Intoxicated (1)

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Eujae narrows his eyes at their other art student friend, who is currently standing on his porch at seven o'clock in the evening and assisting Apollo to stand properly.

A drunk Apollo.

A semiconscious and drunk Apollo.

"I swear I tried to watch over him!" Nick explains, his wide eyes appearing as desperate as his voice sounds, "I didn't even think he was going to end up this smashed because he was not drinking that much at first. But, at some point, while we were talking with our classmates, he just... started chugging down an awful amount of beer, and I couldn't stop him!"

When he received a text from his boyfriend a few hours ago, informing him that they might not be able to meet after school because the male twin would be out with Nick and their other classmates to a KTV bar, Eujae didn't already ask a lot of questions about it. He just replied with a simple, 'Sure. Have fun. Don't get yourself too drunk if you guys ever decide to have a drink, okay? Call me if something comes up. I love you.'

Even without the reminder, Eujae trusted that Poll would not let himself be wasted with alcohol. His boyfriend was never big on booze after all; he would rather feast on desserts than lush up. And the knowledge that Nick was with Poll put Eujae a bit more at ease about the idea of letting him go out with other people.

Yet here he is, with his head drooping, an arm around their friend's shoulder, and legs limping, making him unable to walk straight.

Witnessing Poll's current appearance, Eujae can't decide whether to be miffed or worried. With an exasperated sigh, he steps closer to the two.

The instant he gets a better look at his boyfriend's face, his affection for him prevails. He brushes his fingers against the male twin's hair and softly calls his name.

At his touch, Poll stirs and raises his head. He flutters his drowsy eyes, directing them at his boyfriend for a brief moment, before his face breaks into a goofy grin.

"Ah, it's Eujae!" Prying himself from Nick, Poll wobbles toward his taller boyfriend to embrace him and nuzzle his head against his shoulder. "It's Eujae."

Eujae instinctively wraps his arms around the smaller man's waist to support him. A scowl crosses his face as the strong smell of alcohol assaults his nose. He should have expected this, but he still can't help but feel upset about being barely able to catch a whiff of the usual candy and citrus from his boyfriend.

"Why did you get yourself this drunk, Apollo, just when I told you not to?" he asks, his voice a cross between concern and frustration.

Needless to say, he receives no proper answer from the intoxicated person. The male twin leans his face away only to stare at Eujae with glazed eyes and a wide smile. "You're so handsome, and you smell so nice."

"And you reek of alcohol," Eujae grunts before turning back to Nick. "Are Tem and Auntie Amy aware that he's drunk right now and you brought him here?"

"I haven't told them. I will, later. Look, Eujae, it's not like I wanted to bring him here and trouble you—"

"And it's not like I said that him being here is a bother. I'm more troubled seeing him this drunk than the fact that you brought him to me."

Nick raises his hands like a silent declaration that he's not here to argue. "Yes, of course. Sorry for wording it wrong. So what I was trying to say is that I initially planned on bringing him to their house but..."

Nick falters as Poll starts to tug on the sleeve of his boyfriend's shirt, oblivious to the ongoing conversation between the other two men. "I want kisses. Not Hershey's kisses. I like them too, but I don't know a Hershey, and I like Eujae's kisses a lot more," he says with a giggle. He cranes his neck and puckers his lips, as if urging his boyfriend to give him what he wants.

Another helpless sigh leaves Eujae's lips. Despite his dissatisfaction with how things are turning out this evening, he figures there's no harm in humoring his boyfriend's innocent, albeit drunken, request. He leans in to peck Poll's mouth and then murmurs, "What am I going to do with you?"

All he gets as a response is a simper before the smaller man returns to rubbing his face against his shoulder.

Nick clears his throat, reminding Eujae of his presence. He remains quiet for another couple of minutes, and as he must have ascertained that he's good to talk again, he says, "So yeah, he kept calling out your name while we were on the way, and I thought he wanted to see you. That's why I decided to bring him here."

No longer in the mood to interrogate their friend, Eujae nods and expresses his gratitude.

Nick bids his goodbye then, and as soon as he walks out of the front yard, Eujae gives all his attention to the man nestling in his arms.

"Let's get you cleaned, okay?" Eujae tells him in a gentle tone, unable to stay disappointed with his boyfriend for too long.

Without bothering to move, Poll answers, "I'm not dirty."

"No, you're not, baby." Eujae places a kiss on Poll's temple. "But you'd feel fresher and be able to sleep better once you wiped up and changed your clothes."

There is no reaction from the male twin. He stays motionless and tongue-tied, his head sheltered against the other man's neck.

Just as Eujae assumes that his Apollo has conked out, the latter shifts and clamps the back of his boyfriend's top.


The change in Poll's tone as he utters the name doesn't escape Eujae. There's no giddiness in his boyfriend's voice anymore. In fact, he sounds anxious.

"I'm here, baby," Eujae whispers against Poll's head.

"Why don't you do it with me?" Before Eujae has the chance to ask him what his boyfriend means, the male twin adds, "Even though my classmates said they did it with girlfriends after a few days of dating."

Eujae tenses, catching his boyfriend's drift. But in the hope that he interpreted it incorrectly, he asks, "What are you talking about, Apollo?"

"Sex!" At last, Poll reveals his expression again. He peers at his boyfriend without removing his arms around the taller man. Along with the creases in between his brows, his face is flushed, and his lower lip is jutting out.

Apollo's answer knocks the other man down with a feather. Eyes widening, it suddenly occurs to Eujae that they are still out on his porch, where some neighbors can espy them snuggling in the open. He rakes their surroundings with a nervous gaze. As he confirms that no one's close enough to have heard his boyfriend's outburst, Eujae lets out a breath of relief.

He manages to bring Poll to the foyer and close the door behind them, despite the smaller man being uncooperative and refusing to disentangle himself from him.

"Why don't you wanna have sex with me, Eujae?" Poll asks once more, staring up at his boyfriend with a pout.

Not wanting to discuss the subject this way, not when his boyfriend is a long way from having a clear head, Eujae tries to dodge Poll's question by inquiring back, "Is that why you got yourself this drunk, Apollo?"

"Don't call me Apollo."

"What are you saying? I've been calling you that—"

"No!" The male twin presses his face back on Eujae's neck and hugs his boyfriend tighter before he mumbles, "Keep calling me baby."

This shouldn't be the right time to be amused, Eujae reminds himself, but it is too late to stop his lips from curving up.

"Alright, okay, baby. If you can let go of me for a second so I can properly take care of you."

The deep frown and unhappy pout return to Poll's face as he looks up again. "What? You don't wanna hug me too? You don't have sex with me and you don't wanna hug me."

"That's not it." Eujae cups his boyfriend's cheeks with both hands and grazes his thumb under Poll's left eye. "Just let me take care of you, okay?"

He swallows hard as he keeps his gaze on Poll's flustered face. A hot, titillating sensation trails across his collar and travels down his stomach.

"Even though in yaoi manga I read, they did it after they said I like you," the male twin garbles, unaware of the other man's dilemma, and begins drawing invisible spirals on his boyfriend's upper arm.

Upon hearing the statement, Eujae groans internally. He doesn't even want to ask what in the world those manga are or why his innocent little boyfriend has been reading them.

Tired of the aimless exchange, he releases himself from Poll's hold, careful not to upset his drunk boyfriend further. He doesn't waste any more seconds as he gathers the smaller man in his arms, carrying him bridal style.

Poll's unfocused brown eyes stretch with wonder, his mouth forming a soundless 'oh'.

How can you still act cute while trying to drive me crazy?

Hooking his hands on Eujae's nape, Poll asks innocently, "Where... we gonna go?"

"I'm putting you to bed," Eujae replies in a deadpan.

"Bed..." Poll makes an expression that's akin to pensive. "We're gonna do it?"

Eujae's lips twitch, his jaw tightens. In between gritted teeth, he says, "No."

"No?" The thoughtful expression slips off the smaller man's face, only to be replaced by a sullen look. "You don't wanna fuck me?"

It takes a great deal of Eujae's composure not to drop Poll on the floor. Fortunately for both of them, the years of dealing with this little fireball have trained him enough to acquire a high level of self-control.

Deciding that it's safest not to answer a befuddled person's questions anymore, Eujae silently walks to his room.

After a couple of minutes of resistance and whining from a certain feisty twin, Eujae succeeds in getting him into a fresh set of clothes and tucking him into bed.

"Are you mad at me?" Poll then asks, his head peeking over the blanket, while Eujae sits on the edge of the bed.

A tender smile shapes up on the taller man's lips as he reaches for his boyfriend's forehead to brush the hair off his eyes. "No, of course not."

"Then why don't you wanna do it with me?"

While it seems like he's not over the subject yet, Eujae is relieved to note that Poll has become calmer now.

Leaning in, he places a kiss on Poll's brow. "I'm not doing anything to a drunk person. Now have some rest, alright?"

"I'm not drunk."

"That's what drunk people always say. Go to sleep, okay?"

The subtle ticking of Eujae's wristwatch comes off loud amidst the silence. Curious, dark brown eyes stare up at him.

A minute passes by, until Poll mutters, "So you're not gonna do it 'cause I'm drunk. Then you're gonna do it when I'm not?"

"Go to sleep, Apollo," Eujae repeats, briefly kissing his boyfriend's lips, "We can talk all about it tomorrow when you're sober, okay?"

After another pause, Apollo finally nods and closes his eyes. "Okay. Good night."

He's out for the count in a matter of seconds, his breathing calm, his sleeping face peaceful as though he didn't just disrupt his boyfriend's sanity a while ago.

Once he ensures that Poll is deep in dreamland, Eujae presses their foreheads together and, for the umpteenth time, heaves a sigh. "Seriously, stop making it hard for me to hold myself back, Apollo."

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