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Eujae jolts to a familiar ringtone that interrupts the quietness in his room. Half awake, he reaches above his head and searches for the thing that has been vibrating for a while. Upon taking hold of the phone, he peers at it through heavy eyes. He taps the green icon without looking at the text on top of the screen before placing it near his ear.

"Hello?" he mutters lazily.

A long pause comes from the other line. Just as he is about to check if he has made a mistake, a confused female voice resounds from the phone. "Eujae?"

The man takes a moment to blink his sleepiness and try to comprehend what's going on. It suddenly occurs to him that the sound earlier, while he had heard it before, was not his incoming call tone. He's not into Japanese music after all.

A quick glance at the phone confirms not only the identity of the person he's talking to but also the owner of the device. On the screen, flashing are the words 'twin sister'.

Eujae has no time to piece everything together when Tem asks again, "Why are you answering Poll's phone? Where is he?"

Right on cue, a rustle next to him on the bed makes him aware of the form that's clinging to his bare chest. He also realizes that he has a hard time moving his other arm because it has been used as a pillow.

Bit by bit, the memories of the intimate time he shared with his lover a few hours ago come back to Eujae and make him smile. He kisses Poll's hair, lingering there for a moment to indulge in its aroma. It is amazing how he can pick up a scent that is significantly so Apollo, despite the male twin using Eujae's shampoo.

As much as he wants to keep regaling himself with the reminiscence of their first lovemaking, Eujae remembers that the conversation with his boyfriend's sister is still in progress. Clearing his throat, he returns his attention to the phone and answers, "He's still asleep."

"Asleep? It's past noon. Nick called last night to tell us that Poll was drunk, but I didn't think it was that terrible that he would be out until this time and make you both absent today," Tem says, a hint of concern layering her voice.

The man is just about to answer when his boyfriend chooses that time to snuggle closer. Still in deep slumber, the male twin drones, "It's cold."

Eujae moves his numb arm, careful not to stir Poll up, and pulls the blanket to cover his little lover's exposed back.

"Wait, is that Poll? I thought he was still asleep."

Glancing at the head resting against his shoulder, Eujae replies, "He is. Just sleep talking."

The outside noises from the busy neighborhood become prominent as another brief silence passes between Eujae and Tem.

"Beside you," the young woman presumes, and Eujae can almost see his friend narrowing her eyes, judging by the sudden sternness in her words.

"Yeah," he answers tentatively.

"In your bed."

At this point, Eujae has figured out that it's best to bite his tongue.

"What were you two doing that caused you to stay in bed this late and miss your classes today?" Tem presses, coming off like their strict old female professor.

Yet, Eujae is not a fool to fail to know what the female Torres twin is trying to pry out of him. He makes a lopsided grin as he imagines Tem glaring at him. "Are you sure you want to hear the answer to that question?"

A faint boyish chuckle from the other line tells Eujae that Tem is with her boyfriend at the moment. In contrast to Cloud's reaction, the young woman lets out an unimpressed sigh. "Anyway, I'm just calling to inform you that Mom wants you both to join us for dinner later."

Eujae tenses, his hold tightening around the phone and his tone sobering as he asks, "Do you think she already knows?"

"I'm not sure either, but considering what Nick said about Poll wanting to see you last night, it's only natural that Mom will start to suspect something about you two. But I know Mom's been aware of my brother's obsession with you since a long time ago, what with that kid always bringing you up in a conversation even when you, guys, still hated each other."

The emphasis on the word 'hated' doesn't escape Eujae, and the recollection of the years when he and the male Torres twin were still at each other's throats brings a faint smirk to his lips. That period of bitterness feels like a distant memory now.

Eujae regards the sleeping man beside him with a loving gaze. If their past selves knew that they would someday fall head over heels for each other, they might have thought that the whole world was about to be doomed, as that was the same thing as the sun rising in the west.

"Either way," Tem continues, snapping Eujae out of his daydreaming, "Even if she still has no idea, I think it's a good chance for you and Poll to tell her the truth. You've been planning to come out to our parents anyway, isn't that right?"

While staring at the ceiling, Eujae absentmindedly brushes his fingers against his boyfriend's soft hair. "Yes, thank you for informing us, Tem. I'll let Apollo know once he's awake, and we'll make sure to be there for the dinner later."

"Of course. No problem." Tem pauses for a second before she adds, "But one more thing."

Eujae gives the phone a sidelong glance and waits for his friend's next words.

"Well, never mind. You're a responsible man, Eujae, so I'll just trust that you'll always do the right thing with Poll and that you'll take care of him very well. I'll see you both later," Tem says with finality before she hangs up.

Dismissing the young woman's awkward show of protectiveness toward her twin brother, Eujae looks at Poll's phone and learns that it's indeed almost one o'clock in the afternoon. He slowly sits up, deciding that another meal has been overdue. They had their breakfast too early, and Poll will surely feel hungry as soon as he wakes up.

When the male twin lets out a small whine after being separated from his boyfriend's warmth, Eujae gives him a soft kiss on the lips. "I'm just going to cook our lunch, baby."

The taller man snickers as he observes the furrow in his lover's brows disappear. It seems like even in his sleep, the sound of food can still easily appease Apollo.

Eujae gets off the bed to put on his clothes. After also getting his boyfriend into a shirt and pants and making sure Poll won't feel colder, he exits the bedroom and goes straight to the kitchen to prepare their food.

Once he's almost done with the cooking and is just letting the fish and vegetable stew simmer, he senses a presence approaching behind him. There is no chance for him to react when a pair of arms circles around his waist. He catches a whiff of one of his favorite scents at the same time as something presses on the back of his shoulder.

With a grin, Eujae releases himself from the hold so he can turn around.

"Hey, there, how are you feeling?" he greets, embracing his smaller boyfriend.

Returning his arms around Eujae's middle, Poll mumbles, "I'm hungry. And my..." A rosy tint blooms across his cheeks as he falters. "It kinda feels sore. I wanna shower again."

"Alright, then you can take a shower first, and we can eat after that." Unable to resist the endearing behavior of his lover, Eujae places a kiss on Poll's forehead. His smile widens as an idea pops into his mind. "If you want, I can also go with you to the bathroom and lend you a hand in washing your back."

"You sound like an old pervert," the male twin comments with a pout. However, despite his remark, he ends up amusing Eujae when he hides his face against the taller man's neck and murmurs as if as an afterthought, "But if you insist, you can help with soaping my back 'cause it might be hard for me to reach it."

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