Mini Kaigas

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"Be ready, Seirin,"-Mikka Tamuchi

3rd person's p.o.v

As the Seirin basketball players stretch up for their training, three husky puppies happened to pass by the gym in little puppy dog jerseys. Niggou in his usual Seirin puppy jersey, Roggou in his little blue jersey with the mark of Kaiga's Family Company and another pup with a different jersey and eye color. It got a pair of dark brown orbs and wears a green pup jersey with the initials of TKG.

"Hey, whose dogs are those two? Why are they with Niggou?" Kiyoshi asked pointing at the trio. Niggou saw a basketball rolling at the corner and played with it with the other two.

"The one with blue jersey is Kaiga-kun's dog and the other, I don't know," Kuroko said popping out of nowhere making his teammates scream.

"Man, you guys still don't get use to it? Weak~" Kaiga said from the bench. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and red basketball shorts. He also wears black fingerless glove up to his elbow in his right arm.

"WHAT?! SINCE WHEN DID YOU GOT THERE?!" Seirin asked in surprise.

"5 minutes before Aida and Junpei got here," Kaiga stated pointing at the two senpais.

"Call me Hyuuga-senpai/Coach!" The two shouted annoyed. Kuroko noticed his attire and ignite pass kai-ed a ball to him which he caught easily with his left hand which amazed the whole Seirin. Kaiga smirked as Kuroko kept his emotion locked away.

"Nice one, Kuro-kun. Like it!" Kaiga said spinning the ball in his index finger.

"EUNICE!" Mikka shouted from the gym's door as the dog with green jersey gazed at her.

"Mikka, calm down. She's fine," Kaiga said pointing at the dog with green jersey who pawed her way to him.

"Haven't Taiki told you to watch over her? Don't make me a nanny for dogs! You even brought Niggou with you!" Mikka shouted with rage as she pull Kaiga's ear which became crimson red.

"I-I-Ittai, Mikka. It will bleed!! Let go!" Kaiga shouted in pain. Mikka glared and let go of the boy's ear which is redder than a mixed tomato, apple and strawberry.

"What are you doing here?" Kagami asked the two as Kaiga rubs his ear.

"Oh! I forgot! Guys! Attention!" Riko said as they paid attention. "The reason why Tamuchi and Kudo are here is because they are the new members of the basketball club," Riko announced surprising mostly everyone since Kuroko kept emotionless.

"They're what?!"

"Hey! I'm Kaiga Kudo your new teammate!" Kaiga introduced like he didin't introduced last week.

"And I'm your new manager," Mikka said as she gave out a sweet smile but it had a different outcomes for the members, "Get ready, Seirin."

"Yup, get ready cause you'll have extra training since Tamuchi-chan is here," Riko said putting her hand on Mikka's shoulder.

"Tamuchi sounds too formal. Just call me Mikka. But for the first years call me with -san, kay?" Mikka said smiling

"Why woul-"

"Just call her that if you don't want running around the school campus with weenies tied on your neck and canine chasing you," Kuroko said making the Seirin stiff at his sudden appearance.

'This is gon' be a long day,' Kaiga thought standing up and stretching his arms up.

*after a week*

It was a hard week for Seirin. Because of Riko's strict training and Mikka's hectic schedule and training rules, it became a living hell for them.

But, they gave out a good product in it. Kagami kept jumping high, blocking every shot his teammates make. Not even going down in the 2 seconds in the air. Hyuuga became more accurate in his three-points. And Mikka gave Izuki some tips to sharpen her eagle eyes which made him work extra hard.

But, which is really interesting in the week is Kaiga. He surprised Seirin with his disappearing shots and fast movements. He seems undeafeatable that Kagami felt like a loser losing to a short kid.

"Woah! You're so cool Kudo! I can't believe even with an injured hand you still play well!" Koganei said amused at the underclassman. Kaiga held his injured arm and clutches it. Kuroko noticed it but didn't said a word.

"Thanks for the compliment, Koganei-senpai," Kaiga said with a smile but Kuroko know more than that. "Mikka,"

He walked towards the blonde girl and dragged her outside. Riko, who was talking with Mikka a while ago, already had a tick mark on her forehead.

"Now that was rude," Riko said annoyed.

"Excuse Kaiga-kun, Coach," Kuroko said out-of-the-blue scaring Riko's bone out of her body. "Koganei-senpai open up a sore-topic earlier so he needs Mikka-san's company, for now. Please excuse him," Kuroko said bowing politely.

Riko's stare softened and looked at the gym's door and saw Kaiga and Mikka talking. Kaiga clutching his injured arm and his face is grim.

"Sore topic?" Riko wondered as Kuroko nodded also watching his two friends.

"It's about his injured arm. He never like it when it comes to injuries since an injury changed his whole life," Kuroko told Riko. She wanted to asked more but decided to stay quiet since she has no rights to interfere with some kind of problem of someone else.

*dog barks*

They all looked at the three puppies whose barking at someone near the door. It took them a while before they noticed the one they were barking at is two brown headed figure near the door.

"Eunice, Roggou, stay quiet. They might notice us," a soft voice of girl whispered. Seirin sweatdropped since they already noticed them.

"Nii-chan still don't so might as well get out of here," a voice of a boy said at the other figure.

'Nii-chan...?' Seirin thought.

"What are you doing here, Kyle, Kyla?" Kuroko asked suddenly appearing next to the gym's door. Seirin was shocked but the aren't which also surprised them.

"Tetsuya-kun, please don't tell nii-chan we're here please," the two pleaded.

"Too late."

"ARRGHH!!" The two kids jumped in fright which made the Seirin jaw dropped. They weren't shocked when Kuroko suddenly appeared but they were when it was Kaiga's turn.

"What are you doing here? You two run away again?!" Kaiga yelled like it shook the Earth.

*after Kaiga's scolding~~*

"So, these two are your siblings huh, Kudo?" Riko asked looking at the 5-year-old twins playing with the dogs.

The boy has a brown hair that has a similar style as his older brother. His eyes are bloody red--like a newborn vampire. He was wearing a blue shirt under a green sleeveless blazer and a grey short.

The girl has a long brown hair tide in pigtails. Her eyes are also red--Crimson Red. She was wearing a blue shirt under a red sleeveless blazer. She wears a red skirt with a black legging under it.

"Yeah. The girl's Kyla and the boy is Kyle. They usually run off to follow me wherever I go. Let's just say, they're spoiled if they're with me," Kaiga said with a nervous smile.

"Run off? Where's your parents?" Hyuuga asked.

"Well, my parents runs the family businesses and is very busy so, yeah they easily run off. They're stealth, what could I do with that?" Kaiga asked shrugging off.

"Nii-chan! Why is Eunice with you? Are you and Taiki-kun good?" Kyle asked smiling which Kaiga don't like--the question I mean.

"Don't bring that topic up here!" Kaiga said pinching the boy's soft wheels but Kyle seem unharmed.

The day was filled with obvious babysitting on Kaiga's siblings which really disturb Seirin's training.


Yeah yeah, I know. I didn't update (except the previous chap) for months and I know you might hate me now.

*whispered at the corner* I wish I could charm speak my readers.

Oh, dear Aphrodite, Claim me now so I could use your charm speaking power!!

BTW, can you guys please read my other stories? Like;

Levi's Secret

The Green Dragon


The Silver Zoldyck

Please!! I need reads!! And please vote vote vote!!

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