Chapter 6

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Collin woke up early the next morning, getting ready for work. He did the chores around the outpost before checking on Kayla. She hadn't moved. He hoped that she was getting some sleep. His hand trailed along her shoulder. She was so peaceful. He had to make her feel safe.
"Good morning, Kayla." He whispered. He shook her shoulder gently and she stirred. "Are you alright? Did you rest?"
Kayla opened her eyes blearily and blinked, trying to focus them.
She finally nodded her head.
"Okay." Collin sighed. "There's cereal in the cupboard and canned milk in the fridge." He told her. "You should probably get dressed. You need to eat something."
"Mmm..thank you," Kayla said softly.
Collin left the room and shut the door behind him.
Kayla sat up and rubbed her face. She didn't feel uncomfortable with Collin. He was nice and caring, but a little intense, but she understood that; he was a soldier, a protector.
She grabbed some clothes that Collin had left her and put them on and combed her hair. She took a deep breath. No more would her life be controlled by anyone. This was her life now; if Collin could keep her safe that is. He wasn't doing it out of kindness, but because he believed that she deserved the best chance she could get.
And he was definitely a good person.
Maybe one day, Kayla thought, looking at herself in the mirror, there might be hope for this world after all.

Kayla went down to the kitchen. She poured the cereal into a bowl and drank the milk quickly. She ate two pieces of dry toast, one piece each of bacon and sausage. She cleaned everything up, putting everything in the sink and washing the dishes. Once she was done, she put everything away as Collin came in. Kayla looked up at him, tensing out of instinct. She stood front and center on the kitchen floor, her body straight like she would stand when the men pick out a girl to use for their pleasure. She stared at the floor, not meeting his gaze.
"Kayla?" He called.
"Here," she said, her voice cracking slightly.
"You know that we are safe here, right? I don't want you running away because you are scared. This place is not going anywhere."

Kayla raised her eyes to meet his. Collin took her hand gently and let her sit down at the kitchen table.
"I have something you might like," he said, digging a plastic package out of the fridge. Kayla watched him pour yellow juicy chunks into a bowl.
"What is it?" She asked hesitantly.
Collin held the bowl out towards her and she grabbed a slice and popped it in her mouth. She chewed the chunk carefully and swallowed.
"It's pineapple! I haven't had this in ages!" She exclaimed, chewing another piece enthusiastically. "Thank you."
Collin sat across from her, watching her eat. Her face looked relaxed like it always did when she was happy. As she finished the piece of pineapple, he put a carton of orange juice in front of her. She poured herself a glass of orange juice and took a sip. Kayla looked up at Collin and smiled. He laughed.
"How are you feeling today?" He asked.
She shrugged.
"Not great, I guess."
"That's normal. You've been through a lot." How are you doing, Kayla?" He asked, concerned.
She breathed deeply and exhaled.
"Better. Thank you. For last night."
He looked at her sadly.
"You don't have to thank me. It's my job. I'm here to help you... any way that I can."
Kayla swallowed hard. She nodded.
He looked past her, at the empty space next to her.
"Is there anything you want me to do today?" she asked.
"I reported you. The unit should be in by next month. They're going to find where you were held. Hopefully, they can rescue the other women and kids."
Kayla smiled. She hadn't expected that the unit would take such an immediate decision to rescue her; they had been delayed, waiting for orders. She wasn't disappointed, though. She was glad to be free.
"Thank you, Collin," she said softly.
"There's one more thing we have to do though.....I have to look at your injuries." He said cautiously.
Her smile faded and her eyebrows furrowed. Her hands clasped together tightly in front of her.
"What do you mean?" Kayla asked, hesitantly.
She saw Collin swallow nervously.
"It'll be ok. Just come with me to the exam room."
She followed him to the exam room, nervous and apprehensive. What did he want to do now?

Collin wasn't a doctor, but he could administer standard medication and anti-venom. He brought Kayla into a room that had an examination table and some medical supplies.
"Kayla, we didn't do this yesterday because you were so tired, but I have to document your injuries," Collin said, in a professional voice.
Kayla looked at him, frightened.

"What is the purpose of that?" She asked.
"Evidence ." He replied, still trying to make small talk.
Kayla sighed. She could tell that he was trying to be nice. She hoped he wasn't going to make her the subject of endless paperwork.

"Alright." She said wearily.
"I understand if you'd rather not, but I want us to do this as quickly as we can." To make her a little more comfortable, he added "I'm not going to take pictures unless I have to; you can keep your underwear on." He explained. This made her uncomfortable, but she took his word for it.
She sat down on the examination table, which felt very foreign and uncomfortable.
She decided to be brave.

"Alright." Kayla stripped down to her underwear, feeling naked because Collin could see her scars.

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