Welcome Home Princess

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Hellos there sweethearts 😊❤️.Thank you so much for your votes and comments. Do share your views on the storyline I would love to hear your suggestions.
So here is the next chapter enjoy........😊.

Vansh looked at his little sunshine who was all busy in playing the blocks making something which seemed like a tower occasionally sipping her chocolate milkshake.

He observed her eyebrows scrunched together in concentration while she thoughtfully placed one lego over the other.

Making her look even more cute...........

He just smiled softly at his innocent little sister.

She is such a pure angel who knows only to spread happiness .......But he is devil.

They all are........

And the place he rules is a hell.

With demons all over.......

Darkness surrounded ........

And his little princepessa is nothing but a light ......

And he is so determined to protect her light .......her innocence..........

He will never ever let a dark shadow enter in his Sunshine's life.

He was brought out of his trance by a violent cough sound .He snapped his head only to find his princess in distress who had just choked on her milkshake.

He immediately rushed towards her and rubbed her back gently.

Careful Mio Amore ........

He said in worried a gentle tone.He rubbed her back softly .
Aravya looked at her elder brother and smiled sheepishly.


Vansh smiled at her and said.

It's fine ....You are alright.......just drink slowly ohk.....I can give you thousand of milkshake like this so you don't have to worry about them getting finish.

Aravya giggled at her brother's words and said .

But I want only one.

The giggle woke up Aman from his sleep and he said.

Hey Princess ......When did you wakeup.

Vansh rolled his eyes and said.

When you were sleeping dumba*s....

Aman narrowed his eyes at Vansh and said.

First of all language......No swearing we have a kid here.
And I asked her not you.

Vansh glared at Aman and Aman glared right back and were about to argue.When they heard Aravya saying.

No fighting Bubba's I hate it.

Vansh and Aman both of them gazes snapped at her who was looking at them with a pout and sad face.

Fight left them both and both of them wrapped their arms around her giving her a warm hug.

Aman: Sorry princess we didn't mean to upset you.

Vansh: And ya Sunshine both of your Bubba's are never gonna fight.

Aravya looked at them both with her doe shaped eyes and said.


Aman and Vansh both smiled at her and said.

Promise Sweetheart.

And hugged her even tighter. Making a mental note to themselves that no fights will unfold infront of Aravya.

Vansh : Ohk guys let's buckle up we will be soon landing.

Aman cupped Aravya's face and said.

So princess ready to meet your brother's.

Aravya nodded her head excitedly while Vansh chuckled and said.

Well they will be more than excited.


On the other hand all of the other four brother's preparing a beautiful surprise for their little amore who was finally was reuniting with them.

They might hate their Mother.

But their little amore is just pure soulful blessing in their life.

And Dare they say their Heart and Lifeline.

They already missed 17 years of her life.They didn't want to miss more.

Anish looked at his brother's who were busy preparing the surprise.

Anish : Guys everything is ready right.

Rehaan: Yup....All done her favourite food is ready exclusively made by me.

Anish: Wait .....What?!!!.....You made it.

Yug : Seventh Wonder Of The World.....That you made something not only for yourself to eat.

Rehaan rolled his eyes and said.

I made it for my princess.....So you better don't rise your hopes.

Yug to gave him an unimpressed look and said.

Least intrested in your hand made food brother.

Rehaan glared at him and Yug glared back .

Anish shaked his head in utter annoyance looking at his brother's and said.

Enough both of you.....Stop fighting like kids and mind you I am telling you last time don't start this stupid glaring competition of yours infront of my little star.

Rehaan and Yug both scowled at him but didn't said anything.

Meanwhile Dhruv came running in and said.

Guys.....The beautiful surprise that we arranged for our precious is here .

Anish smiled at him and said.

Great.....Well then prepare yourself. Vansh has texted me .They have reached London .

Our Princess will be here anytime.


Aravya was all dazed up as she got down of the aeroplane. Her Vansh Bhai was having some kind of  secret discussion in some weird language.....which she assumed was Italian with Derek.

While Aman Bhai was escorting her with a protective hand on her shoulder. While both of them made scary stone like faces.

While big bulky men like bodyguards were surrounding them as they walked out of the airport.

They sat in the SUV .Derek on driving seat.Vansh on front and Aman and Aravya at back.

Vansh looked back at his sister and saw her looking at everything outside in awe and surprised look .He looked at Aman only to find him looking at her with a soft smile.

Vansh : Whatcha...looking at sweetheart......

Aravya turned towards him and said

Are you guys some kind of hero .....You have your own plane....your own bodyguards......What do you guys do ??

Aman and Vansh shared a look and Aman said.

No princess....We are business men we have a very big business of hotels....constructions.

Aravya: Really......Wow that's so cool.

Vansh Bhai is Derek your friend?

Derek's eyes snapped towards Vansh and their Mob's little princess he was about to say something. When Vansh said

Yes he is.

Vansh looked at Derek who allowed himself a small smile.

Aravya's eyes glittered and she said.

Wow that means I got one more big brother. Wow!!!

Derek Can I call Rek Bro.

Derek's heart melted at those cute face and innocent eyes.He vowed to himself to lay his life down before any danger touches this innocent little fairy He smiled at little at her hopeful eyes and said.

As you command princess.

Aravya giggled at his reply while Aman and Vansh gave him a proud look.

Soon they reached the Mansion gate.Aravya's widened her awe and shock and she said.

Oh my my.......It looks like a castle of Cinderella.

Aman smiled at her and said .

Yes and you know what.....You are the Cinderella.

Aravya blushed at his words .While Vansh smiled at her cuteness .

He opened her door and taking her hands in his said.

Well then let's escort you to your castle.

Aravya giggled at her Bubba and they walked towards main door.
Aman to followed them but not before patting Derek's shoulder proudly.

All of reached the entrance.Vansh gave his fingerprint. And the door opened they saw the hallway dimly light.

Aravya tightened her hold on Vansh's hand.Vansh who noticed her fear said.

Shh...Sweetheart .....Don't worry I am there with you.

Aman too caught her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

As soon as they reached they living room whole of the room flooded with bright fairylights........And roses and stars were showered on Aravya.

Aravya stunned at the sudden happening gasped but then smiled brightly at the surprise.

Aman and Vansh smirked knowing who did it.

Aravya turned her head only to see table set up with a big cake and two huge teddies near the table and balloons decorating the area.

And Welcome Home Aravya......Little Sorella hanging in the middle.

And all of sudden Six pair of hands engulfed her in a big group hug and Aman softly wiped her tears.

And then she heard her all brother's saying.

Welcome Home.......Princess.

Tadaaa.......So guys here is the next chapter.So my exams ended today.....Whuppp stress free.

Hope so you like a fluffy ....Duffy chapter.

So the welcoming ceremony is still pending........But finally our angel has entered devil's den.

What do you think will happen next.

Stay tune to know.......

Till then sayonnara buddies 🤗 💕 💖.

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