Chapter 16

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Blaine and Aaron will do a YouTube video in this chapter! It's a Q and A thing. Sorry that I didn't ask for questions earlier, I thought of this idea at two in the morning while listening to Falling In Reverse, so.....It may be weird, XD. Enjoy!

Blaine's POV

Seth drops me off at my home. "See 'ya little bro. Good luck with Derrick," I say. "See 'ya Blaine. I'll test my luck!" He replies. I laugh and close the car door. Then, I walk to the front door of my house, unlock it, and go in. There's no need for me to knock, it's my house!

I walk into the lounge room to see Aaron sitting on the couch, alone. "I'm home," I say. He gets up and hugs me, "I'm glad you are, love." I look around and don't see Quinn. "Where's Quinn?" "Oh, I just put her down for a nap. She was getting pretty cranky," Aaron replies.

"Now that we have the time, do you wanna maybe—" "Sorry, no. I'm not up to it," I say, cutting Aaron off. "No, I mean record a video for YouTube. Lots of people have been asking questions. Maybe we can do a Q and A?" He suggests. "You know I quit YouTube when we got married," I say. "So? Delete the goodbye video. You need a hobby! Plus, your Dad's made it great on YouTube and you're just as funny as them," he insists.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm funny, but maybe some people do," I say. He gives me a "whatever you say" look, "Stop being so modest! Now, where are we gonna record this video?" I think for a moment. There's our bedroom, the lounge room, the den, or the kitchen. "The den, maybe?" I suggest. "Sounds like a plan," Aaron replies.

I walk to our bedroom and look in the closet. I find the video camera and tripod. They're both still in very good shape, they look almost new. Almost.

Me and Aaron go into the den. He sets up the camera and we sit in front of it. "Ready?" He asks. "Yep," I reply. He switches on the camera, and I remember my intro. I changed my channel's name, so my intro is different.

"Hello everyone, my name is SepticGAME. Here with me is my boyfriend, Aaron!" "That's right, I am Aaron, but we are more than boyfriends now." I look him in the eye as we say together: "We're married!" "We also have a daughter named Quinn," Aaron adds. "But, if you have been keeping up with my Dads on Twitter, you would know that," I say.

"So anyways, today we're going to do a Q and A. We've gotten a lot of questions ever since I told you about this guy!" I say, putting my arm around Aaron. He playfully pushes it away and pulls me closer to him. He begins to purposely blow on the back of my neck. "You motherfucker, quit! That tickles!" I demand. He finally stops and let's go of me. "Let's get on with this."

@PurdyGurl69 wants to know: how did you two meet?

"Me and Aaron met at highschool. Nice name by the way," I reply. "Also, I saw you at football practice once. I always would laugh about how short you were compared to everyone else," Aaron admits. "Nice to know where your heart used to be about me," I say and playfully glare at him.

"But I grew to love you!" Aaron says, pulling me into a hug. I wriggle out of his grip, "Okay, stop it. You'll get me later." His face turns red at my statement, which causes me to laugh. "Next question!" He yells.

Q: What has been your best moment with each other?

"Probably our wedding. I know, that's a common "best moment" in relationships, but it was," Aaron answers. "When you proposed to me," I say. "And when you took me on that hike and we leaned against that tree that you fell out of and watched the night sky."

Aaron begins to laugh, "Yeah, I remember falling out of that tree. It did not feel good." "Still, it was funny," I say. "Yeah, it was. Next question!" He says.

Q: When did you find out that Blaine was pregnant with Quinn?

"I found out two whole weeks after he found out. He decided to tell me after he heard the baby's heartbeat," Aaron answers. "I found out when I was eight weeks, or two months along. The morning sickness was just starting to fade when I found out," I say.

"And when we told our parents, they were so happy! Mom has even talked about wanting more," I say and give Aaron a "don't even ask" look. "We probably won't have anymore kids. I don't want Blaine to feel anymore pain like he did. I also know that pregnancy was a strain on his body, and since he's a male, he probably can't take anymore," Aaron explains, "Sorry Mr. Fischbach!"

"We're both very happy with Quinn. To be honest, I would do it all over again if I could or had to," I admit. Aaron gives me a weird look, "You would go through those nine hellish months again?!" "Yeah, in the end, it was all worth it," I reply. "Next question!"

Q: How did you react when you found out you were pregnant?

"I was nervous, scared, and excited. Nervous because I thought I would be a bad parent since this was our first child. Scared because I didn't know if I would be strong enough to endure the pain of delivery and such. Excited because we were finally having kids. Something we both did want, especially Aaron," I answer.

"So Aaron, how did you feel?" "I felt very excited, nervous, and surprised. Excited because I was getting everything I've ever wanted, a family. Nervous because I wasn't sure if you would be able to endure everything that happens during pregnancy. Surprised because I had no idea our first time would....impregnate you." Aaron sounded like he was searching for better words during his explanation.

"Next question!" We say in unison.

Q: What was the hardest part of pregnancy for the both of you?

"Blaine, you first," Aaron says, he probably wants to get his thoughts together. "The first, second, and last trimesters. I warn you, if any of you are planning to have kids, be ready for sleepless nights because of the baby being active or false labor contractions. And sometimes morning sickness doesn't happen in the morning. It'll happen whenever the little demon inside of you wants it to," I answer. "You?"

"The last. I was just so worried about you! Especially when we went to that appointment that said the baby would be here any day now. I was always on alert then. That's why I was almost always tired; I would stay awake at night just in case," Aaron replies. "You didn't have to stay awake! I would've woken you up if it did happen at night," I assure him. "I'll keep that in mind in case we have more kids," he says with a smile. "Next question!"

Q: How old were you two when you had Quinn?

"I was 22," I answer. "I was 24," Aaron says. "But someone has a birthday coming up!" I say. "Yeah, I'll be 25. We're getting older!" Aaron jokes. "We're not that old. Yet," I say and peck his cheek. "Next question!" He says.

Q: Did Aaron just date girls before you, Blaine?

"Actually no. I did date one other boy before Blaine. I didn't really like the situation and relationship, so I ended it," Aaron answers. "But it was all worth it to be with this guy!" "And I don't think you would've had kids if you were with that guy," I say. "True," he replies.

"Next question!"

Q: How was your first night home with Quinn?

"Our first night was actually pretty good. Quinn and Blaine slept through most of the night," Aaron answers. "I was still sore, but the first night was great. Aaron held me in his arms the whole night," I add. "I was also awake most of the night. I was scared that you, or Quinn wouldn't feel comfortable at all," Aaron admits.

"Aaron, you could've slept! I would have woken you up if I needed you. You're way too nice to me!" I explain. "It's hard not to be. You're just so damn cute!" He replies. I roll my eyes, not like I've heard that before.

"Next question!"

Q: How old were you two when you first met?

"I was 17," Aaron replies. "I was 15. Age didn't matter to us," I answer. "Next question!"

Q: When did you decide to have kids?

"Aaron had wanted them ever since the fifth month of us dating. I told him to wait since we were in highschool," I answer. "Yeah, Blaine was 100% right on that. I remember walking in the park and seeing babies and their mothers. I asked Blaine if we could have one and he told me to wait till after highschool and marriage," Aaron says.

"So that was all of the questions. Thank you so much for everything! We will see you guys in the next video, bye!" I say and wave to the camera. Aaron switches it off. He then takes it off the tripod, "I'll edit this. You go check on Quinn. I know you wanna!"

He exits the room. I go to Quinn's room. I see her still sleeping peacefully. I coo at her. She's so cute and tiny, I'm glad we had her. It was hard, but it was worth it.

I hear Aaron come into the room. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. "She's beautiful. Thank you so much for giving her to me." He kisses my cheek. "I didn't do it alone, you helped make her," I say. "Yeah, but I didn't have to go through all the things you did. I mainly was just there to comfort you," he replies. "I don't care, your role was very important to me. I needed all the comfort and support I could get," I say and turn around to peck his lips.

"You're parents did great when they raised you," Aaron says, changing the subject. "Why do 'ya say that?" I ask. "Because of how parently you are," he replies. "Parently isn't a word," I point out. "So? It should be," he counters. I sigh, "I'll be uploading that video if you need me."

I get out of his grip and go to the den. Something tells me that the fans will like this "welcome back" video.

1801 words not counting this author's note. That's a lot based on my other chapters. Anyways, I got to see my fam today! Bye Aqualines!

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