Chapter 20

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Blaine's POV

"Blaine, Aaron is my ex..."

"He's your what?!" I demand. "Aaron is my—" "I heard you the first time," I interrupt. I'm so angry at Derrick! He was Aaron's first boyfriend, and made the experience terrible!

"Listen, I totally screwed up. I'm sorry for everything. Just please, don't try to kill me. You have Aaron, your child, and Seth," Derrick says. I still glare at him. "You're right." "Now let's go inside," Derrick says and opens the door for me. I cautiously step in, continuing to glare at him.

If I want to kill him, I'll have to do it somewhere else.

"Aaron, is Derrick really your ex?" I ask Aaron as soon as I see him. "Yes," he replies. Quinn reaches out for me. "Come here, baby girl," I say and take her. She giggles and squirms in my arms.

I see Derrick and Seth kiss. I gag at the sight. Aaron gives me and unamused look. "Be supportive," he says. "But he and Seth are 6 years apart!" I counter. "Shut up and be supportive! Your brother is in love," Aaron demands. "Fuck you," I whisper, hoping Quinn doesn't hear it.

"So, how's that economy?" I ask awkwardly. "Your so economical when your feeling awkward," Seth says. "Shut it," I snap. Quinn watches Seth and Derrick, looking interested.

"Um, before Blaine kills anyone, I think we should get going," Aaron says. "But I—" "Blaine." Aaron interrupts. "Fine," I give in. As I stand up, Quinn wraps her arms around my neck, tightly. Nearly blocking off my airway.

"Uh, I'll see you later, Seth. I love you," I force out. "See 'ya Blaine. Good luck with everything!" Seth replies. Aaron and I walk out of their house. I'm nervous about leaving Seth and Derrick alone together. What if they do something they're not supposed to do?

"Blaine, you should support your brother! He loves Derrick and you saw how nice Derrick was."

"But what if Derrick is just using Seth to get closer to my parents? They are Markiplier and Jacksepticeye!"

"Listen, Derrick is probably in love with Seth and he probably isn't. I'm looking on the bright side. Like you should!"

I roll my eyes and put Quinn in her car seat. She let's go of my neck and I can breath again! "Let's get home. I'm sure Quinn is tired," I say, changing the subject.

Aaron and I get in the car. "She might be. I'll talk about the situation later." He says. Will he ever let this go?! Seth is my brother!

Guys, I'll write maybe one more chapter than the epilogue. I've just lost interest in this story, but I want to finish it! Bye!

*Sorry this chapter is short and bad. I rushed.

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