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Pov: Justin Bieber

It felt like heaven under the shower, it made me forget part of my sorrows but still I remembered when we made love under the shower. That was a mistake, the biggest mistake I've made. That even led to Ella's birth, had I not been turned on I would have still been Ariana's husband ... Everything would have been fine or it wouldn't? Well one day she'd be tired and ask for a child but it came rather too early.

The water stopped rushing and I only realised that after few seconds. I turned only to see her.

Her hair was wet probably when she was trying to off the shower. "you?"

"What are you doing?" She asked clearly upset about something.

"What?" I answered her question with a question.

"We have a meeting and you're here?" She asked. "Bathing endlessly?"

I cared less what she was saying, I had to enjoy the view this once. Just at the sight of her drenched turned me on and I felt like turning on the shower and making love to her instantly.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked. One thing she hated was when I stared at her without saying a word after she speaks.

"You should have knocked before coming in." I said. "this is adultery or have you forgotten we are not couples."

"We are until the divorce is finalised !" I love making her admit we are still couples and right now I think she looks so cute.

"Go and wait for me, I'll be down in a sec." I said. She shrugged and made faces before leaving. Over the years she'd overcome her shyness when I'm nude.

I walked down wearing a casual wear knowing she would complain about my dressing. Some would say I stress her a lot but it made her cute.

"And what do you think you're wearing?" She asked. "Don't tell me you're gonna wear that to the meeting."

"Yep." I said. "By the way I don't see how that's your business, and also you're staying."

"Staying? Where?" She asked standing up.

"Look," my voice was suddenly soft and low. "You just put to birth and you're not telling me that you're leaving your baby to attend a meeting?"

Ariana sighed, she knew he was right. It was not just good to leave her baby with Mila who hasn't experience marriage talk less of putting to birth.

"See, this is the reason I always went against the idea of bringing offsprings. You're still young and very careless, like now, you're here; where's your two day old baby?"

"I admit I'm careless sometimes..."

"All times, you can't even maintain your marriage." That made her heart throbbed painfully.

"Justin were not bringing our marriage into this ." She said and walked out. I just shook his head and left the house.


"What's up Mila." Ariana greeted her friend.

"I'm good... Em you didn't go dur the meeting again?" She asked taking Ella into her arms.

"I had a change if mind, why don't we have fun now you're here it do you have other things to do?"

"Actually no but I'll still like to take my leave."

"Why? I mean you've already arrived so why don't we just party."

"You're really funny Riana, too funny." Ariana stared muddled, Mila was laughing strangely and only heaven knew why.

"Is there a matter?" She asked.

"See Ariana, child upbringing is not play and wury the way you're behaving, it's clear you've got no idea what the future holds especially because you've got no husband.

"Why does it seem like you're trying to mock me? It was my choice to keep this child and I knew the consequences before making that decision, also I'm more than capable of taking good care of my baby."

"No you're not and you see it's so sad to believe you think you are. You are capable and you want me to take care if your two day old baby while you attend a meeting?" She asked. "what if I harm her? Only God knows why you changed your mind, no doubt Justin was the cause.

Ariana grew speechless, Sur looked at Ella curled up in Mila's arms and stood up. "Mila, I think it's time you start going home."

"Are you angry? C'mon I was just trying to tell you the truth." Mila said.

Ariana first took her baby and inhaled sharply. "I know and you're right. I'm a bad mom" she might be now but she really wished that she could do better.

"Ariana it's not late, I can help you, that's if you want." Mila said a comforting hand on Ariana's shoulder. "There's this club  for single mothers, they also enlighten and help each other handle their challenges with their kids."

"It's unbelievable that I'm a single mom. Its heart shattering Mila." Ariana sobbed. Truly it as, Mila understood well.

"I know and that's why I've decided to help you, look as long as I'm here, you'll be alright."

"Thanks Mila,thanks."

"What are friends for? So when are you joining the club?" Mika asked, "I'd suggest tomorrow if it's fine by you."

"It is, it actually is fine. In fact I wished we could go today." Ariana smiled.

"I'm starving Riana, what do you have?"

"There's no food, let me cook something."

"No worries, I'll do it." Mila said. "You're gonna eat also, right?"

"Sure,sure." Ariana said.

"Em... Ok, I'll be back."

Mila approached the kitchen, when she was just halfway there Ariana called her. "Need company?" Ariana asked.

"No I'll be fine alone." She objected and went out of sight into the kitchen.

Ariana kept pondering on what Mila said earlier, it was true she wasn't being the best mok to Ella no matter how she tried to, age began doubting if Ella (Justin's sister) knew what she was saying when she said she would be the best mom. She doubted that now and if Ella actually reincarnated shed to try her best not to fail her.


"Riana, remember I told you I would like you to be my mom in my next life if there's. I know very well that Justin doesn't like kids and would never. He would want you to abort the baby but you mustn't, that's if you really... Really like me like you ..."

Mila jolted Ariana from her thoughts. "You're done?" She asked.

"Not yet but very soon, I'm allowing everything fry together."

Ariana shrugged not sure she even understood what she was saying. "I'm even losing appetite."

"Please don't, you don't expect me to eat it all do you?" Mila asked and sat next to Ariana taking in breath sharply.

"So how's Justin adjusting to a baby." Mila asked.

"I really can't tell but I know somewhere deep down he cares for her, one can tell by how he looks at her."

"You're lucky, very lucky but you  fail to acknowledge that."

"And what do you mean? Lucky as in...?"

"If it were to be some men, they'd attempt to kill Ella given Huw much they love you and as far as I know he loves you so much."

"Mila." Ariana sighed. "This is not new to me nor is it the first time I heard that. I need something new, I need a love not for me but fur Ella and trust me as time goes on I'll see to it that he changes his mindset towards babies.

"I hope you are able to achieve your goals through the Single Mothers Club."

"But I'm not a single mom yet, Mila I know what I want to achieve. I believe I can actually change Justin but I'll also join the club."

"That's okay by me. So how is her diet, I mean you must have a time table for her eating, time to sleep and you know..."

"But how come you know all these and I don't?" Ariana asked.

"I was once in the Single Mom Club." Mila replied.

"But you have no child."

"That's what everyone thinks but I actually had a baby."

"So what happened to her or him?" Curiosity couldn't stop her from asking.

Mila hesitated for a while before answering. " I put her fur adoption which was a big mistake." Mila paused. "I was raped and that's what led to her birth, I thought I would be able to cope but I couldn't and I had to do what I needed to do so she doesn't have to suffer knowing fully well I won't be the perfect mom for her and you know seeing Ella makes me think about her and that's the exact reason why I decided to help you take care Ella so you don't make the same mistake as me."

"That's so nice of you but how come I didn't know about this earlier on." Ariana said. "I think I'm a bad friend also."

"No you're not, it happened before we met and I just decided to keep it to myself which was bad of me."

"Alright can we stop taking blames, now you've told me and that's all that matters."

"Yes, you're right." Mika agreed, Ella was already nodding off so Ariana carried her to her crib while Mila went to check the food.

It was at that moment Justin Bieber walked into the house. The first scent he inhaled was that if his favourite meal. That alone made him think he was in the past when he comes back from work to meet Ariana who though she's walking makes sure he comes home to meet food.

She was the perfect wife but definitely not the perfect mom.

Mila walked out of the kitchen with the food around still not noticing his presence until she turned to call Ariana.

"Hey Justin." She greeted him with a broad smile.

"Hey." He said in a low tone.

"Where's my... Ariana?" He asked.

"Oh you mean your wife? She's up with Ella, she's putting her to sleep."

"O- ok." Justin said and shrugged before starting towards the guest room where he stayed.

Mika chuckled lightly, "he still loves her and considered her as his wife."

Justin met Ella's room door open but there's no sign of Ariana, also he heard tiny noises though he wasn't sure where they came from. However, he walked in, that was the only opportunity to spend at least a little time with her. Though he has rejected her, he couldn't deny his feelings towards her.

He stared at her for a while before the muffled snobs of Ariana became louder.

Justin looked around until he sighted a figure lying on the floor, head bent and hair falling like an angel descending from heaven.

"Ariana?" Justin wondered what happened, he didn't want to believe that something happened to Ariana or the baby.

。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。 Hey lovelies, long time. Sorry for the late update 🥺 well I'm back now. Did anyone notice this chapter is quite longer than the others? So guys kindly do these...





Next part will be out before next week. To be precise by Friday, I will also update my other story before then so go check it out please🥺 sorry if you think I'm putting you guys in suspense I just want to try update both story. Maybe soon I'll get a schedule.

Your author cares # Karo Godwin #

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