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It seemed as though Alex's nerves over dress shopping had literally worried her sick. Not only was her body completely drained from their emotional day the day before, but also because she was certain she was coming down with the flu. Her bones were cold and her muscles achey. The poor thing hadn't even slept the night prior because she had been that uncomfortable. Alex had even moved to the couch in the middle of the night out of fear that she'd disturb Piper's sleep from all her tossing and turning.

When Piper finally opened her eyes as her alarm went off, she turned over to find Alex not in bed beside her. That alone was alarming, due to the fact that Alex was not an early riser. Hell, if they had plans, Piper always had to wake her up multiple times and practically drag her out of bed. She should've been met with her wife's sleeping face, which she'd stare at for a few moments, gently sweeping the stray hairs away from her eyes, but instead the sheets were empty. It was her routine. She always planted a final kiss on Alex's peaceful lips before starting her day.

The blonde sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from her eyes, before glancing around the room. She was starting to worry. "Al?" She called out, as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, throwing the blanket and sheet off of her. Her voice cracked as she called for her, not even fully awake. "Alex? Babe, where are you?"

It didn't take long for Piper to figure out where her wife was, as she heard gagging coming from the bathroom. "Oh, baby." Piper said softly, slipping her feet into her burgundy slippers by the end of the bed, and heading towards the sound.

"I'm fine, pipes." Alex barely made out, embarrassed that she was seeing her this way. She wiped her mouth with a piece of toilet paper as she entered the bathroom. Alex was nearly laying on the bathroom floor, an arm wrapped around the toilet bowl. "Go back to bed. I'll be okay."

"I was getting up for work anyway." Piper reassured her, grabbing an elastic from their organizer on the counter. "It's okay, baby." she continued. Alex whimpered as Piper pulled her long black strands of hair into a messy bun, sweeping away the wispy pieces that hung down in her eyes. How Piper could be so close to her while she was so disgusting was beyond her.

"Go get ready, i'm fine." Alex said, before clutching the toilet bowl once again. Piper dropped to her knees beside her, and smoothed her hand up and down her back. "I'm not going anywhere." she shook her head, gingerly smoothing back Alex's hair, and placing a hand on her wife's forehead.

"You're burning up, Al." Piper said, her body perking up immediately. There was a sudden urgency in her voice, as if she were caring for a sick child and not a grown woman. She gave Alex a second to make sure she was finished, before helping her up off of the floor.

The woman groaned but allowed her wife to lead her back to bed. "Pipes, i'm seriously okay. It's fine." she said bluntly, folding her arms across her chest like a bratty child. She watched as Piper began to make their bed, hurrying to get everything situated for her.

"I'm not going to work today." the blonde stated, as she pulled the comforter up to the top of the mattress, then pulled the corner back down to make room for Alex. She fluffed and stacked two pillows, and smacked her hand on top. "Lay down, baby. Let me go get you some water, and some medicine."

Alex chuckled. "Piper, i'm a grown woman. I'm going to bed fine." she said, wincing as she sat down on the bed. She couldn't believe how badly her muscles ached.

Still, Alex wasn't used to being taken care of. Diane worked long hours, racking up overtime at Friendly's, which left Alex to fend for herself most of the time. There was no way she could have afforded to lose an entire days work over Alex being sick unless something was extremely wrong. Alex was used to sucking it up, and taking care of herself. This didn't seem like enough of a reason to be babied.

Alex gently swung her sore legs up onto the bed, and into the little pocket Piper had pulled down for her. "Pipes, I mean it. You're not skipping work." she called out, as she settled into their bed, having a hard time even pulling the sheets up over herself.

The blonde returned with a cup of medicine, a bottle of water, and cold washcloth. She pushed aside the blanket, and situated herself beside Alex. "I'm not going to leave you here like this, baby." she shook her head, placing the wet washcloth across Alex's forehead. Alex was drenched in sweat, and the coolness was a welcome relief from the heat she felt.

"For once, i'm not going to listen to you." Piper said, smirking softly. Alex was definitely the boss in their relationship, showing dominance in both their home life and their sex life. Alex raised a brow and rolled her eyes. "I can pull you across my knee even as sick as I am, Pipes. Watch it." she chuckled, before coughing into her arm. Sick as she was, she could still banter. Her wife's bratty attitude was no match for her any day.

"I'm used to taking care of myself." Alex said, as Piper placed the medicine cup in her hand. She swung her head back, letting the nasty liquid pour down her throat. She nearly gagged at the taste. The woman whimpered as she handed it back to Piper, before taking a sip of water to wash the taste away. "Really, I appreciate it, but go."

"Alright, fine." Piper shrugged, standing to her feet. She simply headed for the closet to pick out her work clothes. Alex smiled confidently, before her face fell into a pout. She didn't know why, but she was sad Piper was going, regardless of if she told her to or not. As bad as she felt that her wife would have missed a day of work over her, she felt worse at the thought of spending the day alone.

"Don't call me though, it's a really busy day. You'll be fine right?" Piper asked, pulling her shirt over her head, and tossing it into their laundry basket.

Alex let out an audible whine and pulled the blanket up over her shoulders. The blanket sent the medicine, her water bottle, and remote crashing onto their hardwood floor beside her. When she reached over to get them, her eyes welled with tears. She was more weak and sick than she'd even let herself believe.

"Maybe I need you." Alex said softly, her lip quivering. She was exhausted, in pain, and so uncomfortable. She needed to be babied. "Pipes, babe."

There was one thing Alex didn't do, and that was beg. It took so much for her to even admit how needy she was, even to Piper, who had seen her in all of her most vulnerable places. Simply the fact that she wanted Piper to stay so bad made her uncomfortable. She was a grown woman, she didn't actually need to be babied, she could handle herself.

In reality now, she wasn't sure how she could make it through the day without her. She had done it her whole life; taken care of herself. In this moment she was desperate to be coddled, to be cared for, to be loved on.

"Don't leave me." she whimpered, bringing her hands up to cover her face. She was embarrassed by the worlds coming out of her own mouth, blushing underneath her hands.

Piper made her way over and moved her hands away from her face. She knelt down to pick up the mess, planting a kiss on Alex's lips as their eyes met. Piper didn't really care that she was sick, or that kissing her could get her sick. All she cared about was the fact that her girl needed her. She wiped away her tears with her thumb, before planting a final kiss on her forehead. "You taste like throw up." she retorted playfully, which earned her a soft punch to the shoulder. She winced and trailed her fingers over the spot.

"Oh, fuck you, Piper." Alex chuckled, rolling her eyes. She was thankful for the icebreaker, because she wasn't used to coming across so needy.

"For the record," Piper began, sitting on the bed beside her. She ran her nails up and down Alex's arm, smiling as Alex relaxed under her touch. "I wasn't leaving anyway. Not when you needed me." The blonde's face dropped, her smile fading as she smoothed her hand down the side of her wife's warm rosy red cheeks. It took all she had in her to keep her voice from cracking. "Never again."

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