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"Are you sweethearts here for your honeymoon?"

Eujae lets out a soft chuckle, giving the beautiful older couple in front of them a cheeky look. He throws a glance to his side and takes note of the blush that lays stress on the cuteness of his lover.

Because of the question, Apollo has stopped sipping on his chocolate milkshake, only to cast his wide, incredulous eyes at the woman.

Before traveling here in this town, Eujae had already assured Poll that there was nothing to be nervous about this lunch date, since his parents were updated about their relationship by now. And that, in fact, the Castillo couple had been happy about it.

Yet, as he remembers how he felt when they talked to Poll's mother as lovers for the first time, Eujae understands it may not also be easy for his boyfriend to keep his worries down despite the older Castillo woman being casual with her inquiries.

"We're here to meet you," the male twin begins in an anxious tone, the redness of his cheeks becoming more prominent, "Because we want to tell you officially and in person about... about me and Eujae. We're sorry we could not visit you sooner because we only get enough breaks from school this weekend. And, uhm, can I call you Auntie Elaine and Uncle Neil?"

The woman clasps her hands excitedly, ever carrying the energy of a theater actress, while her husband peers through his cup of glass, his eyes glinting with something akin to fascination.

Elaine Castillo beams. "I said this the last time we got the chance to briefly talk, but you're really such a darling. We were hoping our Eujae could bring you home last holidays, but it was a shame our schedules didn't match. So I'm just happy to meet you again now. And of course, honey, you can even call us Ma and Pa since you're part of the family now."

"I–I'll call you Auntie and Uncle for now," Poll says in a small voice and lowers his head to resume drinking his milkshake and eating fries, no doubt to hide his bashful expression.

Eujae grins as he focuses on the last two words of his adorable lover's statement. For now.

He reaches to hold Poll's face, drawing the male twin's attention to him. With a loving stare, he rubs his thumb against the smaller man's left cheek, as if to wipe off the rosy tint off his skin. Eujae does not take his eyes away from Poll, even when he addresses his mother. "Look at how you made my baby blush, Ma. This cute little bean can get shy really fast, so be careful you don't dazzle him. Although, I find this part of him one of his loveliest charms too."

The male twin makes a subtle pout and scowl, and Eujae figures it is to quietly share his disagreement. Apollo turns his head away, leaving his taller boyfriend's touch, and goes back to feigning interest in the food.

If they were not in front of his parents, Eujae imagines Poll would have buried his flush face against his chest or neck by now. Still smiling, he gives an affectionate pat on the side of his lover's head.

He picks up a piece of spicy beef empanada and places it on the smaller man's plate. "You should try this. It's good."

Poll mumbles a thank you and takes a bite of the meat-stuffed turnover.

"Honey, you're the one who's dazzling him and making him even redder with your sweet nothings."

"It seems like our youngling has really grown, Elaine," Neil says, the corner of his mouth quirking up, a hint of laughter lacing his words, "And he's learned to become a certified smooth talker."

Mirroring the older Castillo man's expression, Eujae smirks. Never let it be said he didn't get this part from his father. Even though people often say he looks a lot more like his mother.

"I wonder whom I learned it from, Pa. Flattery, I mean," Eujae answers good-naturedly and then takes a sip of his unsweetened milk tea. As he places the glass back on the table, he adds, "Although I have to say I only flatter the people I really like, and I mean every little sweet thing I say to them." From the corner of his eyes, he glimpses Poll staring at him. Eujae looks at the male twin and winks, a small snicker fleeing his mouth when his cute boyfriend quickly averts his gaze.

"Well, you're still a Little Chick for me and your Ma."

The male twin perks up and aims his round, bright eyes in Neil's direction since the moniker seems to have piqued his interest. "Little Chick?" he asks, his raspy voice holding its natural innocence while maintaining its politeness.

Before either of the Castillo men can open their mouths, Elaine beats them into answering, "Because he's a young eagle, a fledgling, so his father nicknamed him Little Chick."

Poll shifts his gaze to Eujae. The uncertainty has disappeared from his expression, only to be replaced by the twinkle in his brown eyes, as if he had not been apprehensive a while ago. "Little Chick," he repeats, delight dripping from his tone.

"Just eat your food, baby. What else do you want? The stuffed peppers are good too," Eujae says with a chuckle. Despite not being keen to linger on the subject, it relieves him to see that the mention of it helps make his lover relax a bit.

The two pairs of couples continue to eat their meal while talking about work and school. After a while, Elaine brings up a new subject in the conversation.

"By the way, your summer vacation will start in over a month, so I wonder if you boys would be interested in engaging in some theater activities. I'd say it's a help, but of course, we'll be compensating you." The woman regards the male Torres twin and, with her ever so cheerful tone, she says, "I heard from Eujae that you're very good at painting, Poll."

The young painter in question pauses from munching his food. His hand with the stuffed pepper stops just an inch away from his mouth. He puts the unbitten piece back on his plate, glances at Eujae quizzically, and then turns back to Elaine. "I'm... I'm alright, I guess. It's what I've been studying, after all."

"Would you be interested in seeing Eujae appear in one of our plays?" Elaine then asks out of the blue.

Intrigue spreads across Poll's face. His eyes widen while he slightly leans his head forward. "He's gonna be one of the characters? Can he act?"

"Yes, honey. Just a side character, though. And yes, I wouldn't have considered him if he's not at least decent in acting, even if he's my son."

"It's not musical play, right?"

"No, honey." The woman shakes her head. "We can't have this boy be in a musical play, no matter how handsome and decent in acting he is."

"He's terrible at singing," Poll points out like it's the most obvious fact in the entire universe, not caring if the subject of their exchange is at the table with them, listening.

Elaine calmly nods in agreement. "He inherited it from his father."

Their statements earn a simultaneous chuckle from their respective partners.

Eujae gently pinches his boyfriend's cheek. "Sounds like this cute little bean is having too much fun attacking my singing."

On the other hand, Neil says cooly, "Never mind that. At least, we're handsome."

"Anyway, what I've been trying to say is, if you want to see Eujae star in one of our plays, you can also spend some of your time with us during your summer break. It's only going to be two weeks because we want you to do and enjoy other things during that period too. And while you're at it, I've got a project you might be interested in."

Poll quietly stares at the older woman, but the anticipation floating above his head is apparent.

Elaine must have taken the male twin's silence as her cue to lay down her offer. With a warm smile, she says, "Eujae told me you love to paint landscapes, so would you like to take part in painting a few scenic backdrops? Of course, just like what I said, we're going to pay you for it. I've already gotten Lia to help with it too."

For a moment, Poll does not say anything. Eujae observes as his boyfriend knits his brows contemplatively.

"Maybe it's good to try something new during that time. I think we're gonna learn something while having fun." Poll turns to Eujae, puppy-eyed, and the latter immediately understands that his lover must be seeking his approval.

The cuteness of Poll stirs something inside his taller boyfriend. As much as he relishes this moment he's finally spending with his parents, there is also a part of Eujae that can't wait for him and Poll to be alone again, so he can shower his baby with all the kisses he deserves.

For now, he contents himself by gazing at him fondly. Eujae promises himself that he is going to make a lot of love with Poll in their hotel later tonight in order to make up for the recent days they had been too busy with university stuff and there was not even enough time for them to cuddle.

Ruffling Poll's hair, Eujae says, "Of course, baby. It's still a month away, so we can also ask the others if they want to join us by then."

Poll lights up, his mouth forming into a happy grin.

Eujae curbs the temptation to bite those delectable lips as he turns to his mother instead. "It's fine for us to bring our other friends, Ma? They may be able to help in other areas too."

"That would be much preferred, honey. The more, the merrier," Elaine answers in a melodic tone, flashing her son a glowing smile.


AN: I'm gonna post another chapter for this book or a one-shot story for my anthology book (or both, who knows) next month before I publish the prologue of my new bxb novel entitled "Calathea" on April 29. Hope you can support me by then too. :)

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