21 | dresses

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The last few weeks have been crazy. We've been writing non stop and working with song writers to finish songs, we decided to split the songs as evenly as possible, me and Harry have 4, and the others have three each.

We have recorded them all nearly, except from two, but all mines are perfect and completely recorded. This is what the songs are looking like so far:

Live while we are young- Liam
Kiss you- Jayden
Little things- Liam
C'mon C'mon- Zayn
First last kiss- Jayden
Heart attack- Zayn
Change my mind- Jayden
I Would- Harry
Over again- Louis
Back for you- Harry
They don't know about us- Niall
She's not afraid- Harry
Loved you first- Niall
Nobody compares- Harry
Still the one- Jayden
Truly madly deeply- Zayn
Magic- Liam
Irresistible- Louis

I had noticed while writing that I was writing songs about a specific person. And that person was Harry. Every time I looked at him, I felt inspiration flood to me, I also realised it was always that way, that's why I never wrote a lyric since he left, there was no inspiration.

But, we had finally been given a holiday, so SPAIN TIME.

"Niall, where is the passports," I shout at the boy.

"I don't fucking know, why would you trust me with the passports," Niall shouts from the opposite end of the house.

"He's not wrong, that was stupid," Zayn laughs as he zips up his case. I glare at him as I lean against my new suitcase. I'm rich now, I've treated myself.

"Louis," I shout from the hallway.

"I've got them," he says and I sigh. Thank fuck.

"Right, can you all hurry up so we can leave," Harry shouts from the front door, Liam next to him.

"Come on," I say with a smile as we walk down the stairs with our heavy suitcases.

"Two minutes," Niall shouts as he and Louis drag there cases down the stairs.

"Lads lads lads," Niall shouts as he pumps his feet. I chuckle and join in.

"Lads lads lads!" We shout in unison as we make our way out to the taxi that's taking us all to the airport.


We walk off the plane to the warm sun hitting our face, this is what I need.

"I'm starving," I say to Harry who's walking beside me as we go to get out luggage.

"Same, we should go eat somewhere," he says and I laugh.

"That's what I was suggesting Haz," I say with a smile and he nods.

"Oh yeah, right," he laughs.

"I'm so happy we're away, I can't lie, if Simon spoke another word to me he was getting an uppercut," I say as I remember how irritating he's been.

"No I get you, I'm just happy we've finished the next album pretty much, it will make the tour so much less stressful," he sighs.

"Oh, I'm so buzzing for the tour though, I cant wait, a tours like one massive holiday," Harry looks at me with a soft smile as I rant about how excited I am. "Like I've never been on holiday before, this is my first time, and a tour is hundred of little holidays, and that's so cool, like I really jus," I stop talking when I realise he's watching the conveyer belt and probably not listening.

"You really what?" He says as he glances at me with a smile.

"Basically I'm so excited I can't stop talking," I say as I sigh, out of breath from my word spill.

"I'm glad your excited, you can keep up entertained," he says with a laugh as the other boys show up behind us.

"Have our cases came past?" Louis asks and Harry shakes his head.

"No one's has been yet," he says as he looks at the cases passing.

"There's mine," I say as I spot my new blue case coming round.

"How do I stop it?" I ask and Harry smiles and grabs the case, pulling it off quickly.

"Like that," he smiles.

"My hero," I say sarcastically with a smile.

We wait for everyone else's suitcases before we leave the airport and head to our villa.

"There better be enough fucking rooms cause I'm not sharing a bed again," I mumble to Liam who laughs at my concern.

"I'm sure there will be," he laughs and I nod.

Louis unlocks the front door and we all spill inside, the main living room is huge, it had massive tv and enough room on the couch for all of us to sleep on. The kitchen is huge, with hundreds of pot and pans in all different sizes.

"This place is sick," Louis says as he drops his bags and starts walking further in.

"Rooms are first come first serve by the way," he shouts  as he starts sprinting off, slamming himself into all the rooms. I instantly drop my case and chase after him, the other boys close behind me. I run to further away ones, bursting into a massive one, with a walk in wardrobe and en-suite.

"This is mine," I shout and all the boys echo around the villa.

"Oh I've got the shite one," Niall groans as he walks into my room.

"Let's see," I smile and he shows me his. It's not bad, but compared to the others, yeah it's pretty shit. There a big bed, and a cupboard, but no toilet and not much more room.

"You can share with me," I say sarcastically and he smirks.

"Are you inviting me into your bed Jayden?" He says, very clearly joking, I laugh and nod.

"What if I am?" I say, also joking. He just smiles and looks me up and down, over exaggerating it.

"I'd say yes," he says as he wink at me, making me laugh.

"Come on blondie," I say as I book my arm around his neck and we walk back to the others, who are sitting on the couch.

"I bet, for the week we are here, at least 5 of them, someone will wake up on that couch," I say with a laugh and all the boys nod in agreement.

"That's what happens in the house anyway," Harry laughs.

"Guys, it's 5pm, let's go out," Zayn says as he looks at his phone. Everyone whoops and cheers follow it.

"I've not eaten anything all day, I'm gonna get wasted, we need to go somewhere first," I say as I stand up, walking to my room to get changed.

"Fine, it's 5pm, let's eat for an hour then go out at 6pm," Zayn says with the same enthusiasm and I cheer after it.

I went into my room and started getting changed.

I had a black mini dress on, the end reading the top of my thighs, leaving all my legs exposed, my arms completely exposed as well.

I put on a pair of black converse with it, my hair curled and pulled back, while still leaving in flowing down my back, I had some plain make up on, just mascara and some concealer. I look in the mirror and sigh, rubbing my hands down my figure.

"Do I like it?" I mumble to myself as I check myself out in the mirror. I look good, I'm not going to lie, but it wasn't really me.

I'll decide after tonight.

"Jay, hurry up, we are waiting for you," Zayn says through the door, knocking on it lightly.

"Shit, I don't have a bag, and I've got no pockets, can someone carry my phone?" I ask as I open the door, revealing Zayn standing there, his back facing me. He turns round as he notices the door open.

"Yeah I've got pock... wow," he says as he takes my appearance in.

"Is it bad?" I ask as I look down at myself, he looks me up and down, before shaking his head.

"Nope, I'll take your phone for you," he says, as he focuses back on our conversation. I thank him and hand him my phone, which he puts in the back pocket of his jeans. He starts laughing slightly as we walk round to the front door.

"Why you laughing?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"This is gonna be great," he says and I look at him confused as we walk round the corner.

"Woah," Niall's voice makes me look away from Zayn confused.

"What?" Harry says as he turns round to face me. His eyes widen and his mouth opens slightly. "Woah," he says and I smile at him. Louis and Liam look up from there phones, Liam looks up before looking back, then processing and looking up again.

"Your wearing a dress," he says and I laugh.

"Well done Liam," I say with a smile as I walk closer to my friends.

"You look good," Louis says as he looks me up and down.

"Yeah you do, shut your mouth Harry," Niall says, making me laugh lightly.

"You look amazing Jay," Harry says as he looks at me.

"Thank you Haz," I say with a smile.

"Jesus, let's go," Louis says with a laugh as we all walk out the house.

We go a restaurant and get some food, before walking round to the nearest club. As we walk in the flashing lights hit us instantly.

"I'm so ready for tonight, I'm getting a drink, anyone want anything," everyone gives me there drink and they sit down at a table at the side.

"I'll come with you, you can't carry all that," Harry says as he gets up and walks with me.

"Your dancing with me later," I say with a smile and he shakes his head.

"I don't dance," he says loudly so I can hear over the music.

"You will tonight, I got all dressed up, are you really
gonna say no?" I say as I walk backwards, keeping my eyes on him.

"I would not say no," he says with a smirk as he turns me round so I'm facing forwards.

We order all the drinks and carry them back easily. As we sit down the boys look at us weirdly.

"What?" I say as I sit down.

"Nothing," they all say and shrug.

"You lot are weird," Harry says as he takes a drink.

I take my vodka coke and take a sip.

We all sit and joke about for a while, and after my fourth drink, my minds a bit fuzzy. As the song changes in the background I jump up.

"Harry, come dance with me," I say as I climb over him, and grab his hand, pulling him to dance with me, he stays still though, he pulls me towards him.

"I don't dance, go with the other boys," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, Zayn," I shout and he shakes his head.

"I'll need another two of these at least," he laugh and I groan.

"Louis?" I say and he shakes his head.

"Later beautiful," he says and I pout.

"Niall, you love dancing," I say as I hold my hand out to the boy.

"Let me finish this first," he says as he nods to his full glass.

"Come on Payno," I say and he shakes his head as well.

"I've still sober, I'm not dancing sober," he laughs.

"You lot are boring, I'll dance on my own," I say and strut off into the middle of the dance floor.

I walk into the middle and start dancing to the loud music. A man older than me turns and starts to dance in front of me.

"Your gorgeous," he shouts and I smile, a bit uncomfortable.

"Thanks I guess," I say to the man, who looked about 20 years older than me.

"How old are you baby?" He asks as he dances closer. Even with alcohol in my system, my senses were screaming get away. But there was no space, the floor was packed and I couldn't escape from any direction.

"18," I say and he smiles, licking his lips as his eyes trail down to my chest. I cough awkwardly and pull the top of my dress higher, and pull the bottom down.

"Perfect," he mumbles, pedo alert.

"I need to go, excuse me," I say as I try to push past him.

"But we are just dancing baby," he says as he grabs my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Stop," I say and he laughs.

"Make me," he says with a smile. His hand starts to trail down from my waist and he goes to stop until above my thighs.

"Fuck off," I say, getting angry as I try and push him away, his hand catches my wrist and he holds it harshly.

"Don't be a bitch," he spits and I pull my wrist down quickly, making him jolt forward, before I knee him between the legs, he swears loudly and let's go of me. I quickly run away, pulling my dress down as I run back over to the boys.

I slow down as I reach them. Niall was over talking to a girl, making her laugh and push his arm flirting.

Liam was at the bar with a girl and Louis was making eyes at a girl dancing. I didn't want to ruin the boys night so I just slowed down as I walked back to the table. My heart racing in fear and my palms sweating.

This is why I don't wear dresses.

"Your back quick," Zayn says with a smile.

"Yeah," I say with a fake laugh as I sit down at the end of the seat. "Can I sit in there?" I ask Harry and he nods and stand up, letting me slide in between him and Louis. There he can't get to me now.

"I've had a drink now, we can go up and dance now if you want?" Zayn says and I shake my head quickly.

"Well if you don't want to, I'm going to ask that girl over there to," Zayn says as he stands up and walks away.

"Yeah I'm gonna do the same," Louis says as he slides out. Leaving just me and Harry. I fidget nervously with my hands as I look around.

"Are you ok?" Harry asks me, looking at me concerned.

"Yeah course I'm fine," I say with a laugh. I look over to the dancing but and see the guy from before, he's standing at the side, leaning on a wall and staring at me angrily.

"I'm going to get other drinks, do you want anything?" Harry asks as he stands up.

"Don't leave," I say quickly ad I grab his arm, pulling him back towards me.

"Are you ok? Did something happen?" Harry says immediately as he sits back down next to me.

"No, no I'm fine, just, let's get a drink together," I say as I stand up, holding his arm tightly.

"Why don't we get our drinks, then go and get some fresh air, it's too warm in here, I'm sweating," Harry says as he looks at me. I nod and take a deep breath. He puts his hand over both of mine, that arm wrapped round the arm closest to me.

We get to the bar and he moves me carefully so I'm standing in front of him. He puts both his arms on either side of me, so no one can get to close to me but him. He orders us drinks before I carry them. He puts his arm round my waist as we go and let Liam know we've gone outside, he nods and we leave.

"I've always like the sound of clubs from outside, the musics not to loud, and you don't have to deal with the heat," Harry says as he sit on a wall outside.

"Yeah and there's no sweaty old men," I say, still a bit shook from before.

"Are you sure nothing happened, you seemed scared when you were coming back," he says, I just take a drink and look down at my hands.

"Let's say, someone touched you, inappropriately, I could stay here with you, and make sure your ok," he pauses as I look up at him. "Or, I could get Niall to come up here, and he could make sure your ok, and me, Zayn, Louis and Liam could make sure the guy, isn't ok, your choice," Harry says as he swings his legs innocently as they hang off the wall.

"I kneed him in the dick," I mumble, making Harry's eyes snap to me.

"Good, who was it," he says angrily and I look at him. "I'm not stupid Harry, I know what will happen, I'll say who, and you'll beat the crap out of him either way-" I say with a slightly smile before I hear Niall's voice, I turn and see all the boys walking out the club, with drinks in there hands, but they aren't alone.

"Who's this?" The same man from earlier says as the boys walks up to us. Harry jumps off the wall and holds his hand out.

"Hi I'm Harry nice to meet you," the man shakes his hand, his gaze still on me. After Harry let's go of his hand he walks round and talks to Niall.

"And you are very pretty," he says as he takes my hand in his and kisses it. Louis looks at me confused at the face I'm making, I shake my head very subtly at him and he walks round to me quietly.

"Go tell Harry, that's him," I say to Louis and he nods without question he goes over to Harry and whispers in his ear, his head snaps to look at me and I nod slightly.

"You think you can get away with that stunt in there, just you wait until I'm back at your hotel, and-" the man starts to whisper to me as his hand rests on his thigh, I stare at Harry with a scared expression and all the boys seem to catch on.

Suddenly Harry lunges forward and pulls the guy back, he then throws him to the ground angrily. He kneels down beside him and pins him down. Niall rushes over to me and stands infront if me.

"Dont," punch, "ever," punch, "touch," punch, "her," punch, "again,"

I jump off the wall and pull Harry back.

"Your gonna fucking kill him," I say and he stares at the guy angrily. The man starts to try get up, but Louis kicks him back down.

"Your a cunt," he says as he stares down at him.

The guys starts to stand up, the boys let him completely, I stand in front of Harry, stopping him from longing again, but Niall stands in front of me protectively.

Just as the guy gets up completely, Zayn turns and sends him one big blow, making him drop to the floor like dead weight.

"Does anyone have a pen?" Liam shouts and a man nods from a bit away. He flings the sharpie over to him. Liam opens the pen and writes something on the man's forehead.

He stands back impressed before giving the guy his pen back.

"Let's go home," Zayn says and I nod. We all start to walk the way we came, as we walk past I look down at the guys head. Written in block letters is-


Harry puts his arm out for me to hold and I take it gratefully.

"Thank you," I say to all the boys, who just walk in a line with us.

"Anything like that ever happens again, and I mean ever again, you call me, and I'll do that and worse every time," Louis says angrily as we keep walking.

"It was my fault, my dress is way to short, I knew it going out and I still wore it," I say as I pull the back down with a sigh.

"How was that your fault?" Niall snaps. "How is it your fault that fucking scum bag couldn't keep him hands to himself," he says, even angrier.

"He's right Jay," Zayn says and I nod slowly.

"It's never your fault," Liam says, Harry squeezes me hand.

"I don't get why you didn't say before," Harry says and I shrug.

"It's not that big a deal, and it's the first night of our holiday, and I didn't want to ruin it like I have now," I say as we all keep walking.

"Your way more important than a holiday, too all of us, so don't think like that," Harry says and the boys nod.

"Promise me you'll tell us straight away if anything ever happens like that again," Zayn says and I sigh.

"I promise," I say and all the boys nod content.

I cant help but let a small smile escape, even though something horrible happened, I now am aware how amazing these guys are, and I love them all for it.

A/N- hope you enjoyed this one please vote and comment for the next chapter

Follow my tiktok (kxtiesmith.wp)

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