Chapter 11- "In A Bunny Kind of Way."

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Chapter 11- "In A Bunny Kind of Way."

"Pick it up!"

"No, you pick it up!"



When he extracted no reply out of me, that doofus said the words which had steam pouring out of my ears. "I'll slap you!"

"I'll kick you!"

"How dare you?!"

"Never question my daring, boy."

"You are impossible!"

"Shut up and get the phone!"

"I won't." Gaurav said as he crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot on the carpet.

"You won't? That's what you said, right?" Gaurav nodded and the phone stopped ringing. I heaved a sigh of relief and then the bloody goddamned phone started ringing all over again.

"I said, I won't."

"Well, the light saber I got for a certain someone, will have to donated then." I said, looking at him indifferently.

"W-What? A-A fr-freaking light s-saber?! I-I'll get the ph-phone." And then the idiot rushed to pick up the phone.

He stumbled with the receiver for a few seconds and finally succeeded to place it against his ear.

"Hello? Make it quick please. Got a light saber to attend to. If-" The fool blabbered on but was halted mid-way. He listened with rapt attention to the other speaker.

"What? Wait, he'll clear this out with you." He motioned for me to come near. I was about to shake my head 'no' but before I could protest, he glared at me and gestured a slashing throat.

Grudgingly, I got up from the bed and paraded across the carpet. Snatching the receiver from him, I muttered a blunt 'hello'.

"Sir, you- Uh, I mean Raghav- No, Sir, would you be attending the shoot today? It's extremely important that you come because Good Morning Mumbai has preponed their schedule and-"

The voice continued but I had long stopped listening. This voice- The same voice- Last night- God, she would be there! On the set! I need to go for her- No, uh, not for her. I mean- Oh shut up! I'm going and it does not matter for whom.

Suddenly, all laziness, brooding thoughts and conceited thoughts went right out the window. Everything, everything I was doing, was to meet her. Nothing else. And she would be on set!

"Yeah, got it. I'm coming." I said as I tried to make my voice sound indifferent. Gaurav kept staring at me.

"What?" I asked irritated.

"The girl, huh?" He smirked.

"Which girl? Shut up and move out of my way." I said, pushing him aside and walked towards my wardrobe. Throwing on my most comfortable tee and jeans, I rushed out.

The whole ride to the set, I was jittery. Why? I have no dang clue. I kept on tapping the steering wheel while driving. I was feeling something no doubt, but it was this- I don't know how to explain it- it was a weird sensation.

A sensation, which elevated me and then constricted me as if part of me wanted me to keep away.

I reached the building soon enough. Handing over the car to the valet, I rushed in through the glass doors. The whole lobby was empty. Where were the cast and crew? The receptionists?

Where was she?

"Dhruv? Uh, where-" I started to call out my director when I saw her coming out towards my direction. I stood there watching her. She was saying something but I couldn't hear a word. Maybe she has got a low voice.

She walked closer, or rather ran towards me. She looked- how did she look?- She looked small and chubby, in a bunny kind of way.

"Raghav!" I jerked open my eyes.

"Huh?" I said, lost. My eyes were still on her. The prettiest bunny kind of girl on the planet. Damn. Snap out of it.

"Did you even listen? Okay leave it. The Good Morning Mumbai team have preponed their dates. Today is the interview. Come on!" She said, enthusiastically.

Almost as if she was going to be taking the interview with me.

"Yeah sure." I said and started walking along with her. She led me towards the recording room. I already knew where it was but for some reason I did not tell her I could find my way.

"Here. Let's go." She smiled and walked over to Dhruv. "See, who I got!"

Dhruv looked up and relief washed over his young, over tired face. "Thank you so much for your presence. What would we do without you?" He replied to me, sarcasm dripping from his tongue.

"Exactly. What would you do without me? Now shut up and tell me what the sequence is." I smirked.

I've known this guy since the beginning of my career. He was the one who gave me my big break. After a meagre three years in the industry, he went to try his luck in daily soaps because they offer job security unlike this industry.

And this was our first collaboration after he returned. And I'm glad to have him back. Although stupid newcomers were not on my list.

"Whatever you ask for." He said, rolling his eyes. He turned away from me and said, "Mira, lis- uh, where is she? She was here a moment ago."

"Oh Dhruv, speaking of my co star, I haven't met her yet. It would be good if we at least see each other before the interview. I don't want to seem a-" I started but Dhruv cut me off mid-sentence.

"Haven't met her? But you just-" He was about to continue when she ran over to him and led him away by the arm while saying, "Hailey is calling you, come on! I can't wait for it to start! Oof- I'm feeling nervous."

Normally, I would have been irritated by an intrusion but this time I made no sound. Instead I followed them over to Hailey, host of Good Morning Mumbai.

"Okay, Raghav get ready- what are you dressed up as? A troll? Dhruv- Why are you standing here Raghav go!" She screamed. I backed away towards the green room. Damn, women are scary.

After a good fifteen minutes, I came out of the green room. I found Gaurav waiting outside.

"Oh good, you are here. Listen, try to find out who Dhruv's new assistant is, okay? An-"

"Raghav, you are going live in five minutes. Go and meet your co star. She's really sweet. You'll probably change your mind about her."

"No, I have no interest in knowing her, thank you." I said as I started walking towards the room. I opened the door and saw her siting on one of the white sofas looking pretty and elegant in a floral top and faded jeans. But why was she sitting there?

I walked up to the adjoining sofa and sat down. I turned towards her and smiled. At least, I hope it was a smile and not a smirk. "So, why are you here? Are you Dhruv's new assistant?"

She looked taken aback for a few seconds. Just as soon as the colour had vanished, it came right back. With an innocent smile and blushing cheeks she said, "I am your co star. Mira Singh."



Hey there, awesome people! How are you?!

First off, thank you so much for 1.08K views and more than 200 votes! Eeeekkkk!!! I'm so damn happy right now!! I love you loads and loads everyone! You are amazing!

I never really thought I would get this far with only 10 chapters but look at you all! Thank you so so much for all your love and support!












Thank you all for your constant support! Love you guys!



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