Chapter 21

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She could feel the sudden tension that gripped his body.
It sent chills down her spine. It frightened her.
Her mind was racing.
Her heart thumped wildly. Her stomach tightened.
"I'm almost there." He whispered, glancing down at her.
She looked up at him, their faces inches apart. Her fingers tangled in his hair. Kayla smiled. She was happy. She was feeling everything Collin was experiencing. Everything he had ever experienced. She felt so full inside. She had never experienced anything so wonderful. It was like she was floating. All her senses had gone haywire.
There was no way to describe how good it felt to love someone so deeply. It had to be a dream. It couldn't possibly be real. This is where she wanted to be, this was what she loved. It was the most incredible feeling.
"That's it, baby, come on. Give yourself over to me."
His breathing became harsh, and his hands clenched into fists. But still, she told him to keep going.
"Almost there," Collin said.
"I know, Collin. You're almost there. I feel it. I promise" Kayla assured. "I love you."
"You're my heart," Collin said.

"I can't help it. You're my heart, Collin."
"I love you... love you." Collin said, struggling.
"I've got you, Collin," Kayla told him. "I've got you."
She held his gaze.
"I love you, Kayla," Collin said.

"I love you, Collin," Kayla answered. "I love you." Her heart was alive with joy. She loved him. She wanted to tell him how she felt. Kayla leaned up to kiss Collin once again. She took his lips in a kiss that stretched his muscles, making him moan.

He lifted his head and looked at her silently. His skin was warm and soft as she ran her hands over his upper body. He was breaking under her touch. Her heart was going crazy.
Kayla wanted to give her all to him and make all the pain go away. She could do it... She knew she could. She grasped his powerful shoulders. Then there was a deep visage of emotion on his face, and he brought his robust hands to her face and kissed her. All it took was a few hard thrusts, and he fought for his control. She could feel the wet heat filling her. She made a sound of raw need. They came in mutual surrender.

Kayla cried out. But she didn't know why she was so overcome by emotion.

Kayla gasped when her eyes opened. She felt him pull out as the climax faded, he was still breathing hard and shaking. They were glued to the sheets with sweat. Collin growled inaudibly and held Kayla close. Their bodies curled around each other.
Kayla's heart raced as her eyes traced his face, from his handsome features to his strong jaw, thick neck, and down his smooth chest. His kisses were soft and gentle now. Kayla inhaled sharply and gasped for breath. She looked into his eyes; drinking in all the emotion that reflected there. Her heart was about to explode, and she could do anything ... she could do anything for him.
Collin's breath caught in his throat. He was speechless for a moment.
He held her then and kissed her breathlessly. At that moment, Kayla knew she'd never go back to the life she'd led before. Collin told her he'd protect her, no matter what happened.

He let himself collapse then. He groaned quite somberly, and he fell beside her, breathing hard.

His eyes stared down at her. He cupped her cheek and sighed gently.
Then his hand moved to rest against her bare belly. Kayla shivered, smiling. He brushed a stray piece of her hair away from her forehead and then kissed it.
Collin gazed at the woman he loved.

"How did that feel?" Collin asked.

"You didn't hurt me..... that was amazing," Kayla answered. Next came the sadness.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked.
"It felt so right......I don't feel dirty." Kayla whispered.

"That's good."
"Why?" She asked.
"Because if you did, I'd kill them," Collin said. "All of them. All of those people who did that."
"You're mine, Kayla. I love you. I always will." Collin said.
They lay together, wrapped in each other's arms, their hearts beating in unison.
"You're special, Kayla. You're so beautiful and strong." He told her.
"But they hurt me," Kayla said, against his chest.
"They won't again," Collin promised.
"They can't hurt you again, Kayla," Collin told her, holding her close. Kayla wanted to believe him. She kissed him.
"Thank you for healing me."
"I love you, Kayla," Collin told her.
"I love you, Collin." She whispered back. She knew the method they used wasn't reliable.
"What if I get pregnant?" Kayla asked, sobering up.
"It's okay, sweetheart," Collin answered. "Are you scared?"
"A little.... but...." She hesitated.
"You can be," Collin said, stroking her hair. "But it doesn't matter if we get pregnant or not. I'll take care of you. And I want you."
"And you'll make us a family?"

"Do you believe I'll take care of you?" He asked her.
"You'll do right by me, Collin," Kayla said with a coy smile. "I know I can count on you."
Collin grinned.

"It's alright, Kayla. I told you, I will protect you from everything Kayla; I told you, I won't let you go. You have nothing to fear. I won't let anyone hurt you." Collin said. His arms tightened around her, and he lay on his side, with Kayla in his arms.
He shut his eyes, he was too close to it all.
"I love you, Kayla."
"I love you too." She whispered. "It's ok.
"Then love me again."
Kissing, and holding each other, they were on their way to heaven. They held each other; as the world faded away. He loved her every way he could that night. And Kayla felt everything in her. A love she had never felt before. She held onto him, kissing him tenderly, knowing Collin would love and protect her. Soon, they were drained and sated.
Collin sighed heavily, and relaxed in Kayla's embrace, closing his eyes tiredly.
He breathed softly, trying to relax.
And Kayla held on to Collin tighter, feeling his heartbeat beneath hers, as she rested her head against his chest, enjoying the warmth of his muscular body against her own. He kissed her forehead and got out of bed. He soaked up a washcloth and walked over to her. He reached forward, stroking her hair, brushing it out of her face. He wiped the sweat off Kayla's face. He kissed her brows then.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna take good care of you." He promised. He reached forward, stroking her hair, brushing it out of her face. He then continued down her body, cooling her skin.
He took his time, washing her skin slowly. He could tell she was enjoying it. He washed her thighs and the area between them. He then moved lower down her body, taking her in each of his hands, and cleaning her thoroughly. Then he lifted her legs and washed them with warm water. Then she sat up in the bed and watched him. He looked up at her.
"Collin? Can I clean you off?" Kayla asked.
"You want to take care of me?" Collin asked. "Of course, you can. Do whatever you like. As long as you're safe with me."
Kayla moved forward, reaching for the washcloth and wiping his chest and stomach clean. She rubbed the fabric against his torso. As she worked, Kayla's hands trembled slightly. Collin placed his hand over hers.
"It's okay, baby. Everything's going to be fine. It's gonna be ok." Collin said gently. Kayla smiled as she gently brushed the damp cloth across his chest. He was still semi-hard, and her touch made him aroused again. He ignored it; he wanted to savor her touch, how much she cared for him. He closed his eyes as she finished. He took the washcloth from her and tossed it in the bathroom sink.

Collin laid back on the bed. Kayla wrapped herself around him. She was exhausted, and he was also drained. She felt so happy. The love they shared was more than pure, deeper, and stronger. She was sure that she'd wake up with happiness in her heart every day.

He felt weak but relieved at having done something good and right by her.
"Come here." He said, pulling her in.
As they cuddled together, Collin felt sleep gripping him. He was exhausted and emotionally spent. His mind was foggy.
"Look at me, baby." He whispered.
"Sleep." He whispered. "Close your eyes, sweetheart."
Kayla closed her eyes. Collin brushed some hair out of her face and kissed her on the cheek.
"My precious Kayla;  my angel." He murmured. He closed his eyes, holding her tightly, knowing this was the woman he would die for, and the one he would spend his life protecting.
"I love you, Collin." She whispered back, snuggling closer to him.
"Goodnight, Kayla," Collin said quietly.
Kayla was drifting in and out of sleep, feeling the warmth radiating from Collin's strong, muscular body, which was pressed closely against hers. She felt safe within his arms, protected and surrounded. She couldn't help the contented sigh that left her lips.
Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw that Collin had fallen asleep.
She smiled at him lovingly, then leaned forward, kissing his cheek.
"Collin." She whispered, caressing his cheek.
He stirred awake, opening his eyes. "Thank you for loving me." She said smiling.
Collin smiled at her and hugged her tightly. Her body fit against his perfectly. Their hearts beat in unison. They both felt complete and secure. They were in sync.
Together, at this moment, they had finally found peace. Together, they were safe.

After that, Collin would always wonder if he wanted to remember one thing, what would it be? For him, it would be laying in bed after he and Kayla made love, her warm body against him and her sleeping face looking so innocent and angelic, no longer carrying a pained look.
They lay side by side, Collin staring at the ceiling, Kayla's breathing so slow and peaceful that it sounded like a melody and he was thinking about what the future could hold.

He didn't feel like he was alone anymore. Kayla was by his side, and she had healed him. He knew now there was hope for her too. If anyone could heal, it was Kayla.
For Collin, he hoped to see himself grow old with Kayla and raise a family with her.
He kissed her silky hair, tucked the blanket that covered her naked body over them, and drifted into a deep sleep with her body next to his, safe in his arms. He would keep her safe. Forever.

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