo-reen then claps his hands to get their attention "Yosh. Let us now prepare for the next scene…"

Tsuna could only glare at his tutor. He knew he was up to something.

"And so, with Yoshi's new found friends… Yoshi was starting to find the school not so bad. So, One day… while Yoshi was walking with his friends…"

"Neh, have you heard about the Vino guy…-" Yamamoto was suddenly interrupted by an obnoxious laugh that suddenly echoed through the stage.

"Gyahahahaha! It's Lambo-san's time to shine!" As if on cue, a cow child started climbing the stage in difficulty.

"Gah!" Gokudera felt a vein pop

'La-Lambo!' Tsuna mentally screamed

"Ahaha, I didn't know Lambo was the understudy for Vino…" Yamamoto whispered to Tsuna, making the other sweat drop.

The crowd started murmuring…

And that's when Yoshi met Vino.

("Arre? I never knew Lambo-kun was part of the role play!" Nana giggled excitedly)

"Tsuna! I want candy!" Lambo jumped towards Tsuna, and the brunet immediately caught him "L-Lambo! What are you doing here?" he whispered

"Why are you whispering Dame-Tsuna? Dame-Tsuna is as dame as always! Gyahaha!" Lambo exclaims, making Tsuna sweat-drop.

Chuckles and laughs were heard from the crowd.

"You stupid cow! How dare you insult Juudaime!" Gokudera whacks the cow child on the head

Another set of laughs was heard.

"Maa, maa Gokudera, calm down…" Yamamoto spoke before whispering, "We're still doing a role play right or is this part of it?"

Tsuna sweat drops yet again 'What the heck is happening?' he turns to the backstage and his eyes immediately landed on a certain Arcobaleno who was smirking at him, twirling a microphone in his hand, he appeared to be totally oblivious of the whole scene. It had then slammed on Tsuna, straight to the face that Reborn was the one who had been narrating all along!

'What the heck is that damn tutor thinking?' The young boss mentally screamed. His thoughts were immediately interrupted when Lambo suddenly started crying in his arm.

"Ahodera! Prepare yourself!" Lambo took out his grenades

To show how strong Vino was, he had then challenged Keshi to battle… the narrator said

"Lambo! Wait, no! Don't!" However, Tsuna's cries fell on deaf-ears as Lambo threw the grenades on the stage "Gupyaa!" Unfortunately for Lambo, he wasn't able to calculate the distance of the explosion and flew away from Tsuna's arms, while the smaller teen fell backwards by the edge of the stage, about to fall.



however, thanks to his stupidity, his own plan back fired and he got thrown away. Unfortunately, for Yoshi… he got caught by the explosion and was about to fall back and break his neck…

Gasps were heard from the crowd.

Tsuna shut his eyes, expecting to fall off the stage, only to have a bandaged hand grab him in the nick of time. "Woah! That would've been an EXTREME fall!"

only to be saved by Hei.

"O-onii-san!" Tsuna immediately heard the audience clap and murmur stuff like 'Wow! The effects were great!' 'I'm kinda' confused with the characters' change of attitude and name but hey… the play is kinda' cool!'

Humans are so dense…

"Juudaime! Are you ok?" Gokudera approaches his precious boss as soon as Tsuna was pulled away from the edge safely…

"Ah… don't worry." He then replied "Onii-san, what are you doing here?" the brunet whispers to Ryohei

"Hm? Oh! Master Pao Pao told me to come here and substitute for the play!" Ryohei exclaims "I was told to memorize lines and I EXTREMELY memorized them but I EXTREMELY forgot them!"

Hei, is a very EXTREME person and also forgetful and stupid…

Tsuna glared at the backstage 'Don't insult onii-san!'

Laughs broke out from the crowd.

"You stupid turf top! Then what's the point of you coming over here?" Gokudera yells at Ryohei.

"What did you call me octopus head?" Ryohei yells

Hei and Keshi got along really well…

More laughs came and Tsuna could only face-palm himself as his other two guardians did a glaring contest, while Yamamoto just laughed and scratch his head clueless-ly. 'What's next?' Tsuna thought


Tsuna looks up and almost jump back in surprise to see Chrome inches away from his face "C-Chrome?"

"Woah! How'd that girl appear out of nowhere?"

"The effects are so realistic!"

"Hey, isn't that the uniform of Kokuyo?"

In the midst of Hei and Keshi's friendly conversation, a mysterious girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The girl had claimed that the person was interesting so she couldn't help but get a closer look, while using the excuse of returning Vino to Yoshi… her name was Romu.

True enough, Lambo was in Chrome's arms, sobbing while looking beaten up "L-Lambo!"

"Ah! Here you go Boss, I was able to catch him during the explosion…" Chrome said as she held out the sobbing child.

"T-thanks…" Tsuna replies as he took Lambo and soothed the electronic-cow.

"Ah! You're here too?" Gokudera had directed his attention to them "What the heck are you doing here?"

"The Arcobaleno told me to watch Boss…" Chrome replies, looking totally unaffected at Gokudera's yelling. She suddenly intertwined her arm around Tsuna's "I'm also here to protect Boss…" The young boss couldn't help but blush as he heard wolf whistles from the crowd.

"What! Are you saying we're not capable enough to protect Juudaime?" Gokudera yells while Yamamoto said "Maa, maa, Gokudera, I don't think that's what she meant at all…"

However, the bomber just ignored him as he points a finger to Chrome's arm "And how dare you act so close to Juudaime! I demand you to let go of him right now!"

"OI! Octopus head! Don't EXTREMELY ignore me!" Ryohei then yelled

Tsuna could only look at his friends with utter shock. What are they doing? They're practically ruining the play. Tsuna turns to the curtains of the backstage, expecting to see his classmates in panic but was stunned to see them cheering and congratulating Reborn (in his cosplay) as if the role play was just going according to plan!


"Herbivores…" Everyone went silent

There, standing on the side of the stage (with a personal spot light) was the infamous Hibari Kyoya. Moments later, murmurs eventually erupted once again.

The chaos- I mean the friendly 'conversations' they were making, made a boy named Kyou approach them to kindly tell them that they were disturbing peace.

"Disturbing peace is against the rule, I'll bite you to death…" Hibari smirked at his lines.

"Maa, maa… Let's all get along now…" Yamamoto exclaims.

"Shut up baseball freak! You're annoying!" Gokudera glares at the rain guardian intensely.

"Hibari! Let's spar to the EXTREME!" Ryohei yelled… well, extremely.

"Tsuna! I want to go home!" Lambo wailed

Tsuna too wanted to go home. This role-play was driving him crazy! He wasn't sure what was right or wrong anymore. The brunet sighed before turning to his guardians… his friends… his family. The scene that was unfolding before him, made his heart warm up once again. Seeing them argue, in a deep friendly way… while being able to hold Lambo and Chrome standing by his side, also watching the others argue… these were the times he missed. He couldn't stand seeing them cower and tense in fear once he was near them.

He sighed once again. Inwardly he wishes, to never ever go back to the future, if it was possible… he wished to stay in this time forever.

'This… isn't your true wish….'

However, remembering the words of Giotto, Tsuna couldn't help but think that whatever Giotto meant, there was one thing clear… he'll just probably stay in this time… temporarily. The brunet bit his lower lip… but he didn't want to leave!

"Juudaime?" Tsuna looked up in surprise while feeling slightly embarrassed for day dreaming in the middle of the role-play, if this was still considered as a role play.

"Tsuna, you ok?" Yamamoto asks worriedly, noticing his friend's troubled look before being called by the bomber.

"A-Ah! Yeah I'm okay!" Tsuna said hastily

"Oi, Baka-Tsuna, you want some candy?" Lambo asks in a small voice, obviously worried for him as well.

"N-no it's fine Lambo…" Tsuna forced a smile…

I'm scared…

The brunet felt warm hands hold his right hand "Boss, could it be your injury? Does it hurt?"

Everyday I'm scared…

He then felt a certain skylark intensely stare at him, then at his hand.

I'm scared that I might suddenly go back to the future…

"N-no, it doesn't…" Tsuna continued before whispering "Anyway, shouldn't we focus on the role play?" his caramel eyes glanced at the audience who were patiently watching the scene that was happening before them.

almost like having a really good dream only to be woken up to face the nightmares of reality…

"If Juudaime says so…" Gokudera reluctantly said before giving the prefect a glare

"Arre? I think I forgot my lines." Yamamoto exclaimed as he scratches his head

"Me too to the EXTREME!" Ryohei said

"You idiots!" A vein popped on Gokudera's head while the crowd laughed.

But what scares me more…

Tsuna looks down, his forced smile now gone.

is that…

Unknown to him, tears had welled up, making Lambo look up at him.

what if once they find out my secret… once they find out in the future I became a murderer… they… they won't accept me anymore?

Tsuna shut his eyes tightly. His heart throbbed painfully at that thought.

I…I don't think I'll be able to take it… I'd rather die-!

"Oi Baka-Tsuna…" a small hand suddenly touched his face making the young boss open his eyes. Lambo was looking at him with a frown 'Lambo?'

Brown eyes met with green ones.

"You're snot is dripping…" Lambo bluntly said.

"Eh?" the cow child suddenly jumps down from the brunet's arm "Gyahaha! Dame-Tsuna will always be dame!" he sticks his tongue out at the brunet making the other blush furiously and wipes his face hastily.

"You stupid cow! How dare you insult Juudaime!" Gokudera took out his dynamites and chases after Lambo around the stage.

"Haha! Gokudera I didn't know you like playing tag with Lambo." Yamamoto said to Gokudera before turning to Tsuna with his handkerchief taken out "Anyway, don't move, ok Tsuna?"

"W-wait! Yamamoto-!" Tsuna went a deeper shade of scarlet as his rain guardian wipes his face like he was a kid or something. He was 25 for crying out loud…! (Well, in the inside anyway, but you get the point)

Giggles and squeals were heard from both the audience and the backstage, making him blush even more if it was possible. Yamamoto was finally done wiping his face as he straightened himself with a grin, but his eyes were full of worry, "Maa maa, is there something wrong Tsuna? Are you feeling ok?"

"Like I said… I'm fine!" Tsuna insisted

"Please don't push yourself Boss." Chrome spoke

There were some 'awwwe' coming from the crowd and Tsuna, for the umpteenth time, sweat drops.

'In a short amount of time, Yoshi had finally met friends that accepted him… no matter how no-good or clumsy he was…'

Tsuna blink at this as he turned to Reborn who still had his smirk on.

To Yoshi, they were precious as the sky… they were his whole world…

Tsuna turns back to his friends 'That's right…' he thought 'They're also the light that pulled me out from my own darkness… and I…-'

And because of this, he swore to protect them no matter what…

They all turned to Tsuna and gave him grins. Tsuna's eyes widen slightly as a bit of pink made its way to his cheeks. They were always so warm.

Of course, his friends also felt the same… he was their sky after all… he was… the sky they had to protect…

Tsuna felt a little embarrassed at the narrator's cheesy lines… but his embarrassment immediately drained away as he saw the determined look his friends were giving him (a cheerful grin for Lambo's part of course, since he's still a kid). He immediately knew that what Reborn had just said were more than just lines from a script… it was from his guardian's hearts.

Applause and cheers were heard from the crowd.

Tsuna, felt another set of tears well up, but he forced them back. With clenched fists he had finally decided… to ask them a question he always wanted them to answer and maybe… reveal some secrets…

"Everyone…" The tenth spoke up, silencing everyone "I-I want to ask you something."

"What is it Tsuna?" Yamamoto asks cheerfully

"Go ahead Juudaime!" Gokudera urges

"Boss?" Chrome tilts her head questioningly

"Question?" Ryohei said

"Will…" Tsuna looks down, before scrunching his eyes shut as he asks his question out loud "Will you always accept me for who I am? No matter what-?"



a nightmare was about to begin for the brunet…

End of Chapter

Chapter 23

Screams echoed through the walls of the gym as a sudden explosion surprised the characters of the role-play. Tsuna covered his face as smoke started engulfing the area.

"Juudaime! Look out!" Gokudera lunged himself to Tsuna, making them both stumble to the ground. And as if on cue, lights from above the stage fell to where Tsuna was standing a second ago.

"T-thanks Gokudera-kun." Tsuna said turning to the bomber "You okay?"

"I'm fine Juudaime…" Gokudera pushes himself off the brunet "Darn it, what the heck is happening?"

"I'm not sure, but everyone's in danger, we need to get them to safety!" the young boss exclaimed as he stood up, however, he almost fell back as another explosion went off.

People were now panicking as they all ran towards the exit. Luckily, the Disciplinary members were there to help and assist the bystanders out safely. Tsuna sighed in relief but his relief immediately vanished as he heard familiar screams. He turned to the seats of the audience and saw his mom, Kyoko, Haru, Fuuta and I-pin. Kyoko's feet seemed to be stuck in debris and Nana and the others were trying to pull her feet off. But the girl kept wincing in pain as they try to.


"KYOKO!" A blur passed by Tsuna and the brunet immediately knew it was Ryohei. Knowing that his mom and friends would be safe, now that they were in Ryohei's hands, he turned to check his other guardians. His face immediately went pale as he saw Yamamoto on top of Chrome and Lambo, crushed under some rubble "Yamamoto!" he ran towards the baseball star, Gokudera followed.

'God, please let him be okay!' Tsuna begged as he pushed the rubble away.

"Stupid baseball idiot, making Juudaime worry like this…" Gokudera muttered as he helps him.

Yamamoto groaned before pushing himself off the ground "Ow…"

"Yamamoto!" Tsuna smiled but once again, his smile faded to see his friend wince as he touched his shoulder "Your shoulder!"

"D-Don't worry, it's just a small injury." Yamamoto tried to give him a convincing smile, however, it wasn't as convincing as he hoped it would be.

The tenth just bit his lower lip in worry. He looked down at Chrome and Lambo, and found that they were both unconscious.

"Dame-Tsuna." Tsuna turns to his side and saw Reborn. The baby looked dead serious "I'll be calling some back-up, meanwhile, I entrust you to deal with things here."

Tsuna nodded. Reborn then turns to Gokudera and Yamamoto "Yamamoto, Gokudera."

"Yes Reborn-san?"

"What is it kid?"

"Take care of Tsuna…" Reborn said in a tone only they could hear as the brunet checked on Chrome and Lambo "Make sure you never leave him alone."

Gokudera and Yamamoto exchanged looks before turning to Reborn "We understand." They said in unison.

Reborn smirked before leaving.

Another explosion erupted, and a certain prefect stepped out, looking really pissed "Who dares destroy Nami-chu? I'll bite them to death."

"Sawada!" Tsuna turns to see the boxer heading his way

"Onii-san! Were you able to get Kyoko-chan and the others out?"

Ryohei nodded "Kyoko broke her ankle, but that's all." The boxer looked slightly worried.

"It's gonna be alright onii-san." Tsuna assured her.

"Anyways Sawada, it's dangerous here, we need to get out." Ryohei exclaimed

"We can't." Tsuna said in a serious tone "We need to find the culprits first. We just can't leave, for they might destroy more than just the gym."

"W-what do you mean Juudaime?" Gokudera looks at Tsuna.

"Obviously this accident isn't done by a normal student for a practical joke." Tsuna scowls. "This has got to do with those guys…" the others exchanged looks, knowing perfectly well who these people were. The assassins.

"Well Herbivore, I presume you have a plan to capture these herbivores." Hibari had his handcuffs out, looking really annoyed.

The guardians turned to Tsuna. "We need to split up. First things first, we need to check for other people who might've gotten buried by some rubble." He turns to Gokudera and Yamamoto, "Gokudera-kun, I'll entrust that task to you!"

"Yes Juudaime!"

"While you're at it, bring Yamamoto to safety as well and try to give him medical attention as soon as possible." He added.

"What? But Tsuna! I can help-!"

"No!" Tsuna looks at Yamamoto sternly, silencing the raven-haired teen immediately. This new side of Tsuna made him feel a bit cautious. Tsuna's gaze softens as he spoke. "Just listen to me, I don't want you pushing yourself too hard… so please Yamamoto, for both of our sakes… try to get better and you might be allowed to help."

The swordsman looks at the younger teen hesitantly before speaking "Promise?"

"I said 'might'." Tsuna smiles warmly. Yamamoto couldn't help but smile back "Alright, I guess if that's what boss wants…"

The brunet blushed slightly at what Yamamoto had called him before giving him a small glare, which Yamamoto laughed at in return before being dragged away by Gokudera, who also glared at Yamamoto, but in a harsher way, though Yamamoto didn't seem bothered by it.

"Okay next, we need someone to check out for more bombs around the area… Hibari-san, onii-san…" The boss turns to the said guardians.

"EXTREME!" Ryohei immediately leaves.

"You might be able to find the culprits behind the ones who destroyed the gym…" Tsuna added as he turns to Hibari who didn't budge.

"You said 'might'." Hibari's eyes narrowed "Whatever…" he added before leaving. Tsuna could only sweat drop.

"B-Boss…" The brunet turned to Chrome, who was sitting up slowly.

"Chrome! Are you ok?" he approaches the girl quickly.

"I'm fine Boss." She makes a small smile, beside her, Lambo started whining as he woke up. "Uwaahh! Baka-Tsuna! It's your fault Lambo-san's hurt!"

Tsuna sighed in relief before turning to Lambo "I'm sorry Lambo… can you forgive me?"

Lambo sniffed, "Lambo-san forgives Dame-Tsuna, if Dame-Tsuna gives Lambo-san candy."

The young boss smiled "I'll buy you all the candies you want later, in the meantime I need to get you guys out of here." He picks Lambo up and was about to help Chrome as well only to find Chrome shaking her head.

"I-it's fine. I'm okay." Chrome said as she stood up with the help of her trident, which she had summoned. "Just tell me your orders Boss."

Tsuna frowns before speaking "Alright then… just check the backstage for people who are injured or for those who got caught by the explosion, I'm not sure if anyone was able to escape, but Reborn was with them… so I guess they're safe, but we can't be sure."

Chrome nodded, looking at her boss determinedly she spoke "I understand…" with that she ran off.

"Come on Lambo…" Tsuna mutters, still carrying the cow child in his arms before also running off outside.

People had all fled away from the gym, afraid that an explosion might go off once again.

A certain group was being checked up by the medics inside the school building in one of the classrooms "O-ow…" Kyoko said hoarsely.

"Kyoko-chan, are you okay?" Haru asks her best friend, who nodded with an assuring smile.

"Lambo…" I-pin looks at the direction of the gym worriedly.

"Don't worry, Lambo is gonna be okay. Tsuna-nii was there after all!" Fuuta exclaimed, but worry was also evident on his face.

Nana also couldn't help but also worry for the annoying yet lovable cow child, that is, until a certain brunet came in holding the said cow child in his arms. Tsuna was covered in dust and small scratches, his white long-sleeved button up shirt was now slightly gray with dirt and a bit crumpled and ripped along with his black slacks.

"Tsu-kun! Lambo-kun!" Nana hugs her son, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Tsuna-san!" Haru exclaims, while Kyoko looks at the other with a relieved smile.

"I'm glad you guys are okay too." Tsuna smiles "Anyway Mom, take care of Lambo for me…" he gave the small child to Nana who immediately began demanding for food.

"Eh? Are you going somewhere?" Nana looks at him worriedly.

"Y-yeah, I have some business to take care of…" the brunet tries to avoid eye-contact "…but I'll come back immediately!"

"Tsu-kun…" Nana frowned, she had a feeling Tsuna was gonna do something dangerous "Be careful ok…?"

Tsuna looks at his mom with a frown before smiling softly, he knew how worried his mom was and he always felt guilty for it. He kissed her in the cheek before leaving while saying "I will!"

Nana touches her cheek in surprise; it had been a long time since her own son showed such affection. Even with the sweet moment she still couldn't help but frown. She really had a bad feeling and something in her guts told her something awful was about to take place. She clenches her fists.

Please be careful…

Gokudera and Yamamoto were rummaging through the wreckage, checking for people who might be buried underneath.

"Juudaime's gonna get mad at me!" Gokudera glares at Yamamoto "Darn it baseball idiot! I'm gonna blame you if Juudaime gets angry!"

"Hahaha! Maa maa, Tsuna's not gonna get mad…" Yamamoto winced slightly before adding. "Well, I think this Tsuna won't get mad."

"What nonsense are you talking about this time?" Gokudera grumbles.

"Tsuna… he was different, didn't you noticed?" Yamamoto turns to Gokudera, who just frowned at him.

"What are you talking about? Juudaime is Juudaime!" Gokudera turns away with a snort. "Obviously you still have no idea of Juudaime's true self! And there you were saying you'll never leave Juudaime, and now look at you! You look like you're about to deny everything you said to him!"

"W-what-? N-no… I…" Yamamoto looks down, still unsure.

"Juudaime is Juudaime…" Gokudera suddenly repeated, his voice filled with reassurance "…because if it wasn't him… who else would be that wonderful boss that had been standing in front of us all this time? Carrying everything with those small shoulders?"

"Gokudera…" Yamamoto looks at the silver-head bomber, stunned.

"Do you get it now idiot? Now stop asking stupid questions and let's hurry up so that we can patch you up!" Gokudera scowled before turning away to kick away more debris. Yamamoto soon snapped from his stunned state before grinning "Hai, hai…"

Unfortunately, the two were unaware of the shadows hiding behind them with a wicked grin.

"EXTREME searching!" Ryohei yelled as he practically ran around and searched every hiding place for bombs.

"Stupid herbivore, keep quiet or I'll bite you to death…" Hibari was totally annoyed as he crushed a wall with his tonfa.

"WOAH! That's EXTREME!" Ryohei exclaimed.

Hibari decided to ignore Ryohei as he continued his work.

There was a moment of silence, before Ryohei suddenly spoke, and for once, in a normal tone "Sawada, he changed…"


"Lately, he seemed a bit dependable… but EXTREMELY distant…"


"Oi Hibari-!" Ryohei was immediately silenced by a smack from a tonfa. He crashes towards a pile of concrete.

"You're annoying…" Hibari muttered. "Sawada Tsunaoyoshi, is nothing more but a weak herbivore… so keep quiet and stop making things confusing you stupid herbivore."

"EXTREME!" Ryohei immediately rose, looking more energetic "YOU'RE RIGHT! SAWADA IS STILL THE SAME STRONG AND POWERFUL SAWADA I KNOW THAT I WANT TO EXTREMELY JOIN IN THE BOXING CLUB!" this time Ryohei was able to dodge another attack from the prefect.

"Herbivore, you're too noisy… I'll bite you to death." Hibari had his tonfas out.

"Woah! A fight to the EXTREME? I accept!" Ryohei pumps a fist in the air.

And with that, the two guardians started fighting, totally unaware of shadows smiling wickedly at them.

Chrome pushes some rubble around with her staff. 'I won't fail Boss!'She thought determinedly.

She silently tries to dig around for victims while in deep thought. She couldn't help but think about what she saw in Tsuna's mind.

'Was it really dream of Boss?' Chrome wondered 'It is possible, after all we had went to future and he might've been traumatized when he died… or at leastthink he would be'Chrome's gaze on the floor softens as she stopped her actions.

'Boss… isn't the type to be traumatized in anything. He's strong' Chrome clutches her staff 'So what were they?Those… memories?' she shook her head'Mukuro-sama… please help… don't understand'

After a moment of silence, a familiar laugh echoes through Chrome's head.

Kufufu… my dear Chrome…


I'm sorry, but I cannot answer your question…


It is because-

Mukuro suddenly stopped talking surprising Chrome "Mukuro-sama? Mukuro-sama?" she spoke, a bit confused why the illusionist went quiet.

Chrome… Mukuro suddenly sounded cautious, making Chrome feel the same 'W-what is it Mukuro-sama?'

Prepareyourself… we'vegotcompany.And as if on cue, a shot from a gun was heard. Chrome was able to dodge the bullet immediately. Men in coats suddenly surrounded her. The mist guardian held her trident in an offensive stance 'Mukuro-sama, these people, could they be-?

Kufufu, oya oya? I thought they wanted to assassinate Tsunayoshi, I wonder what they need.

"Surrender Mist Guardian, and we might spare your life." A gruff voice from one of the men in coats spoke up.

"State your purpose! Why are you attacking Boss? And what do you need from me?" Chrome said darkly before vanishing through the mists, making the men in coats look around in confusion.

"Vongola Decimo is the most powerful Boss in the mafia world and that is why… it is normal for us to try and take away his life so that we shall be known throughout the mafia world!" the assassin started shooting randomly.

'Your efforts are futile' Chrome's voice echoed around the backstage 'I shall destroy you immediately'

The ground suddenly started shaking, making the men stumble back, then… flames shot out from the ground and screams of terror and pain were the only things that could be heard.

In the corner, sitting on some rubble with a trident clutched to her chest, was Chrome, watching the scene unfold - her face impassive.

"I will not let you hurt Boss." Chrome clutches her trident tighter.

Kufufu… well done my precious Chrome… you are getting better.

"Arigatou Mukuro-sama…"

"Flame Arrow!" storm flames shot out to all the assassins that were attacking Gokudera "Oi Baseball freak! I hope you're not losing there!

"Maa maa! I'm doing just fine!" Yamamoto exclaimed as he hits an assassin with one of the chairs surrounding him. He forgot his bamboo sword at his classroom, which was pretty stupid of him.

"Tch." Gokudera was about to turn away, but soon stopped as he saw enemies about to shoot Yamamoto from behind "You idiot! Look out!" he throws his bombs to the enemies.

"GAAHH!" the assassins screamed

"Hahaha! Thanks a lot Gokudera!" Ymamoto grinned at the other gratefully.

"Shut up and don't let your guard down!" Gokudera yelled in irritation.

"Hai! Hai!" Yamamoto had picked up a stick and started slashing down enemies.

"Are you the herbivores who had dared to destroy Nami-chu?" A dark aura had surrounded the prefect as he took out his tonfas. Before the group of assassins could even answer, Ryohie had charged in "FIGHTING TO THE EXTREME!" and started beating them all up as if they were just practice dummies.

"Those are my preys, Herbivore." Hibari growled as he twists around in time before an enemy could attack him from behind, then kicked another one who also tried to attack him from behind. The prefect kneed the next one before hitting him on the face.

"I EXTREMELY DON'T CARE! THIS IS A GOOD WARM UP FOR ME!" Ryohei dodges a knife heading to his direction before punching the other by the stomach and giving him a nice uppercut.

"Hmpf, I'll bite you to death later…" Hibari muttered and hits another stranger with perfect aim.

Slowly, the numbers decreased until none was left.

Hibari threw another body to the pile.

"That was EXTREME teamwork-!" the boxer was immediately cut off as a tonfa landed on his face.

"OI! Hibari! What was that EXTREME hit for?" Ryohei yelled, immediately sitting up, clutching his bruised face.

"For not listening to me…" the prefect glared "I'll bite you to death…"

And another fight broke out between the two guardians.

Tsuna rushed back to the gym while feeling a bit worried and anxious for leaving his friends. A shadow suddenly passed behind him, making him turn around for a moment 'What was that?'

Yamamoto groaned as his injury ached, the enemies weren't decreasing at all, and Gokudera and he have been fighting non-stop. "Yamamoto!" Gokudera calls out and as soon as he saw an enemy took out what seemed like an injection, Gokudera had to push him away.

"Gokudera!" the baseball idol watched as the bomber get stabbed by the needle.

Gokudera's eyes slightly widen as he felt the liquid insert him 'Juudaime… I'm sorry.'then immediately blacks out.

"Goku-!" Yamamoto was cut-off as another enemy stabbed him with the same injection by the arm "Ahh!" then Yamamoto blacks out as well.

"Mission complete." A guy spoke to his collar "Alright, get them boys."

Two men appeared and carried the unconscious guardians then left.

Chrome panted as she made more illusions. Last time, when she had thought she defeated all the enemies another batch had appeared and they seemed to multiply every time she knocks one out. Unfortunately for Chrome, she was too busy focusing on her illusions that she didn't notice an enemy had found her hiding place.

The enemy took out an injection filled with green liquid.

Chrome! Look out!

However, Mukuro's warning was too late for when Chrome was about to turn to the enemy behind her, she was already stabbed by the needle. The liquid was immediately injected through her veins, making her gasp when pain suddenly erupted before blacking out.

The man caught her limp body.

"Boss, we got her…" the enemy spoke at the device on his collar. He then turns to his subordinates and nod "Let's go…"

"EXTREME uppercut!" Ryohei said, about to hit the prefect, but Hibari merely dodged it without breaking a sweat.

"What a weak herbivore." Hibari said before delivering a blow to the boxer's stomach

Ryohei groaned before looking up at Hibari with a grin "You should EXTREMELY join the boxing club!" the boxer exclaims

"Hn… I don't like mingling with Herbivores like you. So the answer is no." Hibari bluntly replies before lunging himself towards the boxer to give him another good hit.

Only to be stopped by an enemy that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and suddenly leaped to stab the prefect with an injection "Look out!" Ryohei immediately blocks the other, thus taking the needle.

"AAHH!" the sun guardian screamed before collapsing

Hibari's eyes widen slightly before looking at the enemy in rage. He was annoyed; annoyed that he was saved by a herbivore. And he was going to take out his rage to the assassin.

The cloud guardian clutches his weapons "I'll bite you to death…"

He was about to hit the other only to be stabbed with another injection by another enemy from behind. Hibari scowled as he swung his tonfa to the assassin, making the other jump back. Hibari winced as he pulls out the needle. He will not be defeated by a mere injection. He is the fearsome Hibari Kyoya after all!

Hibari was able to hit one of the assassins and knock him out. However, pain started erupting but he ignored it, as he was about to make a kick towards the enemy. He was successful at this and was even able to knock out the guy, however, as he was about to turn towards the sun guardian, who was still unconscious, a huge guy loomed behind him and held him down.

Hibari glared as he tried to free himself from the grip, but the guy was too heavy. Another injection was injected to the cloud guardian, but Hibari didn't back down from the pain, that is until he was injected again and again. Hibari had to groan in pain before passing out unwillingly.

"It was a bit hard, but mission accomplished Boss." The huge guy said to the device in his collar as he lets go of the prefect. He nods to some accomplice who entered and took away Hibari and Ryohei.

"Perfect" A voice from the device replied "Now,all we need is the main character"

Tsuna had entered the gym. Dread immediately flood in the brunet's guts as he noticed how quiet the gym was. He looked around the seats, where were Gokudera and Yamamoto?

"Vongola Decimo~! Welcome!"

Tsuna's eyes widen as he looks around the area. He immediately saw a man's silhouette by the stage. It didn't took him long to know who it was "You-!" he glared at the man.

The man was wearing a suit. He had a fine figure and he had an aura of a boss. He had jet black eyes that were sharp as the hawk's and his nose perfectly straight and sharp. His hair, which was combed neatly, was as dark as his eyes. He would've looked like a perfect man if it weren't for the creepy smile plastered on his face.

"It's good to finally meet you, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Tenth Generation Boss of the Vongola Family…"

Tsuna just frowned as he replied "Why suddenly appear now…?"

"Grindo Orso, Boss of the Orso Family"

End of chapter

Chapter 24

"What do you want?" the brunet's question was filled with malice.

"Tsk. Tsk. Decimo…The evil boss said with a smirk. "You shouldn't act like that to a Boss of a prestigious family…"

"Like I care what your position is!" Tsuna scowled in irritation.

"Do you not?" Grindo crosses his arms "But I must ask, how did you know me?"

"I did my research…" Tsuna answered truthfully yet hesitantly.

"Research huh…" Grindo puts a hand on his chin, stroking the short, stout beard out of habit, "For a young boy, you sure take researches seriously…"

"I don't have time for a silly conversation, Grindo, let's get straight to the point!" Tsuna exclaimed.

Grindo raises an eyebrow before chuckling darkly "Feeling a little rush because your guardians aren't around?"

The young boss' eyes widened. A bad feeling settled in his guts. He didn't bother to reply.

The Orso Boss' smirk grew, "If you're looking for them… I can help you…"

Tsuna once again didn't reply.

"Well then, if you're not answering I shall leave-"

"What did you do to them?" a dark monotone voice spoke. Grindo looks at the brunet with a stunned expression. Tsuna, had now entered his Hyper Dying Will Mode. A flame was burning fiercely on his forehead and his piercing orange eyes glared at the threat in front of him. The gloves that he had worn swiftly as he entered his HDWM were burning with huge amount of flames.

Grindo snapped out from his shock before putting on his smirk once again, but this time it looked slightly forced as he sweated slightly, "Oh nothing really, but I would like to advise you to remain calm if you want to know."

Tsuna's eyes narrowed in distrust.

"If you won't listen to me…" Grindo puts on a twisted smile "You might never see them again."

The brunet clenches his fists before unwillingly going out of Hyper Dying Will Mode.

Grindo had relaxed slightly. 'This boy… I have to be very careful of him…' he looks at Tsuna's glaring caramel eyes, 'His mere aura had fazed me…' Slowly he smirks excitedly 'I can't wait to break him…'

"Stop wasting time! Where are they?" Tsuna demanded.

"But I'm not sure what your guardians look like…" Grindo shook his head with fake confusion. Tsuna wanted to give the guy a nice beating but he held himself back. "…so I want to make sure… could it be… them you're looking for?"

A snap was heard and Grindo's subordinates appeared.

Each one of them holding one of Tsuna's unconscious and tied up guardians.

"Everyone!" Tsuna was about to run towards them only to be stopped by Grindo.

"Do anything…" he took out a dagger and points it at Chrome's neck "And they die."

The brunet immediately stopped.

"Very good. Now… since you don't want any time wasted… I shall start questioning." Grindo approaches Gokudera and held his chin to tilt it up towards Tsuna's direction. The bomber groaned in pain. Tsuna's eyes widen in worry "Have you noticed something wrong with them?"

Tsuna's eyes scanned each of them 'There's no physical injuries, I don't see any blood. But… why do they look like they're in pain?'

"I'll give you a clue…" Grindo digs his hand in his pocket before taking out a small container filled with green liquid "Do you know what this is?"

Tsuna visibly paled before putting on a straight face "No."

Once again, he wickedly grins "It's poison."

Caramel eyes widen before narrowing in anger "You didn't…"

"Oh yes I very much did… you see…-" Grindo was interrupted as he was suddenly slammed to the ground with Tsuna on top of him, both his hands wrapped around the boss' neck tightly. 'He's fast!'

Tsuna was once again in his HDWM, "Give me the antidote Grindo, and you might just live."

Grindo, choked slightly before putting on another smirk "And what if I don't?"

"Your neck may snap in half." The other replied angrily.

"Do whatever you want Decimo… but if you harm me further…" Slowly, Grindo puts a hand in his pocket "Your guardians might receive the consequences instead…"

Tsuna looks up which was a huge mistake as Grindo took this opportunity to take out an injection filled with poison and swiftly stabbed it at the brunet's shoulder. The young boss gasped before being pushed off the stage by the Orso boss.

Tsuna fell before landing on the ground painfully. He groaned in pain and pulled out the injection.

"Grindo… y…you…-"

"I warned you, but you just didn't listen." Grindo jumps down the stage before stepping on the brunet's side. Tsuna screamed. For some reason, the poison made everything painful. He wanted to pass out, but he couldn't afford to shut an eye.

"It's painful, isn't it Decimo?" the man puts more pressure, making the brunet groan, "Now you know what you're little friends are feeling right now. Aren't you glad?"

"I…m… gonna *pant* des…troy you… AGH!" Grindo kicked him in the guts so hard that the small teen smashed against the debris.

"I don't think you're in the position to hold such threats." Grindo approached the brunet before crouching next to him. Tsuna panted as he (tried to) glared at him. A hand roughly grabbed his chin, "Now listen to me and be quiet if you don't want any more pain."


"Good, now I shall tell you about the poison." Grindo started "First off, if you want the antidote, it's this one." Grindo took out a small bottle filled with clear liquid "It's very rare… after all, we were the ones who created them."

Ignoring Tsuna's glare, Grindo continued, "Continuing on… I guess I don't have to tell the effects since you're already experiencing it. Anyway, if you don't take the antidote within, let's say…" Grindo looks at his watch "48 hours… you'll die."

"What?" Tsuna's eyes widened slightly.

"That's right. So if you don't want them to die. Come back here tomorrow midnight and no one should be with you, then we can "talk" on how you'll be able to save your friends." The evil boss said.

"What-!" Tsuna was once again stabbed by the injection and his vision immediately swam as he felt more liquid seep through his skin. His Dying Will Flame vanished from his forehead.

"That is if you can make it. If you don't… they die." Grindo stood up and walked away.

"You're cheating!"

"In this world… there's never a fair game…"

'No…' Tsuna tries to push himself up but failed miserably. 'I can't let him get away…' the brunet looks up at the stage, Grindo was taking the lead as his subordinates followed. He then saw Gokudera and Yamamoto waking up "G-Goku…dera-kun… Yamamoto!"

The two immediately noticed they were being held by the enemy and tried to struggle weakly. Then, their attention landed on the brunet lying on the ground weakly. Both their eyes widened.

"JUUDAIME!/TSUNA!" they were pale, but they looked better than Tsuna's condition.

Tsuna pushes himself off the ground "Don't you dare do anything to them!" he yelled, and winced in pain.

"Let us go you damn bastard!" Gokudera was struggling even more; he wanted to approach his boss. He ignored all the pain he was feeling, all he wanted was to be by Tsuna's side.

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto calls out as he struggled harder too.

The enemies were finding it harder to keep their hold on to the guardians as they kept struggling. They then took out the syringe. Tsuna's eyes widened considerably. He swiftly stood up before entering into his HDW mode. With the last bit of his strength he flew towards Yamamoto and Gokudera.

The two were immediately relieved as the boss approached them, but soon their relief was replaced into shock as Tsuna suddenly spoke…

"I'm sorry…" and knocked them out.

The brunet knew he couldn't save them with his current state, so he had no choice but to knock them out to avoid the enemy from injecting them more poison. It was his only option. He still had his chance tomorrow midnight after all.

The enemies were shocked as well, and as soon as they had snapped out of it one of them had pushed Tsuna off the stage once he was out of his HDWM Once again, the brunet fell onto the hard, unforgiving ground.

"Wise choice Decimo… 'til we meet again…" Grindo then leaves with his subordinates… and his family.

An explosion suddenly went off and this time, the gym was suddenly on fire. Smoke blurred the brunet's vision but he could still see their leaving forms.

Unmoving and numb, Tsuna watches them until they vanished. Pain was the only thing that was registering in his body and he wanted to cry out… cry out that he failed them… cry out from the pain in his heart… cry out from all the burdens he was blindly carrying…

He had to bring them back…

"I hope were not too late." A limo suddenly pulls up in front of Nami-chu.

The Bucking Horse came out the vehicle and immediately ran towards the direction of the gym. Romario followed "Boss wait!"

"We have to hurry! Reborn said it was an emergency!" Dino exclaimed, "If anything happens to Tsuna… I…"

The two stopped in front of the destroyed gym. They were immediately aware of the fire slowly engulfing the place.

"We need to enter!" Dino exclaimed urgently.

"But Boss! Decimo must've already gone out with the others." Romario reasoned.

"Dino-san!" the blonde turns around and saw Haru running towards him, with Kyoko limping behind her and Nana supporting the girl.

"Are you guys alright?" Dino asked as soon as he noticed their scratches.

"We're fine, but! We haven't seen Tsuna-san!" Haru turns to the gym in worry and fear.

"And the others as well!" Kyoko added, looking worried, mostly for her brother.

Dino looks at the two then at the gym. His eyes filled with determination, "Romario… I'm going in."

Before the subordinate could reply, Dino had sprinted towards the burning building with surprising grace and speed. I guess Reborn was right… once a member of Dino's family is in trouble, that's when he would show his true potential. Well of course, when was the hitman ever wrong?

Dino puts an arm in front of his face to protect him from the flames that was slowly consuming everything.

"OI! Anyone around?" Dino yelled before coughing from the smoke, "TSUNA?"

He roamed around before checking the broken and ruined seats. He rushed towards the stage and immediately spotted the brunet lying on the ground, looking almost lifeless. Rubbles surrounded the small figure and the blonde hastily pushed them all away. He pulls the brunet into a protective hug as concrete fell from above.

Wasting no time at all he looks around for the others, but unfortunately, he wasn't able to find them at all. With no choice, he carried the surprisingly light boy in his arms who whimpered in pain, surprising the blonde slightly, then running out the collapsing building.

"Tsu-kun!/Tsuna-san!" Nana and Haru exclaimed as soon as they saw Dino run out with the brunet in his arms. The students of Namimori look at the two in shock and worry. By now, there were a lot of people surrounding the burning building as well as the fire fighters, who had immediately assisted Dino.

"Boss!" Romario ran towards him.

"Something's wrong…" Dino muttered as he wraps his jacket on the brunet, Nana and the others also approached him.

"W-What do you mean Boss?" Romario frowned.

The Bucking Horse observed the pained expression of the young boss. Sure the small teen had injuries, but those injuries shouldn't be enough to make him look like he was in pain. He had checked out if there were any broken bones, but didn't find any. Murmurs immediately erupted.

"What's wrong?"

"Who's that?"

"Hey! It's Dame-Tsuna!"

"Is he okay?"

"Excuse me… but… can we now put the boy in the stretcher?" medics from an ambulance had arrived and approached Dino.

"Wait one moment." Dino noticed a rip on the brunet's sleeve and shredded it off. His brown eyes zeroed on a small injury on his shoulder… the injury almost looked like an injection…wound. Slowly, Dino's eyes widen as realization struck him 'I hope I'm wrong…'

"Um sir…?"

"Sorry, but he's coming with me." Dino said standing up quickly.

"W-What? But sir! He needs medical attention immediately!" the medic exclaimed.

"Don't worry… I know what I'm doing…" Dino turns around in a cool manner, making all the girls swoon and the medics slightly stunned. "You… have no idea, what my position is." They all stared in awe as men in suits immediately surrounded the blonde.

"A-ano… what's your connection with Sawada-san?" A student spoke up hesitantly.

Dino's serious expression turns to a cheerful one "I'm his onii-chan." Everyone's eyes widen in disbelief and started murmuring like crazy to each other.

A painful gasp made Dino look back at the brunet. Tsuna was now sweating buckets and his face, which had contorted in pain, had gone paler "Romario… call Shamal immediately."

"Dino-kun… is Tsu-kun gonna be okay?" Nana asked as Kyoko and Haru followed.

"Don't worry Mama… we'll take good care of him. We promise." Dino nods to Romario who gave Nana a small paper with something written in it "This is the address I'm currently staying. I'll be taking Tsuna there."

"W-What about onii-chan?" Kyoko then cuts in "Where is he?"

Dino shook his head sadly "I don't know… I'm sorry."

Her eyes slowly widened and Haru could only rub her best friend's back in comfort "It'll be okay Kyoko-chan…"

"Anyway, I better get going. Tsuna's condition doesn't seem to be getting any better." Dino frowned in worry as the brunet groaned. He entered the limo that had appeared in front of him "Oh yeah, and Mama… Reborn… won't be coming back for awhile…"

"Eh? Why? Did something happen to him?" Nana asks

"No. Don't worry… he just had… some business to take care of." Dino smiled.

"I… see." Nana frowned

Dino was about to close the door of the car when Nana spoke "Dino-kun… I beg you…"

"Hm?" The blonde looks at the brown haired woman questioningly

"Please don't leave Tsu-kun's side…"

Grey eyes slowly opened. For some reason he felt sore and every part of him was painful. "What happened to EXTREME?" he muttered to himself and tried to move his arms only to find them bound in chains "W-what the-!"

It took him moments to realize that he was in a pretty dim lit room that practically had no doors or windows. He then spotted five more figures chained to the walls a bit further from him and soon realized who they were.

"Oi! You're all here!" Ryohei yelled, despite the fact he was feeling weak, he was still full of energy "What's happening?"

No one answered and Ryohei couldn't help but wonder why. He turned to Chrome, who was panting slightly.

"O-oi! Are you EXTREMELY okay?" Ryohei called out.

"I-I'm fine…" Chrome replied, "I-It seems like… we were injected by a-a poison."

"W-what?" Ryohei's eyes widen before turning to Yamamoto and Gokudera, who were quiet for some reason.

"T-they're fine…" Chrome said "T-They're awake as well… but, I'm n-not sure why they're so silent…"

Ryohei frowned "Oi, Yamamoto! Octopus head! What's wrong with you guys?"


"Oi! Can you hear me?" Ryohei yelled and winced as his head spun.

"Shut up turf top!" Gokudera growled, he looked up with fiery emerald eyes "You're annoying!"

"What are you talking about to the EXTREME? And why aren't you thinking of an EXTREME plan to escape?" Ryohei spoke, apparently realizing they were in enemy's hands as he remembered what happened earlier.

"What's the point?" this time it was Yamamoto who spoke and surprisingly, he sounded hollow.

Chrome and Ryohei exchanged confused looks.

"Tsuna… he…" Yamamoto shut his eyes tightly as if he was remembering something painful.

"What about Sawada?" Ryohei asked

Silence once again consumed them…

"Oi! Why are you guys silent?" Ryohei frowned; he didn't like the way they were all acting.

"Boss? What happened to Boss?" Chrome asked, feeling slightly concerned.

"Juudaime…" Gokudera's form trembled as he lowered his head "What have I done wrong?"

"What? What is he EXTREMELY talking about?"

Yamamoto looks up. His eyes blank and filled with disappointment "Tsuna let us get taken away by the enemy."

"W-what?" Ryohei was stunned

"N-No way… Boss will never…" Chrome's eyes widen before coughing slightly.

"As much as I wished it was a dream…" Yamamoto shut his eyes once again "…it wasn't. I remember it as clear as day. When Gokudera and I had woken up… we tried to struggle from the enemy. Tsuna approached us and… I-I thought he was going to help us… but instead… he knocked us out. Letting us get taken away."

"Juudaime…" tears dropped from the ground from the bomber's lowered head.

"He… he betrayed us…" Yamamoto said

"BAKA!" Ryohei yelled "Stop spouting nonsense!"

"T-That's right! Boss… Boss is Boss!" Chrome joined in. She couldn't stand the fact that the Tsuna she knew would do such a thing. He must've had a reason, right?

"How can you be so sure?" This time it was Gokudera who spoke. Angry tears were trailing down his cheeks "You said it yourself remember? He suddenly changed, his aura changed. And you were right! I was blind! I thought he was really Juudaime! But I guess he was someone else!"

"I'll… I'll kill anytime I want every time I want!" Tsuna said swinging his hand on the side as if throwing something invisible, his eyes had now lost their light as they were filled with hate and rage "I don't care about their lives…!"

"He's not Tsuna…" Yamamoto spoke up…

"He's a…"

"…monster?" Chrome looked angry, surprising Ryohei "Why? Why are you calling Boss like that?" she said out loud as she shut her eye "Boss… he's human! He has feelings too you know!" Tsuna making a lonely smile flashes in her mind "If he heard you say these things, I… I know he'll get hurt."

Tsuna hugging Chrome gently flashes once again in her mind, "There's no way… that person…"

Iwould never abandon you.

"…isn't Boss!" the mist guardian suddenly fainted, the chains luckily supported her to keep her from falling on the ground.

"Chrome!" Yamamoto shouted.

"I extremely agree with her…" Ryohei spoke up making the two look at him "He must've had his reasons… Sawada understands your pain. And it must've been hard for him to have done such a thing."

"How are you so sure about that?" Gokudera looked at the boxer. His forest green eyes filled with confusion and desperation. It couldn't be helped I guess. To be betrayed by someone you trusted the most, you can practically lose your sanity.

Tsuna took off the gloves of Ryohei before lifting up the hand that wore the sun ring, he chuckled softly "I see you're still wearing this." The boxer felt two soft hands hold his softly "What a burden… it is…"

Ryohei turns at his right hand. His ring was gone. The enemy must've confiscated it; he bit his lower lip.

"I just know… so please…" Ryohei shut his eyes, "Have more faith on him to the extreme."

There was a short silence.

And then, a pain filled scream of cry echoed through the walls as Gokudera broke down and Yamamoto sobbed quietly. It was painful. Being betrayed…

Caramel eyes slowly opened. His vision blurred for a moment before being blinded by the light.

"Ngh…" Tsuna groaned.

"You're awake!" the brunet weakly turned his head to the side "D-Dino-san?" he said as the blonde's relieved face came into view.

"I'm so relieved, I guess the antidote Shamal gave you was a success." Dino exclaimed.

"Antidote?" Tsuna blinked, slowly memories from earlier events flashes in his mind. His eyes widen before getting hidden by his bangs "I-I see…"


"D-Dino-san. How long was I out?" Tsuna turned away.

"How long you ask?" Dino said "Well, you've been out since yesterday, and it's already 4pm."

"Sou?" '8 hours more 'til the appointed time then.' Tsuna thought "Where am I?" he then asked as he noticed the unfamiliar surroundings.

"You're in an apartment room I rented for the moment. I had to bring you here since I knew the medics in the hospital won't be able to do anything- o-oi, what are you doing?" Dino stood up from his seat as he saw the brunet struggle to get up.

"Going out." Tsuna muttered, however as soon as he took his first step he immediately staggered. The blonde immediately grabbed the brunet.

"With your current state? I don't think so." Dino puts Tsuna back to bed.

"I feel fine."

"Stop lying! You're still weak-"

"I am not weak!" Tsuna hissed.

"But you currently are!"


"Uhm, excuse me." The two teens turned to the door and saw Romario.

"Sawada-san has a call." Romario said holding out a phone.

Tsuna and Dino exchanged looks for a moment. The blonde then sighed and stood up, "I'll go get you something to eat, and once you're done with the phone I'll have to use it to tell your mom you're awake."

Tsuna just shut his eyes and rub his aching head. Romario approaches the brunet before handing him the phone then taking out a blanket made of wool and draping it over the brunet's shoulder. Tsuna thanked him.

"Hello?" Tsuna said as soon as Romario left.


"Ah! Yamamoto-san! Is there something you need?" the young boss was surprised that the sushi chef had called him.

"It's urgent. I heard some students had gone missing at your school festival yesterday and Yamamoto… he hasn't been home since yesterday. I was wondering if he's with you…"

"Yamamoto-san…" Tsuna spoke silently "I-I'm sorry… but… h-he's not with me."

There was a silence from the other line.

"I see."

"Yamamoto-san… I'm sorry."

"No… no, it's okay. It's not your fault."

Tsuna grips the phone as he heard this "Yamamoto-san… please don't worry… I'll… I'll find him. I'll-"

"Enough. Please. I have to go look for my son now."


Beep. Beep. Beep.

The brunet turns to the phone with a sad look. He puts the receiver at the drawer beside him. He clenched his fists and shut his eyes tightly. All of a sudden, he heard a knock on his door.

"C-Come in."

The door opens revealing Romario yet again "You have a visitor." He moves aside to show the said visitor.

"K-Kyoko-chan." The young boss immediately noticed the sad and worried look behind her smile. And he all knew too well that that look wasn't for him at all.

"I'm so glad you're awake Tsuna-kun!" She exclaimed as she sat on the seat beside his bed "Are you feeling okay?"

Tsuna frowned. And instead of answering that question he spoke "You're worried for oniisan aren't you?"


"Kyoko-chan… you don't have to hide it." Tsuna sighed tiredly.

Kyoko bit her lip looking slightly upset, "Why? Why aren't you looking worried?"

Tsuna remained silent.

"Do you know what happened to him?" Kyoko asks looking more worried "Is that the reason why you don't look so worried?

"Of course I'm worried." Tsuna said.

"Then why?" Tears welled up in her eyes "Why don't you tell me? I've been trying to search for him, but I can't find him! Tsuna-kun! I'm scared! I don't know what's happening at all! Please tell me!"

Tsuna sighed. He looks down with furrowed eyebrows "It's my entire fault."


The brunet took a deep breath before explaining to Kyoko everything, except for the deal he and Grindo made. Kyoko was now silent and her eyes were shadowed.

"…" Tsuna turns to her before looking down.

And before he knew it, Kyoko had started crying and had ran out of the room.

'I'm making people worry…' Tsuna thought guiltily 'I need to save them no matter what.' He looks at his Vongola ring. He took it off and held it in his hands'Everyone… I'm sorry. I promise next time… I won't burden you anymore… I'll give you back the normal lives you deserve. I swear on my soul.'

"Tsuna?" Dino entered the room while holding a tray of food "I just saw…-"

"Let… let her be. Kyoko-chan needs to be alone." Tsuna said before slipping the ring back and lying down on the bed.

"I brought you some food."

"I'll eat later… I don't have the appetite right now." The brunet pulls the covers over his head.

Dino sighed "Okay." he turned the lights off "If you want to eat just call me, and when you need me as well."

A small 'Okay' was heard and Dino shuts the door softly.

As soon as he was sure Dino had left, Tsuna sits up and looks at the door blankly.

Italy; Airport…

A small infant walk through the busy crowd, the things he were carrying were his luggage and… a purple bazooka. He took out his cell phone before dialing on it. He puts the mobile against his ear as he listened to the rhythmic rings. Then someone picked up.

"It's me… Reborn. I need to talk to Giannini."

Dino yawned as made his way towards the fridge. He couldn't sleep at all and so he thought a nice cold bottle of milk will help him solve the problem. He looked up the clock.


The blonde yawned again. Then he remembers the brunet. 'Ah! Shoot! I forgot Tsuna still hasn't had his dinner yet!' The boss immediately ran towards the fridge and tries to fix some food for Tsuna.

After some accidents and burning of food, Dino was able to make some porridge from the now ruined kitchen. He walked towards the bedroom of Tsuna and knocked softly.


No answer.

Dino knocked again "Tsuna!" he said a little louder.

Still no answer.

Frowning, he opens the door, which was conveniently unlocked.

"Tsuna?" he said,

His eyes then widened, his grip on the tray slacken, thus, dropping the item with a loud CLANG.

Why is he shocked you may ask? Well right in front of him was an empty yet neatly arranged bed with folded pajamas placed on top, and a widely opened window with its curtains dancing through the midnight breeze.

End of chapter

Chapter 25

Pills? Check.

Mittens? Check.

Rings? Check.

Plan? None.

Tsuna pulls his black jacket tightly around his figure. It was pretty cold. He checked his watch; there were still a few minutes before the appointed time. Truthfully, he was still feeling weak and weary from the effects of the poison but he felt better. And so, anyway, here he was right now, trying to come up with a plan to save his friends while approaching a death trap.

'I just can't attack Grindo immediately. Who knows what his subordinates will do to everyone.' Tsuna thought, 'Fortunately, he doesn't seem to be much of a threat seeing that he has no fighting skills at all.'

The brunet clutches a charm in his pocket and took it out. It was the charm Kyoko made for him and he had been bringing it with him almost all the time. But for some reason, after what happened earlier, he felt like the charm's power had vanished. He pursed his lips as his eyes softened when he looked at the charm and pocketed the item back. Whether it had lost its "luck" or not, he'll never throw it away, and he also felt the same for his friends and family.

Even if they lose their faith on him or turn their backs from him - yes he'll get mad, sad and depressed - but never will he ever abandon them.

The young boss had reached his school. He climbs on the gate and lands on the other side with grace like that of a cat's. He walked towards the direction of the gym.

'Hold on everyone… I'm coming.' Tsuna looks up at the burnt down building. It was a mess and it looked like it was going to crumble down any second. The brunet entered the place with cautious steps.

It was dark. The only light illuminating the building was the ray of luminous moonlight entering from the huge gaping hole from above.

"Congratulations. You arrived just in time." Tsuna was taken by surprise as spotlights were directed at him. Tsuna shielded his eyes from the blinding lights "Grindo!" he scowled.

"Shall we continue where we left off in your little role-play?" Lights immediately flooded the place.

Despite the serious situation, Tsuna couldn't help but wonder how the lights were working when the gym was practically destroyed.

"We fixed the lights, in courtesy of the Orso Family for burning down the building." Tsuna turned to the stage and saw Grindo standing there with a smirk.

"You broke down the building and you only fixed the lights. Courtesy indeed." Tsuna glared.

Grindo frowned as he stared at the boss, "You seem to be looking well."

"Thanks, but unfortunately, I won't be able to say the same thing for you as soon as we finish this." Tsuna seethed, "Where are my friends?"

"Oh don't worry, they're here, but I'm just keeping them out of sight, just in case if you try and do something stupid." Grindo said crossing his arms, "Though, if you want to hear about their status, I can't say they're looking so good."


"Oh no, I'm not talking about the poison, they seem to be taking it quite well. Ok, not really, but the point is… something else is making them seethe in pain."

Thinking Grindo had been torturing his friends Tsuna bellowed "How dare you try and hurt them! I'm gonna-"

"Me? Hahaha! Don't make me laugh." Grindo smirks and slowly pointed at Tsuna, "The one who's really causing them pain… is you, Decimo."

"What…?" Caramel eyes widen significantly.

"Let's just say… after they experienced your indirect betrayal-"

"Liar! I never betrayed them!" Tsuna hissed, "Never… over my dead body, will I betray them!"

"Oh but they think you just did." Grindo made a thoughtful look, eyebrows creased together and lips upturned, "After being knocked out by the person they trust the most, thus letting them get captured, who wouldn't feel betrayed?"

Tsuna bit his bottom lip. He had a point. He knew that was going to happen some way or another. But…

"It doesn't matter." The brunet spoke, his words full of resolve.

Grindo frowned.

"They'll understand as soon as I defeat you!" Tsuna swallowed his pills and immediately went into his Hyper Dying Will Mode. "Prepare yourself!" And almost immediately, he lunged towards the Orso Boss.

Italy, Vongola mansion…

"Oi Giannini. Is it done yet?" Reborn approaches the mechanist.

"Hai! I have upgraded the bazooka according to your instructions Reborn-san." Giannini told the Arcobaleno "As soon as you travel to the future you'll have 2 hours. However, I can't make the future self of the person who travels not appear in the past. For if I did this, I'll have to make sure he gets lost in the time travel, but if that happens, once the past self comes back, he'll be stuck in the time space continuum instead."

"Hmpf. I had a feeling it would end like this." Reborn then took out a note and gave it to Giannini "If that's the case, give this to my future self." And before Giannini could do anything Reborn jumps in the bazooka and pulled the trigger with the string.


Reborn was once again in the swirling dimension and before he knew it he found himself sitting on a chair with the familiar puff of smoke surrounding him.

"R-Reborn?" A scared voice spoke.

As soon as the smoke cleared, Reborn had come face to face with a scared and slightly beaten up 15-year old Lambo.

"I-it is the Reborn from the past r-right?" Lambo spoke, "I can't tell since you still look the same in the future."

"That's right." Reborn said, "I am from the past-" the Arcobaleno was interrupted as soon as his eyes landed on the bed next to him. Onyx eyes widened as soon as he saw a 25-year old man with familiar brown spiky hair lying on the furniture. The pale face was paler and the figure was thinner. There was an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth and in his open button up shirt were bandages, wrapped tightly around his exposed chest while his lower body were covered by a blanket. The usual soft and warm caramel eyes were shut and Reborn had no idea why.

Reborn turned sharply to the scared lightning guardian, his expression dark and scary as he spoke one single word that was filled with malice.


"So you weren't completely healed…" Grindo smirked a he looked up at the young boss in front of him. Tsuna, who was beaten up, was being held back by two of his subordinates.

"Calling out an army… isn't what you call fair…" Tsuna spitted some blood, aware of the numbers of enemy surrounding him, "You coward-agh!"

Grindo lowered his hand from Tsuna's face, feeling only a slight sting where his palm contacted with Tsuna's face at full force. "Silence. May I once again remind what position you are in?" he grabs a fistful of his hair and forcibly pulls his head up, caramel eyes glared up at him forcefully, "Or maybe we can use another lesson, seeing that you can't seem to learn with torture itself."

Tsuna didn't like the sound of that as he watched the boss snap his fingers. More of his subordinates came out of the stage, each one of them holding his guardians, who were tied up. All of them were once again knocked out, and for some reason, a cloth was covering their mouth.

"Maybe I should kill one of them instead." Grindo was walking away and Tsuna's eyes widened as he started struggling from his enemies' hold "Grindo! Come back here! Don't-!"

The evil boss' smirk just grew as he climbed up the stage and looked at each of the poisoned guardians, "Okay, so who shall be first?"

"Stop! This isn't funny!"

"Who said it was? I'm dead serious you know." Grindo seemed to have spotted a victim "Ah~ what about him?" he had approached Hibari, a dagger now in his hand "Let's see if you you'll learn something from this." He held up the dagger. The spotlights reflected upon the dagger blade made Tsuna squint into the light.

Tsuna's eyes widened in fear…


A memory suddenly flashed past his mind….

"Don't do it! Please don't!" an older version of Tsuna looked at the threat in front of him with caution.

"And what will you do in exchange?" the assassin was holding a remote, his thumb was caressing the red button in anticipation, "You're guardians' safety is in your hands." He stared at the said people who were fighting against the other enemies, completely unaware of the situation between their boss and the assassin, as well as the oncoming danger that would soon end their lives.

"I shall remind you that the bombs surrounding this building hold some factors of a storm flame."

"I know…" Tsuna bit his lower lip, happy faces of his friends flashed in his mind, "J-just, kill me instead! They… they don't deserve this!"

"Yes… yes… yes… Been there, done that." The assassin rolls his eyes, "I would if I said so… but why don't we do something different instead…"

"I never really wanted to be a boss… it's stressful, exhausting and scary. So many people will depend their lives on you… not to mention people's lives are in stake because of you…"

The brunet had no idea why the words he said from a memory suddenly echoed through his mind…

"I want to see the boss failing to save his own comrades…" the enemy smirked evilly, eyes glinting with malice. Those merciless, relentless eyes chilled Tsuna slightly.

"But… seeing that a life can be so precious and that a person is actually willing to entrust it to me… it's not so bad…"

The young boss' body moved on its own. Tsuna could only watch numbly as his hand formed like a blade and pierced it towards the enemy's direction before the other could even press the button. Then… blood splattered…

"I'll do my best to protect everyone's lives… without taking another's…"

Wide eyes just stared at the fallen body in front of him. He stared at his bloody red hands and he was quite aware of the horrified stares everyone was giving him. He was numb… he was lost… now what? He had just taken a life in less than a second. He had just broken a promise in less than a second.

He never felt scared…

Then… he suddenly heard someone muttered.


His eyes widened and glared at the direction of the fleeting enemies, he had missed the scared looks of his companions as he chased after the enemies with rage and anger, killing more victims as he passed by them.

Who said it? Who said I was a MONSTER?

He slashes an enemy. Was it you?

And then another. Was it you?

Or was it…


The brunet stopped and slowly turned to his friends. They were all looking at him in fear and uneasiness. Yamamoto frowns "Look… what you've done…"

Slowly, the Tenth turned to his situation. Everything was covered in red… bodies were littering the floor.

His eyes slowly turned dull. His hands drop on his sides as he turned to them. Was he supposed to apologize? What good would that be? It won't bring back the dead. It won't bring back anything. He won't be able to reverse time and he doubts they would even forgive him. Knowing that in heart, he just asked…

"Are you guys alright?"

They didn't reply. He wanted to break down; he wanted someone to comfort him from what he had done. But… he had to stay strong, seeing that no one seemed to be in the position to comfort either side. And as a… boss, it had to be his duty. It had to be him who should be tainted with the sins of a boss… it had to be him who should've protected a person's life… not destroy it.

There was a small silence between Lambo and Reborn.

"So, tell me what happened. I don't have all day." Reborn's eyes were locked on his unconscious student. He had never left his sight on him for he had never felt so much concern for the no-good boy.

Lambo looks down "It… all happened one day before an incident occurred." His hands clenched, "…we dragged out Vongola for a picnic." A small smile made its way to Lambo's face, "We had a pretty hard time dragging him out since he would whine that he had a lot of things to do, but we knew he needed a break."


"Stop it guys! I still have a meeting in 30 minutes!" Tsuna tried to pull away from Yamamoto and Gokudera's death grip.

"Maa, maa Tsuna! Everyone had already planned for this picnic come on!"

"That's right Juudaime! And as your right hand man, it is my duty to make sure you should relax and enjoy once in awhile!"

"B-but! This meeting is important! Oof!" The two guardians had pushed their boss in the back seat of a limo before taking their seats in each of his side just to make sure the young boss won't run off.

"Boss! It's good to see you, I'm happy that you can make it." Chrome exclaimed.

"Yare, yare… it seems you guys were able to force him." Lambo yawned.

"EXTREMELY!" Ryohei grinned.

Apparently, everyone was on the limo as well. And yes, that also includes Hibari and Mukuro who were currently having a glaring contest.

Tsuna groaned "Couldn't we just do this when I'm free?"

"But you're never free!" Yamamoto frowned.

"Yes I am…" Tsuna sighed, "I just use my free time for paper work." He then stifles a yawn.

"Paper work? It doesn't seem to end at all." Lambo stated innocently.

"I sometimes wonder why it never ends to the EXTREME." Ryohei wondered out loud.

Chrome nodded.

"Kufufu, it's because there are a lot of complaints about some mafia families and since Vongola is the most powerful family, it is the boss' duty to handle those endless complaints." Mukuro replied

"That doesn't even make any sense!" Gokudera growled.

"But hey, since you're Tsuna's right hand man, don't you help him with them?" Yamamoto grinned.

Gokudera stiffens, before replying "Juudaime… won't let me."

"Ahahaha… maa maa, anyways… we should probably keep quiet now…" they all looked at the rain guardian questioningly before understanding what he meant as he pointed at the now-asleep brunet who was leaning against him.

"OI!" Gokudera said in a whisper "Why is Juudaime leaning on you? He should be leaning on me! His right hand man!"

"Maa, maa…"

"Boss must be tired."

"Vongola deserves this break." Lambo smiled.

"Hn, what a herbivore…"

And with that they all continued their conversations in a quieter manner.

"Juudaime… Juudaime…" Caramel eyes fluttered open "Hn?"

"We're here Juudaime." A blurry image of Gokudera came to view and Tsuna rubbed his eyes, trying to rub the sleepiness away.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Yamamoto teased as he helped Tsuna out the car.

"Ah, sorry, I fell asleep…" the brunet muttered.

"There's no need to apologize Juudaime! You are supposed to relax!" Gokudera exclaimed softly.

"So where are we…?" a relaxing breeze came and Tsuna found himself staring at the glittering sand and deep blue sea before him, there were some people swimming and playing by the shore. "We're having a picnic… here?"

"The beach!" Yamamoto exclaimed happily.

"Don't you want to come here Juudaime?" Gokudera asked worriedly.

"No, no it's not that. It's just that… it's been awhile since we've been here neh?" Tsuna smiled.

"That's why we decided to come here!" Yamamoto grinned happily.

"Juudaime! Let's go!" Gokudera dragged his precious boss towards Lambo and Chrome who were preparing the food under the huge parasol.

Yamamoto jogged with them "Neh Tsuna! Let's go swimming later!"

"E-Eh? But I didn't bring any swim trunks." Tsuna reminded them.

"Don't worry about that Sawada! We already packed you some!" Ryohei approached them.

Tsuna just sweat dropped. They were too enthusiastic over this vacation.

"The food is about to be finished…" Chrome said looking up as she made a sandwich.

"Yosh! Let's get changed!" Ryohei exclaimed.

"Wait, where's Mukuro and Hibari-san?" Tsuna looked around.

"Mukuro-sama is sparring with cloud man." Chrome replied.

"Not again… Maybe I should…"

"Maa maa Tsuna. You're here to relax. Don't worry about them." Yamamoto dragged his best friend away.

"Don't worry Juudaime! I'll take care of them instead!" Gokudera grinned.

"Err, on second thought, let them be." Tsuna dragged his right hand man along.


"Kyaaa! Look at them! They're so hot!"

"Omg! I want the silver haired one!"

"The man with the scar on his chin is so handsome!"

Tsuna sighed at the women pointing and squealing at his two guardians, who seemed to be unaware of the situation. It can't be helped, they really were standing out. Gokudera was wearing red trunks with flames as the design and an open button up shirt revealing his pale smooth torso. He also had sunglasses, covering his forest green eyes. While Yamamoto wore dark blue trunks and an open button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his sunglasses on top of his head.

Meanwhile, the young boss was just wearing a plain yellow parka and orange trunks.

"Tsuna! Let's play!" The rain guardian grinned as he held out a beach ball.

"It's okay. You and Gokudera play instead." Tsuna waved and went to their parasol.

Chrome looks up at Tsuna "Boss! Do you want some sandwich?"

"T-Thanks!" Tsuna gratefully accepted it, then he noticed the mist guardian wearing a violet two-piece swimsuit with pink poka-dots as designs "You look good in that swim suit." The brunet complimented.

"T-Thank you Boss." Chrome shyly replied as a small blush made its way across her cheeks.

Tsuna just smiled as he ate the sandwich "Anyway, aren't you going to join Gokudera and Yamamoto play?" he watched as the two hit the ball with unbelievable speed and the boss sweat drops.

Chrome just shook her head "It's fine. I'm just fine here."

Tsuna's attention then turned to Lambo who yawned. The lightning guardian was lying on the sand.

"What about you Lambo?"

"I'm also fine here." Lambo replied as he curled up and turned onto his side.

Tsuna pouted slightly, "But wasn't this suppose to be a vacation? Come on now!" Tsuna grabbed Chrome and Lambo, surprising the both as the lovable boss dragged them towards the sea "Let's go swimming!"

"O-okay." Chrome blinked.


Gokudera was about to serve when all of a sudden he saw Tsuna draggin Chrome and Lambo towards the sea "Ah! What's Juudaime doing with them? Wait for me Juudaime!" the bomber threw the ball away. Yamamoto just blinked cluelessly before grinning and following Gokudera, "Haha! Let me join too!"

And so the Vongola Family continued enjoying their day in the beach. Tsuna and Lambo were splashing some water to each other while Yamamoto, Gokudera and Chrome played beach volleyball, and it seemed like the eye-patched girl was good at this.

Tsuna was about to join in the game when an ominous aura made him stop. He then saw a suspicious looking ice cream man, who was wearing a hospital-mask and shades. The ice cream man was staring right back at him. Then he slowly lifts up his shirt revealing a gun strapped by his shorts.

Tsuna paled. It was a sign that he was a Mafioso.

"Uhm… I'll be right back guys." Tsuna said leaving behind the clueless group.

"Come back soon!" Yamamoto called out.

Tsuna ran towards the ice cream man with a glare.

"Vongola Decimo." Came the raspy voice of the stranger, "Our Boss wishes to invite you to an all out battle tomorrow with this address." The man pushes a folded piece of paper in his hand.

"And what if I don't agree?" Tsuna had a bad feeling from this invitation.

"Oh, but you can't. In the Mafia world we must accept every invitation given to us. As well as formal invitations for requested battles." The stranger said.

"Sure, formal." Tsuna muttered sarcastically.

The man just smirked before leaving, "Good bye Decimo… and good luck to you."

"Kufufu… I'm glad to see you enjoying yourself my dear Chrome…" Mukuro approached Chrome.

"Mukuro-sama!" Chrome looks at the illusionist who had now changed into indigo trunks without any shirt. Girls were swooning at the hot and handsome man.

"Juudaime's back!" Gokudera exclaimed before dropping the beach ball and running towards the brunet who was approaching them with a dark expression.

Hibari, who had just arrived at the scene, noticed the odd behavior, thus, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Tsuna, is something wrong?" Yamamoto seemed to have noticed as well.

"It's nothing…" Tsuna snaps up before forcing a small smile.


Tsuna just nodded before picking up the beach ball, "Anyway, why don't we continue where we left off?"

The tension was immediately forgotten as they started calling out teams.

"I'll be in Juudaime's team!"

"Ahaha! Me too! I don't think I want to fight against Tsuna."

"Yare yare…"

"Kufufu… I shall be in the opposing team then.

"M-me too!"

"EXTREME!" Ryohei suddenly rises up from under water

"What the-! Where have you been?" Gokudera yelled.

"I've been snorkeling to the EXTREME!"

"What? For that long?"

"Maa, maa…"

Tsuna gave a small smile to his friends before frowning. However, this didn't go unnoticed by a certain cloud guardian. And so the fun went on. They played games like under-water tag, building sand castles, blind-folded while hitting a watermelon-game (Which Mukuro had won with pure malice on the innocent fruit) and so on.

Now the day was about to end as the sun started setting.

"Arre? Where's Juudaime?" Gokudera looked up.

They were currently making barbeque for dinner.

"He said something about taking a walk." Chrome said.

They all exchangde looks.

Tsuna was sitting by the shore. A cell phone pressed against his ear as he spoke in a stressful manner.

"I'm sorry for canceling the meeting…- yes, yes… I do want to be allies. It's just that, something came up- Yes… ok… I understand. It won't happen again…" Tsuna sighed as he rubbed his temples "I'm very sorry. Okay. Tomorrow? I'm sorry but… I have something to do- it's really important…" the brunet was immediately interrupted when someone suddenly grabbed the mobile from him, making him look up in surprise.

"Who do you think you are pressuring Juudaime like this?" Gokudera spoke darkly at the phon.e "I don't care which family you are. Vongola is the most powerful Family in the world and if you dare pressure Juudaime like this in one of your time-wasting meetings again, we'll eradicate you." And with that the right hand man shut the phone.

"Well said Gokudera." Yamamoto pats the bomber in the shoulder.

"Yare yare, that was annoying." Lambo popped up.

"Boss, daijobu?" Chrome approached him.

"Yeah, thanks for that." Tsuna stood up and accepted the phone from Gokudera's outstretched hand.

"What are you trying to hide herbivore?" Hibari suddenly appeared behind the brunet, shocking the other as the skylark took out a folded piece of paper "And what could this be?"

"Ah! That's-!"

"Kufufu…" Mukuro appears beside Chrome "What trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?"


Yamamoto was by Hibari's side and was reading the paper "An address? Tsuna, is this another challenge?"

Tsuna sighed in defeat before nodding.

"What? Juudaime! Remember the last time you accepted a challenge without consulting us?" Gokudera grabbed the boss by the shoulders.

"Ah… you had to go under operation thanks to that bullet that pierced through your abdomen and caused you internal bleeding." Lambo bluntly said.

Gokudera shuddered at this, while Tsuna sweat dropped "Sorry… I guess."

"We're coming…" Yamamoto crosses his arms

"Of course you would…" the brunet sighed.

"Oya? What are you looking upset for?"

"It's just that… I don't want you guys to be endangered anymore."

"And you think being the guardians of the Vongola Family isn't dangerous enough?" Gokudera had smacked Lambo in the head "Ow! What?"

Tsuna frowned.

"I never really wanted to be a boss… it's stressful, exhausting and scary. So many people will depend their lives on you… not to mention people's lives are in stake because of you…"



Immediately noticing the gloomy air (with the exception of Hibari and Mukuro who pretended not to care), the boss just added with a smile…

"But… seeing that a life can be so precious and that a person is actually willing to entrust it to me… it's not so bad…" Tsuna looked at the sunset, everyone turned to their boss in shock. "I met everyone because of this unfortunate, yet still fortunate situation."

They continued staring at him in stunned silence (except for Mukuro and Hibari who were smirking at Tsuna with interest).

"I'll do my best to protect everyone's lives… without taking another's…" he then vowed. And his guardians immediately clung to that promise without hesitation.

"We know you can Juudaime."

"Haha, this is the Tsuna I know."

"EXTREMEE!" they all turned their heads to the scream "O-onii-san?"

The forgotten boxer was running towards them while carrying burning shish kabob "It's EXTREMELY on FIRE!" he yelled

"You lawn head throw it in the water!"

"But that's EXTREME waste of food!"

"E-eek! Don't come near us! Or we'll get burned too!" Lambo ran off.

Chrome sweat drops and Mukuro could only shake his head. Hibari just walked away.

"Why is it on fire anyway?" Tsuna sweat dropped.

"I poured some fuel on the barbeque grill since the fire was EXTREMELY small!"

"E-Ehh?" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"You stupid idiot!"

"Well, that's a very comical way to end a day." Reborn spoke "So what happened on the day of the battle?"

Lambo's smile had dropped and his expression darkened "Vongola… broke his promise…"


A certain brunet was standing in the middle of hundreds of dead bodies, and in front of him was the Orso Family's Boss dead body. He was looking at his shaky bloody gloved hands, with wide eyes.

"What have you done?"

Scared caramel eyes turned to the stage and saw five pairs of eyes staring right at him. Some with shock, fear and doubt.

He had done it again.

End of chapter

Chapter 26

He didn't know- he just- everything was a blur! Tsuna sunk to his knees, as the earlier events started flashing in his mind…

No! No! Not again!


"Stop! This isn't funny!"

"Who said it was? I'm dead serious you know." Grindo seemed to have spotted a victim, "Ah~ what about him?" He had approached Hibari, a dagger now in his hand. "Let's see if you'll learn something from this." He held up the dagger.

Tsuna's eyes widen in fear.


Grindo turns to Tsuna with a smirk, "You seem to care for them a lot…"

"Don't you dare hurt them Grindo! One wrong move, and I swear I won't forgive you!"

"Really now? Sadly, I could care less for your forgiveness so…" Grindo took out knives "… boo to you."

He twirls the knife skillfully and time suddenly slowed down as Tsuna watch in horror. The Orso boss' smirk grew wider as he prepared to throw the knives like they were darts, and the dartboards were unfortunately, his guardians.


This feeling… what is it?

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

'No! Don't give in to it!'

'Wa-was that my voice?' Everything around Tsuna was starting to blur and he couldn't identify which was fake, or which was reality anymore. His vision suddenly landed to Grindo preparing his knives, then it blurred into a person's face. He could see, what seemed like, huge brown eyes that were filled with fear and panic.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

The feeling started to intensify and the brunet's vision was getting clearer, slowly getting back to reality and slowly leaving the other world. It had once again blurred back to the strange place and this time the face was clearer! It was the younger Tsuna. His hands reached out as he yelled in panic…


Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump! BA-DUMP!

Then… everything went black. 'Where am I?' Tsuna wondered as he roamed around the dark void. Something suddenly flickered at the corner of his eye, making him turn around… and there he saw… a black flame?

"What's this?" The brunet approaches it warily "What's up with this flame?" he could sense something disturbing with the said element.

Touch it…

An eerie voice whispered.

Go ahead… Touch it…

Uncertainly, the young boss reached out a hand towards the flame.

Yes… that's perfect… touch it, and be aware of all the sufferings and burdens you have been carrying…

Sawada Tsunayoshi…

As his hand made contact with the flame, everything around him flickered. The dark void suddenly turned into the run-down gym.

It was dark.

What happened to the lights? And what's up with this metallic smell?

A bad feeling had immediately settled in the young brunet.

His caramel eyes slowly landed on the hand stretched before him and… to his horror. His hand… his hand…!

'No… Oh God no…!'

It was… it was pierced right through- Tsuna choked as tears welled up- right through the Orso boss' chest. The brunet could feel something beat near to the hand that he used to stab. It was his heart. He let out a strangled scream as he pulled out his bloody hand.

"I've done it again… no way…" he murmured before looking at his bloody hand. He was unaware of the moving figures in the stage that seemed to be struggling to get up.

Why. Why? WHY?

Wide eyes stared down at the body before him then at the hundreds of bodies surrounding him.

"W-what…" a trembling voice spoke as he turned around.

Five pair of shocked eyes stared at him in shock and horror…

"What have you done?"

Tsuna was too shock to answer as he saw his guardians looking at him in disbelief.

"Tsuna! What did you do?" Yamamoto yelled.

The young boss was taken aback. More tears had welled up; unfortunately, they weren't able to see this for they were blinded by the horrible feeling shock. Once again, the guardians experienced the feeling of déjà-vu, realizing once again that they should never underestimate the feeling of shock.

Never show your weak side…

Tsuna lets out a shaky breath before standing still. It would be easier to hide his trembling shoulders if he had his thick cloak. He knelt down in front of Grindo's dead body before rummaging through the bloody suit. He felt like vomiting but he remained a stern face.

"W-What are you planning to do? Haven't you done enough damage already?" Ryohei questioned weakly.

Tsuna was hurt, but spoke nonetheless "I'm very much aware of what I have done." He then found the antidote and approached the stage.

"S-stay away…!" Chrome shouted out as she shut her eye. He had seen the brunet's state; he was covered in blood from head to toe, and added with his torn clothes, disheveled hair and dull eyes. He looked like a mad murderer.

The brunet stopped, but he continued on his way. Then, a jet of flames from the ground appeared in front of Tsuna. The young boss was stunned. He turned towards Chrome. She was panting and clutching onto her trident as if her life depended on it – and to her, it probably did at that very moment when things turned from bad to worse.

"Y-You're not boss. I saw B-Boss…" she panted "The real one… he-he's in a d-deep sleep."

"Really?" Yamamoto turned to Chrome.

Gokudera also looked at Chrome with a hopeful expression. Are they be glad because… they realized that the Tsuna right before them wasn't the real Tsuna, because they realized it wasn't really their friend who has killed?

It hurts. A lot.

"Hmpf. So you're really not the herbivore just an imposter." Hibari glared.

Ryohei struggles to sit up "S-Sawada… w-where is he?"

"How dare you taint Juudaime's image!" Gokudera panted.

Tsuna's eyes shadowed.

"Why…?" he suddenly whispered. They all look at him warily.

Droplets of tears suddenly fell to the ground from the brunet's face.

"Why won't you accept me for who I am?" Tsuna yelled out, his voice broken, "Just because I've done something I shouldn't have done! Why would you suddenly turn away without consulting me?" with both hands he covered his face and abruptly fell to his knees. The antidote dropped on the ground and rolled away. Everyone was speechless. And almost immediately, they started doubting their thoughts of Tsuna. The person in front of them, looked exactly like their boss, no doubt about that. And… his attitude towards them… it was different, yet it felt… natural.

"Over and over again…" Tsuna sobbed "You always do this to me… why? WHY?"


"You always hated seeing me kill people! You're never relieved to see me alive! You're always concerned for the people that are already dead! Do you want me to die instead? Tell me!"

They exchanged looks, they had no idea why, but for some reason, they felt guilty.

"I know… the t-things I've been doing…" more tears spilled, "…they were wrong. They were uncharacteristic, even for me. But I thought you guys knew me better. I thought you knew that everything I do have a reason! I thought-!"


The brunet suddenly halted. His guardians looked at the brunet confusedly. Why did he suddenly stop? Then, Tsuna suddenly clutches his head "AAAAHH!" he yelled in pain. They were shocked.

"Tsuna? Tsuna!" Yamamoto struggled to get up.

"W-what's happening?" Gokudera was starting to panic.

Chrome stands up with the help of her trident, but immediately fell back on her knees, "I-I can sense negative energy? What is this?"

Hibari watches Tsuna with slightly wide eyes.

The young boss' ring suddenly glowed.

"His ring!" Ryohei exclaimed.

"AH!" Tears rolled down the boss' pained face.

"It's-it's hurting Juudaime!" Gokudera said. He was hesitant if this was really Tsuna, but just seeing his friend's state, he immediately forgot about the issue as worry filled within him.

"It can't be!" Chrome spoke.

"What's happening?" Yamamoto turned to the illusionist.

"The ring… it's rejecting him?" Chrome said in shock and everyone's eyes widened as they heard this.


"AAAAAAAAAAHHH!" the light in the ring started to glow brighter and a crack suddenly appeared. The crack grew and grew, and before they knew it, it shattered into pieces and the light immediately vanished as soon as the ring broke.


THUD! Tsuna suddenly dropped on the ground. His eyes were half open. They were dark and dull. Not a single sign of life was within them. Near his limp hand, was the shattered ring.

"Tsuna!/Juudaime!/Boss!/Sawada!" They all called out.

What just happened?


"So you think Tsuna from the past, is actually Tsuna from the future?" Reborn eyed the adult Lambo. An hour and a half had passed since his travel to the future, and within the said amount of time, Lambo had discussed to him everything about Tsuna's first kill and his deduction about the new Tsuna from the past.

"Hai." Lambo replied slowly.

"And what makes you say that?" Reborn raised an eyebrow "Is it because of all those things he told you when you traveled in the past?"

"That's right. And also…" Lambo clenches his fist, "I perfectly know… those hurtful eyes."

Tsuna looking at Lambo sadly flashes in the young guardian's mind.

"I… I know we're the ones to blame that he's hurt."

"Hmpf. And what do you mean by that? Physically or mentally hurt?" Reborn crossed his arms.


"Don't give me that stupid response!" Reborn kicked the other in the head. "Humans never realize their stupid mistakes until it's too late! And you have done a grave mistake by leaving your own Boss behind! And how long did it take you to realize that? Until that no-good student of mine let his guard down and get shot by a weak enemy!" Reborn had always kept his calm, but now, this was worth snapping.

"We can't help it!" Lambo boldly yelled back, "Why? Why did he kill? After promising us he wouldn't take a life, after telling us how precious a life can be no matter what the circumstances were! We were shock! Scared! We couldn't look at him anymore!"

"And if you were in his situation, do you think he would've done the same?" Reborn had his gun out and was pointing it at Lambo's direction "Do you think Tsuna would've turned his back on you? Do you think he'd regret meeting you?"



The two occupants turned to the small sound. What was that? Reborn looked at Tsuna, then his eyes landed on the ring on his finger. His eyes widen as he saw a crack.

"V-Vongola's ring!" Lambo exclaimed.

Tsuna suddenly gasped painfully. However, his eyes remained tightly shut.

Reborn immediately went to his student's side "Tsuna. Get a hold of yourself." He was trying to look calm but the shaky grip on his gun was revealing how panicked he was. 'What's happening? Why's he in pain?'

Tsuna's body suddenly convulsed.

"S-Someone! HELP!" Lambo yelled.

A huge crack appeared between the crack, and more and more cracks branched out, and suddenly the ring shattered into pieces.

Then, Tsuna went still. The brunet seemed paler and sweat was trickling down from the sides of his face.

Reborn was, for once, helpless. But slowly, anger consumed him.



Lambo was about to go to Tsuna but was stopped as a bullet whizzed past in front of him.

"R-Re… Eek!" Lambo immediately backed away at the dark expression Reborn was giving him.

"What happened?" The door swung open, "Did something happen to Juudaime?" the future guardians appeared by the doorway, but before they could even step in…


A bullet was now implanted in the wall inches away from Gokudera's face. Gokudera stopped dead. Slowly, the bomber made a calm but disturbed face as he turns to Reborn, "Reborn-san. What's the meaning of this?"

"Get out. I'm not done talking with the stupid cow." Reborn darkly said.

Lambo gulps.

"Kid, did something happen to Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked.

"Get out."

"But Boss-!"

"I. Said. Get. Out." Reborn was letting out a murderous aura that everyone practically felt a shiver run down the spine.

"Fine." And with that they reluctantly left before giving Lambo a questioning yet worried gaze then shutting the door.

"My time's running out. So I'm gonna tell you this." Reborn seemed to have calmed down, but he kept glancing back at Tsuna. "Someday, though I'm not sure when, I'll be coming back here with the guardians."

"Eh? Why?"

"Shut up." Reborn points his gun at him with a 'click', "As soon as we come here, I want you to explain everything to them and by that time I hope all of you realized your mistake." The gun turns back to Leon.

"I want this puzzle to be solved and somehow, my instincts are telling me that a clash between the future and the present will help clear something up. Whether it'll be about your theory of Dame-Tsuna from the past is from the future or the reason of the shattered ring. But it would be better if we find all the answers."

The hitman eyed the ring 'What does the ring have anything to do with this? I better do some research.'

"W-why let them come here? Why not transporting me to the past instead?" Lambo spoke up.

"Because I don't want Dame-Tsuna going depressed on seeing you and also I don't want him to know about what you'll be discussing. Obviously, if he really was from the future, he'd do anything to not let his friends know what he had done, after all… what reason would he have to go back from the past but to start over again?" Reborn stopped for a moment 'Actually, how did Dame-Tsuna go back in time without his future body? It can't be… that only his soul traveled? Is that logical?'

"B-but wouldn't he be more depressed to see Gokudera and the others from the future?"

"I'll make sure they won't be seen by Dame-Tsuna." Reborn crossed his arms, "Also, as soon as the past guardians arrive… I want them to see future Dame-Tsuna's state." The Arcobaleno turned to Tsuna. He hopped to the bedside of the brunet and stared. "One more thing, gather the pieces of the ring. Make sure nothing's left. Keep them safe." He ordered Lambo before turning his attention back to his student.

Though he never showed it, he very much cared, and cares and will care for the welfare of his student. He had grown a strong bond between the young boss as well as a soft side… and so, no matter what mistake Tsuna had committed, Reborn always know there's a reason for it. He fully understands him. He had hoped that his guardians would do the same… but… they still had a lot more to learn.

"Baka-Tsuna." He puts a small hand on the soft locks. "I'll be back."


A puff of pink smoke surrounded Reborn, then he immediately finds himself in the pink swirly dimension. Reborn looked up and suddenly he spots a glass like barrier. He looks at it questioningly, was there such thing when he time traveled? Slowly, he fell towards the barrier and went through it. He looked at it with a frown. A bright light consumes him and… he was back in the present, with Giannini sitting in front of him, drinking a cup of tea.

"Ah, Reborn-san… welcome back."

Reborn just nods his head before speaking, "Giannini. Give me every data, details and facts about the Vongola ring."


"Quick! Scout every inch of the area!" Dino orders his subordinates as they arrived at Nami-chu.


Dino immediately ran towards the gym. He wasn't sure if the brunet would be in the run-down building. But you'll never know. He pushes the broken door open

"Tsu-!" Brown eyes widen as he saw the dead bodies littering the place. He covers his nose as the metallic smell hit him. 'What happened here?' he was then aware of figures crowding by the stage together. Except for one lone figure, which was standing far from the group.

"Oi!" Dino called out. The figures turned to him.

"Who's there?"

Dino immediately realized the voice "Gokudera? It's me! Dino!"

"It's the herbivore." Dino knew that was Hibari. The blonde rushed towards the stage, while trying to avoid stepping on the dead bodies.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Dino climbed up the stage "When Tsuna sees you he'll be so…-" he halted as he saw the said brunet lying in Yamamoto's arm, unconscious.

"Tsu… na?" Dino's eyes widened.

"S-something's wrong with Boss. But we're not sure what it is!" Chrome, who was kneeling beside him, said.

Dino also knelt beside him "First off, are you guys okay?"

"Y-yeah. We were poisoned, but we managed to drink the antidote." Yamamoto turned his gaze to the empty bottle next to them.

"I see. A-anyway, let me check him." He grabs Tsuna away from the rain guardian's hold, for some reason, he had a bad feeling.

"We don't know what's EXTREMELY happening! Sawada's ring suddenly glowed and broke! And then Sawada suddenly collapsed." Ryohei spoke in a shaky voice.

"What?" Dino exclaimed before turning to Chrome who was holding out the pieces of the shattered ring.

"Tsuna…" Dino looks down at the unconscious brunet and started checking him.

They all watch as Dino scan the brunet with nervousness, they all held their breaths as the blonde abruptly looked up in panic.

"Tsuna! He-He's … he's not breathing…!"

End of Chapter

Chapter 27

"How is he?" Gokudera approached Dino, everyone looked up.

The guardians (except for Hibari, who had left) and Dino had brought the brunet to the hospital immediately. Right now, Dino was talking to the doctor.

"T-they were able to save him. It seems like his body won't respond without the machines. As soon as they put an oxygen mask… he started breathing normally." Dino said looking very troubled "They concluded he was in a coma. Since he won't respond."

"I don't understand… what just happened?" Ryohei stood up from his seat.

"You just said that Tsuna was rejected by the ring, right?" Yamamoto turned to Chrome. The mist guardian nodded, "Then, why did the ring break? When Xanxus was rejected, it didn't break at all."

Chrome could only shake her head, unsure of what to say.

"Can we see him?" Gokudera asked Dino.

Dino was unusually silent as he acknowledged with a small nod. They all exchanged looks before entering the room.

One by one they entered the brunet's room. And there they saw the frail looking brunet, covered by blankets. An oxygen mask was worn, and like what the Bucking Horse had said, Tsuna was breathing steadily.

"Juudaime…" Gokudera hesitantly approached the young boss.

'He's really pale.' Yamamoto frowned.

"What are those bandages?" Ryohei asked noticing the said item wrapped around the small teen's arms and chest.

"Ah… it seems like he was seriously injured from what had happened, and also, his old injuries reopened." Dino was leaning against the doorframe, he was staring at them intently, "What exactly happened? How…?" The blonde suddenly stood straight with a dark expression "How could you let Tsuna end up like this?"

"You don't know what you're talking about." Gokudera glared.

"He wasn't boss." Chrome muttered.

"What are you talking about?" Dino frowned, "Last I remember, earlier, during the time I had taken care of Tsuna he…"

"Tsuna hang on…" Dino frowned at the poisoned brunet.

Tsuna clutches his chest and gasped in pain. Slowly, brown eyes fluttered open "E-everyone… where a-are they?"

"You're straining yourself." Dino held the boy and tried to wipe the sweat running down the sides of his face, but the young boss merely push his hand away, "I-I need to save them!" he tried to sit up and opened the car door.

"Tsuna!" Dino immediately grabs him, "Don't do anything foolish! With your current state, do you think you can save them?"

"It doesn't matter!" Tsuna bellowed angrily, "It doesn't matter…" Dino was shocked to see tears sliding down his face, "They're experiencing greater pain than what I'm feeling right now, and they're fighting it away. I just know it. It's unfair if I just do nothing while getting treated. It's not fair!"


"They don't deserve this… suffering…" and with that, the brunet fell unconscious. Dino caught him before he could hit his head on the car door.

"Boss, is everything alright there?" Romario looks up at the rearview mirror

"Ah…" Dino continues wiping the other's face, "Everything will be alright for sure…"

"He was worried sick for you guys and he almost jumped out of the car just to save you guys!" Dino exclaimed.

"Jumped out of the car?"

"T-that doesn't matter!" Dino crosses his arms "All I'm saying is, even when suffering from the poison, the only thing he could think of was saving all of you! Now tell me, which part of that is not the Tsuna you once knew? Which part of it was fake?"

They were all silenced. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound that could be heard.

It sounded so fragile… so soft… the beating of the Vongola Decimo's heart…

"Ano…" Romario appeared by the entrance, they all turned to him, "Boss, they're here."

Dino tries to calm himself by breathing out "I called your family and told them to come here. They're probably waiting for you…"

"But who'll be guarding…"

"I can handle it. Just go meet them. They've been worried for you." Dino said opening the door wider.

Hesitantly, they all left, all except Chrome who looked back at Tsuna, 'Boss…' her hand reaches out towards his forehead.

"What are you planning to do?" Dino asked, stopping Chrome, "Your friends are waiting for you…"

"A-ah… hai." Chrome turned around and left.

Dino turns to Tsuna "Tsuna…"


A figure was sitting alone in the dark. An orange flame suddenly formed in front of the lone figure and out came the first generation boss of the Vongola Family. "Decimo, are you okay?"

Dull brown eyes kept looking down, not bothering to look up at all.

"Decimo… you…"

"Primo…" a smaller figure suddenly appears beside Giotto, and the blonde could look at him in shock, "You… how did you wake up?"

The small figure was revealed to be Tsuna, the younger one.

"Hii! G-gomen! W-wasn't I suppose to wake up?" Tsuna exclaimed.

Giotto couldn't help but smile before turning serious "No… it's fine. There's no point on putting you asleep. After all, Decimo here… won't be able to return anymore."

"E-eh? Why?" Tsuna asked.

"It's because, my soul is only connected to the ring. It's what keeps me in your body." Tsunayoshi (I'll call the older Tsuna with this) said silently, "Now that the ring is broken… I can't go back to your body anymore."

"H-How'd you know about that?" Tsuna gaped at his older self.

"It's simple. I made a wish, and with the help of the Vongola ring, it came true. And so, it's only common sense that my soul was able to transfer to your body." Tsunayoshi muttered.

"I-I see…" Tsuna looked at his older self.


"You can go back now…" Tsunayoshi looks up, "You'll be able to return, after all, this is your body. You don't need the ring to have your soul attached to your body."

"W-what? And what are you gonna do once I take my body back?" Tsuna exclaimed, "You can't stay here forever!"

"And also, once you get back, your original body in the future will finally become useless, now that the soul has officially broke the connection." Giotto said.

"So?" Tsunayoshi clenched his fists, "Isn't that for the best? Isn't that what everyone wanted?"

Tsuna looks at his older self with a sad expression, he still had no idea what had happened… but…

"No. You're wrong." Tsuna knelt down and held his future self by the shoulders "Listen to yourself! You shouldn't be thinking of something like that! Everyone would be sad if they heard you say that… Gokudera-kun… Yamamoto-"

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Tsunayoshi looked up, "You have no idea what you're talking about! You have no idea know what I have been through that's why you could say such things, and if you did... I know you won't be able to say such things!"

An image of Tsuna's friends walking away flashes in the young brunet's mind, "W-what was that?"

"Decimo… please let go of him." Primo looked wary, "You might be able to see things you're not supposed to see."

Tsuna hastily lets go of his other self "W-what?" however more images flashed in the brunet's mind.

"This isn't good." Primo held Tsuna, "Decimo, don't look… don't look at his memories."

'My future self's memories?' Tsuna blinked, he suddenly looked down, "No. I'm sorry Primo… but…" the young brunet grabbed his older self's hand, surprising Tsunayoshi.

"I'm gonna look… I… I want to experience what you have experienced." Tsunayoshi's eyes widened.

Tsuna smiles softly "After all, we're just one… I'll still experience it, right?"

A light consumed the two and Giotto could only watch in shock before smiling softly.

It was like watching an old film in fast forward motion. But despite this, Tsuna could somehow catch up with the memories. He understood everything… the promise… the shock… the fight… the first kill… and how his friends turned his backs from him.

Tears slid down from Tsuna's face as he lets go of his future self.


Slowly, the brunet collapsed on his knees.

"Do you understand now…? Do you now-"

"No." Tsuna spoke up, "I-I still don't understand…" he wiped his face, "Why are you overacting like this? They were scared - it's natural! When a killer is in front of you, you get scared right? And what's the only way to keep them from getting frightened? By explaining! You should've tried to explain the situation to them!"

"It's not as simple as it seems!" Tsunayoshi yelled, "You trust them too much… used to trust them too much.."

"And now you lost that trust!" Tsuna yelled back, "After committing that mistake… we need… we need to find a way to restore the ring!"

"You're still on that?" Tsunayoshi covered his face, "I'm tired of watching all my hopes fall away right in front of me. I just want to be left alone… is that so hard to ask?"


"I now know… whether it's the past or the present or in a parallel world… they'll still be the same!" his figure was starting to tremble, "I… I…" Tsuna couldn't help but feel sorry for… for himself.

"I…just want to apologize to them…" Tsunayoshi suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

"I know you do… and I know you will…" Tsuna let go of his future self before turning to Giotto, who had been quietly watching.

"We… we need to find a way to get that ring restored."

Giotto just smiled "Of course Decimo…"

"Takeshi!" Yamamoto looks up and saw his dad running towards him. And before he knew it, he was stuck in a manly hug "D-Dad!"

"I'm so glad you're okay." Tsuyoshi exclaimed looking relieved.



Kyoko and Bianchi came next. Ryohei was immediately tackled by his younger sibling, "You're safe… I'm so relieved!" she sobbed.

"I'm sorry for worrying you…" Ryohei patted her on the head affectionately, just like the old days.

"Hayato. You're not hurt are you?" Bianchi was wearing her goggles, but even with the said item, the worry in her eyes was apparent.

"Tch. I'm fine." Gokudera looks away, feeling a bit embarrassed by the attention. Bianchi smiled and was shocked as Gokudera muttered, "I'm sorry for making you worry…"

"Ken… Chikusa…" Chrome murmured before look up at the two boys.

"You stupid girl! Where have you been?" Ken yelled.

"G-gomen…" the illusionist said softly.

"Ken calm down…" Chikusa sighed, before turning to Chrome, "He's been worried."

The said person immediately went red, "W-what? What are you talking about Kakipi?"

Chrome giggled softly. And just like that, they were all enjoying their reunions with their family. The soulless brunet lying on his bed – and perhaps deathbed - was completely forgotten.

Dino held Tsuna's cold hands. His expression was full of worry. He shut his eyes tightly before sighing. All of a sudden…


"Kyouya!" The blonde could only look at the said skylark who was sitting by the window sill, in shock.

Hibari looks at Tsuna for a moment. Dino immediately got the message 'Could it be… he's worried?'

"Hmpf… what a troublesome herbivore." The cloud guardian jumps down the window sill and took out a small pouch.

"What's that?" Dino asks. Hibari throws the pouch at the blonde who caught it clumsily.

"The herbivore dropped it." Hibari tilted his head to Tsuna.

"S-sou?" Dino looks at the item. It was a blue charm; a small tuna fish was imprinted at the front. His brown eyes soften 'You're still holding on to this Tsuna?'

"When the herbivore wakes up…"

"Hn?" Dino looks up at the prefect.

"I'll bite him to death." Hibari glared at the unconscious brunet before jumping out the window.

The bucking horse chuckled. Hibari sure has a strange way to show his concern. Of course, the prefect will never admit that he had such feelings for an herbivore like Tsuna.

"It's good that you guys came back safely…" Kyoko said as she wiped her tears away.

"Ah… I guess we were lucky to the EXTREME!" Ryohei grinned.

"Oh yeah… where's-" Bianchi was immediately interrupted.

"Tsu-kun!" Nana suddenly rushed in, and as soon as she saw Bianchi she approached her, "Where's Tsu-kun?"

Before anyone could answer, the Bucking Horse suddenly appeared.

"Maman…" Dino approached the woman, "He's in that room…"

Nana immediately ran towards the direction the blonde had pointed and everyone watched on silently, the uncomfortable and awkward silence was unbreakable.

"W-wait, what happened to Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko turned to her brother.

"Takeshi…" Tsuyoshi frowned at his son.

"He's in a coma…" Dino spoke up.

All their eyes widen while some gasped in shock.

"What happened?" Bianchi asked.

"He… he tried to save us…" Chrome admitted silently.

Kyoko pursed her lips as she remembered what she had said to Tsuna…

"Why? Why aren't you looking worried?"

"Tsuna-kun… tried to save you?" she said, stunned.

"I… I want to go check…" Tsuyoshi said looking slightly guilty as well, "I have… acted a bit rude when I called him…"

"Pops…" Yamamoto looks at his dad.

"Tch. Since Mukuro-sama told us to protect the brat… I guess we don't have any choice." Ken said.

"Ken…" Chrome made a small smile.

And so with that, they all went to Tsuna's room with Dino leading them, all except the guardians.

"Did we… did we guys make a mistake?" Yamamoto suddenly spoke up.

They were all silent, unsure of what to say.

"Just because I've done something I shouldn't have done! Why would you suddenly turn away without consulting me?"

They all hung their head down. They were now positive that they had made a grave mistake.

And so, as soon as the guardians approached the room, they immediately heard the loud crying of Tsuna's mom. They listened as the brunet's mom call for his son to wake up over and over again and all they could do was look down in shame for not being able to save… their own friend.

Reborn was currently in the Vongola mansion's main library. The Arcobaleno was surrounded by stacks and stacks of books.

"Hmpf… I can't seem to find anything interesting." Reborn closed the book he was holding "All of them are no good at all…"

The infant hopped on a small ladder. Suddenly he noticed something.

It was a book. A book… with no title at all.

Reborn grabbed the book and took it out the shelf. He hops back down and stared at it. He was about to open the book, only to be interrupted as someone spoke.

"I see you have found that book… Reborn…"

"What are you doing here… Talbot?"

End of chapter

Christmas Special!

It was a cold winter day… And Sawada Tsunayoshi was currently making his way towards school. As we all know, this Sawada Tsunayoshi wasn't you're usual no-good and useless, yet strong and cool Sawada Tsunayoshi. No… he's soul… is from the future, sent back to the past and to his past self, thanks to the wish that Primo had granted. Reason? To be able to feel the warmth of his past family, unlike the future that was filled with mistrust and ignorance.

'Christmas… huh…?' Tsuna thought blankly 'It's been awhile since I've celebrated that holiday.'


"We don't have time to celebrate Christmas… especially with someone like you."


Tsuna's lips pursed as his eyebrows furrowed at the sudden memory.


"Yo Tsuna!"

The brunet looks up and saw Yamamoto and Gokudera heading his way.

"Ah… Yamamoto, Gokudera-kun." He makes a small smile

"Arre?" Yamamoto immediately notices something "Is there something wrong Tsuna? You seem to be down."

"What? Who dares make Juudaime sad?"

"E-eh? Is it that obvious?" Tsuna feigns a nervous chuckle "Sorry, Reborn woke me up with one of his traps again. I kinda' felt annoyed."

"Ahahah! Sou?"

"Don't worry Juudaime! As long as you wake up earlier you won't be bothered by Reborn-san's traps ever again!" Gokudera exclaimed

"T-that's reassuring." Tsuna replies "Ah! Is that the time already? Come on guys we have to hurry!"

"Right behind you!"

"Go ahead Tenth! We don't want to drag you down!"

The young boss raised an eyebrow at their odd behavior before shrugging and walking ahead.

"Something's totally bothering Juudaime…" Gokudera mutters

"Ah…" Yamamoto frowned "Does it have to do with Christmas?"

"Maybe…" Gokudera then looks down as if he was in a deep thought 'Yosh. I have an idea.'


"So… what have you guys been talking about behind my back?" Tsuna gave them a calculative stare

"Eh? What are you talking about?" Yamamoto innocently laughed

"T-that's right Juudaime! We would never keep anything from you!" Gokudera exclaimed 'As expected of Juudaime!'

The brunet merely narrowed his eyes at them before sighing.

"Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko approaches him "Good morning."

"Oh… Kyoko-chan… good morning to you too."

"Good morning Yamamoto-kun, Gokudera-kun…" Kyoko smiled



"It's really cold this morning neh?" Kyoko spoke

"Yeah… I thought I was going to freeze with the weather and all." Tsuna replies

"Sou?" Kyoko blinked "Neh… Tsuna-kun Christmas is almost near! Do you have plans for Christmas?"

"Plans?" Tsuna forces a smile "Nah… I'm not really into festivities like Christmas."

"Eh? No way." Kyoko frowns

"I never knew you were the type to never celebrate holidays." Yamamoto looks at the brunet a bit surprise

"Why Juudaime?" Gokudera asked "I think Okaa-sama will celebrate by cooking a lot of her delicious food."

Tsuna thought for a moment before speaking "Ah… I guess you're right."

"Why don't you like Christmas Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko couldn't help but feel curious

The brunet makes a tired smile, a smile that always makes his dear friends feel concerned for they knew behind that smile is stress… and behind that stress is the unknown burden they can't seem to see or understand at all.

"Ah well… it's not that I don't like Christmas… it's just that… something happened during that time of a certain year."

"Something…" Yamamoto started

"…happened?" Gokudera trailed off

Tsuna snaps out from his trance "E-err, but… it was a long time ago! Let's forget what I said… haha."

The three of them exchange looks. Fortunately for Tsuna, before the three could ask anything the teacher had entered the classroom. And as the teacher started discussing his lesson Tsuna had completely zoned out.

'Christmas…' Tsuna thought '…the day when you get together and celebrate with your family…' he clenches his fists '…at least… that's what it was supposed to be.'

"Tsunayoshi-sama… I know I have no right to say this, but Christmas is almost near, don't you think you should take a day off from those papers?" the butler asks the busy-looking brunet

Tsuna looks up the butler and smiled "Thanks for your concern… but I don't think I'll ever have a break from these." He tries to make it sound like a joke but the frown the butler gave him was a clear sign he didn't do a good job of it.

The servant then serves him tea "Doesn't your guardians help you?"

Tsuna halted for a moment "They're…"

"…still busy with their missions." The butler finished "Am I right?"

The brunet smiles humorlessly "Do I say it so often?"

"Not 'often' Decimo…" Tsuna could see the pity in the butler's eyes " 'Always' "

"I see…"

"Tsunayoshi-sama… why don't you make up?"

"Make up." Tsuna chuckles "Too late for that… they don't seem to bother listening to me… or better yet look at me straight in the eyes, what makes you think they'll listen to me of all times now?"

"Because it's Christmas… Tsunayoshi-sama." The butler points out as if it was an obvious thing "Christmas is the time of giving and receiving but of course…most of all… it's the time of forgiving."

"I guess…" Tsuna contemplates before shaking his head "It's impossible… no way…"

"Tsunayoshi-sama… how long have you been with your guardians?" The servant asked

"Since… since middle school…" Tsuna could immediately felt the nostalgia of having his friends hang around him "They've been the best friends I ever had."

"Do you think it would be impossible for them, your best friends, to forgive you in Christmas?"







"Eh?" Tsuna abruptly looks up and saw the teacher glaring at him

"Dozing off in classes Sawada Tsunayoshi?" the teacher was striking his ruler rather dangerously against his palm

"E-eto… I-I was just…" 'Ahh… I hate it when I try to remember the future.'

"Alright Sawada, as punishment answer the equation on the board."

"Bastard! Just because Juudaime was thinking of something you punish him for no reason! Juudaime! Let me blow him up for you!" Gokudera stood up with dynamites ready

"G-Gokudera-kun please no." Tsuna tiredly sighed

"Ahaha… maa, maa Gokudera." Yamamoto exclaims from his seat "You're making Tsuna exhausted."

"W-What? What are you talking about you baseball freak?"

A vein popped on the teacher's forehead "Gokudera! Yamamoto! Sawada! Detention for the three of you!"

And so…

"I'm sorry for putting you guys in trouble." Tsuna said looking down at his desk

"Ahaha… maa, maa… we don't mind right Gokudera?"

"That's right Juudaime! Besides… it was the teacher's fault…-"

"I'm here you know." The teacher glares at them from his desk "And how many times have I told you three to be quiet? This is detention not a chat room!"

They all went silent except for Gokudera who reluctantly bit his tongue, all for his precious Tenth to not be in any more trouble.

Tsuna looks down his desk blankly.

Gokudera and Yamamoto looks at their friend worriedly before exchanging looks. Earlier during classes, at that time when Tsuna was dazing off, they could see the sad and lost look in the brunet's eyes. However, they had no clue what was the reason for it.

A note was then passed to Gokudera. The bomber raises an eyebrow before taking the note.

Hey Gokudera, are we still continuing the plan?


Gokudera writes a reply.

Of course we are you idiot. Who said we're going to stop it?

Yamamoto writes a reply

Ahaha… just asking. You know… it's weird for you to make such a plan. I mean, is it really necessary? Isn't Tsuna's mom gonna prepare it anyway?

Before Gokudera could make another reply the teacher interrupts them.

"Yamamoto, Gokudera… no passing notes."

"Hahaha… we've been found out."

"Tch." 'Crap… Juudaime would be suspicious!' Gokudera immediately turns to his boss. He sighs in relief to see Tsuna too preoccupied to notice what just happened. However, his relief was replaced with concern as he saw how deep in thought Tsuna was.

Yamamoto also noticed his friend's behavior as he frowned in worry.


No reply.


Still no reply.


"H-huh? What?" Tsuna turns to his friends. The three of them were currently going home after having detention.

"Tsuna, if you don't pay attention on where you're walking, you might run over a pole or something." Yamamoto smiles at him worriedly

"Juudaime… are you okay? You're not feeling unwell or anything right?" Gokudera asks

"I'm fine…" Tsuna replies blankly

They knew he was lying. And they couldn't take the empty words he was giving them. And so they-they must consult him, right here! Right now! Now! Or never!

Gokudera stops in front of Tsuna and bows "Juudaime… I beg you. Can you please… tell us what's wrong?"

"Tsuna… you can't carry everything you know. We're here if you need us." Yamamoto puts a hand on his shoulder "Just tell us what's been bothering you."

"I'm telling you… I'm okay… really…-"

"No you're not!"

"Juudaime… please don't lie!"

"Let me at least explain for the reason of my behavior…"

"Please stop! We don't want to hear your lies!"

Tsuna gritted his teeth and shrugs Yamamoto's hand away "I'm fine." The brunet firmly said "I don't want to explain or share anything."

"B-but Juudaime!"

"Enough!" Tsuna turns around, his expression bitter and dark "If I say I'm fine… I'm fine! There's nothing else to say! Just accept it! Okay?" 'Why are you guys so willing to hear me out in the past but in the future… you…'

"I..I want to celebrate Christmas with everyone… I-"

"We don't have time to celebrate Christmas… especially with someone like you." One of his guardians spoke

Caramel eyes widen before looking down, he clenches his fists in determination.

"I-I heard Christmas is the time of forgiving… and… and so I want to apologize…"

"Using Christmas as an advantage… kufufu… dear me."

"Let me at least explain for the reason of my behavior…"

"Please stop! We don't want to hear your lies!"

"You haven't even heard them yet!" the brunet snaps back

"We don't have to… if you really regretted what you have done… then you should've stopped doing it… and yet. You keep doing it as if it were a daily basis!"

Caramel eyes widen.

"That's why… what's there to hear out?"

'…you guys won't even hear me out! Not even a word!' Tsuna's eyebrows were furrowed as he bit his lip and tightly shuts his eyes.

"Tsu… Tsuna…"

He snaps his eyes open and looks up at his two best friends. They were looking at him with a hurtful expression. However, they were trying to hide it as best as they can. Unfortunately, Tsuna could see through their masks like an x-ray. Realizing that he had just snapped at his friends who did nothing but feel worried for him, he ran off with full speed, feeling nothing but confused.

Tsuna enters his house and shuts the door behind him.

Hearing the door, Nana rushes out the kitchen to greet her son "Welcome home Tsu-kun."

"Ah…" Tsuna replies quietly "I'm home…" then he sets off to his room

Nana blinked and looks at the direction Tsuna had left off "Tsu-kun?"

The brunet enters his dark room. Not bothering to switch on the lights he merely drops his bag down and collapsed on his bed. He was about to shut his eyes but was interrupted as someone came in.

"Tsu-kun?" Nana turns on the lights

Sighing, Tsuna sits up "Hai?"

"Is something wrong?"

"No… nothing's wrong 'kaa-san." Tsuna watches as his mother approaches him and sat next to him by the bed.

"You know you can tell Okaa-san anything."

"Mom… I'm old enough to face my problems."

"But you're never too old to be my son." And suddenly, Tsuna felt himself get engulfed in a warm hug "And as your mother, it's my duty to know what's troubling my own son. So come on… tell me."

The brunet felt so comfortable in his mother's hug, call him a mama's boy… he couldn't care less. All he knows that being in his mom's arms like this, he couldn't help but feel content and in peace. He had missed the old times when he would be engulfed in a warm embrace like this.

"I…I just… yelled at my friends…" Tsuna admitted with a sigh "…even though they didn't do anything wrong."

Nana smiles softly and gently stroke her son's brown locks "You didn't mean it right? You didn't do it on purpose, right?"

"Of course not!" Tsuna pulls away from her hug and looks at her with a frown "I'd never do that to them…"

"That's good. Well then, you could just ask forgiveness!" Nana said

The young boss frowned at the idea. It was like déjà vu. "What if they… don't… forgive me?"

Nana suddenly started giggling.

"W-what's so funny?" now he was starting to feel embarrassed

"Silly Tsu-kun… in Christmas, we always forgive one another. And if we are talking about your friends then, they'll always forgive you even if it isn't Christmas." Nana exclaimed

At that time, Tsuna knew it was just like when he had spoken to the butler. But the way his mother had told him with pure innocence and affirmation, the young boss couldn't help but agree.

"But if you really want them to forgive you… then get them a gift that's from your heart." Nana spoke

'A…gift?' Tsuna thought

"Oh my! Is that the time already?" Nana looks at Tsuna's alarm clock "I must go prepare for dinner!" she stood up and hastily left, leaving Tsuna to contemplate.

"A gift…" Tsuna mutters "But what kind?"

Outside the door, Reborn was watching his student with a smirk 'Maman did a pretty good job…'

Another day of school and Tsuna was sitting on his desk, constantly turning to Yamamoto's and Gokudera's desk, which were empty. He couldn't help but feel worried. Were they trying to avoid him because of what he had done? No, they won't sacrifice their education over a little argument… well… Gokudera would… but either way! The brunet sighed for the umpteenth time 'I need to think of something else… I don't want to get wrong idea.' Taking out a notebook Tsuna opens it. Inside it were lists of gifts.

Mugs? Boring.

Wall clock? They already have those.

Shirts? Common.

Snow globes? All we do is shake them.

Figurines? Where's the fun of that?


Tsuna halted at the last part.

"It's really cold this morning neh?" Kyoko spoke

"Yeah… I thought I was going to freeze with the weather and all." Tsuna replies

'Of course!' Tsuna thought "I could buy them-"

"But if you really want them to forgive you… then get them a gift that's from your heart."

'A gift from my heart…' Tsuna touches the notebook 'Right…'

"Alright class! Get back to your seats!" the teacher had entered the room, however, before he could continue the classroom door opens once again revealing two panting teens.

"Yamamoto! Gokudera! Why are you late?"

"G-gomen sensei… so-something happened… we kinda' lost track of time." Yamamoto grins

"Go back to your seats then. I'll let you slide this time."



And with that the two had went to their seats, well… not before sparing Tsuna an awkward yet nervous glance.

The brunet just kept silent as he looked down.

Everything will be okay…

He shut his eyes 'For sure… this time… I won't make the same mistake.'

After classes…

Tsuna was arranging his things in his bag but was stopped as he saw Yamamoto and Gokudera leave the classroom in a hurry. He then felt dejected but he merely shook it off and left the classroom as well.

'First things first… I need to buy the materials!' Tsuna thought as he rushes out the classroom.

As he got out the building he then saw Hibari. Who looked a bit pissed.

"Hibari-san!" Tsuna calls out

"I don't have time with you herbivore." And with that, the prefect left

The brunet furrows his eyebrows in confusion before heading off, his heart felt unusually heavy.

Walking down the busy street of town Tsuna tries to look for a store. 'Ahh… maybe I should've asked mom where I could find- arre? Is that Chrome?'Surely he could see the pineapple hair girl coming out of a shop holding something.

"Chrome!" Tsuna calls out

The girls turns at the brunet in… shock "B-Boss?" she hastily hides the thing she was holding behind her back "W-what are you doing here?"

Tsuna could only look at what Chrome was trying to hide with a raised eyebrow before shrugging it off "I was just looking for something. What about you?"

"E-eto… just checking around." She smiles nervously

"Oh! It's really cold! Do you want to eat nice and hot steam buns with me?"

"G-gomen Boss… but I'm kinda' busy right now!" Chrome bows down "But thank you for the offer. I-I shall see you soon then."

"Ah- wait…" sadly, the illusionist had already left "Is it me… or is everyone trying to avoid me?" Tsuna shook his head "It's just probably me."

The brunet then continues his search of a store.

"Phew… it was just actually here…" Tsuna huffed while holding a plastic bag "Now time to go home and…-"


"Onii-san?" Tsuna turns around and saw Ryohei running with his fists up in the air

"MUST EXTREMELY FIND A-S-S-Sawada?" Ryohei stopped as he saw the brunet

"Onii-san!" the brunet looks at him in surprise

"W-what are you doing here?" This was a first, Ryohei, stuttering.

"I-I'm just doing an EXTREME exercise!"

"Isn't it too cold for such things?"



"ARRA! LOOK AT THE TIME! I have to get going now Sawada! EXTREME!" And the boxer hastily left, leaving a confused Tsuna.

'What just happened?'

As soon as Tsuna entered his home he immediately rushes upstairs towards his room. Closing the door behind him he puts his things he had just bought down on his bed. Placing his bag on his desk, he starts rummaging through it and suddenly took out a book that had a title 'How to Knit; for Beginners'

"Alright… where's the page for the scarves…" Tsuna asked as he read the table of contents "Found it!"

Grabbing the plastic bag on his bed he took out a ball of yarn and a pair of knitting needles.

"O-Okay… no. 10 needles? E-eto… is this number 10?" Tsuna blinks "Err… cast on 35 stitches onto your knitting needle… uhhh…how to cast on… Just follow the pictures… Create a slip knot about 24 inches from the end of the yarn as shown in these photos…step one- place the loop onto one… of your needles… like this? And then… tighten."

Meanwhile… outside the door of Tsuna's room, stood his mom who was silently watching him with a smile "How cute…" she then thought

"Aren't you gonna help him Maman?" Reborn suddenly appears beside her

Nana shook her head "If Tsu-kun hasn't asked me how to knit… then it's apparent that he wants to do it on his own." She looks back at her son who had now tangled the yarn in confusing knots and was trying to untangle it "And besides, I know Tsu-kun will be able to do it."

Reborn just smirked as he pulls his fedora down and walk away.

"I'll go make Tsu-kun some snacks!" Nana exclaimed before walking off as well

"Knitting is really hard…" Tsuna continued reading the book "It's so complicating-achoo!" the brunet then shivers "Uwaah… it's so cold…"

The young boss then looks up and was shock to see all his guardians (except for Hibari and Lambo) talking to one another by the front of the gate of their school. He gaped at them.

"So that's what-" Gokudera was interrupted as soon as he caught sight of Tsuna "J-Juudaime!"

They all stopped and looked at Tsuna and gaped "I-I'll be going then…" With that, Chrome vanishes

"I-I remember I had baseball practice!" Yamamoto was next to leave followed by Ryohei "I have boxing to the EXTREME!"

Gokudera looks back at Tsuna then at Yamamoto with nervousness before bowing abruptly at Tsuna's direction and following Yamamoto "W-wait for me you baseball freak!"

'…what was that?' Tsuna thought. Suddenly, he felt something cold drop on his heart 'Are they…avoiding me?'


"I have to go now." Chrome vanishes through the mist with Mukuro

"I don't have time to talk with you herbivore." Hibari walks out

"Our missions are waiting and they're very important Tsuna." And Yamamoto, Gokudera, Ryohei along with Lambo left.

Tsuna couldn't help but imagine the next words his friend would've added…

'…they're very important Tsuna… more important than you.'

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

The young boss immediately snapped out of his reverie "I-I'll be late…" and ran towards the school building.

And so…

"Alright class… I have an important announcement… this December 15, we're gonna have our Christmas party!"

The whole class cheered.

"Okay, settle down, settle down…" the homeroom teacher said "So before we continue discussing what to do. I'd like to ask first if there will be anyone who won't attend the party…"


A hand shot up.

The teacher looks at the person with a raised eyebrow "Sawada-san?"

They all looked at the said person.

Tsuna just nodded silently.

"Can you give me an excuse?" The teacher pushes his glasses up

"O-oh… I'm not into festivities… and I'm kinda' busy with something." Tsuna replied 'I have to finish the scarves before the 25th and with my slow pace I might end up finishing it at New year!'

"Sou?" the teacher then turns away "Okay then, well, is there anyone else who won't attend as well?"

'Alright… now to make sure I finish them…' Tsuna ignores the stares Yamamoto and Gokudera were giving him.

Lunch time… up in the rooftop.

Tsuna was currently reading the book and was knitting the unfinished scarf.

"Place the point of your right needle just to the left of the first loop on the left needle and insert the right hand needle…-"


Tsuna looks up and saw Kyoko "K-Kyoko-chan?" the brunet hastily hid his unfinished scarf behind his back "W-what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you do that?" Kyoko frowns "Isn't it too cold hanging around here?"

Tsuna also hid the book behind his back "U-uhh yeah… but I'm okay… I can manage it-achoo!"

"See?" Kyoko sighed before holding out a hand "Come on, why don't we go inside?"

"G-gomen Kyoko-chan… but I'm busy doing something right not…" Tsuna said trying to avoid eye contact

"Does it have something to do with that?" Kyoko points at the blue string coming out from behind him

"!" Tsuna immediately pushes it on his back "Ahaha… t-that was nothing!"

Kyoko could only look at him questioningly before smiling softly "Tsuna-kun… why won't you attend the party?"

"I-I just stated my reason awhile ago…" Tsuna replied

"What's there to not be interested in Christmas?"

Tsuna looks down "…"

"You get to spend it with your family and friends and have fun. Not to mention you get gifts!" Kyoko cheerfully spoke

"Ah… that's right…" Tsuna spoke silently "We spend time with our family and we receive and give gifts. But most of all… we give forgiveness… am I right?"

Kyoko blinked and tilted her head questioningly "Yes. Of course."

"But… is it wrong to ask forgiveness during Christmas?" Tsuna asked as he clenched his fists

"What do you mean?" Kyoko frowns

"What if they think you're just using the holiday to get yourself forgiven?" Tsuna forces a smile

Suddenly, he felt a pair of hands hold his, he looks up and saw Kyoko kneeling in front of him "It doesn't matter… as long as one wishes forgiveness with all his heart then…" she tightens her hold, Tsuna could feel the warmth of her hands seep through his cold ones "…then it doesn't matter what season or holiday you ask for forgiveness… whether it's during a storm or it's during the end of the world… as long as you say it in your heart. Without feeling any doubt or nervousness… just say it like you mean it and say it with determination."

Tsuna could only look at Kyoko with wide eyes.


Tsuna watch as Kyoko kept staring at him "Who's the girl?"


"A girl must've confessed to Tsuna-kun, and you must be asking forgiveness because you rejected her, right?" Kyoko said

"W-what?" Tsuna sweat drops

"I've been thinking what had happened during your Christmas that made you not so interested in it anymore…" Kyoko said "And it must be because a girl confessed to you… right? I mean… anyone would get troubled over such things."

"You're-you're wrong!" Tsuna exclaimed "Why would a girl even confess to someone like me?"

"Because you're Tsuna-kun…" Kyoko spoke up still smiling brightly "Everybody likes Tsuna-kun!"

Tsuna's face heated up. Is that even logic? Why would anyone like someone as no-good and useless as him? But nevertheless, the brunet merely looked down trying to hide his red face "T-Thanks…"

Kyoko continued smiling "It's the truth… there's no need to thank me…"

They were both interrupted as the school bell rang once again, indicating the end of lunch time.

"Ah! It's time already! Let's go Tsuna-kun!"

"O-okay… just go ahead without me… I'll catch up later." Tsuna said

Kyoko tilts her head before nodding "Okay! Don't be late!" And with that she ran off.

"…" Tsuna watches as the door close. He took out his unfinished scarf…

'It's still not done…' he sighed


December 25…

"Tsuna-kun…" Nana calls out to her son "Aren't you going to have your breakfast today?"

Tsuna sticks his head out of the door "Maybe later!" the brunet then goes back in his room.


"I heard from Hayato that Sawada didn't attend their Christmas party…" Bianchi approaches Nana "I noticed he had been cooped up in that room of his lately."

"Ahh well, Tsuna-kun is doing something important you see…" Nana smiles

"Is Tsuna-nii okay?" Fuuta tugs her skirt

"He's fine… don't worry." Nana looks up 'What a troublesome child…'

"Mama! When are we going to party?" Lambo comes out

"Maa, maa… I'll start cooking right now!" However, before she could even go to the kitchen, the telephone rang "Arre…?"

"It's done!" Tsuna exclaimed holding up a blue scarf, his fingers were wrapped with band aids thanks to the blisters he got from clumsily using the knitting needles. He then looks around him, there were different colored scarves neatly arranged around him, almost like a rainbow.

"But…" Tsuna puts the scarf down

True enough all the scarves had some parts of the yarn sticking out and some rows seemed to be crooked. It looked like… crap.

"I knew it I'm a failure at this! I should've bought scarves instead!" the brunet sighed

"At this rate…"

"That's why… what's there to hear out?"

Tsuna pursed his lips. He looks at the gifts he prepared for them under the Christmas tree "Won't you…at least accept my gift?"

They all turned their attention to the tree. With a frown they merely look away and walked off…

Small tear drops fell on the scarf he was holding. Unbeknownst to him, tears were already sliding down his face. As soon as he realized this he hastily wipes them away.

'What am I crying for? Baka…' Tsuna sniffed 'That was a long time ago!'

After finally wiping them away "Yosh time to wrap them up-"

"Tsuna-kun!" Nana enters his room


"We're celebrating Christmas at Yamamoto-san's sushi shop!" Nana spoke up "Hurry up~! We need to get going!"

"H-huh? Bu-but!" Nana had dragged him out 'But the scarves!'

"Baka-Tsuna." Tsuna turns around only to end up having a paper bag hit him on the face "Ow!"

"You almost forgot these." Reborn crosses his arms as he hops down his bed.

Tsuna looks at the content. It was the hand-made scarves. "Thanks Reborn." And with that he left with his mom.

"Hmpf." The arcobaleno smirks

"Sorry for the intrusion!" Nana exclaimed as she entered with Tsuna.

"Ohh Sawada-san, I'm glad you came!" Tsuyoshi, who was behind the counter making his delicious sushi grins at the guests.

The place was filled with decorations for Christmas. Paper strings were hanging above, bright lights were wrapped around the sills. Tinsels were wrapped by the counter, garlands were placed by the windows, doors and the stairs and so on.

"Party! Party!" Lambo and I-pin runs inside

"Lambo! I-pin!" Fuuta chases after them

"Oh my… they sure are excited." Nana giggles

"Sawada-san! Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko and Haru approaches them, they were holding a tower of plates

"K-Kyoko-chan and Haru? You-you guys are here too?" Tsuna said

"Hai desu! We decided we should at least enjoy our Christmas together! Neh?" Haru turns to Kyoko who nodded "Hn!"

"Ah! Let me help you with that!" Tsuna said about to take the dishes but Kyoko merely shook her head

"It's okay Tsuna-kun… you have something else important to do."

"Eh?" Tsuna blinked

"They're waiting for you Tsuna-san…" Haru smiled "They're waiting for you upstairs…"

Tsuna could only look at the two questioningly before realization dawned to him 'Could it be…' "I understand… I'll be going then."

Kyoko and Haru smiles at each other.

'I wonder… if they're mad at me…' Tsuna thought 'I haven't been able to talk to them since … since the time I yelled at them.'

As Tsuna reached the second floor of the sushi shop he was startled at the chorused greetings!


His caramel eyes widen "E-Everyone?"

All his guardians (Except for Lambo) were there. Yes. Even Hibari. No wonder why he was pissed, they must've forced him to go too.

"Boss!" Chrome smiled timidly "I bought a gift for you."


"C-Chrome… Onii-san…" the brunet still felt shock

"Juudaime! Do you like our surprise?" Gokudera approaches Tsuna with a grin

"Haha! We decorated the place!" Yamamoto proudly points at him and at the guardians

Tsuna looks around. A huge sign was written 'Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!' tinsels and blinking lights surrounded the sign. Hand-made decorations like paper chains hang from above as well as stars that were made out of paper and decorated with glitters. The place was very pretty.

"You guys… did all these?" Tsuna asked

Yamamoto and Gokudera nodded while Chrome and Ryohei exchange cheerful looks.

"It's all for you Tsuna!"


"Juudaime, you said you're not interested in Christmas because something happened right? So we thought that we should at least let you enjoy Christmas today to forget whatever had happened in your previous Christmas!" Gokudera exclaimed

"You shouldn't hate Christmas for what had happened… you should always look forward to it. Tsuna." Yamamoto pats the brunet on the shoulder.

For once, Tsuna was speechless… they did all this… for him? Is that the reason why they had been so busy? Because they were planning a party just for him? And… and after yelling at them like that?

"Enough!" Tsuna turns around, his expression bitter and dark "If I say I'm fine… I'm fine! There's nothing else to say! Just accept it! Okay?"

"When we saw your reaction when we wanted to ask you what happened last time…" Yamamoto continued "We were more determined to make the plan a success!"

"It must be painful Juudaime…" Gokudera looks down "Whatever had happened it must've been painful if you had made such a hurt face. We're sorry we weren't there to at least help you out Juudaime."

The brunet couldn't help it… he was touched beyond words. He had gotten mad at them and yet, they ended up feeling more determined to make a Christmas party for him. Even though their future selves were the main reasons that he felt bad every Christmas… it didn't matter anymore. What they did… right now… he was thankful… so thankful.

"You're…" he could feel his lips tremble and tears well up "You're not mad?"

"What? Why would we be mad?" Yamamoto grins "We were the ones being annoying. I thought you had the right to snap at us."

"That's right Juudaime… Gome- Juudaime! What's wrong?" Gokudera hastily approaches Tsuna, whose tears were flowing freely down his face as he looked down. "Did we say something wrong? I knew it! You shouldn't have pestered on forcing Juudaime to talk about it!"

"Maa, maa… but you kept asking Tsuna too, remember Gokudera?" Yamamoto said while Gokudera stiffen and glared at him.

"Boss…" Chrome hands him her handkerchief


"Pathetic…" Hibari, who was far from the group, muttered

"Shut up turf top!" Gokudera yells back "You too Hibari!"

"I-I'm sorry…" Tsuna sniffed "I…I didn't mean to yell… I-I j-just…"

"Maa, maa Tsuna…" Yamamoto puts a comforting arm around Tsuna's shoulder

"Juudaime, please don't apologize we're the ones at fault." Gokudera said

"Boss… please don't feel bad." Chrome rubs his back

"That's right Sawada! We need to celebrate Christmas with a smile to the EXTREME!" Ryohei spoke

"Still pathetic…" Hibari mumbles

"Hibari you…" Gokudera glared

Tsuna chuckled before wiping his tears. Then, the guardians noticed the band aid in Tsuna's fingers.

"Juudaime! Your fingers!"

"Did you hurt yourself or something Tsuna?" Yamamoto frowns

"O-Oh this… it's nothing." Tsuna hides them "These small wounds are nothing, I just got them from knitting."

"Knitting?" Chrome tilted her head questioningly

"Un!" Tsuna nodded and held out the paper bad "I-I made you guys some scarves… t-though… they're not that great… sorry." Before the brunet could do anything, the paper bag was gone from his hold "A-arre?"

"What? Are you kidding?" Yamamoto exclaimed before taking out a blue scarf "They're awesome!"

"Juudaime…" Gokudera was clutching his red scarf "…t-this… this is the BEST gift I have ever received!" his eyes were sparkling while looking at the scarf as if it was the most precious jewel in the world.

"Boss… made this?" Chrome touches the fabric "It's so warm…" she smiled before putting on the indigo scarf

"THIS IS EXTREME KNITTING!" Ryohei already had his yellow scarf around his neck.

"Hn…" Hibari just stared at his violet scarf before folding it neatly and putting it in his coat pocket.

Tsuna looks at them, a bit stunned. They really liked it… they appreciated it. He never felt so happy.


The young boss looks up.


"Juudaime! I'm forever grateful!"

"Thank you so much Boss."



Slowly, a smile formed his lips as his eyes shut into glad arcs and spoke "I should be the one thanking you guys! Thanks… Thanks a lot for everything!"

And just like that… Tsuna had concluded this was the BEST Christmas he ever had.

End of Chapter

Chapter 28

Talbot makes a small smile before replying to the question that was given to him "I was looking for that book…"

"And this book is?" Reborn weighs it in his small hands

"It holds a secret about the Vongola Rings."

"A secret?"

"Oh… the Vongola rings hold a lot of secrets… however, that shall be told in a different story…" Talbot walked towards a table and took a seat. As Reborn saw Talbot signaling him to seat as well, the arcobaleno followed with a raised eyebrow.

As Reborn took a seat, Talbot asked "How… is Vongola Decimo?"

"Last I saw him, he was doing fine." Reborn looks down at the book. Was it him? Or were the pages glowing?

"Ah… it's still writing up to now?" Talbot gently took the book "What a complicating wish…"

"What are you talking about?" Reborn looks at him suspiciously. Who won't be suspicious on seeing a blind man holding a book and concluding it is currently writing something when it is dimly glowing?

"This is… an important book." Talbot caressed it

"What's an important book like that doing in the library?"

"Ohoho… it seems I forgot to bring it back and mistook it for a normal book… see what old age can do?" Talbot chuckled

"It sounds too suspicious for me…" Reborn muttered "What would you be doing with books… when you can't even see?"

"Now, now Reborn… just because I'm blind… doesn't mean I can't touch… or hear." Talbot grabs a book beside him "Every book… has a story to tell… and I am able to hear them without reading." Slowly, the old man makes a frown "However… these books… they're all lies."


"You can't believe that everything around here is true to what they say?" Talbot raises his arms "Histories… pasts… all the tragedies that had happened- humans love to bend the truth to make things look heroic… inspirational… but most of all… to hide something deep and dangerous." He puts his arms down gently "And because of that… we don't know what's true anymore."


"Yes! Very true indeed! If you want, I'll give you some examples from the Vongola's history!" Talbot smiles "Vongola Settimo… they said he had the best fashion sense with his hat and mustache, however, it was all to cover up his addiction for cowboys. And then we Have Vongola Secondo who was said to be the most fearsome boss in all the generations, but is actually a softie and likes animals… after that there's Vongola Terzo who has a very unique hairstyle, though there was no lie about his history… I think they should've added that description…-"

"Talbot…" Reborn looks at the craftsman sternly

"Hoho… I guess you can see through my own lies…" Talbot said "You must loosen up once in awhile Reborn…"

"Sorry, but with the current situation right now… I don't think I can." Reborn was clenching his fists so hard that he didn't notice it was staring to bruise up "I need to ask you something… about the-"

"Broken Sky ring of Vongola Decimo?"

"How did you-?"

"I can sense the soul within the ring. It is filled with misery and dejection. It is tainted…" he frowned "What happened? What caused this? Why can I sense a black flame consuming the ring?"

"Black flame?" the arcobaleno didn't like the sound of that

"Unlike the rainbow colored flames that each and every person hold, that is filled with firm resolve and resolution, which makes up the beautiful color of the flame… the black flame… is the total opposite. The color black represents darkness, the absence of light, the adversity to all hypocrisy, the boldness of rescuing what's forgotten in the shadows, what's occult.

"This flame is only created once a person wishes to have never lived… to have never been created and just… disappear. It is created when the person had lost his light and have no desire to live anymore… it is created… when that person had finally been broken and shunned by the precious thing he had considered as his light." The craftsman explained

'I can see the connection now…' Reborn thought 'The reason why the ring broke… what did those guardians do… Tsuna?'

The arcobaleno was then aware that Talbot was reading the mysterious book with an interesting look.

"Oh dear me… what a crisis this had turned out to be. Primo must be having a hard time by now. I really want to tell him 'I told you so'." The infant looks at the other with a puzzled look

"What are you talking about? And what's that book about?"

Talbot looks up "As I have said… this book contains a secret of the Vongola rings, but I apologize but you must not know."

"What? Why?"

"Secrets have reasons on why they must be kept. First and far most is to make sure no one must know of course. Second, there are times when we must not know things for our own safety and also… to make sure this secret must not be used in the wrong way. A secret… is a new knowledge… a knowledge nobody knows and can be sometimes be advantageous or be a burden… depending on what it is."


"So… there must be a reason as to why Primo had told me to keep this as a secret." Talbot said "An example is how dangerous this information can be."

Reborn's instincts were screaming like crazy about how important this 'secret' can actually be. He had a feeling this could be a key to the puzzle he had been trying to solve all this time.

"Can you give me a clue?"

Before Talbot could continue, the book glowed brighter and the craftsman suddenly looked stunned. Minutes of silence passed before Talbot suddenly spoke up "I understand…" however, Reborn had a feeling he wasn't talking to him… but at the book?

"Reborn… I am now going to reveal the secret."

Reborn wanted to ask why… but Talbot interrupts him "It is by the order… of the one who had began all this."


"You can share this to the Decimo's family, but only them." Talbot looked deadly serious "It seems that the situation had gotten serious and dangerous."

"Dangerous how?" Reborn kept looking at the book

"Dangerous enough to say that… Decimo's life is in danger."

"What? What's the meaning of this?"

"I'll explain it to you later… for now. You must now about what the ten Vongola Boss' knows." Talbot opens the book and started flipping the pages in a fast motion and light suddenly surrounded the two. Reborn, being the hitman he was, took Leon who transformed into a gun out of caution.

"Calm down. I assure you nothing will happen to you."

"What is this?" Reborn said as glowing orbs surrounded them

"This is a fragment of the past." The light dimmed and much to the hitman's surprise. His surroundings were now different. He was still in the Vongola mansion, but not in the main library, instead, he was in an office. And the office was…

"Primo! We have the information of the next meeting you are to attend to."

The person sitting by the desk with his back turned, faced the person who had just arrived.

Sky blue eyes gleamed in appreciation as he smiled "Thank you for your hard work."

"We are now in the past. 400 years ago to be exact." Talbot told the arcobaleno who looked stunned "And we are apparently, in Vongola Primo's office."


"This is where everything happened."

Reborn raised an eyebrow.

"What? You must not be expecting that it all happened in a battle or in a life-or-death situation, now did you? Those things happen only in fictions. No, this happened in a small and light conversation between Primo and I." Talbot explained while looking slightly amused

"Then why didn't you just explain to me about the conversation?"

"I got tired of that, and besides, showing it would make things more understandable." Talbot turns his head to the door "Now, here I come… right about… now!"

The door opens "Hello Primo…"

"Ah Talbot," Primo watches the craftsman, who looked a whole lot younger than how he currently looked. (Please feel free to use your imagination) "I believe that you're here to discuss about those rings you have created for us?"

"Please, feel free to call them Vongola rings. They'll soon be yours after all." Talbot sits on the comfortable chair that was facing Primo's desk

"Are you sure it's okay to make those?" Primo frowned "I mean I heard they are part of that… Trinisette. And if I remember correctly… this trinisette is very powerful… and powerful as the keyword… I mean dangerous."

"Hm. Well yes." Talbot replied, looking really unaffected at what the blonde said "Anyway, I'm here to ask if you needed anything to add up in the ring, besides being able to light up flames and stuff."

Primo could only sigh tiredly before speaking nonetheless "What about being able to separate it in half?"

"That's a strange request."

"Well, it's for the future Vongola generation. I have decided that whoever inherits the title will inherit the ring as well. And as for who'd be the heir… it will be decided by the boss and the External advisor himself." Giotto said

"Why do you need another person to decide for the next heir? Why can't it just be the boss?" the craftsman asked

"Just in case the Boss makes a mistake on picking an heir." Giotto shrugged "So anyway, just in case the two disagrees they can always separate the ring in half and give it to their chosen heirs. And after that they'll just battle for the title."

"You have thought this through, haven't you?" Talbot smiled "As I thought, you are as excited as I am to have these rings created."

"No… that's not it." Giotto stood up from his desk and turned to the huge window behind him "I am actually terrified at the creation of these powerful items you're creating. They can destroy the world in a blink of an eye. Hopefully, one day… someone would be able to carry on the true will of the Vongola and protect other people with the help of these… these Vongola rings."

"And hopefully that someone won't want to destroy the world with those rings."


"Relax Primo… it was just a mere joke." Talbot stood up "I assure you that those rings will have bearers that are not power hungry. After all, I trust your future descendants. If I didn't… then I wouldn't have created them in the first place."

"Why did you create them?"

Talbot's expression went grave "I believe that someday, in the near future, something dark and powerful will come and destroy mankind…" the tense atmosphere immediately vanishes "… so for safety measures I decided to create the rings."

"B-but what if they end up in the wrong hands? What if they end up with people with corrupt hearts?" Giotto asks

"Don't worry… that won't be possible."


"The ring will reject them, in other words… break."

Giotto could only look at him in a puzzled manner.

"Something as pure as a flame filled with resolve gives power to the rings… however," Talbot frowned "Once something as dark and impure touches the ring. They will break. They won't be able to handle the foul power, thus, they get rejected."

A heavy silence filled the room.

Giotto breaks the silence with a sigh "This… is very tiring."

"Being a boss is very tiring." Talbot agreed

Giotto gave him a small glare when suddenly, an idea sprouted "Oi Talbot. You said the ring is a part of the trinisette right?"

"Yes. Why?"

"And the trinisette is powerful, right?"

"I don't have any idea where you're getting at."

"What if… what if the ring is able to grant a wish for each of the bosses?" Giotto asked

"And may I ask what your reason is?" Talbot obviously didn't like the idea

"Every Vongola Boss has a huge burden to carry… and I just thought-"

"Well that is natural Primo…" Talbot interrupts "Vongola is the most powerful Family in the history! It is only natural that the boss of such a powerful family who has a hundred of ties with other families be burdened! I don't see any reason to do this at all! It is too dangerous-"

"Oh so now you see the danger of the rings." Primo glanced at him

Talbot sighed "All I'm saying is… what if… what if they end up making the wrong wish? Even people with pure hearts and flames can create grave mistakes, such as indirectly wishing for the world to end!"

Giotto chuckled and shook his head "Dear Talbot, don't you trust my descendants?"

"Hoho, Primo got me there…" Talbot said to Reborn "He's a very wise guy…"

"But Primo-"

"Calm down Talbot I have thought about it." Primo held up a hand "I shall be the guardian and be the one to reveal this. Remember, I had asked you to engrave our souls to the ring? I can use that advantage to speak to the future bosses and explain things to them. Then, I shall seek their true wishes and with the help of the trinisette power, grant it if it's essential.

"The future boss will not know about this until the time comes that it is necessary for them to discover one of the hidden secrets of the ring."

"Don't tell me you have more things to add up." Talbot stared at the boss in disbelief

"Oh! Of course, I have a list!"

"You really were excited for this, weren't you? You set me up."

"What? No, of course not!" Primo feigned a confused look

"…and very mischievous." Talbot added as he looks at Reborn

"Being a Vongola boss… is a heavy burden itself… so to at least help the burden lessen..." Primo turns to Talbot with a smile "They shall be allowed to have one wish. Just one. Enough to be released by those burdens and move on."

Talbot clenched his fists before unclenching them and sighing "I understand… but we should at least record the wishes."

"Oh yes. Of course!" Primo looks around his desk before taking out a blank book "Here! You can write the record here!"

"Me? And who do you think is responsible for this?"

"You don't expect me to live forever to write down the wishes." Giotto frowned

"And do you expect me to?"

The blonde shrugs, and for the umpteenth time the craftsman sighed "Fine. I'll just somehow link the ring to the book and maybe it will be able to magically write down the wishes and what or how the situation was used to grant it."

"Wow, that's possible?" Giotto asked in shock

Talbot shrugged "If rings can grant wishes, even the impossible ones, then books being written magically is nothing compared to that."

Giotto smiles "Thank you Talbot."

And with that, everything around them vanished and Reborn and Talbot found themselves back in the library, in their usual seats.

"So… that was the secret?" Reborn frowned "The Vongola Ring can grant wishes of the bosses of Vongola?"

"That's right."

"Then…" Reborn looks at the book "What was Dame-Tsuna's wish?"

Talbot kept his mysterious smile "Did you know the wish being written of Vongola Decimo is from the future?"

Reborn looked surprise, but he immediately regains his composure "So… everything that's been happening. Is all related to the future. Isn't it?"

"That's right."

The arcobaleno was hesitant "So, is it true… that the Tsuna who is currently existing in this time… is from the future?"

Talbot once again, caressed the book "It's all part of his wish."

'Why? Tsuna?' Reborn thought with clenched fists 'Why did you make such a wish?'

"We can't help it!" Lambo boldly yelled back, "Why? Why did he kill? After promising us he wouldn't take a life, after telling us how precious a life can be no matter what the circumstances were! We were shock! Scared! We couldn't look at him anymore!"

'Could it be…?' everything was starting to fall in place

"I can sense the soul within the ring. It is filled with misery and dejection. It is tainted…" he frowned "What happened? What caused this? Why can I sense a black flame consuming the ring?"

"Tsuna… you…"

Talbot continued staring at Reborn with a frown "You might want to go back to Japan."

"Dangerous how?"

"Dangerous enough to say that… Decimo's life is in danger."

Reborn silently cursed before jumping down his chair. "Maybe soon, but I have to take care of a matter." 'I need to call Giannini…'

Talbot makes a small nod before hiding the book in his cloak.

"Reborn… one more thing."

Reborn turns to the craftsman

"The only way to restore the ring is… black is the opposite to white, to light, to pureness. White is pure, unstained, uncolored, as a newborn infant that's born pure. All you need are the pure feelings and the true resolves of the flames of his friends… after all, you need the light to fight the darkness. And we both know that Decimo's family… is his own light."


'The light that had put him in darkness…'

The door of the unconscious Sawada Tsunayoshi's room opened as two people emerged. One of them was holding a bouquet of roses.

"He's still not awake?" Yamamoto frowned as he saw the brunet, who was still in the same position as last time.

"Isn't it obvious? You idiot." Even with the harsh words, Gokudera's tone didn't seem to be in it as it was filled with grief and guilt.

"Tsuna's mom was really depressed when she requested us to guard him." Yamamoto said

"I'm even surprised Okaa-sama would let us guard him, when it was our own fault that he ended up like this." Gokudera takes the vase and puts the flowers he brought in it.

Yamamoto approaches the brunet with a frown and sat next to the bed with the nearby stool "He's been like this for a week now."

Gokudera looks at Tsuna. Even though they were confirmed he was Tsuna… there was still a bit of doubt in their minds and probably in their hearts. But, this didn't stop them from worrying and caring for the brunet. No matter who he is, he's still Tsuna right?

"Juudaime…" Gokudera held the limp hand "If you can hear us…" forest green eyes stared at the brunet with dejection "Please… wake up."

That won't work…


Mist suddenly appeared at the other side of the young boss' bed. And much to their surprise, someone they weren't expecting to see suddenly appeared.

"Kufufu… oya? What kind of predicament have the Vongola gotten himself into this time?" mismatch eyes met the shocked faces of Gokudera and Yamamoto.

End of chapter

Chapter 29

Gokudera immediately went between Mukuro and his beloved boss' bed "What do you want? You better not do anything suspicious to Juudaime!"

"Kufufu, I'm not the kind of person to attack someone who's down." Mukuro smirks. "Only cowards do that."

"What are you doing here then?" Yamamoto asked tentatively.

"Nothing much really…" the illusionist replied, "My dear Chrome was supposed to be the one visiting, however, I couldn't help but check the body I'll be possessing soon. In case it's damaged…"

"Bastard! Juudaime is not an item!" the bomber took out his dynamites.

"Mukuro…." Yamamoto said in warning tone.

"Oya, oya… calm down… as I have said I'm not planning to do anything." Mukuro looked at the unconscious brunet, "But Chrome is…"


"That's right… it seems like she have thought of a way to probably… awaken our sleeping beauty here."

"She thought of way to wake Juudaime up?" Gokudera exclaimed, excitement lining his voice.

Mukuro just gave a small nod, his smirk still pasted on his face.

"W-will she really be able wake Tsuna up?" the swordsman asked, new hope drifting into place.

"Kufufu… don't look down on my precious Chrome." Mukuro said.

"Will… will Juudaime go back to normal once he's awake?"

"Normal? Oya, he had always been out of the ordinary." His mismatched eyes gave them calculative gazes.

"Idiot! I mean, will he be the same as the Juudaime we once knew?"

"Sawada Tsunayoshi… never changed. As far as I know, he had always been the same." The mist guardian was slowly being surrounded by mist, "Kufufu… and to think that you two knew him better than anyone else."

The last part struck the two hard. What was that suppose to mean? That they didn't know Tsuna? Of course they do! He was… is the most amazing person they have ever met! He was the one person they respected the most… he was their… their friend.

Tsuna's finger twitched. Unfortunately, no one noticed.

Yamamoto and Gokudera's attention went to the girl who had appeared after the mist dissipated.

"It seems like…" Chrome started, "…we still have a lot more to know…"

"What do you mean?" Gokudera frowned.

"I'm not quite sure." Chrome approached the unconscious form of Tsuna. She couldn't seem to stand staring at the brunet. Images of the brunet surrounded by corpses flashed in her mind. She turned away for a moment. Yet another image of her older self running away from the older version of her boss flashed as well. Guilt consumed her as he remembered the sad look in those caramel eyes.

"What are you planning to do?" Yamamoto asked, snapping her out from here reverie, "Mukuro said you were going to try and wake Tsuna up."

"Y-Yes." Chrome replied hesitantly.


"I'll be looking into his mind." She gently pushed the bangs on the brunet's forehead away.

Gokudera looked uncertain, "You better not do anything strange."

"I won't…" Chrome quietly replied, "I'll do my best to wake him up… and at the same time, bring him back to his normal self."

Something struck the two teens as he heard the illusionist spoke that. A bit of happiness and yet… something else.

The way she said she was going to bring their friend back to normal. It sounded as if… he was never his normal self. That was a bit true… his attitude, his way of thinking… Tsuna had changed. But, the way he worries for them and think about them before himself. It seemed like his normal self.

"Is there something wrong?" Chrome spoke up as she noticed them thinking deeply.

"N-no… ahaha." Yamamoto said nervously.

"Do what you want." Gokudera tried to look uncaring, but it was obvious he was bothered by something.

Chrome continued staring at them owlishly before turning back to Tsuna and gently placed her forehead on his. Then, as soon as she shut her eye, light consumed the room and the two teens could only shield their eyes.

Slowly, Chrome opened her eye and found herself in the familiar dark void. A trident then forms in her hand. She had thought things through and had come up with a plan. During her last visit, she remembered seeing her boss sleeping in a glass like prison. And so, with that in mind, she had decided to find that glass prison and break it before it could vanish with the young boss, and try to wake him up.

She was positive everything would go back to normal with that solution.

"Boss…" she clutched her trident, "I'm coming."

Before she could even start her search, a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks.


Her amethyst eye slowly widens. She turned around carefully.

"E-eh? How'd you get here?"

Her grip on the trident slackened as she saw the person who was supposed to be asleep, standing before her, quite wide awake. Those familiar caramel eyes filled with curiosity and shock, met with her amethyst one.


"So, Sawada is still in the hospital?" Hana approached Kyoko who was sitting on a swing, rocking it back and forth, as if deep in thought – which she most probably was.

The two were currently hanging out by the park. They were supposed to go to a cake shop to cheer Kyoko up since Hana noticed how depressed her friend had been. But, it didn't seem to have worked.

Kyoko nodded before murmuring thanks as Hana handed her an ice cream.

A vein popped on Hana's forehead "That stupid guy. Making you worry like this. He should've been more careful-"

"You're wrong Hana-chan…" Kyoko suddenly spoke up, "It's not his fault. He didn't do anything wrong… but I… I did."

"What do you mean? Wasn't the reason he ended up in the hospital was because he ran into the burning gym stupidly?" Hana crossed her arms, "What kind of person runs into a burning building carelessly?"

"He didn't do it out of stupidity." Tears welled up in Kyoko's eyes. Apparently, the students in school had realized Tsuna was in a coma and was being fed with lies, saying that the reason was because he jumped into the gym that was on fire and so on. Only Kyoko and some other certain people knew the truth, "H-He… he did it to s-save… o-oniichan and everyone else! And I-" she started sobbing "And I was stupid… stupid enough to get mad at him and accept what he said!"

"What… what did he say?"

"He said it was his entire fault." Kyoko choked "A-and I believed him… be-before he tried to save… onii-chan a-and th o…others!"

Hana couldn't quite understand what her best friend meant. Didn't Tsuna run into the burning gym? Not save his friends? 'Or maybe she meant Sawada ran into the building because he thought his friends were there and tried to save them. But if I remember correctly, that blonde guy saved Sawada from the fire… but Kyoko's brother and the others weren't there when he came out.' Hana was scratching her head in confusion.

"I-I wish Tsuna-kun could forgive me!" Kyoko sobbed.

"Maa Kyoko…" Hana patted her best friend, "You know Sawada isn't the type to get mad at anyone… especially at someone like you."


"Sawada… he's always too soft." Hana assured, "He'll never stay mad at anyone. And even though he should be the one who's supposed to get mad, he'd instead think that it was his fault and that he was the one who did something wrong." Hana sighed, "That's how naïve he can sometimes be."

"I…I want to apologize… to him." Kyoko looked down.

"Then why don't we do it tomorrow? After classes."

"B-but… he's in a coma, remember?"

"They say you can talk to a person in a coma. Because, even though that person is unconscious, he'll still be able to hear you when you speak to him." Hana said.


"Yap." Kyoko's face brightened, "I-if that's the case! Then… let's do it!"

Hana sighed in relief as she saw her best friend slowly cheer up "And while we're at it, why don't we ask the whole class to make a card for him? I heard they're starting to miss 'Dame-Tsuna'."

"Un!" Kyoko nodded cheerfully.


Another day of school and Yamamoto and Gokudera arrived in the classroom looking more depressed than yesterday.

"Yoh Yamamoto, what's up?" a teammate of the baseball star approached him.

"Oh hey Karu." Yamamoto forced a smile.

"What? Dame-Tsuna still not awake?" Karu put a hand on his shoulder carefully.

"Yeah… and please don't call him that."

"Oops, sorry 'bout that." He grinned apologetically, "Hey, I think I know what'll cheer you up."


"You know Sasagawa?"

"Which Sasagawa actually?" Yamamoto asked questioningly.

"Kyoko!" Karu exclaimed "She and her friend, Kurokawa, are planning to make a card for Sawada. And they want us all to join in making it. Apparently, everyone doesn't seem to mind. They kinda' miss him. Haha."

"A card?"

"What? Really?" Gokudera suddenly joined in the conversation.

"It sure sounds like her to come up such an idea." Yamamoto turned to Gokudera.

"Maa, if it's for Juudaime…" Gokudera crossed his arms "I must be the first to sign it! As his right-hand man, it is my duty!"

Karu just sweat-dropped, while Yamamoto laughed, "Maa, maa Gokudera." Slowly, the smile on the baseball player's face vanished.

Gokudera noticing this, dropped his enthusiasm act and spoke, "You want to talk about it, don't you?"

Yamamoto nodded.

Karu could only look at the two questioningly "Huh?"

"Sorry Karu but we have to go somewhere."

"What? But classes are gonna start soon!" Karu pointed out.

"Don't worry, we'll be back as soon as possible." Yamamoto said before following Gokudera out the classroom.



"I don't understand… why didn't it work?" Yamamoto leaned against the fence.

"I'm not sure either." Gokudera clenched his fists, "He should've woken up. I don't understand what we did wrong."

"We did what we were instructed to do." Yamamoto's amber eyes narrowed as he slowly remembered what had happened.


Chrome slowly pulled away and opened her eye.

"You're back!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

Gokudera looked at Tsuna expectantly, hoping to see those caramel eyes once again.

"He won't wake up." Chrome stated quietly

"What? But you said-!"

"He won't wake up unless we do something." Chrome looked strangely impassive.

"What do you mean?" Yamamoto asked slowly.

"Wait a minute! What's the meaning of this? I thought you were going to enter his mind to wake him up! Why isn't he still awake?" Gokudera demanded.

"It's not my fault!" Chrome suddenly said in a loud voice, surprising the two. Realizing this, Chrome made a small apology and continued "I… I once visited Boss' mind. And I saw the real boss… sleeping deeply there. He was stuck in a glass-like prison." Chrome looked down "I was planning to break that glass prison, wake him up and lead him back to his conscience."

"Then? What happened?" Gokudera frowned.

"I was about to search for him…when suddenly, I… I saw him. Awake." The hand on her chest clenched "But…"

"Boss! You're awake!" Chrome ran towards him. Relieved, happy and glad, she hugged him.

Tsuna blushed "C-Chrome… eto…"

Chrome pulled away, a small smile engraved on her face, "Let's go Boss… the others are waiting."

Tsuna's eyes slowly widened before shutting them, "How'd you get here?"

"I-it's a technique Mukuro-sama taught me." Chrome frowned as she noticed something was wrong.

"I see." Tsuna looks up "Chrome. I need you to do something."

"Boss… why don't we leave here first, then maybe-"

"I can't… I'm sorry." Tsuna stepped back.

"Eh?" Chrome blinked "I-if it's because you can't find a way out-"

"No… it's not that." Tsuna smiled sadly, "It's just that… I'm not the one you're supposed to be leading out."

"Wha-?" Realization then hit the illusionist "It can't be… you mean… the impos-"

"He's not an imposter... Chrome." The brunet frowned.

"But!" Chrome clutched her trident "He's nothing like you Boss! He's scary… he's hiding so many things and we... we don't understand him at all!"

Dejection flashes in those caramel eyes "Chrome… he… I'm not like that. You know that don't you?"

"But he's not you-!"

"He is." The young boss said firmly "We're one. You don't know what you're saying and please… be more careful with your words. They're more hurtful than any wounds I've received."

"But Boss…-!"

"I need you to do something…" Tsuna interruptted "Please restore the ring."


"The ring, it's the only way to bring me back. You need to inject some flames to it to fix it. All the guardians must, and they must do it with the Vongola rings. And once you do this, I'll wake up."

Chrome pursed her lips "But it's not you who'll be waking up… am I right?"

"Chrome…" Tsuna frowned.

"You're starting to become like him…" Chrome shut her eye tightly "I don't understand you anymore either."


"Why? Everyone's been waiting for you to come back and the opportunity is right in front of you. Why-?"

"Please restore the ring with your dying will…" Tsuna murmured, the brunet looked up with eyes gleaming with tears "Please…"

Chrome looked at the other in a slight shock, before looking away slightly "I… understand…"

"Thank you…" Tsuna smiled.

"I'll be going then…" Chrome silently spoke and turned away

"Tell everyone I miss them… as well as Reborn." She heard the other choke, feeling slightly touched she turned around to see Tsuna waving with a smile, small tears cascading down his face. Light suddenly shone and engulfed the illusionist "Boss…"

Now… you know how it feels…

A deep voice suddenly came and Chrome watched while Tsuna slowly turned around as a silhouette appeared behind him.

Then… the light took her away before she could see any more…

Gokudera slammed the wall with a fist "I don't even know if I'll be willing to do such a thing as to return that… that monster."

"But… why would Tsuna say such a thing? That they were the same?" Yamamoto frowned.

"I don't know… but… we must do what Boss' had told us to do." Chrome muttered

"Ah… I guess you're right… with our current situation we have no choice but do what Tsuna told us." Yamamoto said, "It's not like we have any other plans."

Gokudera bit his lip before standing straight, "Fine. Since Juudaime said so."

"I'll go get the broken ring from the Bronco." Chrome said.

"We'll gather the others then…" Yamamoto turn to Gokudera with a nod.

And with that they set off.

"Are you EXTREMELY sure this would wake Sawada up?" Ryohei asked as they all gathered in Tsuna's hospital room/.

"Lambo-san's going to wake Baka-Tsuna up! Gyahaha!" Lambo run around before running towards Tsuna's bed and jumping on it, "Oi Baka-Tsuna! Wake up! You owe Lambo-san candy!"

"Maa, maa…" Yamamoto grabbed the co- child from the bed "He'll wake up soon."

"Herbivores…" Hibari looked very pissed as he sat by the windowsill, away from the group.

"All that's left is…" Gokudera was interrupted as the door opened, revealing the illusionist who was holding a small pouch that contained the shattered pieces of the ring.

"It's here." Chrome said.

"Yosh…" Yamamoto nodded.

"What was that? It's not Sawada who's returning to the EXTREME?" They all turned to the boxer who was currently talking to Gokudera.

"Don't make me repeat myself turf-top." Gokudera growled.

Hibari's eyes narrowed.

"Ehh?" Lambo tiled his head questioningly.

"If that's the case, what's the point of reviving a killer to the EXTREME?" Ryohei looked angry.

"Killing is prohibited in Nami-chu." Hibari stated simply, "Same goes for killers." (says the one who seems to like biting people to death)

"Tsuna told us to." Yamamoto said, "We need to trust him. He might… he might have a reason why he wants us to do this." Even with this said, there was doubt in his voice.

They all remained silent.

Chrome approaches a small table and emptied the contents of the pouch "Let's begin."

One by one they took their places around the small table (except for Lambo who stood on the table) and held out their hands that proudly, wore the ring. Lambo merely followed as he noticed how serious they were and he knew he shouldn't fool around.

"Let's begin."

And with that they all lit their rings. Six different flames all appeared and slowly they grew. Suddenly, their flames were being suck by the shattered pieces. They stared in shock (while Lambo looked at it in amazement). They watched as the flames tilt towards the broken ring and regenerate the item, which was slowly glowing.

It's working. It's working… the ring was slowly but surely, restoring itself. And Tsuna was finally going to wake up. Yes… he was going to wake up. After all Tsuna said so himself… but…

It won't be him who'll wake up.

Their hands twitched slightly and abruptly, the Vongola ring stopped sucking the flames and instead, it shattered yet again and the flames exploded. As if it were rejected.

"!" They were thrown away by the force.

Then suddenly, glittery stuff, which were probably the particles of the flames, were falling from above like snow.

"What… what just happened?" Yamamoto pushed himself off the ground.

"I have no idea to the EXTREME!" Ryohei picked up Lambo who was now sobbing pitifully.

"It didn't work?" Gokudera stood up angrily.

"It rejected our flames." Chrome tried to stand up, but failed as she set heavily on the floor once again.


"Wait! Look!" Ryohei suddenly pointed at the ring and they all turned their heads at it. Small sparks of electricity surrounded the ring and a part of the shattered ring was… fixed!

"Is that the cow's flames?" Gokudera stared at it with wide eyes.

"It seems like it accepted the flames of the cow child…" Chrome deducted.

"But why only his?" Yamamoto asked.

Hibari frowned.

Gokudera turns to Lambo "Oi! Tell us what you did!"

"Lambo-san! Lambo-san!" Lambo sobbed, "Lambo-san wanted Baka-Tsuna to wake up! Baka Tsuna promised Lambo-san!"

They all exchanged looks (except for Hibari). What's this all suppose to mean? Why was Lambo's flame the only one accepted? How did he do it?

"I don't understand this! Kuso!" Gokudera gripped the fence tightly, knuckles turning white with the force.

"Gokudera…" Yamamoto frowned and looked at his ring.

Suddenly, the school bell rings.

"We need to go." Yamamoto said, while Gokudera grunted but nevertheless, followed Yamamoto. The both left while feeling confused and depressed that they weren't able to accomplish their task. What did they do wrong? What actually went wrong?

Please restore the ring with your dying will…


End of Chapter

Chapter 30

"Alright everyone! Please sign here!" Kyoko said, taking out a blank sheet of paper, waving a set of colored markers in her hand.

Excited chatters erupted suddenly as the class surged forward to get their hands on the color they wanted to use. Messages and get-well wishes slowly printed itself neatly onto the paper, waiting for the smile that their comatose classmate will have when he read it.

"Hey! What are you gonna write?"

The question was tossed to each other like a beanbag, only to be responded with the same answers.

"'Get well soon' of course!" The tone was as if they were saying 'no duh'.

"Ha! I'm going to write 'Come back to school soon! Nezu-sensei already misses you!'"

"Good one!"

"Just admit you guys miss him too." Hana sighed as she watched them fool around. They, in return just good-naturedly laughed.

The classroom door opened.

Kyoko turned to the door in time to see Yamamoto and Gokudera enter. Looking puzzled at what was happening.

"Gokudera-kun! Yamamoto-kun!" Kyoko approached the two cheerfully.

"Yoh, what's happening?" Yamamoto asked, took one look at his classmates, crowding over a piece of paper, and stated with complete innocence in his voice, "Aren't there any classes?"

"There were, but I asked Nezu-sensei to excuse us from classes to make a card for Tsuna-kun." Kyoko waved a hand, pointing at the riot behind her, "Which reminds me… here!" she took out another piece of paper, "You guys write here!"

Yamamoto raised an eyebrow before taking the paper.

"Eh? Why do we get a separate paper?" he asked, "Is it because there's no more space?"

Kyoko shook her head "No, it's because…"

"It's because you're Sawada's closest friends right?" Hana had suddenly joined in the conversation, "It's natural you guys should sign in a different paper."

Yamamoto smiled, as if the idea didn't really surprise him at all, "Souka…"

Gokudera stared at the paper, his face unreadable, "Yosh…"

They all turned to him questioningly.

"Since I'm Juudaime's right hand man, I'm gonna sign it first!" Gokudera put a fist on his chest proudly, though Yamamoto thought he saw a flash of sorrow cross his features before the usual proud mask covered his face.

Hana merely rolled her eyes while Yamamoto chuckled nervously, "I'll be next. Since I'm his… uh… left hand man!"

"You idiot! There's no such thing!" Gokudera glared.

Kyoko giggled, "You can let Chrome-chan, Onii-chan and the others sign too! I'm sure Tsuna-kun will be happy if they did."

"Okay." Yamamoto grinned, "Thanks a lot!"

They all knew that Kyoko's hidden message was, "Let all the Guardians sign the paper."

"It's not a problem at all!" Kyoko exclaimed, "Just hand it over by tomorrow, but it would be better if you could hand it before school is over, I'm planning to visit Tsuna-kun by then. But then again, if you hand it to me tomorrow, I get to visit Tsuna-kun again."

They all smiled at her cheerfulness.

"Ok, we understand," Yamamoto said, "We'll try to hand it to you as soon as we're done."

Kyoko nodded before heading towards the crowded students. Hana then turn to them, with hands on her hips, "You guys should be grateful to her for putting this up just for Sawada."

"Haha, we already are, neh Gokudera?"


Hana narrowed her eyes, "Sou… well, while you're trying to sign that, remember how indebted you are to Sawada. I know your messages will come out better."


Hana crossed her arms, "I heard from Kyoko, Sawada saved your lives, though, I'm not sure what really happened, it still doesn't change the fact that Sawada won't just stupidly jump in a burning building for no reason at all. I know he can't be that stupid."

Gokudera and Yamamoto's eyes widened, before exchanging looks and looking away, as if remembering a bitter memory.

"What's up with you guys?" Hana noticed the strange exchange.

"Nothing." Gokudera muttered hurriedly, though he understood fully well that this time, they couldn't hide the exchange from Hana.

"We just… remembered something… we don't want to remember." Yamamoto forced a smile, his cheek muscles twitching awkwardly.

"Was it during Sawada saved you?" Hana asked, looking slightly interested.

"Kinda'…" Yamamoto shut his eyes as if not wanting to remember.

Hana sighed, "Guys can be idiots…"

Gokudera glared at Hana "What was that?"

"You heard me. Aren't you at least bit grateful Sawada saved you? Why are you trying to forget something worth remembering? Is it because of a manly pride or something?"

"Look, you have no idea what we've been through-"

"It doesn't matter what details I should know." Hana frowned, her face suddenly serious and slightly furious, "What matters is that he saved you right? That he thought about you guys before even thinking about himself! You should be happy that someone cared enough to try and rescue you."

The two guardians could only look at her, stunned. After a couple of seconds of silence, Hana looked away, pissed, "Seriously, men can be as mindless as a monkey!" and with that she left, her shoes clicking against the floor, echoing in the two guardians' ears.

"What was that-?" Gokudera yelled but Yamamoto held him back.

"Maa, maa Gokudera…" the baseball star said before handing the paper to the bomber, "Here. You said you're going to sign it first right? Just give it to me once you're done."

Gokudera grumbled something inaudible before taking the paper out of Yamamoto's hand and walking out the classroom.

"A-arre? Where are you going?"

Gokudera stopped for a second before turning to Yamamoto, "I'm gonna cool my head… so don't bother following if you don't want to be blown into pieces! Got that?"

Yamamoto blinked before grinning, "Understood."

The storm guardian grunted before leaving. Slowly, Yamamoto's smile vanished as he turned to the empty desk of Tsuna. 'Tsuna…'

Gokudera was standing at the back of the school building. The place where he had fought Tsuna for the seat of the Vongola Decimo. The place where he had seen Tsuna's true power and resolve. The place where Tsuna had first saved his life…

He approached the tree where Reborn had appeared to announce the fight between them, and sat under it.

Back then; before he had met Tsuna, he had never seen the point of living. He never saw what the significance of his life was when he was unable to save someone important to him… like his mother. He had never realized the woman who had been visiting him was his mother, thus, he was unable to treasure her until she had died.

And then, the time had come as he met Tsuna. His Tenth. This time, he was determined to protect Tsuna with the cost of his own life and to not make the same mistake. He was going to treasure this person… this person who had given meaning to his life. The person who had yelled to him that he wanted to watch the fireworks with him again when he was at the verge of death.

Gokudera slammed a fist on the tree, savoring the feel of pain as his knuckles came in contact with the harsh bark. How could he have forgotten this? When did he start turning away from him? Why didn't he notice that he was making the same mistake… again?

Tsuna was slowly slipping away from them and he had just realized how important this person was! He shut his eyes tightly. How stupid could he get?

"Gokudera-kun." Tsuna was looking down, his hand gripping the bomber's arm lightly before looking up with the brightest smile, "You're the best right-hand man ever!"

He then remembered the time before the school festival started. Those words that Tsuna had told him made him the happiest person in the world. After that, he had sworn to be better and never let his precious Tenth's expectations fall… but… he had failed miserably.

"I don't even know if I'll be willing to do such a thing as to return that… that monster."

He couldn't believe he said those words! How could… how could he have considered Tsuna a monster? Tsuna was far from that! He was kind hearted and humble. He would risk his life to save them and yet he was blinded from that truth as he saw Tsuna kill. He swore he would accept Juudaime no matter what, no matter how much he had changed, as long as he still had a human heart. No… even if his heart vanished, he'd still be there for him!

That person who he had dubbed as a monster had called him the 'Best right hand man ever'! And he knew, only Tsuna could say such words for he is the right hand man of Tsuna, and Tsuna only!

"Why won't you accept me for who I am?"

The broken tone of his boss' voice echoed in his mind. He clutches his head. 'You're wrong Juudaime…' for the first time ever, he felt tears well up, 'You're not like that… you were forced to be someone you didn't want to be… and we… we…'

"Just because I've done something I shouldn't have done! Why would you suddenly turn away without consulting me?"

"We were wrong…" Gokudera choked, "I'm so sorry Juudaime… I should've known better… I should've realized…"

that you never wanted to do such things…

that… all along you were afraid…

"Just… don't leave me alone… ok?"

Gokudera bit his lower lip. He had been blinded by so many things that he didn't even remember the request Tsuna had given them. To never leave him alone… this was a living proof that Tsuna had been afraid and that he didn't want them to turn away from him. Deep inside, he was still the same Tsuna they all knew and loved.

"Kufufu… and to think that you two knew him better than anyone else."

For once, Mukuro was right. To think they knew him better than anyone else. They have been fools to have been fooled by the mask Tsuna wore. He knew that behind that mask… tears were already cascading. And there never was a smile that had cracked, just pain and dejection.

Biting his lower lip, he took out a red pen and wrote:

Juudaime, I'm sorry I failed you… please wake up soon… -Gokudera, your right hand man.

"It's a right hand man's duty to know his boss better than anyone else…" Gokudera muttered, "And yet…" tears dropped down to the ground, "I failed you Juudaime…"

"Gokudera-kun, it's ok… you don't have to be a perfect right hand man, I told you before… it doesn't matter if you become my right hand man or not… as long as you're…"

Gokudera gripped his pen, almost afraid of what the memory would bring him.

"…you're just next to me as a friend."

Yamamoto was by the rooftop, lying down and watching the beautiful blue sky above him.

"What matters is that he saved you right? That he thought about you guys before even thinking about himself! You should be happy that someone cared enough to try and rescue you."

Slowly he reaches to the sky with one hand. 'I guess, Kurokawa has a point…'

Ever since Yamamoto had met Tsuna, he always thought he was interesting. Indicating back then, when he knew how no good Tsuna could be and then suddenly, one day, he became this amazing person everyone never knew he can actually be.

He remembered the time he had asked Tsuna some advice before he attempted suicide. The baseball star chuckled at the memory. He really was immature back then… to even think that the Baseball God threw him away just because he broke his arm. Good thing Tsuna was there to snap him out from his stupidity.


Yeah, he had always been there for him.

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be here right now. He always knew what's best for him. He was always so selfless. This was one of the reasons why he became friends with him. Tsuna's so amazing that people would overlook it and never notice it.


What changed?

Yamamoto blinked as he asked that question to himself. What really changed? Nothing. Tsuna had been his usual self now that he thinks about it. He never changed. Yet, he treated him like he didn't know him.

How can he be so dense?

"I'm angry at myself for making you do those things!" Tsuna shut his eyes tightly as he said this, "I… I made you frown and feel angry! I made you punch a teammate! Because of me…! Because of me you're always in trouble! You were always forced to do things that you were not suppose to do because of me!"

This other Tsuna had said the same words that the real Tsuna would've said.

"What are you talking about? The Yamamoto I know never makes mistakes, not unless he follows his instincts."

This Tsuna knew him like he should. How could he have thought that this Tsuna was an imposter? He had seen him cry, laugh and get mad. He cries when he gets hurt. He laughs when he's with them. He gets mad not for himself, but for them. He didn't understand, what made him think that the Tsuna they had been hanging out was not the real Tsuna and just suddenly, turn away from him?

Tsuna even told Chrome he was Tsuna, yet they ignored his words!

"Please… just…" he was shivering, "…go away… before-before I make things worse for you…"

The brunet had once told him to leave him but…

"I'll have to refuse your order."

He refused. And then…

"Just… don't leave me alone… ok?"

He told him not to leave and ironically…

"He's not Tsuna…" Yamamoto spoke up…

"He's a…"


During that time, he was ready to leave him, ready to turn away from him. Even though the young boss clearly stated he didn't want to be left alone. He ignored him.

"I really am an idiot… neh Tsuna?" He had put an arm over his eyes while smiling crookedly.

"W-what are you talking about? Of course you're not!"

Yamamoto chuckled, he could already imagine Tsuna saying that. And for sure, Tsuna would've said that.

"Tsuna… I…"

"I'm a burden to you! A hindrance!"

"I misunderstood you…"

"Well, the reason why we talk silently at times is because we don't want others to understand or hear what we want to say, but instead, we want them to already know and realize this without conveying it and accept whatever it could be."

"And not only that… I also…" he bit his lower lip.

"I'll follow you and never leave your side"

"I know there are times when we can't seem to understand each other, but… even so. I'll never leave or abandon you at all!"

I lied…

The door to the rooftop opened and in came Gokudera. He had his scowl on, but there was determination in his expression. "Here baseball idiot. I'm done writing"

Yamamoto took the paper and read what Gokudera wrote. The bomber had obviously written something but had scratched it out. Instead, he wrote something else.

I'll become a better right hand man Juudaime! Please wake up soon. –Gokudera

Yamamoto grinned before writing as well:

I'll keep my word Tsuna, so I hope you wake up soon so that I could fulfill it… -Yamamoto

Gokudera grabbed the paper and read it, "What's this suppose to mean?" he demanded and glared at Yamamoto.

"Haha, maa, maa, it's a secret." Yamamoto exclaimed.

"Tch." Gokudera handed the paper back to Yamamoto, "Whatever."

"Well anyway, why don't we hand this to Sempai and let him sign it as well?" Yamamoto grinned.

"Ah… let's go." Gokudera left while Yamamoto followed.

Hopefully, things will get better soon.

End of Chapter

Chapter 31



Ryohei's fast punches were delivered fast and steady; the club members could only stare at their captain in awe. Even without a punching bag, it was easy to tell that any opponent that dared to stand up in front of the Sun Guardian wouldn't stand a chance.

Assuming that their captain was merely training extra hard for their upcoming boxing match, the rest of the boxers went back their respective training stations, determined to catch up on the extremeness of Ryohei's punches.

But as usual, they were wrong.

He was nowhere near the feeling of excitement, instead, he felt troubled and extremely stressed. The usual anticipation for upcoming matches seemed to evaporate into thin air, leaving him to sort out his confusing emotions. This morning, he suddenly felt like… like a total loser – one that couldn't get anything right.

Smiling his usual charming smile, the picture of a certain brunet flashed through his mind. As he tried to shake the image away, guilt consumed his body, making him feel even more frustrated. Venting out his anger, he delivered yet another punch towards the innocent wall facing him.


A huge gaping hole stared back at them, fragments of the empty circle trickled to the floor, joining the rough surface of the boxing ground. The boxers, unsurprisingly, were dumbfounded about the situation. What just happened? Ryohei however, remained uncaring of the stares around him and the fact that he had just damaged school property (we all know where that leads); he dropped down to the floor on one fist and started doing push-ups to relieve the remaining stress.

Unfortunately, this activity was much calmer than the previous one. His mind quickly settled down and wandered to something he tried hard to forget. It happened yesterday, when he met Yamamoto after dinner in one of their exercise runs. The baseball boy struck up a conversation immediately; as usual, the conversations nowadays always ended up talking about Tsuna.


"You need to come with me to the hospital." The swordsman requested with slight urgency in his words.

It was quite sudden, and the boxer's mind didn't seem to be able to register this as quickly as he would have during boxing. "Eh?"

Yamamoto repeated his statement slowly, enunciating each word carefully. He was getting slightly impatient.

"Eh! Why? Did you get hurt to the EXTREME?"

"Ha, maa, you're wrong sempai," The baseball star laughed, however, there was an obvious reluctance implicated in the laugh that made Ryohei become serious. "It's about Tsuna. We have a plan to wake him up, but we need all the guardians to accomplish that task."

"Really? That's great! Let's go to the EXTREME!"

End of flashback

That day, when he ran towards the hospital with Yamamoto, he felt so happy, so relieved that there was finally something good happening. He wasn't sure how Tsuna ended up in this state, but his guts told him that it was his fault. He pushed those thoughts away though, because he couldn't think of anything he did wrong. Yet, the nagging guilt wouldn't leave him alone.

"The person we're going to wake up," Green emerald eyes flashed, "is not Juudaime."

A single image flashed through his mind – Tsuna drenched in blood, surrounded by the corpses of the enemy family. That was all it took to burst his patience, he shouted out in outrage.

"What did you say? It's not Sawada that's returning to the EXTREME?"

But something troubled him. Why, of all scenes and memories, did that one stand out? Why was he thinking about that negative side of Tsuna when there were so many more positives? That's right, there were more than that…

"Thanks a lot, onii-san. You were helpful to the EXTREME."

Tsuna's bright and naïve smile appeared next. Ryohei bit his lower lip, the unknown source of guilt bubbled within him once again.

"AH! You have an injury! Uwah! I'm so sorry."

The worried and caring look Tsuna gave him every time he got hurt warmed his heart.


This time, the memory changed. It was when Tsuna got attacked on the rooftop.

"What are you doing here? It's too dangerous. Get out of here now!"

He was just trying to protect you…

"I'm sorry," Tsuna's eyes shadowed, "I shouldn't have let you fight. I should've taken them down all by myself."

Ryohei blinked and shut his eyes tightly, as if he could blink away the horrible memories, as if they would just wash down the drain and nothing happened at all. But they won't go away, right?

"Those enemies were in a different level, you saw how you couldn't escape from the assassins back then, didn't you? There are more enemies that are much stronger than them," Tsuna gave him a long sideway glance before looking back down, "And…" he hesitated before rambling on, "You're just not prepared…"

He sensed a double meaning to those words then, but he didn't bother to think about it. All he thought was, 'Why? Why did he have to kill to the EXTREME? Just to protect us… he…'

"Just because I've done something I shouldn't have done, why would you all turn your backs on me without consulting me?"

The boxer stopped his push-ups as these words echoed in his mind. Tsuna, sobbing pitifully flashed through his mind. Now that he thought about it, Tsuna looked scared. Why didn't he notice it before?

Those wide horrified eyes glancing around at the bodies surrounding him. The small trembling shoulders that didn't match the straight face he'd been forced to put up as he approached them. The terrified caramel eyes that were so clearly, begging for comfort… For something to tell him it's going to be okay.

He was suppose to act to his name – onii-san! He was older than all the others; he should've been more mature, been more clear-headed and seen through the truth of the situation. Tsuna didn't call him 'onii-san' for nothing! He had an important role to accomplish; yet, he failed miserably.

"Erm… Captain…" One of Ryohei's members tentatively approached him.

The boxer stood up abruptly, "I'm going for a jog. Take care of the things while I'm gone."

The boy flinched at his abruptness, but nonetheless agreed hurriedly, "H-hai!"

Ryohei lowered his head as he sprinted through the hole he made. He almost ran headfirst into a pole, but he couldn't care less; his mind was too preoccupied nothing but Tsuna.

A certain auburn-haired school idol roamed around the school, appearing to be searching for someone. She spotted Ryohei, who was jogging in deep thought, his brows furrowed together in a straight line.


Ryohei's head snapped up as heard the greeting.

"Kyoko!" He waved back at his sibling.

"Are you training?"

He seemed to hesitate, "Y-yeah! What are you EXTREMELY doing here? Don't you have classes?"

Kyoko tilted her head slightly, "It's lunch time…"

"H-huh?" Ryohei blinked, "Really?"

The younger Sasagawa frowned, sensing something wrong "Is something wrong?"

"Ah… no… it's nothing to the EXTREME!" Ryohei waved both hands in front of him, failing around, trying to emphasize his point. "So, you look like you're looking for someone."

Kyoko nodded, completely fooled by the sudden change of topic, "I'm looking for Yamamoto-kun and Gokudera-kun, did you see them?"

"No." Ryohei raised an eyebrow.

"I see. I should get going then."

"Wait! I need to ask you something, Kyoko."

The younger sibling turned towards him; smile still perfectly plastered on her face, "Hai."

"I… I wanted to ask you about Sawada," His knitted eyebrows gave away his troubled feelings, "Don't you think he changed?"

The other's expression was unreadable for a moment, before being replaced by yet another bright smile, "Onii-san, everyone changes."

"That's not what I meant." Ryohei clenched his fists tightly, "Don't you think he became… more like a stranger?"

There was a prolonged silence, stretching out not only the time, but also Kyoko's face. She looked serious now, "I also thought Tsuna-kun suddenly changed. He became more distant, like a stranger."

"You're worried for onii-san, aren't you?"


Tsuna sighed deeply, "Kyoko… you don't have to hide it."

"Why? Why don't you look worried?" Kyoko asked frantically, her teeth digging into her bottom lips.

"At that time, I didn't understand…" Kyoko's eyes were now downcast, "I could only think, 'Why wasn't he worried? Doesn't he care? Mou… this isn't the Tsuna-kun I used to know.'"

He stared at her, regardless of the fact that the sky was changing too – it darkened slowly, covering all the sunshine, as if hope was swallowed.

"I then put it into a conclusion – his new attitude, his strange behavior, and everything else, he must be an imposter." Kyoko looked near tears, "But I was wrong! I mistook his silent message. He was more worried than I was. He was putting up a tough front! He was trying to reassure me, telling me that everything was all right. He didn't want me to be unsettled, to panic. I misunderstood him. I thought he gave up hope, I thought he didn't care." Now, tears were silently streaming down her cheeks.

For once, Ryohei didn't pull her into a hug, nor did he extend a hand to wipe away the small lake forming on her red cheeks.

"But… you agree extremely that he changed, right?"

Kyoko smiled sadly and looked down, twirling her hands around her skirt nervously, "Yes, you're right, onii-san. He did change." The clouds moved away, allowing the brightness descend once again, shining onto the field and the two Sasagawa. "But Tsuna-kun's still Tsuna-kun. He was still the same person that we hung out with, the person who swore to protect us. The only thing that changed was that he became… lonelier."

"Lonelier?" The question came out as a whisper.

"Haven't you noticed?" Kyoko looked up, desperation shone in her eyes, "The lonely look he always had in his eyes? Even though he didn't want to show us? I have. But it didn't occur to me until now…"

Ryohei's fists clenched once again, the same guilt prickled against him again.

"That's why… I beg you, onii-chan!" Kyoko's hands intertwined in front of her chest to plead, "You, Yamamoto-kun, Gokudera-kun and everyone else, you're his best friends, neh? Then talk to him! Hana said talking to a comatose person might wake them up, depending on what message you send him. Tell him… tell him he won't be alone anymore; tell him that we'll all be there for him. I know it he hears it, he'll be so glad, he'll wake up."

"Kyo… Kyoko," Ryohei managed to choke out in shock. Suddenly, words spoken by yours truly rang in his mind.

"I'll always fight with you, Sawada."

That's right. He promised the young boss that he'd fight with him no matter what. He swore that he'd be by his side no matter where he was. Ryohei's sister was right. Tsuna never changed; he was same old Tsuna – just lonelier. The only reason why he had been acting cold and distant and why he was masking his emotions and trying to be unreadable was because he didn't want to worry, he wanted to prevent them from seeing through him, to hide the burden he didn't want them to carry for him.

"I understand now." He muttered.

Kyoko looked up in surprise.

"I EXTREMELY understand now!" He punched the air with triumph.

"Onii-chan!" Kyoko exclaimed happily.

He turned towards his sister, "Thanks to the EXTREME, Kyoko. Now I feel EXTREMELY better."

The other giggled as she faked a formal bow, "My pleasure…"

The boxer nodded eagerly, determination shone through his eyes, "I must go back to training now!" 'After all, I need to fulfill my promise to Sawada…'Ryohei looked down at his clenched fists, 'I'll always fight with him to the EXTREME!'

"Good luck with training then!" Kyoko waved as her brother jogged off. As he went out of sight, she too turned around and walked in the opposite direction, brand new hope brimming inside her. She was sure of it, somehow, that it wasn't long before Tsuna-kun's awakening.

"Yosh! Time for training to the EXTREME!"

"Sempai!" Ryohei turned around as Yamamoto and Gokudera approached him. He noticed a thin sheet of paper clutched firmly in the baseball star's hand; he peered over the paper curiously.

"What's that to the EXTREME?" He asked as soon as the two were near enough to hear him clearly.

"It's for Tsuna…" Yamamoto grinned, "We were told to write our messages for him here."

"Really? Let me write to the EXTREME!" Without even waiting for a reply, Ryohei grabbed the paper and snatched the yellow marker Gokudera was holding, and started scribbling on the paper.

Let's have another EXTREME match Sawada! –Ryohei

"As if I'm going to let you fight Juudaime!" Gokudera immediately burst as he saw what Ryohei had written, "Juudaime would be too weak to fight you once he wakes up! You stupid turf top!"

"What was that octopus head?"

"Ahaha… maa… maa."


Steely eyes stared down at the trio, who were currently arguing heatedly, by the window of the disciplinary committee's office. Hibari would've bitten them to death by now. Actually, he would've bitten them to death ages ago, as soon as he caught report about a wall being smashed into pieces, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. But, he didn't feel like it… because for some reason, he felt annoyed. Not because of the herbivores outside…

But because of a certain herbivore sleeping at the hospital.

Hibari Kyoya never tolerated failure, and what had happened to the hospital yesterday was a clear sign of one. He hated the fact that he wasn't able to accomplish his task and was beaten by the idiot cow child, who obviously accomplished his.

Actually, he was wrong. He wasn't as naïve as the others. He knew what went wrong, but he couldn't understand what part he played in that mistake they made. And he hated this – the feeling of confusion and unknown. He swore under his breath to bit the herbivore to death once he wakes up. Funny, how many times had he sworn to do that, but never did so?


That was the key word to the problem. Hibari pursed his lips and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He didn't understand this self-loathing. He had seen the herbivore drenched in blood, surrounded by bodies, and this single image that he had seen so many times before, just with a different main character, changed his view of the herbivore.

Could it be because… of fear?

Hibari wanted to laugh. Him? The great Hibari Kyoya? Scared? Just because he had seen of a small wimpy decorated with red liquid? Pathetic. Impossible.


He couldn't laugh… he couldn't even let out a smirk. He was honest, despite how cold-hearted and vicious he was. He was honest about himself, withhimself. He knew perfectly well that there was this small shiver that ran down his spine when he saw the scene. He got cautious when he approached them with the bottle of antidote. And for some reason, he wanted to bite the herbivore to death in return for the favor of saving them.

Even Hibari wasn't that cruel. Once he's in debt, he knows his position and would no doubt find a way to properly thank the brunet. But instead, he thought of beating up the pipsqueak for saving him. Those kinds of ideas are for cowards. So… does that mean Hibari was a coward?

The desk of the skylark was suddenly smashed into pieces, as the owner himself looked at it in outrage. The thought of that… it annoyed him to no end. But something inside him agreed, and this made him feel madder. He was not a coward! Never!

His phone dropped onto the thick-carpeted floor at the sudden action.

He turned to the item before bending down to pick it up. But as his hand was about to grab it, he froze as he saw the Hibird chain.

"It's for you…"

Carefully, he crouched down and took the phone. He watched as the little accessory swung back and forth.

"Hope you like it."

'Hn. What an herbivore…' was the first thing that came to the prefect's mind as he remembered the ill herbivore smiling at him. Somehow, it calmed him. Just a bit though. He was just a no-good, useless and weak herbivore. Why would he fear such a weak being that couldn't seem to stand on his own? A weak herbivore that can't even hide things properly. That's right… Hibari had always noticed those tired and dejected looks in the brunet's eyes, but he never bothered himself at such things. He doesn't care for people like him after all. He's not worth his time.

Maa… that's what he wanted to feel…

He actually felt worried… Hibari, as stated before, is very honest about himself, and he hated the fact that he was feeling this way for a herbivore. It frustrated him to no end. He had turned soft.

Now… he had to redeem himself.

And one way to do it is to wake the herbivore up… and…

"Bite him to death." Hibari glared at the sky angrily, before glaring towards the door of his office as it abruptly opened, only to reveal a certain trio.

"Yo Hibari! You need to EXTREMELY sign-woah!" Even before the noisy boxer could finish his sentence, the cloud guardian had already lunged at him and swung his tonfas inches from the other's face, who fortunately, dodged it in time.

"Barging in like that… you herbivores got guts." Hibari continued glaring at the three, daring them to take another step forward.

"Hahah… maa, maa Hibari." Yamamoto held out the piece of paper he had been holding for a long time, "We just want you to sign this."

The prefect's eyes narrowed "And why would I do that?"

"It's for Juudaime." Gokudera growled "Sign it or else!"

Surprisingly, Hibari grabbed the paper and took a good look at it. His expression remained blank, even when he took out a pen and wrote. The others were kind of shocked to see Hibari write. However, Hibari didn't seem to have written anything long, for he immediately handed them the paper back within five seconds.

They all peered at the paper as Yamamoto flipped it around.


A vein popped on Gokudera's head, "You bastard! How dare you write something so rude to Juudaime! We're giving him a get well soon card not a threat letter!"

"I don't care." Hibari stated bluntly, "Herbivores like him should die. He annoys me, and those who annoy me deserves death." He clutched the phone in his hand, "He always disrupts the peace of Namimori…"

"I know. I know… you just want to protect Namimori."

"I couldn't care less for the herbivore…"

"Haha… I never knew you cared Hibari-san."

"And I hate being around him…"

"You don't have to force yourself on staying in the same place with a weak herbivore like me."

The prefect pursed his lips at the herbivore's words, echoing in his mind non-stop.

Gokudera was about to yell something, but Yamamoto beat him to it, "So are you saying you don't want Tsuna to wake up?" he asked calmly, but there was a dangerous edge in his voice that was rarely heard.

Does he? Does he even want to wake the young boss up? It had been more peaceful when the herbivore wasn't around. But, admittedly boring…

"Hmpf. So you're really not the herbivore, just an imposter."

His eyes widened slightly at the sudden memory that flashed by. Tsuna looking at them in pure disbelief and shock, with one dull caramel eye turning wide, while the other being overshadowed by his messy bangs, was what he saw when he said that. And honestly speaking, he never noticed how broken the brunet looked with that disbelief look… until now.

"Over and over again…" Tsuna sobbed, "You always do this to me… why? WHY?"

"I-I'm… I'm not someone to be feared! I don't want them to turn away!"

His grip on the phone tightened.


"I'll participate for now… herbivores…" Hibari turned around. That's right, it wasn't only because he was planning to bite Tsuna to death… but because… he owes him an apology.

The cloud guardian looked down at the dangling keychain before pocketing the mobile, his long fingers grazing the phone for a second longer than it should have. Even someone like Hibari can make mistakes and with that fact, he doesn't like leaving those mistakes unsolved.

And also…

…he doesn't tolerate failures…

End of Chapter...

Valentine's Special!

Tsuna, once again, was stuck in his private office doing endless paperwork.

"Is this ever going to end?" Tsuna sighed as he put yet another signed document on top of the increasing pile of workload.

"Decimo…" A sudden knock interrupted the young boss.

"Come in!" Tsuna exclaimed, happy that he could take this as an excuse to get a short rest.

The door opened, revealing Vongola Mansion's butler.

"Lunch is ready, sir, your guardians are waiting for you in the dining room." Bowing, he retreated from the room, the door clicking softly as it, yet again, closed Tsuna inside the room.

"Of course…" He muttered to himself as he put down the expensive ink pen on the equally luxurious table and walked towards the dinning room.

As he entered the dining area, he was immediately hit by the racket his guardians were making. He smiled briefly; no matter how many years passed, some things never change, will they?

Noticing their boss enter, silence descended before Gokudera hurriedly pulled a chair out for Tsuna, "Juudaime…"

Tsuna had grown to know them well, without looking at them, he could tell who was talking.

"Yo Tsuna!" Yamamoto's ever-optimistic voice echoed through the room.

"Sawada! Join us to the EXTREME!" Even if onii-san didn't use his mantra, Tsuna could easily make out the rough voice of the boxer.

"Boss-s," Who else could be so shy? Tsuna smiled.

"Oya? This is a first."

"Lambo-sama is hungry."

"Thank you Gokudera-kun," Tsuna said before sitting.

"How's paperwork?" Yamamoto grinned.

Tsuna sweat-dropped, "Not so well… how about you guys? How are your missions?"

"Great!" Yamamoto said before thanking the maid who served him food.

"EXTREME as always."

"Kufufu, it's nothing Chrome and I cannot handle, no?" Ignoring the blush that was spreading on Chrome's face, Mukuro placed a hand on top of her head.

"Boring," Hibari yawned.

"Good to see that all of you can handle them well." Tsuna was pleased.

There was a peaceful silence as they ate. But there was something Tsuna thought was amiss. Was it him, or were his guardians hiding something?

"Alright guys," He put down his knife and fork, "What are you hiding?"

"Ahaha, you saw right through us," Yamamoto chuckled nervously, twiddling his fingers as he almost dropped his fork.

"As expected of Juudamie," Gokudera exclaimed.

"I need no praises, I just want to know what's up," Tsuna's serious tone made the temperature in the room drop a few degrees, he sighed, "Don't tell me you broke something expensive again."

"It's not that… boss," Chrome spoke softly.

"Kufufu, you are aware of what date it is today, right, Vongola?" Mukuro smirked, not even trying to hide his mocking.

"Umm… no?"

They all sweat-dropped (apart from a certain carnivore and pineapple head).

"Today's Valentines'", Lambo looked around warily, expecting someone to attack him for spilling the information.

"Valentines?" Tsuna seemed to be loading for a moment, before a light bulb clicked, "Oh! REALLY?" Last he checked, it was December 29th or something, how long has he been occupied in his study room?

"Oya, oya, you really need to lay-low from all those paper works once in awhile Vongola…" Mukuro said, "I don't want the body I'm to possess soon to break down from stress."

"Teme… you're still on that?" Gokudera growled under his breath.

Mukuro in return just gave the storm guardian a mischievous look.

"Alright, alright… I get it already." Tsuna scratches his head with a sigh, "So? What about Valentines? Are you guys going out on a date or something?"


"No way! Seriously?" Tsuna exclaimed, "Even you Hibari-san?"

Hibari just glared at the brunet who stared back in disbelief and shock.

"I-I understand… but seriously… all of you have a date for Valentines?" Tsuna said in shock, he didn't know if his heart could take all this in.

"I-it's not what you really think Juudaime!" Gokudera suddenly stood up, "T-that stupid woman invited me to a convention which is all about occult, so I didn't want to waste the tickets and-"

"By 'stupid woman'- do you mean Haru?" Tsuna asked, he had always known that the two liked arguing at each and were total opposites, but there was always one thing that was similar between them - their admiration for Tsuna. Which is kind of strange that they got along all because of him. But nevertheless, Tsuna do find the pair okay.

Gokudera then hung his head low "Hai…"

"Oh… well, that's okay!" Tsuna scratched his cheek, "I don't mind really!" 'And to think I was about to ask Gokudera-kun to help me with paper work.' He sighed tiredly.

"Thank you very much Juudaime!"


This time, Yamamoto raised a hand, "I'm actually doing a favor… it's a fan of mine in baseball… I kinda' promised her. Haha." The baseball star said, it struck Tsuna that he was blushing.

"I'm picking up Hana at the airport later. And I promised her we're going to have dinner together." Ryohei said turning into his mature mode, but if you look closely, you could see a small tint of red on his cheeks.

"I have an appointment." Hibari stated simply. But Tsuna knew it really wasn't just an 'appointment'.

"I really don't have a date…" Lambo said looking a bit terrified, "But I'll be going out to hide somewhere… away from girls. I don't think I'll be able to handle another nosebleed with all the chocolates they try to make me eat."

'No one is really trying to make you eat them Lambo… you just eat them because you can't practically turn any girls down.' Tsuna thought with a sweat drop.

"Kufufu… me and my dear Chrome are going out for a picnic." Mukuro said giving the eye-patch girl a gentle look, while the other blushed softly but smiled in return, "You do understand how important this day is… right Vongola?"

They seemed to be purposely ignoring the huge sign that was pointing at the brunet, SSB printed clearly on the sign, (a/n: SSB- Single Since Birth),"I-I guess so." Tsuna scratched his cheek nervously.

"Don't you have a date Juudaime?" Gokudera asked brightly.

Tsuna blushed, as the first thing he thought of was Kyoko. Sadly, he was never able to confess to the auburn haired girl, for before he could confess to her, she already liked another guy who was way out of his league – tall, handsome, smart, and a gentleman as well. Tsuna could never rival the guy. And he felt embarrassed that he was the only person who had no date. Sigh. Who was he kidding? No one would like someone like him. (Fangirls… prove him wrong!)

Mistaking the blush that Tsuna does have a date, they all spoke enthusiastically.

"As expected of Juudaime! To able to capture a stupid woman's heart!"

"Haha! Go for it Tsuna!"

"I can already here the church bells ring to the EXTREME!"

"Kufufu, a lady-killer you are Vongola…"

"I-I never knew Boss…"

"Even you huh, Vongola?"


"E-err… well actually I-" Tsuna started.

"Arra? Look at the time! Hana's airplane is about to land. Gotta go Sawada! See you later!" Ryohei said, pulling on his huge coat.

"I'm gonna go head out too." Yamamoto said drinking his water and leaving, "Jaa!"

"Please excuse me Juudaime!" Gokudera stood up and abruptly bowed at Tsuna before he left.

"Kufufu… shall we go Chrome?" Mukuro turned to the girl.

"Hai… Mukuro-sama." And with that the two vanished.

The doorbell started ringing like crazy and squeals could be heard. Lambo visibly stiffen "I-I need to go now!" and with that he snuck out from the back door.

Hibari silently wiped his mouth with a napkin before leaving as well.

The Vongola Boss was now alone in the dining room. He sighed quietly before continuing to eat his food. A vein popped as the doorbell kept ringing "Someone please tell them to leave already!"

Tsuna had decided to take a break from his paper work for the whole day. And so with that, he decided to go to the gardens and read a newspaper or something while drinking some tea to relieve some stress.

The butler arrived with a tray balanced on one hand. He set the tray down and served the Tenth some tea.

"Heehh, they even advertise chocolates for Valentines…" Tsuna said reading the newspaper.

The butler peered at the advertisement, "Oh I know those chocolates. They're very popular these days, especially for girls. Ever since they gave those chocolates a 10% discount, it had always been out of stock."

Tsuna turns to the butler in interest "Really?" he then turns back at the advertisement, "Ahh… I could already imagine the stores being stampede by rabid girls…" the brunet shuddered briefly.

The butler chuckled, "Girls can be strange and possessive at times… but that's just how they show their love. And sometimes, it can be cute."

Tsuna looks at the butler suspiciously "You… you're in love haven't you?"

The butler merely smiled gently, "There is this nice lady in my neighbor who frequently visits me and gives me some cookies, and I guess… I fancy her a bit."

The brunet smiled softly, "And I'm guessing she gave you something for Valentines. Didn't she? And I'll have to guess it's one of these chocolates." He said holding out the newspaper

The butler looked stunned for a moment before smiling back "Sharp as always, neh Decimo?"

"Not really, anyone would've known." Tsuna said, leaning back on his chair, "The chocolate is sticking out of your pocket you see."

The butler looks at his breast pocket and saw the said chocolate, before quickly tucking it in, clearing his throat in a slight embarrassment.

Tsuna laughed a bit before sighing.

"I gotta admit I'm a bit jealous. I wish I could get some chocolates from Kyoko-chan…" Tsuna said while leaning his head against his hand.

"Kyoko Sasagawa? You mean the girl who's currently going out with that wonderful boy?" The butler asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah…" Tsuna said glumly.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry Decimo…" the butler said hastily, "I think you two would be perfect too…-"

"Maa, it's okay… I think Kyoko-chan deserves going out with that guy." Tsuna said before continuing to read the newspaper, soon unconsciously dazing off…

"K-Kyoko-chan…" 20-years-old Tsuna called out as he saw the long familiar auburn hair.

The girl turned around in surprise. Kyoko had grown beautiful and Tsuna couldn't help but blush at how pretty she looked now.

"Tsuna-kun! Is that really you?" Kyoko said in surprise.

"Y-yeah! W-what're you doing here in Italy?" Tsuna asked, looking shocked.

"Oh well, I was invited by someone to come here." The brunet noticed her blush a bit, but he shrugged it off.

He finally had the chance to see her! Now it's his chance to tell her something he never got the guts to tell her since middle school. It didn't matter how sudden it is, he had been waiting for like 5 years or more for this moment to come… and now was his moment!

"K-Kyoko-chan… I… want to tell you something."

"Hm?" Innocent orange eyes looked at him curiously.

"The… the thing is… I-I never got to tell you this in Middle school but…" Tsuna blushed as he kept stuttering, "I know it's sudden but-!"


The two turned their heads to the person who called Kyoko. It was a tall looking guy, who looked a year or two older than Tsuna; he had dark black hair and bright emerald eyes. He smiled as he saw Kyoko and waved at her.

Tsuna looks at Kyoko and saw the girl blushed.

It couldn't be…

And just like that… Tsuna knew he had already been rejected.

"Reo-kun." Kyoko approached him.

"I'm so glad you came! Sorry I wasn't able to pick you up at the airport." The guy, named Reo said. He finally noticed Tsuna's presence "Ah… and who might this be? A boyfriend of yours?" Reo smiled at Tsuna.

"H-huh? N-no, of course not!" Kyoko blushed, "He's just a good friend of mine from middle school."

"Ah I see." Reo held out a hand to Tsuna "Nice to meet you, I'm Reo Villas."

Tsuna smiled and shook his hand, "Sawada Tsunayoshi."

"I met him at college Tsuna-kun." Kyoko explained, "And since then, we've been good friends."

"Oh I see." Tsuna felt his heart clenched, but he ignored it as he turned to Reo, "Please do take good care of her."

"Haha… of course, don't worry." Reo laughed cheerfully, before checking his watch, "Ah, we better get going, it was nice knowing you Tsunayoshi… bye!"

"Bye Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko waved at him.

And Tsuna could only wave back with a small sad smile…




Tsuna snapped out of his dazed as he heard his mobile ring.

"Are you okay, Decimo?" the butler asked worriedly.

"A-ah… yeah. Don't worry." Tsuna said flipping his phone open and pressing it against his ear, "H-hello?"

"Tsu-kun! It's me!"

"K-Kyoko-chan?" Tsuna stuttered. He felt his heartbeat raced as Kyoko called him with the nickname she insisted on using for him.

"How are you? I hope you're doing okay."

"M-me? I-I-I'm fine thank you…" Tsuna cleared his throat as he tried to stop stuttering for he can see the amused look being given to him by the butler, "W-what about you?"

"Still the same as always. Arre? Do you have a cold or something?"

"N-no… I'm fine… anyway, is there something you need?" Tsuna asked, trying not to sound so rude.

"Oh yeah! I kinda' want to ask you something."


"Uhm… Can we meet at the Rosellia café at 5pm?"

"H-huh? W-what for?"

"I-is it no?"

"W-wait! No! I mean yes! Of course I'll go!"

"Really? I'm so relieved. Well, I guess I'll see you later then. Bye!"

Tsuna shuts his phone, looking a bit stunned.

"Have you found yourself a date Decimo?" The butler asked with a smile.

Tsuna blushed slightly, "O-of course not! We're just going to meet up in a place and probably talk and stuff!"

The butler chuckled, "It sounds like a date to me."

The brunet went redder, "What should I do?" he murmured.

"Well, first things first. You must be aware of the occasion today."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

The butler suddenly took out a cookbook and opened it; he flipped the pages before stopping at the part he was looking for. He put it on Tsuna's lap. The Tenth looks at the book and his face went a bit red, "Y-you expect me to make chocolates?"

"It's Valentines. So it is expected that you must make chocolates." The butler shrugged.

"But don't only girls do this kind of things?" Tsuna exclaimed.

"Yes, since guys never bother doing it." The butler said, "To be honest with you Decimo, girls would actually be happier if guys make them chocolates. According to my research."

'And what kind of research is that?' Tsuna sweat dropped before sighing, "I get it, I get it. Fine, I'll make some."

"Well then, let's not waste time, making chocolates takes a lot of time, and you have to meet with her at five right?"

"Y-yeah, wait-! How'd you know that?"

"Oh yeah, now that I noticed, where's I-pin?" Tsuna asked as he put on an apron.

"Didn't you know Decimo?" the butler turned around, supplies already in his hands, "She said she had an 'appointment' with Hibari-sama…"

"Ehh?" Tsuna exclaimed

"Well, anyway, enough chit chat- let's begin making those chocolate truffles."

"H-hai!" Tsuna couldn't help but wonder if he still was the Boss or not.

To say the least, Tsuna had now realized making chocolates never looked so easy as how the cooking shows made it seemed.

"No Decimo! You mustn't put the milk yet! Not unless the chocolate is fully melted!"


"Not like that Decimo! You're putting too much milk!"


"D-Decimo, I don't think this is the proper ingredient."

"H-huh? But it's milk! See? It says Sour milk- EHHH?"

"No Decimo! You can't use the scraper to mix something hot! It's made out of rubber!"

"I-I can't? Ow!"

"Are you okay Decimo?"

And later…

"Now all we need is to roll the chocolate on cocoa powder once we can- wait Decimo! Don't pour the chocolate on the cocoa powder!"

"What? Ow!"

Tsuna slumped on the table in exhaustion. His hands were full of painful burns.

"You did well Decimo. The truffles are now in the refrigerator, being refrigerated." The butler said with a smile

"That was tiring…" The brunet sighed before approaching the sink to wash his hands and cool down the burns.

"I'll go get the first aid kit," The butler then said before leaving.

Tsuna looked at the time.


It took longer than he expected it to… Well, it was mostly his fault for ruining the truffles over and over again that they have to keep making it repeatedly, and also because he made a LOT. He kinda' thought that hey, why not make some for his guardians as well?

Sitting back down he took some ice from the refrigerator and held them. It felt cool and nice.

The butler came back in with the first aid kit and started tending to Tsuna's hand. After dressing the wound up the butler spoke, "Why don't you go prepare yourself Decimo? I'll take care of cleaning up and wrapping the truffles."

Tsuna nodded, "Thanks a lot…"

"No problem at all…"

Tsuna nervously walked down the streets of the town. His hand clutched the chocolates in his pocket. He was painfully aware of couples walking around the streets happily. Tsuna felt slightly jealous, but he ignored the feeling as he kept walking on the destined place he and Kyoko were supposed to meet.

As he arrived at Rosellia café, he immediately saw Kyoko standing by the door looking at her watch. Tsuna felt his heart skip a beat and quicken his pace.

"Kyoko-chan!" he called out.

Kyoko turned to his direction and waved at him cheerfully.

"Tsu-kun, I'm so glad you came!"

"I-I'm sorry… am I late?" Tsuna asked.

Kyoko shook her head and smiled, "Don't worry, you're just right on time!"

"That's a relief…" the brunet sighed while the other giggled.

"Anyway, why don't we go inside for awhile? I want to hear how the others are doing!" Kyoko said.

"Sure." Tsuna opens the door for her and followed her in.

As Tsuna looked in the menu, he was unaware of the girls ogling at his direction. However, Kyoko was able to notice and she couldn't help but giggle. Tsuna looked up at her "Something wrong?"

"No…" Kyoko replied, "You seem to be a bit popular, Tsu-kun." She pointed behind him.

Tsuna looked back, and almost immediately all the girls looked away with blushes on their face.

"They kept staring at you…"

"E-eh?" Tsuna then touches his face "W-was there something on my face?"

"No, no…" Kyoko continued giggling, "It's because Tsu-kun is so handsome."

Tsuna's face heat up at what Kyoko had said ,"Y-you're pretty popular with the guys too you know Kyoko-chan. It's because you're pretty and nice."

Kyoko smiled brightly, "Why thank you Tsu-kun."

The Vongola boss went redder.

"Anyway, how's Onii-chan and the others doing?" Kyoko asked him.

"H-huh? Oh! They're doing fine!" Tsuna said, "They're all going on a date right now."

"Ehh? Really?" Kyoko said looking a bit surprised "Oh yeah, I think I heard from Hana that she was coming here to Italy to see Onii-chan."

"That's right! They were supposed to go on a dinner together."

"I should go and see her later! That reminds me, Haru-chan is here as well isn't she?"

"Ah, she came here to fulfill her dreams of standing her own costume shop and all."

"I heard she and Gokudera-kun are going out together…"

"Y-yeah… they actually are…"

All the while, Tsuna had enjoyed himself as he talked with Kyoko about his guardians while clutching the chocolates in his pocket once in awhile. They continued their conversation while eating and drinking some cake and tea. To Tsuna, this was the best date ever… but… the day wasn't over yet.

The sky got darker and it was time for Tsuna to walk Kyoko home. They were currently walking by the park in comfortable silence.

Tsuna still haven't given Kyoko his chocolates 'What should I do? Should I give it to her?' he looked at Kyoko who was staring at the sky as if she was in a deep thought.

'It's now or never Tsuna. Come on! Be a man!'


"Tsu-kun…" Kyoko suddenly turns to Tsuna surprising the brunet, "H-hai?"

Kyoko looked troubled and nervous and Tsuna couldn't help but feel concerned, "I-is there something wrong Kyoko-chan?" the girl remained silent, and Tsuna couldn't help but mentally panicked, "E-eto… ah! Oh yeah, how's Villas-san-?"

Kyoko's eyes widen a bit and slowly she looked down, looking more nervous than ever.

Tsuna felt a little more panicked "S-sorry did I say something wrong?" 'The chocolates!' his mind suddenly said 'Give her the chocolates, that might cheer her up!'

"A-ano… Kyoko-chan I-" Tsuna was about to reach in his pocket when the other interrupts him yet again.

"Tsu-kun… I… I want to ask some advice."

"E-eh?" Tsuna blinked "Advice? What… what for?"

"It's just that… I… I don't know what to do…" Kyoko clutched her chest "Reo-kun… he… I heard from my friends that…"

Tsuna's eyes widen. Could it be Reo was cheating on Kyoko? He then held her shoulders "Kyoko-chan, it's okay… just let it out…"

"I-I…" she shuts her eyes tightly "I heard from my friends that Reo-kun…"

Tsuna frowned. How could that guy make Kyoko look so troubled? He's so gonna pay.

"…t-that Reo-kun was g-going to propose to me!"

Wait. What?

Tsuna's eyes slowly widened but Kyoko didn't seem to notice as she continued ranting.

"I…I didn't know what to do… a-and I couldn't think of anyone else to approach to! T-this is why I asked you out! So that I could ask some advice from you. Tsu-kun… w-what should I do?" Orange eyes looked at him desperately.

Tsuna felt numb. The pain was too much that he felt numb. It was almost like a wound.

"Tsu-kun?" Kyoko looks at him worriedly "I-I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have-" she was about to walk away only to be stopped as Tsuna gripped her shoulders lightly.

"Do you… do you like him Kyoko-chan?" Tsuna asked as he smiled as gently as possible.

Kyoko blushed at the question before looking down, "O-of course I do… but an e-engagement…?"

"Then there's your answer. If you think he's going too fast then tell him… I think he'll understand. But make sure you make him realize how you feel for him or he might get the wrong idea." Tsuna slowly let go of her.

"But what if he doesn't-?"

"True love can wait. If he really loves you, he'll let you adjust before you're ready." The brunet said, "Now, do you think he loves you?"

"H-he… did say that to me once…" Kyoko blushed.

"And you love him, right?"

"O-of course!" Kyoko exclaimed.

"Then we have no problem." Tsuna stepped back, slowly he shut his eyes and took a deep breath "But… but before that… I… I need to tell you something."

"Hm?" Kyoko watched as Tsuna puts a hand in his pocket and take out a small pouch.

Slowly he held it out "Kyoko-chan… the thing is… I like you."

Orange eyes widen at those three words, "Tsu-kun… I…"

"I liked you ever since middle school and I'm sorry that I never got the chance to tell you." Determined caramel eyes met with shocked orange ones.

Slowly, Kyoko looked away from them with a sad look and shook her head before bowing down.

"Tsu-kun… I'm… I'm sorry… but I…" she looked up, "I can't accept your feelings. But I'm very grateful."

Tsuna pursed his lips as he tried to stop them from trembling before smiling softly, "That was all I need…"


"Haha, I was actually kidding!" Tsuna scratches the back of his head, "I was testing you to see if your love for Reo was 100%!"

"I-it wasn't real?" Kyoko asked looking shock.

"It wasn't so… don't worry-"


Tsuna's eyes widen as he felt the stinging pain on his left cheek. Kyoko just… slapped him. Kyoko looked up with an upset look.

"Please… please don't ever do that again!" tears welled up, "I… I was so scared! I was scared th-that I hurt you!"

Tsuna looks at her gently "I'm sorry." He wanted to give her a hug, but he held himself back. "Still, it's a good thing to see that you're very loyal to him. I didn't know what I would do if you had accepted my feelings."

"Tsu-kun." Tsuna then held her hand "I give you both my blessings! Good luck!"

He let go of her soft hand and turns away "You can stop hiding now."

Kyoko looked at the brunet questioningly. Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. She turned around and saw Reo, "R-Reo-kun!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to follow you guys, I kinda' saw you two walking by the streets… a-and I got curious so…" Reo scratches his cheek in embarrassment.

"Reo-kun… about the proposal." Kyoko stared.

Reo then paused for a moment before approaching Kyoko and giving her an embrace "It's true, I was going to propose to you… but… I understand if you're not ready. I'll be willing to wait just for you."

"Reo-kun." Tears welled up in Kyoko's eyes and she returned the hug "Thank you…"

Tsuna gave them a side way smile before walking away.

"Wait! Tsunayoshi!" Reo suddenly called out.

The brunet stopped

"Thank you."

"Tsu-kun, thank you very much! I don't know what I would've done if I haven't met you!" Kyoko exclaimed.

"No problem." Tsuna smiled at them "Villas-san…-"

"Please feel free to call me Reo…"

"Then… Reo-san, please take care of her." Tsuna's smile softened, "I don't know what I'll do if something would've happened to her."


"Don't worry… I will." Reo said.

The Vongola Boss waved a hand before walking away.

"Kyoko, shall we get going?" Reo asked her.

Tears suddenly streamed down from the girl's eyes, surprising the other. He was about to ask what was wrong when he saw his beloved clutching a small pouch shakily, "Tsu-kun… he… he wasn't joking," she shut her eyes tightly and sobbed. "I'm so sorry…Tsu-kun… I'm so so-sorry…"

Reo could only look at her sadly before putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Let's go home."

"Welcome back Decimo… how was your outing?" the butler greeted Tsuna as he entered.

"Oh… it went okay." Tsuna made a small smile, "Are the others home yet?"

The butler raised an eyebrow as he noticed something was wrong, "No… not yet, but they'll be coming home soon."

"Oh I see…" Tsuna walked off, "I'm gonna go to my room to take some rest, I'll do my paperwork later."

"What about dinner?" the butler asked.

"I'm not that hungry." Tsuna continued on his way upstairs.

"Decimo!" the butler called out making Tsuna halt for a moment, "Did… did something happened?"

A small and quiet voice replied, "She's… she's gonna be engaged soon." Then his voice went a little louder but the butler could hear it tremble a bit, as if he was about to burst into tears, "Isn't that great? I'm so happy for her!" There was no sarcasm, just total pure happiness, and probably something like pain.

"Decimo…" and with that he heard footsteps rushing off before the door slamming shut.

And as if on cue, the door to the mansion opens, revealing all the guardians who seemed to have enjoyed their day.

"Haha! That was fun!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"EXTREME dinner!" Ryohei grinned.

"I guess it wasn't so bad." Gokudera muttered.

"Hn." Hibari entered.

"What do you think my precious Chrome?" Mukuro smiled at her.

"I had fun Mukuro-sama!" Chrome replied.

"At least they treated me with candies." Lambo exclaimed while holding a bunch of sweets in his arms.

"Welcome back." The butler greeted

"Arre where's Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked.

"Decimo…" the butler looked hesitant, this didn't go unnoticed on the guardians, "He's resting for a moment. He had a long tiring day."

"Is he okay?" Gokudera asked worriedly.

"He's fine."

"Maybe we should check on him-"

"No… I advise you to leave him alone for the time being." The butler immediately said, "I have a feeling he doesn't want to be disturbed."

They all exchanged looks (except for Hibari who merely raised an eyebrow in suspicion.)

"Well… if you say so…" Yamamoto said uncertainly.

"Well then… why don't I serve you some snacks?" the butler said holding out his arm towards the dining room.

"Hm? Oh no thanks, we're EXTREMELY full-!"

"Oh but I insist." The butler smiled "Decimo had made them, just for you."


A stack of truffles was suddenly on the dining table and they all looked at it in awe.

"Tsuna made these?" Yamamoto took a piece.

The butler nodded, "It's his Valentines gift for all of you. He did his very best on making them."

"Juudaime…" Gokudera looked at the truffle in a bit of shock before taking a bite

"I…it's delicious…" Chrome shyly said.

"Kufufu, I guess it's not that bad."

"I guess the Vongola isn't such a bad cook." Lambo said before plopping a truffle in his mouth.

"…" Hibari stared at the piece of chocolate before taking a bite from it.

"EXTREMELY delicious!" Ryohei exclaimed.

They all continued eating the truffles happily, that is until Ryohei's phone suddenly rang. Ryohei took out his phone and saw the caller ID, "Hana?" he flipped his phone open, "Hello?"

They all watch in interest as Ryohei talked to his wife.

"Eh? Really? Kyoko's getting engaged?"

They all exchanged shock looks (except Hibari who just yawned). Chrome looked happy and excited for her best friend while the other smiled and yelled some congratulations.

"That's great-eh?"

They all stopped as Ryohei's tone suddenly changed.

"What do you mean I should check on Sawada?" Ryohei frowned.

Hearing their boss' name they immediately went silent. Slowly, Ryohei's confused expression turned into shock then serious-ness replaced the emotions, "I see… I understand…"

"What's wrong?" Gokudera had stood up his seat, his expression serious.

Ryohei just turned to them with a frown.

They were all walking up the stairs towards Tsuna's room. All of their expressions filled with worry and determination. They were determined to comfort their beloved boss.

After hearing what Ryohei and the butler said, who wouldn't feel sorry and worried for the friend's sake?


"Did something happen to Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked.

Ryohei looked at each one of them before sighing, "We have all been blind… haven't we?"

"W-what are you talking about?" Lambo asked still munching on his truffles.

"In middle school…" Ryohei started, "Have you ever asked who Tsuna liked?"

Yamamoto and Gokudera exchanged looks. Now that Ryohei asked… they look at the boxer and shook their heads, "What's with the sudden topic?" Gokudera crossed his arms

"I understand it's Valentines but if you look at our situations back in middle school, we never had the time to admire someone with all the battles we've been having, not that I minded." Yamamoto made a small smile, "But yeah sempai, why'd you suddenly ask?"

Ryohei sighed once again, "True that. All our battles in the past were top priorities… but…" he put a calloused hand on his chest, "Meeting and falling for someone is different."

"Is this gonna be another one of your speeches about Hana?" Lambo yawned.

"O-of course not!" Ryohei blushed before clearing his throat, "As I was saying… admiring someone and winning this someone's heart is as important as winning a battle. Have you ever known that Sawada was always determined to fight, not only for his family but also for a certain someone that had inspired him?"

"So? The herbivore likes someone…" Hibari stared in a bored manner, "What are you trying to state herbivore?"

"Fighting for someone to keep her happy, while hiding your feelings for her… it's a hard thing you know." Ryohei smiled sadly.

Slowly, they were getting the message Ryohei was trying to convey.

"Are you saying, Juudaime…"

"Tsuna never told this girl?" Yamamoto was starting to feel pity.

The sun guardian shook his head as he spoke, "There's no point telling her anymore. He had been rejected already…"

"What?" Chrome looked concerned.

"Oya…" Even Mukuro's smirk vanished

Love… it's always a serious matter. It's what keeps us from living.

Once you gain this, you feel like you're the luckiest person on earth, you are able to feel this happiness that you have never once felt. Happiness far beyond material things, like money and jewels give. Love, it's a precious item that makes us strong and gives us inspiration. No one can live without it.

"Why?" Gokudera growled, "If I get this girl…-"

"Decimo won't be happy if you do that, Hayato-sama…" they all turned their attention to the butler who had entered.

"And what makes you say that?" Gokudera glared at him.

"Decimo won't be able to do anything anymore… after all, this girl he admired since middle school… already has someone else. Am I right Ryohei-sama?" The butler turns to the boxer, who looked down and nodded.

"I should've known sooner."

"Known what?" Lambo was looking anxious.

"This girl Decimo liked… she's the one getting engaged." The butler softly said.

Silence consumed the room as the words of the servant sunk in. Suddenly, it was starting to make sense. They way Tsuna stuttered and blushed when he was around the auburn haired girl named Kyoko… the way he risked his life to protect her when they had traveled to the future… the way he looked at her as she smiled and laughed… and… the way he treasures the charm she had given to him. It was oh so painfully obvious and ironically, they were too oblivious to realize. They never thought Tsuna would actually like someone… and with this thought, they felt guiltier.

Yamamoto, although a favor, was able to experience unexplainable happiness on going out with a girl.

Gokudera was able to share interests with someone he likes… and honestly, it was nice to have someone agree in your point of view.

Mukuro and Chrome, they had realized the importance of each other's existence and was glad fate brought them together…

Hibari, although stoic, had found a soft spot for a certain girl who actually liked him and not for once fear him and just accepts him.

Ryohei, he never knew he'd fall for his sister's best friend, but here they are ten years later, married and happy, as well as glad to share their lives together.

Lambo, though he doesn't have anyone, was always glad that girls were considerate enough to give him chocolates every valentine's day and admire him… despite it being unrequited.

All of them had experienced love… love from someone who admires you back. And sadly, Tsuna… never get to experience the amazing feeling of someone admiring… adoring and loving you. He was stuck with an unrequited love. And he had always hid this so well with a smiling mask.

They had remembered him said once:

"Mou… I really don't need those kinds of stuff… as long as I'm with you guys, I'll always be happy. Laughing and hanging out with everyone… it's already enough for me."

Tsuna can be nice, kind and honest… and, really, he wasn't lying… they know because they can practically see it in his eyes that what he says was true. But… there were times that they could see longing in them. Even someone like Tsuna wants something more… no… someone like him deserves more. But ironically, he wasn't able to grasp what he deserved. Why?

Is it because he's in the mafia?

Or is it really just misfortune?

"Why do you know this?"

The butler smiled softly, "Serving Decimo all the time, I was bound to notice something. Like the times I see him holding a small blue charm every time he's about to go to a meeting, it was obvious the person who made that charm was important to him. Though, it was quite clear he liked someone, I never knew who it was until now.

"And even though he was open to me as he spoke his true feelings for Kyoko Sasagawa earlier, he had kept himself shut once he was in pain." Slowly he looked up at them "Can you please help heal the pain Decimo is experiencing? He always has this habit of keeping things to himself once he's in a pinch."

They all exchanged looks.

"Of course we will! Even if this idiots doesn't help, I, who's Juudaime's right hand man-"

"Haha, of course! I always thought Tsuna's been too nice to us it's embarrassing." Yamamoto grinned, completely ignoring the fuming bomber next to him.

Ryohei nodded "Un!"

"Leave it to us…" Lambo stood up from the table.

"W-we'll do our best…" Chrome looks at Mukuro who sighed "Oya."

"Baka herbivore…" Hibari muttered.

The butler looked at them with a wider smile. Feeling more glad and assured. He was positive, Tsuna will soon somehow feel better.

End of Flashback…

"Tsuna…" Yamamoto knocked on the brunet's door.

No answer.

"Move it." Gokudera grumbled before grabbing the doorknob and twisting it. And to their surprise, it was unlocked.

"Boss?" Chrome peered in the dark room.

They open the door widely, and they immediately spotted the brunet by the balcony, leaning against the railing, and watching the starry sky and the round bright moon. He was still wearing the clothes he had worn when he left. Had he been in there ever since he arrived?


They saw their beloved boss tense up. He hastily turned around, "W-what are you guys doing here? You should've knocked."

"We did." Yamamoto chuckled nervously, "But you wouldn't answer."

"You didn't even greet us when we came home." Lambo lazily said.

"You stupid cow." Gokudera glared at the teen who squeaked at this.

"Maa, maa Gokudera… so-sorry, I didn't realize you guys already arrived." Tsuna smiled, "So how was your day?"

"Sawada…" Ryohei stepped up, "About Kyoko… she's… she's getting engaged. Hana told me awhile ago."

Even in the darkness, they could see their boss' eyes widen slightly and for some reason, they could feel something prickle in their hearts.

Gokudera was about to yell at Ryohei for announcing that, but… he knew better than to keep something that was about to be discovered soon.

"I see…" Tsuna's smile shrunk a little, "Well then… why don't we hold a congratulations party for them? Eto… it should be in a day where I could be free from paper work…-"

"Seriously Vongola…" Mukuro frowned.


"Stop pushing yourself too hard… baka herbivore… you're annoying to look at." Hibari muttered, but concern showed in his voice.



Surely, everyone could see the fake smile Tsuna was forcing, as well as the tears that were glistening from the luminous moonlight from the open balcony. A soft breeze made its way, making the curtains flap gently as they all approach their boss.

"It's gonna be okay… Tsuna." Yamamoto puts a hand on the brunet's soft hair.

"Juudaime… we'll always be here for you." Gokudera took his place at Tsuna's right side and put a hand on the boss' trembling shoulder.

"Vongola…" Lambo smiled softly.

"Boss…" Chrome took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears that had cascaded down the brunet's face, "…don't cry anymore."

"Kufufu… oya oya, this isn't like you Vongola."

"Weak herbivore."

Tsuna just smiled and wiped his face as soon as Chrome stopped wiping his tears away. He then turned to Ryohei who looked guilty.

"Sawada… I…" the sun guardian looked up, "I'm sorry… I should've known."

"It's okay onii-san… no one knew…"

"But… I'll take full responsibility…"

Tsuna looks at Ryohei with gentle eyes, "Of what? Of Kyoko's engagement? You're her brother. You should be happy for her - happy that she had finally found someone to be with. You shouldn't take her engagement as a sin or something."

"But you-"

"My feelings… it's not important anymore. I've already told her… after all…"

They all look at Tsuna in shock.

"Y-you did?"

The brunet nodded "Although she rejected me, she was grateful… and I'm already content with that."


"I had no regrets." They all look at him, stunned, before smiling as well (Hibari's mouth twitched a little). Caramel eyes filled with resolve all looked at each one of them, "Thanks for comforting me everyone… but really. I'm fine now."

That's right, this was Tsuna. This was the person who's always strong. He can never be broken so easily. There may be times he'd want to give up… but no… he always stays strong and keep a firm will. But…

"Baka… you're still human aren't you?" Ryohei clenches his fists before approaching the brunet and suddenly giving him a hug, "It still hurt doesn't it?"

Tsuna was shocked, gradually all his guardians (except for Mukuro and Hibari) had engulfed him into a group hug… just to comfort the brunet who was once again in tears…

Tsuna bit his lip to muffle his sobs, but it was hard to contain as he heard some of his guardians whisper comfort while Chrome rubs his back soothingly.

To them, Tsuna was their sky… but to Tsuna, they were his sky. So it doesn't matter if his whole world had fallen apart, as long as his sky was still intact… he'll still have a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day.

His family… will be his Valentines.


"?" Tsuna looks up at his guardians who were suddenly clutching their stomachs (except for Hibari, who's face just scrunched up a bit, and Chrome who looked perfectly okay) "A-arre? W-what's wrong everyone?"

"M-my stomach…"

"It hurts…!"

"E-ehh?" Tsuna looked around.

"K-Kufufu… Tsunayoshi… what did you put in those truffles?"

Before Tsuna could answer, the butler suddenly barged in holding an empty carton of milk "D-Decimo! The milk you used for making the truffles for your guardians… i-it's!"

"D-don't tell me…"

"It's passed its expiry date…" the butler sweat dropped.

"I-I think I'm heading out now…" Yamamoto rushed out.

"S-Sumimasen, Juudaime!" next was Gokudera

"Bathroom! Bathroom!" Lambo sprinted out of the room

"I'll surely make you pay Vongola…" A dangerous glint appeared in the illusionist's mismatched eyes before disappearing, but they all knew he didn't truly mean it.

"I'll bite you to death." Hibari, somewhat promised before leaving as well.

"EXTREME!" Ryohei exclaimed and ran out.

'I-I'm so dead…' the brunet then turns to Chrome who had been standing quietly "C-Chrome, are you okay?"

The illusionist smiled timidly "Having your organs as illusions can be advantageous sometimes…"

"I…I see, that's a relief." Tsuna sighed, "You better check on Mukuro and the others."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Chrome frowned

"Don't worry." The brunet makes an assuring smile, Chrome looks at him for a moment before nodding nonetheless, "I understand. I-I'll be going then…"

And with that she walked towards the door before stopping for a moment and looking back at the brunet "Boss… Kyoko-chan's very lucky to have someone like you to admire her."


Chrome giggled softly before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

Tsuna stood there for a moment. He sighed tiredly and shut the door of the balcony and collapsed on his bed.

Putting a hand under his pillow, he grabbed a small item and took it out. His gaze soften at the small charm in his hand, and suddenly, tears once again poured out his eyes as he clutched it near his chest.

Congratulation Kyoko-chan… Reo-san…

End of Chapter...

Chapter 32

"It seems like Yamamoto-kun and the others aren't done writing their best wishes yet." Kyoko observed as she folded the paper into her bag. The cards were now filled with colorful writings and heart-warming messages; Kyoko hoped that seeing these would make Tsuna get better faster.

"Maa… it's fine. That means you'll get to visit Sawada again, right?" Hana shouldered her bag.

"Un!" Kyoko smiled brightly as she too, heaved her heavy backpack onto her back, "Oh and before we go to the hospital, let's visit the flower shop first!"

Hana sighed and smiled at her affectionately, "Sure."

Kokuyo Island...

*Inside Chrome's head*


It was a beautiful field. Chrome, in her usual flowing white dress, walked on the soft grass, allowing it to tickle her bare feet.

"Mukuro-sama!" She called out softly.

It was unusual, she knew, for her to call out to Mukuro-sama like this, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to know something desperately; something that had been nagging her since yesterday.

"Kufufu… you seem to be distressed, my cute Chrome." The illusionist appeared behind the girl, "Is there something bothering you for calling out to me?" he smirked as he apparently already knew who was responsible for troubling the other like this.

"I-I'm sorry for bothering you… Mukuro-sama… but…" Chrome clenched her fist in front of her chest, "…what had happened yesterday… it's… it's been troubling me! I-I don't understand why-"

"Why the ring rejected your flames?" Mukuro finished for her, his eyes boring into Chrome's with fierce determination.

The illusionist took pride at the lack of shock his precious girl felt as he saw depression pushing the girl down. Chrome nodded in response. She knew Mukuro understood a lot of things. Perhaps he knew everything.

"Kufufu… my dear Chrome… the answer is in the statement itself." Mukuro said.

"Eh?" Chrome questioned, confusion swimming in her eyes.

"It's because… you're rejecting the Vongola himself."

Namimiori Hospital...

The door to Tsuna's room opened. Nana and Fuuta, who were the only occupants in the room, turned their attention to it.

"Sorry for disturbing." Kyoko's head popped in.

"Oh! Kyoko-chan!" Nana smiled lightly, "Hello there. Please do come in."

Kyoko and Hana entered "H-how's he doing?"

"Still the same." Nana sighed tiredly and turned to her son, stroking his head soothingly, "I hope he wakes up soon."


"Maman…" Fuuta looks at her worriedly.

"Maa, it's gonna be okay." Nana said trying to lift up the mood, "I know he'll wake up somehow. Tsu-kun is very strong after all!" she cheerfully exclaimed, but there was doubt laced under those words. The heaviness of the atmosphere around them didn't lighten.

"We brought some flowers." Kyoko stretched out the beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, "We thought of choosing these… to brighten the room up."

"Oh, how thoughtful of you!" Nana stood up and accepted them; "I'll go put them on the vase. Oh! That reminds me. Kyoko-chan, can you stay and watch Tsu-kun for a moment? Fuuta-kun and I are gonna go out and buy some food."

"Sure!" Kyoko smiled brightly, glad that Nana had gave her an excuse to stay with Tsuna.

"I hope it's no trouble?"

"Don't worry Sawada-san, Kyoko and I have no homework, we don't mind staying for a few hours." Hana said politely, speaking for the first time since she entered the room.

"Thank you very much… eto…"

"Hana Kurokawa…" Hana made a small nod on the head.

"Hana-chan… Kyoko-chan." Nana put the bouquet on the drawer beside Tsuna's bed, "I'll put it in the vase later. I believe Fuuta-kun is very hungry."

"Yap!" Fuuta grinned, eager to get some food.

"I'll do it instead…"

"Sorry for the trouble." Nana said, touching Hana gently on the side of her face.

"No it's okay." Hana replied, blushing, uncomfortable from the sudden attention she was getting.

Nana smiled gratefully and took Fuuta by the hand, "We'll be going then. We'll come back as soon as possible."

"Oh no! Please take your time." Kyoko waves her hand before looking at Tsuna affectionately, "I…I really don't mind staying with Tsuna-kun for awhile. I kinda' miss him."

Nana's eyes widen in understanding, "I see."

She softly smiled "Okay then. I'll see you two girls later." And with that, Nana and Fuuta left the room.

"I'll go buy us some drinks. I'll put the flowers in the vase later." Hana jabbed her thumb at the door "Take your time talking with him, 'kay?"

"Thank you Hana-chan." Kyoko watched as her best friend leave and heard the soft clicking noise that confirmed the closed door.

And then she turned her attention to the bed, making the unconscious brunet look even paler. She approached him and took a seat on the stool found beside it. Reaching her hand out, she softly pushed his bangs aside and held his cheek. He looked like he was only sleeping but… how long will it be until he finally wakes up?

"Tsuna-kun… good evening to you. It's been awhile, neh?" Kyoko dropped her hand, "You know, today, everyone in class made cards for you!" she grabbed her bag and took out the decorated cards, "See?" she held it in front of his face, "Everyone misses you… I…I miss you."

Slowly, she put the paper onto the bedside table. She smiled even though the tears were starting to leak; she took a deep breath and held them back.

"Tsuna-kun… I'm… I'm so sorry." The hands on her lap clenched, "I'm sorry for thinking you didn't care for onii-chan and the others. I should've known better that you were more worried than me!"

Tsuna remained unresponsive.

"I still remember the time… when you told me… you'll protect everyone – back when we were in the future. You've always been so brave Tsuna-kun. Everyone else thought that way too. And because of that they admired and trusted you completely."

She looked at the brunet, "But… at the same time… we never got the chance to realize t-that…" tears were now streaming down her face, "…we've been l-leaning on you f-for far t-too much. We've b-been g-giving you unnecessary b-burdens without r-realizing it. W-we should've realized s-something. B-but w-we were too blind!" she tried to wipe the tears away, but they wouldn't stop, "We s-should've at least thought a-about you! About how you feel! About… about the fact t-that… if… if you're the one who'll b-be protecting us…" she tightly shut her eyes…

"Who'll protect you?"

She hiccupped and sobbed, but she didn't stop, "You've always been t-there for us. C-comforting us i-in our troubles… a-assuring us to k-keep our hopes u-up! You always put everyone else before yourself!"

Memories of their adventures in the future flashed in her mind, "And in the future… w-we kept crying and worrying f-for our families… w-when we never t-thought about y-your situation. You were scared, and worried… I'm sure of that. That's how I felt w-when I thought onii-chan was missing. And I guess… you just couldn't t-tell anyone about your worries… s-since you saw how much worried we were with our own problems…

"You probably thought it was best to have kept them to yourselves to keep us from feeling more worried, n-neh? T-Tsuna-kun… y-you're too selfless… it's okay to share y-your burdens sometimes y-you know! It's lonely and scary to have no one there to assure you that e-everything's g-gonna be okay." Slowly she held his limp hand, closing her fingers around the weakly clenched fist, "Must you always be like t-this? M-must you always stand in front of us with outstretched hands? Would you always open your arms wide to block the cruel reality away? Smiling at us to assure everything's gonna be okay?" she shut her eyes tightly, "Please… you can stop doing that already. We'll be fine on our own… and we're grateful that you kept your promise… but there's no more reason to keep pushing yourself like this!" she held the hand tightly, squeezing it until her knuckles turned white, "So please wake up so that we can start over! Please wake up! Please!"

Kyoko slowly opened her eyes, hoping beyond hope that Tsuna will open his eyes and tell her everything was going to be okay.

A few second passed…

Then minutes…

But still nothing.

Tears welled up, but suddenly… she saw a speck of blue under the brunet's pillow. She looked at it curiously as she took out the mysterious item.

As her eyes landed on the familiar small item, they immediately went wide. Tears once again flowed down like waterfalls, "T-this… i-is…" she said in a shaky voice.

It was her charm. It was the charm she made for Tsuna – the charm that was supposed to protect him. She let her fingertips touch the old-looking charm. It was smudged with some dirt and the cloth was a little wrinkly, but Kyoko knew it was all because Tsuna… Tsuna had been bringing it with him always and, judging by the wrinkles, he had been clutching it probably during the times he's in a pinch.

She put a hand on her mouth and more tears came as sorrow once again filled her very core. A muffled sob escaped and slowly she fell onto her knees.

I'm so sorry…

I'm so sorry…

The illusion world...

"R-reject… him?"

Mukuro nodded. His eyes not leaving the others, as he calmly registered the shock in her eyes. Chrome's fist clenched.


"It's because he changed…" Mukuro said, "That's why you're rejecting him, my dear Chrome. You think he's not the usual Vongola you used to know… you think he's an imposter…"

"T-that's because…"

"But let me ask you… Nagi…" Mismatched eyes locked his gaze with the single amethyst one, he never used her real name unless he was very serious.

"Do you really know who Sawada Tsunayoshi is?"

The girl looked hesitant but nodded.

"Sou… well then… tell me." Mukuro's eyes narrowed slightly, "What do you know about him… my cute Chrome?"

"Boss… he's… he's a normal high school student, who was suddenly told he'd become the Vongola Tenth by the arco-"

"That's not what I mean…" Mukuro tried his best not to look annoyed, "What I mean is… how do you know him? When you met him… what were the characteristics you have discovered from the Vongola?"

Chrome looked at Mukuro, a memory flashed at the time after her ring battle when Tsuna asked how Mukuro was. She was shocked that someone was actually worried for Mukuro besides herself, Ken and Chikusa.

"Boss… cares for Mukuro-sama… he easily gets worried for others… even for me." Chrome looked up at the sky, an image of Tsuna going to Kokuyo just to give Chrome a lunch box full of onigiri flashed in her mind, "He… he's very kind… and he always wants to protect everyone…" she the shut her eye and shook her head, "…but the boss now… he's different!"

"Kufufu… and what makes you say that, my Chrome?"

"He's suddenly distant… and I know he's hiding a lot of things. For some reason… I can't trust him." Chrome silently said "…and also… he killed."

Mukuro stared at her with a frown, but slowly, a smirk formed his lips as he once again used his signature laugh, "Kufufu… my Dear Chrome… you still have a lot more to learn…"


"Have you ever thought of the reason why the Vongola is acting like that? Why he had been acting all secretive? Why he killed?"

Chrome remained silent for she didn't know where Mukuro was going at. The other illusionist merely shut his eyes and continued, "Seeing that you won't be able to figure this out on your own… I shall tell you… the secret of the Vongola who's currently with us."

Their surroundings suddenly changed and Chrome soon found herself in a strange and unfamiliar place.

A brown blur suddenly passed the two illusionists in lightning speed, before stabbing a man in suit with… bare hands.


Chrome let out a small gasp and covered her mouth. Blood splattered as the hand retracted itself. Chrome shut her eye, while Mukuro merely looked at the man who killed with a stern glare. But if you look closely, you'll be able to see something similar to guilt, flicker in his mismatched eyes.

"Chrome… watch carefully. This will answer all your questions."

The other gulped before fluttering her eyes open, just in time to see the killer slowly straighten himself and turned to them. Her amethyst eye widened in shock and fear as she took in the familiar face, staring at them dully.

No doubt about it…

That spiky brown hair… those sharp looking caramel eyes that seemed a little duller than how it usually looked… that cape on his shoulders and those gloves…

"Boss…" she softly said under her breath. It was her boss… only… older.

She stiffened as the older Tsuna looked at them intently and opened his mouth to say something. She pursed her lips, expecting to hear him say something cold and scary… but…

"Are you guys alright?"


"Behind you… Chrome." Mukuro's voice was silent for some reason. Chrome looked behind her, and to her shock, she saw all the guardians, looking at Tsuna in caution and mistrust. Even her. All the guardians looked older as well. Was this… from the future?

She watched the others nodded numbly while some continued glaring at Tsuna, refusing to answer his question.

He then took a step forward, but they all stiffened in fear, making him stop momentarily.

The boss seemed to have realized something as soon as he got a look of his bloody hands. Dejection flashed in those caramel eyes and Chrome couldn't help but feel pity for the other, despite the fact that he looked like a murderer right now.

"I'll…" he started "I'll go get the medics to treat you guys."

"Boss…" Chrome watched Tsuna leave hurriedly. It was like déjà vu. For some reason, it was almost identical to what had happened to them.

"This was what happened in the future." Mukuro spoke, surprising Chrome for she almost forgot he was with her. He was unusually quiet.

Their surrounding changed and they were now in a meeting room. Chrome looked around. The atmosphere was tense, and all the guardians sat around a table, and by the end of it was the familiar brunet looking a bit bothered and dejected. Yes, Chrome could perfectly see those emotions behind the stern front of the other.

"Why… are you all acting like this?" Future Tsuna spoke.

"What do you mean Juudaime?" Gokudera spoke up, trying to avoid Tsuna's caramel eyes.

Chrome watched as hurt flashed in the boss' expression before turning into fury.

"Like THAT!" he exclaimed.

"Maa, maa… Tsuna, calm down. We're just busy with our mission, that's all." The swordsman put on an obvious fake smile.

"There's something else you're not telling me and I'm fully aware of that…"

"Kufufu… what else do you want us to say, Vongola?" Chrome noticed Mukuro tensing beside her but she didn't mind, for she was too focused on what was currently happening.

"I thought I already stated the question quite loud and clear, don't make me repeat myself." The boss' tone went a little higher and harsher, but instead of feeling dumbfounded, Chrome couldn't help but feel a bit sad and worried. Tsuna looked desperate and most of all… afraid. She could see that the brunet wanted assurance, "Boss…" she slowly approached him.

"You always look uncomfortable when I talk to you, you try to avoid me as much as possible by assigning yourselves to the most available missions! And I'm supposed to be the one assigning you you're missions!" If you look closely, you could already see the small tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"Juudaime, you got it all wrong! We just… we… we are not avoiding you… we're just…"

Tsuna's pale shaky hand clenched tighter on the table.

"Oh so you're just trying to distance yourself? That sounds pretty the same to me." He said. His voice sounding a bit strained.

"Boss… we're sorry." Chrome stopped for a moment as her older self spoke up. She turned to her and saw her looking down. She looked more scared than sorry.

And it seems like Tsuna noticed this too.

"Oh so now you're apologizing? So does that mean, I was right?"

"Kufufu… Sawada Tsunayoshi… I would advise you not to use that kind of tone on my precious Chrome."

"And I would like to advise you to tell me the truth!" Tsuna glared at them.

Chrome could feel something bad was going to happen soon. Something that would change the Vongola Boss' life… and probably him

"What do you want us to EXTREMELY say?" Ryohei asked, making the other guardians follow suit.

He knew it was coming… you could practically see the desperation in his eyes. The desperation for the truth to be set free by the guardians themselves. Even though he knew it would hurt him more than anything else… but…

Playing stupid…

Pretending to be dense…

Trying to assure himself nothing was wrong…

Avoiding the truth when it's practically right in front of his face…

It's more painful. Every day you suffer from it. Better be strike by pain with one go than just letting it torture you 'til you go crazy…

"Darn it!" he slammed the table as he stood up from his seat; everyone immediately went silent.

Chrome's eye widened.

"JUST SAY IT!" Tsuna bellowed as he tightly shut his eyes, "SAY HOW YOU DAMN FELT WHEN YOU SAW ME MURDER SOMEONE!"

Boss, it wasn't your fault… was what Chrome wanted to say, which surprised her. Where did that come from?

"We got scared of course!" Lambo suddenly yelled out.

The boss looked at his youngest guardian in shock… but also in understanding.

"Tsuna… why? Why did you kill?"

'Wait…' Chrome turned to Yamamoto.

"Juudaime, you… you said you can never take a life… but now…"

'But Boss-!' she shut her eye tightly.

"You EXTREMELY kill people like they have no significance in this world."

'You're wrong!' Chrome clutched her chest.

"Kufufu… I had no problem with what you did, but it made me lose interest…"

Mukuro looked at his older self before shutting his eyes with a deep frown.

"Every time I see Boss… I can't help but remember when you were covered in… in… blood."

"N-no… I… Boss." Chrome turned to Tsuna, and was shock to see the dejection etched on his face. The expression he always hides… she could perfectly see it… but the guardians. She turned to them. They were too busy looking away from him… too busy thinking of their own opinions, not even minding their boss who they were unconsciously rejecting…

"Stop…" Chrome trembled as tears welled up,

"You've grown into a fearful person… Sawada Tsunayoshi."

"Boss… is not a monster!" Chrome exclaimed.

Suddenly, everything flickered. Mukuro looked at the girl in shock. 'My illusions…'

All the future guardians looked at Chrome as well as Tsuna.

"Boss, just wanted to protect you…" Chrome started, "He didn't do anything wrong… he may have taken a life but… but still… he knew it was a mistake! A mistake he couldn't fix anymore. Boss… he…"

Tsuna slowly straightened himself and looked at Chrome in shock and anticipation…

"He loves us…" Chrome sobbed, "I never realized it… I was too blind… just because of a mistake he already knew… I kept blaming him…I… he…" she shut her eye tightly, "I'm so sorry…"

Slowly, the guardians smiled.

Mukuro watched in amazement 'She was able to manipulate my illusions to something she really wanted to happen. She has grown strong…'

Chrome was suddenly engulfed into a hug. She was shock to realize it was Tsuna… he was smiling so purely… so brightly… she had missed that smile. And she was determined to see it more often.

"Thank you… Chrome."

Then… he vanished into small lights, as well as everyone and everything around her.

"Kufufu… Well done Chrome…"

"Mukuro-sama?" she turned to the illusionist.

"You've done well overpowering my illusions…"

"W-what do you mean?"

"What had happened awhile ago, wasn't part of the memory… it was a part of your will…" Mukuro explained.

"M-my will?"

"You wanted to convince all those guardians it wasn't Sawada Tsunayoshi's fault… and you unconsciously disrupted it and manipulated the illusions into something you wanted to really happen…" Mukuro smirked, "I must say… that was a very powerful trick…"

"I-I'm sorry for disrupting your illusions, Mukuro-sama!" Chrome apologized, totally ignoring the other's compliment.

"Kufufu… it's alright, my dear Chrome… I don't mind at all." Mukuro patted her head.

"Ano… Mukuro-sama… what… what happened after that?"

Mukuro's frowned "Nothing. Vongola did nothing to defend himself… he merely discussed that the meeting was over and left."

Chrome felt her heart tighten in misery, "Boss…" suddenly, a question rose in her mind, and she couldn't help but ask Mukuro "Mukuro-sama… how do you know about this?"

The mist guardian puts on a bitter smirk, "I guess there's no point keeping it a secret."

Chrome looks at him questioningly.

"Daemon Spade…"

Chrome was shock "D-Daemon Spade?"

"That's right…" Mukuro looked a bit annoyed, "Although I never really needed that person's help, he had given me memories of my future self the day after Vongola's aura changed… or rather… his soul. Though the reason is still unknown."

'Soul?' Chrome blinked 'So… it wasn't just his aura… w-wait… then that means…' her hand clenched 'The future… the reason why it seems to be connected… the reason why Boss always seemed so wary around the cow child's travel to the future… it can't be…'

"That's right… my dear Chrome… The Tsunayoshi who had been with you all along… he wasn't an imposter." With a flick of his hand, a blurry image of the older Tsuna, sitting in the darkness with an impassive look and dull eyes appeared before her "It was the future Vongola himself…"

End of Chapter...

Chapter 33

Chrome walked down the streets of Namimori. The town was now decorated with colorful neon lights as the sky turned fully dark. However, she was too preoccupied to bother adoring them as her little discussion with Mukuro kept nagging her.

'I can't believe it… why haven't I realized?' Chrome thought, looking utterly lost.


"I-it can't be!" Chrome exclaimed covering her mouth in shock.

"Kufufu… as much as I don't want to admit it… this is no illusion my dear Chrome…" Mukuro said while letting the image of the Future Tsuna vanish completely, "Future Vongola is now in the deepest most part of his heart, and his only company there are his younger self and Primo…"

"Boss?" She then remembers the time she had visited Tsuna in his mind. 'The person that appeared behind Boss when I was about to leave… could it be…?'

Now… you know how it feels…

Guilt consumed her as she shut her eye tightly. A hand made its way to her head to pat the soft locks.

"Don't beat yourself up my Dear Chrome... remember that your mission is to only protect the Vongola… nothing else… you don't have to feel guilty for rejecting him. You don't need feelings to protect someone… just determination."

End of Flashback…

'Even though Mukuro-sama said that…' Chrome clutched her chest, squeezing the fabric of her sweater tightly, 'The painful feeling in my chest won't stop…'

Her footsteps tapped lightly on the ground as she entered an alley, 'I wonder… what Boss does when he tries to protect everyone. Does he only count on sheer determination alone?'

"Please leave us alone." A female voice firmly said.

"Maman…" this time it was a small boy's voice.

Chrome immediately followed the voices as she sensed trouble.

"Oh come on now… we're just asking for a few bucks…" The illusionist caught sight of two bulky men surrounding a woman and a child.

"No." Caramel eyes looked at the man in front of her fearlessly.

"Brave now are we?" the small boy was suddenly yanked away from the woman's grasp, making her gasp in shock, "Now… will you give me money? Or…" he took out a pocket knife and placed it under the boy's chin, "…do you want to see his head cut off?"

"Let him go!" the woman exclaimed, fear started to show in her eyes.

"Make me…" the man grinned sadistically.

"Maman! Maman!"

"Shut up!" The other guy raised his fist, about to hit the boy, but was stopped as he felt a something cool and sharp behind his neck.

"Stop…" a soft voice spoke.

He cautiously looked behind him. He was surprised to see a middle-school girl holding a trident, which was now pointed on his back, calmly.

"Oya? Little girls should be minding their own business. Go back home if you don't want to get hurt-!" the one holding the small boy captive wasn't even able to finish his sentence as a knee soon came in contact to his cheek. A tooth immediately flew out his mouth. Chrome landed on the ground gracefully before glaring at the guy.

The boy hastily pulled away from the man and ran towards the woman.

"You damn girl!" guy number two thrust his fist towards her. Chrome evades this easily before hitting the other in the guts with the base of her trident, making him stumble on the ground with a pained gasp.

"Ha!" she unleashed an illusion that the guy could only see.

"Aaaaahh!" the man screamed as he held his head. His eyes widening as his head swished from side to side like a crazed man.

"O-oi! What's the matter?" the other accomplice grabbed him by the shoulder but the man kept screaming at something that no one can see but him.

"Don't move…" a threatening voice spoke behind him. He gulped as he felt something sharp and cool press itself behind his back "Do you want… to end up like him?"


"Sou?" the sharp object pressed itself more against his skin, "Then… leave… now."

He didn't have to be told twice as he immediately grabbed his partner and scurried away while screaming like a scared little girl.

Chrome took a deep breath before standing straight. She turns to the two victims and asked timidly, "Are you okay?"

"Ah! It's Chrome-nee!" the boy exclaimed happily.

Her amethyst eye widened a bit as she realized who the two were "Y-you're the ranking child… and…" her attention then turned to the woman "Boss' okaa-sama…"

Nana could only look at her questioningly but smiled either way, "Could you be one of Tsu-kun's friends?"

"Y-you didn't have to… invite me." Chrome muttered as a blush decorated her face.

"Nonsense!" Nana giggled, "It's only natural for us to treat you to some food! Both for the reason of saving us and becoming Tsu-kun's friend!"

The trio was currently in a fast-food restaurant, ordering something to eat.

'Friend?' the illusionist's eye shadowed, "But…"

"Maa, maa… now tell me, what do you want to order?" Nana smiled.

"Maman! I want burgers and fries!"

"Hai, hai…"

"A-anything will do…" Chrome answered finally.

"I understand… 3 fries, 3 burgers and 3 sodas please!" Nana cheerfully ordered while the mist guardian watched before looking down with a gloomy face.

"A-ano…" Chrome started, making Nana halt from unwrapping her burger.

"What is it, Chrome-chan?" she asked with a bright smile.

"H-how's Boss-I mean your son?"

"Oh, he's doing fine. He's still in a coma though, but I know he'll wake up soon!" even with the cheerful façade; Chrome could practically see the exhausted look she was trying to hide. She couldn't help but feel guilty once again.



"It's… it's my fault he ended up like that…" she squeezed her eye tightly, "I wasn't able to protect him properly… I'm sorry!"

Nana slowly frowned, but there was not a hint of anger or sadness from it… instead there was merely an understanding, "As expected of Tsu-kun's friends…"

Chrome looked up questioningly.

"You're all so very caring for him." She grinned, "You know… Yamamoto-kun, Gokudera-kun, and Ryohei-kun said the same thing?"

"…" Chrome looks down at her hands that were clenched tightly on her lap.

"But if all of you are telling the truth… I won't hold any grudges against you." Nana said "After all, Tsu-kun has a perfectly good reason on why he became friends with all of you, neh? And seeing that you feel guilty for him is enough for me to realize and understand that at least you still care for him."

"But…" Chrome murmured slowly.

"Don't beat yourself up my Dear Chrome... remember that your mission is to only protect the Vongola… nothing else… you don't have to feel guilty for rejecting him. You don't need feelings to protect someone… just determination."

"I'm not Boss' friend… I'm just his guardian." She softly said, "And I failed to protect him. That's the only reason why I'm feeling guilty… not because I'm his friend."

"Chrome-chan…" Nana gently called to her, making the illusionist look up, "Please remember… when you're willing to protect someone… you're already willing to throw away your life just for this person… and I'm sure that means your feelings for this person is already equal to devotion. And once you become friends with a person, you must be loyal and devoted to him/her. Just like how Gokudera-kun is to Tsu-kun."

"What…" amethyst eye met with pure caramel ones, "What must you have to protect someone? What reasons do you need? Isn't determination enough?"

"Well yes… determination is the most needed ingredient to protect a person… but if you only protect a person with sheer determination only, it's almost like letting a pig live to slaughter it in the future." Nana explained carefully and patiently, "But… if you protect this person with true feelings to support this determination… then your definition of protection might turn different."

"F-feelings? Like what?"

"Well…" before Nana could speak, Fuuta raised his hand, "Chrome-nee, what is Tsuna-nii to you?"

"B-Boss?" she blinked and looked down "H-he's… he's a link to someone important to me."

"If Boss was my parent… would he have done the same thing as what my parents did as soon as they had realized I was beyond cure and abandon me?"


"I would never do such a thing if you were my child." Tsuna smiled softly, "You're nice and sweet… those people just couldn't understand you. And what do you mean beyond cure? Anyone would still survive from ruptured organs when a person with the same bloodline donates their organs right?"

It seemed to have struck Chrome that the future Tsuna knew about her past, but for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to care as she continued trying to comprehend what Tsuna really is to her…

"…Boss… is always so kind to me…"

"Well, I'd gladly donate my organs to you. Not just organs but everything. Even if it was my heart."

"…so kind… and warm…"

"I'm so sorry."

Those were the silent words Chrome heard when she cried on Tsuna. Though she had no idea why he was apologizing.



Fuuta's huge amber eyes innocently stared at her as he asked "Isn't Tsuna-nii… important to you?"

"Im…important?" Fuuta then leaned towards her and whispered (Nana didn't seem to mind as she watch the two interact with a smile).

"Do you want to know the secret of why Tsuna-nii protects you?"

"Boss' secret?"

Fuuta lean back and grinned, "It's because Tsuna-nii loves Chrome-nee and everyone else!"

Chrome felt her face heat up at the statement.

"Tsuna-nii cares for Reborn-san, Takeshi-nii, Gokudera-nii, Ryohei-nii, Hibari-san, Lambo, I-pin, Bianchi, Kyoko-nee, Haru-nee, Dino-nii, and even Mukuro-san." The ranking prince said while looking at his fingers as if counting the number of people he mentioned, "Of course, Tsuna-nii cares for us too!"

Of course, Chrome knew this. Tsuna loves and cares for both friends and enemies. It was very obvious but… she never did try to link this childish reason to the cause of why he protects them. She always thought that the main reason was because it was all for survival and determination on going back home all safe and sound.

"We're all precious to Tsuna-nii, like how precious he is to us." Fuuta tilted his head, "He is precious to you, right Chrome-nee?"

"I…" Was he really precious to her?

"Chrome-chan… you can never say you're protecting someone when you're only relying on determination alone." Nana softly spoke, "You must not only give a proper reason on why you must protect this someone, but also… of how you should really feel. Are you protecting him because of an order? Or are you protecting him because he deserves it? Or better yet, are you protecting him because he is important to you and you don't want him to disappear from you?"

"I'm sure Tsuna-nii's answer would be the last one." Fuuta proudly proclaimed.

'Protecting someone… because they're important?' A memory of Tsuna killing the enemies flashed in her mind, 'Could that really be the reason? Was there… was there another cause on why Boss did that? Maybe… maybe he didn't do it willingly! Of course, that must be a reason! This is Boss after all!'

"Chrome-chan?" Nana called out to the silent girl.

"Sawada-san… c-can you please excuse me? I have to do something." Chrome stood up.

The woman blinked before nodding nonetheless "I understand."

The illusionist nodded, determination etched on her face before hurrying out.

Nana and Fuuta exchanged cheerful smiles.

"Tsuna-nii has good friends!"

"That's right. Well, he deserves them after all."

Chrome was walking down the streets silently. The direction she was heading to was the town's hospital. However, her plans were disrupted as she bumps into Yamamoto who seemed to be carrying some shopping bags, "Chrome! Is that you?"

"You're…" she trailed off.

"Haha! What a coincidence! What are you doing here?" the rain guardian asked.

"I was about to go visit Boss…" Chrome answered.

"Tsuna?" A small, sad smile engraved itself on Yamamoto's lips, "I see…"

Chrome looks down at the plastic bags the swordsman were carrying, of course, Yamamoto noticed this, "Haha, you're probably wondering about these huh?"

She made a small nod.

"Come with me to the restaurant and you'll see." He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her gently towards the opposite direction.

"B-but… Boss…"

"Maa… maa…" Chrome looked up and noticed the baseball star's determined look. Thinking it must be important, she willingly followed him. He must have a perfectly good reason why he's dragging her to his sushi shop.

Chrome stood at the entrance with a stunned look.

"Haha… surprised?"

"T-This is…" Chrome blinked.

"It's for Tsuna…" Yamamoto gently said.

Inside the shop, people were decorating the place with confetti, streamers and balloons. And these people of course… were no other than the guardians and Haru, Bianchi and I-pin.

"You idiot! You're cutting the paper unevenly!" Gokudera yelled at Ryohei.

"What are you talking about? They look perfectly EXTREME!" Ryohei hold up the slightly crumpled and poorly cut strips of paper.

"Gah! You ruined them!"

"Hayato… be nice…" Bianchi suddenly appeared.

"G-gahhh! A-aneki!" Gokudera crumpled down on the ground.

"Gyahaha! Partyyy!" Lambo ran around with streamers wrapped around him.

"Lambo behave!" I-pin chased after the cow child.

"Herbivore! Herbivore!" Hibird flew around the room with a small party hat on its head

Hibari, who was sitting on a chair far from the group, watched them all with a yawn.

"Oi Hibari! Help us here to the EXTREME!" Ryohei pointed at him.


Haru was humming a tune while making roses out of papers before finally noticing Chrome."Chrome-chan!"

Haru approached her.

"Can you believe it? My Tsuna-san-" –"Juudaime's not yours you stupid woman!"- "…is in a coma… and I didn't realize this until now!"


She suddenly looks up with resolve, "That's why I must help decorate for this party desu to redeem myself!" she held Chrome's hand ,"Are you going to help Chrome-chan?"

"B-but… what's this for?" Chrome couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't it obvious?" Gokudera scoffed as he approached them, "It's a party for Juudaime once he wakes up!"


"We're going to wake Tsuna up…" Yamamoto suddenly said as he held out his ring, "I'm sure of it."

"It doesn't matter if Sawada's different… no…" Ryohei grinned, "Sawada was never different… he was…is EXTREMELY EXTREME!"

"That didn't even make any sense!" Gokudera growled.

"I don't understand what's happening… but… you'll help too right? Chrome-chan?" Haru asked with a smile, "You're going to wake him up, neh?"

Chrome's eyebrows furrowed as her lips pursed and firmly nodded ,"I'm… I'm going to wake Boss up for sure."

Yamamoto and Ryohei grinned while Gokudera huffed. The others just exchanged happy looks (except for Hibari).

"We're going to do it tomorrow."

"I-I understand." Chrome looked down at her ring, hoping that it won't fail her this time.

"In the meantime, why don't you help preparing?" Yamamoto asked.

"Ah… wait…" Chrome spoke up.

"What is it?" Haru looked at her questioningly.

"D-doesn't people who wake up from a coma usually stay in the hospital a little longer and sometimes go to a therapy?" Chrome timidly pointed out, "So… isn't preparing this party for Boss… a bit too early?"


"N-now that you EXTREMELY mention it…" Ryohei scratched his head "…I EXTREMELY forgot!"

"Ahaha! How embarrassing!"

"You idiot! Why the heck did you plan this?"

"Hahi! But you were the one who seemed really eager, Gokudera-san!"

"S-Shut up!"

"I guess we have to clean this up…"

"Ehhh? No party! WAAAHH!"

"Lambo quiet!"

"I'm leaving…"

Chrome giggled softly at all of their antics. I guess they couldn't be blamed… Chrome wasn't the only one who seemed excited for Tsuna's awakening.

"Oh yeah, Chrome… can you write something for Tsuna?" Yamamoto put a slightly crumpled paper in front of her, as well as a pen.

"Something… for Boss?"

The rain guardian nodded. Chrome looks down at the paper and scanned at each of the messages they all wrote. Taking the pen's cap off she wrote on the paper with a neat penmanship.

I'll protect Boss because you're important to me too.

And with that, she folds the paper with a small, content smile.

Hana and Kyoko walked out of the hospital.

"Are you okay Kyoko?" Hana asked as she noticed her best friend looking somber.

Kyoko looked up the starry sky, "Don't worry Hana…" she looked back down with a determined look "I'm fine…"


"Let's visit Tsuna-kun again tomorrow!" she cheerfully smiled at her.

Hana sighed and smiled affectionately at her friend "Of course." She grabbed the hand of her friend. "Come on, let's go home so that we could prepare for tomorrow."

"Un!" Kyoko enthusiastically nodded.

True enough, as soon as tomorrow came. Kyoko immediately prepared herself a little earlier than usual. She then noticed her big brother was nowhere to be found. Thinking he was busy with one of his roadwork, she leaves the house after eating a well-balanced breakfast.

"Good morning Kyoko." Hana was standing outside their gate.

"Hana!" Kyoko exclaimed before rushing towards her, "You're early."

"Same goes for you." She smiled, "Come on, I think I know a flower shop that opens during this hour."


And so…

"I wonder when Tsuna-kun would finally wake up." Kyoko said as the two stepped in the hospital

"I have a feeling he'll wake up soon enough." Hana assured.

"I hope so… Sawada-san must be having a hard time." Kyoko mumbled.

"Maa… everyone is…" the other patted her, before turning back, "Ah, there's his room."

The said room was only a few meters away. But something caught the attention of the auburn haired girl.

"Arre? The door's open." Kyoko softly spoke. Suddenly, she could feel her heart race for some reason as she felt her pace quickened. Why though? Maybe Tsuna's mom just forgot to close it… or… or she just left for a moment to get something. But something inside Kyoko was saying, someone entered the room and… something happened to Tsuna.

"Kyoko..!" she ignored her best friend as she continued on her way. Something was up. She could feel it. Her heart was beating really fast against her chest, as she got nearer.

She grabs the doorknob and opens it swiftly. She was panting from nervousness, thinking that those who had entered were probably intruders. But much to her relief… it was only her brother,Yamamoto, Gokudera, Chrome and Hibari.

She sighed in relief as she realized this. She was about to call out to them when she noticed that they all looked stunned and… glad?

"O-onii…?" she was soon cut off as she noticed a certain figure sitting straight on the bed on where Tsuna usually lay. Wait… what?

'It…it can't be…' Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth in disbelief. Tears welled up once she got a good look of the person… sitting on the bed. Fully awake. Slowly, this person turned to her as he finally acknowledged her presence.

"T-Tsu…Tsuna-kun?" she whispered.


"Oh my, what's a child doing here?"

"Probably lost?"

"Should we help him?"

A certain arcobaleno was walking by the airport of Japan while carrying a small suitcase and a package that contained a familiar pink bazooka.

'Dame-Tsuna… you better be okay…'

End of Chapter

Chapter 34

Something was wrong…

Something was totally wrong…

They couldn't understand. They did what they were told to do. They accomplished their task and now they're willing to accept Tsuna once more and start over…


Why won't Tsuna do the same?

It was another day of school – and another day of Tsuna's strange behavior. Ever since the day they had successfully got him back to his body. He had… reacted differently.


"You guys ready?" Yamamoto asked as they surrounded the broken ring.

Everyone nodded, hesitation still slightly recognizable within the group.

One by one they held out their rings and lit them. And just like last time… they watched as the shattered ring sucked in their flames. It didn't weaken them like how it usually does when their flames are sucked. Instead, they could feel warmth slowly consuming them. It was the warmth of their pure feelings for Tsuna.

They all shut their eyes and concentrated.

They'll get Tsuna back…

No matter what.

And then suddenly… a voice rang in their heads.

Everyone… good luck…

They were shocked - it was just any voice, it was… it was Tsuna's. No doubt about it.

Resolve filled every part of them and their flames grew bigger.

They'll surely get Tsuna back!

The sky ring glowed brightly. It blinded them but they kept their rings lit. Then the voices in their heart resonated…

Tsuna… please come back.

We won't let you down Juudaime!

Sawada! We EXTREMELY need you…

Boss… I'm sorry for everything.

You're becoming a nuisance herbivore…

But then…


They all shot their eyes open.

"W-what was that?" Yamamoto panted; sweat glistened on his forehead as he wiped a tired hand over his face.

"It can't be… Juudaime?" Gokudera muttered, trying to cover his disbelief.

"Look! The ring!" Ryohei exclaimed, pointing at the small item. They immediately approached and smiles formed on their faces (except for Hibari who just snorted). The ring was finally fixed!

"Haha! Now what?" Yamamoto scratched the back of his head.

Chrome carefully picked it up "Now we must let Boss wear it."

They all approached the unconscious boss. Chrome tentatively held his cold hand and gently guided the ring towards his middle finger.

'Boss… please wake up.'

Chrome stepped back as soon as she had accomplished the small task. Then…

No lights…

No warnings…

Just a small flinch of the brunet's finger and slowly he opened his eyes.

They all remained stunned as the young boss struggled to sit down. His chocolate orbs remained hidden behind his bangs.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing a familiar auburn haired girl.

"O…onii…?" she was interrupted once she saw the conscious Tsuna,"T-Tsu…Tsuna-kun?"

Tsuna turned to her for a moment before looking away. Kyoko was stunned by the action.

Tsuna opened his mouth and spoke in a low and hoarse voice…


End of Flashback…

They couldn't understand why he asked that. Why he wanted to know the reason for reviving him. Wasn't it oh so clear? It was because he was their boss… their friend… or better yet…their family.

And so after that… practically everyone Tsuna knew learned about the news in less than an hour. Nana had come running in. Eyes filled with tears, she had hugged her son with such ferocity even Gokudera looked away. Fuuta, I-pin and Lambo demanded for a celebration and of course… not a single one objected to the request.

However… despite the fact that that would've been one of the most memorable moments of Tsuna's life, the brunet never cracked a single smile. Aside from the fact that he would occasionally eat or maybe respond in some minor questions… he was lifeless as a doll. He was better off in a coma.

Sadly… the trouble didn't end there…

Reborn suddenly came back…

And once he was aware of the situation… he gave all the guardians (except for Lambo) harsh punishments in the disguise of training. However, not one objected this. For they knew they deserved this.

Luckily… the return of Reborn brought a bit of light in those dull brown eyes of Tsuna. They would occasionally be found talking (mostly Reborn) to one another. Almost like a therapy. And most of the times Tsuna always looked a little reluctant when he and Reborn would separate. The hitman found this a bit amusing.

And so earlier before school started…

"Tsuna… start preparing yourself. You're going to school today." Reborn said turning to his student who sat up on his bed.

"Do…I have to?" the brunet asked quietly, but bluntly.

Reborn sighed. Usually he would mock the boy to get him moving… but he knew better than throwing childish insults to a fragile person, "Yes… you have to. Yamamoto and Gokudera are waiting for you outside."

No reaction. Reluctance flashed in those dull orbs before he stood up and obediently followed Reborn's order. Reborn watched as the brunet entered the bathroom before standing up from his mini couch and going out of the house to speak with the rain and storm guardian.

"Yoh kid!" Yamamoto greeted Reborn with a small smile.

"How's Juudaime?" Gokudera asked.

"He's fine." Reborn "He's already preparing for school."

"Really? Tsuna's finally coming to school?" Yamamoto's smile grew wider.

Apparently, the two always dropped by Tsuna's house to just ask if he was okay or if he needed anything. They had been doing this for a week after Tsuna was released from the hospital.

"Ah… and I expect you to fulfill your role properly this time." Reborn crossed his arms.

"Of course Reborn-san!" This time it was Gokudera who spoke up, determination flaring up inside the guardian.


The door to Tsuna's house suddenly opened, revealing the impassive looking brunet.

"That was fast." Reborn said turning to him, "Did you eat breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry…" the brunet murmured.

The arcobaleno's mouth twitched into a frown, "It doesn't matter what you feel… you need to eat."

"Maybe later." The brunet replied shortly.

Yamamoto and Gokudera exchange worried looks.

"Uhm… hey Tsuna." Amber eyes met with the others dull ones, "Welcome back." He gave him the heartiest smile he could muster… but Tsuna didn't waver.

"Ah… arigatou…" he really didn't sound so grateful.

This kinda' depressed Yamamoto a bit.

Tsuna turned away from the two and stared at Reborn. The Hitman immediately knew what the brunet was silently trying to convey, "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

The brunet merely looked down, making the bangs that had grown quite long for the past few weeks cover his eyes. He made a small nod.

Yamamoto and Gokudera watched the exchange, slight jealous growing in their heart. They couldn't help but wonder why Tsuna wouldn't open up to them. Why only open up to the Arcobaleno? Does he know something that they don't?

"Stop acting like a child Baka-Tsuna…" the Hitman gave the brunet a small flick on the forehead, "You know you're older than that."

"…" The brunet didn't say anything but just nodded once more before walking away. The two immediately followed.


"Tsuna! Wait up!"


'I… don't wanna go…'

'Decimo… you have to… your younger self is already asleep… all preparations are complete… the guar-'

'Wake him up…'


'Wake him up or else I'll do it.'

'You mustn't-'

'This isn't my body! This isn't my life! I don't belong here! What's the point of pretending to be the person I used to be and just repeating the same routine every single day? It's not helping me at all! It never did! It just haunts me and reminds me of the things I know I'll never have!'

'Please remember… this was your wish Decimo.'

Tsuna was staring blankly outside the window of their classroom while totally ignoring the teacher speaking in front of the class.

It was a stupid wish…

That was the only thing his mind would always say.

He then remembered what had happened earlier when he entered the room. Everyone immediately surrounded him and kept asking him if he was okay. To Tsuna, it was strange. Why did they care? Actually… since when did they ever care?

All of them are just the same.

They'll never learn to give importance on stuff unless they're gone…

Not that he was saying he's gone… but it would've been better if he was gone for good.

He couldn't stand this kind of life anymore. You have your ups… then your downs… again and again! He had no idea how people do it. How can they maintain their sanity? Why won't they finally snap?


"Hey Tsuna." The brunet turned to Yamamoto silently.

The baseball star smiled at him, "Let's eat lunch together."

It was lunchtime?

"I'm not hungry…" the brunet muttered, "Go ahead and eat without me."

"Haha! Come on Tsuna! You know it's not good skipping lunch." Yamamoto grabbed the young boss by the arm but before he could even give his friend a light pull, Tsuna had already yanked his arm away from the other. Surprising both Yamamoto and Gokudera, who had arrived in time to see the scene.

Dull eyes flashed before being hidden behind his long bangs, "I'm not hungry," he repeated.

Gokudera and Yamamoto exchanged looks.

"Now that you mention it…" Yamamoto grinned, "I guess I don't feel hungry too."

"I ate a lot this morning…" Gokudera grumbled.

The two grabbed a chair each and sat in front of the brunet's desk. Tsuna could only watch the two silently with a frown.

"Oi! Why are you sitting in front of Juudaime! Let's change seats!" Gokudera demanded.

"Haha! Maa, maa, you're still near Tsuna, what's the difference?" Yamamoto said.

"As Juudaime's right hand man, it is my rightful duty to sit right in front of him and behind of him and also beside him!"

"Really? Then where do I sit?"

"Nowhere! Just stand like a bodyguard or something!"

"Haha! That's a nice joke!"


"Why?" the small question had cut off the two's conversation. Yamamoto and Gokudera turned to their boss, "Why are you still here?"

Gokudera made a determined smile "It's because it's our duty… Juudaime."

Yamamoto's gaze softened, "You don't deserve to be alone Tsuna…"

It was so bright…

The way his two friends smile so purely at him. They were so bright that it made him realize how different they were from each other. How he fit in the darkness more.

They weren't meant to be with each other.

He unconsciously looked down on his own Vongola ring. He was tainted. The main proof was the breaking of the ring. He was so tainted that the ring broke. And the only thing that's keeping it together was the pure feelings of his guardians.

But he had a feeling…

He was going to taint them too…

Suddenly… his lips moved by themselves.

"You're right… Yamamoto…" he said in an audible whisper.

The two looked at him hopefully. Did they finally reach him?

"I don't deserve to be alone…" it felt like he was being controlled again… controlled by that mysterious blackflame. Tsuna could feel himself smile… but he had a feeling that this smile held malice.

"I do deserve more…" the pen sticking out of his desk was looking quite sharp today… maybe he could test how sharp it is? But where should he… test it? Maybe the sensitive nerve behind his neck would do the trick? The brunet touched the pen and his best friends seemed to notice something was wrong as their smiles immediately dropped.

Tsuna looks up with narrowed eyes and a creepy smile, "I deserve to die and rot into the darkness..!"

Before Yamamoto and Gokudera could process what he had said… before Tsuna could even reach out for the pen… and before those dull caramel eyes slowly turn into scarlet… a loudBANG made all heads in the classroom turn to the trio and… to the arcobaleno standing on the brunet's desk.

"Wake up. Baka-Tsuna." The arcobaleno's gun was pointed in front of Tsuna's shock face.

With eyes widening, Tsuna seemed to have realized what he was about to do and immediately dropped the pen. Yamamoto and Gokudera both stood up from their seats in worry.


"Take him to the nurse's office." Reborn ordered.

"I'm fine." The young boss said in a firm but small voice.

Reborn suppressed a sigh, "Do you really think anyone would believe that obvious lie?"

True enough, Tsuna looked paler and he seemed to be trembling. And if you looked closely, the small teen seemed to be terrified.

"Juudaime what's wrong-"

"Don't touch me." Even though his voice was silent… it sounded shaky. He abruptly stood up and ran out the classroom.

Yamamoto and Gokudera was about to follow but Reborn immediately stopped them.

"Don't bother." And with that the hitman soon followed, leaving behind confused students.

Gokudera clenched his fists "Tch."

Yamamoto's eyebrows furrowed, "I don't understand… why are we always so… useless?"

"It's because we're not good enough. We're never good enough!" Gokudera grumbled before giving his classmates, who were currently murmuring to one another, a glare.

Yamamoto bent down to pick up the fallen pen, "We need to do something about this…" he gripped the pen, "I want Tsuna to trust us again."

The storm guardian snorted, and made a determined face "You're not the only one, idiot."

Tsuna was leaning against the fence while fingering the sky ring. If he breaks this… will he finally disappear? He had a feeling that this time for sure… once the ring break again. He'll finally… finally be gone.

His grip got tighter… expecting it to break. But…

"You're going to fall herbivore…"

Tsuna stopped what he was doing and clutched the ring in his hand, "I really don't care…"

Suddenly the brunet felt a hand grab him and pull him off the fence.

"Don't make me repeat myself." Steely gray eyes flashed dangerously.


Hibari's eyes narrowed "Cut your bangs."


The skylark's eyebrow twitched, "I'll bite you to death…"

"Stop Hibari." The two turned to Reborn who had entered the roof top, "I don't think fighting him would be such a good idea."

"Akanbou." Hibari acknowledged.

"I have a feeling my student won't even bother fighting back." Reborn walked towards the brunet, "And I bet you don't like challenging people who won't even defend themselves… right?"

Hibari pursed his lips before grunting, "Whatever." And with that he left.

Reborn watched Hibari leave before turning to Tsuna, "Get some rest and stop looking so depressed."

"I'm tired of pretending…" the young boss murmured.

"You idiot…" Reborn hopped on his head and gave him a light flick on the forehead. "Since when were you the one who liked pretending?"


"You may have kept a lot of secrets Tsuna… but at least I know those smiles and laughs you shared with your family…" Reborn smirked, "…they were never forced… now were they?"

"And what if they were?" Tsuna suddenly spoke up, surprising Reborn.

"Then you seriously need a psychiatrist." Reborn hopped down and pointed at the door, "Now get to the nurse's office and rest. I won't take a 'no' as an answer."

"But…" Tsuna clutched his ring in his palm.

"Do it or else I'll be forced to knock you out." Reborn said firmly.

After a few seconds, the brunet reluctantly nodded and slowly left the rooftop. And once he was completely out of sight, the arcobaleno sighed and suddenly spoke, "Stop hiding you two."

Yamamoto and Gokudera came out from behind the door.

"You did well, hiding your presence." Reborn crossed his arms, "You've improved."

"I appreciate the compliment kid… but…" Yamamoto wasn't wearing his usual smile anymore.

"We… we want to know what we can do for Juudaime, Reborn-san." Gokudera said.

Reborn's expression didn't change and just merely looked away.

"You can't do anything with your current situation…" the hitman looked at the sky, "You'll never be able to do anything at all."

Gokudera clenched his fists "Reborn-san, I beg you!"

"Let us help Tsuna!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

The hitman suppressed a smirk, "Hm… sou?" He turned to them, "Fine then. I shall test your resolves. As well as the other guardians."


"I am going to give you a little test… and once you pass…" Dark onyx eyes each gave them a calculative look; "I'll reward you with a little travel to a certain place. And with this travel… you may understand Dame-Tsuna a bit better and probably help him."

The two exchanged looks. A challenge? They didn't hesitate as they both turned towards the Arcobaleno with pure determination.

We accept!

End of Chapter

Chapter 35

Easier said than done.

That phrase was very fitting for their current situation. They couldn't - or didn't want to - believe the challenge would be this hard.

Yamamoto, Gokudera and Ryohei sighed. It was lunch break and the three were currently by the rooftop. It was as if realization just smacked them on the face; they felt yet another surge of lost as they stared at the empty spot across from Ryohei. They couldn't stop thinking about the person who used to sit there; listening to them ramble about their day and laughing at their lame jokes.

"Never knew Tsuna was this stubborn." Yamamoto smiled uneasily.

"Tch." Gokudera looked away, as if trying to hide tears that were really streaming inside.

"The little guy's challenge sure is extreme!" Ryohei exclaimed.

Yamamoto lied down on the ground, "Maybe we need to come up with a plan?"

Gokudera clenched his fists before slamming them on the ground, "This is stupid!" Ridiculous, lame, useless, helpless, hopeless, insane… word after word streamed inside his head, screaming at him to burst out.

The sun guardian turned towards him, "Octopus head?" His voice was full of understanding and worry.

"In this kind of situation… we usually don't need to make a 'plan'!" Gokudera pointed out, slight anger lacing his words, "This kind of thing should be natural! I mean! Why do we need to make a plan for Juudaime to eat the food we should offer to him?"

Yamamoto frowned, "You got a point there… it shouldn't really be this hard."

"But it is EXTREMELY weird that this is the challenge the little guy gave us." Ryohei said, "I mean, why do we have to let Sawada eat the food we offer to him to succeed this challenge? Why not fight him instead..."

"Are you out of your mind?" Gokudera growled, "We all know Reborn-san is stronger than us! Our levels against each other consists of a huge gap!"

"But I think sempai's right." Yamamoto continued staring at the clouds passing by, "Why was this the challenge given to us?'"

Gokudera looked at them before sighing, "Who knows…"

There was a moment of silence when the ring of the bell suddenly disrupted it. They all stood up.

"Time to get to class. Let's just talk about this later."

The teacher walked in and took his place by his desk, "Okay everyone… I know this is a short notice… but it seems like we have a new transfer student."

Murmurs immediately erupted.

Tsuna looked up slightly with a frown. His dull eyes landed on the silhouette behind the door.

"Please come in… err… Dokuro-san."

Gokudera stood up, "W-what!"

Yamamoto whistled in surprise as the girl entered, now wearing the Namimori uniform. Tsuna looked away with his eyes shadowed.

"My name is Chrome Dokuro. It's nice to meet you all." The illusionist spoke quietly.

All guys blushed at the cute girl while the girls murmured how unique Chrome's hairstyle was.

"C-Chrome-chan! What are you doing here?"Kyoko stood up from her seat.

Chrome blushed lightly before turning to Tsuna shyly. The auburn haired girl immediately understood and gave her a look which was obviously saying'Good luck'.

Tsuna clenched his fists. He didn't understand…no… he couldn't understand. What's the meaning of this? What are they doing now? What are they trying to plan? Isn't this what they wanted? Didn't they want to distance themselves from him? Why are they doing this?

"Tsuna! This is turning out to be interesting neh?" Yamamoto whispered from behind him, however Tsuna merely ignored him as he stood up, catching the attention of all the people in the room.

"Sawada?" the teacher raised an eyebrow.

"I feel sick. Excuse me." And with that the young boss walked out the classroom… that is until…

"Boss!" a hand grabbed him, "P-please don't go."

All the students were shocked. The transfer student knew Dame-Tsuna?

"I came here… to be able to protect you more… t-to be able to get closer-"

Tsuna pulled his hand from her and glared, "Really now?" He frowned bitterly, making her flinch, "Or is it because of the challenge?" Chrome's eye widened "H-how…-"

"Tsuna?" Both Yamamoto and Gokudera stood up.

"Ju-Juudaime… you k-knew?"

All the students were clueless at what the four were talking about and they could only look at each other with confusion.

"Tsuna-kun…" Kyoko clenched her fists.

"I'm not stupid. I'm not the Tsuna you once knew." Tsuna added the last sentence quietly but Chrome heard it quite perfectly and she could only purse her lips. "Aren't you tired of this? Aren't you tired of chasing me around?"


"Well I am." Dull brown eyes flashed underneath his bangs, "And I really wish this would end."

"Tsuna you don't know what you're talking about-"

"I perfectly know what I'm talking about Yamamoto." Tsuna interrupted the other, "I perfectly know what situation I'm in as well. I'm not the type who thinks this is all a game after all." Yamamoto looked at Tsuna with shock and hurt; it was something he always thought Tsuna saw, but he took comfort in the fact knowing that Tsuna wouldn't hold it against him. And here he was, standing and doing nothing, taking the blow.

"It's painful isn't it? Reality that is…" Tsuna's eyes flickered, changing into the dark scarlet color and changing back as fast as it came, "Or is it because I was the one who said it?" he then turned to Gokudera, the bomber flinched under the cold stare directed at him, "And anyway, how about youGokudera-kun?" the way he said his name brought a shiver down his spine, "How long must you be stuck in your little idealism?" brown eyes stared right into his emerald ones, "Is it really okay on following a man like me? Pushing your purposes to live on me? Swearing your life just to protect no-good Tsuna?"

"O-of course!" Darn it! Why did he stutter? He smacked himself mentally.

"Then what if I die?" the way the brunet said those words made everyone freeze. He sounded so deadly serious… almost as if the young boss was really planning to kill himself. A few girls looked like they were ready to cry while some guys just looked terrified.

"Dying… isn't it amazing?" Chrome flinched as Tsuna turned to her, "Neh Chrome?"

"B-Boss…" her eye widened as she saw something… letting out a horrified gasp she covered her mouth, but she was soon distracted at what Tsuna said next, "With death… we can escape reality… we can escape all problems the humanity had bestowed upon us… with death… we don't need false hope… nor love. We don't need protection… we don't need those unnecessary duties or feelings… with death… we're in peace. Isn't that right?"

The illusionist merely gulped; feeling the awkwardness down her throat.

"I know you felt that once Chrome." Tsuna eyes were shadowed, so no one knew what the brunet's expression was, "You were once in the brink of death… and you felt relieved… relieved that you'll finally leave this cruel world."


"You also knew no one was going to miss you…"

"No…" Chrome trembled.

"You didn't have friends after all…"

"No…" the illusionist covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly; but it was no use, she could mysteriously hear and perfectly see the brunet in her mind.

"And as for your parents…-"


"Stop! Tsuna-kun!"

"!" The brunet seemed to have snapped out and looked at Kyoko who had approached Chrome and with arms stretched at the sides, she stood in front of her with a tough front.

"You're hurting her Tsuna-kun. Stop it!" Kyoko exclaimed; though her voice didn't wobble, her eyes were full of pain.

Wide caramel eyes slowly narrowed into a glare.

"Kyoko-chan…" Chrome held the other's arm, "I'm fine. Please step aside."

"But Chrome-chan…"

Chrome shook her head, "I'm not the one you should be worrying about…" she then looked at Tsuna, making Kyoko do the same. Yamamoto and Gokudera approached the two hesitantly.

"You guys okay-?"

"You've been wasting your lives." Then they turned towards Tsuna "You've wasted it by meeting me…"

"Juudaime, what are you saying-?"

"Don't listen to him… it's not him who's speaking." Chrome spoke.

"I-is Dame-Tsuna possessed or something?" a random student suddenly asked, but no one paid him any heed.

"What do you mean-"

"You could've lived a normal life." This seemed to have caught Chrome off guard as she looked at her boss in confusion "And yet here you are suffering…

"…all because of me…" Scarlet eyes suddenly appeared, surprising the four.

'H-His voice changed…' Kyoko thought, unable to process and catch on with everything that's happening.

"H-his eyes!"


The scarlet color in his eyes suddenly vanished, and before they knew it, the brunet immediately left.

There was a stunned silence, and all the students could only look at the four, ready to ask them questions.

Gokudera, Yamamoto, Chrome, Ryohei and Kyoko were now on their way home with a heavy silence. Then the bomber suddenly spoke.

"I can't believe this silly challenge would cause such a mess!" Gokudera grumbled.

"Maa, maa… calm down Gokudera." Yamamoto said, though he himself didn't sound calm at all. "I really don't see the link of our challenge to Tsuna's sudden… outburst."

"Did that really happen to the EXTREME?" Ryohei frowned, shaking his fist and head as if that would take away the memory of everything that happened earlier that day.

Kyoko nodded before turning to Chrome. The illusionist seemed to be in a deep thought, "Chrome-chan?"

Chrome stopped walking and looked up with determination, "We… we need to succeed the challenge! For Boss!"


"Why? I don't see the point to the EXTREME." Ryohei exclaimed as they all turned towards her.

"That's right. And… no matter what food we give Tsuna…" Amber eyes gazed sadly at the ground "He…"

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto catched up to the brunet who was walking ahead of him in the hallways.

Tsuna turns to him. "…"

"Yoh! Dad made me some extra sushi today… do you mind if we share?" the baseball star grinned.

Caramel eyes merely narrowed at him before walking away, "Yes. I do mind. Please stop bothering me."

Yamamoto looked at his friend in shock; and then he looked down at his trembling hands, clutching the sushi box tightly in his hand. His eyes shadowed; he blinked away the tears that had formed rapidly; but he was unable to take away the look of hurt masked on his face.

"Please accept this delicious cake I bought, Juudaime!" Gokudera bowed with the food placed in front of the young boss



"I hate sweets."

Emerald eyes widened and watched as the brunet look away, "Now leave…"

"Sawada! I got you some EXTREME burgers!" Ryohei slung his arm around the brunet's shoulders, but Tsuna merely shrug the offending arm and grabbed the burgers before throwing them to the ground.

"Leave me alone."

Ryohei looked down the ruined burgers with wide and angry eyes, his glare was soon directed to the tenth, "What's wrong with you? Why are you being an EXTREME brat? The Sawada I know isn't like this!"

"It's not his fault." Chrome softly said.

"What makes you say that to the EXTREME?" Ryohei grumbled, but there was no anger in his voice, just excessive frustration that was brimming to the top.

The illusionist then stared at the boxer, "Can you continue?"

"Continue what to the EXTREME?"

"What happened when Boss threw the food you gave him?"

Ryohei looked confused but continued, "Well… I… I asked what was EXTREMELY wrong with him and why he was being a brat. And after that I told him he wasn't the Sawada I once knew." The sun guardian furrowed his eyebrows as if remembering something troubling, "And then… after that… he… he started saying weird things… and the way looked at me… it was like he was in pain."

"Juudaime…? Was in pain?"

Ryohei nodded.

"What did he say onii-chan?" Kyoko asked.

The boxer crossed his arms "He said something like…"

"That's right! I'm not the Sawada you once knew! I'm someone else now! The way I think… the way I believe… the way I see life has all changed!" Brown eyes flashed, "They all change… all thanks to you and everyone else!"

"H-He said that?" Gokudera said in disbelief.

Yamamoto clenched his fists, "Why? Why is he blaming us? We didn't even do anything. Tsuna really has-"

"Stop." Chrome suddenly spoke up, "Boss… boss never changed. You're all just misunderstanding."

"You can only say that cause you don't have to see him throw away the food you offer him! It might just be food… but they were gifts! And he practically refused it! It was almost like refusing us in a way!" Gokudera burst.

"That's right to the EXTREME!"

"Listen to yourselves." Chrome clutched her bag, "Don't you see what you're doing? Can't you hear what you're saying? If boss was here… no doubt you'll be hurting him more."

"…" they then exchanged looks.

"We might not notice it… but we're actually repeating the mistake we swore to not repeat." The illusionist pointed out, "And the reason why Boss is acting like this… isn't really his fault."

"Why?" Kyoko asked.

"There's a dark aura surrounding the herbivore." They all turned to Hibari in shock.

The said prefect was leaning against a telephone wire with crossed arms.


"What do you mean dark aura?" Yamamoto asked.

"It's not an aura." Chrome muttered and shivered "It's a flame."

"What?" Gokudera's eyes widened.

"Boss is being manipulated by a black flame."

"This black flame sounds like bad news to the EXTREME." Ryohei nodded.

"It is." The illusionist turned to him, "Mukuro-sama told me about it. They can pollute hearts and damage one's mind. They're very dangerous."

"What made you say that Tsuna was being manipulated by this black flame?" the swordsman questioned.

"It's because I saw it… earlier…"

"Dying… isn't it amazing?" Chrome flinched as Tsuna turned to her, "Neh Chrome?"

"With death… we can escape reality… we can escape all problems the humanity had bestowed upon us… with death… we don't need false hope… nor love. We don't need protection… we don't need those unnecessary duties or feelings… with death… we're in peace. Isn't that right?"

Chrome clenched her fist, "We need… we need to destroy that flame! Before it's too late."

"What do you mean before it's too late? Is something gonna happened to Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko asked worriedly.

Chrome nodded with a dreadful look. Everyone was now looking at her in disbelief. For some reason… they knew what the illusionist meant… there's no consequence that's greater than…

"Once you possess the black flame, it will start manipulating you by giving you negative thoughts and memories. There's the voice that keeps talking to you. Giving you wrong conclusions and advices, thus misleading you into false idea… with this… anyone… I mean anyone… even with the strongest resolves will fall apart once they fall in the hands of the flame."

They all looked at the illusionist seriously.

"The black flame is a complete opposite of our own. It doesn't gain from resolve, it tears them apart…" Chrome then stared up at the dark sky.

"The person slowly breaks apart… almost like a withering flower… and we all know… once a flower starts withering..."

…it will die.

End of Chapter

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