Chapter 17: Anger

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Third Person POV 

Salem smirks as she formed a horde of grimm as she smirked. 

Salem: Come and get me. If you can. 
She smirks as the grimm charged at Fatalis. 

Fatalis slowly formed into her monster form as she wacked her tail at the grimm, sending them away as Salem watched in awe. 

Salem: So this is the black dragon of the monsters. Hmm. 
She smirked as she summoned a leviathan grimm.

The leviathan flew towards her as Fatalis lunged at it before colliding with it. The leviathan fell onto its back as Fatalis glared at it before blasting fire into its face. The leviathan roared in pain but it went motionless as Fatalis glared at Salem. 

Salem: Hmm. Is that all you all. 
She smirks before throwing a fireball at Fatalis. 


Fatalis roared in pain before falling onto the ground as Salem looked at her in disappointment. 

Salem: How pathetic. So weak. Just like the ones you swore to protect. 
She said as Fatalis's body glowed red. 

Salem: What the?
She said as she sees Fatalis slowly getting up her body glowed red. 

To Ruby 

Ruby hugged Y/N as she sobbed into his chest. 

Ruby: Please be okay. 
She said as she sobs into his chest. 

As she continued to sob onto his chest, Vaal Hazal, Deviljho, Kushala Doara, Gogmazious, and Dalamadur were watching from afar. 

Deviljho: What does this human cry about Y/N. 
She said as she looked at Ruby. 

Vaal Hazak: Hmm. Human crying about any of us. That is nothing but an illusion. Humans don't care about us. 
She said as she looked at Kushala. 

Vaal Hazak: What is it Kushala. 

Kushala Doara: That girl. Don't you think she looks familiar. 

Vaal Hazak: What about her. 

Kushala Daora: She looks like Summer. Possible daughter. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Gogmazious: Shut up! 
She yells loudly. 

The two monsters looked at her as black steam came out of her back. 

Gogmazious: This girl is Summer's daughter. Summer and Raven were the only ones that treated as humans. 
She told them. 

Vaal Hazak: Then Raven abandoned us. 
She said before walking away. 

Kushala Daora: Did you forget that she was the spring maiden. 

Vaal Hazak: That doesn't excuse anything. 
She said and walked away, leaving the group of monsters behind. 

Kushala Daora: Where are you going. 

Vaal Hazak: To the vale. 
She said before flying off to Rotten Vale. 

Kushala sighs as Gogmazious places her hand on her hsoulder. 

Gogmazious: Give her sometime. She needs to think. 
She told her. 

Kushala: And she clings to the past. 

Deviljho: We all do. 
She said and walks away. 

Kushala: Where are you going. 

Deviljho: Going to kill some grimm. Can't stand humans and their stupidity. 

Kushala: Stupidity? 

Deviljho: Did you forget? 
She said as she looked at her. 

Deviljho: The humans portray us as monsters. Monsters that raid their homes and leave their villages in ruins. See us, they run. When we're weak, they kill. So you know what I've learned. I'd rather just kill them all. Faunas. Humans. Atlas. Vale. Menagerie. Mistral. Vacuao. They all deserve to die. 

Kushala: Why. Why because your family were killed! 

She yelled as her eyes turned red, red veins flowing through her body. 

Deviljho: We tried to coexist with them in Mistral and what they do? They discriminate. Put down. Line them up against the wall and shoot unless you're human! THAT IS IT! 

Kushala: And what does killing get? 

Deviljho: It shows that we're the same! 

Kushala: You're starting to sound like that bull faunas we've killed. 

Deviljho: Don't compare me to that faunas. He was a monster needed to be put down.


Deviljho and Kushala turned to see Dalamadur slowly crushing a mountain as she looked down upon them. 

Dalamadur: Deviljho. You may be right about the humans being the monsters they claim us to be but they're young. Let them learn. If not, let it destroy them in the end. 

Gogmazious: Where's Valstrax? 

To Valstrax 

Valstrax was on an island as she looked around to see nothing but trees as she felt snow on her wings. 

Valstrax: What is this place.
She said as she looked around. 


Valstrax looked behind her as she sees a monster looking at her. A monster covered in an ice like armor as it growled at her. 

Valstrax: Who the hell are you. 

Here is chapter 17 for Their Protector! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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