Tea Flavors

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The view of his boyfriend, who is leaning his head against the edge of the cushion seat while slumping on the floor, greets Poll as soon as he steps out of the bathroom after finishing his shower.

Rubbing his closed eyes, Eujae fails to notice his lover.

Poll catches sight of the laptop on the coffee table; its lid has been drawn, indicating that Eujae is done with his work for tonight. The male twin studies the tired appearance of his boyfriend before he turns on his heels and walks to the kitchen.

He approaches the counter and plugs in the electric kettle. While waiting for the water to boil, Poll takes out a box of tea sachets from the grocery bag he brought with him earlier.

A quick beep from the kettle tells him it is ready. He pours the boiling water into a cup with a tea pouch, watches as the reddish brown color infuses in the liquid.

Poll returns to the living room with the steaming cup of tea in his hands, catching a whiff of its woody fragrance.

"You should have this before going to bed," he says, placing the drink on the coffee table.

With his head still resting on the couch seat, Eujae cracks open an eye. His gaze falls on the hot drink. He sits up straight and sends an appreciative smile to his boyfriend before bringing the rim of the cup to his lips.

A quizzical brow shoots up. Eujae stares at the drink after a sip, and then he looks back at Poll with curious eyes.

"Ginseng?" Eujae asks, a subtle hint of amusement seeping into his tone.

Poll nods despite his confusion at his boyfriend's reaction. "I read somewhere that hot tea can help make you relax. I always just drink hot chocolate or eat something sweet when I wanna relax, but you don't like sweets, so I thought I'd just buy that for you. They said it can also improve sleep, so it works for you since you're a light sleeper, right? You need to have good rest 'cause you've been working hard."

"Uh-huh, but why did you choose this flavor among others?"

The faint smirk on his taller lover's lips doesn't escape Poll even when Eujae covers up the expression by taking another sip of the tea. The male twin picks out the glint in his boyfriend's colored eyes as the man peers at him over the cup.

Puzzled, Poll crinkles his forehead. "Because I thought ginseng is spicy compared to other flavors, and you like spicy. I don't know if that's right though, because I never tried it myself." He pauses and bites his bottom lip. With the lingering uncertainty, he averts his eyes and studies the floor for a brief second before returning his gaze to his boyfriend. "Am I wrong? You don't like the taste?"

Eujae lowers the cup to the coffee table. The ambiguous smirk on his lips has been replaced by an adoring smile.

"Come here, Apollo," he instructs gently.

The male twin hesitates for a moment, suspicion sneaking inside his head. He cautiously inches toward Eujae. He stops, keeping a foot of distance in between them, and sits on the floor with his legs tucked under.

Eujae snickers and shakes his head. He spreads an arm to the side, creating an opening if front of him as though in a welcoming gesture. "What are you doing, baby? Come here."

Poll pouts, but doesn't rebel for too long as he moves to his lover. He plants himself in between Eujae's legs and nuzzles his face against the taller man's chest.

In response, Eujae wraps his arms around the male twin's middle, hoisting him up a little and adjusting their position, so Poll is now straddling his waist.

Poll snuggles closer, relishing in his boyfriend's cool scent.

"So you brought me tea to help me relax and sleep better, huh?" Eujae whispers in Poll's ears, his warm breath sending hot, pleasant tingles to his smaller lover's cheeks. "Then shouldn't you have gotten me chamomile tea instead of ginseng?"

Poll draws his face away and peeks at Eujae with an innocent look. "Eh? I don't know about that. I'm not familiar with different kinds of tea because I only drink cold tea sometimes and I prefer chocolate or mocha over hot teas. But aren't they all the same tea that can make you relax or help you sleep?"

There is no immediate answer to his question as Eujae instead brushes his mouth against Poll's neck. The male twin spontaneously shuts his eyes and tilts his head to the side, feeling his lover's tongue against his skin. His hand finds the front of Eujae's shirt, gripping, as a soft moan escapes his throat.

Just as Poll begins to drown in the pleasure, his boyfriend's fervent kisses disappear from his neck. He peers through half-lidded eyes, a sense of disappointed getting to him. Before he could figure out why Eujae stopped, his said lover's mouth crashes down on his.

Eujae gives the male twin a long, deep kiss before he leans just a hairbreadth away from Poll's face. With their foreheads still touching, Eujae breathes against his smaller boyfriend's lips. "Chamomile or lavender is best for good sleep, while ginseng... Do you know one benefit that it's known for?" He pauses, as if to give Poll the time to understand the answer to his own question. "It improves sexual drive..."

Poll's eyes fly wide open. The male twin has no chance to comment about the information that his boyfriend has told him when Eujae's mouth finds its way back to his ear.

"Apollo," Eujae whispers in a low, seductive voice, causing Poll's lower body to respond to the obvious enticement. The taller man slips his hand under the side of his lover's pajama pants, fingers caressing Poll's waist up to his ribs before they stop near his chest.

Poll twitches and inhales sharply when Eujae thumbs his nipple, gently rubbing it around, and gnaws his ear. With his breathing becoming deep, the male twin lets his head fall in the crook of his lover's neck. He presses his lips on Eujae's shoulder, his body trembling in the man's sensual embrace.

"Are you sure you were not just trying to make me horny by making me drink it?"

"I... I really didn't know that, and y-you're the one seducing me, right now," Poll whimpers against Eujae's neck. He purses his quivering lips as he feels like crying, torn between the desire for Eujae to touch him more and the urge to stop his boyfriend from going any further.

His stomach curls as his lover's other hand glides up and down his inner thigh.

If he just moves his palm higher, Eujae will already be touching the stiffness in Poll's pants. Yet, it is as if he intentionally avoids that certain area, and it's only making the male twin crave for the contact.

"Not that it matters." Eujae continues grazing his lips and tongue on the side of Poll's face. "I don't really need any more stimulants. You're enough to drive me crazy with lust, Apollo."

Gaining the strength to raise his head, Poll says in an unsteady voice, "But I told you we can't have sex tonight, Eujae." Despite his words, there is an underlying desperation in his tone, as if he's asking to be proven wrong.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm not going to put it in. I don't want to cause a strain on your body and make you too tired for tomorrow's classes either." Eujae pecks Poll's mouth. "But that doesn't mean we can't do anything else, right?"

The male twin gasps once Eujae finally pets him in between his legs. He clutches the fabric of his boyfriend's collar tighter, his arms turning into jelly.

"I'm sure it can benefit us with even better sleep if we can at least get this one out," Eujae reasons as he keeps stroking his smaller boyfriend's clothed arousal. He kisses Poll's forehead before asking in a loving voice, "So, can we?"

Letting a short, sultry hum, Poll hides his face and encircles his arms around Eujae's neck. He knows that even with the little voice arguing in his head, there is no way he and his boyfriend can stop now. "That's unfair... asking me like this... B-but I also want to, Eu-Eujae."

To be continued...


AN: I'm gonna be back on February 27 (my birthday) with the continuation, lol. Advance Happy Valentines, everyone! Whether you have any plans with a significant other, your family, or friends, I wish everyone to have a great time on that day. ^^ Even if you don't have anyone to spend it with, date yourself and treat yourself with good things. You also deserve to enjoy then because you too are very special.

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