Chapter 32

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A few more hours went by.
Kayla murmured softly. She shuddered.
He put her face against his chest and held her tightly.
She was cold.
He silently urged the engine faster.

" cold...." She slurred.

He didn't answer. He pressed harder on the gas. He had to get to the base before it was too late. He had to get a signal. He couldn't lose her.
Not now...not like this...he thought. He gripped the steering wheel tighter.
"Hang on...Hang on...Please."
She was starting to drift away.

Collin wasn't sure if she'd understand; he prayed he hadn't hurt her while walking her to the vehicle, or when he drove. He was just trying to save her.

Her eyes opened. She moaned. She gripped his hand.

"Kayla?" He said, catching a glimpse of her. "I'm here."
Collin looked at her, his heart stopping. He could feel her slipping away from him.

"Collin......I'm scared," she said softly. She closed her eyes. Her grip on his hand tightened. She shivered slightly.
"'re OK. I'm here. Don't worry. Just stay with me. We're almost there."
Her breathing grew heavy.
"I'm scared...." she whispered again. He let his head fall back, his eyes closed tightly.

"I'm scared too. We've made it so far. We'll be okay. You'll be okay." He said, keeping the fear out of his voice. He looked at Kayla. She was barely breathing. He was losing her. She couldn't be slipping through his fingers. He took a deep breath.
He pulled at the road, his hands clutching the wheel. He could see the night sky above him. It was clear.

Kayla moaned as the pain overtook her. Collin watched her eyes, trying to keep a constant, soothing smile on his face.
He held her tight, trying to force life back into her body. Kayla closed her eyes, and her chest shuddered.
The truck hit a pothole. A loud sound rang through the cab. He knew he should stop, but he was desperate.
He moved his hand up to her chest, hoping that the warmth and breath of life would somehow fill her. She had to be here. He had to keep her here.

"Kayla, I...I need you." He said.

Her eyes started to flutter again. Her grip was growing weaker.

"I need you...."
She moved her head against his hand.
"Collin?" Her voice was strained, weak. Tiny bits of words came out. She was fading fast from the pain.

"You have to try for me...We made it this far. I...I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try..."
He turned the heat to high, hoping that it would warm her. Collin felt her hand move, he clenched it close to his chest.
Her eyes started to close again. He took the ring from his pocket and put it on his thumb. He slid it onto her ring finger. He knew he couldn't wait to give it to her. She didn't seem to feel it, so he squeezed her hand gently.

"Kayla. I love you." He said.

"Love you...too, Collin...."
He shook his head. He wiped away a tear.
"Don't do this to me, Kayla. Please. Stay strong."
He glanced over at her again. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was shallow. He leaned forward, kissing her forehead.
"Please....don't leave me.." His voice cracked. He cried a single tear as it ran down his cheek. He leaned closer, pressing his lips against hers.
"I need you." He whispered, holding her tightly. "Stay with me.."
He felt numb; he couldn't think straight.
He couldn't breathe.
His kiss was the last thing she tasted.
He kissed her.
"It hurts...oh hurts...please..."
"I'm here. I'm here, Kayla."
"Collin...." Her eyes blinked open. The pain was still there, but she found herself able to focus somewhat. She saw him. Even in their pain, she still saw him as her hero; the one who would protect her no matter what. But he had failed, and still, she loved him. Only days before they had made love for the first time.  And they enjoyed each other very much.
Kayla's eyes focused a little bit more.
"How long?" She croaked.
"I don't know. I can't find a signal.."
She closed her eyes and then reopened them.
"Can we pull over? Can we rest?" She asked.
"No; it's not safe. We've got to keep going."
"I'm tired." She murmured softly. "I can't keep going..."
He nodded. "I know baby....but we'll be there soon. You'll be all right." He lied.
"You'll make it, baby. I won't let you die. Not until I know it's too late." He spoke with conviction.
Her body tensed up at the sight. "Collin, we have to hurry..." Her voice quivered.
"I am! I'm doing everything I can." He growled. "Just hang in there." He pleaded with his voice shaking.
He continued driving.
He felt the engine shudder. She'd drifted away again.
She was fading.

"I love you, Kayla. I promise I will save you. I don't care what it takes."
She nodded weakly.

She coughed and took a deep breath. Collin took a deep breath with her; he held her tightly. She held onto him. She was slipping away.
He looked down at her pale face. She covered her lips with her hand. She coughed, taking a deep breath. Collin knew something was wrong. He felt it. He saw the spots of blood on Kayla's hand.
She groaned.
She rested her head against his chest. She was shaking. He rubbed her back lightly. When her breathing returned to normal he laid her back down on the seat and wrapped the blanket around her.
"Stay awake, sweetheart. Please, stay awake."
"Mmm...Collin...." she mumbled her breathing evening out.
"Keep your eyes open for me." He demanded. She nodded, her eyes still closed.
He put the pedal down harder. She groaned.
He wasn't going to lose her again. He wouldn't. If he had to sit by her side, hold her hand and wipe the sweat off her brow all day and night, he would. She was his. He loved her.

"You can't leave me now." He said, his voice shaking.
"I'll save you, I promise.
Collin smiled. "I'm here, Kayla. I'm right here with you."
Kayla moaned; she cried out. "I'm scared...I'm scared."
"Me too," Collin replied. "But you're gonna be fine, Kayla. Don't give up yet."
"Collin?" Kayla questioned weakly.
"Didn't you say you wanted to marry me?"
Collin swallowed hard.
"I did. I meant it. Every word. I love you, Kayla. I always will."
"I love you too, Collin."
Tears streamed down his cheeks as the pain grew sharper and more intense. He gripped the steering wheel hard. He tried not to cry. There was so much more to do. So much more to try.
"I have to get you home...."
"Promise me you'll bring me home." She gasped, gripping his arm as her whole body shuddered.
"I promise."
"Collin...." she whimpered.
"What is it, baby?" He asked.
"I love you...I love you."

He kissed her forehead.
Kayla's eyes moved back and forth, her breathing was quick and shallow.
She struggled to catch her breath.

"Kayla, just hang on. Please hang on."
She closed her eyes.
She was slipping away from him.
Kayla's eyes opened.
"Collin...Collin, please...." She licked her dry lips. He gave her some water. She was so shaky, that he had to hold it for her. He tilted her head so she could drink from the canteen.
It dribbled out of the corner of her mouth.
Kayla slowly closed her eyes. She was gasping for air.
"No," Collin said. No, no, no, no! She couldn't die. She was his world, his world of light, of hope, of healing, of being loved, of giving love in return. "Kayla, please don't go." He whispered.
"Collin, I can't hold on anymore." She whispered.
"You can. I'll never let you go."
"I don't want to go..." she wheezed.
"Don't give up, Kayla. We are so close now. Just hold on...hold on." He pleaded.
"I'm sorry, Collin...I'm so sorry."
"For what? What are you talking about?"
"You got hurt because of me...because I needed your help." She whispered. "And I'm not strong enough. I was afraid. It hurts. Hurts so bad Collin. It bad." Tears fell down her face. "I don't want you to suffer because of me."
He kissed the tears away.
"Don't talk like that. I'm okay; look at me. Everything's fine. Just keep looking at me."
"I'm tired...." she whimpered.
"You don't have to go anywhere, my darling. Just keep looking at me."
"So cold. It hurts."

Collin watched her, his heart sinking. Please God, no.
She sucked in a deep breath, coughing. Kayla's eyes met his.

Kayla held onto his hand. She drew in a shaky breath.
"I love you." She gasped.
She closed her eyes. She went limp. She was fighting so hard to stay.
She was dying. She wasn't ready to let go. He couldn't let her go.

"I love you." He said, kissing her on her forehead.
He let her hand go. A tear escaped his eye. He cleared his throat.
Collin kissed her hand. She smiled at him. Her eyes started to close again.
She had a fever. He tried to keep the tears out of his eyes. He clutched her hand.

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