Chapter 12

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1 Week Later

Aaron's POV

I groan as I wake up to hear Quinn fussing through the baby monitor. I check the digital clock; it says 5:48am. "Aren't you gonna get it?" I ask Blaine. "I did it last time. Your turn," he replies. I get up from bed and walk to Quinn's room.

When I get into the room, I see Quinn awake and squirming around. I go to her crib and pick her up. "Shh, shh, Quinny, you're alright. Daddy's got 'ya," I whisper. She calms down a bit. "I bet your hungry," I say.

I bring Quinn into the kitchen and set her in her co-sleeper. I then go to the refrigerator and grab a bottle of formula for her. As I heat it up, I hear Quinn behind me move around. I go over to her and she stops moving. "Don't worry Quinny, it'll be done soon." She gives me a disapproving look, which cause me to laugh. I go back to warming her formula.

When it's done, I get her out of her co-sleeper and sit down at the kitchen table. I hold her in my arms, close to my chest, and begin to feed her. She eats hungrily. "Slow down baby girl, you don't wanna choke," I whisper. As if she can understand me, she slows down.

When she finishes eating, I set the bottle aside and grab the wash cloth from the table. I put it on my shoulder then begin to burp Quinn. I gently pat her back. After a few minutes of this, she burps. I sit her back down in my lap. "That's a good girl," I say. Why did I just treat her like a dog?!

I put Quinn in her co-sleeper and go put the wash cloth in the washer machine thingy. If you haven't noticed, I call a lot of things "thingys." It's habit.

I grab Quinn and me and her go into the lounge room. I turn the TV onto the news. Quinn sleeps on my chest. I hear footsteps coming into the room. I ignore them.

"Hey, Aaron," I hear someone behind me say. "You're finally awake," I joke. "Hey, I haven't been sleeping well. You can't blame me entirely," he replies sassily, "and how's Mrs. Quinn this morning?" "She's doing well. She just finished eating," I reply.

Quinn continues to sleep. "She definitely got her laziness from you," Blaine teases. "Guilty!" I exclaim. Then, Quinn wakes up and begins to cry. She doesn't smell pleasant either. "I'll change her," Blaine says, taking her away. I roll off of the couch and onto the floor. Looks like parenthood won't be as easy as I thought......and it's only been a week!

Only 460 words not counting this author's note. A pretty short chapter. It's probably more of a filler! And, I've changed my mind, this may be the longest book. I'm gonna describe Quinn's babyhood in this book. I'll also be introducing new characters pretty soon. Get ready for that! Bye Aqualines!

PS, this will be the last update till after Christmas.

Miscal: for some reason I still think they're young af.... Well, they are. But I still remember them as teens!


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