3. The Meeting

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"I'm also her student"-Kaiga Kudo

~Next day~

We were stretching up for another session of practice when all of the sudden, the door opened.

"Riko!" Coach's dad said panting. He's holding a piece of paper and Coach reads it.

"Riko what is it?" Kyoshi-senpai asked.

"It's for Kagami" Coach said and she gave it to Kagami-kun. He read it and Coach's dad sat on the bench.

"A blonde girl gave that to me" he said and I think two person. Mikka-san or Alex-san but why would Mikka-san address it to Kagami-kun?

"Alex. I know its Alex. It says to meet her on the nearby court" Kagami-kun said and I walk towards him. And in the other hand, why would Alex-san write to him if she has his contacts?

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked me back. I stare at him and he shrugged.

"Alright. You can go too. It says on 7. After practice we'll go there" He said and I nod.

~Time skip~

After practice we went to the nearby basketball court. We saw no one there.

"Oi! Alex! I'm here now! Where are you!?" Kagami-kun said and two shadows are summond from our back. We turned around and saw two person sitting on the bench.

"Gomen but Alex-sama's not here. We are the one who want to see you" Mikka-san said. Kaiga-kun stand up and walk towards us with his hands tuck to his pockets

"And I don't need to write Kuro-kun's name there because I know you'll know come too." Kaiga-kun said. "And I summond you here to tell you that we're having a practice game with Seirin." He said and send a glare and smirk to Kagami-kun. Using the word summon he kinda reminds me of Akashi-kun. Kaiga-kun never used a word that big.

"Then why us? And not Coach?" Kagami-kun said and Kaiga-kun laughed "What so funny?" Kagami-kun said with annoyance

"Oh nothing. I just want to tell you two personally. The others will know it. Mikka already texted them. You can call me crazy and all, but this is what I really am. Ask Kuro-kun. Well ja'ne" He said turning around and waved at us

"Wait! That's not all. I forgot to tell you that I'm not playing because I'm the coach. I'm coaching the number 1 College team in the whole Japan. And you're playing with them." Kaiga-kun said but he's not done yet. "And Taiga Kagami right?" He asked

"Yeah, why?" Kagami-kun asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Taiga Kagami. Our names rhyme doesn't it? Kaiga, Taiga, Kaiga, Taiga. Just joking" He said and smiled. "Alexandra Garcia's former student and Himuro Tatsuya's brother, or seem to be brother. Man he's hot but you're ugly duckling." he said. An annoyed tick mark appeared on Kagami-kun's forehead. "Just kidding. I know all about you two because of Alex-sama. I'm also her student. She's my former sensei and my students Big-sis. Well. This is real Ja'ne Kuro-kun. Taiga-kun. Roggou come"

*Roggou barked*

"He's annoying. Oi, Kuroko. You're friend's a mad man. Anyway,let's go Kuroko" Kagami said and walked away. He never change"What will we say Caoch?" he asked and my phone rang.

"Who is it" Kagami-kun asked

"Its from Kaiga-kun it tells me that its on next saturday at 7" I read the message and it also have an emoticon===> XD :-P

"He's really a creep. How come you stayed being his shadow so long?" Kagami-kun asked as I look up at him and put back my phone inside my pocket.

"Be thankful, because of him, I learn to handle people like you," I said as Kagami-kun narrowed his eyes at me.

"Is that an insult for me or for him?"

"For both."



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