Chapter 3: Protector Of The Island

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Third Person POV

Y/N was on Valstrax on his way back to the village while he held onto Valstrax. Not long, the two land in front of a building. Y/N gets off and pets Valstrax on the head.

Y/N: Thanks for the ride girl. Now go help the others find the girl.

Valstrax nods and flys off to find its target. Y/N watched as he hears the dragon fly away.

Y/N: She's one of a kind.
He said as he watched her fly away. 

Y/N starts walking towards the village. While he walked through, he come across the many monsters he swore to protect. After walking through them, he made it to a room where the students and professors from Beacon and Atlas were waiting at. 

Y/N's POV 

I walked into the room and I saw Sarah with the students. 

Sarah: You're here. 
She said as  I sat down in my chair while she sat on my lap. 

"Now. Tell me. Why are you all here." 

A man with a cane and grey hair came up. 

Grey hair: I am Oz- 

"I am fully aware of you. Ozpin. Headmaster of Beacon Academy." 

Ozpin: Oh. I see. 

Blonde Hair: How do you know him? 

I turned to see a lady with glasses and a riding crop. 

"Because. You're not the first ones here. Neither is Atlas. A woman by the name of Summer Rose was here first." 

I heard a gasp from two girls. One with red hair and holding a scythe like Summer. The other with blonde hair and two gauntlets.

Red: H-How do you know my mother? 

Blonde: Yeah. How do you know her? 

"Like I told you earlier. She came upon this island. I was a mere apprentice." 

Ozpin: A-Apprentice? 

"I was a just an assistance helping my predecessors." 

Ironwood: Predecessors? 

"What do you think General Ironwood?" 

Ironwood: How do you know my name. 

"Want to know how I know. How many times have I broken into Atlas labs just to free all the monsters you've extracted from this island." 


Ironwood: They're animals. They'll be usegul. 

"No. They're not your cattle." 

Ironwood: What makes them yours?! 

"They're not my cattle. They're my family." 

Ozpin: Why would these creatures be your family? 

"Want a reason why." 

Ozpin nods. 

"Where were the huntsmen and huntresses when my home village was attacked." 

Ozpin: Attacked by who? 

"Attacked by white fang and grimm. Tell me. Where were they?" 

Ozpin remains silent. 

"Instead of your huntsmen saving me, it was the monsters of this island that saved me." 

Red Hair: W-W-Who saved you? 

"Want to know. It was Nergigante. An elder dragon that helps me protect the youngest elder dragon." 

Ozpin: But why shelter them from the world? We can use them to get rid of the white fang. 

"Because I know all of the conflicts. White fang. Atlas corruption. Faunas inequality. Salem." 

I saw sweat drip down Ozpin's forehead as I said that. 

"Oh. You think I didn't know. You were going to use these creatures to fight against Salem did you?" 

Ozpin: I-I don't know what you're talking about. 

"Don't fuck with me Headmaster Ozpin. Not only did you take away the person that was my mother figure. You plan on using my only family left against an enemy that is considered immortal." 

Ozpin: I-I-I 

Ironwood: Hey we need them to defeat Salem! 

"No you don't. Because she wouldn't dare touch this island." 

Goodwitch: What makes you guaranteed that? 

"Because if she wants to risk the wrath of the elder dragons. Dragons who can manipulate the very weather or area." 

Black hair: Who are the elder dragons? 

"Animals that are rare and powerful." 

Black hair: O-Oh. 

White: Wait! Wait a minute! You're saying these creatures can manipulate the very weather! They're too dangerous to live! 

"I would choose your words very carefully. Not only did Atlas want to use them. I also heard the CEO of the schnee dust company tried to mine the skins of my family. So I would be wise to choose your next few words. Weiss Schnee. 

Weiss: Y-Y-You know me? 

"No. But because of your father. Sarah lost her family. Not did she lose hers. Countless other monsters lost theirs because the arrogance of humans and faunas." 

Third Person POV 

Team RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, NDGO, and SSSN stood there in fear as they felt murderous intent coming from Y/n. 

Y/N: So. If any atlas ships or white fang members try to take these creatures from their home. I will be the first to wipe them off from the face of Remnant. No survivors. 

Blake: B-But they're just misguided! 

Y/N: They should have thought before extracting them for personal gain. Especially that red head fool named Adam Taurus. 

Ozpin: Wait! He was here! 

Y/N: He was. And I've made short work of him. 
He said as he pressed a button, showing a video.


Adam unleashed his semblance against Y/N. Y/N blocked the attack wit his switch axe. 

Adam: Impossible. No human can do that! 

Y/N: Who said I was human. 

Y/N kicked Adam's knee in, making Adam go to a knee. Y/N kneed Adam in the face, making Adam crash into the ground. Y/N switched his sword into an axe and swung it down onto Adam. Adam raised his sword to block it but it smashed through his sword and cut Adam's arm off. 

Y/N: Now get off my island. 


The students and professors stood there in fear as they looked at Y/N. 

Blake: W-W-Why do you hate us so much. 
She said with venom. 

Y/N: Simple. Faunas and Humans are both arrogant fools. Only seeking to destroy each other. These animals have their own lives to live. And what do you do? Go onto someone else's turf and try to make them bend down to suit your fitting. 

Weiss: But what makes you different?! 

Y/N: Unlike you all. I know how to coexist. You faunas and humans don't. So I'd rather be with monsters of this island then be in a war over some pointless bullshit about equality. If you humans and faunas can't decide about coexisting, then I'd rather be here. 
He said as he got up. 


Everyone in the room turns to look at the door as Angel and Nergigante came into the room with a girl that had pink and black hair with a hat. 

Y/N: I see you've found her. 

Nergigante: She was easy to find. Tobi-Kadachi was able to find her. 

RWBY/CVFY/JNPR/Ironwood/Ozpin/Goodwitch: NEO! 

Neo looked at Y/N as he slowly took off his mask, revealing his H/C hair and E/C eyes. Her eyes slowly widen as she looked at him. 

Neo :Y-Y/N? 

Here is Chapter 3 of Their Protector! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

P.S: I might let Neo be able to talk in this book. Should I or should I not? 

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