3 | you

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"Jayden, wake up, we are here," a voice wakes me, shaking my shoulder softly, my eyes blink open, the sun glaring into them.

"Ok, I'll just go back to sleep for now," I say, nodding, before tuning round in the car and facing away from him.

"Nope, you have to see Simon in half an hour, get ready," Sam says, shaking me still. I roll my eyes before rubbing them aggressively, trying to wake up.

"I am ready, what do you mean?" I mutter, looking down at my black skinny jeans and plain black top.

"No way," Sam laughs, "is this how we are gonna have to do it," he sighs, before undoing my seatbelt and picking me up, carrying me like a baby. I smile at him as he walks towards the door. He goes to put me down at the bottom of the stairs.

"Up," I point to the top of the stairs and me looks at me, before grunting and swearing under his breath as he climbs the stair, then he puts me down.

"Thanks Sam," I say smiling, he mutters something as he walks back to the car and gets my case.

"Aw your a saint," I smile as I take the worm out red case off him.

"Ok so where am I going... oh my god this place is huge," I look about amazed, the reception is a massive white room, tall white walls surround us, the floor white tiles, I look at the bottom of my shoes, checking they aren't manky, thankfully the trainers were relatively clean.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Sam exhales.

"What my shoes?" I say confused.

"No the room you idiot," Sam says through a laugh, my eyes widen as I realise.

"Yeah it's sick" I nod, finally getting it.

"Come on then, we have to get you upstairs so you can change, then you have to go for your audition with Simon and we can see where it goes from there," Sam says chilled. I nod along and we get in a lift, we reach the floor and step out.

"That room there," he points to a door and I open it. It's bigger than my flat. Im not even joking.

"No fucking way,"I mutter as I walk into the mansion. There hallway in about 5 metres long and there is a bathroom leading off it, the kitchen is spotless and shiny, not to mention a giant couch and huge television. I jump onto the couch and sigh content.

"Wait until you see the bed room," Sam says with a smile, I jump up and run to the room, the walls are a light grey with a white bed frame and grey sheets. The bed could have a family of four sleep in it. I squeak in excitement and kick my shoes off, before standing up on the bed and jumping up and down repeatedly.

"Sam!!" I shout, making the man stroll in with a smile. "Come on," I say happily as I jump, he laughs and shakes his head.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, it's cause your old," I say dismissively, trying to wind him up. He sighs and kicks his shoes off, before jumping beside me on the bed.

After a few minutes of jumping we are both exhausted; we lie facing different ways, our heads next to each other.

"I've never stayed somewhere this big before," I sigh, the flat I lived with with Jamie and mum wasn't big, we had two rooms and two beds, me and Jamie would swap days sleeping on the couch and the single bed. It wasn't that bad though, just what we were used to, it was way better than nothing.

"It's pretty awsome isn't it," Sam says, turning his head to look at me, he still has a smile on his face.

"I like you," I say happily, "your my mate now, even though your old," I say, looking back to the ceiling, i say that even though my closest friend is James and he's like 80.

"Your a good laugh, some people I pick up are dry as, I can make a conversation if they only had to say two letters, but your funny" Sam says, before sitting up and checking his phone. "Get changed, you have ten minutes," he says, before bringing my case into the room.

"I bet I'll be good practise for looking after kids, for you, I might be eighteen but I'm basically like a seven year old," I smile and he rolls his eyes laughing.

"I have noticed," he says as he walks out the room, closing the door behind him.


I walk out the room, my favourite ripped jeans on, along with a black crop top and a grey zipper handing loosely over it, my long brown hair is down and in curls. I have very minimal make up on, just some blush and mascara.

I slip on my trainers and Sam and me walk down to Simon's office.

"What do I sing?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"The A Team was good, but you were amazing at I Wish as well, it's your choice," he says kindly before we stop walking outside an office door. He smiles and nods.

"Good luck, your gonna crush it," I nod to his encouragement, I take a deep breath and push the door open.

A man is sitting at a desk alone, he looks up when I walk in.

"Hello, you must be the new contender," Simon says, a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Yes that me," I say, unsure if it actually is.

"You were amazing at singing Thats What Makes You Beautiful, but I would like too see you sing something else, preferably another One Direction song," he says as he sits up in his desk chair. Also what is this obsession with me singing his songs.

"Yeah ok, I can sing I Wish, I only learnt it today, so if it's not perfect I apologise." I say before taking a breath, Simon nods before playing the song.

I sing the whole song perfectly, harmonising at certain points, taking in the practise from the car. By the end Simon is smiling a real smile.

"That at was beautiful... um... I'm sorry what's your name?" He pauses.

"Jayden Brooke Crawford," I say with a smile, he hesitated before brushing it away.

"We can fix that later, but your voice is beautiful," Am I just going to brush over the fact he said, we can fix that later, what?

"I would like to make a proposal for you Jayden," he says, before hesitating again, and acting surprised. "Your name is ok, it's suits you somehow,"

"Were you going to change it?" I ask warily and he just shrugs.

"I hadn't decided yet," I look at him confused but just mask the expression with one of listening.

"My proposal is, you join One Direction," Simon says with a smile.

I'm sorry what? Me? In a boyband? With him? No. Absolutely not. Never. No amount of money. Hold that thought.

"How much would I get paid," I ask instantly, making Simon smirk.

"The same as the boys," he says and my eyes widen.

Ok, an amount of money can.

"Why me?" I ask.

"You are exactly what those boys are missing, you can harmonise instantly, your voice will pair beautifully with theirs, and you are the member who will attract the male fan base," he says causally.

"Wait so I would only be doing it so a few horny men come to the concerts?" I ask shocked.

"Well, no, more teenage boys, but honestly, this band needs you or they are gonna fall apart before they have started," Simon says, standing up.

"Do I get to write music?" I ask finally, Simon nods and I sigh. I need this. This will start my career.

"I'll do it."


"So Simon's in there right now, telling the boys someone new is jointing that band, they don't know who, just that someone  new is coming in." Sam says to me as we walk towards the room they are in.

"Ok," we get to the door and it's slightly open, I stay quiet, listening to the conversation.

"A new member? Why?" A voice asks.

"You will realise when they are here and you all sing together," Simon sighs.

"I think it could be fun," a Irish accent rings out, Niall I think.

"Yeah, I'm down, could be a laugh," another voice says.

"As long as they aren't annoying I'm fine with it." A fourth voice says, a few grunts of agreement follows.

"Can they just show up so we can meet him," a very familiar voice spits. I glance at Sam and he nods to go ahead.

"Her, so you can meet her," I say loudly as I walk in the door, six heads all turn and look at me.

"You" Harry's voice says instantly. Everyone looks at him, everyone but me confused.

"Hiya Styles," I say, my voice overly sweet.

"You've got to be kidding me," he says again, looking up at the ceiling.

"Boys, meet your new band member, Jayden Brooke Crawford, I'll let yous all get to know each other," Simon says before walking out the room, I glance back and see Sam, he looks at me and smiles, nodding, before mouthing, asking if I'm ok, I nod and smile back, he closes the door and walks away.

"Hi, I'm Niall," the blonde boy says, as he dives forward and hugs me.  I laugh and hug him back.

"Hi" I say back, before separating from him.

"I'm Liam," another boy says, holding his hand out for me to shake, I shake it and look at the next to boys.

"I'm Louis" again I shake his hand.

"I'm Zayn," another hand to shake.

"I'm guessing you already know Harry some how?" Louis asks, looking between me and the curly haired boy.

"Sadly," I say through a smile. I jump up onto the table and swing my legs off the edge.

"So tell us about yourself," Niall says excited, I laugh at how eager he is.

"Um, I'm 18 from Holmes Chapel, but I moved just outside the town recently, I am a bartender, or I was a bartender, and that's pretty much it I guess," I shrug.

"So you lived near Harry growing up?" Niall asked.

"Eh, sorta," I shrugged.

"Your the same age, surely you were in school together," Zayn adds.

"Don't remind me," I groan making Louis laugh slightly.

"There must be more than that to you?" Liam says, as he flops down on one of the many bean bags around the room. Louis and Zayn sit on the two beside Liam. Niall jumps up on the table a bit further down and Harry stands behind the boys in the bean bags.

"What about family?" Louis asks, trying to help me think of things.

"Yeah how's your sister Crawford?" Harry asks, teasing me.

"Over you," I snap, befire smiling a fake smile to him.

"He dated your sister?!" Zayn laughs, "how old was she?"

"Three months younger than me," I say causally, everyone but Harry's eyes snap to me confused.

"How is that possible?" Liam's asks confused, Harry just rolls his eyes.

"They are half sisters," he says.

"They only dated to annoy me, they didn't even like each other," I say, making Zayn turn and laugh at him.

"What about your parents?" Niall asks next.

"Don't ask," I mutter as I roll my eyes. Before cheering up and looking at the boys.

"So, tell me stuff about yous lot then," we all talk and laugh about everything for the next twenty minutes before Simon return.

"Right, we are announcing the fact your joining the band tonight. We are going on Ellen so be prepared for it. Jayden, don't give to much information about your life ok. You'll be fine." He says before walking out. Nothing else.

"I need a lot of help," I say to the boys.

"Oh I can tell," Harry says snidely.

"I'll break your nose again Styles if your not careful," I snap before taking my phone out finding Sam's number and texting him.

"You got bet up by a girl?" Louis says, trying to hide a laugh.

"Is that not possible?" I snap at Louis and he shakes his head quickly. "Good" I say before smiling. "I'll see yous soon I need to get ready."


Hey I need something to wear
on ellen tonight, can you get
me that please?

On it right now. Dress or not?

Not please
Suit jumpsuit anything.
Wait hold on.

I stop walking and open the door again all the boys jump as the notice me standing there, they are all huddled whispering.

"Hi, if your could stop bitching about me for two seconds I'd love that-" I say with a small smile.

"We wernt-" Niall says defensively and I cut him off.

"You were, it's fine, I'll do it with my mates about you later;" I say with a smile and wink to the blonde boy.

"You've got no mates Crawford," Harry says with a smirk.

"That wasn't needed," I say bluntly, before getting back to my question.  "Are yous lot wearing suits to this interview?" I ask and they all nod, I nod and walk out.

Can you get me an all black suit please?

Consider it already done.

I smile at Sam's message, and for some reason I was kinda excited for this interveiw. I have a few hours to kill so I go and sit with the boys for a bit, I seem to fit in quite well, and the conversation flows easily with everyone, except Harry. But that's how I like it. We never got on. And never will. It's better that way.

"Shouldn't you be getting your dress on now?" Liam says, glancing at the time. I shake my head.

"Im not wearing a dress, I know it sounds like I'm trying to be different, but I don't like dresses at all, so I asked for a suit to match you lot, makes it seem more as one as well, I don't know just a thought,"
I say and glance at my hands.

"That's actually so smart, I didn't think of that," Zayn says, "if we all wear the same thing, or similar, we appear as one. Basic human psychology. Group things that look similar together," I smile at Zayn observation.

"Yeah, exactly." I smile and high five the boy.

"Simon probably told her to do it?" Harry says, I glance at him and roll my eyes.

"He's such a dick isn't he," I say the the others, pretending he's not there.

"Actually he has been really nice these last two years, it's only when you came he's been like this," Louis says, looking between the both of us confused.

"What happened between yous?" He continues.

"We always hated each other, that's it," I shrug.

"Come on, nobody just hates someone, what really happened."

"She was a bitch," Harry says bitterly, making all the boys head snap to him in shock.

"Harry!" The boys all say in unison.

"Don't worry, I was a bitch, but only cause he was a dick," I say back, while glaring at the boy.

He looked different from when I last saw him. The last time I saw him he had weird curly hair that was too long for his head, his face hadn't really matured as much and he was a bit shorter. Now his hair was longer, but in a way that suited him, and his face made him look the age he was, he was taller as well. I looked away from the boys hair to notice his eyes were doing the same to me, seeing how I had changed since the last time he saw me two years ago.

"You finished staring?" I say with a smirk, making his eyes snap up to mine quickly.

"I wasn't staring," he says, rolling his eyes.

"You were," Zayn interferes. I send him a smile before glancing back at the slightly blushing boy.

"Come on, interview soon let's go," I say, standing
up and walking out of the door.

A/N- thank you so much for reading so far, I hope you enjoy it and please vote and comment on each chapter cause it really gives me motivation. I'm really excited about this and I want to keep it up.

Go follow the socials

Tiktok- kxtiesmith.wp

(I make edits that go along with the fic so slay ig)

Luv yous all xx

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