6 | getting along

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"Table for 6?" I ask the woman and she nods, before taking up to a booth at the back. We all order food, and somehow, only me and Harry are left at the table, everyones either taking a call or at the toilet. I fiddle awkwardly with my hands and me and Harry sit in silence.

"You said the other day you were single?" Harry speaks up, his voice breaking in the middle of the sentence.

"Yeah, maybe you were right about him," I say with a small smile, I glance up at him and he's trying to hide his smile.

"He was a prick, you have to admit," Harry laughs, and for the first time ever, I laugh back.

In high school, when we were about 14, I started dating this boy Mark Taylor, he was obsessed with me, used to follow me about all the time. But he was thick as, didn't know anything about music and was a bit rough. He used to shout at waiting staff and never said anything nice to me, I always told myself I loved him, I don't really know if that's true, but I knew he didn't love me back, and for some reason that was how I liked it.

We dated until I was 17, then he cheated on me and I dumped his ass there and then.

But Harry always hated him, he used to talk shit about him to me constantly, never got why I was with him, it was the only time he was ever nice to me, he would say things like "that prick doesn't deserve you," and then try cover it up with an insult, but I always thought I was kinda sweet, even if we did hate each other, he knew I wasn't being treated right.

"Ok fine, he was a prick," I mutter and he smiles.

"He used to wear that fucking cap everywhere," Harry remembers.

"It was so ugly, I tried to wash it once and he didn't talk to me for a month,"  I laugh.

"So why did you break up with him, oh my god, please tell me he broke up with you," he says with a smile. I roll my eyes and him and try hide my smile.

"Do you remember Talia Kane?" I ask him and he nods.

"Every boy knew her," Harry says with a smirk, I laugh and shake my head.

"Harry you were a right gimp in school don't pretend she ever hit on you," I laugh and he just flips me off while his tongue poked the inside of his cheek.

"Well, Mark cheated on me with her, to be honest it's good it happened, made me realise he was a prick, I forgot that he was since you weren't reminding me everyday," I say with a soft smile.

"Your voice is different now you know?" Harry says, turning and leaving his back against the wall and putting his feet up on the leather chair.

"Really? How?" I ask intrigued as I copy the way he's sitting.

"You can sing high notes better, they are smoother now, it's better," he says as he looks straight forward.

"You look different," I say as I also look forward, both of us avoiding each other's gaze.

"No I don't?" He says defensively.

"You do, your hairs not as stupid, and you wear better clothes now," I say, referring to the black skinny jeans and black rolling stone tshirt.

"Your hairs longer," he blurts out. I glance at him confused.

"Not that much longer? Just a bit," I say, how did he notice my hair was longer? Probably a guess.

"Maybe it's not, I didn't really notice," he says dismissively.

"Do you think Mark will try get you back?" Harry says, turning his head and looking at me. I pause, deep in thought for a minute.

"Probably, even if he did, it's not like I'd say yes, I'd date Simon before him anyday," I say, making the boy laugh, he laughs loudly and he slaps his leg.

"If Mark ever asks you out again, you have to go on a date with Simon, I'm holding you to that," he says a with a massive smile.

"That's not funny," I say, staring at him seriously, he turns and looks at me, his smile gone, we stare at each other with a blank expression before we both burst out into laughter again.

"I'm gonna piss myself," Harry whines through the laughter.

"I can't breath" I answer and we both laugh loudly.

"What the fuck is going on," Niall and Louis say, watching the scene infront of them unfold. Niall puts his phone away in his pocket with a smile.

Me and Harry slowly start to calm down, before glancing at each other and bursting out into laughter again. Liam and Zayn walk back into the restaurant, walking over to the booth at back. They stand and stare at us, a confused smile on there faces.

I take a deep breath, calming myself down completely, Harry doing the same.

"What just happened," Liam says, before sliding into the booth next to Harry.

"I don't even know," I say with a smile.

"What we're yous talking about anyway?" Zayn asks, smiling as he sits next to me in the booth.

"Just people from home," Harry says with a small smile.

The other two boys slide in to their seats, just as the waiter brings over six plates with burgers and chips on them. I sigh happily and start eating mine. Everyone starts talking and laughing.

If someone had told me at any point in my life, that I would have just been in hysterics with Harry Styles, the boy who I hated with every bone in my body, I would have laughed in there faces. But here I am, in a boy band with him somehow.

"So, shows start soon, you nervous," Zayn asks me as everyone separates into there own smaller conversations.

"Yes and no, I think I'm more excited than nervous, but then again, I've only preformed once and I was in the pub I worked in to a bunch of middle aged man, but I got them up and jumping so it's fine," I say with a smile. Zayn laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Me and you have similar vocals you know, I bet I loose a lot of lines to you," he says with a kind smile and a wink. I wave my hand modestly.

"We can share," I say with a smile and he chuckles.

"That's nice of you," he answers.

"Hey I was wondering, could you help me learn the songs, cause I'm ether at it when someone is forcing me to do it, other wise I'll get bored and ditch it," I say with a laugh and he nods.

"Course I will," he smiles.


We go back to the booth and I sing through a few more songs with only Zayn, learning I Want, I Should Have Kissed You and Na Na Na. Zayn congratulates me as I learn all three in just over half an hour.

Simon comes in with sheet music, showing me what parts and harmonies I'm singing. I stand in the booth and practise with only my parts, nailing all of the 5 songs I know, not messing up a single line.

I look up after finishing the fifth one and see Sam standing at the door with a smile. I smile at him back.


"Right, first show is tomorrow, so we have to go through the whole thing one more time," Simon says seriously. I roll my eyes at him while his backs turned making Zayn laugh. This weeks been mental, I've not had minute all week to chill. I've moved in with the boys now, they live in a bit house about five minutes away, it's way better than living in the flat here. We mostly just mess about it's great.

Me and Harry have been ok, mostly arguing but we can bare to stay in the same room now, if not sit near each other. But I still don't like him.

We stay the whole day, rehearsing the songs with mics and sounds, as well as lights.

"Right, that's us, we'll done everyone, sleep now, we leave at 4am tomorrow," he says with a smile. I groan and walk out the hall, exhausted from singing for almost he whole day.

"4am, is he taking the piss? I don't think my eyes have ever been open at that time," I say to Louis as we walk out the hall.

"Youll be fine, I'm a morning person so I'll wake you up," he says, full of energy still.

"I don't trust morning people, all wronguns" I say with smile.

"Me and Niall are morning, not so much those three," Louis says, nodding behind to Liam, Harry and Zayn, who are all complaining about also waking up that early.

"You know what the worst part is;" Niall says, making me jump.

"Where the fuck did you come from," I say while holding my heart in shock.

"I was always here, anyway, the worst part is the paparazzi, they show up no matter the time, we have been lucky recently, you've missed them, but they will 100% be there today, at 4am, waiting with there cameras." Niall says, his head nodding.

"Why? I don't get it? Why do they want a picture of us?" I say, already irritated and there not even there.

"You sorta get used to it, but it's your first time, so I'll be there don't worry, if you feel trapped, tap my arm and I'll shove some people," Louis says with a wink, I smile and thank him. We all walk back to the house and when we get in everyone collapses on the big eight seater corner couch, I sit, my legs in a basket, right in the corner.

"Your so weird Crawford," Harry says as he walks into the room last.

"It's comfortable," I shrug.

"Bet it's not," he continues, before sitting down next to Liam.

"Go on then, you have to try it now," I say defensively, standing up and pointing to the place I was just sitting.

"No, I just sat down," he says annoyed.

"Pussy," I mutter, making him groan and stand up.

"How am I a pussy for not sitting in a certain position?" He says defensively and I shrug.

"You tell me," I pause dramatically, "Pussy,"

"Fine, but it won't be comfortable," he says before walking over and sitting in the corner, before crossing his legs and sitting up. The tv switches on as the others get bored of our debate.

"So?" I say proudly.

"It's weird, like just lie normally," he says, going to stand up, I lunge forward and hold his shoulders down.

"Your not giving it a chance, close your eyes and take a deep breath," I say and he rolls his eyes. "Do it," I say sternly.

"I cant believe I'm doing this," he mutters before closing his eyes, sitting up straight like I did and taking a deep breath.

I take a step back, knowing he is finding it comfortable. He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"It's alright I guess," he mumbles and I smile.

"I told you, you judgemental prick," I say, pointing at him in triumph.

"Your a prick," he snaps back.

"Your a twat."





"Shit muncher"

"Piss drinker"

"Your a-" Harry is cut off as all four boys shout at the same time.

"Shut up" all four shout in unison, making us look at them suprised.

"Jeez, can't anyone have a little fun," I mumble, making Harry smile slightly.

"Anyway, get off my seat," I say to the boy, he just smirks and ignores me.

"I'm ok" he says smugly.

"Sorry, you must be confused, I wasn't asking you, I was telling you, get off my seat," I say more clearer.

"No I'm not confused," he continues.

"Here we go," I hear Liam mumble from the couch, before turning the volume up on whatever shite reality tv they are watching.

"Styles, you have five seconds, before I remove you, from that seat," I say getting more pissed off by the second.

"5...4...3...2...1" I hold off saying zero, giving him a chance to move.

"Zero," Harry says.

"You little shit," I mumble before diving for the boy.

I start grabbing for his legs, trying to drag him off the couch, he kicks my hands away, still not leaving the spot. I eventually grab him by round the neck, pulling him into a head lock.

"You ready to move yet?" I say into his ear, he just shakes his head.

"What about now," I say as I tighten my grip on the headlock, cutting off some of his airways.

"Nope," he gasps and I laugh.

"What about now," I tighten my grip even more and he takes one last breath in.

"Jayden what the hell" Niall says, jumping up and looking at us. Harry taps my leg and I let go.

"What?" I ask, looking at Niall confused, "move you little shit you tapped out," I mutter to Harry, kicking him out the way, he groans and gets up, sitting on the arm of the couch on his own.

"You were killing him?" Niall says concerned. No one else really seems that bothered about the whole situation.

"Calm down blondie, it's just a game, we used to play it back home, if we get in a fight, if someone taps the other you have to stop, was the only thing keeping us from actually killing each other. I was just waiting for him to tap out, I knew he would." I say to the boy, who looks at the two of us confused.

"You lot are so weird," he mutters before sitting back down, staring at the screen intently. I cross my legs and sit up straight, watching the crap on the tv closely.

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