10.The Ace's Promise

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'I'll be back Kuro-kun...'-Kaiga Kudo

Kuroko's P.O.V

We were walking out the Ryogan's Gym as I saw Taiki-kun

"Ne, Roko-kun!! Long-time-no-see. Eh? You already reach my neckline!" He exclaimed loudly. The others has their mouth wide open. Hopefully there's no fly around.

"Y-Y-You n-n-noticed K-Kuroko!?" they asked in chorus. Explaination time again

"Hai! He's not that small that you can't notice" Taiki-kun said as he gazed at the left and saw Kaiga-kun, glaring at him. He also glared back.

"Urgh, he got misdir-"

"Misdirection? Yeah, I know. And as for me, I got hawk eyes" he said proudly with a smirk.

I ignored them and walked towards Kaiga-kun. Surely, Taiki-kun noticed me.

I was a few meters away from Kaiga-kun when,

"Tss, he's still cocky as ever" he muttered, I sighed.

"And you're still irresponsible as ever." I retorted and he laughed

"Yeah, I know." He said. That line is what they have in common. He growled and layed down the cemented stair, with his right hand covering his eyes

"How's your arm?" I asked and he kept silent "Did it healed? Or not?" I asked and he sat up clasping his hands together, his face serious as a stome

"The doctor said, it'll heal in a month. Tch, I got into a fight that's why it worsen." He said and glared at the ground

"You're still picking fights? With who?" I asked then he look away pouting

"Daiki" he simply said. And he looked at me as I stare at him blankly for a few seconds.

"Okay look. He perverted Mikka, and as the protective best friend I am, I punched him. Then, started a fight" he said and I sighed

"That always happened in Teiko and why not here?" I said sarcasticly. "And you know, Mikka-san can take care of herself"

"Hey! Stop that motherly figure!" he shouted

"And stop being the bratty figure" I retorted and he pouted. There were a moment of silence before he laughed out loud

"Haha. Oh yeah! I remenbered the old times. I missed that" he leaned back with his weight on his hands. He looked up with a smile

"Do you still play?" I asked him and he stood up

"Yeah. And I'll be back Kuro-kun" he said and faded as always. He'll be back? What does he mean?




"I'm right here" I said making them jump.

"Where have you been?!" Coach asked

"Talked with Kaiga-kun" I said and I gazed at Taiki-kun "He said he'll be back. Bu--"

"He'll be back for sure" Taiki-kun said with a smirk "So be ready Seirin." he said and left "Ja ne"

Yey!!! I finished Mikka and Kaiga!! Kaiga got brown hair that falls to his neck and got a blue headband. And Mikka... just thought of Lucy Heartfilla. My drawing was a mess...

RSE out~

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