Apologies/Waffles Gone Awry

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I'm going through a hard time family- wise, depression-wise, so my updating took longer on this story, and I was sick too, making me get fevers which is rare for my family bloodline even for me, that's how you know I'm very very sick is when I have fevers. A fucked up flaw in my family's genetics.
But I'm slowly getting better with the depression, I'm over being sick.
This story has over 100 reads, and I'm glad you guys love it.
More chapters are ahead.
But to warn you June 29th through July maybe July 10th I won't update because I'm going to travel to visit my grandmother. My mom and dad will drive since though I'm 25 I can't drive due to my dyslexia is so bad I can't and also my attention span is too short due to my autism to pay attention to the road. So my mom and dad drive me everywhere. Depending on my signal on the road trip from the southern part of the US to Kansas from my phone's carriers internet not being crappy I might update, depending on how the signal is on the road. This will be the last birthday I see my grandmother who I adore.
It all depends on the trip.
My grandmother was born a firecracker baby on July 4th.
I want to spend time with her because she is getting older and she may not be around forever neither will her husband.
We can only go to Kansas once, so we gotta make it count.

I just wanted to let you guys know.
My parents and siblings don't know I write on Wattpad which I like to keep that way until I keel over and die.
Afraid they will judge me for writing Erotic Stories of fictional characters  who are involved with my OC's.

Okay, next chapter up guys...

Also my sleep schedule is fucked up due to me being sick, so that's why I don't reply to comments until late in the day/night. It's easy to mess up my sleep schedule due to my autism and insomnia too.

Enjoy the chapter, and thanks for reading this story.

Music above is Rikku's Ringtone.

I packed up my things for to leave work, and clocked out, with Eric driving me home, and Godric sitting in the backseat.
Both of them say nothing, they both were calm and collected.

Fate has ways of curling up in your lap and giving new things to you in your life, like these two vampires who I now belong to.
I'm still kinda weary about having sex with them both.
Both of them taking turns.
Would it hurt?
I heard it hurts the first time.
My pulse raced from these things running through my mind.

I wanted to ask them something.
"Can vampires have babies?"

Eric looked at me and the road.
"No, we are practically dead.
We cannot have children."

"Really? Then how do you guys have families?"
I ask.

"Some couples adopt."
Godric comments behind me.

"You really are thinking alot about the future aren't you?"
Eric chuckled.

"Yeah I am. How could I not?"
I tell Eric and Godric.

"Even about us having sex?"
Eric asked.

I turn my gaze away looking down at my thighs in my blue skinny jeans I borrowed from Sookie.
"Y...yes. I'm afraid it will hurt."

"The first time always hurts, then it fades."
Godric says and I bite my bottom lip, unnerved by that.

"Are you deciding whether to let us have sex with you?"
Eric asked me pulling up into my driveway.

"Yeah, I'm deciding upon it."
I tell them.

"Think about it for awhile and let us know."
Godric kisses my cheek.
Eric placed his hand on my right thigh, putting the vehicle in park.

"Godric will escort you to your home, while I keep watch."
Eric says patting my thigh, and I step out of the vehicle, holding my Black Butler bag, and take my keys from my pocket, and walk up with Godric to my apartment.

I unlock my door, walking in, but Godric stood outside on the porch.
"I cannot come in. You must invite me in."
Godric says to me, seeing the confusion on my face.

"Come in."
Once I say that, Godric walked in, one sandal at a time, and looked around, noticing my home was overly neat and clean, everything in order, everything in certain places.

"You keep a good home."
Godric says noticing a wooden urn.
"Who is in the urn?"
Godric asked as I hang up my keys and plug in my phone.
Godric shuts the door behind him.

"My little dog of mine. Rainbow. She was a pug."
I tell Godric setting my bag on it's rack.

"I am sorry for your loss. How long has the dog been gone?"
Godric asked.

"Two years and a half."
I tell Godric.

I arrange things out of place on the kitchen counter, which I made that way rushing to work and Godric walks behind me, and hugs my back to his front, and I felt a lump on my tailbone, and knew he was hard.
"I must go, take care until the next night upon you."
Godric turns my head gently and claimed my lips, deepening the kiss, and licking around my mouth, our mouths moving against each other, making me putty before him, and I moan in his throat.
Godric pulls away from the kiss licking my lips.
With that said he disappeared before my eyes, and I knew he used his vampire speed to leave.

I place my fingers on my lips, feeling my pulse race.
"He sure knows how to kiss."
I mutter under my breath.

I get my bedding ready, once Godric left, putting it in order to sleep in, and I slip into the covers.
Once my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone going off, playing Inuyasha battle instrumental theme.
I groan, looking at my digital clock seeing it was only nine in the morning.
I reach for my phone answering it, and groggily say.

"Hey Rikku, how are you?"
Sookie asked me making me sit up.

"I'm good."
I had a feeling she was going to ask me to join her for breakfast, since she gets lonely after her Grams died.

"Wanna come over for waffles?"
Sookie asked and I smile at that.

"Sure, let me get ready and I'll walk over to your house."
I tell her.

"See you then."
Sookie says and hung up.

I hope she's not mad about me thinking I hate her and she read my mind. I really didn't mean it.
I thought to myself as I get up, making my bed neatly, and in order.

I yawn, as I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, and fix my shower to run on warm.
I spit out the paste and foam, rinsing my mouth out, the peppermint left behind in my mouth, of my Tom's organic toothpaste.
I strip down as I rinse my brush out, and set it in order in the case.
I set my clothes I borrowed into my basket, and step into the shower naked, and began scrubbing my hair and ran my fingers through it.
Scrubbing my skin under my hair with my nails, to get the dead skin off gently though.
I rinse my hair off well then wash my body well, even my core, and rinse off my body.
Turning off the water, I step out, and hear a knock at my front door.
"Who's that?"
I ask myself.

I dress and comb my hair quickly, and walk to the door, wearing a black shirt with the name of the band Nirvana on it, black and gray jeans, and black gothic boots, with long black socks on.
I answer the door, seeing a man, taller than me, maybe the height of Eric, standing at my door, with shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, and he had a trimmed beard with black mixed with gray in it.
He wore a white tank top which was snug on his chest and abdomen, showing his eight packed muscles, he wore a red and black flannel shirt, blue worn jeans with holes on the knees, and yellow work boots.
"Are you Rikku?"
The man asked.

"Yeah, why?"
I ask confused.

"I am a friend of Sookie's and Eric's. Sookie invited me for breakfast, and asked me to pick you up. She feels you shouldn't walk alone after the vampire attacking you. Oh, I'm Alcide."
He holds out his hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you."
I noticed his hands were as warm as Sam's, hotter than a normal person.

"Are you ready?"
Alcide asked.

"Almost, I gotta grab my Black Butler bag and my keys and phone. You can come in until I'm ready."
I tell Alcide as I get back to getting ready, walking to grab my keys, and Alcide walked into my home looking around.

I set my keys, phone, and the extra charger for my phone in my Black Butler bag, and I check over my home, making sure everything is tidy as it should be.
I walk up to Alcide who was looking at photos of me and Rainbow above her shrine.
"Dog lover?"
Alcide asked.

"Yes, I love all animals."
I tell Alcide who nods smiling at me.

"Follow me then. Sookie has a big breakfast this time, her cooking is always like home."
Alcide comments as I shut my apartment up and lock it.

"She's a better cook than me."
I honestly comment back to Alcide.
"But I do make a good green bean casserole and a fried potatoed dinner over the stove."
I tell Alcide as I follow him to his truck which had a contracting company name on it.

"I am a contractor, I build houses and stuff."
Alcide comments to my confused expression, as I hop in on the passenger side.

"Are you a vampire?"
I ask Alcide making him laugh.

"No I'm a werewolf. You know Sam is a shifter, we both naturally run hot. We like to keep our existence secret, so keep it secret."
Alcide says as he drove off, and I nod.

"So, how do you know Eric?"
Alcide asked and I look at him odd.
"I smelled him on you."

"Oh, I see. Well um...that's personal."
I tell Alcide nervously.

"Sorry I asked. I won't ask again, since you seem uncomfortable about it."
Alcide comments.

I look out the window feeling awkward about Alcide saying that, feeling awkward around him.
We never spoke anymore, not even when we arrived on Sookie's property.
I step out of the vehicle and walk up to Sookie's home, knocking on her door. Jason answered the door and pulled me into a hug.
"Sook knows you didn't mean what you said to her."

"Jason that Alcide and Rikku?"
Sookie asked as Jason tugged me inside.

Jason was like a second sibling to me, he treated me like one of his own family members, like he treats his sister Sookie, and there are some incidents he is protective of me.

Jason guides me to the kitchen when Sookie was setting up plates of waffles, hashbrowns and sausage, but mine didn't have sausage since I don't like pork products, because it has a weird taste I don't like.

Sookie set each plate down, and I usually sit by the fridge at the table.
I stutter out as Alcide sat down, so did Jason and I stood awkwardly by the fridge.

Sookie smiled at me.
"I know you didn't mean it. You were scared. I could tell you were more scared than angry."

"No hard feelings?"
I ask as I sat down.

"Nope, no hard feelings."
Sookie says motioning me to sit, as she sat.

I sat down and Jason handed me the syrup, which I poured over my hashbrowns and my one big waffle, homemade from a waffle iron.
I hand Sookie the syrup next, and dig into my food.
I reach for my glass of apple juice and when I do, the glass breaks in my hand from my super strength, making me blink in shock I lost control of my super strength, the apple juice spraying everyone.
The glass cut my hand, making me flinch and stand up, a few pieces were in my hand.
Sookie scrambled over to me.
"Jason get the first aid kit!"

Alcide was by her side in seconds looking my hand over.
"I can get the glass out."
Alcide says as my hand bled pretty good.

I exclaim as Jason came back with the first aid kit.

"First we pull out the glass."
Alcide dug into the first aid kit taking out tweezers.

I turn my head away scared, and my pulse racing. I felt like I was going to pass out.
"Breathe in and out slowly."
Sookie comforts me as I kept my eyes closed, whimpering and then I scream when Alcide began pulling the shards of glass out of my hand, tears gushing down my cheeks.

Blood drips into the sink, coating it in red, as Alcide pulled more shards, then tiny ones hard to get, which hurt like a bitch more than the others.
"I got em all, but he needs stitches."
Alcide said making me even more panicked.

I was getting lightheaded, about to pass out from my fear of him stitching me up with a needle.
I then once he threaded the needle, and started inserting it in my skin, I lost consciousness.


To be continued....

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