Chapter 36

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Kayla gasped for air, choking.
"Shh...." Collin hushed, holding her tight. "Easy. Take a few breaths."
She continued to cough, and her chest rose and fell quickly.
There was nothing more Collin could do.  They were running out of time.
Kayla finally stopped coughing. She was still wheezing, trying to regain her breath. Her eyes were barely open. "Collin.." she managed.
"Yeah?" Collin asked, wiping away the blood that dripped from her nose. "Yeah?"
"I love you...and so will the kids..."
Tears fell from Collin's eyes. "Me, too," he replied shakily.
"Promise?" She looked at him. "Promise you'll take care of them?"
"I promise," Collin said, kissing her forehead. "I promise."
"Good," Kayla said, closing her eyes. "Because I'm tired of being alone."
"I'm here, baby. I'm right here." Collin said, brushing her hair away from her face. " can't leave me, Kayla. We can make it...together."
"Collin," Kayla croaked. "I need much."
"I am going to get you home...I promise." He said, wiping her tears.
Collin sat next to her, placing his head gently against hers. The truck rattled along the gravel, picking up speed.  It rumbled and creaked. The engine roared, the sound reverberating in Collin's ears.
"We're gonna make it. I promise, baby." Collin murmured into her hair. "We are safe, I swear. I'm not gonna ever let you go. I'll get you help...I'll save the kids.....please don't leave me."
The road ahead became empty.  No cars were coming. No trucks, nor buses. No sign of life. The whole world looked dead. 
It was so quiet that it felt unreal. Everything seemed so empty. Collin kept driving.
His mind went blank for a moment. Everything blurred together until there was only one thought: Save her. Protect her. Love her.

His hands trembled as he drove onto the highway. It was getting harder and harder to focus. He put his fingers on her neck, checking her pulse.
"Don't you dare die on me. I won't forgive myself if you do." He gripped the wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white.
"Don't worry, Kayla...." He mumbled. "I'll take care of everything...don't you worry about a thing...."
His hand moved to her chest, feeling it go rise and fall.
It was still least....she hadn't died. Relief flooded through him.
He rubbed circles onto her palm.
She stirred slightly.
"Baby....wake up...Kayla....." His grip tightened on her hand as he stared at her. She blinked repeatedly. He looked at her, running his hand through her sweat-dampened hair. The truck bounced along, its tires screeching. Collin fought the urge to look at the gas gauge. It was barely going forty miles per hour. He was afraid to pull over because he knew they wouldn't make it.
Collin's stomach churned. He prayed that Kayla would hang on long enough. They were maybe halfway there. How much longer would Kayla stay alive?

She started coughing. He gave her some more water. Pain was coming in spasms from the wound in his side. It was oozing blood. He tried to hide the pain with a grimace, trying not to cry out loud. It hurt so much...
Collin squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to keep driving. Every bump and every pothole caused a sharp stab of pain in his ribs.

"Come on. Come can do it...." He said.
They weren't far now.  They had to keep moving. They would be there soon.
Kayla coughed again, and Collin watched her struggle to breathe.
"Hey...." He said. "Look at me," He gently lifted her chin so he could see her face. She opened her eyes. "We're almost there." He forced a smile. "Keep fighting."
His hand reached up and gently brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes.
"You are so strong," He whispered.
He kept looking ahead, watching the road. Every few minutes he'd glance behind, keeping alert for danger. He was so close...but so far.
"You've got to survive this." He said, staring at the gas gauge.
She looked at him, confused.
"I'm taking you somewhere safe. I promise you."
He glanced at her. Tears were streaming down her face, mixing with her perspiration.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered.
He clenched his jaw and gripped the steering wheel tightly.
"Please....don't leave me...." He closed his eyes.
"Collin?" She whispered.
He looked at her. "Yes."
"Can I rest for a while?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
He wiped her cheeks with his thumb, leaving small streaks of blood. He hated seeing her hurt, but she was strong. She was going to make it. He just needed to believe she would. If she died he couldn't live with himself.
He talked to her and told her stories. Told her how he loved her. She never said a word, but he knew she was listening. Her chest rose up and down steadily; she was alive and breathing.
The wound seemed to be getting worse. But, he couldn't afford to stop. He needed to get her to where they were going. As they came closer to the base, the pain intensified.

He drove harder. He held her hand, trying to bring back some life into her. The pain was unbearable.
It was then that he realized. Her eyes were closing. She was slipping back. He held her hand tighter.
Collin swallowed. He looked up at the sky and prayed for an answer. But there was none. He struggled to keep his eyes open.
"Baby..." He said, taking a protein bar from under the seat. "You need to eat."

She shook her head.

" have to eat....this is all I have left."
She opened her eyes and saw him holding the bar out to her. She didn't want it, but her empty stomach begged for it.
So, she accepted the bar from him.
It tasted awful. She chewed on it anyway. She didn't know what else to do.
A tear rolled down her cheek. Collin held his canteen to her mouth, helping her drink.
She felt herself drifting away, but she tried to fight it. She wanted to stay listen to him talk.
"I love" He whispered. "Please....don't leave me. I can't lose you. Not yet. I won't let you go."
She choked on the last bit of food. He pulled the canteen away. The last of her energy ran dry.
"Baby." He said, rubbing her hand softly. "Look at me, okay?"

He kissed her forehead.
"Stay with me." He begged her again. She didn't move. He cupped her cheek. "Come on, Kayla. You are going to fight. Just keep fighting. We can make it."
She didn't reply. He kissed her cheek again. "I need you so much."It's okay. We're almost there." He said, rubbing her hand.
"I'm so tired...." She said.
Collin blinked his eyes; they were swollen from crying and fighting sleep.
"Close your eyes, Kayla, just for a little while; I'll wake you up in a few minutes." He whispered, adjusting the blanket on her.
"Collin......" She said, her voice cracking.
She was breathing slowly, her eyes blinking slowly, more out of reflex than anything else. He pulled the truck over and held her close. He didn't let go. He felt her body go limp. He pressed his head against her. He watched the rise and fall of her chest.
Collin grabbed the bottle of water and began administering it to her.

He had to save her, even though they both were dying. He cradled her close to him. Collin had to be strong. The pain in his side was unbearable, and her breathing sounded heavy and rough. He stroked her hair.
"Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake." He whispered, rubbing her cheek. Collin knew that if he died, Kayla was doomed. If Kayla died, he couldn't live with himself.

A few hours ago he had been planning his life with her.
And all hope was lost. There was nothing left. Nothing mattered anymore. They only thought of themselves.
Collin wiped her cheeks clean with his hands.
She moaned faintly, opening her eyes.
"Thank God!" Collin said quietly. "We're almost home." After a while, her breathing became steady again. She was asleep. He kept talking to her, telling her how everything was going to be alright, but he wasn't sure if she really heard him.
"Kayla, I need you. I can't do it alone." His voice broke into a sob, his words becoming a whisper, his eyes dropping, his shaking hand losing its grip on the bottle of water. He had to save her. It was for both of them. They wouldn't leave each other. That was what they had promised to do. She wouldn't leave him. He kept telling himself, and repeating it over and over, repeating it and repeating it. He didn't know whether he believed it or not. He wiped her eyes with the back of his hand.
Collin started the truck and gripped the wheel, keeping his eyes on the road. He tried to ignore her screams, but every motion, every jerk made his heart stop.

He kept his eyes locked on the road, but he could feel her fading.
"Just hold on baby. Just hold on." He held her hand. Her body was limp, and her eyes were half-open.
"No...don't you LEAVE me...."
Collin kissed her head and held her close.
"I won't let you go. "
Everything hurt. Kayla didn't want to let go. Collin had tears in his eyes. His heart broke each time he didn't hear her voice.
Kayla breathed heavily as Collin squeezed her hand. Her hand was slipping away.
"Stay with me." He said, kissing her hand. "I won't let go."
Kayla was slipping away. Collin held her hand tighter.
Her grip turned limp. He held her hand, holding her life back.
Collin's tears ran down his face. He didn't think he had it in him to cry anymore.
He never wanted to let go.
"I won't let you go. Just hold on, Kayla. I love you. I love you." Collin said, holding her hand tighter.
"You're so strong. You're going to make it."

Collin put her head in his lap. He stroked her hair.
"Kayla," Collin said, squeezing her hand. She didn't respond. She had slipped away again.

"Don't give up!" He begged. "I need you."

"I love you." She whispered. Her voice was weak. Her breathing was shallow. The morphine had taken hold of her body. Her eyes were closed. Collin watched her for any sign of movement.
"Kayla?!" He begged. "Stay awake!"

Collin stroked her hair.
"Please." He begged. "Stay with me!"
They made it so far. He couldn't lose her.
"Never give up Kayla! You're strong. You can do this. Stay with me, Kayla! Stay with me!"

Kayla clutched his shirt, her eyes wide open.
"Hold me...Collin....stay with me."
"I promise, I won't leave you." He said, kissing her hair. She shuddered feverishly. She was in so much pain. "We made it so can make it." Collin hugged her tightly.
"I love you, Kayla. No matter what happened today. I love you."
Kayla coughed loudly.
"Shh...Kayla." Collin whispered. He kissed her forehead. Her hair was damp. He stroked her forehead. He held her close.
"Kayla. Please.....don't....." Collin pleaded.
"Collin...." She whimpered. Collin shook his head, his throat closing up. He shifted in his seat, his breath catching as a wave of pain from his bullet wound hit him. Tears fell down his cheeks as he watched Kayla slip further away from him.
"Stay with me, Kayla. You have to stay with me! I need you."
"I love you...." Kayla whispered, her hand still gripping Collin's shirt.
Collin shook his head and held her tighter.
He pulled her to his chest. He breathed in her scent. God, he loved her. He held her as tight as he could. He didn't want to let her go. Collin wiped away her sweat.
"Kayla, please. I love you so much. You're strong. You can do this, baby. Stay with me." Collin begged, trying to keep his tears in check. Her breathing was slow and labored.

"Stay awake with me, Kayla. We'll find a way out of this."
"Don't let go," Kayla muttered. "I love you."

"Kayla..." Collin moaned.

"Don't let go." She said. Her voice turned weak. "I love you," she whispered.
Collin didn't let go.
"I love you too, baby," Collin said miserably.

"You're so strong, Kayla." He said, kissing her as he cradled her in his lap.

Kayla smiled weakly, breathing out. Her eyes fluttered closed.
Collin held her tightly. If he could just hold onto her like this, just one more moment, everything would be fine. Just a few more minutes. Just a few more hours. It was all that he needed.

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