Chapter 14

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Q: What is everyone's favorite song?
Mine is Damaged by Blood on the Dance Floor.^•^

Blaine's POV

I watch as Aaron sleep on the couch with Quinn on his chest. I find it adorable! I quickly take my phone out and take a picture of it. He will never know unless he steals my phone and scrolls through my photos.

I am currently waiting for my parents to arrive to officially meet Quinn. Yes, they did meet her at the hospital, but it was brief. And yes, me and Aaron did have our "fun time." We did use protection! We are not planning to have another baby for awhile.

I hear a knock at the door. I gently shake Aaron, trying wake him up. "Wake up, my parents are here," I whisper to him. He opens his green eyes, "Wake me up when September ends." "Sorry, I can't wait that long," I reply.

Aaron rolls his eyes and slowly sits up, minding Quinn on his chest. She continues to sleep in his arms.

I hear more impatient knocking at the door. "Just a minute!" I yell. I get up and answer the door. I see my parents and Seth. "Hello!" I say and Mom hugs me tightly. "I've missed you so much!" He exclaims. "Mom, it's only been two days since we last saw each other," I reply. "So? I still missed you!" He says. I finally get out of his grip. Then, I move out of the way so they can walk in.

Dad sits beside Aaron and I. I sit in Aaron's lap with Quinn in my arms. He rests his head on my shoulder. Dad cringes at this. I have no idea why. Isn't he happy for us?

Mom glares at him for cringing. "Mark, do you want a—" he whispers the rest in Dad's ear. Dad's jaw drops, his eyes widen, and his face flushes red. He nods happily. "Then don't cringe at Blaine and Aaron being affectionate towards each other," Mom sasses.

"Seth, I pray for you," I say to him. He chuckles, "I may go hang out with my friends while Mom and Dad do......that."

"So, can I hold Quinn?" Mom asks eagerly. I nod and hand her to him. He happily takes her. "She's adorable!" He says. Dad gets to his side and looks at her too. "She looks so much like Aaron," he comments. "That'll change when she gets teeth. She will definitely have Blaine's personality. She's already shown a bit of curiousness," Aaron explains.

"When did she show this?" Seth asks. "She was watching TV once, and it showed a cheetah running on the screen. She never took her eyes off of the screen," I reply. "Maybe her favorite animal is a cheetah," Mom insists, "you never took your eyes off of the TV when a polar bear appeared on it. Then, when you could talk and we asked you your favorite animal, you said polar bears."

Quinn looks at Mom's lime green hair with curiosity. She begins to squirm and fuss. "She must be hungry. She hasn't eaten in a few hours," Aaron suggests.  "Can I feed her? Please?" Mom asks. Me and Aaron exchange a look. He nods in agreement. "Sure," I reply, finalizing this.

"I'll go get the bottle! Stay here!" Aaron exclaims, leaving the room. He must feel uncomfortable in here with parents. I wish he could feel more comfortable around them. They're actually nice once you get to know them.

Aaron comes back into the room, holding Quinn's bottle of formula. He hands it to Mom. Mom begins to feed Quinn. Quinn eats hungrily. "Hey, slow down, Quinny," Mom says. He's such an experienced parent. Well, he did have two kids so.....

"Quinn sure does eat quickly," Mom points out. "She does. Every time we try to get her to slow down, she just speeds up again," I reply. "You did the same. She'll slow down eventually," Dad says. Mom glares at him. "Okay, you did choke once before you slowed down," Dad admits.

Fear courses through my body. I don't want my baby girl to choke! "Is there any other way?" I ask. Mom nods, "Maybe if you slowly rock her in your arms while she's eating, or play soothing music. I don't know." Great. My own Mom doesn't know what to do exactly.

Quinn finishes eating. I give Mom a wash cloth so he can burp her. He puts it and her on his shoulder. He begins to gently pat her back. Quinn does a small burp and spits up. Mom wipes her mouth off with the wash cloth. He then sets her is his lap, "Better?"

Quinn looks up at him and smiles, which turns to giggling, then turns to laughing. Mom looks at her with a smile. Soon, we're all laughing with her.  "You now officially have the most insane the world," Seth says. "I wish....she was like this...when you guys weren't here," I say.

After we've all caught our breath, Quinn seems to settle down. She leans back on Mom and begins to doze off. "Looks like someone's tired," I say. Mom looks down at her, "Yeah, me, your Dad, and Seth should get going. I promised your Dad a little somethin'." He winks at the end. I nod in understanding, "I've been promised that little "something" before too."

Mom hands Quinn to me and she begins to whimper. I shush her and kiss her forehead. "It's okay, Quinny; Mommy's got 'ya." I hold her close to my chest and she settles down.

Yeah, I'll take the title, "Mommy" if I have to. I mean, I was the one that carried her for nine months. Let me rephrase that: nine months of absolute hell.

Mom and Dad hug me and kiss my forehead. Me and Seth do a weird sibling hug. "I love 'ya, bro," I say to him. "Love you too. And I love little Quinny!" He says and shakes her hand, which she was holding out towards him.

"I love you too, Mom and Dad. Have fun tonight," I say slyly. They share a "look" in between them, "We most definitely will." I laugh at them. "Seth, good luck," I whisper. "Meh, I don't need it. I won't even be at home," he replies. "We need to spend some alone time together," I tell him.  "Yeah, we do. Maybe Friday?" He asks. "It's a date!" I reply.

How's everyone's 2017? Mine is good. It could be better, though. I had to clean my fucking room today. Bye Aqualines!

Question: Should Seth be in a relationship? He's 17, so.
If you want him to be, should it be a guy or girl? Here's some info on him.

Personality: Social, humorous, athletic, flirty, prideful, somewhat energetic, watchful, maturish, intelligent, and loud.

Likes: Parks, nature, sports, jokes, girls, guys, flirting, exercising, socializing, people, dogs, birds, holidays, TV, his family, school, music, studying law, and leading.

Dislikes: Snobs, sickness, alcohol, drugs, Mondays, tests, stress, insects, and fruit.

Ideal Date: A nighttime picnic at the beach

More Info: He's still a virgin, he plays baseball, he wants to go to college to be a lawyer, he's a carrier, and was held back in eighth grade, which motivated him to study more and work hard in school.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Sex: Male (duh)

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