Their Serene Peace

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Hello there sweethearts 😊 ❤️. Thank you so much for your votes and comments. Do share this book with your friends. So here is the next chapter enjoy 🙂.................

Vansh and Aman got their chatter plane ready to fly to India .Just in one thought in their mind to reach their babysister as soon as possible.

Vansh sat on his seat nervous as hell.......

Ya weird it was..........

But the Big Baddy Mafiaso........

Capo of The Scorpion Mafia .

Whose Name Is Enough To Shiver Down People's Spine.......

Is Nervous to meet his little Sister.....

He has got information about his little sister.

Her name Aravya.......

Sweetest name he ever heard .

He got all the information and all he could conclude was his mother has kept his little sister all safe from the darkness of this world .

Innocent and Pure ....Protected in a safe happy bubble.

And he would be forever grateful to the women to give him such a precious thing in his life.

His Sunshine.

And he would protect her till his last breath.

His thought came into halt when he heard Aman saying.

Everything is gonna be fine Vansh.

Vansh looked at his younger brother who gave him a knowing smile as if he understood what he was thinking.......

Vansh sighed at his younger brother and said .

I hope so..........


Aravya was looking at Amey with widened saucer like eyes and O shaped mouth as soon as he told her about her big brother's.

She was shocked would be an understatement...........

Why Mama didn't told her about her brother's.........

Why they never came to meet to her......

Do they not like her........

Thousands of question running in her head ......But without an answer.

Amey looked at her face and understood her turmoil.

Aravya it's gonna be fine don't worry ....Woh tumhe lene aa rahe hai.So be ready okk.

Aravya merely nodded her head at all the  information.

With only one thought in her mind ......

How will be her brother's??


As soon as the plane landed Vansh and Aman got off the and headed towards their SUV .

Vansh looked at Derek whom he had told to arrange everything as they have to bring their little sister back .

He cannot risk anything......and when it comes to her safety not a bit.

Vansh: Derek everything is ready right.

Derek: Yes Capo.......

The lawyer will straightaway meet you at the station to complete the formalities.

Aman : Why the hell do we even need the formalities. She is our sister for f*ck sake.

Vansh: Relax Aman....let's just get end up with all this so that we have our little Sorella back with us.

Aman nodded at it as they both patiently wait to reach the station.


Amey was busy with some works.While Aravya slept in a office room couch after having a little bit of fruits .

He looked at her innocent sleeping figure and thought whether those Mafia's will be able to take care of such a fragile soul .

He sighed at his own thoughts.

He was busy in his own thoughts when a group a big bulky men burst inside his office .He stood up at the sight while his officer tensed .

He gave them a sign to relax as he knew whom he was about to expect.

And without a doubt their stood the Capo of Scorpion Mafia and his Second in Command.

Vansh And Aman Rai Singhania.

In their world famous aurra and cold faces.

Making his whole of the office tense to another level.

Vansh and Aman entered the station and smirked looking at the officer's scared faces.

Vansh diverted his gaze to their head officer who just had a blank look on his face and without a doubt he knew that he is the one who called him.

Officer Amey Patnaik.

Vansh gave him a smirk and said.

Good evening officer.

Amey gave him a blank look and said.

Let's just get into the formalities. If you have any doubt you can have DNA test.

Vansh gave him a death glare and said in a cold tone.

I don't need any proof that she is my sister . And about your bullsh*t of formalities.


All of them flinched at his loud tone and they heard a gasp.

Vansh and Aman eyes perked up hearing the gasp they turned towards the source only to widen their eyes and their hearts to melt.

Their stood their little amore.

Who was nothing but beauty filled with innocence and purity.

Her those doe shaped looking at them curiously and her shaking fingers were enough to tell her nervousness and fear.

Vansh and Aman eyes softened looking at her figure .Aman took a deep breath and went took a step towards her.

Scarred at his aura Aravya was about to back out but stopped when she heard his soft tone .

Aman : Hey...Hey...Amore relax okk take a deep breath.....I am not gonna hurt you alright.

Aman very cautiously went near her and kneeled down before her .Grabbing her hands gently in his beastly ones he rubbed soothing circles on her knuckles.

Aman : Relax Bachha.....Look copy me alright .....take deep breaths okk.

Aravya who felt a motherly warmness in him copied and got relaxed.

Amey and all the members stood their shocked at the sight infront of them .

The Aman Rai Singhania who is another name of death is kneeling down infront of someone and is so soft .

Well it was too much to digest .

While Vansh smiled at Aman and Aravya and knew that Aman is gonna be a mother hen for her.

Aravya breathing become stable and she smiled at Aman making his heart go all aww over her.

Aman caressed her cheeks and said.

Hello their amore .....I am Aman your Second eldest brother and that's Vansh your eldest brother.

Aravya smiled cutely at him and turned to look at Vansh .

As there gazes met Vansh dark eyes softened and he gave her a smile to which Aravya returned her bright one and said.

Hello......Mera naam Aravya hai.

Vansh and Aman both cooed at her cute reply .Vansh kneeled down infront of her and said.

We know........

Aravya gasped at his answer and said.


Vansh cupped her face in his big hands.

That my dear is nothing you have to worry about.

Aravya pouted at him and said.

That's mean.

Aman and Vansh both chuckled at her cute face .

Aravya faces suddenly saddened making their heart clenched .

Aman: What happened Amore.......

Aravya: Kya aap bhi mujhe mumma ke tarah chod Kar chale jaoge .

Her eyes turned glassy and her lips wobbled .

Vansh hand turn into fist and Aman hearts clenched looking at her crying face.

It was the most hateful sight for them.

Aman took her small face in his hands and wiped her tears and said.

Never Sweetheart......

Aravya: Promise.

Vansh held her chin and kissing her forehead said .


Aravya smiled at them and hugged them both catching then off guard.

Vansh and Aman both were shock at her reaction but composing themselves they too wrapped their hands around her in a gentle and protective grip.

They felt like now they are complete having ........

Their Serence Peace in their arms.

Their life is complete.

Tadaa so guys here is the next chapter

So the trio siblings sweet meet .And Aman has become a mother hen.

So what do you think will happen next.

Stay tune to know ......

Till then sayonnara buddies 🤗🤗🤗

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