Chapter 17- "I'll Get Us Out, I Promise."

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Chapter 17- "I'll Get Us Out, I Promise."


Of course. That's what I feel! It explains everything. From the point I hated her to now, when I am showing her my recluse. I don't let a lot of people see this side of me. And when I showed her myself, the real me, I was afraid.

Afraid that I was getting too close.

Afraid that I was trusting someone.

Afraid that it was too soon.

Afraid that I maybe I was feeling something I shouldn't feel.

But now those doubts no longer clouded my head. My head finally felt clear, devoid of doubts. I had, at long last, figured myself out. I now knew that it was friendship, a strong one, that would last.

It had been years since I had pulled down the goddamn barriers and made an attempt at friendship. And the result was, so far, great. Gaurav was one of my childhood friends and our friendship had lasted all these years, unbroken.

But Mira, well she was just different. She made me feel more like myself. She brought out the softer side of me, one that is rarely accessible. I knew I could tell her anything and she won't judge. If that isn't friendship, then what is?

I could feel her eyeing me. I blinked my eyes and focused them on her. Her small, soft-heart face suddenly became much smaller. Her brows knitted together in concentration. Her eyes squinted as if trying to grasp something which was trying to elude her.

Seeing her, my own curiosity rose. I raised my eyebrows at her. I was about to ask her about the sudden change when she waved her hand frantically, gesturing me to duck my head.

"What?" I whispered.

"Where's the back door?" She said, urgency at the tip of her tongue.

"Mira, this is a lighthouse. Not a freaking New York bungalow." My lips curled up into a smile.

She looked at me skeptically. "Are you really telling me that? You think I'm kidding here? The Raghav Kapoor does not have an emergency exit?"


"Do you want this place to remain a secret or not?"

"Obviously! Why?"

"We need to leave. Now!"


"Raghav!" She snapped.

"Alright. Come on." I got up from my place on the rug. The moment my head was up, she smacked me down.

"Stay low."

"Okay?" I said, confusion growing by each passing second. I ducked under the fairy lights and went near the back wall of the lighthouse.

I shut down the main power connection. Darkness cloaked us. I took out my phone and switched on the torch. I shone it on the wall, and traced my fingers over the false stone which formed a panel.

Gesturing towards it, I told Mira, "Here. You just have to push the button on the top right corner of the panel and it will open up."

She nodded and gave her phone to me. "Put it on Silent for now. Yours as well."

I duly complied while she pressed the button. The false stone slid apart and revealed the flight of stairs I had constructed for emergencies.

She held my hand and pulled me along. "Now keep your voice down. We need to get out of here."


"I'll explain later Raghav. Now shh."

We stealthily went down the stairs. Since it hadn't been used from the beginning its creation, this was the only place in the tower which had accumulated a lot of dust.

I sneezed. Mira looked at me. Sorry, glared. I mumbled an apology and descended behind her to the base of the lighthouse.

She creaked open the final door at the base and we stepped out into the moonlight. She closed the door softly behind us and pressed us against the wall.

"Now, when I say so, we- ah!" She exclaimed and ran like her hair was on goddamn fire. She pulled me along suddenly causing my knuckles to crack.

I cursed but to no avail. She kept on running, probably possessed by the ghost of a maniac.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed over the wind, knocking against my face.

"I'll explain! Just run and whatever you do, don't look back!" She warned.

And then, I just had to look. I knew I shouldn't. She had warned me not to. But could a sneak peek really harm us that much? I could just turn my neck a little, peek at whatever was there and turn back. Easy.

So I turned. A little bit, I swear. I almost did a double take when I saw it.

Oh my God. This couldn't be happening this couldn't be happening this couldn't be happening. . .

Hot on our trail was a paparazzo, flashing his stupid camera madly. His clicks became even more frenzied when he saw me turn around.

Goddamn. I should have listened.

Panic filled me and I ran faster, no longer relying on Mira to drag me along.

"You did turn back, didn't you?" She said, noticing my change in speed.

"Run faster, Mira!" I screamed and pulled her.

"Yeah yeah, let's finish this Olympic race in heels, once and for all." She said.

Despite myself, I laughed and we both surged ahead towards my car.

"Wait! We can't go to the car! What if he follows us further?"

"Don't worry. I'll get us out, I promise."

"I know I know but you really gotta push the accelerator."

"Oh, I will." I smirked.

We reached the car and we bundled. I started and the engine and went full throttle. We zipped down the road and for a few minutes, I thought we'd left him on the beach.

But who was I to underestimate the paparazzo? This guy came speeding behind us on a motorcycle.

I started panicking. "Now what now what now what?!"

"Hey calm down and focus. Hyperventilating will not get us anywhere. You can do this, Raghav." She suggested, as cool as a cucumber.

"Yeah but the shortcuts I know are way too narrow. I don't think we'll get out in time." I said, while she tapped away on her phone.

"We will. Here." She said and turned her phone towards me.

I smiled. "Smart." The phone flashed a map of our surrounding area. Google Maps just saved my ass.

"I know. Speed up." She said and I took one last look at the paparazzo and then at the direction on her phone.

I pressed my foot on the accelerator and zoomed down the road, leaving behind a trail of dust. I swiveled a hard right, disappearing down a small alleyway and killed the engine.

We sat in silence, darkness and nervousness clinging to us. I could hear my heart beating in my chest when I heard the bike running away behind us.

I heaved a sigh of relief. "That was a close one."

"Tell me about it." She fell back in the seat, letting out a 'whoo'.

I chuckled. "Thanks for saving my hangout back there. Although he did snap a few pictures of us."

"Yeah he did but I know he did not see us come out of the lighthouse. I made sure he didn't see us come out of there." She said and I started the car once again.

I reversed the car out of the alleyway. "Those pictures are going to be all over the internet." I shook my head.

"Rhea and Gaurav have a lot to sort out. Also, I would suggest not going back there for some time. They may come back for more pictures."

"Good idea. Okay, I won't." I drove down the empty streets. "Where to now?"

"My bathtub." She mumbled and I chuckled.

She suddenly sat up straight. "Oh my Lord. That came out wrong, didn't it?"

"Very wrong, Miss. I presume you want to go back home?"

"Yes please." She said and laid back. Within a matter of minutes, she dozed off.

I looked at her sleeping form and smiled. I drove towards her house as fast as I could. She needed her rest, it seemed. As I neared her house, a warm feeling engulfed me.

I was one lucky guy to have her as my friend.



Another chapter is up! I'm feeling damn generous these holidays! Maybe we'll get another chapter on Monday!

Also, get commenting on the earlier chapter. You all really deserve your thank you gift! Lemme know what you want done there!



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